Sweating is a physiological process as nature intended. The nervous system is responsible for it in our body, which also controls body temperature, breathing, heartbeat and other processes. In fact, any child sweats in the same way as an adult, but due to the immaturity of the sweating system, this happens more intensely and often. Why does a child sweat while walking, while eating, and even while sleeping? Let's figure it out.

Why does a child sweat a lot?

There are absolutely normal reasons why a child sweats a lot. But besides them, there are also those that require an immediate visit to the pediatrician. Let's look at all the options. If your child is healthy, he may sweat for the following reasons:

  1. You wrapped him up! Many parents, and especially grandparents, “sin” by trying to wrap the baby like cabbage. Fight this habit! Starting from the very first days, dress as you would on the street yourself, just add to this one layer of loose clothing. If your child is active, then try to dress him as lightly as possible, since children quickly warm up and begin to sweat when moving. And this is fraught with colds!
  2. Heavy sweating accompanies the child during... During illness, not only the temperature increases, but also sweating. These are manifestations of the body’s protective reactions when, through sweating, it prevents the temperature from rising further. In addition, sweat releases the toxins that caused the cold. In this case, only personal hygiene measures are applicable. Wash your hands often, cool your child's forehead and feet, and perform normal hygiene procedures, limiting them only if the temperature rises above 38 degrees.
  3. A child sweats a lot when he is nervous! Babies are very sensitive to both positive and negative emotions. When a child experiences feelings of delight, euphoria, or vice versa, fear, fright, pain or resentment, not only his palms sweat, like adults, but also his head and neck.
  4. In addition to anxiety, excessive sweating can be caused by fatigue or lack of sleep. In this case, adjust the child’s daily routine, and also protect him from extreme fatigue.

One more moment! When the baby is healthy, regardless of the reason, he sweats evenly (armpits, chest, back, head, neck), and his sweat does not have a pungent odor. If you notice increased sweating in your child with a sharp unpleasant odor in unusual situations, for example, during stress, and the sweat has become thick, sticky or liquid like water, then you urgently need to show the child to the doctor!

If your baby often and heavily sweats while eating or after using the toilet, his sweat has a sour smell and itches the skin, the top of the baby’s head constantly gets wet, and the child generally behaves restlessly, sleeps poorly and cries, then it may be rickets. In this case, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment.

Children also sweat if they have problems with the nervous system. If you notice the appearance of thick sticky or very liquid sweat in some places, which has a pungent odor, this is evidence of nervous system disorders, which is also a good reason to go to a neurologist and psychologist.

Increased sweating can be a symptom of hereditary diseases. For example, in the case of phenylketonuria, the smell of sweat will resemble that of a mouse, and in the case of the most common hereditary pathology - cystic fibrosis, the sweat will generally change its chemical composition! The analysis will show an increased content of sodium and chlorine, which is manifested in the salty taste of the skin, as well as its slight crystallization.

If increased sweating is accompanied by general restless behavior, hysterics, and poor sleep, all this may indicate a lack of vitamin D, heart failure, hyperthyroidism and other serious diseases. In this case, take your child and go to the pediatrician!

Why does a child sweat in his sleep?

Parents often ask why their child sweats in his sleep, does this indicate something serious? As a rule, no. The child sweats a lot in his sleep simply because he is hot! To solve this problem, you need to adjust the temperature in the room where the child sleeps at + 20° (with the humidity level being approximately 50–60%) and frequently ventilate the room, especially before bedtime.

The child also sweats in his sleep because of incorrectly selected bed linen and pajamas. Don't chase fashion, buy a regular pillow, a light woolen blanket and a set of linen bed linen. It is also better to choose pajamas from natural fabrics - cotton or linen - for the warm season, flannel or flannel - for the cold season. Usually, proper organization of sleep leads to the resolution of the problem with sweat. Although this feature of a child’s body is often considered a variant of the norm, so don’t worry unnecessarily!

Why does a child's head sweat?

There are also few reasons why a child’s head sweats. A child's head sweats if:

  • he has overheated in the sun or indoors - in this case, take the baby to the shade or to a cool place in the apartment, give him a drink of plain still water, and let him sit quietly;
  • he is overexcited - to solve the problem, it is enough to calm the child by sitting with him in silence and switching his attention to calmer activities.

There is no need to worry ahead of time if your child begins to sweat a lot. If, in addition to heavy sweating, your baby also has other unpleasant symptoms, take him to the pediatrician so as not to miss the onset of the disease!

Hello, dear readers! In the article we explain why a child sweats a lot after an illness and determine the severity of the condition. Here we introduce the reader to special cases, requiring attention from parents and specialists. Don't forget to also give valuable advice about how to get rid of an unpleasant symptom and restore the baby’s condition.

Children's sweating after illness: explaining the situation

As the healing process completes, the child's well-being may worsen. In addition to heavy sweating, fatigue and pallor appear skin, a sharp decrease in body temperature. Sweat occurs mainly during sleep.

The described condition is considered quite normal: the child’s body has worked hard to overcome the disease and produce an “army” of antibodies.

Before a complete recovery, the child again experiences a phase of getting rid of toxins that have accumulated in the body during the illness. The task is accomplished through the secretion of sweat.

Loss of strength and active sweating gradually disappear. Usually the body needs about 2 weeks to fully recover and get rid of harmful microorganisms.

Sweating after ARVI

The most common disease that stimulates the process of sweating at night is acute viral infection (ARVI). Viruses tend to affect the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. When you have a cold, your body temperature rises, a cough and nasal discharge appear. Before recovery, the child sweats noticeably, and he becomes especially “wet” at night.

If we are really talking about acute viral infection, there is no reason to worry. The child’s body honestly fulfills its duty – it stabilizes the baby’s condition.

Attention! Excessive sweating after ARVI can be additionally provoked by household reasons. According to Dr. Komarovsky, about half of such conditions are explained by incorrect tactics of parental behavior.

Fearing that their child will catch a cold again, mothers and fathers “bundle” the child for a walk. The recently ill person runs and jumps and sweats. Strong nervous excitement during the game also stimulates sweating, the palms, neck and head become wet. Overweight children are especially prone to sweating in such conditions.

“Greenhouse” conditions are also created within the living space. The parent is afraid to open the window or take the socks off the child’s feet, and the child now drinks only warm drinks.

We conclude: the parent, with good intentions, personally creates conditions that additionally stimulate the process of sweating in the child’s body.

Unusual situation or when a doctor is needed

If a child exhibits additional alarming symptoms that worry parents and bring discomfort to the little patient, it is necessary to promptly contact a pediatrician. Such signs may include:

  • skin itching,
  • rashes;
  • non-specific smell of sweat;
  • suffocating cough, sputum production;
  • sleep disorders, etc.

It is worth paying attention to the timing. If the patient sweats noticeably longer than 2 weeks, this may indicate a sluggish illness or complications of the current disease. This is often due to the lack of appropriate therapy.

List of possible diagnoses

The table below provides a list of possible diseases that can stimulate the process of sweating in a child’s body:

Disease Description
Rickets Sweat is secreted especially actively during meals and bowel movements. The liquid has a sour odor and itchy skin. The patient is worried and does not sleep well

At risk infants feeding adapted mixtures located in poorly lit rooms, not in the fresh air

Neurological disorders Sweat is sticky, has a watery structure, and covers the area of ​​the palms, armpits, back of the head and forehead of the child. The discharge has a strong odor

This condition occurs due to nervous overexcitation, stress

Phenylketonuria We are talking about a genetic disease in which phenylalanine metabolism is disrupted.

Sweat has a mouse smell and is very irritating to the skin.

Cystic fibrosis Increased rate The chlorine and sodium content in sweat explains its overly salty taste. A layer of crystallized salt may form on your baby's skin

The disease is genetic in nature. As the disease develops, disruptions occur in the synthesis of the protein responsible for the movement of chlorine across the cell membrane. Result: viscous mucus is produced, which spreads throughout the intestines, lungs and causes problems with digestion and breathing.

Tuberculosis Symptoms are supplemented by a hysterical cough and sputum production
The patient sweats heavily, has a dry cough, pain in the chest area, shortness of breath, elevated temperature body, weakness
Malignant neoplasm Sweat is sticky, has a pungent odor, lymph nodes are enlarged, impaired nasal breathing, weakened immune system

Attention! In addition to the above-mentioned diagnoses, the patient’s condition can be explained by heart failure or active thyroid function.

How to help your child at home?

Provided there are no serious illnesses, it is possible to alleviate the child’s condition and reduce the occurrence of sweating during the rehabilitation period using preventive measures.

Choose simple and comfortable clothes

You should not “bundle” your baby for fear of encountering the disease again. At home, it is better to give preference to breathable, cotton, and loose-fitting clothing items. Active sweating will be observed for some time after the illness - change clothes more often so that they do not dry out on the child’s body. At night, you should also change your pajamas.

For a walk, the baby must be dressed according to the weather - overheating, as well as hypothermia, is detrimental to the child’s immune system. The main principle of warm clothing is functionality. Much more comfortable for the baby will be in overalls, a sweater and tights than in a voluminous fur coat with a lot of leggings underneath.

Monitoring the microclimate in the nursery

We should not forget about regular ventilation of the children's room. It is recommended to open the window at least 2 times a day.

Hyperhidrosis during the rehabilitation period also occurs due to air pollution with dust and other small particles. Eliminating the provocateur is simple: just regularly resort to wet cleaning of the room, refuse dust collectors - upholstered furniture, toys, carpets, books.

Don't forget about walks

With a child who has recently suffered from an illness, it is imperative to take a walk in the fresh air. In such conditions, the child’s body recovers faster.

It is better to plan a walk with your baby in the first half of the day. A good option for spending time together there will be a forest or park (a place protected from drafts).

The first “contact with nature” should be short-lived – up to half an hour. It is better to give preference to quiet rest (walking, contemplating the world). You will have to give up active games for a while.

Food for a child during the rehabilitation period should be simple, tasty and rich in vitamins. Recommended products include: fresh fruit and vegetables, herbs, cereals, chicken, vegetarian soups, turkey. It is better to exclude mayonnaise and butter; chicken eggs should be replaced with quail eggs.

How to cope with the difficult times that have come winter season? It is recommended to include fish oil in your baby's diet. If your baby has had ARVI and has been coughing for a long time, you should not feed him foods that have a mucus-forming effect ( cow's milk, baking). As an alternative, you can give crackers and dry bread.

Supporting the gastrointestinal tract

Regardless of the illness suffered, the patient’s gastrointestinal tract was subjected to significant stress. In this regard, for 10 days it is recommended to give the baby drugs that can restore the function of the gastrointestinal tract (Bifidum, Bifiliz, etc.).

In this case, oat decoction is very effective. How to do it correctly? Take ½ cup of oats (not cereal) and fill with 1.5 liters of spring water. Leave it overnight. In the morning, put it on gas and boil under the lid for 1.5 hours. After this, cool the broth, filter and take as directed. For a child under 2 years old we give 1 tbsp. l. From 24 months – 2 tbsp. l. (1/3 cup) per day. The course of therapy is 30 days. It is preferable to offer the decoction to the baby before meals.

Attention! When taking oatmeal broth, a laxative effect may occur. For a child prone to constipation, the dosage can be increased.

We carry out water procedures

If a child is sweating after an illness, “sea” activities will come to the rescue. In a glass of spring water, dilute 1 tsp. salt. The resulting mixture is very good for gargling, washing, and brushing your teeth. It is important to ensure that the solution is not very salty so as not to irritate the epidermis.

A child’s daily shower is also a necessary measure during the rehabilitation period.

Strengthening the immune system

If a child is pale and tired for a long time after an illness, this may indicate a weakened immune system. In such cases, they resort to the use of Echinacea-based medications. For preventive purposes, they are drunk for 10 days in recommended doses.

Traditional garlic water will also support the child’s immunity. You can rinse and irrigate the oral cavity with the biological additive Malavit. After suffering from an illness, it is useful to drink bactericidal teas brewed with chamomile, mint, rose hips, and St. John's wort.

We do therapeutic exercises

How to get your baby to do useful exercises? Expert advice boils down to one thing - practice in a playful way.

The “lion” exercise is very popular. While brushing your teeth or washing your face, ask your baby to touch the breastbone with the tip of his tongue and remain in this position for 10 seconds while exhaling. During the process, the child must open his mouth while sewing, showing the grin of the “king of beasts.”

Stretch your neck: rotate it to the right and left at a slow pace, move in a circle. This exercise will help the cervical lymph nodes recover.

Try with your baby to gently beat your fists on the sternum as you exhale, while saying “a”, “o”, “and”. In this way, the patient gives himself a chest massage.

Why? The baby’s body will have a difficult recovery period, so it will be better if the child spends these 3–4 days in home environment and will return to the team not on the first day of the week, but, say, on Thursday.

Drawing conclusions

In conclusion, it is worth formulating conclusions that logically “follow” from the above.

Increased sweating in a child during the rehabilitation period is most often a normal phenomenon, which indicates the active restoration and cleansing of the child’s body. Typically, such a condition of the baby is typical in the period after suffering from acute respiratory viral infection.

If you observe additional alarming symptoms in your baby that are long-lasting and complex in nature, you should consult a doctor. The possibility of developing a concomitant serious illness cannot be ruled out.

Treatment of hyperhidrosis during the adaptation period involves compliance with preventive measures, including monitoring environmental climatic indicators, proper nutrition patient, walks, etc. The key to success in the process of getting rid of “excess” sweat is the complexity of the activities carried out.

Many parents are concerned about the fact that their baby is very... It often happens that just a couple of hours after putting the baby to bed, his pajamas and bed become wet from sweat. In most cases, this phenomenon is completely physiological and should not be a cause for concern.. However, sometimes increased sweating can be the result of the baby overheating or a malfunction of the nervous system. In addition, excessive functioning of the sweat glands may be a symptom of some disease, but it is worth immediately clarifying that such situations are very rare.

To find out when and in what cases you should pay attention to children's sweating during sleep, let's try to study the nature and characteristics of this phenomenon in more detail.

Child sweating during sleep as a normal physiological process

To begin with, it is worth noting that sweating at any age is the most common physiological process that helps regulate temperature inside the body. Since the thermoregulation system in children younger age is not yet fully formed, and the work of the sweat glands is imperfect, then parents very often have to watch their baby sweat a lot in his sleep.

The active functioning of the sweat glands begins already from the third week after the birth of the child, but the formation of the sweating system continues until approximately the age of five to six years. As a rule, increased night sweats bother children under three years of age, and by the age of four, sweating decreases significantly.

It is important to know what the sweat glands take active participation not only in the thermoregulatory process of the body, but also help remove various kinds of toxins and other harmful substances from the body, and their functioning is very closely related to the functioning of the nervous system.

Therefore, the first thing parents of a heavily sweating baby should pay attention to is the presence or absence of other symptoms or provoking factors.

Excessive sweating in children as a consequence of pathological processes

According to experts, increased sweating in a child can be caused by the following reasons:

  1. Overheating of the baby due to high temperature air outdoors or indoors, as well as due to excessive wrapping.
  2. Strong excitability of the nervous system due to excessive emotional impressions received by the child throughout the day, and especially in the evening.
  3. Colds.
  4. Hereditary predisposition.

Sometimes increased sweating can be a symptom of such serious diseases as:

  • shortage and ;
  • malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • ailments of the liver and gastrointestinal tract (GIT);
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • problems with the immune system.

Such diseases are quite rare in children. However, parents should still observe the condition of their baby sweating in his sleep for some time to make sure that there are no other symptoms indicating a specific disease.

Child overheating

After about three weeks from the date of birth, the child’s body is already able to respond to changes in temperature in its environment. Hot air activates the baby's sweating system. It is important to understand that in young children the sweat glands are not yet sufficiently developed, so they may react too violently to temperature fluctuations.

Until about five or six years of age, children are very vulnerable to high temperatures; they are more prone to overheating, and, accordingly, to increased sweating.

Why do parents notice that their child sweats a lot, mainly only during night sleep? Well-known pediatrician Komarovsky O.E. explains this phenomenon as follows. According to him, children's daytime sweat evaporates very quickly due to the fact that it is during the day that babies actively use up their main energy reserves. At night, the thermoregulation system does not stop working, but since the child is in a calm state, sweat does not evaporate, but accumulates on the body.

Another reason for baby overheating is excessive wrapping.. It often happens that parents, trying to protect their child from hypothermia during sleep, dress him in too warm pajamas or cover him with an unseasonably warm blanket. As a result, the baby suffers from overheating and increased sweating.

Dr. Komarovsky about excessive sweating in children during sleep:

To prevent your baby from sweating profusely due to overheating, you should adhere to the following conditions:

  1. The optimal air temperature for a children's room is 18-21 degrees. Maximum - 24 degrees.
  2. The required humidity level is 50-60%. Extremely dry air also stimulates the sweat glands.
  3. The baby's sleeping room should be ventilated regularly: at least three times a day for 10-20 minutes.
  4. The baby should be dressed in accordance with the temperature conditions in the children's room.
  5. Clothes and bed sheets for a child you need to choose only from natural breathable fabrics.

Overstrain of the nervous system

In the first years of life, the child’s nervous system is subject to constant emotional arousal. During the day, the baby receives a lot of knowledge and impressions, masters new skills, so he nervous system I have to work a lot both day and night. Even when the child has already fallen asleep and completely relaxed, his body continues to function in the same mode as during the day. The result of such “labor” is increased sweating of the baby during sleep.

Following these recommendations will help to significantly reduce the load on the baby’s nervous system and reduce sweating during sleep:

  1. Avoid playing active games and watching TV in the evening. It is better to replace all this with joint reading of a book and quiet games.
  2. Try to regularly take light walks in the fresh air before bed.
  3. Give your baby a relaxing stroking massage, which will help calm the baby and set him up for a restful sleep.
  4. Shortly before bedtime, bathe your child in warm water with the addition of a decoction of soothing herbs.

It is very useful for the baby’s nervous system to adhere to a certain “bedtime ritual.”

It is important to know that during the period of active growth of a child, his nervous system also has to change, and this process is usually accompanied by increased sweating during sleep.

Cold-related ailments

If a child sleeps in comfortable conditions, but still sweats heavily in his sleep, this may be a sign that some pathological processes are occurring in his body, in particular, the baby may suffer from.

Excessive sweating very often indicates that the child's body is trying to get rid of toxins. In this case, a cold can be accompanied by high fever, cough, difficulty breathing and a lethargic state, or it can occur in a latent form: in addition to profuse sweating, parents cannot detect any other symptoms indicating the presence of a cold.

If you suspect that the cause of your baby's sweating is a cold or other illness, you should immediately visit a doctor.

It is important to know that the child’s body will recover much faster and begin to function normally if the child is provided with plenty of fluids during the recovery period.

Genetic predisposition to excessive sweating

Heavy sweating is rarely inherited. If a child has excessive sweating at the genetic level, then he will sweat at any time of the day, and not just during night sleep.

To help your baby in this situation, you should eliminate as much as possible factors that contribute to increased sweating, in particular:

  1. Offer your child calmer types of games and activities.
  2. If possible, protect the baby from stressful situations.

Sweating as a symptom of serious diseases

It is very rare, but there are still cases when a child’s excessive sweating during sleep is caused by a rather serious illness. It is important to understand here that the presence of such a disease can only be determined by a doctor, and that in addition to profuse sweating, the child usually has other accompanying symptoms.

So, if there is a deficiency and an excessively sweating baby develops, the following signs should be observed:

  1. Sweat has a viscous consistency and a specific smell.
  2. Balding occipital region.
  3. The child is in a state of anxiety and increased excitability.
  4. The baby shudders while falling asleep and during sleep.

If, along with excessive sweating, at least one of the listed symptoms occurs, then you need to consult a doctor for examination. It is very important to begin treatment for rickets in a timely manner, otherwise the child may become disabled.

Some parents are alarmed by the question: “What does it mean if the child sweats a lot?” Mothers of children from one to 12 years old face this problem. Of course, seeing that the child becomes completely wet before he even gets into bed, parents begin to worry that something is wrong with the baby. Although this process is physiological and in most cases does not pose a threat to health, there are exceptions. They will be discussed further in the article.

Readers will learn why children sweat a lot, what can lead to such an unusual reaction in the body, and how to deal with it. The advice of doctors will help you understand everything, and we will also introduce you to the opinion of the famous pediatrician Evgeniy Komarovsky about this problem.

What are night sweats?

This phenomenon is not uncommon. Parents often come to pediatricians with such questions. Doctors explain this in most cases by the fact that the child’s sweat glands are not yet fully formed; they work intermittently until approximately 6 years of age. Then everything levels out, and there should be no problems.

In children, thermoregulation occurs differently than in adults. Heat exchange is regulated by breathing using the lungs. Children tolerate dry air worse than adults, and children get sick more often, the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract become inflamed, and pulmonary breathing occurs in a painful mode. In adults, thermoregulation occurs through the pores of the skin. Let's look at several reasons for excessive sweating in children.


1. If a child has extra pounds, he may sweat in his sleep much more often than children of normal weight. It is necessary to review the child’s menu and spend more time with him in the fresh air, in outdoor games. If it doesn’t help, then you need to check your thyroid gland.

2. In active and hyperactive children, hyperhidrosis during sleep is stronger than in calm and balanced peers.

3. The baby should sleep in a cool room. It is advisable that the air temperature does not exceed 20 degrees. Especially need to be controlled this indicator in winter, with the beginning of the heating season.

4. Another reason why children sweat a lot may be dry air in the room. Especially when the summer heat or winter radiators heat well. Normal humidity for a child's body is considered to be 50-70%. You can regulate this yourself by using humidifiers. In a dry room, if you have not purchased this useful device, you can hang a damp towel on the radiator, place an aquarium with fish, or place many indoor plants. The evaporation of moisture will help restore the air humidity necessary for the baby.

In this case, the child sweats a lot due to the drying out of the mucous membranes of the nose and lungs. The process of pulmonary thermoregulation is disrupted, and the baby becomes wet in his sleep, and cases of diseases become more frequent.

5. The children's room should be well ventilated before going to bed. This must be done throughout the year, in any season. Fresh air brings a new portion of oxygen, which leads to better pulmonary thermoregulation.

The famous TV presenter and pediatrician Evgeniy Komarovsky also answered the question of parents about why children sweat a lot. He says that basically the child suffers due to insufficiently comfortable conditions created by the parents. Only 3% of all children with hyperhidrosis have serious problems. If, in addition to profuse sweating, parents also notice other symptoms, then they should definitely consult a specialist for advice.

When there are no serious disorders in the body, but the child sweats a lot, Komarovsky suggests reviewing the daily routine. Children who are overly active, jumping and running throughout the day, become overstimulated. Before going to bed, quiet games are preferable; instead of watching TV, it is advisable to read a fairy tale to the baby before bed, give him chamomile tea or lemon balm to drink.

If a child sweats a lot, the reasons may lie in the wrong selection bedding. You need to buy only natural linen, preferably plain, without dyes. The less the skin of a frequently sweating child comes into contact with synthetics and artificial materials, the better. Yes, and you need to wash children's clothes either with baby soap or with a special washing powder.

Particular attention should be paid to the pillow and blanket. Fillers should not be synthetic. Evgeniy Komarovsky generally does not advise giving a child under two years of age a pillow.

The doctor also advises not to put your child’s pajamas on ahead of time. It is better if the child sleeps in a T-shirt and shorts until it gets cold. Pajamas, and not synthetic ones, but made of cotton or flannel, should be worn only in winter.

The benefits of evening bathing

Another useful tip from Dr. Komarovsky is mandatory bathing before bed. If your child sweats while sleeping, the shower or bath should not be hot. It is better to start swimming at a temperature of +32 degrees, gradually reducing to 26 degrees. Cool water, in addition to hardening the body, also promotes good functioning of the sweat glands. After such a bath, children fall asleep well and sweat less during sleep.

For the most active children, it is advisable to carry out water procedures with herbal decoctions a couple of times a week. These are calming herbs - motherwort, valerian, mint, oregano, lemon balm. Before going to bed, you can do a light massage that will relax your muscles and calm your nervous system.

Sweating during illness

Often a child suffering from ARVI and taking medicines, sweats in his sleep. This weak state may continue for several days after final recovery. The body signals in this way that it has not yet fully recovered.

Some parents, especially working ones, rush to send their child to kindergarten immediately after recovery. If there is no temperature, this does not mean that the body is completely healthy. You need to keep your baby at home for at least a week to restore strength and boost immunity. Otherwise in kindergarten the child is able to catch the new virus again and get sick. A frequent illnesses again lead to heavy sweating at night.

What to do if your feet sweat?

If parents notice that their child always has wet tights or socks in the foot area, then it is necessary to check the quality of the shoes. In summer, the insole of sandals should not be artificial or rubber. Winter shoes It is advisable to buy from natural materials. Synthetics float and the baby's skin does not breathe. If it is not possible to purchase good shoes, you need to choose boots from artificial leather, but that they have holes for ventilation.

Sweaty palms

If a child's hands sweat a lot, this may indicate insufficient development of the sweat glands. Sometimes children react this way to strong emotional stress. The child does not yet know how to adequately perceive stressful situations, and the psycho-emotional reaction is often accompanied by sweaty palms. Some people, even adults, have a hereditary local increase in secretions from the sweat glands.

An older child with increased emotional stress sweats locally, but a baby early age may sweat completely.

Why does my child's head sweat a lot?

Babies sucking breast milk Mothers spend a lot of energy. During this period, mothers often experience increased hyperhidrosis in the neck and occipital region of the head. It's not scary. The child will outgrow and stop sweating. You don't need to wrap your baby too much. If a baby falls asleep next to his mother, he may sweat simply from simple overheating.

But there is more dangerous symptoms, which the mother must pay attention to. If a child’s head sweats after emotional stress, the sweat has an unpleasant and pungent odor, and there is hyperhidrosis not of the entire head or neck, but of individual areas. There may also be other signs accompanying this phenomenon.

What diseases can be accompanied by profuse sweat?

Young children may sweat due to heart, kidney and liver diseases, or lymphodiathesis, when the child's lymph nodes become enlarged. Heavy sweating can be caused by impaired blood flow and heart rhythm. Cold sweat is dangerous.

Thyroid diseases and genetic disorders, child obesity or diabetes mellitus- these are also the reasons that cause such local reactions of the body.

During the period of hormonal changes in the body in adolescence, profuse sweating may occur. This should go away with time.

Children also sweat during periods of weakness from diseases of the upper respiratory tract, while consuming large amounts of medications and antibiotics.


The first signs of this disease are sweating, but you need to check whether the sweat has a sour smell. Most of all, when rickets begins, the head becomes covered with perspiration. But these are not the only symptoms. The main one is a pronounced negative reaction to light and sound. Constipation begins, children become capricious and agitated.

To prevent the disease from progressing, doctors try to take the necessary preventive measures in advance. In addition to vitamin D, walks in the sun are also prescribed, it is recommended to walk more in the fresh air, eat right, and do exercises.

When should you see a doctor?

1. Sweat has an unpleasant ammonia or sour odor.

2. It is thick and sticky.

3. It may be the other way around - too liquid and plentiful.

4. With hyperhidrosis, salt is released, even leaving white marks on the body.

5. Wet areas turn red and irritation occurs.

6. When sweat has a certain location, asymmetrical arrangement.

Now you know why children sweat a lot and how parents should react to this phenomenon.

Many parents constantly suffer from the problem of excessive sweating in their children under 12 years of age. In this article we will tell you why a child sweats a lot and how to combat it. There will also be some useful tips.

Types of excessive sweating

Why does he sweat? The reasons may be different. First, you should learn about the characteristics of sweating in children under 10 years of age.

It is divided into 2 types:

  1. Primary sweating. It is characterized by the release of a large amount of smelly sweat in accordance with a person’s age due to frequent hormonal disruptions in adolescence and infancy. This phenomenon happens often.
  2. Secondary sweating. Occurs as a result of pathological complications after an illness. May occur due to obesity, diabetes, cancer or genetic disorders.


There is also a separate term called “hyperhidrosis”. It is characterized by excessive sweating and is part of the disease. Divided into 2 types:

  1. Diffuse. Covers the entire body of the child. Cause of occurrence: pathological complications after illnesses or individual characteristics. The child is strong and in hot weather.
  2. Local. Appears on different parts of the body. It occurs especially often on the palms, face and armpits. The cause is the individual characteristics of the body.

The child is one year old

Sweats a lot one year old baby, what to do? No worries. During the first months, children develop a system of thermoregulation of the skin and glands. The baby may also sweat a lot when sucking milk. It expends energy, thereby cooling the body.

In general, in the first weeks of life, the baby’s skin produces an excessive amount of sweat due to the immature process of thermoregulation. At this age, the child sweats a lot: the head, palms and heels.

Sweating in children 2-3 years old

Why do children two or three years old sweat?

The reasons may be the following:

  1. Overweight. According to statistics, children with extra pounds sweat much more than children of normal weight. It is worth reviewing your child’s daily diet. The problem may also be due to improper metabolism. Enroll your child in a class, take a walk in the fresh air and play outdoor games.
  2. Active and fast children sweat much faster than their peers. This process is especially intensified during sleep.
  3. Dry air. A fairly common cause is dry air in the children's room. It is also relevant in winter period. If a child sweats a lot, then to get rid of this problem, it is enough to place something damp in his room. This could be a small aquarium or a wet towel on a radiator. It is worth ventilating the room more often and doing wet cleaning.
  4. Room. The child must sleep not only in a well-ventilated room, but also at a preset temperature not exceeding 20 degrees Celsius. It is especially worth paying attention to this factor during winter frosts. Excessive exposure to air conditioning also causes increased sweat production.
  5. Insufficient air regulation. Common reason sweating during sleep - air with a large amount of carbon dioxide. Ventilate your apartment more often.

Why do children 4-9 years old sweat?

Why does the problem occur in children four to nine years old?

There may be several reasons:

  1. If a child sweats a lot during sleep, the reason lies in inflammation of the lymph nodes. Children may be irritable, moody, and cry frequently. The problem is the disease, excessive sweating is a complication. Do you remember if the child suffered from infectious diseases not so long ago? The immune system is not yet strong, but there is no need to worry. This way the body protects itself from bacteria.
  2. Allergy to medications taken. To avoid the problem, you need to carefully study all the components of any medication and simply stop using it if complications appear.
  3. Sweat with an odor may appear due to the beginning of the formation of hormonal characteristics.
  4. At the age of 8-9 years, excessive sweating occurs either due to hereditary characteristics or due to hormonal imbalance. The discharge may be sticky and sticky. It is advisable to consult a specialist during this period.


In adolescence everything is much simpler. Hyperhidrosis in a young child is normal phenomenon. Due to the sharp and rapid formation of the hormonal system, the body secretes large number energy, which means a lot of sweat.

It's time for parents to teach their teenagers how to take care of themselves and take care of personal hygiene.

Contacting the clinic

My child sweats a lot in his sleep, what should I do? This phenomenon is not uncommon. When going to a medical facility, many doctors claim that the child’s sweat glands have not yet formed. That is why they will work intermittently for up to 5-7 years. After this time, they fully develop and work normally.

Interestingly, thermoregulation in children is completely different from that in adults. Heat exchange between tissues is regulated by the lungs. Due to the fact that children tolerate dry air less well, they often get colds. The mucous membranes may dry out, and every breath will be accompanied by coughing and pain. In adults, thermoregulation is carried out through the pores in the skin, which means they are more resistant to colds.

So if your child sweats a lot while sleeping, then there is no need to worry. After going to the doctor, wet clean the room, ventilate the room, or start aquarium fish.

Ways to treat the problem

To begin with, you should consult with a specialist. The reason may be individual characteristics or pathological, and not due to hormonal changes.

Proceed step by step:

  1. Diagnostic treatment. It is necessary to conduct a complete examination of the baby’s body by a doctor. When examining young children, a specialist may need to test: blood for sugar (diabetes mellitus should not be ruled out) and general analysis blood to learn about the functioning of the system. The doctor may also schedule a consultation with other specialists. She definitely doesn’t need to be disdainful!
  2. Type of problem. Once the diagnosis has been made, it is time to begin treatment. If a child sweats a lot, then the problem is most likely physiological. You need to do the following:
  • Try to keep the room temperature to 23 degrees Celsius.
  • Don't skimp on your baby. Buy quality clothes made from linen or cotton.
  • Change his diet. Focus on vitamins and foods enriched with carbohydrates and proteins.
  • Bathe your baby more often. It is advisable to carry out bathing procedures every day, but no more than once.

Does your child sweat a lot due to excess weight? We urgently need to increase its activity. Instill the habit of playing sports, walking in the fresh air, gradually increasing the load.

Traditional methods

If the problem lies in hormonal imbalances, then the solution can be found in methods traditional medicine. For example, baths can help. 30-40 g of oak bark should be poured into 1 liter of water and allowed to brew for several days. When bathing, add the mixture to the bath and stir. After 10 minutes, change the water and continue the procedure.

There is one more recipe. You need to pour 25 g of sage with boiled water and let it brew. Strain after 2 hours and pour into the bath. You can take a bath for an unlimited amount of time.

Also many traditional healers It is recommended to take your child to the seaside once every 3 weeks. Thus, his immunity and sweating are normalized, since water has long had many medicinal properties. From a medical point of view, this fact has not been confirmed. But still, the child will not only take a swim once again, but also get some fresh air.

Hormonal features

If a child sweats a lot during sleep and the cause is hormonal factors, then it is worth trying treatment with cosmetic preparations. They can help relieve symptoms and reduce itching or redness. It is worth applying a hypoallergenic deodorant with oils and herbal infusions to the armpit area. The skin will be nourished with vitamins and will be constantly hydrated and fresh. You can also use cosmetics to prevent the skin from becoming rough or thickened.

Surgical intervention

If sweating only increases every day, and the child feels worse and worse, then surgery will help solve the problem. But it is important to remember that it is performed only in the worst situations, when there is really no way out.

Preventive measures

In order not to contract any pathological disease or hyperhidrosis, you need to carry out constant and continuous prevention:

  1. Every evening, bathe the child or wash him in the shower. Water procedures reduce the number of bacteria on the body. This way you can avoid skin irritation. The child, in turn, will receive cheerful emotions from water procedures.
  2. Whenever possible, perform air baths on your baby’s skin (let him run naked around the apartment).
  3. Try to exclude hot coffee, dark chocolate and spicy foods from your child’s diet. They affect the normal functioning of the sweating system.
  4. Dress your baby in clothes made from natural and high-quality fabric. When buying a synthetic item, be sure to ask the seller about its properties.
  5. Buy cosmetics for teenagers. Antiperspirants perfectly moisturize the skin and prevent excessive sweat and unpleasant odor. This is especially true in adolescence during the formation of the correct hormonal cycle.

In conclusion

Now you know why your child sweats a lot. The reasons for this phenomenon were named in the article. Sweating is not a simple problem, but it has many solutions, including surgery.

Most often it spreads to adolescence, and at the age of 16 it disappears. It is important to support the child during this period, to teach how to use cosmetics and take medications.