Shoes are one of those wardrobe items that require special care. After all, it is by the way you look after your shoes and boots that people often draw conclusions about your position and certain personality traits. Therefore, for many, the issue of caring for this item of clothing comes first. Today we will talk about how to clean leather shoes.

Types of shoes

First, we need to say that every leather product requires some care. There are several types:

  • with finishing;
  • without finishing;
  • varnished;
  • colored;
  • white.

Each of these types of leather differs in certain properties, so it is impossible to care for them with the same methods. Since, for example, leather with finishing treatment is more resistant to moisture, and without it - less. Therefore, let's talk about each type separately.

With finishing

Finishing treatment is used to ensure that the leather remains shiny and does not lose its properties. As a rule, in order to protect the material, oils, wax and various sprays are used. In stores, you most often find products that have undergone finishing processing. However, if you are not sure, you can ask the seller about it, and also read the product information on the packaging or in the insert inside the box.


In order to properly clean your shoes, you first need to prepare them, for this you will need:

  • water;
  • soft brush;
  • rag.
Tip: if you get your shoes wet, you need to completely dry the product before you start preparing it.

To prepare your shoes:

  1. Take a soft brush and gently run it over the entire surface of your shoes or boots to remove any accumulated dirt that may have stuck while you walked.
  2. Next, take a dry cloth and wipe the surface of the product, removing any remaining dirt particles.
  3. Then wet the cloth and wring it out thoroughly.
  4. And then wipe your boots with a slightly damp cloth to completely remove any dirt.
  5. And after that, put it to dry in a ventilated place, trying to avoid direct sunlight and strong heat. Do not place your shoes near a radiator or heaters, this may ruin their appearance and deform the product.

If there are still traces of stains on the shoes, take table vinegar and dilute it with water in equal proportions, then wipe off the stains.


Once your wardrobe item has completely dried, you need to do further processing to renew it. To do this you will need:

  • shoe polish of the required shade;
  • soft cloth;
  • soft brush.

To keep your boots looking beautiful for a long time, try to care for them using the described methods every evening, after work or a walk.

To properly clean shoes or boots you need to:

  1. Apply some shoe polish to a soft cloth.
  2. Then carefully coat the entire surface of the leather product, not missing a single detail.
  3. Let the cream dry a little.
  4. And then polish the surface with a soft brush.
  5. Finally, drop a little water on a clean rag and polish your boots again.

No processing

If you bought shoes or boots that have not been treated, then in order to care for them you need to purchase certain products. They will be able to maintain the quality of the leather product and prevent it from losing its appearance.


The steps for preparing shoes are the same as those that underwent finishing:

  1. It is necessary to clean the surface with a soft brush.
  2. Then treat the skin with a damp cloth.
  3. You can wash away old stains using saddle soap, which is sold in shoe stores.
  4. Use soap and water to create a rich lather.
  5. Apply it to the dirt.
  6. Rinse off the foam with water.
  7. And dry your shoes.


It is also almost no different from the shoes that underwent final processing. However, there are also some nuances. After you have treated your shoes or boots with cream and a brush, at the last stage, apply a few drops of mink oil to a rag and wipe the surface of the shoes with it.

Tip: if you want your boots to remain dry, treat the surface with a special water-repellent spray. It will protect your feet from getting wet, and the wardrobe item will serve you faithfully for a long time!


This type of leather is very often used for bags, shoes and boots. This type of material is made using special natural and synthetic resins. The quality of the product directly depends on what raw materials were used for varnishing, however, different types must be cared for equally carefully and in a certain way.


Patent leather shoes should not be washed. In order to properly prepare it and clean it from dirt, you will need:

  • soft sponge;
  • water.

And then you need to do the following:

  1. Soak the sponge in water.
  2. Using light movements, wipe the surface of the varnished product from dirt. Try to use minimal force, as grains of sand or dust can scratch the varnish material.
  3. After this, wipe the shoes with a soft, dry cloth.


After you have prepared the shoes, they need to be polished with a velvet cloth. Patent leather really loves this material. If you take care of your wardrobe item in this way every day, no one will ever think that you are wearing shoes that are already several years old. This method will help not only preserve them, but also update them!

Tip: if patent leather shoes become hard after you accidentally wet them, wipe the surface with castor oil.


Very often you can find green, red or orange shoes on store shelves. Different colors are achieved with dyes that are used to color the material at the time of manufacture. This leather is not much different from ordinary black leather, the only thing you need to guess is the choice of the shade of shoe polish that suits your product.

In fact, the care and preparation for this type of product is identical to ordinary leather shoes. The main thing is to be able to distinguish where there was processing and where there was not, but this was written above.


It would seem white shoes also refers to the subspecies of colored products. However, it also needs to be cleaned properly. Stains that appear on light-colored items are quite difficult to remove, so let’s talk separately about how to clean white leather.


In order to prepare a white item for later cleaning, you need to:

  • sponge;
  • soap;
  • water.

Now let's move on to actions:

  1. Mix soap and water to make a solution; you can also use hair shampoo instead of soap.
  2. After this, soak the sponge in the soapy solution.
  3. Gently wipe the surface of the shoes.
  4. Let the product dry, avoiding exposure to sunlight, which may cause it to turn yellow.

If stubborn stains appear on the surface, they can be removed with gasoline or a special cleaner for white leather.


Caring for white skin is quite simple. You should not treat it with dyes unless it is worn or cracked. In any other case, use aerosols, sprays or colorless cream containing wax and water-repellent. In this way, you will not only protect the product from water, but also allow it to serve you for many years without losing its freshness. appearance.

These are the simple ways you can care for your shoes effectively and correctly. At the same time, without turning to specialists and without spending money on new products, because the old ones will look like they came straight from the store!

Dazzling white stilettos, stylish sneakers or elegant milky ballet flats - white shoe color is always in trend. However, caring for it is quite difficult. And yet, cleaning a snow-white pair and keeping it clean today is much easier, because professional foams, sprays and impregnations have successfully supplemented traditional methods with egg white and milk.

How to tidy up a pair of smooth white leather at home

Products made from natural materials are especially difficult to care for, so cleaning them requires special knowledge. Store-bought products are the most effective for this. They are the ones that best remove the following most common stains on white skin:

  • dustiness after going outside;
  • traces of dirty water after rain;
  • black stripes from the sole;
  • traces of machine oil from asphalt, etc.

Caring for white leather shoes should begin immediately after purchasing them. To do this you will need specialized tools:

  • cream (colorless - for shine and protection from moisture, white - to hide small scratches) or wax;
  • cleanser for white skin in the form of shampoo, foam, cream soap;
  • conditioner (restores material after aggressive effects of cleaners, protects from moisture and dirt);
  • impregnation;
  • paint for color renewal;
  • polish;
  • brushes and/or napkins.

Before wearing, smooth leather shoes are treated with impregnations based on wax, silicone or wood resins to prevent dirt and repel moisture. During operation, any contamination should be removed immediately after it appears.

Rules for daily care for smooth skin

After each return from the street, a white leather pair:

  • wipe off dust particles with a woolen cloth;
  • treated with colorless cream;
  • leave to stand for about half an hour;
  • wipe with a clean and dry woolen cloth.

A pair of polished leather is cleaned with a crepe brush or eraser. Protective and cleansing substances, conditioners are rubbed in with a napkin or sponge. It is not recommended to do this by hand, as it will leave streaks on the product. When dirt gets on the leather surface, use special shampoos. They gently cleanse the skin without changing its color. Periodically (about every 4 wears) you should polish your shoes:

  • the steam is cleaned of contaminants and dried naturally;
  • Apply a small amount of cream and rub in thoroughly;
  • After drying, polish with a soft brush or woolen cloth.

Annual intensive cleaning of white leather shoes

Once a year is required deep cleaning shoes

  1. The pair is wiped with a damp cloth and dried well, then the shoes are cleaned with mild products for white leather (shampoos or foams).
  2. The product is dried.
  3. Using a sponge, apply cream with a small amount of wax. It is better not to use a brush, as it does not allow you to regulate the amount of cream. The product is rubbed into the skin until it is completely absorbed. In the absence of such impregnation, the skin will dry out and may become cracked.
  4. Then polish is applied to create a protective film. Using a soft cloth, lightly in a circular motion rub the product in, then polish the surface with a brush or nylon stocking.

Professional products for the care of natural white skin - photo gallery

Cream for white shoes will add shine to the leather and hide small defects. Cream soap is used to clean white shoes.
A quick and easy way to clean shoes is to use wet wipes. Polish is usually used on white patent leather.
Shoe paint will help refresh the color and hide surface defects
Shampoos for cleaning white shoes will gently and efficiently remove dirt. Conditioner softens the leather and prevents it from drying out.

Video: protecting light-colored shoes from moisture and dirt using impregnations

Folk remedies for caring for white leather shoes

If there is no desire or opportunity to purchase factory-made products for the care of white shoes, the only alternative is care and cleaning using folk remedies.

Wash shoes white You can also use baking soda or vinegar. But these folk recipes less effective.

Patent leather can be easily washed with soap

For care, use special wipes and conditioner.

  1. Remove dirt and dust with a soft brush.
  2. Soak the cloth in soapy water and wipe the outside of the shoes.
  3. Polish the surface with a special cloth, then dry at room temperature for 24 hours.
  4. Apply shaving cream to the skin, and after it dries, remove the residue with a dry rag.
  5. Treat your shoes with a specialized conditioner that will protect them from fading, moisture and cracking.

To eliminate yellowness on white patent leather shoes, rub them with toothpaste without dyes or abrasive particles. Then remove any remaining paste with a soft cloth. Black marks on the product can be wiped off with a colorless pencil eraser.

How to clean velor shoes

There are a lot of specialized products for such shoes, but sometimes it is not possible to purchase them and you have to use them traditional methods.

  • White velor cannot be cleaned of dirt when it is fresh. Already dried stains should be removed with a stiff shoe brush.
  • You can try to wipe the old stain with a cotton pad soaked in ammonia, but it’s better not to risk it. Contact with chemical solvents such as kerosene and gasoline is especially dangerous for velor. However, you can use a weak solution of vinegar (a teaspoon per glass of water). If the stain is very difficult, try scrubbing it with a swab dipped in alcohol.
  • For clearly visible greasy stains, you can use stale bread crumbs, vigorously rubbing the fabric with it. After the procedure, go over the velor with a stiff shoe brush.
  • The appearance of shoes that have been exposed to rain can be restored (fluffing the fabric pile) over steam. To do this, it is dried and steamed over a heated kettle or iron. Do not touch the velor with a hot surface!

Caring for snow-white suede

  1. It's good to dry the couple.
  2. Brush off any dust and minor dirt with a brush, and rub the shiny areas with a special device similar to a rubber band.
  3. Clean heavy stains with a brush soaked in a solution of ammonia (1 tbsp) and warm water (5 tbsp). Then rinse the area treated with the solution. cold water(1 l) with vinegar (1 tsp).
  4. Polish the shoes with a soft, lint-free cloth and hold them over steam for a while to fluff up the suede.
  5. For whitening, apply a solution of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia - 1 tbsp. Take a teaspoon of alcohol and the same amount of peroxide.
  6. Dry dust cleaning is done using talc: sprinkle it on the shoes, then wipe with a suede brush and remove the powder with it.

A proven means of cleaning such products is a mixture of 1 tbsp. l. soda and 1 tbsp. milk. They are thoroughly mixed and a cotton pad is moistened, which is used to wipe the contaminated areas. Rub shiny areas against the lint. After treatment, the shoes are wiped with a mixture of water (1 tbsp.) and vinegar (1 tsp.) and wiped with a dry cloth.

You can protect suede from the appearance of salt stains using glycerin (after cleaning dry shoes from dirt, wipe them with this product). A solution of 1 tbsp will help remove them. water and 1 tsp. vinegar. You can also remove plaque by holding the suede over steam and then spraying it with a specialized spray for such shoes.

Photo gallery: care products for white suede shoes

Special brushes carefully and thoroughly care for white suede shoes A cleaner for suede shoes will carefully remove heavy dirt from them. A special paint will restore the impeccable appearance of white suede shoes. Impregnation to protect against moisture and dirt can significantly extend the service life of shoes.

We clean light nubuck with foams and starch or talc powders

Most effective way To clean nubuck - use specialized cleaning foams.

  1. Apply foam to sponge.
  2. Wipe down your shoes.
  3. Use a brush to remove any remaining substance from the surface.

If the contamination is severe, the shoes should be held over steam for half a minute, and then cleaned with a special brush. To refresh nubuck, wipe it with a solution of 10% ammonia (1 part) and water (4 parts) or vinegar diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20. Grease stains on white nubuck shoes can be removed using starch and talcum powder - they are sprinkled on the dirt, and after 2-3 minutes they are brushed off.

Never clean nubuck shoes with soap solutions, otherwise streaks will remain.

To hide defects and worn areas and refresh the color, use protective and caring spray paints.

Photo gallery: care products for white nubuck shoes

Water repellent protects shoes in bad weather
A special cleaner gently and thoroughly removes all dirt from nubuck. Special brushes are used to clean nubuck.

How to clean a white sports pair

Sports shoes especially suffer from dirt, because they are not taken care of as much as dress shoes. Canvas sneakers, leather sneakers and moccasins made from synthetic materials are cleaned differently.

Cleaning shoes made of cotton textiles (rag ballet flats, sneakers)

Cleaning white fabric shoes is done by the most in a simple way- using laundry soap.

  1. Lather the product and leave for 15–20 minutes.
  2. Wipe with a clothes brush.
  3. Wash your shoes well in water.

Soap for removing stains also works great. It will whiten ballet flats or sneakers and rid them of stubborn stains.

Never soak textile shoes - water can destroy the glue and the pair will be left without soles.

Grease stains should be washed off immediately detergent for dishes. Engine oil is cleaned with chemical degreasers:

  • White spirit;
  • gasoline;
  • turpentine;
  • kerosene.


  1. Moisten a cotton pad with the chosen product.
  2. Treat the surface.

For very severe contamination, you can apply a “compress”: two cotton wool discs are moistened in the selected substance and attached to the outside and inside of the shoe, for example, with a paper clip. Strongly smelling after any treatment chemicals sneakers should be washed by hand in soapy water, stuffed with toilet paper and dried on the balcony. Shoes should be kept away from heaters and not exposed to direct sunlight.

Video: how to clean white sneakers

Cleaning shoes made from synthetic fabrics

You can clean these shoes with regular toothpaste. Apply it to a brush with medium or soft bristles and gently rub the contaminated areas of the sneakers. After the procedure, the paste is removed with a damp cloth.

To get rid of difficult stains, make a mixture:

  • 1 tbsp. l. washing powder;
  • 10 drops of vinegar;
  • 5-6 drops of hydrogen peroxide.

Clean the sneakers with wet powder using the same toothbrush. This composition should not be used on a mesh surface, otherwise it may be seriously damaged.

If the methods described above do not help, use various oxygen-based bleaches: powdered ones are diluted according to the instructions, and liquid ones are used immediately - a soft rag is moistened with the liquid and the shoes are wiped, and then wait for the result. After this, the sneakers are simply rinsed well in water and dried.

Washing sneakers or fabric shoes in the machine

If you don't want to waste time on manual cleaning sports shoes, use a washing machine.

  1. The laces and insoles are removed from the shoes. They are washed separately and preferably by hand using powder or laundry soap.
  2. Carefully remove dirt from the sole with a stick or under a strong stream of water.
  3. Sneakers or sneakers are wrapped in an old towel, tied or placed in a special bag and placed in the drum of the machine.
  4. Include a delicate cycle - wash at 30°C or less, but without spinning or pre-soaking.
  5. After removing the shoes, they are dried in the most natural conditions possible, for example, on a balcony in the shade from the sun.

If the machine's delicate mode involves soaking, the glue on the shoes may become wet and the sole will fall off, so washing will be done at your own risk. The spin and/or drying mode must be turned off in advance so as not to break the machine or damage your shoes. You should not put more than one pair of shoes in the machine, otherwise your washing unit may lose the door glass.

Video: how to professionally wash white sneakers and remove stains from them

How to wash white leatherette and eco-leather

About once a week to protect the product from moisture artificial leather wipe with a sponge lightly lubricated with glycerin. For severe contamination, use soap or hair shampoo.

  1. Remove dried dirt with a soft brush.
  2. Wipe the surface of the shoes with a cloth soaked in a solution of water (1 liter) and hair shampoo (1 teaspoon).
  3. Dry the product under natural conditions.
  4. Treated with impregnation for leatherette shoes.

At the final stage of cleaning, eco-leather can be coated with an antistatic agent so that it becomes less dirty.

Lifehacks for snow-white shoes and more

Little life tricks will allow you to quickly and easily put your favorite things in order.

How can you remove black (dark) stripes?

Perfect for this purpose:

  • an ordinary eraser - used to rub off black stripes and small black spots on shoes;
  • Nail polish remover or solvent “647” - use a white cloth soaked in it to quickly run over the strips so as not to damage the paint layer.

Video: how to remove black stripes on light leather shoes

How to quickly clean white shoes at home without washing

  • Mix half a glass of vinegar and soda. Apply the foaming mixture to the steam, wait a couple of minutes and scrub with a microfiber cloth.
  • Products made from natural materials should be treated with special cleaners. They are simply applied to the contaminated surface with a sponge or napkin and wiped over the skin.
  • You can wipe the pair with a smooth surface from dust, and then dry it and apply a white emulsion or spray paint.

How to maintain whiteness for a long time

  • To preserve the whiteness of leather shoes, they are coated water-repellent impregnation. It is advisable to carry out the procedure once a week. Thanks to this, the skin will remain white and elastic for a long time, and will repel dirt and moisture.
  • To refresh the white color and make the skin soft and shiny, mix half a glass of milk and the white of one egg. After mixing thoroughly, apply the mixture to the surface of the steam and rinse with cold water.
  • When cleaning, use only very soft sponges and a non-rough cloth. It is strictly forbidden to wipe black and white pairs with the same rag!

Although white shoes are quite difficult to care for, it is possible to remove even complex stains from the products. To do this, you can use folk recipes or purchase special means for cleaning and eliminating defects - impregnations, wax, paints, shampoos, etc. With regular care, you will always enjoy the dazzling snow-white look of your favorite pair.

Having bought a new pair of leather shoes or boots, we hope that they will please the eye with their impeccable appearance for many years. But for a new item from a shoe store to meet your expectations, it needs proper care. From this article you will learn how to care for leather shoes in order to preserve their beauty for a long time.

How to properly care for leather shoes

Proper care of leather shoes will allow you to avoid such troubles as drying out of the material, loss of shine, stubborn stains that are difficult to remove, microcracks, bad smell and the appearance of product deformation.

Caring for leather shoes at home is not difficult, but it needs to be done daily and at the end of the season. Let's look at how to care for such products every day:

  • How to clean leather shoes? This must be done immediately after arriving home; you must not leave the dirty item on long time, this has a detrimental effect on the skin and makes cleaning more difficult. You need to use a brush to remove dust and adhering dirt from the surface of the product, and if these are sandals, pay attention to the thin straps. You can use an old toothbrush to clean them. Then wipe the skin with a damp cloth.
  • When wondering how to clean leather shoes, we often forget about the insoles. And they also require care and regular cleaning, especially if they are open shoes. If the insoles are made of leather, regular washing with a brush and soap will not work. After such procedures they will become rough and deformed. For such insoles, baby cream is used. Before processing, you need to remove dust with a damp cloth, and then apply the composition in a thin layer and rub in well. Immediately after treatment, remove any remaining cream with a dry cloth. Allow the insoles to dry and they will become clean and very soft.

Leather shoes should be washed in a soap solution with the addition of ammonia.
  • How to wash leather shoes? This must be done if there is too much dirt. Remove the insoles and laces and make sure there are no parts on the product that could come off when exposed to water. For washing, use a soap solution, adding to it ammonia, 5–6 drops. Start washing from the heel, then clean the sole, and only then top part. To do this, use a soft sponge or cloth. This must be done carefully so as not to wet the product inside.
  • How to wash leather shoes? Washing, of course, is not the most gentle way to clean shoes. But if you cannot do without it, you need to do it carefully and quickly. Wash the product inside using a brush, and outside use a soft cloth.

Is it possible to wash leather shoes in a washing machine?

To wash in a machine, shoes should be stitched, not glued.

Definitely wash the skin in washing machine Quite risky, but still possible. If you decide to wash leather shoes in a machine without knowing how to do it correctly, you can damage them irrevocably. Therefore, we suggest you read the rules before washing your favorite pair:

  • the product must be stitched; if it is only glued, it may simply unravel after washing;
  • if you decide to wash shoes or sandals with heels, place them in a special washing bag, otherwise the heels can seriously damage the washing machine;
  • Do not machine wash patent leather and suede shoes, as well as models with a large number of decorative elements;
  • the water temperature should not exceed 30 degrees, and spinning should not exceed 400 revolutions;
  • Washing time should be kept to a minimum.

It is easier to care for shoes made of genuine leather if they are not brought to a state where drastic interventions, such as washing them in a machine, are indispensable.

How to dry leather shoes

To better dry leather shoes, you need to stuff them with paper.

Caring for leather shoes at home also includes drying them properly. If you did not wet the inside of the product when cleaning it, it will be enough to wipe it well with a clean cloth. If you have washed your leather shoes completely, you need to dry them properly.

Under no circumstances should you dry washed pairs at high temperatures, and should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Before setting the steam out to dry, stuff it with crumpled up paper. If the shoes are light-colored, then newspapers will not work; they may stain the inside. The paper will absorb moisture and the drying process will be faster.

Leather shoe care products

  • After you are sure that the shoes are completely dry, you need to apply shoe polish of the appropriate color to them. It will soften the skin and protect it from cracks and salt stains. Leave the cream to absorb, this usually takes several hours.
  • Then the product needs to be rubbed well to make it shine. To do this, you can use a special polishing brush or a clean cloth.
  • The final step is to apply a water-repellent product to the skin. It is especially important to do this when caring for leather shoes in winter. These products are mainly produced in the form of aerosols, which makes their use quite simple.

How to update leather shoes

If at one time you did not know how to properly care for your shoes, they have lost their attractive appearance and no cream helps anymore, there is a way out. There is such a thing as liquid skin, the composition penetrates the structure of the material and masks the defect. The whole process will take 6–7 hours. If you choose the right shade, no one will know that there was once damage there.

How to remove wrinkles from leather shoes

Often the appearance is spoiled by folds on boots or other footwear. But this can also be done; you will need an iron for this. Hot steam needs to be passed over the folds, while the distance between the shoes and the iron should be at least 10 cm.

How to remove water stains from leather shoes

Often in wet weather we come home and see white stains on our shoes.

  • The following method will help you get rid of them: you need to take 1 part water and 0.5 parts 9% vinegar and wipe the couple with this solution. Then carefully remove excess solution with a soft cloth.
  • You can try this option: wipe the surface of the skin with warm milk, and then with a damp cloth, and then dry. Drying your shoes will show the results. If marks remain, perform the procedure again.

How to store leather shoes

It is advisable to store leather shoes in boxes or fabric bags.

At the end of the season, you need to put your favorite pair into storage. Before doing this, do not forget to thoroughly clean it of dirt and dry it. Dry, clean shoes must be inserted with special pads or stuffed with crumpled newspapers; the product will not be able to deform during storage. The cleaned pair can be hidden in a paper box until the next season. It should not be stored in plastic bags. If you don't have a suitable box, you can use a bag made of natural fabric.

How to care for white leather shoes

White boots or shoes look very impressive. But even the slightest damage and dirt are visible on them. You will have to clean your shoes quite often. If you do get such a new thing, you need to know how to care for white leather shoes, otherwise the pair will quickly become unusable. You need to do the following:

  • Having bought a white new thing, immediately treat it with wax, this will protect it from moisture and discoloration.
  • When applying cream or other product to a couple, do not do it directly on the skin; use a sponge or napkin. Otherwise the color may change.
  • Use special polishing products.
  • Do not place the product in the sun.
  • For white shoes there should be separate brushes, sponges, etc.

Caring for eco-leather shoes

White boots look very stylish, but caring for them is a lot of trouble. Products made of leather, suede and nubuck are especially capricious when cleaning. However, problems can be avoided if you know how to properly clean and care for white boots. In case of very heavy contamination, there are professional and folk remedies, helping not only to clean, but also to whiten shoes.

Rules for cleaning white leather boots

There are several methods for cleaning white leather boots at home. You can use folk methods, that is, the means that every housewife has at home. Or buy special cleaning products.

But for maximum effect, it is necessary to take into account the material from which the boots are made. The cleaning method also depends on the type of contamination. For example, it is best to get rid of ordinary dirt with a soap solution. Suitable for the role of a cleaner liquid soap or shampoo diluted in a 1:3 ratio with warm water.

Important to remember!

No matter how good the cleaning product is, the original whiteness of the boots cannot be returned.

Using a soft bristle brush, apply the solution to the dirt over the entire surface of the boots so that foam forms. After the procedure, excess solutions are removed with water or a rag and dried.

Effective folk remedies for cleaning white boots

Baking soda

This ideal household assistant is often used by housewives to clean the house and kitchen. However, soda can also be used in the care of suede shoes. To do this you will need:

  1. Dilute baking soda with water to form a paste.
  2. Place a small amount of solution on the brush and gently wipe the surface.
  3. Remove any remaining baking soda with a cloth.


Older women know how effective this simple method is for cleaning white leather shoes. You just need to wet a cotton pad with milk and wipe the contaminated areas. The cleanliness effect will last for a long time. This method is also ideal for patent leather shoes.

Chicken protein will help supplement the cleansing properties of milk. But before using it, you must first beat it.

Toothpaste or powder

As with soda, toothpaste perfectly cleanses all dirt and makes white boots well-groomed. A small amount of the product is applied to a shoe brush and rubbed in a circular motion into the surface. After complete drying, remove with a dry sponge.

It is more difficult to deal with dirty stains and stripes that form on white shoes made of nubuck and velor. But here, too, folk methods will help, such as:

  • ammonia.
  • acetic acid,
  • ethanol.

For treatment, these products must be diluted with water in equal proportions. They are applied only to problem areas, and then removed with a damp sponge.

To prevent alcohol solutions from harming your shoes, you must first test this cleaning method on an inconspicuous area.

Cleaning with professional products

For leather boots For normal soiling, it is good to use shoe shampoo. The cleaning method is simple:

  1. A piece cotton fabric dust is removed from boots.
  2. A small amount of foaming detergent is applied to the boots.
  3. Use a soft brush to clean the surface.
  4. Excess foam is removed with a damp cloth.
  5. Boots are wiped with a dry cloth.

You can use it instead of shoe shampoo washing powder or regular laundry soap. The cleaning method is the same - prepare a soap solution and apply it with a sponge to the contaminated areas.

Pay attention!

When cleaning leather goods water should be used in minimal quantities. You just need to dry them naturally, and under no circumstances leave it under the sun or near electric heaters to prevent the skin from cracking.

A special conditioner for leather products works great for heavy soiling. You need to work with it carefully and use rubber gloves. The cleaning method, as in the case of shampoo, is simple:

  • Pre-remove dust from shoes;
  • apply the product with a piece of fabric to the entire surface of the boots;
  • After a few minutes, wipe with a dry cloth.

Shaving foam is good for cleaning patent leather. You just need to apply it evenly over the entire surface of the boots and let it dry. Remove any remaining product with a damp cloth.

After cleaning and drying, apply protective white or clear shoe polish.

How to whiten white boots

Simple cleaning products are not always able to remove old stains. In addition, over time the material darkens or acquires a yellowish tint. To make it white, you need to use bleaching agents.

The following home whitening methods are suitable:

  • vinegar,
  • lemon juice,
  • ammonia,
  • gasoline with magnesium.

Store-bought options for bleaches are mostly dyes. They will cope with any type of dirt and color that has turned yellow over time. Which method is better to choose depends on the material and appearance of the boots.

To remove dirt and whiten boots in hard-to-reach places, it is good to use a toothbrush. But do not rub too hard to avoid damaging the surface.

Traditional whitening products

Lemon juice


An ideal bleaching agent that is good for removing black streaks from soles on white suede. For effectiveness, add hydrogen peroxide in a 1:1 ratio. Then dilute 2 teaspoons of this mixture in 1 glass of warm water and bleach the shoes with the resulting solution.

Gasoline and magnesia

The combination of these two ingredients becomes a powerful bleach for leather shoes. The gasoline used is the one used to refill lighters. You can buy it at any store. Magnesia is easy to find at a pharmacy or sporting goods store.

For whitening, both products are mixed in equal proportions and applied to shoes. Then wash off with water, or a soap solution. This mixture can even remove old yellow stains. But for safety reasons, your hands must be protected with gloves.

Special professional products for whitening shoes

Whitening Aerosols

To restore color, you should use special aerosols for shoes. They are based on dyes that help renew white boots in a matter of minutes, giving them a presentable look. The shades of restoration sprays vary, so you should carefully select the product to match the color of the material.


If your shoes are heavily soiled or have old stains, which cannot be cleaned, the situation will be saved by dye. With its help you can get rid of scratches, paint over black stripes, yellow greasy spots and so on. Today there are many brands offering paints for shoes, and they have a large selection of products. The most famous of them are Silver and Salamander. But there are other manufacturers of budget options.

You can choose a lot of folk and professional cleaning and bleaching products. However, the key to the longevity of white shoes depends on proper care behind her. Cleaning agents should be selected in accordance with the material and degree of contamination; abrasives should not be used frequently, but only dried in a natural way. Then the boots will last a long time and will delight you with brilliance and attractiveness.

Real masters know how to turn a banal task like cleaning boots into an art. Some of them are ready to share the secrets of their craft, which we willingly took advantage of and now offer you a set of rules for caring for boots, be they leather, suede or patent leather.



The whole process takes little more time than brushing your teeth. First, you need to shake off the dust from your shoes - sand and small pebbles will scratch the precious surface when polishing. You need to shake off the dust with tenderness and thoughts about the fate of Rockefeller.


Then the shoes must be washed to remove dirt and traces of old cream. For this purpose, the shoe industry produces special shampoos, but if for some reason this progress has not affected you, use a regular glass cleaner, it does just as well - wet a napkin with it and wipe first one shoe, and then, while it dries, the other. (Again, never wash your shoes with water.)


It is good to apply mink oil to dry shoes and let it soak in - it perfectly repels water and prevents the leather from decomposing.


Next comes the important part - the cream. Previously, the cleaners cooked it themselves; each one had a secret recipe. Now there is no shortage of creams (unlike cleaners). If the shoes are new, you can limit yourself to colorless cream. But over time, the color of the boots fades, so it is necessary to refresh it. The tone of the cream should be slightly lighter than the tone of the shoes, in no case darker. To check the tone, you must first lubricate the backdrop a little - there possible errors will be least noticeable. Once you're sure everything is in order, continue to apply it over the entire surface using gentle, circular motions.

When applying cream to your boots, you must not forget about the welts on the sides, the upper part of the sole and the front of the heel. The tongue needs lubrication the least often, but it should also be respected from time to time.


The next step - polishing - is best done with a horse's tail or, if you don't have one at hand, a horsehair brush. Using movements that are best described by the rhyme “back and forth,” begin polishing the dry boots, but without unnecessary pressure. You need to continue until the brush begins to literally fly over the glossy surface of the skin.


Next comes velvet - a piece of velvet fabric. It smooths out streaky horsehair marks and gives the boot a majestic shine.


Dust does not escape even suede, and a figure-eight leather brush is designed to shake it off. It’s not that there are any other seven brushes, it’s just that the cleaning surface of this one resembles several figure eights placed side by side.

Having finished with the dust, do not rush to grab shampoo - suede (like its relative nubuck) does not tolerate liquid. An emery board, similar to an eraser, will help get rid of dirt. And you can only wash the soles with shampoo.

The role of the cream is played by the spray. It also comes in color: brown, blue, etc. If you are not confident in your ability to differentiate colors, take a colorless one. With cream, like shampoo, only the sole is lubricated, and with a toothbrush.

After lubricating and polishing the sole, carefully comb the suede pile with a figure-eight brush in the direction that the shoe factory originally gave it.


In the first case, everything is primitive: you just need to use shampoo and let the shoes dry. Lacquered boots are cleaned in the same way as leather boots, with the exception of mink oil. And the cream you will need is not wax, but silicone.