"National holiday "Sabantuy""

The favorite holiday of the Tatar people, Sabantuy, is an ancient and new holiday, a holiday of labor, in which the beautiful customs of the people, their songs, dances, and rituals merge together.
The name of the holiday comes from the Turkic words: saban - plow and tui - holiday. Previously, Sabantuy was celebrated in honor of the beginning of spring field work (at the end of April), but now in honor of its end (in June).
This ancient holiday was described in his writings back in 921 by the famous researcher Ibn Fadlan, who arrived in the Bulgars as an ambassador from Baghdad.

In the old days, the celebration of Sabantuy was a big event,

and they prepared for it for a long time. All winter long girls, young

women prepared gifts - weaved, sewed, embroidered.

In the spring, before the start of the holiday, young horsemen

collected gifts around the village for future winners

competitions and folk games: embroidered scarves and

towels, pieces of chintz, shirts, chicken eggs. The most

national embroidery was considered an honorary gift

patterned towel. The collection of gifts was usually accompanied by cheerful songs, jokes, and jokes. Gifts were tied to a long pole; sometimes horsemen tied the collected towels around themselves and did not remove them until the end of the ceremony. The elders, a kind of council of Sabantuy, appointed a jury to award the winners and kept order during the competitions. The culmination of the holiday was the Maidan - competitions in running, jumping, national wrestling - keresh, and, of course, horse racing.
Gradually, Sabantuy became a universal and interethnic holiday - today it is celebrated in villages, towns, districts, cities, the capital of Tatarstan, Moscow, St. Petersburg and in many other regions of the country, as well as different corners world where Tatars live.

Currently, Sabantuy has acquired the status public holiday: decrees and resolutions are issued on preparation, dates and venues, organizing committees are appointed from the highest-ranking leaders at each level (village, town, district, city, republic), and determined. Old

The holiday is gradually supplemented by modern traditions, but the main features of the celebration are preserved, passing from century to century.
In the Republic of Tatarstan, Sabantuy usually takes place in

June, in three stages. On the first Saturday after the end

spring sowing holiday is held in villages and villages

republics, a week later - in large cities of Tatarstan,

and a week later in the capital of the republic, Kazan

the main Sabantuy passes. In all administrative

In areas of the city, Maidans are organized to hold

competitions, venues for performances by cultural masters

and arts of Tatarstan, folk festivals. On the central

Horse racing is held at the city's hippodrome.
During his visit to Kazan in June 2003, UNESCO Director-General K. Matsuura supported the initiative of President Shaimiev to nominate the Tatar national holiday "Sabantuy", which is a living tradition and enjoys the sincere love of the people, among the candidates for inclusion in the List of masterpieces of oral and intangible UNESCO heritage.

Scenario of the Sabantuy holiday

in kindergarten.

MKDOU No. 4, Asha.

Ved. Good afternoon, dear guests! Today we have big celebration. Sabantuy is an ancient and new holiday. Previously, it was celebrated in honor of the beginning of spring field work, but now in honor of its end. Sabantuy has been international since ancient times; all nationalities take part in the celebration

. Sabantuy once a year

The people greet you cheerfully

Having fun and singing

And he’s not at all discouraged.

(Grandfather and grandmother come in)

Grandfather . Oh, oh, we're late for the holiday, it's you, grandma, who's been taking a long time to dress up.

Grandmother. Well, of course, Sabantuy is once a year. Without beautiful dress dont go. I bought this especially for the holidays beautiful scarf, dress, apron.

Grandfather. Children, look what my grandmother bought me for the holiday: a skullcap, a vest, pants.

Ved . We are very glad to see you, come in, happy holiday to you!

Bab. We did not come to the holiday empty-handed. We brought you gifts.

Ved. Guys, let's now play the game "Cut the gift." Grandfather and grandmother, you also want to play with us.

Game "Cut the gift"

(Small toys, sweets, lollipops are hung on a rope, and blindfolded children must cut a gift for themselves)

Grandfather. Today I collected eggs from the chicken coop, I want to check how you prepared for the holiday.

Ved . Well, grandpa, please show me how the children will compete.

Game "Don't Drop the Egg"

(Children line up in two teams of five and must carry an egg in a wooden spoon at arm’s length.)

Bab . I'm tired of playing, I want to dance with you.

Dance (Tatar round dance)

Grandmother. Oh, grandfather, I’m getting really old, I have to run home, our cow isn’t fed.

(Grandparents leave)

The boy runs in.

Boy. How I was in a hurry to get to the holiday. I really wanted heroes from fairy tales to come to your holiday. Do you love fairy tales?

Children. Yes.

Boy . Do you know the fairy tales of Gabdulla Tukay?

Children. Yes.

Boy . Then look carefully, from the fairy tale of Gabdulla Tukay the Water Girl comes.

Water. Hello. What kind of holiday is this for you? Where did I end up?

Children. We are celebrating Sabantuy holiday.

Water . What holiday is it? This is the first time I've heard about this. What are they doing there?

Children . They play, sing, have fun.

Water . Are they playing? So I brought you water from my river, let’s compete with you.

1. Game “Deliver it and don’t spill it”

(Children line up in two teams of five, whose team will fill the bucket with water using spoons the fastest.)

2.Game “Break the pot”

(Blindfolded, the child must break clay pot)

Ved. Vodyana, thank you for the interesting games.

Water . Thank you, children. I really enjoyed your holiday, but it’s time to return to the watery kingdom. Goodbye, guys.

Ved. Sabantuy continues. What is this noise? What's happened?

(goes Shurale - the spirit of the forest, who killed people by tickling)

Shurale. Aha, they decided to hold Sabantuy, but I wasn’t invited? Now I'll tickle you all.

(Shurale begins to tickle everyone.)

Ved. Shurale, don’t tickle our children, it’s better to play with them.

Shur . Well, okay, so be it, because today is a holiday. I took a horse from Batyr to play with you.

Game “Horse Racing”

(Children line up in two teams of five people, pretending to race on horses)

Shur. There’s something else in my bag, do you know what it is? (rope) Let’s measure our strength to see who is stronger.

Game “Tug of War”

(Children are divided into two teams, whose team will pull the rope to their side.)

Shur. Thanks guys, I really enjoyed it. I won’t offend you anymore, but before I leave, I want to play my favorite game with you.

A game

Shur. Guys, it's time for me to say goodbye to you, don't forget to invite me next year.

(Baba Yaga flies in)

Ved . Why are you Baba Yaga tied with pillows?

Baba Yaga . Oh, I’m sick, radiculitis tormented me, I flew to Leshy, he promised to treat my lower back.

Ved. We will cure you in an instant, and you will fly back healthy.

Baba Yaga. Yes, yes, treat me, I will not remain in debt, I will thank you.

Ved. Come on, Yagusya, untie your pillows, let's play with the children.

Game "Who will kill whom"

Baba Yaga. What an interesting game, and I still have bags, let’s play with them.

Game "Sack Run"»

(Children run in turns with bags on their feet)

Baba Yaga . Oh, but my back has stopped hurting. I brought a treat for my dear one, since you cured me, I’ll give you a treat. Where is my bundle? Here I found it, help yourself, my dears.

Happy holiday to everyone! I have to go, goodbye kids.

(Baba Yaga flies away)

Ved. Our long-awaited holiday is over. I wish everyone health and longevity. See you on Sabantui next year.

Gabdulla Tukay


(Tale of a village boy)

Summer. Hot weather. If you jump into the river - grace!

I love diving and swimming and hitting the water with my head!

I play like this and dive like this for an hour, or even an hour and a half.

Well, now I'm freshened up, it's time for me to get dressed.

He went ashore and got dressed. It's quiet everywhere, not a soul.

An involuntary fear creeps through in this sunny wilderness.

I don’t know why on the bridge, I looked back in sadness...

The witch, the water witch appeared on the board!

A witch scratches her tousled braids over the water,

And in her hand a bright golden comb sparkles.

I stand, trembling with fear, hiding in the willow tree,

And I follow the wonderful comb that burns in her hand,

She jumped into the river, dove, and disappeared into the depths of the stream.

I quietly climb onto the bridge, emerging from the thick foliage.

What is this? The witch forgot her wonderful golden comb!

He looked around: empty, deaf on the river, on the shore.

Comb -

I grab it and run headlong straight to the house.

Well, I’m flying, not feeling my legs, and I’m rushing like a fast horse.

I'm covered in cold sweat, I'm burning like fire.

I looked over my shoulder... And the trouble is, there is no salvation:

The witch, the water witch, is chasing after me!

Don't run! - the demon shouts. - Wait, thief! Stop!

Why did you steal my comb, wonderful golden comb?

I run, and the witch follows. The witch follows, I run.

Someone to help!.. Quiet, deaf all around.

Then all the dogs stood up and began to cry at the witch.

Woof! Woof! Woof! - without getting tired, dogs bark, puppies squeal,

The merman got scared and quickly ran back.

I caught my breath and thought: “The trouble is over!

Water witch, you’ve lost your comb forever!”

I entered the house: “Mother, I found a wonderful golden comb.”

Give me something to drink, I ran quickly, I was in a hurry to get home.

The golden magic comb is accepted silently by the mother,

But she herself is trembling, afraid, and it’s impossible to understand why.

The sun has set. Okay, I'm going to bed. The day has gone out.

And a cool and hay evening spirit entered the hut.

I'm lying under the blanket, I feel nice, I feel warm.

Knock and knock. Someone is knocking on our window glass.

I’m too lazy to throw off the blanket, too lazy to get to the window.

The mother, hearing, trembled and woke up from her sleep.

Who knocks in such darkness! Get out, come on in!

What happened to you at night? You'll be lost!

Who am I? Water witch! Where is my golden comb?

Just now your son, your thief, stole my comb!

I opened the blanket slightly. The moonbeam shines in the window.

Oh, what will happen to me! Oh, where should I go!

Knock and knock. Go away, demon, so that the devil can take you away!

And water - I hear - pours from long and gray hair.

Apparently, I am not destined to own the glorious booty:

The mother threw the comb to the witch and slammed the window.

We got rid of the witch, but we were unable to sleep.

Oh, she scolded me, she scolded me, oh, my mother scolded me!

Remembering the ominous knock, I burn with shame.

And I stopped touching other people’s things forever.

About the Sabantuy holiday
Website President of the Republic of Tatarstan http://president.tatarstan.ru/news/view/107453

Rustam Minnikhanov: “Sabantuy is a holiday of friendship for all peoples”
Press service of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, July 2, 2011

Sabantuy is a holiday that unites the peoples of Russia and allows them to preserve their national traditions and customs. This opinion was expressed today by the President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov at the celebration of the federal Sabantuy in Yekaterinburg. The celebration was also attended by the President of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov, governor Sverdlovsk region Alexander Misharin.

The celebration of Sabantuy traditionally takes place in the Sverdlovsk region. This year the capital of the Urals is hosting the federal Sabantuy for the first time. The celebration takes place on the territory of the Lokomotiv stadium and the adjacent park. There are numerous farmsteads, thematic grounds, and traditional Sabantuy sports competitions. Representatives from 34 regions take part in the celebration Russian Federation.

Website Official Tatarstan - http://tatarstan.ru/about/sabantuy.htm

http://1997-2011.tatarstan.ru/?DNSID=22fb9b9b4f86eec225245cd411aeb777&node_id=2480 Sabantuy
“Sabantuy is a real pearl of the national spirit, a living inexhaustible spring of the original culture of the Tatar people, the state of their soul and a great opportunity for discovering talents, competition in strength, dexterity and ingenuity... I hope that Sabantuy will be known all over the world, and it will take its rightful place in List of World Heritage Sites" President of the Republic of Tatarstan M.Sh. Shaimiev.

The favorite holiday of the Tatar people, Sabantuy, is both ancient and new, a holiday of labor, in which the beautiful customs of the people, their songs, dances, and rituals merge together.
The name of the holiday comes from the Turkic words: saban - plow and tui - holiday. Previously, Sabantuy was celebrated in honor of the beginning of spring field work (at the end of April), but now in honor of its end (in June).
This ancient holiday was described in his writings back in 921 by the famous researcher Ibn Fadlan, who arrived in the Bulgars as an ambassador from Baghdad.

In the old days, the celebration of Sabantuy was a big event, and it took a long time to prepare for it. All winter, girls and young women prepared gifts - weaving, sewing, embroidering. In the spring, before the start of the holiday, young horsemen collected gifts around the village for future winners in competitions and folk games: embroidered scarves and towels, pieces of calico, shirts, chicken eggs. A towel embroidered with a national pattern was considered the most honorable gift. The collection of gifts was usually accompanied by cheerful songs, jokes, and jokes. Gifts were tied to a long pole; sometimes horsemen tied the collected towels around themselves and did not remove them until the end of the ceremony. The elders, a kind of council of Sabantuy, appointed a jury to award the winners and kept order during the competitions. The culmination of the holiday was the Maidan - competitions in running, jumping, national wrestling - keresh, and, of course, horse racing.

Gradually, Sabantuy became a universal and interethnic holiday - today it is celebrated in villages, towns, districts, cities, the capital of Tatarstan, Moscow, St. Petersburg and many other regions of the country, as well as in different parts of the world where Tatars live.

In the Republic of Tatarstan, Sabantuy usually takes place in June, in three stages. On the first Saturday after the end of spring sowing, the holiday is held in villages and hamlets of the republic, a week later - in large cities of Tatarstan, and a week later the main Sabantuy takes place in the capital of the republic, Kazan. In all administrative districts of the city, Maidans are organized for competitions, platforms for performances by masters of culture and art of Tatarstan, and folk festivals. Horse racing is held at the city's central hippodrome.

During his visit to Kazan in June 2003, UNESCO Director-General K. Matsuura supported the initiative to nominate the Tatar national holiday Sabantuy, which is a living tradition and sincerely loved by the people, among the candidates for inclusion in the UNESCO List of Masterpieces of Oral and Intangible Heritage.

Since 2001, the Federal Sabantuy has been held; in 2011, the XI Federal Sabantuy will be held in the Tyumen region. In 2010, the All-Russian Rural Sabantuy took place for the first time, which was held in the village of Alkino, Samara Region.

Website Kazan 1000 years" - http://www.kazan1000.ru/rus/holiday/plough.htm
"National holiday "Sabantuy""

“Sabantuy is a real pearl of the national spirit, a living inexhaustible spring of the original culture of the Tatar people, the state of their soul and a great opportunity for discovering talents, competition in strength, dexterity and ingenuity... I hope that Sabantuy will be known all over the world, and it will take its rightful place in World Heritage List".

President of the Republic of Tatarstan M.Sh. Shaimiev. The favorite holiday of the Tatar people, Sabantuy, is an ancient and new holiday, a holiday of labor, in which the beautiful customs of the people, their songs, dances, and rituals merge together.
The name of the holiday comes from the Turkic words: saban - plow and tui - holiday. Previously, Sabantuy was celebrated in honor of the beginning of spring field work (at the end of April), but now in honor of its end (in June).

This ancient holiday was described in his writings back in 921 by the famous researcher Ibn Fadlan, who arrived in the Bulgars as an ambassador from Baghdad.

IN In ancient times, the celebration of Sabantuy was a big event, and it took a long time to prepare for it. All winter, girls and young women prepared gifts - weaving, sewing, embroidering. In the spring, before the start of the holiday, young horsemen collected gifts around the village for future winners in competitions and folk games: embroidered scarves and towels, pieces of calico, shirts, chicken eggs. A towel embroidered with a national pattern was considered the most honorable gift. The collection of gifts was usually accompanied by cheerful songs, jokes, and jokes. Gifts were tied to a long pole; sometimes horsemen tied the collected towels around themselves and did not remove them until the end of the ceremony. The elders, a kind of council of Sabantuy, appointed a jury to award the winners and kept order during the competitions.K The highlight of the holiday was the Maidan - competitions in running, jumping, national wrestling - keresh, and, of course, horse racing.

Gradually, Sabantuy became a universal and interethnic holiday - today it is celebrated in villages, towns, districts, cities, the capital of Tatarstan, Moscow, St. Petersburg and many other regions of the country, as well as in different parts of the world where Tatars live.

Currently, Sabantuy has acquired the status of a public holiday: decrees and resolutions are issued on preparation, dates and venues, organizing committees are appointed from the highest-ranking leaders at each level (village, town, district, city, republic), and sources of funding are determined. The ancient holiday is gradually supplemented by modern traditions, but the main features of the celebration are preserved, passing from century to century.

In the Republic of Tatarstan, Sabantuy usually takes place in June, in three stages. IN The first Saturday after the end of spring sowing, the holiday is held in villages and hamlets of the republic, a week later - in large cities of Tatarstan, and a week later the main Sabantuy takes place in the capital of the republic, Kazan. In all administrative districts of the city, Maidans are organized for competitions, platforms for performances by masters of culture and art of Tatarstan, and folk festivals. Horse racing is held at the city's central hippodrome.

During his visit to Kazan in June 2003, UNESCO Director-General K. Matsuura supported the initiative of the President of Tatarstan M.Sh. Shaimiev to nominate the Tatar national holiday "Sabantuy", which is a living tradition and enjoys the sincere love of the people, among the candidates for inclusion in UNESCO List of Masterpieces of Oral and Intangible Heritage.
Website Culture of Tatarstan - http:// culture. tatar. ru/ brands/ show/4

Sabantuy R. Mustafin

Sabantuy can be different.

If you don’t know, don’t interpret!

Alexander Tvardovsky

From time immemorial

Everyone has probably heard about this vibrant Tatar national holiday. But what does the word “Sabantuy” mean?

“Saban” means “plow” in Tatar. And the word “tui” means “holiday”, “wedding”. Moreover, the second meaning, according to linguists, is more ancient. It can be assumed, therefore, that this word once meant “wedding,” a kind of “marriage” of the farmer’s plow with the land-nurse. In a broader sense - man and nature. It is no coincidence, therefore, that this holiday is always held in the lap of nature: in meadows, forest edges, at the foot of the hills in the most beautiful, picturesque places.

It is believed that the celebration of Sabantuy dates back to pagan, pre-Islamic times. Judging by some indirect data, Sabantuy was widely celebrated in the era of Great Bulgaria. In any case, spring races, national wrestling with sashes (kuresh), competitions of archers and runners are mentioned repeatedly in a number of historical sources.

Sabantui 1505

First colorful description Sabantuy, as historians believe, was left by an unnamed Russian chronicler in his famous “Tale of the Kingdom of Kazan”. The author of the “Tale”, who lived for more than 20 years in our city and even converted to Islam, writes that Sabantuy was held in two places - on the so-called Tsarsky (or Khansky) meadow (now this is the area behind the railway station, remaining under water) and on Arsky field, which then began immediately behind the current Freedom Square. The main holiday was considered to be on the Arsk field; it lasted several days. So, in 1505, more than a thousand tents were set up at the festival, in which the khan and his entourage, guests who came from surrounding areas, beks, sheikhs, saidids, and ordinary townspeople had fun and relaxed. In the tents, in modern terms, trade tents were set up, in which they sold food products, soft drinks and all sorts of things, including overseas ones.

Avia RT website Magazine for passengers of Tatarstan Airlines - http://www.avia-rt.ru/index.php?option=com_numbers&view=article&id_article=160

Probably, every nation has its own, especially favorite holiday, known throughout the world. For the Japanese it is the time of cherry blossoms, for the Greeks it is the Olympic Games, for the Spaniards it is bullfighting, and for the Russians it is Maslenitsa. The “signature” holiday of the Tatars is Sabantuy. By the way, he is not only known, but also celebrated – all over the world.

Appease the spirits
Now we celebrate Sabantuy in the summer, when the hard field work is over and we can relax a little. And before (by the way, before is a very long time ago, Sabantuy has a thousand-year history: in 921 it was described by the scientist Ibn Fadlan, but the holiday existed before that) Sabantuy was celebrated in April, before the start of spring sowing - in order to appease the spirits of fertility, “responsible "for a good harvest.

The very name of the event speaks to this: “saban” - spring crops or plow, “tui” - wedding, celebration. And although some historians argue that the name should be translated as “wedding of the Saban” (there was such a nationality), the “agrarian” version of the origin of the holiday is generally accepted.

By the way, almost all Volga region peoples have similar traditions: in Chuvashia they celebrate Akatuy, and in Udmurtia such a holiday is called Gerber.

Ancient traditions...
The original Sabantuy was quite different from how we are used to seeing it now. For example, in ancient times, its indispensable attribute were... eggs. The aksakals took them, painted or raw, with them to the cemetery, commemorating the dead, or gave them to the mullah so that with his prayers he would ensure well-being for the family.

Sabantuy was celebrated by the whole village, by sharing, and the celebration lasted for several days. Women painted eggs, prepared sweets, baursak - nuts made from dough with honey, various sweets and cookies, treated them to children - they, like carols, went from house to house with bags in which they collected treats, as well as various cereals, butter, sour cream - They were then used to prepare porridge for the entire village.

The young men competed in collecting eggs - the one with the largest “catch” was considered the winner. They were also given things intended for the winners of the competition: scarves, pieces of fabric, stockings, shirts, and an embroidered towel was considered the most valuable. It was a whole ritual: horsemen rode through the village with jokes and songs, in every yard they were greeted with honor, giving the best of what they had. Sometimes gifts were tied to a long pole and driven around the village with it so that everyone could see what the prize fund was, so to speak.

By the way, the young women prepared prizes and gifts throughout the year, with special diligence. Factory-made towels have never been considered a good reward. Because, firstly, it was worth trying for the best warrior in the village! And secondly, young women embroidered towels, knowing that the gift would be given publicly, and everyone would see and be able to appreciate the skill and skill of the hostess. Both the hero and his donor were equally proud of the towel that was awarded to the winner of the competition, and no other product, even a very valuable one, could compare with it.

Then the people gathered on the Maidan, where games and competitions were held - horse racing, performances by musicians and singers, wrestling of horsemen. People wore their best clothes and jewelry. Young girls especially tried - the “official” program was usually followed by youth parties, at which young people chose a bride, so it was worth being “fully prepared.” And many Turkic peoples had a custom: during horse racing, the horseman had to catch up and kiss his beloved girl (this ritual symbolized even more ancient tradition bride kidnapping). The custom was called “kyz kuu”. If the guy did not catch up with the girl, then on the way back she would already drive her horse and try to catch up with him. And knock his hat off his head with a whip. And if she shot it down, it was a terrible shame for the guy.

The holiday ended late at night. By the way, one of the main features of the Tatar Sabantuy has always been the complete absence of drunken or violent revelers - if they appeared, they were immediately expelled from the Maidan with general condemnation. Public order was simply exemplary.

Immediately after the end of Sabantuy, sowing began in the villages - a time of severe suffering, which lasted until mid-summer. In this, the Tatar Sabantuy is somewhat reminiscent of the Russian Maslenitsa: just as the Russian people feasted on pancakes and other dishes before Lent, so the Tatar villagers gained strength, rested and had fun before starting long and responsible work.

and modernity

Now Sabantuy remains the favorite holiday of Tatars all over the world. It is a state holiday in Tatarstan and is celebrated by Tatar communities in New York, Brussels, Montreal, Toronto, Prague, Istanbul and many other cities. This ancient holiday claims to be included in the UNESCO List of Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage. High officials take part in the Tatar Sabantuy with pleasure. For example, during the Ona era, Boris Yeltsin famously managed to split a clay pot with a bat - with the first blow. And Vladimir Putin “dived” into a bowl with a roll and finally pulled out a coin with his teeth!

This year, Sabantuy will be held in 12 countries, in 155 settlements in Russia, and everywhere will be dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of the luminary of Tatar literature - Gabdulla Tukay. The celebration of the plow festival has been taken under the official control of the leadership of Tatarstan. The All-Baltic Sabantuy will be held in the Baltic countries, several Sabantuys will be held in China, and Turkey and Poland will celebrate the holiday on a grand scale. This year's All-Russian rural Sabantuy will take place on June 19 in the Chuvash village of Shygyrdan. And the federal plow holiday is scheduled for July 2 – in Yekaterinburg.

Modern Sabantuy is held on Sunday, and although the traditions have undergone some changes, the main thing remains - it’s still all folk holiday, general revelry. Its main components have also been preserved: collecting gifts, competitions on the Maidan, youth fun. Traditionally, villages carefully prepare for Sabantuy: they clean the house, prepare treats for guests, put on the best clothes and go to the Maidan - whole families, usually with a samovar, so that, sitting comfortably on the grass, drink tea with goodies and watch the spectacles - there is what to look at!

Everyone - to the Maidan!
The Sabantuy holiday program is quite eventful. In the morning, people gather on the Maidan to listen to speeches by respected people congratulating everyone on the end of the spring sowing, as well as musicians, artists, and readers. Then the most interesting part begins – traditional competitions.

The most favorite competition has always been the Tatar national wrestling - kuresh, in which men compete, starting from the very beginning. younger age and ending, as a rule, with the average - old elders are part of the jury and choose the winner. The most spectacular, of course, is the last fight - when two wrestlers who have reached the final fight. The winner gets a prize. And not a towel or a shirt, as before, but, for example, a TV, washing machine or the most honorable reward - a live ram, which tradition obliges to raise above your head (and it weighs, by the way, several tens of kilos) in order to once again demonstrate its power and strength. The warriors also compete in weight lifting - they lift weights and barbells. And, of course, the most courageous and dexterous compete in horse racing. As they say, there is no Sabantuy without wrestling and racing.

In addition to “serious” ones, Sabantuy also implies a lot of comic competitions. This and the egg run
in a spoon clamped in the mouth, and running in bags, sometimes two at a time, running with buckets on rockers full of water. Tug-of-war, the favorite sack fight on a crossbar with a blindfold, climbing a pole for boots, taking coins out of vessels with katyk or curdled milk with your mouth, walking on a smooth crossbar over a pond - the program of games is very diverse. Race running, by the way, has been a very popular pastime on Sabantuy since ancient times. Previously, it was a whole action. A lot of people ran, over long distances - up to two kilometers, and the winners received valuable prizes.

As a rule, competitions end in the afternoon, and then the festivities, get-togethers, and parties begin. People go home to have fun in warm companies. And in the evening, young people, especially in villages, gather at the “kichka uen” - evening Sabantuy - to dance, play, have fun and make new romantic acquaintances with an eye to the future.

There is probably not a single resident of Tatarstan who has not been to Sabantui at least once. And for those who are not yet familiar with Sabantuy due to “non-local origin”, but want to find out what it is, to feel the incomparable atmosphere of a truly folk holiday, some travel agencies organize special “Sabantuy tours”. The program includes, in addition to attending the celebration, several excursions around Kazan, visits to the Kazan Kremlin, the Kul Sharif Mosque, the Peter and Paul Cathedral, the famous Raifa Monastery, etc. This year in the regions of the republic the holiday will be celebrated on June 11–13, in cities – 17–19, and in the capital, Kazan, the festive action will unfold on June 25.

Those who want to see the plow festival on a nationwide scale can go to Yekaterinburg - the federal Sabantuy will be held there. The celebrations will take place on July 1-2, and the program has already been approved. The main venue will be the Lokomotiv stadium, and the highlight of the program promises to be national Tatar and Bashkir wrestling. Our republic will be represented by the Nizhnekamsk region. It won’t be boring - in addition to traditional competitions, guests will enjoy craft exhibitions, performances by artists, tasting of national cuisine and much more interesting things. Elena Rychkova

Website TemaKazan - http://www.temakazan.ru/useful_info/article/1/

From the history of Sabantuy

Sabantuy has long been the favorite holiday of the Tatar people. According to some researchers, it has a thousand-year history. In any case, back in 921 this holiday was described by the Baghdad ambassador Ibn Fadlan, who arrived in ancient Bulgar. Now Sabantuy falls in June, when sowing works end, but in previous years it was celebrated before they began, at the end of April. This holiday was celebrated in most villages of the Kazan Tatars and Kryashen Tatars. Its name comes from the Tatar words “saban” (“spring” or “plough”) and “tui” (“celebration”, “wedding”). The Tatar Sabantuy is in many ways reminiscent of the Chuvash Akatuy, the Bashkir Khabantuy and the Udmurt Gerber.

Among the Tatars, perhaps, there is not a single person who does not know about the existence of Sabantuy. This holiday is also celebrated by the Bashkirs and some peoples of the Volga region and the Caucasus.

A holiday of farmers or nomads?

Without exaggeration, Sabantuy can be called the most favorite holiday of the Tatars. It is full of folk dances, songs, games, gifts, and symbolizes the reunification of man with nature. Sabantuy is celebrated in honor of the end of field work; it is called the triumph of labor and the plow.

“Sabantuy is one of the most ancient holidays. This is evidenced by a tombstone from 1294, which was discovered during excavations. The epitaph says: “The deceased died on the day of Sabantuy,” says Gamirzyan Davletshin, professor of the department of Tatar studies and Turkic studies at the Institute of International Relations, History and Oriental Studies of KFU.

By the way, the name of the holiday itself comes from the words “saban” (plough) and “tui” (holiday). Therefore, the opinion has taken root among the people that Sabantuy is the triumph of agriculture. However, the professor questions this interpretation.

“The games traditionally held on this day show that the people of that time were characterized not by sedentism, but by nomadism. Fights, horse racing, running uphill - all this characterizes nomads rather than farmers,” notes Gamirzyan Davletshin.

Sabantuy is always accompanied by loud music and dancing. Photo: AiF-Kazan/ Alexandra Dorfman

How Sabantuy has changed

Over time, many holidays undergo changes. So, recently the tradition of collecting gifts before Sabantuy has been forgotten. Since ancient times, on horses with decorated harnesses or on carts, riders rode through the streets with songs and music, collecting souvenirs for the winners of future competitions - batyrs. Gifts were brought from each house, among which were predominantly scarves and towels, skillfully embroidered by village craftswomen.

“In some villages and villages this tradition is observed, but in cities it is extremely rare,” adds the professor.

In addition, in the old days, special significance was attached to the location of the holiday - the Maidan. It had to be located near a river or mountain. Sabantuy was traditionally opened by the elder - the most respected person in the village. Nowadays, the ceremony is mainly attended by the heads of cities and settlements. Also, according to Gamirzyan Davletshin, lately people have been walking on Sabantui until late in the evening, whereas traditionally it is a morning holiday.

There are no special treats during the holiday, but people always try to serve lamb for dinner. Photo: AiF-Kazan/ Alexandra Dorfman

“At lunchtime, people visited each other and treated them to different dishes. There are no specific treats on this holiday, but the Tatars try to serve lamb food and ayran as a drink. It is not customary to drink alcohol, because basically all Tatars are Muslims, and Allah forbids alcohol,” says Gamirzyan Davletshin.

Kuresh wrestling

Not a single Sabantuy is complete without a national wrestling tournament, Kuresh; this is an important part of the holiday. The winner receives the title of batyr (strong man) and the main prize - a ram. Kuresh is belt wrestling. The main condition for victory is to tear your opponent off the ground and put him on his back. Traditionally, the competition is opened by boys, then continued by young men, and the culmination of the battle is the fight between the two finalists, as a result of which the main hero is revealed.

The opponent must be lifted and thrown onto his back. Photo: AiF-Kazan/ Alexandra Dorfman

Horse racing

At Sabantui, the most spectacular part of the program is horse racing. The fact is that for a Tatar, a horse has always been not only an assistant, but also a friend. Previously, children aged 10-15 years old took part in the competition, now they are experienced riders. Horse racing takes place at the hippodrome. The longest distance in the competition is 2400 meters, the shortest is 1000 meters.

Horse racing takes place at the hippodrome. Photo: OJSC "Tatspirtprom"

On the pole behind the rooster

The most difficult prize to reach is at the top of a smooth, tall pillar. The competitor must climb onto it without the help of any tools and get the rooster. It only looks like an easy exercise, but in reality, few people can do it.

There is a rooster at the top of the smooth column. Photo: AiF-Kazan/ Alexandra Dorfman

Running in a bag, with an egg and uphill

In addition to the main competitions - kuresh wrestling and horse racing - Sabantuy is replete with traditional sports and entertainment games. For example, running with an egg. The participant places a raw egg in a spoon and the spoon in his mouth. So you need to overcome several meters and not drop the egg. Running uphill, running in sacks and tug of war are considered folk games; they are held not only on Sabantuy, but also on other holidays.

Break the pot

The ceremony of expelling evil spirits used to be accompanied by the ritual of breaking a clay pot; now it is just a fun game. A blindfolded participant must hit a clay pot with a stick. They say that in 1996 Boris Yeltsin came to Kazan for Sabantuy, where he coped with the competition according to all the rules.

The pot must be broken blindfolded. Photo: AiF-Kazan/ Alexandra Dorfman

Sack fight

Two competitors sit astride a log facing each other, holding sacks filled with straw in their hands. At the referee's signal, the players begin hitting each other with bags, trying to knock the opponent to the ground.

Sack fight. Photo: AiF

Coin in katyk

The player is tightly blindfolded and hands behind his back. At the judge’s signal, the player bends over the plate and, “diving” his face into katyk (fermented milk drink), begins to look for a coin with his lips. The time to search for a coin is strictly limited.

Lifting a kettlebell

Competitors must lift a stone weighing approximately 25-30 kg by hand. The rules of the competition are simple: each participant first lifts the stone with both hands and places it comfortably on the right palm raised to the shoulder. And after that, slowly straightening his arm, he lifts the weight. At most Sabantuys, weight lifting competitions use kettlebells or barbells.

“Perhaps the people love Sabantuy because it gives every adult the opportunity to feel like a child again for one day. Therefore, we can say with confidence that the main traditions of this holiday will never die,” notes Gamirzyan Davletshin.

Every year throughout the country and even abroad, in the month of June, the Tatars organize their national holiday - Sabantuy .

Sabantuy is a colorful spectacle in which everyone can find something to suit their interests. During the holiday, various competitions are organized: sack running, tug-of-war, and sports such as chess and volleyball.

The main competitionSabantuy - this is the identification of the strong man Tatar national wrestling holiday - sidekick . The winner receives a ram as a reward, which he must lift onto his shoulder and make a circle of honor with it around the area Sabantuy Maidan .



When did the tradition of celebrating the holiday begin? Sabantuy ?

According to some studies, this ancient holiday has a thousand-year history. Thus, back in 921, the famous researcher Ibn Fadlan, who arrived in the Bulgars as an ambassador from Baghdad, described it in his writings. Also in the Alkeevsky district of Tatarstan, scientists discovered a tombstone, the inscription on which stated that the deceased died in 1120 on the day of Sabantuy.

Previously, Sabantuy was celebrated in honor of the beginning of spring field work (at the end of April), but now in honor of its end (in June).

The origins of the celebration of Sabantuy go back to ancient times and are associated with the agrarian cult. This is evidenced by its name: saban means “spring”, or in another meaning, “plough”, and thuy means “wedding”, “celebration”. Thus, the meaning of the word sabantuy is a celebration in honor of the sowing of spring crops.

The original purpose of the ritual was apparently to appease the spirits of fertility in order to favor a good harvest in the new year.

With changes in the economic way of life magical rituals lost their meaning, but many of them continued to exist as folk entertainment and holidays. This happened with Sabantuy.

In the 19th century, Sabantui was simply a cheerful folk holiday, which marked the beginning of very complex, labor-intensive agricultural work. Only in certain places have survival rituals been preserved, indicating the original connection of Sabantuy with magic.

Research in recent years shows that Sabantui consisted of an alternation of rituals that were performed in early spring - from the first melting of snow to the beginning of sowing. This holiday existed in most villages of the Kazan Tatars and Tatar-Kryashen (baptized Tatars). In the villages of the Mishar Tatars (Nizhny Novgorod Tatars) Sabantuy was not held, although some spring rites, included in it, were also found there (children collecting colored eggs, playing with eggs, etc.) In its implementation, local differences were observed, caused by the presence or absence of individual rituals.

Similar to Sabantuy Chuvash Akatui, Bashkir Khabantuy and Udmurt Gerber”.

The songs began again

Sing along and dance to them.

It's a national holiday -

Our cheerful Sabantuy!

Sabantuy - spring holiday,

Holiday of friendship and labor.

Sing, play and laugh loudly

And dance like never before!

The sound of fun over the fields,

Have fun, hero, rejoice!

Gives joy to all peoples

The glorious holiday Sabantuy.

And the fun will last

To Sabantui until dark.

For everyone who wants to have fun

We give songs and flowers!

The Fatherland gave birth to us,

Friendship is as strong as granite.

Our strength lies in this friendship.

Our friendship is forever.

And let the fun roll

Every year again and again.

To our brothers, to our sisters

We give songs and love!

Sabantuy holiday

The favorite holiday of the Tatar people, Sabantuy, is an ancient and new holiday, a holiday of labor, in which the beautiful customs of the people, their songs, dances, and rituals merge together.

The name of the holiday comes from the Turkic words: saban - plow and tui - holiday.

Previously, Sabantuy was celebrated in honor of the beginning of spring field work (at the end of April), but now in honor of its end (in June).

This ancient holiday was described in his writings back in 921 by the famous researcher Ibn Fadlan, who arrived in the Bulgars as an ambassador from Baghdad.

Sabantuy holiday

In the old days, the celebration of Sabantuy was a big event, and it took a long time to prepare for it. All winter, girls and young women prepared gifts - weaving, sewing, embroidering. In the spring, before the start of the holiday, young horsemen collected gifts around the village for future winners in competitions and folk games: embroidered scarves and towels, pieces of calico, shirts, chicken eggs. A towel embroidered with a national pattern was considered the most honorable gift. The collection of gifts was usually accompanied by cheerful songs, jokes, and jokes. Gifts were tied to a long pole; sometimes horsemen tied the collected towels around themselves and did not remove them until the end of the ceremony. The elders, a kind of council of Sabantuy, appointed a jury to award the winners and kept order during the competitions. The culmination of the holiday was the Maidan - competitions in running, jumping, national wrestling - keresh, and, of course, horse racing.

Gradually, Sabantuy became a universal and interethnic holiday - today it is celebrated in villages, towns, districts, cities, the capital of Tatarstan, Moscow, St. Petersburg and many other regions of the country, as well as in different parts of the world where Tatars live.

Currently, Sabantuy has acquired the status of a public holiday: decrees and resolutions are issued on preparation, dates and venues, organizing committees are appointed from the highest-ranking leaders at each level (village, town, district, city, republic), and sources of funding are determined. The ancient holiday is gradually supplemented by modern traditions, but the main features of the celebration are preserved, passing from century to century.

In the Republic of Tatarstan, Sabantuy usually takes place in June, in three stages. On the first Saturday after the end of spring sowing, the holiday is held in villages and hamlets of the republic, a week later - in large cities of Tatarstan, and a week later the main Sabantuy takes place in the capital of the republic, Kazan. In all administrative districts of the city, Maidans are organized for competitions, platforms for performances by masters of culture and art of Tatarstan, and folk festivals. Horse racing is held at the city's central hippodrome.

During his visit to Kazan in June 2003, UNESCO Director-General K. Matsuura supported the initiative of the President of Tatarstan M.Sh. Shaimiev to nominate the Tatar national holiday "Sabantuy", which is a living tradition and enjoys the sincere love of the people, among the candidates for inclusion in UNESCO List of Masterpieces of Oral and Intangible Heritage.

Competitions on Sabantui

Thanks to active participation in Sabantuy, representatives of other nations, their gaming repertoire is constantly enriched.

In this regard, sports games, which have been used by folk pedagogy for many centuries as a means of educating the younger generation, are of particular value. Moreover, their characteristic feature is completeness (prologue - game - epilogue) and strict regulation, with an emphasis on competition and achieving victory.

Sabantuy holiday

All this assumes that Maidan games have their own oral folk rules, passed down from generation to generation. Already in the medieval period there were both written rules and methodological manuals regulating the development of traditional games. Many Maidan games, as a rule, are of common Turkic origin, have a centuries-old history and rich traditions, they are preserved in folklore, their names are recorded in dictionaries. Sources of the X-XI centuries. they say that even then the main game components included in modern Sabantuy were formed. In addition to the main competitions - kuresh and horse racing, Sabantuy is replete with traditional sports and entertainment games. Traditionally, Sabantuy sports include running for speed and endurance over a variety of distances, racing uphill, over obstacles, and others. Sabantuy participants eagerly compete in cross-country races. Often the distance is determined by eye - “from village to village”. Moreover, everywhere runners are accompanied by riders or motorcyclists who provide assistance if necessary. It was with walking that Sabantui began at the beginning of the 20th century. There were several races in different age categories: children started, like all Sabantuy competitions. The distance was determined by eye: from approximately half to one verst and from one to two versts. The tauga chabysh (uphill running) competition is recorded in the dictionary of M. Kashgari (11th century). Uphill running as one of the types of batyr competitions also appears in the Tatar folk tales(“Alpamsha”, “Kamyr Batyr”, etc.).

The origin of this type of running goes back to the distant past and is associated with the worship of the “spirit of the mountain”. Hill running is included in the programs of many Sabantuys (where there are hills).

For a long time on Sabantuy they competed in lifting weights - stones. Stone lifting competitions are still preserved at festivals in a number of areas. Competitors must lift a stone weighing approximately 25-30 kilograms with one hand. The rules of the competition are simple and publicly available: each participant first lifts the stone with both hands and places it comfortably on the right palm raised to the shoulder. And after that, slowly straightening his arm, he lifts the weight. At most Sabantuys, weight lifting competitions use kettlebells or barbells. In many areas, competitors prefer to lift twenty-four-kilogram and two-pound weights.

At the regional Sabantuy, another long-standing folk tradition is being revived: youth and veterans actively participate in competitions in carrying weights (weights). Only men over 25 years old were allowed to participate in the tournament.

Sikeresh (jumping), like other national sports of the ancient Turks, was mentioned in the dictionary of M. Kashgari. Competitions are held in high and long jumps.

Arm wrestling is showing itself more and more confidently at Sabantuy. If in the international sports arena this sport is known as arm wrestling, among the Tatar people it has long been known as “kul koreshteru”. Its rules are simple: in order to defeat an opponent, you need to press his hand to the table on which a special pillow is placed.

Arkan (rope, bau) tartysh (tug of war). In the ancient Turkic dictionary it is designated by the terms uruq (rope, rope) and uqruq (lasso).

Uk atysh (archery). M. Kashgari wrote about this truly folk sport: “curam - archery at a distant target; curam oqi - a light long arrow for archery at a distant target.”

Yodryk sugyshi (fist fight). Speaking about truly national sports, one cannot fail to mention fist fighting, which the Tatars, like other Turkic peoples, have cultivated since ancient times.

Running with a yoke is a comic competition, but it has a certain subtext: since the buckets are not empty, but filled to the brim with water and mainly young girls of marriageable age and daughters-in-law compete, their accuracy is also tested here. Pea fight is one of the most favorite competitions. The task is to break a pot while blindfolded.

For the most dexterous, there is such a competition as climbing a pole, on top of which a red flag or a valuable gift is attached. Moreover, the height of the pillar sometimes reaches 15 meters.

A fun competition to find a coin in a bowl with a roll. The referees blindfold the player tightly and ask him to put his hands behind his back. At the judge’s signal, the player bends over the plate and, “diving” his face into the bowl, begins to look for a coin with his lips. He only has a strictly limited time for this. Children especially love such fun as running with an egg in a spoon, while holding the spoon in the mouth.

The comic competition of fighting with bags of straw while sitting on a log also requires a certain dexterity. A log is being installed on the Maidan round shape. Two competitors sit astride a log facing each other, holding sacks filled with straw in their hands. At the referee's signal, the players begin to hit each other with bags, trying to knock the opponent off the log to the ground. Whoever manages to hold his own on a log and throw his opponent to the ground is declared the winner. There are also many different competitions related to the presence of certain technical means and conditions allowing their implementation. Such, for example, as competitions on paired teams, horse riding, trotting under saddle, kyz kuu (the horse rider must catch up with the girl rider and kiss or tear off the embroidered scarf tied on the sleeve while galloping), running along the well crane and others.

The history of the Sabantui holiday

The origin of the calendar holiday Sabantuy among the ancestors of the Tatars is associated with the rituals of public prayers and sacrifices in honor of the god of the sky and sun Tengre and the spirits of ancestors. From the very beginning, Sabantuy was a spring holiday associated with the awakening of nature and the beginning of spring work (saban - “spring”). Its origin is connected with the rites of ritual marriage with nature that existed among a number of ancient Turkic tribes and other peoples of the world. Therefore, initially the games and competitions of Sabantuy were of a sacred nature. In this context, thuja should be interpreted precisely as “wedding” (“marriage”).

The most ancient and main competitions on Sabantui, associated with the nomadic and semi-nomadic life of the ancestors of the Tatars and previously having sacred significance, are running, national wrestling kuresh, horse racing (“at chabyshlar”) and jumping. This is largely explained by the similar ideology of pagan rituals and holidays associated with the beginning of the spring-summer cycle of agricultural work among the Tatar, Bashkir, Chuvash, Mari, Udmurt, Mordovian and Russian ethnic groups. There was a mutual enrichment of the content of Sabantuy and similar holidays among other peoples of the Volga region.

Putin at the Sabantuy holiday

The basis of the Sabantuy ritual of giving, which replaced the pagan sacrifices to the god of the Sun and sky Tengre, is the desire for procreation, ensuring the fertility of livestock and the fertility of the earth. The motive of gifting, which replaced sacrifices, is the basis for collecting gifts on Sabantui. Moreover, the collection of gifts by the young men, who were called “Birne Zhyyuchy”, “Solge Zhyyuchy”, became a kind of prelude to the holiday. Sabantuy gifts - embroidered white towels, scarves, eggs and, finally, a ram intended for the hero Sabantuy. The runner who injured his leg and especially the horse who crossed the finish line last were rewarded. The necks of such horses were decorated with embroidered towels and scarves. Despite the impact on the Sabantuy holiday in different eras of certain elements (Muslim, Christian, Soviet), the transmission of the tradition of rituals, games and competitions of Sabantuy remained continuous, as evidenced by many types of historical sources (written, archaeological, ethnographic, etc.). During the existence of the Kazan Khanate, Sabantuy received the status of the most widespread national holiday.

Since that time, it has wandered from century to century, enriched with new content and forms, turning into a truly international, creative, sports, gaming, and humanitarian forum. After the adoption of Islam by the Volga Bulgaria, which in principle did not prohibit ancient customs that do not contradict Sharia, the ruling elite changed its value orientations in relation to the genealogical and cultural pagan heroes, the former khans, which could not but affect the ritual, i.e. main part calendar holidays. It was with the adoption of Islam by the Volga Bulgars that the folk calendar. New Year began to be celebrated as the holiday of Nauruz, or Hamal. Sabantuy moved back to the beginning of May, becoming the holiday of the beginning of spring and sowing. After the introduction of the Gregorian calendar in Soviet Russia on February 14, 1918, Nauruz began to be celebrated among the Tatars as a holiday to welcome spring.

Since the 20s of the 20th century, Sabantuy, approaching in time to the day summer solstice, absorbed the best components of the second Tatar folk holiday - Dzhien, which also has ancient Turkic roots. It preserved the best examples of the cultural heritage of the Tatar people - songs and dances, games, competitions and original physical exercises.

Since 1990, Sabantuy has been included in the list of legislatively approved republican holidays, which allows us to consider it as a historical phenomenon not only in the system of calendar customs and rituals of the people, but also as an integral part of nationwide holidays.

The visit to Tatarstan and the direct participation in Sabantuy of the Presidents of the Russian Federation B.N. played a big role in strengthening public interest in Sabantuy. Yeltsin in 1995 and V.V. Putin in 2001.

Despite the fact that Sabantuy is an original Tatar national folk holiday, representatives of other nationalities are also welcome to participate in it. Sabantuy is held in villages and cities of the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as outside it - places of compact residence of the Tatar population (in the regions of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Germany, USA). Sabantuy is a concentrated expression of Tatar traditional culture, its ethics and values. At the same time, throughout history it has absorbed elements of other ethnic cultures.

The Sabantuy model as a form of cultural communication technology can serve as the basis for the initiation of a new type international holidays, like the annual Carnival in Rio de Janeiro or the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture in Bulgaria.

Sabantuy: traditions and innovation

Cheerful, wise Sabantuy is an unsurpassed invention of the Tatar people. Having originated in the depths of centuries, it has survived to this day as a holiday with magical property constantly updated and enriched, absorbing the material and spiritual achievements of society at this stage. Sabantuy, as a truly mass holiday, gives every person, no matter what nationality, religion or age, the opportunity to have fun, take part in competitive games or just be a spectator.

Over the past few decades, Sabantuy has further strengthened its position as an all-Tatar holiday, celebrated along with Tatarstan and in many countries near and far where Tatars live. It is acquiring a, one might say, all-Russian character, attracting more and more representatives of different nations and peoples of Russia every year; in some regions, official authorities are already taking on the role of organizers of the action.

Yes, all this cannot but rejoice. But I would be disingenuous if I didn’t also talk about the things that worry me. For more than three decades now, the radio play “Sabantuy” based on my poem of the same name has been broadcast annually, in last years it was heard more than once on the all-Russian airwaves. So, even during this historically short period of time, noticeable changes took place in the organization of Sabantuy, and, in my opinion, not all of them were positive. What exactly are we talking about?

Sabantuy is dear and valuable to us, first of all, as a democratic, folk holiday, in which or with the help of which we come into contact with folk traditions communication and fun. There are traditions - there are people, there are no traditions - there are no people. This is an axiom! Preserving and protecting the age-old traditions of the Tatar people, their rituals and customs, native language and songs, we strengthen our foundations as a nation and people; by destroying them, we destroy ourselves. Therefore, the balance of traditional and innovative in the organization and conduct of Sabantuy, which absorbs almost all forms of creativity of the Tatar people, must always be precisely adjusted.

The days of Sabantuy in our republic are determined by the decree of the President of Tatarstan. Then preparations for the holiday begin in municipalities. The timing of Sabantuy is strictly observed, and thus the social and economic life of the republic does not get out of the usual rut. This approach to the national holiday is, as it were, a modern continuation of ancient traditions, but at the state level.

The locations of Sabantuy are determined by municipalities, and the more familiar and permanent these places are, the better the aura of the holiday, the deeper the perception of its meaning by both participants and organizers.

Through the centuries, the main types of competitions and games of Sabantuy have come down to us. Among the competitions, these are horse racing, sash wrestling, sack running, running with an egg in a spoon, running with buckets of water on a yoke, climbing a smooth pole, fighting with sacks on a log; Among the games - breaking a pot with a stick while blindfolded, searching for a coin in a roll with your mouth. Also traditional are competitions of singers, dancers, and folk performers. musical instruments- accordion players, kura players, kubyz players.

Special mention must be made of the traditions of hospitality and feasting. To this day, on Sabantuy you can find family feasts with their own samovars and treats on a tablecloth spread right on the grass, with songs accompanied by talyanka.

As a rule, competitions and Sabantuy games are started by children, teenagers pick up the baton, then they are replaced by young men, and only then adults take over. I would call this tradition of continuity of generations one of the most important on our Sabantui, which must be observed under any circumstances and conditions. The Sabantui spirit of competition, once infused into the heart of a person in childhood, will help him all his life. I know this from myself. In order for a person to be able to preserve his face and dignity under any circumstances, he must always be ready for both victories and defeats, and be able to balance his desires with his capabilities. In this sense, Sabantuy is Primary School life.

From time immemorial, the main prize of Sabantuy was a live ram, and it was intended for the absolute hero. The winning horse at the races was always awarded the brightest, most beautiful, expensive towel, and then a whole year before next holiday the names of both the winning horseman, along with the name of the glorious horse, and the hostess who made the award towel remained on everyone’s lips. I cannot say that this tradition is followed everywhere today.

In this regard, I would like to raise this issue. With the expansion of the scale of Sabantuy celebrations throughout Russia and beyond its borders and the desire to restore the originality of the national holiday, the need for Tatar towels has sharply increased. It is impossible to weave them in demanded quantities using an artisanal, manual method. The Alekseevsk factory in Tatarstan alone is unable to satisfy the needs of the Sabantuy organizers for towels, both quantitatively and qualitatively. But it is possible to establish mass production of special Sabantui towels, which are required for Kuresh wrestling, and for prizes at horse races and other competitions. Let us remember: we needed large quantities skullcaps of various denominations - and they appeared, the same with carpets with images of the Kazan Kremlin - they, thank God, are also not in short supply today.

On the eve of Sabantuy, young men collected gifts for prizes. It was this custom, which was called “seren sugu”, that essentially made Sabantuy a national holiday. Times have changed, budgets at various levels began to provide funds for the celebration, and in recent years sponsorship funds have been added to this necessary and noble cause, and... a deeply meaningful custom began to lose its meaning. Because of this, the people lost the status of the organizer of Sabantuy and remained only its participants and spectators. It seems to me that not for the main purpose of collecting gifts, but to create an atmosphere of participation of the population in organizing the holiday and in order to preserve the tradition, we need to return to this custom. After all, it won’t be particularly difficult, say, in regional centers and villages on the eve of Sabantuy to ride with the announcement of the collection of gifts on three horses through the streets with a Sabantuy pole on which symbolic towels flutter. And in cities, the troika can easily be replaced by cars.

There was a good custom: when Batyr Sabantuy was presented with a ram, he turned to the Maidan and asked: “Aksakallar, sez rizamy?” (Do you, elders, agree with this?). And only after an affirmative answer from the Maidan did the hero hoist the ram onto his shoulders. Unfortunately, this custom, which was alive thirty years ago and was reflected in my poem, has now sunk into history. Now kuresh on the Maidan often results in an organized performance, in which the outcome of the fights is determined by pre-appointed judges, whose decisions are not always objective. The people are excluded from identifying the winners and losers on the Maidan in hot pursuit. Let's return, as the French say, to our sheep. A gift, as we know, should be both desirable and pleasant for the one to whom it is given. And what kind of ram is often presented to the hero at the current Sabantuy? The one who spent the whole winter lying in manure, from which the whole Maidan smells far from “Chanel”... Is it supposed to be like that? main gift absolute hero of the main holiday of the Tatar people, known for its cleanliness?

As for the transformation of some Sabantuy competitions into commercial events, at which the winners and prize-winners are presented with passenger cars, expensive foreign motorcycles and other luxury items in the form of awards on a merchant scale, it seems to me that this does not fit in with the nature of Sabantuy as a national holiday.

To this day, in other rural areas of Sabantuy, the custom of rewarding the horse that comes last to the finish line is still alive, as a sign of support and consolation. But on Sabantuy on a regional scale, especially on a city scale, this custom almost no longer occurs. It's a pity. This custom, as I understand it, symbolizes the kindness of soul and kindness of our people.

And in conclusion, a few words about innovation and innovation.

Sabantuy, by its status, is a national holiday, although its main organizer is now the state. Nevertheless, the holiday begins with the solemn raising of the symbol of Sabantuy - a white towel with red ends, and not the national flag. And it is right. National flags Russia and specific regions can be raised in advance. However, the solemnly raised symbol of Sabantuy does not always descend solemnly, announcing the end of the national holiday. Trifle? Don't tell me!

A good innovation in holding Sabantuy was the award ceremony for industry leaders and winners of various industry competitions. But, unfortunately, this process is often accompanied by lengthy reports from the district leadership and gruelingly long awards. The people, waiting for the start of the real Sabantuy, get tired and begin to disperse.

Sabantuy is a secular holiday that has nothing to do with religion. I had to participate in Sabantui, which began with the reading of a prayer by a mullah, although the participants in the holiday included parishioners of the priest, the rabbi, and the priest. And among the Tatars there are many Orthodox Christians. And then Sabantuy continued like any other holiday in Russia, that is, with the taking, unfortunately, not only of tea, fruit juices and mineral water. The verses of the Koran and the word of God must be treated appropriately.

I like such innovations as competitions in weight lifters, kettlebell lifters, chess and checkers players, cyclists, as well as in volleyball, table tennis, and arm wrestling. It is interesting to watch the running competitions of hobbled pairs of boys and girls, runners on stilts, walking on a swinging inclined pole, and the game “kyz kuu”.

The new pearl of Sabantuy was racing with the participation of the best trotters in the area, and in Kazan, Nurlat - trotters even from near and far abroad.

In a word, development processes have taken place and are taking place in the depths of Sabantuy, which delight us and at the same time make us seriously worry about the preservation of its identity and originality. And the balance of the traditions of the national holiday with innovations dictated by time, and therefore its future fate, depends only on us.






