A gift to mom from loved ones and close people is always perceived as something amazing and unique. Even if you present old toy from her immemorial childhood, she will be glad to hold it in her hands and remember the fleeting nights spent near the crib.

And there are so many different things you can give to mom and dad that your thoughts just fly away - what kind of gift can you make for mom with your own hands?

Any gift from a child to his mother will be the best, even if he makes it clumsily, with his own hands, or creates a masterpiece from improvised means (see). There are a lot of ideas on the Internet that can help you create a personalized gift. The following photo selection will give you some ideas about choosing a suitable and affordable gift.

Even children can repeat such a gift - all you need to do is use paints and the help of your dad to insert the drawing into the frame. Children can give such a gift to their beloved mother. different ages– both 3-year-olds and primary school students.

The present is easier, but requires good hand motor skills. Small movements will help kids engage in interesting processes, creating a work of art before their eyes. An applique gift for mom from dad and children will decorate a child's room or parents' bedroom.

A similar gift for a nursing mother can be prepared within a few hours. Just imagine, she’s already tired of the hassle and everyday chores, doesn’t have time to cook or clean somewhere, and is always busy with home and family.

And having accepted such a surprise, you can replenish her lost strength and take a breath of air. Children grow so quickly, and a nursing mother, under the influence of hormones, will be even more moved.

Such applications are suitable for working with children in the older kindergarten group. There they have already learned to work with plasticine, know how to select parts, and carefully handle small objects. And the perseverance and attentiveness of the children will allow them to create a gift for the young mother.

This kind of crafts can be made by older children who know how to mix colors and work with food coloring. Below are instructions on how to make exactly the same surprise using bread and food additives.

It’s easy to make a similar gift for your mother’s 64th birthday from simple cotton swabs that are inserted into plasticine. The flower stems will be candy sticks or balloon tubes. You can take straws to make it easier to install them in the pot.

A simple flower from scraps can be sewn in a few minutes. The price of such a gift will be low, and the emotions received from giving it will be maximum. A young or experienced mother will be pleased to see a panel created by her child’s hands, no matter how old he is.

Plasticine, which has a convenient consistency, is suitable for sculpting crafts, as well as for finishing and decorating interior items. We will do without a video in this article, and below is also another master class on how to make decor for vases from a similar material.

Many people know such a thing as chewing gum for hands. It is used for modeling, and its second name is handgam (in translation from English - chewing gum).

It is softer in composition and consistency than plasticine, heats up faster, is more flexible and can easily be created into extraordinary shapes. It takes the shape of any object well, without deforming after removing the surface from it.

An ideal gift for an elderly mother who will keep even small-sized beeswax figurines. Why?

The fact is that working with such material is very difficult, and having made one presentation, the second may not work out. Therefore, with good skill, it is better to make one detail that will be so dear to the heart of your mother or grandmother.

You can also make a more complex surprise for mommy in terms of the manufacturing process. Thanks to existence different techniques, you can achieve amazing results - homemade desserts (see), interesting decorative elements and even unique paintings that depict the times. This will be the most expensive, because memories are stored by things, not memory.

Creative gifts for mom and dad

Let's not forget about the father, who deserves respect and love no less than the mother. Parents can also make a joint gift that will suit both of them.

Below we have prepared several master classes to clearly show what you can prepare for parents. And then according to the plan - a selection of photographs and ideas for choosing a present.

Mom also sometimes wants to look through an album with photographs that will reflect her life from start to finish. A photo book for mom as a gift will be a wonderful present, both for a birthday and for an international women's holiday.

A simple bracelet, similar to which other crafts will be made below, can be presented to your mother for an anniversary or New Year. Even if it is too fragile and delicate for everyday wear, it is guaranteed to please with its performance and appearance.

A small talisman will appeal to those mothers who are still trying to please themselves with new accessories. On front side Any objects can be depicted, it is better to choose a photo together or a picture with the personification of a mother.

You can give both mom and dad a simple souvenir pot. By the way, you can also make it yourself by choosing materials to use simple lungs mixtures of gypsum or cement powder.

For those who like to watch the dough rise in the oven, we suggest preparing a gift. It will be a pity to eat it, but mom will definitely take a couple of pictures as a souvenir. Look, grandma will have a painting of your creation hanging in her room.

Indeed, why buy gifts at high prices when you can make such a surprise yourself. This beaded gift for mom will take several hours to make, but will delight the eye for several more years.

And now we come to the final part of ideas for choosing a gift. As promised, we tell you what can be made for this or that occasion for a celebration or a simple festive evening.

Surprises for beloved parents

If you are preparing a gift for dad and mom, proceed from their common preferences. These can be either edible or decorative gift options.

Above we talked about baking. So, from homemade puff pastry you can make completely inedible memorable gifts. And from children's plasticine you can create stunning updated decor for a living room or bedroom.

Modeling from puff pastry

Mom and Dad will like the next salt dough gift the most, because it will display the most important element their lives are the development of a child captured in a cast. And it's not important appearance, and the materiality of the object - they will always be able to touch it and remember how beautiful that infancy period was, and how quickly time flies.

To prepare the dough you will need:
  • Salt;
  • Flour;
  • Dry yeast;
  • Water;
  • Milk.

Knead the dough, bringing it to a homogeneous consistency.

Tear off a large piece of it so that the cast is clear and large.

Apply the chilled dough (not cold, not ice cream) to your baby's foot or hand. You can make several casts for grandparents, or, if there are many children, for each child individually.

Place the printed dough in the freezer for 15-20 minutes, then leave it in the refrigerator overnight. The freezer will hold the dough together so that the dough does not have time to deform, and the refrigerator will allow it to be stored for several hours.

This is how casts of legs and arms are made. In the future, you will have to process the edges and sand the surface.

The impressions of the handles should be more imprinted, since excess residue will have to be removed between the fingers. It’s easier with legs – the toes are always together.

After taking the casts out of the refrigerator, let them warm up. They should not be cold and soft, the temperature should vary from +12 to +23 degrees.

So that all the cracks and lines of the palms can be seen, fill the molds with plaster solution.

Remove the molds and assemble the plaster crafts. Some may break, so you can make several identical options.

If there are older children in the house, they can help with the cleaning. This kind of gift from her son will be very pleasant for mother.

Paint the resulting casts in any desired color.

Decorate the frame and place the molds with glue in the center of the picture without glass.

Advice: if you are unable to make such casts the first time, purchase a ready-made plaster mixture for sculpting figures. It is perfect for a latex base, making it easier to get rid of grout and unnecessary parts.

Decor of interior items

That same plasticine is the basis for creating a masterpiece. will definitely suit your taste.

Use glass cones or small medium-sized vases as a platform.

Buy ball-type clay or make some using foam and handmade modeling gum.

Stir the entire mixture from the jar. Degrease the glass so that the plasticine does not come off after drying.

Distribute the mixture around the circumference of the surface. Watch the joints between the lumps - if they form empty seats, try to hide them first, and then move on to the next “bare” spot.

Align the joints and remove excess pieces from the neck.

Grind the balls, dispersing them into open small areas.

Squeeze the excess with your hands and it will come to the surface. You can remove them with your fingers.

Only after this do you start decorating the bottom.

After sealing the joints between the sides and the bottom, dry the plasticine on a radiator or in the sun.

If you have several colors of plasticine, create some decoration for the vase.

Mix the available colors, make several blanks.

Place the leftovers in a jar with a tight lid so that the plasticine does not dry out.

With the help acrylic paints draw pictures on the vase.

Plasticine of a different color can be useful for creating a second layer of decor.

Use silver professional paints to decorate the patches.

This is how you can decorate or change the appearance of a vase or flower cone.

Tip: You can give your mother a set of glasses with a similar decor as a gift. Come up with a theme for the presentation, use everything necessary elements and details, as well as plasticine - it will look elegant on any surface.

Master classes on creating surprises

Since we talked above about gifts made from scrap materials, we cannot help but talk about them in detail in the sections below. You can use them to make a gift for mom and dad with your own hands thanks to simple methods and knowledge.

Crafts from bread and paints

Flowers made from bread and paints will be an excellent alternative to bouquets. We will make another DIY gift for mom for Mother's Day in a matter of hours.

To work you will need:
  • Food colors/dyes;
  • Bread crumb;

Place the bread crumb, paint and glue in a bag. Food coloring can be any color.

Add starch if desired if you want the flowers to last a long time.

Mix the mixture until it has the consistency of dough. Leave in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Next, make the roses by tearing off pieces of dough and squeezing them with your fingers. Glue the petals with edible glue.

Use this guide as a guide.

Clothespins can be glued or painted in advance.

Glue the foliage using hot glue or food glue.

Next, plant flowers on each petal.

This craft will play the role of decor, as well as useful gift for clamping small parts. For example, they can be used to pin a note or create a bookmark in a book.

Tip: To make flowers last longer, moisten them with vegetable oil or honey mixed with vodka. This way they will shine and retain their fresh, original appearance.

Crafts made from wool threads

The next promised master class, which involves creating a present for any thematic celebration. You can give such a gift with your own hands to your mother just like that, for no reason, not for a holiday, but from the heart.

To work you will need:
  • Glue;
  • Wool threads.

Inflate the balloons, prepare glue and threads. Tie the balls tightly so that no air escapes during the wrapping process. Otherwise, the whole craft will be ruined before it dries.

Wrap each ball tightly, making sure that the thread does not slip. To do this, change the direction of the thread at an obtuse angle.

After winding, coat all the threads with glue. PVA glue will not leave marks, only shine.

Let the balls dry. Place them on a radiator or in the sun (weather permitting). Remove the balls with a needle, after carefully peeling them off the threads.

Decorate the balloons with ribbons or other decorative items. A DIY gift like this for mom and dad would be a nice addition to something homemade.

Tip: It is better to use wool threads - the fibers that have separated from the string will overlap free seats ball. This way the area covered with threads will be larger, which will allow you to create a strong frame than from thin threads.

If you can’t buy a gift for your mother, make it yourself or with the help of adults. Grandparents can also be involved - they will be pleased to help you. In the same way, you can enrich your surprise with a purchased gift. And don’t forget that memories will always be before your eyes if something in the house evokes them.

Video compilation

An article for those who like to be creative with their children. It contains recipes for salted play dough and many ideas for crafts.

Modeling is a fun and useful activity at the same time. By making figurines, paintings, compositions from plastic material, the child develops imagination, logical thinking, fine motor skills, learns perseverance.

Of course, mom can just buy plasticine or some branded modeling compound for the baby. But how high quality and environmentally friendly are these materials? As an alternative, you can use salt dough made with my own hands from inexpensive natural products.

How to make dough for crafts?

Environmental friendliness is not the only advantage of salt dough over plasticine or play-doh.

  1. The recipe according to which the plastic mass is prepared does not cause any difficulties for absolutely anyone. If a child asks to sculpt while at the dacha, for example, and there is no plasticine at hand, his wish can be fulfilled in half an hour
  2. Materials for modeling in the store are quite expensive. Ingredients for salt dough will cost much less
  3. Salted dough, even the one to which paint has been added, does not stain your hands or stick to your fingers. It's soft and pliable
  4. Crafts made from dough can be dried using a special technology. Then they will be stored for a long time and serve as a souvenir, Christmas tree decoration, or children's toy.

IMPORTANT: Even in ancient times, people mastered modeling from dough with salt. A whole art arose, which was called testoplasty. Women and children made very elegant crafts, painted them by hand and used them as decorations for their homes. Figures symbolizing various benefits were considered expensive gifts, presented only to close people. Our ancestors didn’t bother with the salt dough recipe, making the material only from water, flour and salt

Today, salt dough modeling, which has suddenly returned to popularity, is called bioceramics. The recipes for the dough itself are being improved. Unfortunately, some of them involve the use of wallpaper paste, synthetic paints, etc. The concept of absolute naturalness is lost.

Salt play dough has three main components. This:

Additionally widely used:

  • gelatin
  • starch
  • vegetable oil
  • natural dyes (beet juice, green beans, etc.)
  • food coloring
  • gouache or watercolor paints
  • PVA glue
  • wallpaper glue

Glue or starch makes ready-made dried dough figures more durable, but it is not advisable to add them to material intended for children under 5 years of age. But dough with butter can be greasy and stain your clothes.

IMPORTANT: You can color both the dough itself while it is being prepared and the finished figurine, then creativity will be doubly more interesting and useful

RECIPE No. 1. Simple dough

You need: wheat flour – 1 cup, extra salt – 1 cup, cold water – 0.5 cups

First of all, the dry ingredients, flour and salt will be combined. If the dough is colored with food coloring or paint, dissolve it in water. Gradually adding colored water to flour and salt, knead a fairly stiff dough, but such that it does not stick to your hands and does not crumble into crumbs.

IMPORTANT: To check whether the mass is suitable for modeling, roll out a smooth ball and press a hole in the middle of it with your finger. The dough should neither spread nor immediately return to shape. The edges of the recess should remain smooth

RECIPE No. 2. Dough with starch

You need: wheat flour - 0.5 cups, starch - 0.5 cups, extra salt - 1 cup, water - 0.5 cups.

Just as in the first case, first mix flour, salt and starch. Next, clean or colored cold water is gradually added. Modeling mass that contains starch becomes more elastic.

In addition to the saltiest modeling dough, you need to prepare:

  • dostochku
  • knives - stacks
  • molds (such, for example, come complete with play-doh dough)
  • beads, sequins, buttons, other improvised materials for decorating crafts

IMPORTANT: The flour and salt dough can be used several times in a row. To avoid drying out, the material is placed in plastic bag or wrapped in cling film, then sealed in an airtight container and placed in the refrigerator

How to dry dough crafts?

If the dough crafts are small, they will dry out on their own. To prevent cracks from appearing on their surface, they are removed from direct sunlight.

You can also dry the dough figures in the oven at a minimum temperature and always keep the door ajar. Dry the dough in the oven for 3 – 6 hours, depending on the size of the craft. It goes into the oven three times for 1 - 2 hours, with a short break between each time.

Making salt dough with children

You can offer salt dough to your baby for the first time at the age of 1 year. This is not chemical plasticine or play-doh; mom doesn’t have to worry if the baby tastes the material or swallows it. For such small “homemade products”, the dough is prepared without synthetic dyes.

IMPORTANT: Play dough is very salty. As a rule, it is enough for a child to lick it to understand that it is not edible. But if the baby still ate a piece, you just need to give him plenty of drink, and if the mother is still worried, a bag of Smecta

Full-fledged developmental modeling classes are possible with children from 2 years old. From rolling out circles and balls from salt dough, they will smoothly move into real creativity, in which kids will be able to make flowers, animals, favorite fairy-tale and cartoon characters, etc.

The finished result of dough modeling is as important for kids as the process itself. Finished craft evokes strong positive emotions in them.

Crafts from dough for children in kindergarten

There is no need to think that salt dough is a “handicraft” material exclusively for home use. Kindergarten teachers have long taken note of recipes for plastic materials and are happy to replace plasticine with them in developmental classes with students.

So, in nurseries they often make casts of baby hands, circles, mushrooms, “sausages”, snails, etc. In older groups, children are already working on themed crafts, for example, for the holidays.

Crafts from dough for kids. Step-by-step dough crafts

When making dough with kids, you don’t need to come up with ideas for crafts: usually, they are born by themselves the moment your fingers touch the plastic material. Children love to sculpt:

  • geometric shapes
  • flowers and trees
  • fruits and vegetables
  • animals
  • dinosaurs
  • little men
  • fairy-tale creatures
  • cartoon characters

Adults, mastering testoplasty, can get ideas on the Internet, there are many step by step wizard classes.

IMPORTANT: Good guides for both children and beginning adults are the books “Salt Dough Step by Step” by V. Khomenko and “Miracles from Salt Dough” by A. Firsova

Templates for crafts made from dough. Children's crafts made from salt dough

Crafts made from salt dough can be very beautiful. Children's crafts have their own touching charm. Adults are like pottery.
To get inspired for creativity, you can view a selection of thematic photos with crafts made from salt dough.

Panels and pictures made from salt dough

Such works of bioceramic art can be hung on the wall or placed in a prominent place. Photo frames made from salt dough are also very beautiful.

New Year's crafts made from salt dough

On New Year You can make dough from dough not only Christmas decorations, but also gifts - souvenirs for friends in the form of a symbol of the year. In 2016 this is a funny monkey.

Crafts from dough for February 14th for Valentine's Day. Crafts made from salt dough heart

The heart is a symbol of Valentine's Day. Made with your own hands from flour, salt, water and, of course, love, it will turn into a very valuable gift.
A cute angel made from salt dough also looks very cute.

Video: Angel on February 14

Crafts from dough for February 23. Aircraft craft made from salt dough

On February 23, instead of a banal postcard, you can give men cute crafts made from dough: the number 23, any symbols of courage, for example, weapons, cars, military equipment.

Crafts from dough for March 8th. We make flowers from salt dough. Craft roses from dough

Any mother will be touched by a craft given to her by her beloved child for the holiday of March 8th. Most often these are flowers, bouquets, floral arrangements. Roses made from dough will never wither.

Magnificent basket with flowers.

Video master class on making roses from salt dough

Crafts from dough for Maslenitsa. Easter crafts made from salt dough

Stand - chicken for Easter eggs.

Easter crafts salt dough will betray happy holiday special flavor

Animal crafts made from salt dough

Together with your baby, you can fashion a whole zoo out of salt dough!

Figurines - cats.

Video: how to make a cat - a refrigerator magnet?

Crafts made from salted poultry dough. Making fish from salt dough

It’s difficult to make birds and fish in testoplasty, but they don’t turn out beautiful.

Such products are delicate work.

Which salt dough crafts to choose for a 5 year old child?

It is simply impossible to force a five-year-old child to sculpt something that an adult wants. He needs to be interested. The child should be offered several ideas, let him choose the one he likes best.

Video: salt dough - recipe for crafts

Craft made from salt dough. Horseshoe.

Sedykh Nina Pavlovna, teacher of the correctional group of the MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 7" combined type, Perm region, city of Aleksandrovsk.
Purpose: master class is intended for teachers educational institutions. Senior pupils can also do the craft. preschool age with the help of a teacher or educator additional education.
Target: Making crafts from salt dough
- Continue to familiarize students with technologies, techniques, and features of working with salt dough;
- Develop eye and fine motor skills;
- Develop creativity, imagination, fantasy, ingenuity;
- To cultivate artistic taste, aesthetic and compositional skills, love for loved ones.

Modeling is one of the most useful activities for a child, one of the means aesthetic education. It helps to shape artistic taste, teaches us to see and understand the beauty in life around us and in art. By reproducing this or that object from life, from memory or from a drawing, children become familiar with its shape, develop their hands and fingers, which contributes to the development of speech.
Preschoolers learn to look at an object more carefully, which develops observation and children's imagination.
IN recent years has become a very popular material for modeling, especially among children - this is salt dough. This type of creativity was given a modern name - “Testoplasty”.

Dough crafts are very ancient tradition, but also in modern world Everything that is made with one's own hands is highly valued. Products made from salt dough are popular not only in our country.
In China, puppets have been made for a long time and to this day. puppet theater, in Germany and Scandinavia, Christmas wreaths, souvenirs, and horseshoes are made, they are hung in window openings or attached to doors.

The Indians make dough figurines for numerous tourists, which brings them a decent income. The ancient Incas sculpted figures of people and animals from dough and then sacrificed them to the gods.

In Greece and Spain, during celebrations in honor of the Mother of God, magnificent bread wreaths decorated with lush ornaments are placed on the altar.
IN Ancient Rus', in hospitable and friendly Pomeranian houses, man-made wonders in the form of small figures of people and animals always stood in prominent places. These are mukosolki - crafts made from flour and salt. In the old days, such toys served as amulets. At Christmas, Pomors always sculpted such figures and, giving them as gifts to relatives and friends, said: “May your bread and salt never run out.”
Long gone are the days when salt dough figurines were used as objects of worship. From the folk “mucosalt”, working with salt dough is turning into fashionable “bioceramics”. An ancient artistic craft is beginning to be revived as a full-fledged decorative art.
The technique of modeling from salt dough is available to preschool children in all its richness and variety of ways. Salt dough is a plastic, warm material.

Working with him brings great pleasure. And the fact that it is always at hand makes it very convenient to use when working with children.
Believe me, it’s worth trying once to understand how simple and interesting this art is!

Today we will sculpt a horseshoe from salt dough. And it is decorated by a little girl with a bouquet of roses, which she is going to give to her mother on March 8th. Let this gift be collected favorable energy, attract happiness and financial well-being to the home.
A simple horseshoe, a horseshoe for good luck
She protects from troubles and bad weather.
And they forged this horseshoe horse.
And those who found it were wished good luck...
She protected and gave faith.
She protected Russia, at home, from harm.
A simple horseshoe, a horseshoe for good luck
She saved from troubles and bad weather.
Stanislav Shubin
Progress of the master class:
We will need:
- 2 cups flour;
- 1 glass of salt
- 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil;
- paper for templates
- cardboard;
- foil
- gouache;
- tools (brush, pen, with used paste, pencil, felt-tip pen cap, vitamin bottle, rolling pin, modeling stack)
- sippy cup with water;
- rubber glue;
- knitting threads, white and brown;
- bead;
- varnish

Mix flour, salt, vegetable oil in a small amount cold water. To prepare the dough, you can use a handful of wallpaper glue, and it is better to use non-iodized salt. Knead the stiff dough.

We will need templates for a horseshoe and a girl's dress. Fold a sheet of white paper in half and draw a template.

Roll out a piece of dough 0.5-0.7 cm thick, measuring 15x15 cm. Cut out a horseshoe in a stack according to the template.

We transfer it to the foil with which we wrapped a sheet of cardboard.

Use a pen to make two holes on the edges of the horseshoe.

Lubricate the edges of the horseshoe with water, leveling with a brush. Next we use water to press the dough pieces together. To keep the girl’s figure on the horseshoe, we form the base.

Roll out part of the dough to a thickness of 0.3 cm. Using the template, cut out the girl’s dress and, turning the dough in the form of folds, form a dress on the base.

Roll out a piece of dough 0.3 cm thick and cut out two trapezoids.

We roll them into two cones in the form of sleeves.

We stick them to the dress.

We form a cake from the dough, having previously rolled out the ball.

Spread the cake onto the base.

Roll out three balls. These are the eyes and mouth.

We smear them, shaping the nostrils with the tip of the stack.

Forming volumetric triangles and cut out the toes in a stack, highlighting the nails with a stack.

We glue the legs to the edge of the dress.

We sculpt our hands in the same way.

From a piece of dough we make ladybug and apply it to the dress.

The next stage is making a bouquet of roses. Roll out with a rolling pin and make circles using a vitamin bottle.

We cut the resulting circles, forming flowers of various shapes.

From the remaining halves we form leaves, drawing veins in a stack on their surface.

We make a bouquet by applying flowers and leaves to the horseshoe using water.

We cover the horseshoe on both sides with brown gouache. To prevent the horseshoe from cracking, you need to cover the back side of the horseshoe with PVA glue.

We paint the girl’s legs, arms and head with pink gouache, highlighting the nails and mouth.

We paint the bouquet, covering the roses with glitter varnish.

We color the dress, draw an eye, a mouth, a ladybug.

We make an inscription on the horseshoe.
When everything is ready, we move on to the next stage - drying. You can put the finished work in a warm place and it will dry slowly for about two weeks. Drying time depends on the thickness of the product.
You can use an oven for this purpose. True, the product can be damaged and deformed due to severe overheating. Therefore, you need to ensure that the craft remains warm and not hot. Dry in the oven on the lowest heat for about an hour and you need to wait another hour until the craft cools down. Then we repeat the procedure.
In addition, drying can be combined. First, heat in the oven and then air dry. Readiness can be easily determined by the ringing sound when tapped. When the product is completely ready, it is varnished using liquid colorless varnish for wooden products.
Making hair for a girl. We unwind white knitting threads 20 cm long.

We tie it with a bunch of white threads. This is bangs.

We braid the hair and tie it with ribbons.

Glue the hair with rubber glue to the girl's head.

We tie a brown thread, threading it through the holes. Decorate the thread with a bead.

Salt dough box. Master class with step-by-step photos

Author: Nazarova Tatyana Nikolaevna, Additional education teacher, Municipal Educational Institution of Preschool Children's Institution, House of Childhood and Youth, Millerovo

Master class “Box for mother’s beads” using the technique of modeling salt dough.

Any mother will be delighted to receive a gift from her child. Yes, if this gift is also made by the child himself, with desire and love.
Purpose: Such boxes can be given on March 8, Mother's Day, or just as a gift for no reason.
Dear colleagues! I offer this master class for technology teachers, teachers primary classes, teachers of additional education, as well as for teachers of preparatory school groups. Maybe the master class will seem simple to you? This is wrong. In our work we use subtle elements and sometimes it is not easy for children to cope with such a task.
Target: make a bead box using the salt dough modeling technique.
- encourage the desire to make handmade gifts for loved ones;
- develop creativity and imagination in students;
- instill a love for modeling from salt dough.
Stages of work:

To make the box we need: an empty jar of face cream, PVA glue, clove seasoning - seeds, glass, rolling pin, thin brush for glue, cutting out for marzipan “flower”, “leaf”, salt dough.
Salt dough recipe:
Flour – 1 tbsp. “Extra” salt - 0.5 tbsp. water 0.5 tbsp. Pour salt into a bowl and fill it with cold water. The salt will dissolve a little, and immediately add a little flour. Add flour as needed. Knead into a tight, elastic dough. While working, store the dough in a cellophane bag so that it does not dry out.

Take a small piece of dough and roll it out to 2-3 mm thick. Using a leaf die cutter, cut out 13 leaves.

Dust the table with flour and place the squeezed out leaves. The leaves will not stick to the table. Make notches on the leaves in a stack as if you were drawing a Christmas tree.

Now we need to glue these leaves to the jar. It is advisable that your PVA glue be thicker. Lightly dip the brush into the glue and lubricate the jar in the place where you glue the leaf. Try not to smear the jar too much with glue, the leaves may “float” down. Glue all the leaves in this way. Excess glue can be wiped off with a dry brush.

Take a small pea-sized ball of dough and glue it to the leaves. In this case you do not need glue, there is enough of it around the edges of the leaves. Now take the clove seeds and cut off the stems with scissors to make the clove shorter. Lightly press the cloves into the center of the small lump. This way, the berry will stick to the leaves, and the leaves will hold onto the jar more firmly. So just glue one berry to all the leaves.

Let's start decorating the lid. Using the method already familiar to us, we cut out 9 leaves and make notches on them. Let me remind you once again, when you glue the leaves, do not lubricate the lid with glue. The leaves will remain firmly in place after drying. The leaves were glued.

Take a small lump of dough and roll it out with a rolling pin to a thickness of 2-3 mm. Using a flower die cutter, cut out several flowers.

Place a flower on each leaf, and press it in the center of the flower with the back end of the brush. You will get the middle of the flower. We don't use glue. The flower will hold up well anyway. When pressing the flower, hold the brush carefully so that it does not slide on the lid; a careless movement can ruin the entire composition. Remove excess glue with a dry brush, or cotton swab. Even if the glue is visible somewhere, do not worry, after drying it will not be visible.

This is what the box should look like. Now our task is to carefully move it to the place where you will dry it. We will dry it on a sunny windowsill. Drying will take approximately 6-7 days. It’s better not to rush, but to dry the box thoroughly.

The box is dry. Paint it with paints, and after the paint has dried, cover it with colorless acrylic varnish. The varnish will preserve your work for a long time. Here our box is ready.
Using the same principle, my children and I decorated jars for food products, in which you can store raisins or any seasoning. The mothers were happy. This is what we got.

I wish you and the children creative success!

Salted dough

On our website you can see many different crafts created based on salt dough.

Here one of the recipes for production salt dough:

1Mix a glass of flour and 1 glass of salt.

Then pour in 125 ml of water(the volume is approximate, because the amount of water may depend on the type of flour you used for the dough). Stir this mass again with a spoon, and then knead with your hands until a homogeneous consistency. Some people use a mixer for this purpose.

By the way, water can be replaced with jelly made from potato starch (dissolve 1 tablespoon of starch in 1/2 cup of cold water. Then pour another 1 glass of boiled water into this liquid, stirring. When the jelly thickens and becomes transparent, remove from heat. received the paste). The dough will only benefit from such a replacement - it becomes more plastic.

Just don't overdo it! If the dough is too soft, knead it with a little extra flour and salt mixture. Salt dough there must be dense.

Now you can sculpt! It is better to sculpt on a sheet or board - this good place for drying. The drying itself is carried out at a temperature of +80C in the oven for an hour, or on a radiator (in winter period). The drying time depends on the thickness of the figurine.

If you need color salt dough , then it can be colored either at the kneading stage, using food coloring or gouache, which is convenient when working with small children; or color it already finished product after complete drying.

And our craftswomen have their own subtleties and secrets for working with salt dough. That's why , go to the blog , Whose work did you like and ask! I’m sure the craftswomen will be happy to share with you!

P.S. Reminder on how to make the required color:

cyan = blue + white

pink = white + red

purple = blue + pink

green = blue + yellow

orange = yellow + red

brown = green + red

emerald = green + blue

flesh = light pink + a little yellow

gold and silver will be obtained if you add the corresponding color of gouache or acrylic, in the same way you can get glitter dough(gel for gouache)

When working with salt dough many people come up with amazing ideas beautiful names - testoplasty , bioceramics and even, flour ! But whatever you call it, the result sometimes exceeds all our expectations! The birth of a salt dough masterpiece is always an event! Happy creativity and peace to everyone!