Sections: Working with preschoolers

Target: introduce them to a dangerous and interesting profession - firefighters.

Tasks: Evoke an emotional response. To consolidate knowledge about fire safety, the firefighter profession, and its features. Introduce the history of fire; teach how to call firefighters; develop speech, thinking, memory; instill respect for the firefighting profession. Practice running, climbing, jumping, throwing.

Principles: accessibility, based on the age of the children, expediency, systematization of knowledge gained during the lesson materials.

Equipment: Fire safety posters, booklets, slides, drawings, applications, illustrations from books. Flags, plumes (red, orange, yellow), sandbags according to the number of children, “fire hoses” (2 ropes), a cube, a piece of fabric, a fire truck.

Fairy-tale characters: It's a mess. Mess.

Preliminary work: excursion to the fire station, conversations, reading works, drawing on this topic, board games, story role-playing games.

Duration: 35-40 minutes.

Planned results: know the telephone number of the fire service, the names of the professions included in the service 01

Progress of the event

Children enter the hall, decorated with drawings and illustrations on a fire theme. The teacher draws the children's attention to the decorated walls of the hall. Educator. Guys, it looks like we've arrived at an exhibition. Look, here are illustrations and drawings for works we are already familiar with, let's try to name them (children look at the works and name the works.) -What do you think these illustrations and drawings have in common? (Children's answers) Educator. A fire is a terrible disaster, and to prevent it from happening, you need to be very careful and attentive. Are you attentive? (Children's answers.) - Now we will check this. Find and take two flags hidden in the hall. (Children do.) -It was too easy for you, so listen to the second task. Stand freely around the hall and repeat the movements after me. Children perform exercises with flags as shown, accompanied by moderate rhythmic music (the complex is based on general developmental exercises). Educator. Yes, you are really attentive, let’s hope that nothing bad happens to you. (Cherry music sounds) A new character appears - MessMess:

Trouble, caution - all this is nonsense.
Here I live, and I don’t grieve,
I go wherever I want.
I'll take whatever looks good to me
I like this life.
And suddenly I get tired of something
An old friend will come to the rescue,
My faithful friend Kavardak,
I sent you a letter.
Like this.

Mess takes out an envelope, teases the children, and then hands it to the teacher. Educator. Well, guys, let's read the letter? (Yes!) Reading the letter
I am a wizard - Kavardak.
I love to read books
This way and that.
I’ll help you, kids: I’ll tell you everything about everything.
Your fairy tales are nonsense. And mine! Wow!
Mess: Oh, Kavardak’s tales are good, once you hear them, you’ll never forget them. Everything about them is just the way I like it: disorder, confusion - in a word, a complete mess. Educator: No, our children know fairy tales well, love them and will not let anyone, not even a wizard, confuse them. Let's correct the mistakes, guys, to bring order to fairy tales? Mess: Oh-oh-oh, how smart and knowledgeable they are. Let's see what you know. Mess- indignantly, he takes the letter from the teacher. Mess: This is my favorite fairy tale. About the Horse, listen:
The Horse-Jumper flew to us,
It carried the fire in its beak.
Santa Claus's hut caught fire,
Nastya and Marfusha are happy to death.
Marya the frog and Ivan fell asleep,
They drowned in the sea of ​​fire three times.
They were rescued by the Jumping Horse,
I drowned them at sea as soon as I could.
Then a cat flew in with a bucket,
For a long time she fought with fire.
Everything added heat to the water,
Until Lady Firebird showed up.
The bird dropped fire on its feather,
With this feather I put out the fire.
Mess: Well, did you like the fairy tale? Really good? Educator: No, Disorder, you didn’t confuse us, we still learned all the fairy tales and found mistakes. Really, guys? (Children find absurdities.) Mess: They are smart, they know everything. You can't put out a fire with a feather. And I will say that you can extinguish the sea not only with a feather, but also with pies and dried mushrooms. One crocodile did just that. I know for sure. Educator: Guys, do you remember the name of the poem in which the sea was extinguished in this way? (“Confusion.”) You see, Confusion, even the name says that this cannot be. Guys, how can you put out the fire? (Children's answers.) Who puts out the fire? (Firemen.) 1st Child:
We know that fire is a disaster,
But still sometimes.
The firefighters are in a hurry then,
To quickly cope with trouble.
2nd Child:
In strong battles,
And in strong helmets,
In the cold, heat
And in the rain
Across the country - a cohort of brave
Stands on combat patrol.
Educator: To help people, firefighters must be strong, agile and fast, and for this they conduct training and exercises. Let us also show what we are capable of and conduct our own exercises. A mess, would you like to be brave, dexterous, fast? - Yes! Then Mess, call your friend Mess. And you, our friends, will help us and learn discipline. Attractions are held: The children are divided into two fire teams. (Smoke; Sparkle.) Chaos and Disorder help children.


1. That, having touched lightly,
Turns firewood into smoke?

2. I'm not on my own
I am the strongest.
I'm the scariest.
And everyone loves me
And everyone is ruining me.

3. It curls, soars,
It rushes into the sky.

4. I don’t chew,
And I devour everything

"Who can crawl into the tunnel faster"

The first child crawls, returns, passes the baton to another child - touching his hand on his shoulder. “Unravel and roll up the fire hose”Run to the chaotically folded rope, stretch it and carefully roll it up near the “fire truck.” "Rescuing the Victims" Run in a chain, holding on to a rope. A rescuer with a rope runs to the arcing end of the hall towards the victims. The first child grabs the rope with his hand, and both return to the starting point. Then they return together for the next victim. The attraction ends when all the victims gather together. "Firefighting" Throw a “blanket” over the “burning object” - a cube. Ditties

We are cheerful friends
We will sing ditties for you:
How we put out all fires.
We live well. Don't push. Don't give matches to children -
These are not toys.
So that there is no trouble -
It’s better to sing ditties. The boys played together
To the partisans in the war,
They also ran away together from the fire on the carpet. Like in the kitchen Mila
Drying clothes over the stove,
I dried it once, dried it twice,
And then she put out the fire. Oh, I wish I could douse them once -
These violators -
From head to toe
From a fire extinguisher. It’s not in vain that people say:
“Wrong - smoke, no fire!”
In a word, nowadays it’s like this
We sang to the topic of the day!
Educator: Well done, you guys, dexterous, brave, fast, skillful. A worthy replacement for our firefighters. Mess. Kavardak: Okay, you didn’t like our fairy tales. You know a lot, you can do a lot. Let's go from here, but first, in parting, we want to give you some advice, very useful, and then you will thank us. Disorder, chaos: - read " Bad advice"G. Oster (excerpts about the fire). Educator: No, such advice does not suit us. Listen to ours.

1. For fun and games
Don't pick up matches,
Don't joke, my friend, with fire,
So as not to regret later!

2. Don’t light the fire yourself
And don't let others.
Even a little sparkle
Not far from the fire.

3. Gas in the kitchen, vacuum cleaner,
TV and iron
Let only adults turn it on
Our reliable, good friend.

Disorder, chaos:
If trouble has struck,
What should we do then?
Never get lost -
Act skillfully!
If the phone is close
And it is available to you.
You need to dial 01
And call the firefighters.
Educator: Today we talked more about evil fire, which brings misfortune, but it can also be good.
Adults and children know.
To the farthest ends of the earth:
How long have people lived in the world?
Save the fire with your eyes!
They preserved it as best they could,
Almighty hot fire,
And even though a thousand years have flown by,
People still need him!
The children take the plumes and, to the music, perform exercises to show the teacher (imitation of a fire), and leave the hall while marching. Conclusion After holding this event with my guys, I realized that the guys want to know about people of different professions. This material was reinforced by games, meetings with brave people, and a visit to the fire department museum. I will definitely continue the career guidance I started because... I think that the most important profession in the world is a firefighter. Literature

1. ABC of fire safety. Vidnoye: Vympel, 2000.

2. Go, firefighters! Collection of games for UP squad leaders. Ekaterinburg, 2000.

3. Igumnova, D.B. Children about fire and fire. /D.B. Igumnova, I.G.Ivannikov. – M.: Stroyizdat, 1992. – 160 p.

4. Walking into the fire: Essays on the history of the fire department of the Kurgan region. Mound.

5. Personal safety in emergency situations /ed. G.N.Kirillova. – M.: NC ENAS. 1999. – 64 p.

6. Polyakova O. I am a firefighter. O.Polyakova. M.: Red Proletariat, 2002.

7. Potorochina. E.A. Lesson developments on the basics of life safety.\E.A. Potorochina. – M.: “Vako”, 2008.

8. Sibirev. V. 01 password of the brave./V. Sibirev. – Kamensk – Uralsky: “Kalan”, 2000.

9. Tsvilyuk. G.E. The ABC of Safety: a book for children and parents. / G.E. Tsvilyuk. M.: Education, 1994.

10. Chuvilin. A. Fire is a dangerous game./A. Chuvilin. – M.: 1996.

11. Shiryankina. N.V. Fire safety lessons in elementary school./ N.V.Shiryankina. –

12. Kurgan: Dammi, 2003. – 30 p.

13. Psychology of road safety.

Summary of educational and entertainment leisure in preparatory group"Wonders of the Forest"

Proshina Vera Ivanovna - teacher of the MADOU CRR kindergarten No. 60 “Fairy Tale”, Likino-Dulevo, Moscow region.
The basic principle of working with children preschool age is the training of a comprehensively developed person through play. This development will help educators expand and consolidate environmental and mathematical knowledge children through play. Children will be able to plunge into the natural world and see the wonders of the forest, get acquainted with the concept of the water cycle in nature; will consolidate ideas about various natural phenomena by listening to a recording of the sound of wind, rain, and thunder. In a playful form, they will reinforce the names of birds and animals, their structure, and the ability to depict them with geometric shapes. And, of course, they will learn to behave correctly in communication with nature. Ecological knowledge is consolidated in parallel with mathematical knowledge, where quantitative and ordinal counting within 8 is mastered, and spatial orientation skills are improved.
This development may be useful for educators preschool institutions and teachers additional education, parents.
This event is intended for children in the preparatory group.
Educational areas: social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic, aesthetic and physical development.
Target: development of prerequisites for value-semantic perception and understanding of the natural world; works of art (verbal, musical, fiction); the formation of an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding world;

1. Expand children’s ideas and knowledge about various phenomena in nature (wind, rain, thunder, the water cycle in nature), about spring primroses, about their significance in our lives, recognize animals and birds by their appearance.
2.Develop emotional sphere children through artistic and sound perception of nature.
3.Improve spatial orientation skills: straight, left, right.
4. Consolidate knowledge geometric shapes: triangle, rectangle, circle, oval and quantitative and ordinal counting within 8
1. Develop in children cognitive interest to the life of the forest and its inhabitants, the ability to behave correctly in communication with nature.
2. Develop children’s speech, activate attention, the ability to analyze the content of questions and give a complete, meaningful answer.
Educational. To cultivate a sensitive attitude to nature, a conscious desire to protect the nature of one’s native land.
Material for the lesson: small stumps according to the number of children, white snowdrops and lilac color 8 pieces each, small clouds according to the number of children, a large cloud, puddles, droplets in a balloon, rugs, a recording of birds singing, thunder, the sound of rain, envelopes with multi-colored circles, tea party treats.
Children enter the environmental room and greet the guests.
Educator: What a wonderful day today! I'm in a great mood and I want to give you my smile. You, too, will smile at each other joyfully, kindly, and I promise that miracles await us ahead!
Guys, listen to what riddle I will tell you:
The hero is worth rich
Treats all the guys.
Vanya - strawberries,
Tanya - bones,
Mashenka - nuts,
Petya - russula.
Children's answers: forest.
Educator: That's right, this is a forest. Let's go to the fairy forest now! Do you remember the rules of conduct in the forest? Let's repeat them. Look what this prohibitory environmental sign says? The teacher shows the children environmental prohibition signs.
1.Do not step on an anthill.
2.Do not trample mushrooms.
3.Do not touch the chicks with your hands.
4.Do not break branches.
5. Don’t make noise in the forest.
If you came to the forest for a walk
Breathe fresh air
Run, jump and play
Just don't forget,
That you can't make noise in the forest,
Even sing very loudly.
The little animals will be scared
They will run away from the forest edge.
At the edge of the forest, the Boletus Mushroom unnoticed sits on a stump. He rings the bell.
Educator: Guys, are you listening? Let's listen! (the bell rings again).
The Boletus Mushroom approaches the children.
Mushroom-Borovik: Hello, guys. Did you recognize me?
Children's answers.
Mushroom Boletus: Yes, I am Boletus Mushroom. I listened carefully to your answers, and you made me very happy. Therefore, I will be happy to help you get to the magical forest, where miracles await you.
Along the magical path
We can enter the spring forest.
The singing of birds will now be heard
We will be able to get into the wonderful forest.
There is a recording of birds singing and the babbling of a stream.
Mushroom: Well, now in bon voyage, Friends! (Children line up behind Mushroom and go through all the obstacles on the way).
Let's go along the path straight into the forest,
Let's go around the puddle,
Let's jump over the stream,
Let's step over the stump.
We looked to the left
And they looked to the right -
We found ourselves in a clearing.
Educator: And now you can rest a little.

The children sit on the rugs, and the Boletus Mushroom sits next to them on a stump.
There are a lot of snowdrops in the clearing.
Which beautiful meadow! And how many flowers appeared in the thawed patches! Guys, I know a riddle about the first spring flowers. Listen!
On a thawed patch in the forest
I was the first to welcome spring.
I'm not afraid of frost
I'll be the first to break out of the ground.
Teacher questions:
What are the first spring flowers called?
What color are snowdrops?
Educator: Snowdrops are very rarely found in the forest. This is an endangered species of flowers, so they are listed in the Red Book and cannot be picked.
From the ground snowdrop
Left at dawn.
He looked fearfully -
Will the children break it?
But the children said
Affectionately: “Grow up!
We won't touch you
Everything should bloom
To become more elegant
The whole earth is around.
Educator: Let's count the snowdrops, guys. First, count the white flowers. How many are there?
Children's answers.
Educator: Now let's count the blue snowdrops.
How many are there?
Which snowdrops are more blue or white?
How many more white snowdrops are there than blue ones?
How many fewer blue flowers are there than white ones?
Which number is greater than 8 or 7?
How much greater is the number 8 than the number 7?
A recording of the sound of leaves and wind sounds.
Children, the wind has risen. Let's stand up and look at the sky. You see, the clouds have rolled in. (Points to the clouds that hang under the ceiling). Hear the thunder, the rain begins.
A recording of the sound of rain and thunder plays.
The teacher pierces balloons with droplets hidden behind clouds, depicting thunder, and droplets of rain fall from the clouds.
And now the rain has stopped. Look how many droplets fell from each cloud. Puddles appeared. (Spread puddles on the floor). The sun came out, smiled and began to warm us with its warm rays. The droplets began to evaporate. First they gathered into a cloud, and then into small clouds. Rain drips from a cloud in the form of droplets. Here they are - rolling in different directions. Listen to the task: now everyone will collect 8 drops and put them on these clouds (the teacher has all the small clouds in his hands). Please collect the droplets. (At this time, the teacher lays out the clouds on stumps). We place the droplets on the cloud in a row from left to right.
Children completing the task.

Educator: Count your droplets, Sveta. Now let's count the droplets in reverse order. (Answers from 3-4 children).
Educator: Well done guys, you did a good job. And the wind has already gathered all the clouds into one big cloud. Bring your clouds to mine too. (To the tune, the children place their clouds with droplets on the teacher’s large cloud). That's how big the cloud turned out to be. It might rain again. This is how the water cycle occurs in nature.
The Boletus Mushroom rings the bell and comes out to the children.
Mushroom Boletus:
Well done, guys! You all did a good job. A little tired. Let's relax and warm up.
A melody sounds.
Mushroom-Borovik conducts a physical education session “Rain”.
The first drop fell - drop! (with your finger we show the movement of the drop from top to bottom).
And the second one ran - drop! (do the same movements)
Droplets, drip-drip, went down (hands lowered down).
Our faces got wet (raise our heads up).
We wipe them (wipe our faces with our palms).
Shake our heads (Shake our heads).
Let's move our shoulders together (shoulders up and down)
And shake off all the droplets (shake with your hands).
We will run away from the rain (running in place)
Let's sit under a bush (sit down, press your head to your knees, clasp your knees with your hands).
Mushroom Boletus:
I, Boletus Mushroom,
I'm not used to being lazy.
I'll sit on the stump
Protect the forest. (The mushroom sits on a stump).
Educator: Guys, the magical forest is mysterious and enigmatic.
There's a forester walking through the forest
He is used to being silent in the forest.
Here he feels just like home.
Everything has been familiar for a long time.
The melody “Sounds of the Forest” plays.
Educator: Guys, look who's walking through the forest?
The forester comes out with a basket in his hands.
It's me - a gray-haired old man.
I call myself a forester.
I guard this forest
I keep order here.
Glad to see you, to contemplate you,
I want to play with you.
Look what I have in my basket. (Lesovichok takes geometric shapes out of the basket and shows them to the children.)
Lesovichok: Guys, do you know what this is?
Children's answers.
Lesovichok: We will play with these geometric shapes. Listen to the rules of the game: Two teams play. On a flannelgraph you need to lay out images of animals from these geometric shapes. Let's split into two teams. Come up with names for your teams. This team is “Droplets”, and this one is “Snowdrops”.
I have magic bag. It contains animal toys. We take out one toy. This is the animal you will lay out from geometric shapes. The next toy is taken out by the other team.
We play the game “Put out an animal from geometric shapes” (a melody sounds, children assemble a fox and a hare from geometric shapes).
Lesovichok: Now let's change the task. From the same geometric shapes you need to lay out an image of birds. In the bag, children choose pictures of birds.
The game “Put out the image of birds from geometric shapes” (woodpecker and magpie) is played.
Lesovichok: I see that all the children tried, well done. And to please you, I will call my forest animals.
Mushroom Boletus,
Ring the bell
And call the animals.
Mushroom Boletus:
Get ready, animals!
Near this spruce.
Hurry up to sing songs,
Have fun guys!
Children run out dressed in animal costumes. They are holding balalaikas and scarves in their hands. They sing ditties about animals.

She is more cunning than all the animals
She's wearing a red fur coat,
A bushy tail is her beauty.
This is a red fox.
Straight across the field
The white collar jumps.
If he stands in the grass
The ears are larger than the head.
Everyone can see my skill.
I jump along the branches deftly.
Every day without any rush
I'm gnawing nuts in a hollow.
In summer he walks without a road
Near pine and birch trees.
And in winter he sleeps in a den
Hides your nose from the frost.
The touch-me-not is covered in needles,
I live in a hole under a Christmas tree.
Even though the doors are wide open,
But animals don't come to me.
Lesovichok: Guys, I have something else prepared for you in my basket.
Music is playing.
Lesovichok takes out envelopes in which there are circles different colors, distributes to children.
Choose a circle of the color that suits your mood. Ask 3-4 children why they chose a circle of a given color and what mood it conveys. (Completing the task).
Guys, in our forest there is a cafe called “Forest Fairy Tale”, and we, the forest inhabitants, invite you to a tea party. Welcome!
Children go to a cafe, where a treat is prepared for them - tea with wild berries (sweets in the form of berries: raspberries, blackberries, strawberries) and honey, cookies in the shape of mushrooms.
You can see the making of clouds here:

Larisa Ivanova
Summary of leisure time in the preparatory group

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 10 for care and health improvement

"Travel with Olympionik to Ancient Greece"

Summary of leisure time in a preparatory group for school

Ivanova L.V., teacher physical culture, II qualification category, Monchegorsk, 2012.

Target: Familiarization of older preschoolers with initial information about the history of the Olympic movement in ancient and modern times.


1. To consolidate children’s knowledge of the history of Olympism.

2. Contribute to expanding ideas about Greek mythology.

3. Strengthen children’s knowledge about sports (included in the pentathlon)

4. Develop motor skills and physical qualities necessary for later life, creative imagination.

5. Develop the ability to act collectively, educate friendly relations children in group.

Vocabulary work: enrichment of the dictionary (new word - pentathlon, activation of the dictionary - names of the gods Olympus: Zeus, Brothers Diascuri - Castor, Polydeuces, name of sports - javelin throwing, etc.)

Material, equipment:

ICT, individual mats for children, sports equipment - javelin, hoops, puddles, stands, tunnel module. Musical arrangement - audio recording.


Guys, where did the Olympic Games originate? (In the distant past, more than two thousand years ago in Ancient Greece, in the city of Olympia)

Would you like to go on a trip to Ancient Greece, where many interesting things await us? Well, are you ready to go to Ancient Greece? Then hit the road in the time machine. It will quickly take us back to the past.

(Children crawl into the tunnel, come out the other side, stand in a chain and move in a circle).

Here we are in Ancient Greece, (slide, in the city of Olympia. The first Olympic Games were held here, at the sacred Mount Olympus (slide) Is that why they got that name? – (children's answers) - "Olympic Games". What do you think the Olympic Games are? - That's right, that's sports who help people different states make friends and show off your agility, courage, speed and strength. And here is the stadium where the athletes competed. Let's warm up a little.

Children perform “Friendship” exercises to the music.

Look how beautiful, fabulous Mount Olympus is and the gods of Olympia lived on it.

Olympionik appears

Hello guys, I am very glad to see you as a guest - in Olympia. You are right, Olympus is a very high, beautiful, and sacred mountain. Do you know who the gods are? (children's answers - mythical creatures)


The ancient Greeks did not know why it rained, why the wind blew, or why thunder rumbled. They believed that these natural phenomena created by good and evil gods. And they made up myths and legends about them that have survived to this day. Children, Olympionik, are already familiar with these mythical creatures.


Then let's talk about them.

Slide show (Zeus)

Tell me, who is this god?

(One of the first gods was - (children's answers) god Zeus. (Slide show) He became king over all gods and people. He lived on the highest mountain, (slide show) maintaining order throughout the world. Zeus was a very strong and powerful god)


Thanks to Zeus, the most difficult sport appeared in the world - pentathlon. (children repeat the word in chorus) Pentathlon means pentathlon, i.e. one athlete takes part in five sports, let's see what these sports are.

Slide show, children name sports.

3. javelin throwing A javelin is a long stick with a rounded knob at the end. (Slide) Why do you think? (For safety and to keep flying)

4. discus throwing

teacher: Well, what is Olympionik, did the children answer correctly?

Do you know the name of Zeus' wife?

Zeus had a wife - the goddess Hera. Hera - powerful queen, guardian hearth and home, family well-being.) (slide)

But we know that Zeus had many sons and daughters.


Tell us what you know about them?

Who is this god? (Children answer)

Apollo (slide)- god of light and knowledge. When Apollo was born, everything around began to shine and bloom. He was an excellent musician and singer; Apollo was depicted as a tall, slender young man with a lyre or bow in his hands (slide show) He became famous for killing the dragon that was chasing his mother with arrows.

Do you know this god? (children answer)

Hermes (slide)– Hermes was an excellent runner, thanks to the wings on his sandals. He personifies the sport of running. Hermes invented measures, numbers, and the alphabet and taught this to people. It was believed that it helps trade and sends wealth to people.

Who do you see on this slide? (Children answer) this is god

Hercules. (slide) Hercules was a handsome, strong, powerful and tall young man (slide). How many labors did Hercules perform? (children's answers)-12 feats. Name some of the labors of Hercules (Children's answers) No one could compare with him in battle, and when he shot with a bow, he never missed.

Who haven't we talked about yet?

This is Prometheus. (Slide show) What is Prometheus famous for? (children answer)- was a protector of people, he brought fire to people, taught them construction, navigation, and medicine. Gave people a lot of knowledge. Thanks to Prometheus, people began to live happier.

Who are these muscular young men? –

Diascur brothers (slide). Both brothers were great heroes of Greece. Castor, one of the brothers, humbled the most indomitable horses. And Polidevk, the second brother, was a fist fighter and had no equal. Both brothers were close friends and always helped each other.

Educator: Today we are still together with Olympionik

remembered the heroes and gods of Greece. Children, as athletes were called in Ancient Greece

Children are athletes.

Educator; Guys, I invite you to test your strength. Let's split into two teams.

The first task in the run is "Pass the Torch"

Educator: And now the jumpers will perform.

Olympic V ancient Greece athletes long jumped with stones or dumbbells.

Educator. We have sandbags. ( "Puddles") Two teams compete. Children jump from hoop to hoop through puddles.

Educator: The next test will be the javelin throw.

Olympic: Do you know why spears have a knob at the end?

The game is being played "Throw the spear into the hoop"(two teams stand in front of vertically suspended hoops. Participants take turns throwing a javelin at the hoop, with the cone facing forward.

Educator: Guys, remember, one of the types of competitions was wrestling. Who do you think wins the fight?

Children are strong and dexterous.

Olympic: Come on, show your strength.

(The game is being played "Wrestling in pairs"(A cord is laid out on the floor. Children sit along the cords in pairs, facing each other, holding their shoulders. At a signal, the children begin to push out their partner, trying to take his side. The children who take the opponent’s side win.


The Olympic Games are friendly sporting competitions.

Therefore, I offer you another game "Common Pedestal"

Children take turns running and standing on the pedestal. The team that fits on the pedestal and does not fall wins.

Educator: Well done, you competed like real athletes.

Olympic: Showed their strength, agility, and speed. You already know that on Olympic Games competitions took place not only in sports, but also in art. Therefore, as a parting gift, I want to give you portraits of the gods.

Educator: Thank you Olympionik, you guys are in group, with the help of multi-colored pencils you will make these portraits bright and beautiful, the way you remember the gods of Olympus.

Educator: Thank you Olympionik, for helping us learn more about the myths of Olympia. And now we need to return to our 21st century. The time machine will take us back home in an instant.

The children go into the tunnel again.

Educator: Well, we're back, did you like our trip? Who can tell where we were? Who did you meet? What and who were they talking about? (Check who answered the questions better.) What happened next? Which game did you like best? (I want to point out (the fastest, dexterous, attentive, accurate) Guys, did you like the Olympic gifts? Now guys, we'll go to group and from black and white portraits we will make color ones.

Beketaeva Gulmira Amantaevna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBOU "Secondary School No. 11" SP " Kindergarten № 43"
Locality: Krasnokamsk, Overyata village
Name of material: Abstract
Subject: Leisure "Friendship begins with a smile" preparatory group
Publication date: 30.10.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school No. 11"

Structural unit "Kindergarten No. 43"



"Friendship begins with a smile"

preparatory group
Educator: Beketaeva Gulmira Amantaevna p. Overyata 2016

Develop communication skills in older preschool children.
1. Learn to connect the meaning of proverbs about friendship with a specific life situation. 2. Develop communication skills, friendly relations between children, the ability to negotiate, positive social behavior. 3. Enrich with new skills and knowledge in the field of conflict-free communication. 4. Create a favorable psychological climate groups. 5. To educate the moral foundations of the child’s personality in the process of forming ideas about friendship.
The teacher and children stand in a circle.
: Hello, children! I am glad to see you healthy and in a good mood. I really want you to remain in a good mood throughout the day. And now we will say hello not only to each other, but to the world around us. Repeat all the words and movements after me (light music sounds, “sounds of nature”) Hello, golden sun! Hello, blue sky! Hello free breeze! Hello strong oak tree! We live in our native land, I greet you all!
: Well done, guys! Do you think we are all the same? Of course not. Although we communicate with you and live nearby, we differ from each other in character, weight, height, desires, and much more. But we also have common features that unite us. We will see this now. Let's play. I will give you tasks, and you will complete them by going through the motions. Listen to me carefully.  Clap your hands for those who love ice cream.  Raise your hands up those who like to do exercises.  Place your hands on your waist for those who like to walk outside.  Stomp your right foot for those who like to visit.
 Stomp your left foot for those who like to watch cartoons.  Join hands those who know what friendship is.
: You see how much unites us! Guys, we received an SMS message, let's read it.
The teacher reads
. “The forest gnomes have quarreled and ask you to help them make peace. But only friendly guys can help them.” Do you agree to help them? Then let's sit down on the path. (Children sit on chairs in a circle. A conversation is held.)
: Are you guys friendly? Why do you think so? Where does friendship begin? How do friends behave?
Friends help each other in times of trouble, know how to share joy, and do not laugh at each other’s shortcomings. A friend will stop a friend if he does something bad. Friends know how to accept help and advice, are not offended by criticism, do not deceive each other, are able to admit their mistakes, and make peace with each other. You need to treat your friend the way you would like to be treated.
: What color do you think friendship is? What does she smell like? (children's answers).
: What can strong friendship be compared to?
Strong friendship can be compared to the sun, a song, a clear day, a rope, a brick wall, iron.
: Well done, guys! We had an interesting conversation about friendship and friends. You know a lot about friendship. I would really like the gnomes to hear our conversation. Guys, remember who can help the forest gnomes? (Children's answers)
: Yes, only friendly guys can help the forest gnomes. Remember this! And to make it more fun, choose a mate, hold hands and hit the road. (Children walk to the tune of the song “It’s Fun to Walk Together”). They approach the tables on which there are pencils and sheets of paper - one for each pair of children.
: And here is the first clearing with the task “PENCIL”. (Conducted by an art teacher)
Couples come to the table. Look around you, at the objects that surround you. Now listen carefully to the task: each pair will take one pencil and one sheet of paper and draw any object that you see around you (children draw while standing). We finished drawing. Let's see what you drew. (Children name the objects they drew.) What was difficult? Does everyone have the same desire to draw this particular subject? (Children's answers)
: What helped you quickly draw an object?
. The ability to agree, listen to each other, accept each other’s opinion, agree.
: Your ability to negotiate helped you and you quickly completed the task, well done! You can safely move on. (To the accompaniment of cheerful music, the children go to the next clearing).
: We came to the clearing “Clever Men and Clever Women”. You will need to complete the following tasks. Be careful! First task: if you correctly collect all the parts of the picture, we will see where our gnomes live. (Children complete the task - they get a picture with a house in the forest.)
: Well done, children! Your intelligence and friendliness helped you. Second task: after solving this puzzle, you will find out which word is hidden. (Children solve the puzzle “RA + image of an arc = RAINBOW” and explain how the word came about.)
: Third task
Look carefully at the images. Name who sees what, and we will find out what our gnomes like to eat. (Children call fruits and vegetables - what gnomes love.) Your desire to help the gnomes and your ability to listen to each other helped you cope with all the tasks. We must move on. (To the accompaniment of cheerful music, the children go to the next clearing).
: Guys, look what a beautiful clearing! I suggest you play the game “WE WILL NOT TELL, WE WILL SHOW.” Now you will show how much you understand each other without words. (Children play).

: Well done! I see that you understand very well, and your friendship helps you in this. But we need to hurry. It's time to continue our journey. (Children walk to cheerful music).
: There is a bridge in front of you. The couple who can name a proverb about friendship will be able to walk along it. But first, please explain how you understand this expression: “Friends are indispensable.” (Children's answers).
: You have very interesting thoughts, you all correctly understand the meaning of this expression. Well, now say proverbs about friendship and walk across the bridge. (Children say proverbs about friendship).
: Guys, we have come to a sunny meadow. Why do you think it is called that? (children's statements). And here comes the sun. There’s just something missing from our sunshine. That's right, rays. Now we will finish drawing the rays. Each pair must draw one yellow and one red ray. Agree among yourself who will be which ray. (Children perform tasks to the music. Children draw under the guidance of an art teacher)
: How much brighter the group has become! What kind of sunshine did we get?
. The sun turned out to be cheerful, kind, bright, radiant, happy, hot, joyful... (list of adjectives).
: Of course, for friendly guys, only such sun shines. Brighter than the rays of the sun Friendship in the whole world After all, it’s more fun with friends On any planet!
: We received an SMS message again. How great! Children! The gnomes saw and heard everything that we talked about. And they have already made peace! And as a sign of gratitude, the gnomes will help us quickly return to kindergarten. Guys, how do you feel now? What helped you cope with all the tasks? Who found it difficult? Who was afraid of something? Who wanted to go back?
(Children's answers).
: You did a great good deed. I am very glad that we managed to reconcile the gnomes. you showed good example how real friends should behave. We were able to overcome all difficulties, were attentive to each other, listened and heard each other. You are smart, kind, friendly guys. Well done! To return home, close all your eyes. (Relaxation “Sounds of Nature” is performed to the accompaniment of light music)
: Imagine that we are walking through the forest. Fallen tree branches crackle underfoot and lush grass rustles. Blue clouds float overhead, and the light rays of the sun warm you. You feel protected - nature is filled with such tranquility! This peace helps you hear the wonderful sounds of the forest: the buzzing of insects, the singing of birds, the rustling of tree branches, the sound of a distant waterfall. You feel the most subtle smells, become more sensitive to everything. A soft breeze touches your head and you feel light and happy. There is no one in the world who felt the same way as you. Inhale deeply and easily. Slowly open your eyes and move your fingers. And now they opened their eyes wide and batted their eyelashes. Here we are at home. Show me with your facial expressions. What mood are you in now (children show).
: I'm glad that your mood remained good. Now let’s hold hands tightly and smile at each other. (Knock on the door).
: Guys, the gnomes sent us a treat - “FRIENDSHIP PIE” and their photograph. What do you think their mood is? Why? (Children's answers).
: Now let's drink tea. (A song about friendship plays.)

Goal: to form children’s idea of ​​Russia as their native country. Expand children's understanding of the location of our country on the map.

  • consolidate knowledge about the symbols of our country: flag, coat of arms, anthem;
  • - develop coherent speech and thinking in the process of GCD;
  • - to cultivate in children an interest in the history of their country, a sense of love and pride for their country;

Material for the lesson:

1. Presentation: “Our big country”

3. Pre-made paper doves made by children.

4. Use of audio recording.

Educator: Guys, listen carefully to the riddle and guess what it says?

The globe is in front of me

He's not that big.

I turn it with my hand.

Immediately I found the edge of the forest.

Next to the river thread.

Dot is my hometown.

Children: This is a globe.

Educator: That's right, guys. This is a globe. Tell me, what is a globe?

Children: Model of planet Earth.

Do you want to see our planet from space? Then we get into the spaceship and fly off.

Educator: What an amazing planet Earth! Seas and oceans splash on its surface, rivers flow, wide plains spread out, green forests rustle, high mountains rise, many large and small countries, cities, and villages.

I see Australia and the Indian Ocean. Cold Antarctica is below us. We fly over hot Africa. And here is the Arctic Ocean. We see the largest continent, this is Eurasia - Europe and Asia, but somehow our country is not visible, we probably need to go lower. And here is our country, we are landing.

You and I live in the largest and most beautiful country on Earth. Of course, you already know the name of our country?

Children: We live in Russia.

Educator: That's right, in our country beautiful name- Russia.

Our country has a lot of very good things: incredibly beautiful nature, wonderful people. No country in the world has such a vast territory as Russia.

The child reads a poem. V. Stepanova.

You won't find it on the world map,

The house where you live.

And even native streets

We won't find that one on the map.

But we will always find it,

Our country is our common home.

Educator: Which of you can show the territory of Russia on the map? The child shows.

Educator: Russia is the largest country in the world. Our country is located on the largest continent, which is called Eurasia and is washed by three oceans: the Arctic, Pacific and Atlantic. Our Motherland is so big that when people go to bed at one end of our country, morning begins at the other end, it can snow at one end of our country, and the sun can shine on the other.

Look at the map. How many countries are there on our planet? Many different countries on earth, people live everywhere. But Russia is a unique, extraordinary country, because it is our Motherland.

Let's play a game. Game: “Who lives in which country?”

Our country is Russia, and we living in Russia are Russians.

In Italy-

In Spain -

In America -

In France -

In Germany -

In Georgia -

Well done, we named so many countries and residents.

Now answer this question. What three distinctive symbols does any country have, including Russia?

Children: Anthem, coat of arms, flag.

Educator: Let's talk about the flag. What colors does our country's flag consist of?

Children: From white, blue and red. Educator: What does each color mean?

Children read:

Flag of Russia.

White color - birch.

Blue is the color of the sky.

Red stripe -

Sunny dawn.

Educator: The second symbol of our country is the coat of arms. And now I’ll tell you the story of where the coat of arms came to us. A long time ago, not in Russia, but in other countries there were such warriors - knights. Knights often held tournaments, they fought with each other. The knight had to be on horseback. And the knights’ clothes were made of metal so that they could not be pierced with a sword or spear - this was the main weapon in those days. (Show picture of knight). Since the knights had the same clothes, during such tournaments it was difficult to know where their own people were and where their opponents were. And then the knights began to attach different signs to recognize their own, they wore plumes, ribbons, and then they began to draw various designs on their helmets. This is how they distinguished their opponents during tournaments. This kind of sign was called a coat of arms.

Later, coats of arms began to be invented not only by warriors, but also by families, and then by cities and countries. The coat of arms depicted something very important for the family, city, and country.

Now all cities and countries have their own coat of arms.

Educator: Here is the coat of arms of Russia. What will he tell us?

Russia has a majestic

The coat of arms features a double-headed eagle

So that to the west, to the east

He could have looked right away.

He is strong, wise and proud

He is Russia's free spirit.

Game“Find out the coat of arms and flag of your country”.

Physical education session “Our Russia”
The sky is blue in Russia. raise their hands up
Rivers are blue in Russia. put their hands down and “draw” waves
And young birches. raise their arms up and swing them over their heads
Dressed up in lace.
Cornflowers and forget-me-nots put their hands down, “stroking” the grass
They don’t grow more beautiful anywhere.
There are maples and oaks. raise their arms up, swing them from side to side They also bake in the oven head
These are the rolls! Spread your arms to the sides

Educator: Children, now I’ll ask you one more question, what is the anthem? Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, the anthem is a solemn song. The anthem is the official symbol of the state. When is the anthem played?

Children's answers.

Educator: Yes, guys, the anthem is performed on special, solemn occasions. The Russian anthem is very beautiful and majestic. Let's remember how to listen to the anthem.

Children: Standing, don’t talk.

Educator: That's right, in this way, a citizen of a country shows respect for the anthem of his country. Let's listen to the excerpt and listen carefully to the wonderful solemn words about Russia.

Educator: Children, our country is very large and there are many different cities in it, but there is the most important city, the capital of our homeland. What is it called? Moscow is the heart of our homeland. Our government and our president V.V. Putin work here.

Children read the poem.

Moscow is our capital,

Moscow is the towers of the Kremlin,

Moscow is the heart of Russia,

Who loves you!

Such a big old city

My country is proud of him!

He is the head of all cities.

The capital of the Motherland is Moscow!

Educator: Russia also has unofficial symbols that are characteristic only of our country. Any person, being far from home, when he hears the word Motherland, remembers and imagines something of his own, very, very dear.

Let's remember these symbols.

White-trunk birch - there is no such beauty anywhere else.

Matryoshka is the most popular Russian toy; children play with it different corners planets

Chamomile is a flower we all love.

Today we will remember the Russian birch tree.

The child reads a poem.

The sun slightly warmed the slopes,

And it became warmer in the forest,

Birch green braids,

Hung it from thin branches.

All in white dress dressed,

In earrings, in lace foliage.

Welcomes the hot summer

She is at the edge of the forest.

Her light outfit is wonderful,

There is no tree dearer to the heart.

And how many thoughtful songs

People sing about her!

He shares joy and tears with her,

And she is so good that it seems - in the noise of the birch,

Our soul is Russian.

Educator: The birch tree has become national symbol Russia. Russia and birch! These two concepts are inseparable.

Birch is a joyful, elegant tree. Our distant ancestors affectionately called her "spring". In fact, the joy of life seems to emanate from the white-trunked beauty, and the soul becomes more cheerful.

Game “Galya walked around the garden”

Children walk hand in hand in a circle and sing. A child walks in a circle with a handkerchief in his hand.

Galya (Nina) walked around the little garden,
I dropped my handkerchief there .
"Galya" loses her handkerchief. The child whose “Galya” dropped her handkerchief picks it up and holds it. The children continue to sing.

Galya (Nina) walked around the little garden here,

He is looking for his blue handkerchief.

“Galya” does not find the handkerchief, sits down in the center of the circle and “cries.” The children, continuing to sing, now go to the center of the circle to the first line, and to the 2nd line from the circle. And so 2 times.

Don’t worry, friend Galya (Nina),
We found your handkerchief.

Under a raspberry bush,

Under a birch tree under a leaf.

The child who happens to have the handkerchief says, showing it:

Here it is, here it is your handkerchief,

Catch up with me, buddy!

Children stand with their backs to each other. And after the words are spoken in chorus, they run around the circle in different directions to the place where they started running. Whoever comes out first becomes “Galya”. The game repeats itself.

Educator: Guys, our country is great and rich, and the main wealth is the people who live in Russia. Russia is a multinational country. The peoples of Russia have different customs, their own history, their own holidays, their own special national costumes. Even everyone's favorite food is different. Each people speaks their own language. The most numerous people in Russia are the Russian people, therefore Russian is the main language in our country; different peoples use it to communicate with each other. Our country strives to live in peace, this means not having to wage war with anyone.

Children read

1.We are good neighbors

For nearby countries

We are for peace on the whole planet

And for the friendship of all earthlings!

We are strong, but this strength

Given to us for good deeds,

Russia wants to live in peace,

We don't like war!

2.The heart of the beloved Motherland.

Illuminates everything around

And the white-winged one takes off

Dove of peace from our hands.

You fly, fly around the world,

A word of peace and greetings

Our dove, from end to end,

Tell it to all peoples!

Educator: I propose to take the pigeons and attach them to a birch tree. By this act we will convey to all the people of the earth that we want peace on our planet Earth.

Standing around a birch tree, children sing a song about Russia.