During pregnancy, every woman experiences changes in her body that are common to everyone and individual to each individual woman.

Such changes include hormonal changes in the body, instability of the psyche and mood, changes in work internal organs and changes in metabolic processes.

An obvious symptom of pregnancy is an increase in the size of the abdomen. During pregnancy, the belly grows gradually, with constant acceleration.

For all girls, the belly increases in different ways, and that is why in this matter you should not rely on the experience of any friends and acquaintances.

The dynamics of an increase in volume can tell the attending physician about many features of a woman’s body, because the patient is responsible for this process The most important reproductive organ of the female body is the uterus. The enlargement of this organ is primarily associated with the development of the embryo.

In the classic course of pregnancy, the uterus should significantly exceed its pre-pregnancy weight (approximately 10 times), increase in size, a denser vascular network should develop in it, and amniotic fluid should appear.

Oxygen is supplied to the embryo through the blood, if the stomach is small, then the fetus does not have enough oxygen, it begins to experience hypoxia ( oxygen starvation), this condition is dangerous for the embryo.

If the tendency for an enlarged abdomen is not within the normal range, this may indicate abnormal amounts of amniotic fluid and sometimes even an ectopic pregnancy.

A pregnancy such as an ectopic pregnancy is very dangerous for a woman’s life. Such a pregnancy, as a rule, does not lead to the formation of a fetus.

During this pregnancy, the fetus begins to develop outside the uterus, often in the fallopian tubes. The reason may be that the egg did not come out of the tube and did not attach to the placenta.

An important indicator of an ectopic pregnancy is that in this case the size of the woman’s abdomen increases, not corresponding to normal values. That's why In the presence of an ectopic pregnancy, an abortion is usually performed.

How quickly does the belly grow during pregnancy?

All representatives of the fair sex are very individual, but there is fairly reliable statistical data stating that a visually noticeable increase in volume occurs at 4-5 months of pregnancy.

So, at 12 weeks, the fetus has a length of 5-6 cm with a weight of only about 30 g. And at 16 weeks, the fetus reaches a size of approximately 12 cm, and its weight can reach 100 g.

Also, if an ultrasound is performed for a short period of time, then it is possible to notice that the fetus will occupy almost the entire internal cavity of the uterus, and amniotic fluid will be practically absent. At a later date, the fetal fluid will occupy significant space.

At what week of pregnancy does the belly of thin girls begin to grow?

An increase in abdominal size in slender women can be noticed at 16 weeks. During this period, the fruit weighs approximately 100 g.

In thin girls, the belly is visible for a short period of time, this is due to the fact that the capacity of fat deposits is small. This is why the growth of the abdomen becomes visible.

At what week of pregnancy does the belly begin to grow in obese girls?

Fruiting fat girls becomes noticeable much later. Pregnancy can be hidden up to 25 weeks, and this is quite a significant period.

This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that the thickness of the fatty tissue is large, and it is capable of long time hide position.

When does the belly start to grow during pregnancy?

The process of abdominal enlargement depends on:

So, for example, if the fetus in the uterus is placed in close proximity to the spine, then the abdomen may become visible a little later. It is also worth considering that Many people experience increased gas formation during pregnancy.

Remember that exact date It is impossible to determine at what week of pregnancy the belly begins to grow.

When does the belly start to grow during the first pregnancy?

Often during pregnancy for the first time, the belly grows slowly. Growth becomes visible by 14-16 weeks. This phenomenon depends on the fact that during the first pregnancy the abdominal muscles are strong and elastic, they are able to hide the fetus for a sufficient time.

Also In primiparous women, the abdomen has a characteristic ovoid shape. Under the chest, the belly is more convex and pointed towards the top. This is also explained by the elasticity of the muscles.

To make sure at what week of pregnancy your belly begins to grow, keep a diary and visit your doctor regularly.

When does the belly start to grow during the second pregnancy?

At repeat pregnancy the belly appears much earlier than during pregnancy for the first time. This can often be explained by the fact that the muscles are weakened, they are less elastic than before childbirth.

Also, with repeated pregnancy, the belly takes on a saggy shape. It is significantly different from the abdomen of a first-time mother. Such a belly is located one palm below the chest and one palm above the pubis.

Such the shape and location are determined by weakened abdominal muscles and the condition of the uterus and some other factors.

Also, if a second pregnancy occurs a short period of time after the previous one, then the abdominal muscles will not be able to fully recover and the stomach will look a little saggy.

When does the belly start to grow during pregnancy with twins?

If a woman is pregnant with twins, then she the situation may become noticeable as early as 4 weeks of fruiting. But such a rapid increase in the abdomen can also confirm polyhydramnios, a large fetus or chorionepithelioma.

Chorionepithelioma is a neoplasm that develops from placental tissue. It is a formation consisting of small bubbles.

Abdominal growth during pregnancy by month

The growth of the abdomen occurs gradually. The most important influence on this process is the growth of the uterus.

Before pregnancy, the uterus of a nulliparous woman weighs no more than 100 g, and by the end of pregnancy it can reach 1000 g. Also, the volume of the uterus increases up to 500 times.

In parallel with the increase in period, the amount of fetal fluid increases. During the early period, the fetus occupies almost the entire uterine cavity, the amount of fetal fluid is very small.

The size of the uterus corresponds to the size of a chicken egg in the first month of pregnancy, all the space in it is occupied by the fertilized egg, amniotic fluid is practically absent. Pregnancy for so long short term visually invisible.

The fertilized egg measures 22 mm at 2-2.5 months. And the uterus reaches the size of a goose egg, the number amniotic fluid becomes equal to 30 ml. Some pregnant women may notice an increase in volume at this stage.

By three months, the length of the fetus can be up to 7 cm. The weight can be up to 25 g. The size of the uterus is approximately equal to the size of the head of a newborn baby, and the volume of fetal fluid becomes equal to 0.1 l. The fundus of the uterus can be palpated through the abdominal wall during this period; it rises to the edge of the symphysis pubis.

It is impossible to know for sure at what week of pregnancy the belly begins to grow. It is only possible to approximately calculate this individually for you.

By four months, the length of the fetus can reach up to 12 cm, weight - 100 g. The fundus of the uterus will rise, now it will be located at an equal distance from the navel and pubic eminence. The volume of fetal fluid will increase to 0.4 l. The abdomen is quite clearly visible during this period of pregnancy.

By five months the fetus can reach 26 cm, and by weight up to 0.3 kg. The embryo is already developing genitals, and it is possible to determine the sex of the unborn child quite reliably. The fundus of the uterus continues to rise; now its level will be approximately 2 fingers above the navel.

By six months, the length of the fetus can reach 30 cm with a mass of 680 g. The fundus of the uterus will rise to the level of the navel. The woman’s belly is already quite visible, since the weight of the fetus reaches a fairly large level. Also the waist increases by about 20 cm.

At 28-30 weeks (7 months) fundus rises 3 fingers above the navel, the weight of the fetus can be 1.2 kg with a corresponding length of 35 cm. At this stage, the belly is quite noticeable.

By thirty-two weeks, the fundus of the uterus will be located equidistant between the navel and the xiphoid process (the shortest and narrowest part of the sternum). The length of the fetus can be 42 cm with a corresponding mass of 1.7 kg.

At 37-38 weeks, the abdomen acquires its greatest volume. The fundus of the uterus rises to the costal arches and the xiphoid process. The volume of fetal fluid is 1-1.5 liters and at that time it is maximum.

By forty weeks, as a rule, the fundus of the uterus descends and is established between the navel and the xiphoid process at the same distance. IN this period the volume of fetal fluid decreases sharply, from approximately 1.5 l to 0.8 l. If a woman carries a child to term, the volume of fetal fluid may be less than 0.8 liters.

The body weight of a full-term baby at the time of birth is not less than 2.6 kg and not more than 5 kg, and the body length should be from 48 to 54 cm.

Be careful! It is necessary to very carefully monitor the growth process of the abdomen and all accompanying processes, since it is too small or too big belly may indicate various pathologies.

If your belly is smaller normal indicators, then this may indicate fetal malnutrition. A phenomenon in which embryonic growth is delayed. Also, slow volume growth trends may indicate low water levels.

Causes of oligohydramnios:

  • hypertension;
  • gestosis;
  • diseases of the embryonic excretory system;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • other factors.

Also inconsistency with the parameters may indicate uterus pathologies. If the position of the embryo is transverse, then the abdomen may be smaller in size than normal. With such a presentation of the embryo, natural birth is impossible.

If the stomach is larger than normal, this may indicate polyhydramnios. The usual volume of fetal fluid is approximately 2000 ml, and the volume during polyhydramnios can reach even 12 liters. This pathology most often occurs due to diabetes mellitus.

But large size may also indicate multiple births, but it should be borne in mind that such a pregnancy is quite dangerous. The risk of all kinds of complications increases. The abdomen may enlarge quickly if a large fetus develops.

Factors influencing abdominal growth during pregnancy

Increase in size of the uterus (uterus)

The size of the reproductive organ increases throughout pregnancy. Before pregnancy, the weight of the uterus corresponds to no more than 100 g, and by the end of pregnancy it increases to 1 kg. The internal cavity can increase up to 500 times.

The uterus is pear-shaped at the beginning of pregnancy, and by three months it increases up to 3 times in size and becomes more rounded.

Already in In the third trimester, the uterus becomes ovoid. During the entire period of fruiting, a dense network of vessels develops in the uterus and the oxygen regime increases.

Embryo growth process

Throughout the entire gestation period, the embryo is constantly growing. Body weight and length are constantly increasing. All systems develop in it, especially the circulatory system.

Interesting fact! A pregnant woman does not feel the presence of the fetus inside her until it begins to change position and push.

Increased amount of amniotic fluid

During pregnancy, the amount of fetal fluid in the uterus constantly increases. Their presence is extremely important for the development of the embryo.

For anomalies such as polyhydramnios and oligohydramnios, pregnancy should be closely monitored. This is necessary in order to prevent possible developmental pathologies.

Weight gain

Many pregnant women gain noticeable weight. And this affects the size of the belly. The more a woman gains weight, the larger her belly will be.

Presentation – position of the embryo in the uterus (uterus)

If the fertilized egg is attached to the anterior wall of the uterus, then the abdomen will be larger compared to the position of the fertilized egg, which is attached closer to the spine.

Hereditary indicators

Heredity has a great influence on the process of bearing a child.

If a woman’s relatives noticed the appearance of her belly later, then most likely the woman herself will notice the growth of her belly too late.


Height, elasticity and strength of muscles, body weight have a significant impact on abdominal enlargement.

Strong and elastic abdominal muscles are able to hide pregnancy for a long time.

How the belly begins to grow during pregnancy: photo

Abdominal growth is an important indicator of a normal pregnancy. Therefore, it is important to monitor this process.

If the stomach grows too quickly or, conversely, slowly, then it is worth undergoing additional examination to exclude the development of pathology.

From this video you will learn at what week of pregnancy the belly begins to grow.

This video will tell you useful information regarding changes in the abdomen during pregnancy.

What do you associate with a pregnant woman? Of course, with a huge belly, in which the baby is located. However, in the first pregnancy, the growth of the abdomen often occurs at the very latest stages of gestation. And if you are pregnant for the second time, when does the belly appear? Earlier, later or the same?

As a rule, such questions may arise in connection with the visibility of an interesting position for surrounding people, or as a result of checking whether the second pregnancy complies with accepted standards. The interest is understandable and if you are going to make assumptions about how to find out the gender of the unborn child by the shape of the abdomen, at least having carried two children, you will already have some statistics. Well, finally, this issue should be clarified in order to know when this time it is worth taking care of clothes for pregnant women. There are many reasons for wanting to receive this information, and we will try to convey the necessary information as completely as possible.

Abdominal growth rate in first pregnancy

Why does the belly get bigger during pregnancy? Of course, not only because of the baby’s growth, although this is also important. In addition, the timing of the growth of the uterus itself and the amount of amniotic fluid, and the physique of the woman herself.

In the first pregnancy, the onset of abdominal enlargement occurs around the fourth or fifth month, which is approximately the 16th or 18th week of pregnancy. As a rule, for slender women, the situation during this period becomes obvious if the clothes fit the body, but for curvier young ladies, they can “hide” almost until they go on maternity leave, or rather until 23-25 ​​weeks of pregnancy. And although the growth rate of the uterus in women with different body types is identical, the visual effect is very different. What does the growth of abdominal circumference during pregnancy depend on?

What determines belly growth?

As a rule, several factors are important for the growth of abdominal circumference. They influence both the number of centimeters added in volume and the visual component.

  • Baby sizes. If the child has a strong physique, which is easily diagnosed by ultrasound, the size of the pregnant woman’s abdomen will be slightly larger. As the baby grows, so does his habitat, and accordingly, so does the belly of the expectant mother.
  • The size of the uterus itself. Throughout pregnancy, it increases evenly, and if before pregnancy the weight of this reproductive organ does not exceed 60-100 grams, then by the end of the process of bearing a child, the uterus already weighs about 900-1200 grams, which is almost 10 times more.
  • The amount of amniotic fluid. The increase in their volume occurs very unevenly, and different women There may be different amounts of amniotic fluid.

It would seem that all the reasons for the growth of the abdomen are rational and understandable. However, there are differences in that the second pregnancy, when the belly appears, will develop according to the scenario of your first experience.

Features of abdominal growth in the second pregnancy

After the first birth, changes occurred in the woman’s body that cannot be changed. It is these factors that will influence the course of the second and subsequent pregnancies. This fact also applies to the problem of abdominal circumference growth, transforming into two patterns:

1. On average, belly growth is noticeable almost a month earlier, so people around you will be able to notice your interesting situation in a shorter time. This is due to the fact that after the birth of the first child the uterus is enlarged. It never shrank back to its original state, and that's okay. That is why the tummy will begin to bulge already from the twelfth week, if the pregnant woman has a thin physique. But you can captivate others with this a month earlier exciting activity How to find out the gender of your unborn child by the appearance and shape of your belly.

2. In addition, the stomach itself becomes lower than its position in the first pregnancy. After all, the previous time the muscles of the pelvic floor, abdomen, as well as the ligaments were greatly stretched, which means they became weaker and were not able to hold the baby in a higher position. This has its advantages - it becomes easier for a pregnant woman to breathe, she suffers less from heartburn, and the disadvantage is greater pressure on the pelvic bones and lower spine. A good bandage can save the situation.

Regarding the shape of the abdomen, one can also say that if during the first pregnancy it is sharp and high, especially in women with a narrow pelvis, then later during the second pregnancy it becomes somewhat saggy and flat. This can confuse those who believe fortune-telling about how to find out the future sex of a child by the appearance and roundness of the abdomen - if the first time everyone suspected you were a boy, then in your second pregnancy they will often promise you a girl. The stomach drops for the second time also much later.

How sooner does the belly appear: statistics

If we analyze the statistics, women noted that the second pregnancy, when the belly appears earlier, is more noticeable to others. But also assessing the changes own body The majority of women noted that the noticeable appearance of the belly occurred 4-6 weeks earlier compared to the first pregnancy.

Variants of the norm and deviations from it

In addition to the natural desire to find out if you are pregnant for the second time, when the belly appears, there are also objective reasons for obtaining this information. And this is not at all a way to find out the gender of the unborn child. Most likely, your doctor will be interested in the growth of your abdomen to assess the normal course of your pregnancy.

You remember that for the first time, doctors regularly measured the length and circumference of the abdomen with a centimeter tape. This was done in order to assess the rate of uterine enlargement and compare this with the standards for the available period. Deviations from these norms may indicate both emerging problems and the individual characteristics of a woman’s body in general and the course of this particular pregnancy in particular.

That is why if the growth of the uterus corresponds to the established period, then appearance Abdomen should not worry you in any way in terms of your health and the health of your baby. Grow big!

A miracle has happened - the long-awaited firstborn has appeared in your family. He brought many wonderful unforgettable moments, gave joy and happiness. But time passed, and the thought of a second child arose. Many people do not attach serious importance to their second pregnancy, believing that they have already seen everything and know everything. This is wrong because there are important features second pregnancy and childbirth, which should be taken into account by expectant mothers.

Why you can't give birth one after another

Pregnancy is hard work. The body works in an intense mode for nine months, loses vitamins and microelements, especially calcium and iron, giving them to the fetus, and during childbirth it receives severe stress. Of course, after all this he must recover. Otherwise, bearing a second child will be difficult. Even if a woman does not feel this, her fragile body is not able to create ideal conditions for the unborn baby, as a result of which the fetus often experiences hypoxia (pathologies due to lack of oxygen) or malnutrition (insufficient weight).

Incomplete restoration of the uterus is fraught with miscarriages, as problems arise with the strength of attachment of the placenta to its walls. Insufficient vascular restoration leads to the occurrence of varicose veins veins Therefore, the optimal period between pregnancies is at least 2 years. It is believed that at this time the body “remembers” everything, and therefore after a couple of years the second birth is much easier. Reviews from many mothers confirm this point of view. After 5 years, the body gradually “forgets” what happened to it. And a woman gets older, and pregnancy after 35 itself is fraught with many dangers.

Causes of complications

There is hardly a single rule as to whether the second birth will be harder or easier than the first. This is individual for each woman. For some, everything really goes like clockwork. Others experience a lot of problems even with the correct timing between pregnancies.

If the first birth went without complications, the expectant mother eats well, leads a regular lifestyle and is absolutely healthy, most likely her second pregnancy will bring only joy. If, after her first child, a woman had abortions or had miscarriages, most likely the second pregnancy will be difficult.

The peculiarities of the second pregnancy and childbirth, in addition, are that the woman has little free time, which she can devote only to herself, because her first child requires her care. In some cases, these are lack of sleep, worries, increased physical activity. Close people are obliged to provide the expectant mother with proper rest, walks in the fresh air, quiet home environment. If a woman has suffered a number of serious illnesses, abortions or miscarriages after her first birth, she should consult a doctor before deciding on a second pregnancy, undergo examination and, if necessary, the necessary course of therapy.


Women who had their first birth surgically, C-section, perhaps waiting a second time. This is not a sentence. Now doctors insist on repeat births only naturally, and use cesarean section only in special cases. medical indications. However, women who were unable to give birth on their own for the first time must take into account all the features of the second pregnancy and childbirth. In this case, the recovery time of the body increases to 5 years. Non-compliance established deadlines between pregnancies is deadly, as the suture on the uterus can come apart. Having decided to give birth to a second child, a woman is required to undergo hysterography, hysteroscopy, and ultrasound. There are cases when doctors question the possibility of bearing a second child.

What is it like, second pregnancy?

It is impossible to accurately predict this process. Some women suffer more from toxicosis, others hardly experience it. For some, the uterus is constantly in good shape, and the expectant mother requires special conditions to bear the baby. Others live as usual, without any pathologies. However, there are common features of the second pregnancy and childbirth that are observed in most women. These include:

  1. Psychological factor consisting of experience. The second time, the woman already knows what to do and what not to do, so she tries not to make the same mistakes.
  2. Condition of the abdominal muscles. As a rule, they are more stretched, which means that pregnancy is noticeable for a longer time. early stages. Doctors recommend wearing a special bandage, although it is not superfluous during the first pregnancy.
  3. Fetal movement. It is believed that with a second pregnancy this occurs 2-4 weeks earlier. However, doctors assure that the fetus always begins to move at the right time; it’s just that a re-pregnant woman more accurately determines the movements of her future baby.

First and second births, what are the differences?

The first, second, and tenth births are unforgettable. Each time they happen differently.

But there are features of the second and subsequent births that are observed in most women. This:

  1. Duration. The second time the birth actually goes faster, because birth canal are already prepared, the pelvic muscles are stretched, which ensures accelerated movement of the fetus towards the exit, and the cervix opens faster. If the first birth went quickly, the second may be rapid, so at the first sign of contractions, the woman should immediately proceed to the hospital.
  2. Soreness. In the second case, as a rule, the stretched muscles contract more painfully. Unpleasant sensations intensify during breastfeeding. Some women have pain so severe that they require medication to relieve pain.
  3. Breaks. It is believed that in the place of tears and seams left after the first birth, damage should occur during the second process. However, this is not necessary. A woman giving birth for the second time most often correctly follows the doctors’ commands, and the birth ends without injury.

Rh factor

For an expectant mother with a negative Rh (while the father and the conceived baby are positive), the second pregnancy may result in an Rh conflict, that is, blood incompatibility. This leads to the death of the fetus or the development of hemolytic disease. To prevent this from happening, the mother needs to promptly administer anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin serum after the first birth.

If everything is done correctly, the second birth will not bring anything terrible. Reviews from those who have gone through this confirm the possibility of having a healthy second child. To avoid problems, a woman with a negative Rhesus (especially with blood group I when her husband’s blood group is II or III) must regularly have a blood test for the presence of antibodies, and if abnormalities are detected, undergo a course of treatment.

Waiting for a baby is one of the most anxious periods for women. Any information is important, such as the degree of uterine enlargement and imaging of pregnancy. Changes depend on the characteristics of the body, the weight of the expectant mother and other things. In addition, it matters whether the woman has given birth before.

At what week does the belly begin to grow during the first pregnancy?

When waiting for the birth of a baby, a pregnant girl’s belly increases due to several factors:

  • amniotic fluid content;
  • fetal development;
  • growth of the uterus.

At what age does the belly begin to grow? This is a very sensitive issue. For some women, it increases already in the first months, while others manage to hide for a long period the fact that they are preparing for the birth of a child. Gynecologists believe that the belly should be visible after the 16th week of pregnancy. If an ultrasound determines twins, then roundness may begin to appear 3-4 weeks earlier.

A woman preparing to become a mother for the first time may develop a belly much later than those who are about to give birth to a second child. Size takes longer to increase due to muscles that actively resist stretching. In addition, the rate at which your belly grows may depend on other factors. Sometimes it becomes noticeable that a woman is going to become a mother, only when later. Muscle stretching occurs much faster in those who have already gone through childbirth.

When does the belly start to grow in pregnant women with twins?

Another question of interest to expectant mothers concerns multiple pregnancy. Noticeable roundness, if shown in photo ultrasound examination two fertilized eggs were visible, appears earlier. In this case, the volume of amniotic fluid increases faster, so changes occur about a month earlier. Pregnant twins already in the third trimester have a belly that is visible to the naked eye.

During a multiple pregnancy, the uterus enlarges several weeks earlier than when carrying one child. The mother's overall body weight also grows faster. However, a big belly does not necessarily mean that a woman will have twins. Sometimes this is a sign of incorrect calculation of the timing of pregnancy, a large fetus, or the formation of amniotic fluid in a significant amount. The position of the unborn baby also matters.

At what stage does the belly begin to grow during the second pregnancy?

It is believed that the baby of a mother who has become pregnant for the second time is slightly larger. The size of the tummy corresponds to this. Doctors confirm this fact. During the second pregnancy, the fetus grows in height and gains up to 500 grams more weight than when expecting the first child. The skin and muscles stretch faster, the navel twists, and already at four months the roundness is clearly visible.

Each woman's uterus grows individually. If the waiting period for the first child for a long time remains invisible to others, the second pregnancy becomes visible earlier. The abdominal muscles are already stretched after the first birth, so the process goes faster. It is important to take into account the physiology of the expectant mother, especially the structure of the pelvic bones. Expectant mother women with a narrow pelvis “round up” faster during pregnancy than women with a wide skeleton.

At what stage of pregnancy does the belly begin to grow? Visual changes may not occur until the tenth week. After this, a slight roundness appears, growing every day. The most active period of fetal development begins in the thirteenth week. After the first pregnancy, the wall of the abdominal muscle is no longer as elastic as before, so it may seem that the “interesting position” appears visually faster.