A one-time bioepilation guarantees that the effect will last for three to five weeks. With regular implementation of this procedure, a gradual decrease in the number of hairs, a slowdown in their growth and thinning are observed.

Bioepilation with wax is used as an independent procedure or as a component of a course of photoepilation (hair removal using a powerful light pulse), which allows you to achieve the best results and long-term preservation of the effect.

Types of bioepilation

There are several types of bioepilation, which differ in the type of wax used:

  • hair removal with hot (hard) wax: used for people with thick hair;
  • epilation with warm wax (low temperature): recommended for those with fine hair;
  • hair removal with cold (soft) wax: performed on persons with any skin type (gives the skin a velvety feel and ensures the removal of the stratum corneum).

Bioepilation with wax: description of the procedure

Bioepilation is by far the most popular and effective way to remove excess hair. The procedure is recommended for persons with both abundant and medium hair growth.

The essence of bioepilation is to eliminate unwanted hair using wax at a certain temperature. During the procedure, there is no damage or destruction of the hair follicles; removal concerns only the hair shafts. After 3-4 weeks (depending on individual characteristics), new hairs grow, but their structure becomes less rigid and the color is less dark than before.

Bioepilation with wax is used to remove unwanted hair on the arms, legs, bikini area, armpits, and above the upper lip. For men this procedure helps get rid of excess hair on the back, chest, shoulders and arms.

Indications for bioepilation

  • with abundant hair growth in certain parts of the body in women: on the legs, arms, armpits and bikini area;
  • with increased hair density in men in the chest, back, and arms;
  • with an increased level of sensitivity and the presence of allergic reactions during regular shaving in men.

Contraindications for bioepilation

Like any hair removal method, waxing has some general contraindications, the main one is varicose veins veins in the area of ​​the procedure. This method is also not recommended for people suffering from chronic skin diseases, diabetes mellitus, external manifestations of herpes.

Bioepilation is also contraindicated in case of individual intolerance and predisposition to the development of allergic reactions to beeswax.

The procedure is performed with extreme caution in the presence of benign neoplasms (warts, moles, papillomas). Waxing is not performed in places where the integrity of the skin is compromised (scratches, cuts, deep scars and ulcers).

Hair removal using bioepilation is contraindicated for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Bioepilation with wax: benefits

  • This cosmetic procedure It has a rather long-lasting effect, which increases after each procedure.
  • Removal of unwanted vegetation, provided the procedure is carried out by a professional cosmetologist, is carried out efficiently.
  • Bioepilation with wax does not require a lot of time (the duration of the procedure is on average from 1 to 1.5 hours, which depends on the volume of the treated area).
  • Due to the fact that special mixtures are used to treat the skin before and after the procedure, the risk of pain and irritation is minimized.
  • The effect can be achieved even on large areas of the body in the shortest possible time.
  • Bioepilation with wax is suitable for people with any type, structure and color of hair.
  • Waxing is an excellent alternative for men and women who have contraindications to hardware procedures (the presence of a number of diseases, metal implants, individual intolerance, etc.).
  • Systematic implementation of procedures contributes to a significant reduction in hair growth and weakening of hair in the areas being depilated.
  • Compared to other types of depilation, bioepilation with wax is considered less expensive from a financial point of view.
  • If necessary, waxing can be done at home.

Bioepilation with wax: disadvantages

  • Despite the fact that the effect of eliminating excess hair is quick and quite high-quality, after a while the hairs begin to grow again. A repeated procedure can be carried out only if the hair reaches a certain length, which requires some time during which you have to endure discomfort.
  • If the wax is not heated sufficiently, you can get an uneven result, and if it is overheated, you can get burns.
  • Persons suffering from peripheral circulation disorders are contraindicated from applying hot wax to the surface of the skin.
  • Sometimes patients who often resort to the bioepilation procedure are faced with the problem of ingrown hairs (deformation of hairs under the skin and impaired growth).
  • Special products used for wax depilation with anesthetic effect cannot guarantee a 100% absence of pain, therefore bioepilation with wax is unacceptable for people with a low pain threshold.

How to properly prepare for the procedure

Date waxing should be selected taking into account the condition of the body. If you feel unwell or have increased nervousness, it is better to postpone the procedure. It is not recommended to perform hair removal during menstruation and shortly before it, when a woman’s reaction to pain is especially acute.

In order to minimize the likelihood of ingrown hairs, it is necessary to scrub the skin three days before the procedure and the same time after it.

To reduce the pain of the process of removing excess hair, it will not be superfluous to self-study skin for the procedure. To give it extra softness, take a warm or hot bath. The use of moisturizers is not recommended due to the fact that they create a protective film that complicates the depilation process.

In a salon setting, the surface of the skin is treated using special products that reduce the level of pain, have a bactericidal effect and improve the adhesion of wax to the skin.

At the end of the procedure, a nourishing lotion is applied to the skin, softening it and preventing subsequent hair growth and preventing irritation.

The procedure is possible only with a certain hair length, which must be at least 0.5 centimeters.

Bioepilation with wax is not recommended if the patient had unsuccessful chemical hair removal the day before (using special lotions or creams). A repeat waxing procedure should not be carried out earlier than 10 days after the previous one.

Depilation using hot and warm wax should be carried out exclusively with rubber gloves.

Required number of procedures for the expected effect

After waxing, an instant visual effect is achieved: the skin texture is smoothed. The hair that appears after the procedure has a finer structure and less dark color. Complete removal of unwanted hairs is possible after 4-5 depilation procedures using hot or warm wax, the interval between which should be two to four weeks.

For this method hair removal does not require any special equipment; the main role in bioepilation belongs to beeswax.

The effectiveness of bioepilation and the sensitivity reaction depend on the professionalism of the specialist who carries out the procedure and the quality of the wax used for it. The choice of one or another type of wax should be made by a specialist taking into account the patient’s skin type, the intensity of hair growth and the area in which hair removal is performed.

Bioepilation with wax at home

Independent waxing is possible only using warm or cold wax, following all the rules described above. The use of hot wax for a procedure carried out at home is not recommended, since in this case certain skills and compliance with safety precautions are required.

Being beautiful everywhere and always is what women have strived for in all eras. This desire sometimes led to very strange, in our opinion. modern man, results. However, quite painful procedures have survived to this day. For example, hair removal. After all, increased “hairiness” has always been a sign of masculinity, and fragile gentle woman she is of no use. One of modern methods– bioepilation of deep bikini with wax.

Bioepilation is a reliable and relatively harmless method of removing unwanted hair on the body.. It uses exclusively natural products, hence the prefix “bio” in the name. Such components do not contain harmful “chemicals” and practically eliminate the risk of causing allergies. Skin irritation after natural ways passes faster. In addition, these methods were used by beauties in ancient times, which means they have been tested for centuries.

Depending on what bioepilation products are used, the following types are distinguished:

If, when using wax and resin, the product is applied in the direction of hair growth, and comes off against the growth, then when sugaring, the opposite is true - the paste is applied against the hair growth, and comes off in the direction of growth. Therefore, the method is less painful and traumatic.

Pros and cons of bioepilation

Many women choose bioepilation. The reason for this is the numerous advantages of the method of removing unwanted hair:

  1. Natural composition. For bioepilation, only natural products that do not contain harmful substances are selected.
  2. Minimal risk side effects. Natural ingredients practically do not cause individual intolerance or allergies in anyone, the skin heals and gets rid of irritation quickly.
  3. Versatility. Natural remedies are suitable for removing hair of any thickness and structure on all parts of the body, including the bikini area.
  4. Ease of use. After a little training, any woman can cope with these compounds at home.
  5. Long lasting effect. The hairs will begin to grow back in three to four weeks, and with each new procedure they become thinner and easier to remove.

However, bioepilation also has disadvantages. And the main one is pain. Pulling out hair by the roots is always painful, but this is especially true for the sensitive deep bikini area. Over time, the procedure will cause less and less discomfort, but some women's skin is so sensitive that it is impossible to get used to it.

To reduce pain, you should use by special means before depilation, which contain pain-relieving components. But hot wax has one more drawback - if you overheat it a little, you can get it, so you should be careful, especially in the intimate area.


Bioepilation also has contraindications. You cannot remove hair in the bikini area using these methods if you have the following diseases and conditions:

It is worth refusing bioepilation of a deep bikini during pregnancy and on menstruation days. And it is better for people with intolerance to bee products to refrain from waxing.

Preparation and progress of the procedure

The success of the procedure, its effectiveness and the condition of the skin after it largely depend on proper preparation and proper implementation of the procedure. Before the procedure, the skin must be thoroughly cleansed; to reduce pain, many recommend steaming it by taking a hot bath or shower. And then apply before depilation.

Important! You also need to grow your hair. Bioepilation is applicable for vegetation of at least three millimeters in length, and preferably 5-6 millimeters.

Hot wax

Before use, the wax must be warmed to the desired consistency. To do this, it is placed in a special device - a wax melter or in a microwave. It is important not to overheat the product, otherwise it will easily burn the skin. Bioepilation with hot wax in the deep bikini area occurs as follows:

Be extremely careful. The intimate area is very sensitive, it is easy to damage the skin and cause severe pain. You cannot apply hot wax to the same area of ​​skin in the bikini area twice in a row. If individual hairs remain, they can be removed with tweezers.

Cold wax

Cold wax is available in the form of special strips. All you need to do before use is hold them between your palms to warm them slightly. The strips are applied to the desired area with the sticky side, then smoothed along the hair growth. They are torn off with a sharp movement against hair growth. Unlike hot wax, they can be applied to the same area repeatedly.

Cold wax bioepilation is less painful than hot one, but it is not always quite effective, because cold wax envelops the hairs less easily. And you may not be able to cope with those who are too tough and rough.

Sugar paste

Sugar paste also needs to be heated before use, but not to the same degree as hot wax, so the risk of getting burned is minimal. It is also recommended to sprinkle the skin with talcum powder for better adhesion of the product.

Bioepilation with sugar is carried out as follows:

  • The paste should be applied in a thin layer against hair growth;
  • You can apply fabric strips to the paste layer, but you can do it without them;
  • Rip off the cooled paste with a sharp movement along the hair growth.

Due to the fact that the hairs are pulled out according to hair growth, the method is less painful than waxing. In addition, hairs do not grow in after this procedure. Therefore, many for sensitive intimate area They prefer sugaring.

In everything that concerns subtle and sensitive skin in the deep bikini area, you need to be extremely careful and careful. When using bioepilation for the first time, you should not apply the product immediately to a large area of ​​skin. Try applying it carefully on a small fragment. If the pain is tolerable, you can continue.

What not to do after bioepilation

The skin after bioepilation is irritated. Redness, slight inflammation, and irritation may appear. Immediately after the procedure, it is necessary to treat the skin with a post-epilation product. It will disinfect, as well as soften, moisturize and anesthetize the skin, and help quickly relieve inflammation and irritation.

But there are things you can’t do after bioepilation:

All these measures should be observed in the first day or two, then the skin will calm down and return to normal. It’s even better to use bioepilation in the evening so that the irritation more or less subsides overnight.


Despite the existence of the most modern developments in all areas, nowadays many are returning to natural, time-tested and safe means. Epilation is no exception. After all, with the help of wax or sugar paste you can make your skin perfectly smooth and soft. It is also relatively safe and not as painful as, for example, an epilator. Even if we are talking about the deep bikini area.

Bioepilation - not everyone knows what it is, but many use this excellent method to remove excess hair on some areas of the body. Bioepilation is most often performed and is of great importance in summer time, since it is at this time that people go undressed, exposing their legs and other parts of the body.

Bioepilation can be done by anyone at home. Excessive hair can be removed from any area of ​​the body.

The procedure is effective, but you need to know how long one procedure will last, as well as how to care for the treated skin areas after bioepilation.

Video Waxing of various zones

Bioepilation is a procedure familiar to many - wax depilation, a method that many girls use to get rid of unwanted hair on the body.

Hair can be removed using cold, warm or hot wax for the procedure. The choice of wax type depends on the preference of each person undergoing the procedure, and is also influenced by the type of hair, which can be thin and soft, or coarse and thick.

What is meant by bioepilation? Bioepilation and its varieties


Using cold wax (wax strips), if desired, excess hair can be quickly and easily removed from any area of ​​the body. However, this method has some disadvantages, including one main one - wax strips help get rid of fine hairs, but cannot be used to remove hard and thick ones.

Cold wax is used to remove excess hair from hands, feet and face.

Bioepilation with warm wax

Bioepilation can also be carried out with warm wax, which is sold packaged in cassettes or jars.

The wax is slightly heated (for this, a water bath or a special device called a wax melter is used). When the wax temperature reaches 40 °C, it is completely ready for the procedure. Using warm wax, hair is removed from the surface of the arms, legs, stomach and back.

Biodepilation using hot wax should be carried out in beauty salons.

Of course, you can do it yourself, but first you need to see how to do it correctly so as not to burn your skin. This can be done by specialists in the salon. They heat the wax to a temperature of 60 °C. This temperature promotes steaming of the skin, and this will allow for better and painless hair removal in problem areas - armpits and bikini.

Which procedure should you choose: bioepilation or sugaring?

The sugaring procedure involves removing unwanted hair from the body using sugar paste.

It has much in common with bioepilation, differing only in that the procedures are performed with different mixtures and methods of application. Sugar paste is applied in the direction against hair growth, and removed in the direction of hair growth. Waxing is done exactly the opposite.

The sugar paste procedure itself is as follows. Wax or sugar paste is applied to the selected area. Then wait until the wax or sugar paste harden and remove the composition along with the hairs caught in them. In this case, not only the outer part of the hair is removed, but also its root.

Sugaring is considered a more preferable procedure specifically for the bikini area. Firstly, although the sugar paste is heated, it is not as hot as wax, so it is impossible to get burned during the procedure. And secondly, sugar paste is hypoallergenic and does not cause skin rashes.

Those who do not yet know what is better to use, bioepilation or sugaring, are recommended to carry out both procedures to find out. Both procedures achieve the same effect. They are equally painful. The choice of procedure for getting rid of unwanted hair on the body is influenced by your individual preferences.

Some people have allergic reactions to wax, so they prefer to use sugaring, especially since sugar paste can be easily prepared at home, since the necessary components can be found in the kitchen of every home.

You should not be afraid to experiment - this is the only way to select the ideal option.

Carrying out bioepilation of hairs on the face

Some representatives fair half of humanity suffer from the problem that a mustache appears above their upper lip - they are advised to perform bi-epilation upper lip using wax strips. You need to choose a small size of strips that are designed to remove hair from small areas of the skin.

The wax strip is warmed up in your hands for 20-30 seconds, and then one part of it is peeled off and pressed against problem skin. In this case, the strip must be smoothed in the direction of hair growth.

The strip stays on the skin for no more than 15-20 seconds, and then comes off in the direction of hair growth. This must be done quickly and sharply, holding the skin with your free hand - otherwise bruises may remain on the skin.

After bioepilation is completed, redness of the skin persists for some time (minutes or even hours), so it is worth planning the procedure in advance.

By following these simple instructions, you can carry out bioepilation without any problems. Quick and effective removal of unwanted hair will make your skin plump and soft. The effectiveness of the procedure lasts for 2-4 weeks.

How to remove excess hair in intimate areas using wax?

People who are not very sensitive to pain can use warm wax to remove unwanted hair in the bikini area. The procedure is easy and simple to perform independently. To do this, you need to buy a cassette with wax, a wax melting device that makes the procedure easier, as well as several paper strips for depilation.

  • Before performing the procedure, you need to clean the skin in the bikini area, dry it so that it is completely dry, and apply talcum powder.
  • Then the talc is heated in a wax melter to a temperature of 40 °C.
  • Wax is applied to the skin using a roller. The composition is applied in the direction of hair growth, trying to cover a small area.
  • A strip is applied to the wax and smoothed.
  • After 20-30 seconds, the strip is torn off in the direction against hair growth. The movement should be fast and confident, parallel to the skin.
  • The procedure is repeated throughout the entire zone.

For those who find the procedure too painful, it is recommended to use hot bioepilation with wax of the bikini area.

The procedure differs from the previous one in that the composition has a higher temperature, which warms up the skin better, so that hairs are better captured and removed better.

When doing bioepilation for the first time, you need to contact specialists in the salon who perform it quickly, correctly and efficiently. Subsequent times you can carry out the procedure yourself.

How long does the effect obtained after bioepilation last?

Using the bioepilation procedure, you can quickly and effectively remove unwanted hair on the body. You need to know how long after the procedure the skin will remain smooth.

Everyone understands that it is impossible to permanently remove hair using wax bioepilation, since during this procedure the hair follicles remain untouched. But with the help of wax, hair is pulled out by the roots, so it does not grow back in the same place for a long time.

Even the master cannot say exactly how long the hairs will not grow, since this is an individual indicator, but not less than two weeks. The maximum time is within a month. If you perform bioepilation regularly, without using other methods in between procedures, for example, shaving problem areas, hair growth slows down, they become thinner and lighter.

How to properly care for your skin after bioepilation?

To maintain the beauty and tenderness of the skin, you need to properly care for it, protecting the skin from negative influence depilation as follows:

  1. Cleanse and moisturize your skin every day.
  2. In order to avoid problems with ingrown hairs, it is recommended to scrub the skin two days after bioepilation. The scrubbing procedure should be repeated at least once a week.
  3. If you are allergic to wax, you should immediately stop using it and consult your doctor.
  4. For a successful bioepilation procedure, you need to wait for the hairs to grow to at least 5 mm. The only exception to the rule can be epilation of the upper lip, since with the help of small wax strips you can also capture short hairs.
  5. If the bioepilation procedure seems too painful, you can use anesthesia, which is anesthetics that can be bought at a pharmacy. This is Emla cream, Lidocaine spray.
  6. After bioepilation, immediately treat the skin. To do this, use a disinfectant - chlorhexidine, which will prevent infection from entering the open pores of the skin.

In cosmetology, various methods for removing unwanted hair on all parts of the body. Dark mustache, coarse hair on the chin and too thick eyebrows can spoil the look even the most attractive woman. Facial waxing or bioepilation - affordable and very effective method removing unwanted hairs. The procedure itself is simple, so it can be carried out as in professional salon, and at home.

If you decide to undergo bioepilation for the first time, use the services good master. This will help avoid unpleasant consequences and create a correct understanding of the process as a whole.

Advantages of the procedure

It has become widespread due to its advantages:

  • Availability. Wax mixture, spatulas, paper and linen strips can be purchased at large cosmetics stores;
  • Simplicity and speed. The average duration of bioepilation is 10-15 minutes;
  • Long lasting effect. Facial waxing allows you to remove unwanted hairs along with the follicle, which guarantees that the effect will last for up to six weeks. After 4-5 procedures, the hair becomes much thinner and colorless.
  • Ability to remove large amounts of hair at one time;
  • Versatility. With the help of bioepilation, you can remove any unwanted hair, be it thick and dark or thin and light. A wide selection of materials will allow you to choose a wax mixture for any skin type.

Disadvantages of waxing

Many women still resort to insufficient effective ways control of unwanted vegetation. Because bioepilation also has disadvantages:

  • Soreness;
  • Inability to remove short hairs;
  • Ingrown hair;
  • Prolonged irritation. The problem most often occurs in those with sensitive skin, as well as improper care behind the depilation area.
  • Allergy to the components of the mixture;
  • Possibility of injury skin: irritation, bruises;
  • Most of the problems described above can be avoided by using the services of a professional.

The wax mixture for bioepilation should be selected based on your own professionalism, skin type, and depilation area. There are three types of wax:

Cold wax consists of paper or linen strips onto which a wax composition is applied in an even layer. Sometimes available in tubes. Heating the wax strips is very simple - just rub them between your palms. These strips are well suited for waxing eyebrows, as well as for use when traveling when it is impossible to create the conditions for a full procedure.

Warm wax also involves the use of linen or paper strips, but requires longer heating. Usually available in cassettes with a roller and cans. This mixture is heated to 45°C and applied to the skin, after which it cools quickly. Warm wax does not have any harmful thermal effects on the epidermis and capillaries. Ideal for performing the procedure at home.

Hot wax is the most effective means combating unwanted vegetation, which is why it is used more often than others by professional craftsmen. It melts at a temperature of 55-60°C and is then applied to the skin. After hardening, it forms a plastic film, which is completely removed with one jerk. At home, hot wax should be used with extreme caution to prevent burns.

Preliminary preparation of the zone

In order for facial waxing to be as effective and painless as possible, the depilation area should be properly prepared. Those with sensitive skin should strictly follow all recommendations for caring for the depilation area.

Preparatory care includes:

1-2 days before depilation, you need to treat your face with a scrub. It will cleanse your face of dead cells and increase the effectiveness of the procedure. Pay attention to the fact that the hairs are no shorter than 3 mm, and during cold epilation no shorter than 5 mm;

2-4 days before the scheduled procedure, do not sunbathe or visit the solarium. For those with sensitive skin, it is recommended to treat the area with an anesthetic half an hour before depilation. Eyebrow waxing usually does not require pain relief.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to conduct an allergy test. Immediately before the process, steam the skin well. This is necessary so that the pores expand and the wax penetrates better into the hair follicles. After steaming, pat your face dry with a towel. Degrease the area with a special lotion. Dust with talcum powder, powder or baby powder.

Description of the hair removal procedure

Facial hair removal using cold strips consists of several stages:

  • Cut the wax strips so that they are easy to use. Ideally, their size should be slightly larger than the depilation area;
  • Warm them between your palms for 40-60 seconds;
  • Carefully apply the strip to the skin in the direction how hair grows;
  • Press and smooth out thoroughly.

  • If necessary, repeat the process using the same tape.

Waxing of the face using warm or cold wax in a tube includes:

  • Preparing the wax mixture. It should be heated strictly according to the instructions. To select the correct temperature of the mixture and eliminate the possibility of burns, before starting the procedure, apply the mixture to the back of your wrist;
  • Apply the wax mixture using a spatula along the hair growth. Press it firmly with tape;
  • Remove the tape with a sharp tug against hair growth;
  • Repeat the procedure if necessary.

Hot waxing on the face takes place in several stages:

  • Preparing the wax mixture. It is advisable to use a wax melter;
  • Hot wax should be applied with a spatula strictly according to hair growth. When applying, try to press it into the skin as hard as possible. This will allow the mixture to penetrate deeper into the epidermis and securely fix the hair follicles;
  • Pry up the applied mixture with a spatula to form a “tip”, which will be convenient for removing it. Or press the mass with a paper strip;
  • Let the wax cool for 10-20 seconds;
  • Remove the mixture with a sharp tug against hair growth. If the wax mixture is difficult to remove, it means it has not hardened. Try again after 5-10 seconds;
  • If there are still hairs in the epilation area, repeat the procedure.

Skin care after the procedure

Proper skin care after hair removal is important as it helps restore damaged epidermis. After bioepilation:

  • Remove any remaining wax mixture. This can be done in the following ways:
  • Soap and water;
  • Special lotion after hair removal;
  • Vegetable or cosmetic oil: almond, shea, olive, coconut and others;
  • Oily (preferably children's) hand or body cream.

All post-epilation care should be accompanied by light touches. Rubbing movements with your hands or a brush can harm the epidermis and cause irritation:

  • Wash your face with cold water;
  • Wipe lightly with a towel;
  • Apply milk (lotion) after depilation or any moisturizer. Do not use lotions containing alcohol.

If irritation lasts longer than two days, you should consult a doctor.


Like any cosmetic procedure, waxing has its limitations. Waxing and contraindications:

  • The presence of wounds, scratches, pimples and other damage to the skin;
  • Presence of skin diseases: acne, enlarged pores, various types rashes, fungus, etc.;
  • Blood clotting disorder;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Low pain threshold;
  • Individual intolerance to the ingredients of the wax mixture.

Frequently encountered problems

Problem: After the procedure, many ingrown hairs appear.

Solution: To reduce their number, you need to use a facial scrub 2 times a week and follow all recommendations for caring for the hair removal area.

  • Problem: Unable to remove wax residue.
  • Solution: Use vegetable or special oils after depilation. Large quantity Apply the oil to a cotton pad or swab and remove the remaining wax with light movements. Next time try a special warm wax that washes off with water.

Problem: Severe irritation in the depilation zone.

Solution: There may be several reasons: Allergy to the ingredients that are in the mixture (try sugar hair removal). Conduct an allergy test, if it is confirmed, change the wax. Recommendations for caring for the hair removal area have not been followed. Wax is not suitable for your skin type. Try to use wax that contains ylang-ylang, rose and aloe vera oils. To get rid of irritation, treat the affected area with hydrogen peroxide. Then apply an antibacterial agent or any healing cream (Panthenol, Rescuer, etc.). Or you can make a compress with chlorhexidine and wipe the affected areas with aloe juice.

  • Problem: Severe pain during the procedure.
  • Solution: Half an hour before the procedure, apply an anesthetic to your face, it will reduce skin sensitivity. If you are epilating at home, try removing the wax with sharper movements. If the problem persists, use other hair removal methods. Hair keraplasty will also be useful for hair on the head.

Problem: On the third day after waxing, stubble appears.

Solution: Most likely, this is due to a disruption in the hair removal process. If the wax does not fix the hairs well enough, then during the epilation process it will not removes them along with the bulb, and vomits. When applying hot wax and using paper strips, apply as much pressure as possible to the skin. It is these actions that will allow the wax to cling to the hair more tightly and remove it along with the bulb. If the procedure goes according to all the rules, consult a doctor.

Deep bikini bioepilation is the most suitable method for those women who are tired of regular razor depilation and its unpleasant consequences in the form of irritation and skin damage.

Getting rid of hair using mixtures of natural ingredients is called bioepilation. What it is, its types, advantages, disadvantages, methods of implementation must be studied in detail before deciding on the procedure.

Types of bioepilation

Regarding the epilation agent, bioepilation is divided into several types:

  1. Waxing. The most common method involves waxing hair removal.
  2. Sugaring. Hair removal using sugar paste (caramel) of a certain consistency. One of the simplest and most inexpensive home methods for getting rid of hair.
  3. Using phyto-resin. It is released in small containers. The resin is immediately ready for use and does not require special equipment.

The choice of means for bioepilation is individual for each woman. It depends on the type and characteristics of the skin, the method and type of hair removal.

Cosmetologists distinguish two types of bikini hair removal regarding the extent and depth of the epilated area:

  • classic - involves removing hair along the panty line;
  • deep – complete removal of vegetation in the perineum.

The second (extended) classification divides hair removal of the intimate area into:

  • external - the epilation area is limited to underwear;
  • deep - hairs are removed from the inside of the thighs and pubis;
  • total (Hollywood) - vegetation is removed from the pubic area, inner thighs, and labia.

Most salons, in addition to the chosen type of hair removal, offer hair removal between the buttocks.

Benefits of bioepilation

The popularity and demand for bioepilation is explained by the advantages it has relative to other methods:

  1. The natural composition of the products used rarely causes allergies.
  2. Suitable for hair removal regardless of its color, structure and thickness.
  3. The result lasts for 3-4 weeks.
  4. Not only does it vomit top part hair, but also the root.
  5. Does not leave cuts or burns.
  6. Has few contraindications.

Regular hair removal leads to the fact that hairs become thin, weak, grow slowly, and over time their growth stops.

The disadvantage of bioepilation is the painfulness of the procedure. You can alleviate the discomfort by lightly freezing the skin with ice cubes or special medications.


Despite the safety of the procedure, bioepilation has contraindications. These include:

  • insufficient hair length;
  • skin damage;
  • protruding moles (if there is a threat of damage);
  • fresh tan on the epilated area;
  • recently performed procedures, after which the skin needs rest and restoration;
  • close location of veins and vessels to the surface of the skin;
  • low pain threshold.

Medical contraindications to hair removal are:

  • dermatological diseases ( fungal infections, genital herpes, rashes of various types, others);
  • vascular diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus (in the case when the sugar level is not sufficiently adjusted with medications);
  • infectious diseases;
  • menstruation;
  • pregnancy;
  • high body temperature.

In addition, when choosing a hair removal method, you need to take into account personal intolerance to the components of the epilating agent (wax, honey, pine resin, sugar or others).

Preparation for the procedure

The date of the session must be scheduled in advance. There is an opinion that the 5th, 6th, and 7th days of the menstrual cycle are most suitable for the hair removal procedure. Hormonal background women these days significantly raises her pain threshold.

In order for bioepilation in the bikini area to be easy and cause less discomfort, you need to properly prepare for it. Usually preparatory stage begins a few days before the expected procedure.

  1. Consult your doctor regarding contraindications and choice of epilating agent.
  2. Shave the hair in the epilated area 3-4 days before the session. The length of the hair at the time of hair removal should be 4-7 mm. Hair of shorter length is difficult to grasp and pull out, and plucking is too long hair causes severe pain.
  3. Before the session, take a shower or use sanitary napkins.
  4. Degrease the skin by wiping it with any dermatological antiseptic and dust it with hypoallergenic baby powder. This is done so that the resin, sugar paste or wax only captures the hair without damaging the skin.
  5. The areas of skin around the epilation site can be numbed with medication or cooled with ice cubes wrapped in a napkin.

When performing deep bikini bioepilation at home, experts recommend taking a bath first. Steam and warm water will make the skin elastic, dilate blood vessels, and open pores. This will help pull out hairs and reduce body sensitivity.

Bikini bioepilation technique

Hot wax

Bioepilation with wax begins with its proper preparation. Initially, wax has a dense consistency. Before starting the session, it needs to be heated until a liquid, viscous mass is obtained.

It is important not to overheat the wax. The skin in the groin area is tender and sensitive, wax high temperature may harm her.

Hair removal in the intimate area is carried out as follows:

  1. Heated wax is applied to the body in the direction of hair growth. There is no need to stretch the mass to the maximum area of ​​skin. The layer should be of medium thickness to capture the hairs without breaking.
  2. The edges of the applied wax are formed dense and rounded, so that it is easy to pick up and tear off.
  3. For convenience, until the wax has frozen and hardened, you can apply a cloth or paper strip. It is pressed tightly against the wax so that it sticks to it.
  4. The wax is torn off with a quick movement against the direction of hair growth.

The steps are repeated throughout the bikini area. Particular care is required when removing hair from the labia area.

Repeated use of hot wax on the same area of ​​the body is not recommended. If, as a result of waxing, individual hairs remain on the body, they should be removed with tweezers.

Cold wax

Bikini bioepilation with cold wax occurs using special wax strips. They are easy to use:

  1. If necessary, the strips are cut into thinner ones.
  2. Before use, wax strips need to be slightly warmed up with your hands.
  3. Apply them to the desired area, smoothing them with your hand in the direction of hair growth.
  4. With a quick tug against the hair growth, the strip is torn off.

The use of strips with cold wax in the bikini area is considered to be a gentle way to get rid of unwanted hair. It does not cause such severe pain as other types of bioepilation.

The disadvantage of this method is that the enveloping of hair with cold wax is slightly weaker than with hot wax. Therefore, to achieve a good result, the strips will have to be applied to the same area several times.

Sugar paste

Sugar hair removal (sugaring) is carried out using a special sugar mass, to which components that soften and nourish the skin are added.

More often, ready-made cosmetic preparations are used, but you can prepare the mass for sugaring yourself.

The sugar mass is brought to body temperature, this eliminates burns when using it.

Apply the paste to previously prepared areas in a thin layer against hair growth. Then, for deeper penetration into the hair structure, it is rubbed into the skin with your fingers.

When the paste has completely hardened, it is removed by jerking in the direction of hair growth.

Thanks to their composition, sugar hair removal pastes have the following positive properties:

  • slow down the growth of new hairs;
  • moisturize and nourish the skin;
  • act as a peeling.

Sugaring bikini hair removal can be done even at home.

Skin care after the procedure

Irritation after bioepilation rarely occurs. But the skin in the intimate area is delicate and sensitive, and after hair removal it needs special care.

  1. After the session, the skin should be treated with any medical antiseptic (tincture of Miromistin, Furacilin or Chlorhexedine) or tincture of medicinal herbs (calendula, chamomile).
  2. If irritation does appear, it is treated with antiseptic ointments (boro plus, selcoseryl or panthenol-based preparations).
  3. Epilated areas of skin should be softened using aftershave products for sensitive skin or regular olive oil.
  4. During the first 24 hours after a bikini bioepilation session, it is not recommended to visit the sauna, take a bath, or swim in a pool or open water.

To prevent ingrown hairs and to preserve the results of hair removal for as long as possible, the skin should be treated with special softening sprays or creams several times a day.

Hair removal of the intimate area using natural remedies is the most affordable way, which allows for for a long time get rid of unwanted vegetation.

In order for the procedure to be painless and safe, you need to properly prepare for it, study some of the features of its implementation, and become familiar with the rules of care and hygiene after the session.