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The warm rays of the sun give us not only a beautiful tan, but also health. It's a shame that it's so difficult to find time to enjoy them regularly. Vacation ends quickly, citizens return to their offices, under artificial lighting. How to take full advantage of the beneficial solar spectrum at home? You will need an ultraviolet lamp for home use. It will solve many problems, protect your home from pathogenic bacteria, and help cope with many diseases. Today we will analyze in detail all the issues regarding the operation of this device.

A UV emitter will cleanse your home of pathogens

The radiation from a UV lamp falls between X-rays and the violet spectrum. This wave flow is as close as possible to the natural solar spectrum.Ultraviolet light is urgently needed by the human body. It allows vitamin D to be absorbed, which, in turn, preserves our bones, hair and teeth. Lack of vitamin D leads to diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

In addition to the absorption of the vitamin necessary for bones, UV radiation is necessary for the destruction of microbes and viruses, the treatment of inflammatory processes, and the disinfection of premises, water and instruments.

How does a UV irradiator work?

In terms of the level of chemical interaction, ultraviolet radiation is the most active in the solar spectrum. But it penetrates only 1 millimeter under the skin. So the effect of ultraviolet radiation is limited to the surface of the mucous membrane and the area of ​​irradiated skin.The human torso is most susceptible to the effects of this spectrum, and less so are the arms and legs. Children's skin is more sensitive than adults.

Important to remember! The UV lamp should not be placed too close to the leaves; the distance should be at least 15÷20 centimeters. If you place the radiation source closer, the foliage will get burned.

70 watts is enough for one square meter of green mass. The lamps in the greenhouse are turned on for 12 hours.

Using ultraviolet lamps for water

The condition of urban water supply networks leaves much to be desired. Corroded pipes are often not sealed, in drinking water Not only groundwater can enter, but also wastewater contaminated with bacteria. You can protect yourself at home by using ultraviolet water treatment.

The principle of operation of the UV filter is simple - water is passed through a storage tank in which the irradiator is located. The rays kill all viruses and bacteria in the liquid, after which the water becomes suitable for consumption even without boiling. The most effective lamps are those with a wavelength of 260.5 nm. It is this frequency that destroys bacterial cells by breaking their DNA chains.

Modern excimer water purification devices do not contain mercury and are very powerful. In such filters, the result of homolysis is the rapid oxidation of all organic matter and the death of pathogenic microorganisms.

Before choosing a water purification device, you should pay attention to the data on the effectiveness of these devices. have an indicator of 5÷9%, mercury 8÷33%, ex-measurement 9÷27%.The big advantage of this method of water disinfection is that it does not use chemicals, is safe and very effective. Purified water has no foreign taste or smell.UV filters are not only used for drinking water sources. With their help, it is easy to maintain a swimming pool, a small home pond with fish and an aquarium in proper condition. Such devices will not only purify the water of bacteria, but will also prevent algae from multiplying, turning the reservoir into a muddy swamp.

Flawless manicure using an ultraviolet nail lamp

Permanent manicure is increasingly gaining popularity among the fair sex. Well-groomed nails on for a long time– what could be more convenient? Many have already mastered the use of shellac at home.

The most popular today are ultraviolet devices with low power from 8 to 55 W. The more powerful the radiation, the faster the process of varnish formation. Professional salons they use powerful devices 35÷55 W, there is no need to buy such a lamp for the home, 8÷20 W is quite enough.Ultraviolet lamps are suitable for working with any type of gel polish.

These products also have their drawbacks. Long-term operation leads to a gradual loss of power. If you notice that the varnish is blurring and takes a long time to dry, it’s time to change the lamp. Another problem for LED ultraviolet lamps is power surges. Power surges lead to lamp failure.

For your information! UV dryers have a lifespan limited to approximately 8,000 hours. Such lamps are not recommended for use at air temperatures below 12 degrees.

It must be remembered that the mercury content of ultraviolet light sources requires special care when disposing of them.

Can UV lamps be used for children?

The benefits of quartz treatment for the prevention and treatment of many diseases are well known. The use of ultraviolet lamps for children should be strictly dosed, since the skin of a child is more sensitive to radiation than an adult.

Important! After the quartz treatment procedure, you should not bathe the child or lubricate his skin with creams for 24 hours.

In no case should you forget about eye protection - use glasses when quartzing.Ultraviolet treatments help in childhood fight rickets, increase the immune resistance of the child’s body. UV devices with local effects will help cope with sore throat and runny nose.

How to choose a germicidal ultraviolet lamp for your home against germs

Pick up suitable model is not as simple as it seems. Before purchasing, you need to carefully study and compare all the models you like.First of all, decide what you need the device for: for disinfecting a room or irradiating the body. Eliminate ozone lamps from your shopping list; they cannot be used at home.

What are germicidal lamps that work in the presence of people?

The safest for home use are devices that operate with a closed housing. They are also called recirculators. Such irradiators can safely operate in a room, even if there are children in it. Usually the casing can be removed, in which case the lamp is used to quartz the room. In this case, no one should be in the room.

Important point! Germicidal lamps cannot be used for tanning. Their emission spectrum is dangerous for the skin.

In recirculators, the source of UV rays is located in a housing with a built-in mini-fan. It will force air through the body. In the disinfection zone, UV rays kill all microorganisms. The purified air flow returns to the atmosphere of the room.

Such a device can operate continuously up to 12 hours a day. Modern models are additionally equipped with remote control, a timer and a carbon filter system.

Models of home ultraviolet lamps “Sun”

Ultraviolet irradiators “Solnyshko” are the most popular devices of this type in the Russian market segment. They are suitable for disinfecting premises and teaching adults and children.

Model range of irradiators of this brand:

PhotoModelSpecific Features
OUFK 1A compact, low-power device suitable for teaching children from infancy. Without a protective cover it can be used for disinfecting premises. To properly process a room, you need to move the device to different angles.
OUFK 2The more powerful product is intended only for adults and children over 3 years of age. Can be used to disinfect premises.
OUFK 3Can be used as a home solarium. Quickly disinfects rooms. Can only be used for adult education.
OUFK 4A powerful device that effectively purifies the air. Used to treat the throat and nose, subject to adjustment of power and adherence to the procedure regimen. This device should not be used for children under three years of age.

Pros and cons of UV lamps "Sun" for children

The Sun UV lamp, like any medical device, must be used strictly for its intended purpose.Among the main advantages of using these devices, mention should be made of the possibility of not only treating many diseases, but also relieving pain from inflammation and injuries, destroying harmful microorganisms, and preventing respiratory infections.

During operation, you will find some disadvantages of the device:

  • the metal body of the lamp is not grounded, and all the wires in it are located too close to the walls;
  • replacing a lamp in a device is an extremely complicated procedure; the housing is difficult to disassemble;
  • the device does not have a timer, so during procedures you need to have a watch with a stopwatch on hand;
  • a working device interferes with the operation of home electronics;
  • The device comes with only one pair of glasses, which means the session can only be performed for one person. And this is difficult if you plan to irradiate a child.

If you remember these operating nuances, you may be able to avoid many problems.

How much does an ultraviolet lamp cost and where can I buy it?

If you suddenly don’t know where to buy an ultraviolet lamp, then these devices can be purchased at any medical equipment store. There are many online trading platforms offering different types irradiators. Here are the most popular models according to Yandex.Market:

PhotoModelFeatures of applicationPrice, rub.
Quartz DKBU-9Used for disinfection of premises1450
Crystal BNB 01-11-001Disinfects air and objects indoors1650
Sun OUFK-01Local irradiation, disinfection of premises, treatment of a number of diseases1950
Generis wall-ceiling OBNPPlaced on the wall or ceiling. Closed case type. Used in the absence of people.2800
Irradiator UFO-V Electronics with timerTabletop body training device with uviol glass flask.2990
Bactericidal recirculator Armed CH111-115Used in the presence of people to disinfect the air.3250

How to make an ultraviolet lamp at home from scrap materials

To be honest, the game is almost not worth the candle. You can buy a regular ultraviolet lamp at any medical equipment store and its price is relatively low. In this case, you receive a guaranteed radiation spectrum that is safe and beneficial for the body. Any homemade emitter requires a decent amount of time spent, plus no guaranteed results. Some people believe that to obtain ultraviolet radiation it is enough to paint an ordinary lamp in blue. The dubious effect of such a device can only manifest itself in the heating of individual parts of the body, and then this heating is most likely from the heat of the lamp itself, and not from ultraviolet radiation.

If you are not looking for easy ways, here is a small MK from a folk craftsman:

PhotoDescription of work
To make a UV lamp you will need a DRL-250 fluorescent lamp
It is necessary to carefully cut the glass flask using a grinder
As a result, you will have in your hands the base of the lamp, which will emit the ultraviolet spectrum
The mount for the future device can be made from plywood or OSB sheet. The lamp socket is fixed to the base
For the lamp, you should select a choke that matches the power.
Connection diagram of the lamp with the power source
All that remains is to connect the wires and plug the lamp into the outlet. If after some time you smell ozone, everything went well.

Video: an easier option for obtaining an ultraviolet radiation source

We remind you that you are unlikely to get any beneficial health effects from such a design.


Currently, an innovative device such as an ultrasonic bath is used to clean various parts from contaminants. It is multifunctional and can significantly facilitate not only household but also industrial procedures.

You can purchase such a bathtub in a store or build it yourself. But it is important to take into account all the nuances and features of such a device in advance so that the result of its acquisition or creation is truly profitable.

What is it?

An ultrasonic bath is a container that uses ultrasound. Ultrasound is not audible to humans, but it is capable of combating contaminants on various parts. Air bubbles are formed in this device due to ultrasonic waves. They collide with each other, resulting in a small impact, the force of which is sufficient to push dirt from the surface of the workpiece.

A structure of this type can have a different volume depending on what items it will be used to clean. The volume can vary from 0.5 to 30 liters.

Operating principle

To properly use an ultrasonic bath, you need to understand the operating principle of this device. The bath is filled with a special cleaning liquid, which contains alcohol, a component with another active liquid of chemical origin and water.

The item that needs to be cleaned must be immersed in a container with liquid and left for 2-3 minutes (the time may increase if a bath is used to clean more complex stains).

Most often, this type of device is made of stainless steel. It consists of three basic components that carry out the main operation of the device.

  • Emitter. Its function is to carry out the process of converting electrical vibrations that ultrasound creates. These vibrations become mechanical and are transmitted through the walls of the bathtub into the liquid in the container.
  • For vibration to occur, the design has generator.
  • Heating element is responsible for the constant temperature of the liquid in the device. Typically the temperature is 70 degrees. This part is not included in all types of ultrasonic baths. But devices that contain it are more effective than conventional ones.

What is it for?

Ultrasonic baths are used to clean many different devices and tools. Their scope of application includes mechanical engineering, medicine, cosmetology, and electronics. This is just a small list of options for using ultrasound technology for cleaning. The most popular options for using such baths are:

Cleaning injectors

From time to time, car owners need to clean some car parts to make the engine operate more efficiently and prevent malfunctions. One of these parts are injectors. The most effective cleaning of such elements occurs in an ultrasonic bath. But such a procedure is mainly carried out at service stations and they charge a fairly large amount for it.

To avoid unnecessary costs, you can independently build an ultrasonic device for cleaning injectors.

For phones

Another popular application for ultrasonic cleaning is in electronics. Using such a unit, you can ideally clean parts of phones, laptops, and tablets during the repair process. Using improvised means, it is difficult to rid small parts of dust particles in hard-to-reach areas, so an ultrasonic bath will be an ideal assistant in this process.

Washing parts

This type of ultrasound technology is often used in the automotive industry. It is used to clean large machine parts. When these parts become dirty after polishing and grinding, they are often cleaned in large volume ultrasonic baths.

Medicine and cosmetology

Equipment operating using ultrasonic technology is indispensable in areas where small devices and tools need to be cleaned periodically. During the process of creating a manicure in such baths, various attachments are cleaned. In dentistry, this device is used to clean instruments.


When creating jewelry An ultrasonic bath is an indispensable element. With its help you can easily remove plaque on gold and silver. This procedure only takes about 30 minutes. Most jewelry workshops have homemade similar units.


Plaque occurs not only on jewelry, but also on coins. Numismatists use an ultrasonic bath to remove dirt from coins.

Chemical field

In order to influence the rate of some reactions, exposure to ultrasound is necessary. It is in such cases that they resort to using such a bathroom.


In the printing industry, various parts of cartridges and other printing accessories need to be cleaned. This procedure can be most effectively performed using ultrasound.

Thus, a bath that cleanses with ultrasonic waves is a very useful tool not only in everyday life, but also in industry and services.

Advantages and Disadvantages

A bathtub that cleanses with ultrasound has a number of distinct advantages.

  • This cleaning method saves time. On average, it takes less than 5 minutes to completely clean the various parts.
  • Ultrasound waves clean parts even in hard-to-reach places. This nuance is especially relevant when cleaning elements of complex shapes.
  • This cleaning technology does not involve mechanical impact on things. There are no scratches or signs of deformation on their surface.
  • You don't need to make any physical efforts to cleanse yourself. Even large number parts you can easily clean in one or two steps by simply loading required material into the bath and pressing the button.
  • Sometimes cleaning involves not only removing dirt, but also polishing things, which further transforms their appearance.

Among the disadvantages of this product, several characteristics can be identified.

  • Difficulty searching. In our country, the purchase of ultrasonic baths is not very widespread. Therefore, sometimes you have to spend a lot of time to find reviews and recommendations about all types of these products.
  • Some models have very high prices, which varies from 20,000 to 40,000 rubles. But in many cases, especially in the industrial sector, it is useful to make such an investment, because the result of using an ultrasonic bath will justify the amount spent on the purchase.


For many consumers, especially those who have decided to purchase an ultrasonic bath for the first time, choosing this type of product is difficult. It is represented by different companies. Each manufacturer has its own characteristics that need to be taken into account when choosing.

The most popular are several Russian companies:

  • "Sapphire"(used for cleaning any materials);
  • various models "Grad"(used mainly for industrial applications);
  • company products "Tack" presented with stainless steel products that perfectly clean hard-to-reach places;
  • "UZV Raltek" popular for use in the dental field;
  • bathtubs made in China Skymen have the advantage of affordable prices;
  • "UltraEst"– plastic is used to make the body of this company’s bathtubs; the models are also equipped with a 3-minute timer.

Among foreign manufacturers we can highlight:

  • Czech company "Triton", which is famous for models from the “Ultra” collection, for example, the Triton Ultra-150 bathtub;
  • Elmasonic– German manufacturer, presents a wide variety of sinks that clean using ultrasound, in various designs and for a variety of parts;
  • German company Elma is also very popular all over the world, the models of this company are based on the presence of highly sensitive components that provide high quality cleaning of various materials.

Which liquid should you choose?

In order for the procedure for cleaning various contaminants to be effective, it is necessary to choose the right liquid to be poured into the bath. Its choice is largely determined by the type of contamination and the material from which the item is made.

There are a number of special products, the use of which is recommended by many manufacturers. Such solutions, for example, include Solins-us or Zestron FA+. But in addition to these specialized solutions, users pour other components into the ultrasonic bath, many of which can always be found on hand.

To clean metals and polymers from all kinds of dirt, gasoline, alcohol-based window cleaners, and distilled water are used. Acetone is also used for polymer materials.

When limescale has accumulated on metal objects, you can get rid of it by dissolving Antiscale in water. Rust cleaning fluid is a concentrate of phosphoric acid in water. Ethyl alcohol is sometimes used to clean electronic boards.

To properly carry out cleaning procedures using an ultrasonic bath, Be sure to take advantage of a number of useful recommendations.

  • Make sure that the liquid fills at least 2/3 of the device. It cannot be turned on half-filled or empty. This will lead to an increase in voltage in the generator and damage to the device.
  • Since heated models get quite hot during use, it is not recommended to use gasoline, acetone and other flammable materials as cleaning fluids. Their use is permissible only if the operating time of the device is short. During this time, the device will not have time to heat up too much.
  • Carefully study the technical specifications of the device with ultraviolet treatment. Since there will be no opportunity to check it at the place of purchase, the possibility of a defect or sale of a low-quality product cannot be ruled out. Therefore, pay attention to the price: if it is too low, then it is better to refrain from such a purchase.
  • The operation of the emitter is based on the principle of impulsive delivery. Therefore, when using the bathtub, carefully monitor the stability of the conditions.

  • If the device has a built-in pump, the solution flows into it faster.
  • Please note that such units may have different dimensions. If small desktop structures can be placed without problems, then for larger models you will need to allocate space. When choosing a location, make sure there are no flames nearby, as many cleaning solutions will ignite immediately upon contact with fire.

How to do it yourself?

Many believe that creating something like an ultrasonic bath yourself will bring no less effective results and at the same time save a significant amount of money. Therefore, there is a special technology for creating such a device with your own hands. To bring your idea to life you will need the following tools:

  • a lightweight stainless steel bath (its volume should be less than a liter);
  • a piece of plastic (for example, a plastic pipe) from which the stand will be created;
  • power supply 12V;
  • an integrated antenna from a radio receiver can be used as a ferrite rod;
  • soft copper wire with a diameter of 1.5 mm;

Algorithm of actions.

  • First of all, you need to create a throttle. This is done by winding wire around a ferrite rod. The turns should be spaced evenly, close to each other.
  • Next, you should create a power supply choke. It is acceptable to use a ready-made inductor from an old computer power supply.
  • An ultrasound emitter must be glued to the bottom of the metal container. It should be located strictly in the center of the bottom.
  • Soldering the board and assembling the circuit must be based on the wiring diagram.
  • The transformer should be connected to a 5 V winding.

Evgeniy Sedov

When your hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


To clean small objects (parts, circuit boards, jewelry, tools), you need a device consisting of a container, an emitter and an electronic control unit. This is an ultrasonic cleaning bath, which is an indispensable assistant for electronics engineers, car repair specialists, and jewelers. If the job requires washing small parts or objects, you need to buy an ultrasonic bath or make one yourself.

What is an ultrasonic bath

Ultrasound is sound in a higher range than the human ear can perceive. Its use in modern science has led to a number of fantastic discoveries. One of them is an ultrasonic bath that magically turns dirty things into clean ones. This occurs as a result of the process of cavitation - the formation and collapse of many small air bubbles on the surface being treated. Everyone's micro-explosion balloon strong, the bubble is able to tear off a piece of dirt from a part or product even in the most inaccessible places for physical impact.

The main parts of the device are a container with a volume of 0.5 to 30 liters and an emitter for an ultrasonic bath, operating in the range of 20–40 kHz. It is located under the bottom of the working tank and is controlled electronically. The principle of operation of the unit is simple: fill the bath with water, alcohol, or other active chemical liquid, immerse the item that needs cleaning into it, turn on the emitter for just 2-3 minutes. You won't believe your eyes: as a result of ultrasonic vibrations, the part will become cleaner than new.

What is it for?

The scope of application of the bath is wider than you might imagine. Ultrasonic units larger size used in enterprises for cleaning large parts, tools, and workpieces. There are ultrasonic baths even for washing clothes, washing dishes, and processing vegetables. An ultrasonic emitter is built into many models of modern washing machines. Household bathtubs are often purchased to wash parts, circuit boards, nozzles and jewelry.

For cleaning injectors

An injector is a mechanism that is a simple electromagnetic valve that meters the supply and atomization of fuel (it must do this as accurately as possible). It is difficult to clean clogged nozzles, but an ultrasonic bath copes with this task. If necessary, the injector with nozzles is removed and washed with waves at a gentle frequency, repeating the procedure several times.

For phones

A phone that has fallen into water can be saved by washing the motherboard with ultrasound of a certain frequency. For this procedure, technical services also use a household cleaning bath. The technician will remove the board, remove parts from it that are harmful from contact with water (camera, speaker, microphone), lower it inside the bath, fill it with a special solution and turn on the device to operate at a given frequency. The board will be cleaned by air bubbles, and the functioning of the phone will be restored.

For washing parts

An ultrasonic bath can be used to clean optics, metal, and other solid parts from dirt, foreign components, traces of soldering or grinding. The device is used for cleaning components and parts of office equipment (excellent for washing printer heads, increasing their service life). Masters really appreciate a bath with ultrasound jewelry production. Even items that are heavily soiled during wear become absolutely clean after a few minutes of treatment.


Ultrasonic cleaning of products may be preferable to mechanical cleaning. Sometimes it becomes the only opportunity to clean up a dirty part with traces of corrosion. Here are the main advantages of using an ultrasonic bath:

  • Processing the item being washed does not take much time.
  • There is no need to make physical efforts to mechanically remove dirt and rust.
  • An excellent effect is achieved in the most inaccessible places (waves know no barriers).
  • Ultrasound cleans objects carefully, without leaving scratches or other defects on the surface.
  • The procedure can replace not only washing, but also light polishing.

How to use

Obvious, but extremely important recommendation: before using the ultrasonic bath, be sure to read the instructions for it! To clean a part or product from dirt, traces of corrosion, and limescale, use tap water, well water, distilled water, alcohol, soap solution, and some types of solvents. During operation of the bath, a buzzing sound can be clearly heard, and many bubbles appear on the surface of immersed objects. Your steps to maintain the unit are simple:

  • Open the lid and fill the working container with the selected liquid.
  • Place parts or products so that they are completely covered with water.
  • Check the fluid level; it should not rise above the special mark.
  • Close the lid, connect the device to the source electrical energy.
  • Press the “start” button; in most bath models, the standard operating time will be 180 seconds.
  • If necessary, turn on the device again. To ensure even cleaning, the parts inside the bathtub must be turned over.
  • If required, you can start by increasing the operating time or range of the ultrasonic emitter.
  • When the process is completed, unplug the bath and drain the water. Don't forget to dry the container and then store the device.
  • Treat the device with care; repairing an ultrasonic bath is a troublesome task and not always possible.

DIY ultrasonic bath

Based on their own needs, skilled craftsmen often make a cleansing bath themselves. On the Internet pages of their blogs and video channels, they generously share their schemes and developments. Having basic skills in working with a soldering iron, you can make your own board - the brain center of the cleaning device, assemble an electrical circuit according to the diagram, including an emitter in it. This way you will receive an ultrasonic bath that meets your needs. Here's what you'll need for this:

  • board made according to a proven design;
  • light stainless steel container (saucepan, bowl, basin) with a capacity of 0.5-1 l;
  • stand for the container (you can use a piece of plastic sewer pipe);
  • 12 Volt power supply;
  • ferrite rod;
  • ultrasonic wave emitter;
  • epoxy glue for mounting the emitter.

To ensure that ultrasonic waves pass into the container, glue the emitter to the bowl strictly in the center, using epoxy glue. A ferrite rod is needed to make a choke. Wind two dozen turns around it copper wire(thickness 1 mm). According to the diagram, assemble the electronic and electrical parts of the device. Place the structure on the stand, strengthening the electronic “stuffing” inside. Test your homemade bath using chocolate foil. Under the influence of ultrasound, the foil in the bath is destroyed literally before our eyes.

Liquid for ultrasonic bath

Distilled water is the best liquid for gentle processing of objects. But in the presence of severe contamination, or when a quick result is needed, active additives and even aggressive chemical compounds are used. To clean silver, gold, and optics, add up to 10% window cleaner to the water. The circuit boards of telephones that have been in water are “bathed” in ethyl alcohol or “galosh” gasoline. Each master has his own favorite recipe, any option is a subject of debate and personal preference.

It is important to understand that even though flammable liquids are used in ultrasonic baths, they are dangerous. When the ultrasonic emitter is operating, the unit may have an unsafe temperature, and vapors of solvents, gasoline, and alcohol, when operating without a hood, concentrate near the hot device. Therefore, manufacturers categorically do not recommend using flammable mixtures as a working solution. This rule is very often violated by masters. Be careful!


Disassemble the non-working bathtub, check the contacts and connections, and check the details. If the ultrasonic emitter fails, it must be replaced. In this case, the cost of repair may be comparable to purchasing a new device. If the ultrasonic bath is under warranty, the case cannot be opened, look for a warranty workshop that produces devices of this brand, and entrust the repair to professionals.

How to choose an ultrasonic bath

If homemade devices are not to your liking, and you decide to buy an ultrasonic bath for home use, you have to do important choice. In the catalogs of online stores you can find dozens of units of different sizes, power, and costs. Before ordering a cleaning bath, decide how big it should be. If you have to process small objects, small parts, circuit boards, a volume of up to one liter is enough. For automotive injectors, medical instruments, larger parts and assemblies, the capacity should be 1.5-2 liters.

The material of the working container of the device is stainless steel. Only it allows ultrasonic waves to freely enter the liquid and affect the object being cleaned. It is better to take a unit with a deeper bowl than one with a shallow but wide one. However, consider the size of the items that will be washed. They should be completely submerged in the bath. A container that is not the right size may require more liquid, which is uneconomical.

When selling by mail, carefully read the technical specifications of the device and ask the seller questions. Since the operation of the device is difficult to evaluate “by eye” in a few seconds, you will not be able to check its full serviceability at the point of issue. You should be especially wary of promotions, discounts and sales on the Internet. If a bathtub is sold too cheaply, there is definitely something wrong with it.

Sources of UV radiation are of open and closed type, depending on the material from which the glass is made, they are distinguished: quartz lamps, bactericidal and amalgam. An irradiator with a quartz flask produces the strongest radiation; during operation it produces ozone, which has an additional antimicrobial effect. Bactericidal and amalgam emitters prevent the formation of ozone, therefore they are more preferable for residential premises. Below we will talk about the most popular models UV devices, and what kind of ultraviolet lamp for home use the most suitable one.

We all know how dangerous it is to stay in the sun for a long time and how harmful ultraviolet radiation is to the skin. We know that ozone holes are bad, but can ultraviolet light benefit people? Yes, sources of ultraviolet (uv) radiation have long been used in everyday life, in production, in medicine and cosmetology.

What microbes does quartz treatment help with?

Cocci and bacilli are the first to die, and fungi, spore species of bacteria and protozoan microorganisms can withstand irradiation the longest. Quartz treatment is effective even against the bird flu virus. After 20 minutes of quartzization, the room can be considered sterile.

However, it is worth remembering that excessive disinfection of a home is also not good for a person. Even the body small child must develop immunity, independently coping with microbes. A child raised in a sterile environment, going to school and kindergarten, gets sick more often than his peers who grew up in more natural conditions. It’s a completely different matter if there is mold in the house or one of the family members has contracted a contagious infection, in which case quartzing will be very useful.

Which UV lamp is best for home use?

In addition to the fact that UV lamps differ in radiation intensity and configuration, they also differ in their operating principle. When choosing a device for your home, you need to carefully study the instructions and determine exactly the purpose for which the device will be used.


The lamp bears this name because of the bulb, which is made of quartz glass; such material directly affects the quality of the radiation. Quartz gas-discharge lamps, like bactericidal lamps, use mercury; when exposed to electricity, it begins to glow in the ultraviolet range from 205 to 315 nm.

It is thanks to this property that they have the maximum disinfecting effect. Intense radiation kills all known microorganisms, viruses, bacteria, unicellular algae and mold spores. However, these devices should be used in an apartment with extreme caution, because UV radiation in this range is harmful not only to microbes, but also to the cells of the human body. In addition, waves are shorter than 257 nm. provoke the formation of ozone - a gas with strong oxidizing properties. This is even good for disinfecting premises: some microbes are killed by ultraviolet light, and the rest are dealt with by ozone.

Ozone in high concentrations is poisonous to all living things, therefore, during quartzing of premises, all people and pets should leave the room; if there are indoor plants, it is recommended to take them out too.

Quartz treatment is used to disinfect operating rooms, hospital wards, industrial premises, and catering establishments. The use of irradiation simultaneously with ozonation in stores and grocery warehouses allows you to keep food fresh longer, prevent rotting and the development of pathogenic microflora.

Emitters bring tangible benefits during epidemics and are used in clinics, kindergartens, schools, sanatoriums, crowded offices and other crowded places. This helps stop the spread of infection.

In medicine, quartz lamps are successfully used to treat diseases of the respiratory system, nasopharynx, musculoskeletal system, inflammation, burns, frostbite, sore throats, etc.

Germicidal lamps

These are also ultraviolet emitters, but they are made a little differently, they are also gas-discharge mercury lamps, but their bulb is made not of quartz, but of uviol glass, which blocks “hard” radiation that provokes the formation of ozone. The bactericidal effect is achieved only due to “soft” ultraviolet radiation. Such devices are safer in the apartment, but are much weaker than their quartz counterparts.

Due to the absence of ozone, the lamps are safe for the respiratory system, time restrictions on the use of these devices are not so strict, and in medical institutions, bactericidal lamps can operate continuously, with one condition: they are equipped with a special casing, thanks to which the light is directed to the ceiling and cannot harm the eyes of visitors.

If you need a lamp only to combat pathogens, and you do not plan to treat at home, then a bactericidal or amalgam lamp will be a better choice than a quartz lamp.

Attention! While operating the device, you need to wear special safety glasses; UV radiation causes burns to the cornea of ​​the eye; at first this is not noticeable, but over time, vision will begin to deteriorate.


This is a new generation of bactericidal lamps, which differs from previous models in that instead of liquid mercury, a solid coating of amalgam (an alloy of indium, mercury and bismuth) is used in the flask; under the influence of current, the amalgam heats up and evaporates mercury, which produces radiation. When amalgam lamps work, ozone is also not released and their antimicrobial effect is no less.

An important advantage is also that mercury is in a bound state. If the lamp accidentally breaks, it will not cause any harm to the people around you, you just need to sweep up the fragments and throw them in a trash container, and wash the place where the glass broke with water. If a burning lamp breaks, this is a little worse, since it contains mercury vapor, but in a non-life-threatening concentration, you need to remove the remains of the lamp and ventilate the room.

For comparison, a regular fluorescent, bactericidal or quartz lamp contains 1-3 grams. liquid mercury and if it breaks, it is really dangerous for those present. That is why you should not throw thermometers, batteries and energy-saving lamps into the trash container - this pollutes the environment. They must be handed over at special collection points (for example, at any IKEA store). There are only a few milligrams of mercury in amalgam lamps and it is in a bound state. The production, operation and disposal of such lamps is much safer.

Flasks coated with amalgam do not become cloudy over time, and therefore provide stable radiation throughout their entire service life. The bulbs of bactericidal and quartz lamps become coated over time, causing some of the radiant energy to be lost. The service life of such lamps is 8000 hours of continuous operation, and for amalgam lamps up to 16000 hours.

“Ozone-free” lamps are also available for sale; their bulbs are coated with titanium oxide, which does not transmit waves shorter than 257 nm. and, accordingly, no ozone is formed. This is also a suitable UV lamp for home use.

The Minin reflector (blue lamp) has nothing to do with ultraviolet radiation. This lamp emits visible light and infrared radiation. Used as a dry heat source to warm up diseased areas of the body. The blue lamp is not hazardous to eyesight, does not produce ozone, and is also useless for disinfecting premises.

UV lamp for home use

Quartz UV irradiator “Sun”

Consists of a quartz flask located inside a metal case, the device has legs and is installed on any horizontal surface. The sliding lid turns the treatment device into an irradiator for disinfection. It is used both in clinics and in residential premises. It is also used for the prevention and treatment of various skin diseases, arthritis, diseases of the nasopharynx, respiratory organs, and general strengthening of the immune system.

Before using the Sun irradiator to treat diseases at home, do not forget to consult your doctor. In order not to harm your own body and the health of loved ones, such procedures must be carried out according to certain rules, which your doctor will tell you about.

In addition to the Sun irradiator itself, the kit contains several plastic tubes for treating the inner surface of the ears, nose and throat, safety glasses to avoid burns to the retina, a biodosimeter and instructions.

Before purchasing, consult with a consultant; the fact is that there are several Solnyshka models, differing in strength and scope of application. A consultant will help you choose the best device for your family.

The time for quartzing the air with the “Solnyshko” irradiator is no more than 20-30 minutes; no one should be in the room during the procedure; do not forget to ventilate the room.

Bactericidal air recirculator “RZT-300”, “ORBB-30x2”

The device is a closed type, designed to purify the air from pathogens, allergens and unpleasant odors. There may be people in the room while the recirculator is operating, since the “ozone-free” lamp is located inside a metal casing.

The device consists of fans that suck air from the room and drive it along a bactericidal lamp, which destroys all microorganisms. In addition to UV cleaning, the recirculator is equipped with filters on which dust particles, pollen and other contaminants are deposited. Purified air is supplied back to the room.

These devices are recommended for use in children's playrooms, gyms, school classrooms, crowded areas, offices and auditoriums, shops, household and warehouse premises. Also suitable as an air purifier for smoking rooms, public toilets, and train stations. Recirculators are used to purify air from bacteria in hospitals, virology laboratories, etc.

The recirculator can be hung on the wall or used as a tabletop one. Weight: 3.5 kg.

Lamps “Quartz”, “Promin”, “KBB”

These are all small portable open devices designed to disinfect premises in the absence of people. The metal case contains a quartz or bactericidal lamp; the models differ in power and scope of application. Please read the instructions carefully before purchasing because different models designed for different areas of premises, some emit ozone, others do not, some are used for disinfection of medical and public premises, others are created exclusively for home use. The device has legs and is used as a floor or tabletop UV emitter.

Longevita UV CURE mini and Longevita UV Cure Home and Office device

Longevita UV Cure Home and Office– ultraviolet bactericidal lamp for home and office. The device is a closed type, can work continuously throughout the day, ozone is not released during operation, the emitter is closed with a lid and does not harm the eyes of people present in the room. The device operates on the principle of a recirculator; in addition to a UV lamp, it is equipped with a photocatalytic filter, which allows you to purify the air not only from microorganisms, but also from dust, smoke, allergens, and unpleasant odors.

Weight: 1 kg, plastic case: 36.5×14.5×14.5 cm, can be installed on a desktop or any other horizontal surface. Powered by network adapter. Designed for a room with a volume of 20 sq.m. Wavelength: 254 nm. Power consumption 8 W, 3 cleaning speeds.

Such a device is simply irreplaceable when there are bedridden patients in the house; ultraviolet light helps not only to destroy microbes, but also where there are bedridden patients, small children and pets.

Longevita UV CURE mini– a small device designed for cleaning small rooms (up to 8 sq. m): bathroom, pantry, kitchen. The compact size (12 x 6 x 4.5 cm) allows the device to be used for refrigerators and wardrobes. The device operates on the principle of an ozonizer. Emits in the range from 185 to 254 nm. due to which it kills all known types of bacteria (salmonella, cocci, tuberculosis bacillus, etc.), viruses and fungi, including black mold spores. The device also helps to get rid of unpleasant odors in the room: the smell of tobacco, burnt food, old things, cat urine, toilet, dampness, mold. Operates on 4 AA alkaline batteries.

Longevita UV CURE mini, placed in the refrigerator increases the shelf life of products and prevents the growth of mold and putrefactive microflora.

One of the most ancient methods of treatment using climatotherapy is sun treatment: this technique allows you to get a pronounced positive result, which becomes perfectly noticeable after the first few applications. The sun's rays, stimulating the protective functions of the skin and the whole body, activate all vital processes in the body, eliminating signs of inflammation and ensuring the production of vitamin D.

Thanks to this vitamin, it becomes possible to eliminate the insufficiency of the endocrine system to a greater extent, eliminate the negative manifestations of many organic lesions and prevent the worsening of existing inflammatory processes in the body.

Concept of method

Being one of the most active healing techniques, heliotherapy is easy to perform and can be used both in treatment and for prevention.

Heliotherapy is an almost obligatory component in any spa treatment scheme: two types of rays of the solar spectrum provide the most complete positive effect due to their diversity. The combination of this method of treatment and other methods of influence allows you to obtain the most pronounced positive results, eliminating the symptoms of many diseases.

About the benefits and harms of sunbathing, watch the video below:

Types of effects using heliotherapy

Sunlight is divided into two spectrums, which differ both in the type of impact and in the sensations that arise when using them. The division of solar rays into spectra is as follows:

  • infrared radiation- a type of radiation that penetrates the skin and leads to dilation of blood vessels due to their significant expansion, which allows for a resolving effect on various tissues, eliminating manifestations of stagnation in tissues. With the help of infrared radiation there is a thermal effect that is felt by the skin;
  • ultraviolet radiation, which is not felt by the skin and has a positive effect on all processes occurring both in the skin and in adjacent tissues. Under the influence, the skin cells actively produce melanin, which is responsible for the resulting tan and gives the skin an attractive golden hue. Having maximum biological activity, ultraviolet radiation quickly eliminates the symptoms of many organic lesions, reduces the severity of inflammatory processes and other pathological manifestations.

The combination of the two listed types of exposure to sunlight allows you to obtain the most pronounced positive results, reduce the severity of many diseases and carry out a preventive effect on the body.

Pros and cons

The main advantage of this method of physiotherapeutic influence should be considered the duration of maintaining a positive result and ease of use, which allows you to prescribe this remedy health improvement and prevention as an adjuvant and as an independent method. Also, the advantages of heliotherapy include the possibility of its use by almost all categories of patients, a relatively small number of contraindications. The possibility of obtaining a positive result from sunlight, both from a natural source and from an artificial source in a medical center, can also be considered important.

The disadvantages include the need for increased caution when used by people with fair skin, at hypersensitivity to the sun's rays.

Indications for the use of sunbathing

The use of this method of physiotherapeutic influence, such as heliotherapy, is indicated in the following cases:

  • In the presence of dermatological lesions - long-term non-healing injuries, wounds, and skin lesions in the form of and, depriving scrofulous. Also such skin ailments:
  • In case of poor functioning of the musculoskeletal system - disturbances in the condition of ligaments, muscles and tendons, negative changes in the cartilage tissue of the joints, bone tuberculosis;
  • With lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • For inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs.

The listed indications for the use of heliotherapy can be supplemented with metabolic disorders, negative changes in the condition of the skin (with increased fat content or), as well as preventive purposes to stimulate the functioning of the immune system.


The use of this method, due to its high degree of activity, also has a number of limitations for use, which should be taken into account when choosing a method of physiotherapy. The most important contraindications to the use of heliotherapy include diseases such as:

  • oncological lesions,
  • the presence of ongoing inflammatory processes of any localization in the acute stage,
  • presence of autoimmune diseases ().

It is also not recommended to use this procedure for diseases of the hematopoietic system and endocrine lesions. Feverish conditions should also be considered a reason for the failure of heliotherapy due to the high activity of the procedure and the possibility of aggravating the manifestations of the current condition.

To obtain a pronounced positive effect when using heliotherapy, you should first undergo an examination and have an accurate diagnosis, which will allow the attending physician to draw up a treatment plan.

Monitoring the treatment will help avoid possible negative consequences the use of this treatment method in the form of an increase in existing symptoms and a deterioration in general well-being.

Preparation for the procedure

Before sunbathing, you should remove clothing from the treated area of ​​skin, clean it and cover it with a special composition to prevent burns and overheating.

The video below will tell you how to take sunbathing for health benefits:

How it is carried out

The algorithm for performing heliotherapy is simple; it can be used both in natural sunbathing conditions and in specialized institutions offering physiotherapy services.

In specialized conditions

A method of influence such as heliotherapy is prescribed if the above indications are present and is carried out under the supervision of a doctor. However, knowledge of certain rules that allow you to increase the degree of effectiveness of the intervention makes it possible to prevent the worsening of the current disease and enhance the therapeutic effect. These include the following recommendations:

  1. Exposure to direct sunlight should not exceed two hours to avoid overheating.
  2. The time spent in the sun during the day should correspond to solar rhythms, when the sun is moderately active. This means that the most optimal time from the point of view of the effectiveness of the effect is the morning before 11 o'clock in the afternoon, when the sun's rays have not yet become too scorching, and after 16 o'clock - the sun then becomes soft again, does not have a sharp effect on the skin and is not capable of causing her .
  3. When you are in the open sun, you should cover your head with a light hat: it is the head that receives the strongest exposure to the rays, which may result in drowsiness, etc.
  4. The use of sunscreens will help avoid deterioration of the skin, which, with prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation, quickly ages, dries out excessively, etc.
  5. After sunbathing, it is recommended to use moisturizers that help remove the negative effects of ultraviolet rays and maintain healthy skin.

The listed rules are easy to apply, allow you to achieve pronounced positive results and reduce the possible negative consequences of heliotherapy.

Features of application

The use of the considered method of physiotherapeutic method has a number of its own specific features that should be taken into account when prescribing and conducting heliotherapy. Before starting to use it, it is recommended to check the skin's reaction to the sun's rays, and the fact of the source of the sun's rays is not important - natural rays or those obtained using an artificial source.

To do this, it is necessary to briefly expose the skin to sunlight and monitor the reaction to them: if skin rashes appear, as well as severe redness, you should stop using this procedure. In case of minor negative manifestations when exposed to ultraviolet or ultraviolet radiation, you can reduce the intensity and duration of the exposure, and also be sure to use special protective drugs that allow you to use heliotherapy even with increased skin sensitivity.

Before use, the skin must be cleaned of contaminants in the form of dust, dirt, residues cosmetics to obtain the maximum amount of ultraviolet radiation and a positive result from the exposure. If a limited area of ​​skin is exposed, it is left open and the skin is irradiated. When treating the entire surface of the skin, it is necessary to remove clothing and, after applying a special protective agent, irradiate the skin.

The duration of the effect may vary depending on the degree of damage and tolerability of heliotherapy. After the end of the exposure, you should rest for a while: it is preferable to remain in a horizontal position for 15-30 minutes, do not make sudden movements to avoid possible dizziness. It is recommended to treat the surface of skin exposed to sunlight special means with a moisturizing effect to prevent possible dryness of the skin and reduce the risk of feeling skin tightness, itching and burning.

Consequences and possible complications

The use of heliotherapy can contribute to the appearance of areas with hypersensitive skin when exposure to sunlight is exceeded. Strict adherence to the recommended dosage will allow you to get only positive results from this type of physiotherapeutic effect.

Recovery and care

After sunbathing, both locally and throughout the body, there is a possibility of areas with severe hyperemia appearing, and it is necessary to use products that soothe the skin and restore its natural state. You may also need anti-burn agents to reduce the negative effects of exposure to ultraviolet rays on the skin.

Also, to maintain the positive results of ultraviolet and infrared radiation for a longer period, it is recommended to use a course of vitamin therapy (especially vitamin E, which will restore the skin after exposure to sunlight), and moisturizers.