Cocoa is not only an aromatic and tasty drink. If we are talking about cocoa butter, which, by the way, smells just as good, then it is a wonderful assistant in skin care.

What type of skin is it suitable for, does it really help prolong youth, and what do cosmetologists, estheticians and ordinary women think about it.

In this article:

What is

This product is difficult to obtain. First, the grains of the chocolate tree are fermented, which helps the composition darken and acquire a pronounced aroma and taste. The beans are then sorted and thermally processed. When pressed, a grain is obtained, which later becomes oil.

Finite the product has a dense, brittle consistency and at temperatures above 35 °C acquires a liquid consistency. It is in this form that it is used in cosmetology and medicine.

Composition and properties

The numerous healing properties of the oil are explained by its rich composition, which includes a number of vitamins, fatty acids that are beneficial to the skin, as well as phytosterols that promote recovery and rejuvenation.

The fruits of the cocoa tree are antioxidants, improve blood circulation, and saturate the body with valuable elements. The product makes it possible to combat colds, treat burns, eliminate skin rashes.

Cocoa butter for the face nourishes and saturates the skin with beneficial elements, effectively moisturizes it, restores freshness and attractiveness. appearance, fights the aging process.

In what cases is it indicated?

Cosmetic cocoa butter for the face will be useful in the following cases:

  • For those prone to peeling. In this case, it will help eliminate the constant feeling of tightness and provide the epidermis with natural hydration.
  • In the presence of cosmetic defects: post-acne, scars, scars, spider veins, stitches after surgery. Helps to cope with them even if other means are powerless.
  • At . Helps eliminate wrinkles, smooth the skin, and tighten the contour of the face.
  • For pimples, blackheads and other rashes. If you use it regularly, they will gradually disappear.
  • For burns and herpes. These problems are easier to eliminate if you make applications and compresses with its addition.


The oil is used both in its pure form and as a component of home recipes.

In the first case, it is indicated for those whose skin is very dry. The product is easy to use in this form. Hold it in your hands until it starts to melt. Then thoroughly lubricate your facial skin and move the oil over it, which will gradually melt. Carry out this procedure at night, after cleansing the skin.

This the product can even replace everyday cream. The product may leave greasy marks, but they can be easily removed with a regular napkin. IN winter period it is especially useful - it helps protect the skin from chapping.

Natural cocoa butter is a popular component of masks homemade. You can enrich store-bought creams and other skin care products and massage mixtures with it. In all masks, the butter should be melted.

This can be easily achieved by heating it in a water bath to a temperature of 45 °C.

Toning cocoa butter face mask

For this recipe you need to mix 6 g of cocoa butter with 5 g of chamomile and 7 ml of aloe juice. Then grate a fresh cucumber and add it to the same mass. Leave the composition on the skin for half an hour. This mask helps smooth out wrinkles, deeply moisturizes and softens the skin, and helps brighten it.

Mask for hydration and refreshment

Helps deeply moisturize the skin, smooth it, and saturate it with nutrients. Chop 9 grams of parsley and mix it thoroughly with 6 ml of oil. Keep for 30 minutes.

Anti-wrinkle product

Cocoa butter for the face: we carry out rejuvenation in the following way.

To prepare the mask, mix 20 g of it, 15 g of natural liquid honey, 10 ml of carrot juice, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and the yolk of a chicken egg. After mixing thoroughly, apply to skin and leave for 20 minutes. The same mixture is used for compresses. .

Nourishing and cleansing composition

This mask helps improve blood circulation; in addition, it gently, gently and safely cleanses dry skin.

Mix 25 grams of cocoa butter and 18 ml of honey, add about 15 grams of brown sugar. Do not stir the sugar until it is completely dissolved. We need crystals that will provide a scrubbing effect.. First, lightly massage your skin, then apply the mixture and leave it on for 10 minutes.

Eye mixture

It is known that cocoa butter is the best assistant in the fight against crow's feet around the eyes. If you regularly use this mask, fine wrinkles will become less noticeable. Better do the procedure before bed.

Mix 5 g of cocoa butter, 10 ml of sea buckthorn and 4 drops of vitamin E in liquid form. Apply the composition only to. Hold for fifteen minutes.


Cocoa butter for the face, the use of which is beneficial for the skin, however, is not suitable for everyone. You should not use it in the following cases:

  • (oil can only increase the activity of the sebaceous glands);
  • presence of implants on the face;
  • inflammatory processes accompanied by the release of pus;
  • Sometimes individual intolerance to the product occurs.

In other cases, you can safely use it.

We all love to enjoy delicious chocolate. It literally melts in your mouth and all thanks to its main ingredient - cocoa butter. In this article we will talk in detail about cocoa butter: properties and uses, where it can be purchased and how to store it correctly so that it does not lose its quality.

It is obtained from the seeds of the chocolate tree - cocoa beans. They undergo a long processing process - from fermentation to drying and frying, after which they are put under pressure. The resulting oil is filtered and poured into molds, where it hardens. The result is a solid and aromatic light yellow substance that melts when heated.

This oil has a wide range of applications and is a universal women's assistant.

What wonderful properties does it have, besides its wonderful and delicate taste? Cocoa butter is widely used in cosmetology and folk medicine, used in most confectionery. You yourself can use this product for your home purposes.

Chocolate is widely used to make various sweets. But cocoa butter: its properties and uses are not limited to cooking. The product has many useful qualities, which include anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties, regenerating and analgesic properties.

It should be noted that this product is imported and is not grown in our country

Cocoa butter is also considered an effective cough suppressant due to its enveloping properties. It perfectly heals small wounds and cracks on the skin, removes wrinkles and dryness, thanks to its nourishing and moisturizing qualities.

This is a universal substance for lip care, especially in winter.- the oil helps against cracking and drying of the skin. It relieves inflammation and eliminates the effects of acne, conceals crow's feet in the corners of the eyes.

Cocoa butter: beneficial properties and contraindications - if we compare both criteria, we can say with confidence that the product is absolutely safe and natural. The only contraindication to its use may be individual intolerance and allergies.

What are the benefits of cocoa butter?

The beneficial properties are not limitless. Cocoa butter contains virtually no vitamins. A, D and E are contained in extremely small proportions. But this is well compensated by the lack of trans fats, which can be found in all other vegetable oils.

The benefits of the product are determined by the rich content of nutrients and enzymes

What are the benefits of cocoa butter? , if its composition is so poor in vitamins?

It is based on fatty acids. These are oleic, stearic, linoleic and palmitic acid. More than half the mass of the product is occupied by the first from their list. It is useful because it lowers cholesterol levels.

If you replace the usual fats that we eat with cocoa butter, the likelihood of strokes and atherosclerosis decreases.

Tannin, xanthine and caffeine in its composition have a good effect on the health of hair and skin, so the oil is often used for cosmetic purposes.

How to use cocoa butter?

The easiest way to use cocoa butter - make chocolate out of it. Melt the product in a water bath and mix with cocoa powder and sugar in a 1:1 ratio. You can add any ingredients to the mixture to taste, from honey and candied fruits to berries and other dried fruits. You can prepare confectionery glaze in a similar way.

Possibility of using this natural substance very wide. This oil is used not only in cosmetology and confectionery production, but also in gynecology and folk medicine. This universal remedy, which should be at hand for any housewife.

Cocoa butter for colds is an excellent helper on the path to recovery

  1. It is used for colds, cracked lips and heels, hemorrhoids and bronchitis. Cocoa butter has properties that help quickly get rid of these diseases and is excellent for use at home.
  2. It is suitable for the prevention of influenza, ARVI - lubricate the nasal mucosa with it before going outside and you will protect yourself from infection.
  3. Cocoa butter has no age restrictions in its use; it can be used to treat young children. This is a good natural alternative to cough tablets - replace them with small pieces of butter, about 6 peas per day. They must be dissolved in the mouth.
  4. Warm milk with honey will be even more effective if you add cocoa butter to it. Add a small piece of this substance and a couple of teaspoons of honey to warm milk. Stir the ingredients until they dissolve and drink warm. Young children can be given a tasty alternative to this medicinal mixture. Melt 1/4 bars of natural chocolate and a spoonful of cocoa butter in a water bath. Combine them with 0.5 l of boiled warm milk. Give the medicine a quarter glass at a time.
  5. The folk method of treating atherosclerosis is also based on the use of cocoa butter. It should be taken 15 minutes before breakfast and before dinner, half a teaspoon. This will remove excess cholesterol from the body.
  6. The product is a good choleretic agent. For cholecystitis, take 1 tablespoon of melted butter on an empty stomach and go to bed, placing a heating pad under your right side for about one and a half to two hours.
  7. In gynecology, cocoa butter treats cervical erosion. Mix a teaspoon of the product with 10 drops of sea buckthorn oil and soak a tampon with this mixture, which is used overnight. The procedure is carried out daily for 2-3 weeks.

Cocoa butter: properties and use in cosmetology

Cocoa butter, properties and use in cosmetology - it contains fatty acids and glycerol esters, it contains many useful amino acids. It is often added to cosmetics to extend their shelf life.

In cosmetology, the majority of those who use them are satisfied with the results

  • Anti-cellulite and antioxidant properties - the oil softens and moisturizes the skin, regenerates its cells and smoothes out wrinkles. It gives it firmness and elasticity, helps maintain youth and beauty.
  • Wound healing and anti-inflammatory - protection from sun rays and help with burns. The substance relieves burning and itching, eliminates redness and swelling.
  • Soothing and tonic - massage using this product helps to cope with stress. It relaxes muscles and calms the body, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, and helps with insomnia.
  • Regenerating and nourishing - nourishes the skin with useful substances, restores the structure of damaged hair. Saturates dry and brittle hair, can be used in combination with other folk and cosmetic products. Oil enhances the effect of beneficial components contained in cosmetics.

Cocoa butter for face

Cocoa butter for the face is popular due to its regenerating and softening properties. It is included in various anti-aging masks and creams and has a pleasant smell.

Application of cocoa butter for the face

A good cosmetic effect is achieved due to vitamin A and fatty acids. They stabilize the water-lipid balance, maintain tone, and protect the skin from various external factors. Cocoa butter helps get rid of pigmentation and spider veins on the face

Conduct cosmetic procedures you can use it at home.

  1. Use this recipe for wrinkled and dehydrated skin. Mix an egg yolk with a teaspoon of liquid honey and a teaspoon of melted butter, add 10 drops of carrot and lemon juice. Apply the mask on your face for 10-15 minutes and rinse with warm water. To consolidate the effect, massage your skin with an ice cube.
  2. A universal mask with added milk is suitable for all skin types. Mix a teaspoon each of melted cocoa butter, whole milk and natural fruit juice. Apply the mixture for 10-15 minutes, then wash with cool water.
  3. For the skin around the eyes, you can use the oil in its pure form - it will not cause complications such as swelling and redness, and will help smooth out wrinkles. To achieve better effect- combine it with peach, almond or sea buckthorn oil in a ratio of 1 to 2 and apply with light movements to the skin around the eyes.
  4. To cope with chapped and cracked lips, lubricate them with cocoa butter at night. It will protect the skin from winter frosts, soften and heal cracks in the corners of the lips.

Cocoa butter for hair

Cocoa butter for hair is successfully used in cosmetology. It helps restore damaged and brittle hair, acting on its structure from the inside. This is an excellent product for caring for dry hair.

The product can be rubbed into the scalp by melting it in a water bath or used as a component for medicinal masks.

Using hair oil - enzymes heal every hair and make it healthy and beautiful

  • Heat a tablespoon of cocoa butter and mix it with the egg yolk. Add 1 tablespoon of kefir and burdock oil to the mixture. Apply the mask onto the scalp using massage movements and distribute over the entire length of the hair. Wrap them in cling film and wrap them in a towel. Wash your hair with warm water after one and a half to two hours. Apply the mask every three to four for 2-3 weeks.
  • Pour 2 tablespoons of rosemary into 100 ml of boiling water and leave for about an hour, then strain. Add 3 tablespoons of melted product to the water and distribute the mixture through your hair. Wrap your head in film for 2-3 hours, rinse everything off with shampoo. The course lasts 2 weeks and consists of 10 procedures.
  • Heat 2 tablespoons cocoa butter and mix it with burdock oil 1k1, add 5 drops of vitamins A and E, grapefruit essential oil. Apply the mask to your hair and rinse after an hour and a half with warm water. Use it once or twice a week. The entire course is 10-15 masks.

Cocoa butter for skin

Cocoa butter for the skin plays an important role in most of its regeneration processes.

Creams and masks are made based on cocoa butter to nourish the skin.

  1. It activates microcirculation and strengthens its capillaries. It protects the skin from drying out and eliminates irritation, and is great for caring for the skin of the feet and hands.
  2. Its intense effect helps prevent premature aging and prevents the occurrence of stretch marks. Even if they are present, cocoa butter helps to cope with this problem. It smooths them out and makes them less noticeable.
  3. For chapping, frostbite and burns, the oil eliminates inflammation and wounds on the skin. You can use it to lubricate sticky lips and cracked heels - they will heal much faster. Using the product will prevent further damage.
  4. For dry hands and feet, rough skin on elbows and knees, melted butter will moisturize and soften the skin, protect it from cracking and peeling. For greater effectiveness, you can mix it 1k1 with olive oil and lubricate problem areas on the body with it.
  5. To protect exposed skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation or strong winds with frost, you should use cocoa butter before going outside or visiting the beach. The skin will not become chapped or frozen, and the tan will form an even, beautiful layer and last for a long time.

How to store cocoa butter?

Purchasing the product is quite simple. In small dosages, cosmetic oil is sold in pharmacies, and the product by weight can be purchased in natural food stores or at the market.

Any product has optimal storage conditions

Another question is how to store cocoa butter?

  • Thanks to the antioxidants in its composition, it does not go rancid and has a long shelf life, from three to five years. Even if a light white coating forms on it, as often happens on chocolate, this does not mean that the product has deteriorated.
  • It is still worth asking about the date of manufacture when purchasing a product, and also pay attention to whether it is a cosmetic oil or not. If yes, you should not eat it.
  • It is best to store it in the refrigerator, in a tightly closed container. It is not necessary to place the product in the freezer. It will be more difficult to use and melt. Recommended storage conditions are a cool, dark place, sealed containers, temperature and humidity not higher than 18C and 75C, respectively.

Thousands of years ago, the Mayan people had sacred tree with amazing fruits brown. The Mayans endowed the chocolate tree magical properties, from its fruits they extracted an oily liquid, a universal balm that healed wounds and gave women of ancient tribes unfading beauty. The benefits of cocoa butter for the face have survived to this day - it is used in aromatherapy and cosmetology.

Useful properties

It is made in several complex stages. As a result of unique hot pressing, two products are produced: cocoa powder and butter itself, which has a rich supply of useful substances: fatty acids (stearic, oleic, palmitic, linoleic), biologically active substances (campesterols, tocopherols, beta-sitosterols).

Thanks to this composition, the oily substrate has an immediate softening effect, deeply moisturizes the dermis, improves the condition of the epidermis, helping it become more elastic, smooth and firm.


The chocolate butter itself is hard, with a brittle consistency. It melts at a temperature of 32°-35° C. And at a temperature of 40° C it becomes transparent. Its usual color ranges from creamy white to the entire range of brown. The oil does not oxidize (if it is included in cosmetic products, the latter retain their properties much longer). This product is completely non-toxic and non-allergenic. Using cocoa butter on the face gives the skin many benefits:

  • Improved appearance, color restoration
  • Deep nutrition, hydration of the dermis
  • Excellent pore cleansing
  • and eels
  • Resisting the first signs of aging
  • Soothing irritation and inflammation
  • Restoration of the epidermis, healing of minor wounds
  • Regulating fat metabolism
  • Increased production of hyaluronic acid, collagen
  • Protecting your face from chapping and frostbite

Which skin is best suited?

Natural cocoa butter for the face, which is used in cosmetology, has a higher degree of purification and contains absolutely no impurities or additional additives. This is the purest product that will become a reliable friend and assistant for:

  • Dry flaky skin
  • Problematic, with inflammation
  • Gaunt pale skin
  • Oily with gloss and enlarged pores
  • Beginning to age (with the first age-related changes)

It is instantly absorbed into the epidermis without leaving greasy shine. Its use in care is easy and convenient. And first of all, it is very effective.

Best Recipes

In its purest form

This is an excellent anti-aging treatment. It can be used instead of any usual cream for the face, eye area and lips.

  1. Thoroughly free your face from makeup;
  2. Hold a stick of butter in your hands until it melts slightly;
  3. Apply to skin (better in the evening)

If so, replace day cream with oil (under makeup). It will also help your lips get rid of wounds, jams, and crusts. There are periods when eyebrows and eyelashes simply need care (after the extension procedure, or during the period of vitamin deficiency). Lubricate your delicate hairs with this magical product, preferably before going to bed. In the eye area, cocoa butter will refresh the skin color in the lower part of the eyelids (remove gray, yellow spots under the eyes).

In the form of a cream

This cream is an ideal way to combat the dryness of the aging dermis. It can also be used in the eye area. The finished cream will save its healing power in the refrigerator if you place it in a glass jar.

Method 1. Using a water bath, melt a mixture of oils: cocoa (25 g), jojoba (5 ml), olive (30 ml). Mix well and place the container in chilled water. Continue stirring until cool. Then add two drops of sandalwood essential oil. The cream is ready.

Method 2. In a container, mix cocoa butter (25 g), lanolin and paraffin (5 ml each), petroleum jelly (15 g). Place the mixture in a water bath. Stir it constantly. After all the ingredients have melted, add warmed rose, non-alcoholic water (45 ml). Knead thoroughly, then beat the mixture with a mixer until it cools completely. Ready.

Face masks with cocoa butter

For all masks, melted cocoa butter is used. The easiest way is to melt it in a water bath.

To tone up

  • Cocoa butter: 6 ml
  • Chamomile oil: 5 g
  • Aloe juice: 7 ml
  • Fresh cucumber

Mix chocolate butter with chamomile oil and aloe juice. Then add grated cucumber. Mask time is half an hour.

Action: skin brightening, wrinkle smoothing, deep hydration, softening.

Refresh a dry face

  • Parsley: 9 g
  • Cocoa butter: 6 ml

Chop the parsley and mix with oil. Mask time is 30 minutes.

Action: face mask with cocoa butter deeply moisturizes, nourishes, smoothes.

Removing wrinkles

  • Cocoa butter: 20 g
  • Lemon juice: 2 tsp.
  • carrot juice: 10 ml
  • Natural honey: 15 g
  • Chicken egg yolk

Mix all components thoroughly. The mask is ready, apply it for 20 minutes.

Action: rejuvenation, softening, intensive hydration. This product can be used as a compress.

Cleanse and nourish

  • Cocoa butter: 25 g
  • Light honey: 18 ml
  • Brown sugar: 15 g

Gently mix the butter with honey, add sugar. Do not stir completely. Sugar crystals will act as a scrub. After a few minutes of massage, leave the mixture on your face for 10 minutes.

Action: improves blood circulation, soft, delicate cleansing for dry skin.

Treating oily face

  • Cocoa butter: 40 gr
  • Kefir (sour cream): 9 ml
  • Egg white

Add cocoa butter to sour cream. Add the whipped egg white to them. Apply to face, mask time is 10 minutes.

Action: removing shine, regulating the work of the sebaceous glands, cleansing pores, narrowing them.

For oily skin with deep wrinkles

  • White clay: 40 g
  • Cocoa butter: 20 ml
  • Oatmeal: 10 g
  • Yogurt: 15 ml

Mix all ingredients thoroughly and dilute with yogurt. Apply to facial skin, rest for a quarter of an hour.

Action: increasing elasticity, tone, noticeable tightening, narrowing pores, removing shine.

For crow's feet in the eye area

  • Cocoa butter: 5 g
  • Vitamin E: 4 drops
  • : 10 ml

Mix everything and gently apply to the eye area. Keep for 15 minutes.

Action: after several masks, fine wrinkles will disappear. It is best to carry out the care procedure before going to bed.

Chocolate is everything to us. It helps us in moments of stress, invigorates us during periods of weakness, and improves our mood. And now it also makes us younger!

Beauty to you!

Cocoa butter is called differently: “food of the gods” and “gift of Aphrodite.” Those who have already discovered this unique product will never be able to refuse regular use of it. Those who have never seen it before often imagine a chocolate-colored briquette. In fact, cocoa butter is whitish-yellow in color, has a hard, brittle consistency (at room temperature), and has a pleasant chocolate smell. Cocoa butter is called “food of the gods” because of its nutritional value, but “the gift of Aphrodite” - because of its cosmetic properties. Using this product in face masks, you can solve many skin problems that other cosmetic products cannot cope with. Cocoa butter for the face is an excellent natural moisturizer that restores tissue regeneration, thereby stopping time and preventing aging.

The secret of magical transformation

Natural cosmetic cocoa butter costs a lot of money due to the complex and multi-stage process of obtaining it. The product undergoes fermentation, sorting, purification, heat treatment, crushing, grinding and pressing, and only after all this a product is obtained that is ready to offer its services to beauties as cosmetic product. This unique “gift of Aphrodite” is enriched with all sorts of substances that help the skin bloom and not age. The basis is fatty acids, each of which, when entering the cells, has its own specific functions:

  • Oleic acid triggers impaired lipid metabolism, which improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands and cell nutrition;
  • Stearic strengthens or restores protective barriers for the skin to repel aggressive attacks from the outside in the form of merciless ultraviolet radiation, irritating sea ​​salt and other atmospheric tests;
  • Lauric makes cocoa butter an excellent moisturizer for dry, flaky skin, since it is this acid that regulates water-salt metabolism in cells and, when there is a lack of moisture, is able to retain it in the cells;
  • Palmitic is responsible for the precise and uniform delivery of oxygen to all cells of the epidermis, as a result of which, with regular use of cocoa butter, the complexion becomes even, radiant and natural;
  • Linoleic helps lauric acid fight dryness, wilting and flaking;
  • Arachinova improves skin absorption of other nutrients, preventing cells from starving.

Like any natural product, the oil contains various vitamins necessary for the beauty of the skin:

  • Vitamin E- the vitamin of eternal youth and irresistible beauty contained in cocoa is responsible for the production of collagen and elastin fibers, which even out the surface of the skin, making it smooth, firm, and elastic;
  • Vitamin K has invaluable antihemorrhagic properties, that is, it helps blood clot in certain situations, so it is not surprising that in case of wounds, burns, microcracks and inflammation, cocoa butter promotes rapid healing of all problem areas; in addition, it can be used to lighten freckles and other age spots, which this wonderful vitamin does an excellent job of eliminating.
  • Phytosterols This cosmetic product quickly and effectively stops the aging process in tissues, having rejuvenating and regenerating properties. Such a unique chemical composition leaves virtually no chance for any skin problem that all women have to face every day.

In cosmetology, the “gift of Aphrodite” has long been used in anti-aging procedures and for the production of all kinds of moisturizers. However, its use at home is recognized as the most effective, where natural oil cocoa does not interact with any synthetic substances and is 100% natural.

Moisturizes, whitens, rejuvenates, gently cares - all this about sea buckthorn oil:

What herbs are best to use for a certain type of facial skin, you will learn from this article>>

About indications and contraindications

Home use of cocoa butter on the face is beneficial in solving certain cosmetic problems. Therefore, expert recommendations have determined a list of indications for which it is worth using products from it:

  • Dry skin with areas of peeling: thanks to its moisturizing properties, the “gift of Aphrodite” will relieve the constant feeling of tightness and promote natural hydration of the epidermis;
  • Cosmetic defects(scars, scars, stitches after operations, spots after squeezed out pimples, spider veins), which are difficult to cope with other means, can be quickly eliminated with the help of cocoa;
  • Fading, sagging, wrinkled skin with all possible signs of aging: under the influence of oil, wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin is tightened, the facial contour becomes clearer;
  • Pimples, blackheads and other skin rashes(including those of an allergic nature) gradually disappear if you use cocoa butter-based products regularly;
  • Burns and herpes They are treated much faster if you use miraculous oil as applications and compresses.

The cosmetic and even medicinal effect of cocoa butter on the skin of the face is obvious, and that is why cosmetologists so actively recommend using it to solve problems that other products simply cannot cope with. But the abundance of fatty acids in this product can be quite harmful in some cases. Therefore, there are contraindications for its use as a cosmetic product. You should not get carried away with it if you:

  • oily facial skin;
  • there are implants on the face;
  • the presence of purulent inflammatory processes;
  • Individual intolerance was noted.

Mastering the art of making facial products from cocoa butter

The effectiveness of any cosmetic product is largely determined by the correctness of its preparation and application, and cocoa butter in this case is no exception. A few simple rules will help you master this simple science and set up a real beauty salon at home.

  1. When purchasing, make sure that the product is natural, without any additives.
  2. Melt the stick of butter in a water bath over low heat until it turns into liquid. In some cases, it is enough to hold it in your palms.
  3. Pre-test the "gift of Aphrodite" on the skin of your wrist, which will show you if you are allergic to it.
  4. It is better to mix the ingredients with a blender to avoid lumps.
  5. The prepared products are applied to the skin immediately so that the oil does not harden and complicate its further use.
  6. Before a home rejuvenating procedure, it is better to steam the skin so that the pores open as much as possible and clean it with a scrub.

  7. They need to be applied with light circular movements along massage lines.
  8. Recommended to use different means for the eye area, lips and facial skin in general.
  9. The duration of action of cocoa butter masks is no more than 20 minutes.
  10. It is better to remove products with a cotton pad or soft cloth soaked in milk at room temperature. After rubbing with milk and removing any remaining oil, you can blot your face paper napkin.
  11. It is not recommended to wash your face after this procedure.
  12. The full course of treatment should be no more than 10 procedures, since the skin will need to rest for a couple of months from the friendly onslaught of fatty acids in the oil.

By wisely using and applying cocoa butter to rejuvenate and moisturize your skin, you can quickly make sure that this is one of the best gifts nature has prepared for women. The variety of recipes with its participation is amazing, but the easier it is to choose exactly the product that will best solve all the most complex skin problems that modern beauties may have.

Recipes for products with cocoa butter for the face

Cocoa butter for the face can be used both in its pure form and with other natural products and cosmetic oils, which only enhance its effectiveness.

  • Nourishing cream

There's nothing easier than cooking nourishing cream for dry and dehydrated skin from pure cocoa butter. Hold the block in your hands for a few minutes and it will melt. Wipe your face with it before going to bed. This cream does not require rinsing. The next morning you will not only feel refreshed, but you will also be satisfied when you look in the mirror.

  • Protective cream

You can use cocoa butter in the same way, but during the day, before going outside in frosty, windy, snowy weather, when the skin needs to be protected from negative atmospheric and weather conditions. The face is smeared with a bar half an hour before going outside, and before going out, it is blotted with a paper napkin. If you use cocoa butter according to this scheme on vacation or just in hot weather in the summer, your skin will acquire a beautiful, even, bronze shade tan. Moreover, cocoa butter will protect it from the drying effects of ultraviolet radiation, preventing the precious moisture from evaporating.

  • Eye cream

Beauties who are fond of natural cosmetic oils know that not all of them can be used to nourish and moisturize the skin around the eyes. Cocoa butter is a pleasant exception among them. Having melted it to the desired consistency, soak a cotton pad in it and wipe the eyelids and skin under the eyes. This will result in getting rid of crow's feet and bluish bags.

  • For eyelash growth

In order for eyelashes to grow better, become thick and long, you need to mix already melted cocoa butter in equal proportions with castor oil and carefully apply it to the eyelashes with a brush, without touching their roots, so that the mixture does not get into your eyes. After 10 minutes everything is removed with a disk.

  • Lip balm

If your lips are constantly cracking and flaking, apply melted cocoa butter to them a couple of times a day.

  • Oil masks

Cocoa butter combines well with other cosmetic oils: rosehip, peach, almond, sesame. They can be combined in equal quantities and applied to the face.

  • Night moisturizer

Mix melted cocoa butter (1 tbsp.) with jojoba (1 tsp.), olive oil (3 tbsp.). Beat with a blender/mixer, add sandalwood ether (2 drops) before applying.

  • Rejuvenating mask

Melted cocoa butter (teaspoon) mixed with butter grape seeds(st. spoon) directly in a water bath. Stir, remove from heat, add crushed pulp of aloe leaves (teaspoon). Apply the mixture while warm.

  • Honey scrub

Melted cocoa butter (2 tbsp.) is mixed with liquid, also pre-melted honey (tbsp.). Add oatmeal and chopped almonds (one tablespoon at a time).

  • Lip ointment

Melted beeswax (teaspoon) is mixed with cocoa butter (tbsp.), wheat germ oil is added (2 tbsp. spoon). Everything is thoroughly mixed and left to cool completely.

  • Nourishing mask

Add sea buckthorn and rosehip oils (teaspoons each), oil solutions of vitamins A and E (4 drops each), and nourishing store-bought cream (tbsp.) to melted cocoa butter (tbsp.). Leave until cool.

  • Moisturizing compress

Melt the cocoa butter, moisten several layers of gauze in it, apply it to the eyes, covering the top with a terry towel.

Every woman's dream - to stop time - turns into reality when she discovers these white briquettes of miraculous oil from the shores of South America. Its beneficial effect on the skin is immediate, so you don’t have to wait too long for results. Pleasant aroma, delicate consistency, refreshing masks and a rejuvenated face - this is what cocoa butter gives all women with proper and regular use. The amazing gift of nature can do what other cosmetic products were not able to do: you just need to make sure of it.

Useful properties

It is made in several complex stages. As a result of unique hot pressing, two products are produced: cocoa powder and butter itself, which has a rich supply of useful substances: fatty acids (stearic, oleic, palmitic, linoleic), biologically active substances (campesterols, tocopherols, beta-sitosterols).

Thanks to this composition, the oily substrate has an immediate softening effect, deeply moisturizes the dermis, improves the condition of the epidermis, helping it become more elastic, smooth and firm.


The chocolate butter itself is hard, with a brittle consistency. It melts at a temperature of 32°-35° C. And at a temperature of 40° C it becomes transparent. Its usual color ranges from creamy white to the entire range of brown. The oil does not oxidize (if it is included in cosmetic products, the latter retain their properties much longer). This product is completely non-toxic and non-allergenic. Using cocoa butter on the face gives the skin many benefits:

  • Improved appearance, color restoration
  • Deep nutrition, hydration of the dermis
  • Excellent pore cleansing
  • Elimination of pimples and blackheads
  • Resisting the first signs of aging
  • Soothing irritation and inflammation
  • Whitening pigmentation
  • Restoration of the epidermis, healing of minor wounds
  • Regulating fat metabolism
  • Increased production of hyaluronic acid, collagen
  • Protecting your face from chapping and frostbite

Which skin is best suited?

Natural cocoa butter for the face, which is used in cosmetology, has a higher degree of purification and contains absolutely no impurities or additional additives. This is the purest product that will become a reliable friend and assistant for:

  • Dry flaky skin
  • Problematic, with inflammation
  • Gaunt pale skin
  • Oily with gloss and enlarged pores
  • Beginning to age (with the first age-related changes)

It is instantly absorbed into the epidermis without leaving an oily sheen. Its use in care is easy and convenient. And first of all, it is very effective.

Best Recipes

In its purest form

This is an excellent anti-aging treatment. It can be used instead of any usual cream for the face, eye area and lips.

  1. Thoroughly free your face from makeup;
  2. Hold a stick of butter in your hands until it melts slightly;
  3. Apply to skin (better in the evening)

If your face is peeling, replace your day cream with oil (under makeup). It will also help your lips get rid of wounds, jams, and crusts. There are periods when eyebrows and eyelashes simply need care (after the extension procedure, or during the period of vitamin deficiency). Lubricate your delicate hairs with this magical product, preferably before going to bed. In the eye area, cocoa butter will refresh the skin color in the lower part of the eyelids (remove gray, yellow spots under the eyes).

In the form of a cream

This cream is an ideal way to combat the dryness of the aging dermis. It can also be used in the eye area. The finished cream will preserve its healing power in the refrigerator if you place it in a glass jar.

Method 1. Using a water bath, melt a mixture of oils: cocoa (25 g), jojoba (5 ml), olive (30 ml). Mix well and place the container in chilled water. Continue stirring until cool. Then add two drops of sandalwood essential oil. The cream is ready.

Method 2. In a container, mix cocoa butter (25 g), lanolin and paraffin (5 ml each), petroleum jelly (15 g). Place the mixture in a water bath. Stir it constantly. After all the ingredients have melted, add warmed rose, non-alcoholic water (45 ml). Knead thoroughly, then beat the mixture with a mixer until it cools completely. Ready.

Face masks with cocoa butter

For all masks, melted cocoa butter is used. The easiest way is to melt it in a water bath.

To tone up

  • Cocoa butter: 6 ml
  • Chamomile oil: 5 g
  • Aloe juice: 7 ml
  • Fresh cucumber

Mix chocolate butter with chamomile oil and aloe juice. Then add grated cucumber. Mask time is half an hour.

Action: skin brightening, wrinkle smoothing, deep hydration, softening.

Refresh a dry face

  • Parsley: 9 g
  • Cocoa butter: 6 ml

Chop the parsley and mix with oil. Mask time is 30 minutes.

Action: face mask with cocoa butter deeply moisturizes, nourishes, smoothes.

Removing wrinkles

  • Cocoa butter: 20 g
  • Lemon juice: 2 tsp.
  • carrot juice: 10 ml
  • Natural honey: 15 g
  • Chicken egg yolk

Mix all components thoroughly. The mask is ready, apply it for 20 minutes.

Action: rejuvenation, softening, intense hydration. This product can be used as a compress.

Cleanse and nourish

  • Cocoa butter: 25 g
  • Light honey: 18 ml
  • Brown sugar: 15 g

Gently mix the butter with honey, add sugar. Do not stir completely. Sugar crystals will act as a scrub. After a few minutes of massage, leave the mixture on your face for 10 minutes.

Action: improves blood circulation, soft, delicate cleansing for dry skin.

Treating oily face

  • Cocoa butter: 40 gr
  • Kefir (sour cream): 9 ml
  • Egg white

Add cocoa butter to sour cream. Add the whipped egg white to them. Apply to face, mask time is 10 minutes.

Action: removing shine, regulating the work of the sebaceous glands, cleansing pores, narrowing them.

For oily skin with deep wrinkles

  • White clay: 40 g
  • Cocoa butter: 20 ml
  • Oatmeal: 10 g
  • Yogurt: 15 ml

Mix all ingredients thoroughly and dilute with yogurt. Apply to facial skin, rest for a quarter of an hour.

Action: increasing elasticity, tone, noticeable tightening, narrowing pores, removing shine.

For crow's feet in the eye area

  • Cocoa butter: 5 g
  • Vitamin E: 4 drops
  • Sea buckthorn oil: 10 ml

Mix everything and gently apply to the eye area. Keep for 15 minutes.

Action: after several masks, fine wrinkles will disappear. It is best to carry out the care procedure before going to bed.

Chocolate is everything to us. It helps us in moments of stress, invigorates us during periods of weakness, and improves our mood. And now it also makes us younger!

Beauty to you!

Effect of cocoa butter on facial skin

Cosmetic cocoa oil for facial skin is not a cheap product, since the process of obtaining it is complex and multi-step. As a result of fermentation, sorting, purification, heat treatment, crushing, grinding and pressing, the resulting product is rich in all kinds of substances that are beneficial for our skin:

  • fatty acids: oleic (activates lipid metabolism in cells), stearic (restores protective and barrier functions), lauric (retains moisture), palmitic (evens out complexion), linoleic (fights dryness and flaking), arachine (helps transport other substances);
  • vitamin E as a rejuvenating component that increases skin elasticity and smoothes out all unevenness (including wrinkles);
  • vitamin K- excellent salvation from hyperpigmentation and inflammatory processes in cells;
  • phytosterols stop the aging process, having pronounced anti-aging properties.

Taking a look at this chemical composition, everyone will understand why cocoa butter is so valued in cosmetology today: whole series of products based on it are produced, beauty salons actively use it in their rejuvenating and restorative procedures. You can purchase it in its pure form and enjoy its unique properties at home, if you follow the recommendations of smart and experienced people in this matter.

Cocoa butter for the face: indications

Cocoa butter is used at home most often as part of masks. Considering the oily consistency of this product, you need to know some nuances for its preparation. This will help avoid side effects and undesirable results. It will be effective only in certain cases:

  • dryness and flaking;
  • withering and aging;
  • the appearance of wrinkles and crow's feet;
  • avitaminosis;
  • for skin care during winter and heat;
  • cosmetic defects: scars, scars, acne spots;
  • tired, gray complexion;
  • sensitive skin.

If everything is done correctly, you can enjoy the incredible rejuvenating effect that cocoa butter has on your facial skin as part of these miraculous home remedies.

Recipes for face products based on cocoa butter

There are many recipes for masks, scrubs and creams prepared using this product, but you will have to choose only one. They include not only cocoa butter: face masks are multi-component mixtures, each ingredient of which works for the beauty, youth and health of the skin.

  • 1. Night cream for dry skin

Melt cocoa butter in a water bath (a tablespoon), add jojoba (a teaspoon), olive oil (3 tablespoons). Stir, remove from heat, cool, stirring constantly. Beat with a mixer, adding sandalwood ether (2 drops).

  • 2. Mask for aging skin

Melt cocoa butter (a teaspoon) in a water bath, pour in grape seed oil (a tablespoon). Stir, remove from the bath, add crushed pulp of aloe leaves (a teaspoon). Apply while warm.

  • 3. Scrub

Place solid cocoa butter (2 tablespoons) in a small ladle and place in a water bath. Once melted, add honey (a tablespoon). Stir, remove from the bath, add oatmeal and chopped nuts (a tablespoon each). Stir thoroughly and leave until completely cool.

  • 4. Lip ointment

Melt beeswax (a teaspoon) in a water bath and add cocoa butter (a tablespoon). After it melts, add wheat germ oil (2 tablespoons). Knead everything, remove from the bath, put the dishes in cold water, stir until the ointment has cooled completely.

  • 5. Nourishing cream

Melt cocoa butter in a water bath (a tablespoon), add rosehip and sea buckthorn oils (a teaspoon each), vitamins A and E (2 drops each). Remove from the bath, add store-bought cream (a tablespoon). Cool while stirring.

  • 6. Compress for the skin around the eyes

Melt cocoa butter in a water bath. Soak gauze, folded several times, in warm liquid, apply it to the eyes for 10 minutes, covering the top with a towel.

  • 7. Rejuvenating mask

Mix chopped parsley (2 tablespoons) with cocoa butter, melted in a steam bath (1 tablespoon).

  • 8. Anti-wrinkles

Grind melted cocoa butter (a teaspoon) with yolk, honey and carrot juice (a teaspoon each), add lemon juice (5-10 drops).

This exotic product from South America has such extraordinary, completely unpredictable cosmetic properties. With a rejuvenating and moisturizing effect on the skin, it will help you turn back time and look much younger and fresher in just a few uses. Try it!

Benefits and properties

Indeed, why do manufacturers start using this component so often? Is it really that effective? Yes. Many fatty acids and vitamins in the composition provide:

  • UV protection (stearic acid).
  • Retains moisture in cells (lauric).
  • Collagen synthesis (vitamins E, A, C).
  • Speedy wound healing (vitamin K).
  • Oxygen saturation of skin cells (palmitic).
  • Improving the functioning of the sebaceous glands (oleic).

This is why this oil is useful. Do you strive for this balance between your skin and the environment? After all, this is not easy to achieve. What suits one may not suit another at all. Let's find out who can use these products?

Also on the topic: “Properties and uses of cocoa butter in cosmetology and medicine.”

Who can use it?

It’s not just that I indicated the brief composition of cocoa butter. Do you see how many fatty acids there are? All of them are certainly useful, and each has its own function. And the miracle remedy is absorbed well. But despite this, if you have an oily type, it is better to be careful.

I read a lot of reviews, there are women whose epidermis is prone to oiliness. But they took the risk of trying this product. Most had no traces of grease from use. And those who have very fat type- pores clogged. So, without fanaticism, as they say. And the instructions indicate that it is intended for those with dry, combination and normal skin types. Mostly dry.

But if you do not suffer from excessive dryness, the product may also be suitable for you:

  • From peeling. You know, sometimes it happens that the skin does not stretch, but the lips crack. One friend had this happen after giving birth. For such cases, it is very good to apply the miracle remedy specifically to the affected area. And it's not just about lips. Sometimes the forehead or cheeks peel. Of course, you shouldn’t diligently smear your entire face. But, you can apply it to the problem area.
  • Protection from wind and frost. Rarely have I met those who were not touched by natural fate. Therefore, if you suffer from cold and peeling begins, stock up on cocoa butter for the winter.
  • From wrinkles around the eyes and other areas of the face. And this trouble will affect everyone sooner or later. But for those with a dry type - earlier. After all, the epidermis is very dehydrated. And with age, moisture is lost more actively.
  • From the summer heat. Thanks to the ability to retain moisture, the sun's rays will not be so destructive to us. Firstly, harmful UV rays are reflected. Secondly, a protective layer is created that will provide beautiful color from sunburn. And despite everything, the water will not leave our cells!

But, for the result, you need to know not only your type of epidermis. If the rules of use are violated, the effect will not be expected!

How to use?

I really liked how you can use the product. There are lots of ways! Therefore, even if you don’t have time to prepare lotions and masks, this product will still suit you! Here are the application options:

  • In its purest form. Don't have time, but want to stay beautiful and young? Oh please! I will only say that up to 30 degrees cocoa butter is solid. But upon contact with the skin, it begins to melt. Take a small piece, hold it in your hands and lubricate your face. Perfectly replaces nourishing cream at night.
  • Adding to creams, masks, hair shampoos. This way you can enhance the effect of your favorite product.
  • Make a mixture of oils, add esters. I think this way you can see the result even faster.

Surely you have found yours from these methods! But, I want to dwell in more detail on point 2. If you decide to melt, under no circumstances use a microwave or open fire for this. In both cases, the temperature may not be calculated. If the oil boils or overheats, it won't do any good. The most reliable way is a water bath.

How to melt? Place a pot of water on the stove and it boils. Place a smaller container in this pan and put a piece of butter in it. Only the bottom of the second container should not touch the water. Now watch when it melts, start cooking immediately so that it doesn’t freeze. Therefore, prepare the remaining ingredients in advance. Which? I'll tell you now!

For dryness

Since this is the main problem that our miracle oil successfully combats, let’s start with it. I found a very interesting recipe for using solid oils. Let's make a nourishing cream!

Take 2 parts of miracle oil, the same amount of shea butter, one part of olive. Now attention! Since cocoa heats more slowly, heat it first in a sauna. And then add shea. Olive oil can be heated in a separate container. It is better to stir everything with a whisk or mini mixer. Then transfer to a clean jar and store in the refrigerator for about 3 months. For longer storage, add vitamin E.

And here is an ointment for dryness at night. A mixture of cocoa (2 tbsp), olive (3 tbsp) and jojoba oils (1 tsp). Apply to cleansed face. Yes, if you want, add 2 more drops of sandalwood ether. Overnight, the epidermal cells will be perfectly moisturized and nourished.

You may be interested in learning about grape seed oil for face and hair.

But, as I already said, dryness occurs not only on the face. Some ladies have tried a mountain of products, and their lips peel with terrible force. What to do?

Lip balms

Of course, before leaving the house, you can smear the miracle oil on your lips. So, in its pure form, it will protect well from environmental adversities.

But this advice will help overcome the cracks that have formed. Take equal parts of cocoa and coconut oils, add 2 times less beeswax. Place in a water bath. When it melts, drop a little ether (15 drops), any one. Then pour the contents into a mold and put it in the refrigerator. Promised quick healing wounds and cracks!

Now comes the interesting part. Manufacturers often use cocoa tree oil in rejuvenation products. How to make such a composition at home?

For wrinkles

If you have a chicken egg, honey, lemon and carrots in the house, we will use these products. First, melt a teaspoon of miracle oil and combine with the yolk. Then add a teaspoon of honey, carrot juice and 5 drops of lemon juice. Apply the mask carefully and leave on for 20 minutes. You will notice the softening of the skin immediately, and wrinkles will smooth out after 10 procedures. After 2 months, repeat the course!

A lotion is suitable for the skin around the eyes. Soak gauze folded in several layers in the melted miracle product. Make sure the gauze is not hot! Place the peephole on the area for about 15 minutes. Cover the top with a towel. Remains can be removed with a napkin.

I suggest watching a video recipe for making natural day cream with cocoa butter.

Well, how do you like this selection? Tell me, have you already tried the effect of the miracle oil on yourself? Perhaps one of your friends used it? Tell us! I'm really looking forward to your comments. And I invite you to subscribe to my blog updates. See you soon. Bye!

What are the benefits of cocoa butter based products for the skin?

  1. If the skin is too dry, rough and flaky, then the oil will soften it and nourish it with all necessary substances, delaying her aging for years.
  2. This substance is also indispensable for sensitive facial skin, it relieves irritation, controls the water-fat balance, and nourishes with all the beneficial elements it contains.
  3. Products based on this product are suitable for women with skin of any type. But the most useful use of oil will be for older women whose skin begins to fade and appear age spots. With regular use, you will get rid of fine wrinkles and restore firmness and elasticity. Deep wrinkles will become less noticeable, and your complexion will become fresher.
  4. The product will be a good help for those who have actively started to develop pigmentation on their face. It protects the skin from harmful effects sunlight and others unfavorable factors environment, and also helps the skin renew and recover. Thanks to these properties, the product is a component of after-sun products, as well as winter cosmetics.

This substance has such beneficial properties due to its rich composition. It contains phytosterols, many vitamins, acids and antioxidants. Fashionable beauty salons offer oil-based restoration and rejuvenation procedures. In addition to pigmentation, it helps against spider veins on the skin, and can smooth out small scars left after acne.

This product is absorbed very quickly into the skin of the face. After application, only a small amount of product remains on the skin, which you simply need to remove with a dry cloth.

With the help of such products it is recommended to take care of even delicate areas of the face. This includes the delicate skin of the lips and the eyelid area. Cosmetologists advise using this product to care not only for the face, but also for the entire body. It is suitable for daily use to prevent premature skin aging.

You can buy cocoa butter in stores specializing in such products. It's not cheap, but it's worth it. With one product you can solve almost all your skin problems at once. Is it worth saving on this? A clear advantage is the naturalness of the substance; you don’t have to worry about how the skin will react to cosmetics. Undesirable consequences can only be caused by an allergy to the product.

How to use cocoa butter for skin care

The oil will bring many benefits even without any additives. Just wipe your skin with a piece of this miraculous remedy every day before going to bed. Go to bed without rinsing it off and you will get a great effect as a result. But, if you prepare combined products based on this cocoa product at home, the result will exceed all your expectations. Masks and various creams are prepared from the product. In combination with esters, the product will help you maintain the beauty and health of your face for many years. It is useful to add it to ready-made cosmetics purchased in the store.

At room temperature, this product is in a solid state, but if you heat it to a temperature of 27 degrees, it will melt. Since the body temperature is higher than this figure, when it comes into contact with the skin, a piece of butter will behave like ice.

Important! When you need to prepare a mask that will include any essential oils, the product must be melted in a water bath.

It must be remembered that before carrying out any procedures on the facial skin, it must be cleaned and steamed well. Any product based on this product should be applied immediately after preparation. Movements during application should correspond to the massage lines, touches should be light. In summer, cosmetologists recommend using such masks in small courses. Ten days of use should alternate with a week's rest. In autumn and winter, such masks can be made daily.

Recipes for cosmetic masks

  1. The most simple option a mask that will nourish and restore the skin well is the following recipe. The product is applied to the entire face, that is, even to the skin of the eyelids. The mask exposure time is 20 minutes. After time has passed, the face is wiped with a swab previously soaked in warm milk. After this, wipe the skin with a dry paper towel. This mask is best done at night.
  2. To enhance the positive effect, add the same amount of wheat germ oil to 5 ml of melted product. Avocado pulp is added to this mixture. If you don't have avocado on hand, you can replace it with pumpkin. The amount of pulp is about a tablespoon. The mask should remain on the face for approximately 30 minutes. Wash off the product with cool water. Can be used every other day.
  3. To get rid of inflammation on the skin, the recipe for such a mask will help. Grate the cucumber on a very fine grater. One large spoonful of pulp will be enough. Aloe juice is added to the pulp. It needs to be squeezed out of a plant leaf, but before that it must lie in the refrigerator for at least three days. Cocoa butter and chamomile are added to the resulting substance, 5 ml of each substance. It is also recommended to do this mask before going to bed. It is applied for 20 minutes and then washed off.
  4. Recipe for lips and eye area. To prevent premature aging processes in these areas and the appearance of wrinkles, it is recommended to prepare such a mixture. Take cocoa butter, sea buckthorn butter and vitamin E in equal parts. Apply the mixture to these areas before going to bed. To improve the effect, cosmetologists advise adding a drop of rose ether. Don't worry about sea buckthorn oil having an orange tint. This will not affect your skin color in any way, because such recipes are time-tested.
  5. If you have very dry and dull facial skin, the following recipe will help nourish it. Melted cocoa butter in the amount of a tablespoon is added to 50 ml olive oil. Add 5 ml of jojoba oil to the mixture. The mixture is slightly heated and then beaten with a mixer. To improve the effect, add a couple of drops of sandalwood essential oil.
  6. Another recipe that nourishes the skin well. Combine 1 tbsp. cocoa butter, as well as rosehip and sea buckthorn, 5 ml each. You need to add a few drops of vitamins A and E into the product. All this should be heated in a water bath. Add a spoonful of store-bought to the prepared mixture. cosmetic cream. Stir the product until it thickens.
  7. To prevent aging and increase the elasticity of facial skin, use this recipe. 15 ml of grape seed oil is combined with a teaspoon of liquid cocoa butter. The pulp of an aloe leaf is added to the mixture. The mass is slightly warmed up, after which it is applied for 25 minutes.
  8. Scrub for all types of facial skin, except oily. Grind a handful of any nuts, after carefully peeling them. Melt 30 g of cocoa butter and add one spoon of honey to it. Add nut butter and oatmeal to the liquid substance (crush a spoonful of flakes). This scrub is used several times a week.
  9. If your lips are chapped. In a water bath, 5 g of beeswax is dissolved in one spoon of oil. Melt until smooth, then add 30 ml of wheat germ oil. Mix the product well. You can store it in the refrigerator and periodically lubricate your lips.
  10. Rejuvenation of skin of any type. Heat a tablespoon of butter in a water bath, then add a spoonful of chopped parsley. The validity period is 25 minutes, after which the product is washed off with water. The recipe can be used several times a week.
  11. If the skin is in poor condition, fades, wrinkles, then this recipe will help. Melt 5 g of honey and cocoa butter. Then add the yolk to the cooled mixture, as well as 5 ml of lemon and carrot juice. The product acts for 15 minutes, after which it is removed using a cotton pad.
  12. If wrinkles appear under the eyes and dark circles— for such cases there is a compress recipe. Make a napkin by folding gauze several times. Cut holes for the eyes. Gauze is soaked in melted butter and applied to the problem area, covered with compress paper on top and covered with a towel. After twenty minutes, the compress is washed off. The problem area is wiped with pre-prepared ice cubes from frozen parsley decoction. This remedy will also help with swelling under the eyes. This compress can be used for the entire face and is effective even for fading and aging skin.
  13. Cocoa butter is recommended to be used to improve the condition of eyelashes. It is applied in the same way as other eyelash care products.

With regular and correct use With these masks, you will definitely achieve the desired result.

What are the benefits of cocoa butter

The high efficiency of cocoa butter is due to its rich chemical composition. Individual components penetrate deeply into the epidermis, nourishing and moisturizing every cell, producing a tonic and calming effect. The most important elements natural remedies are:

  • oleic acid - normalizes fat metabolism in cells;
  • stearic acid - protects the skin from negative external influences;
  • palmitic acid - improves complexion;
  • linoleic acid - brings moisture to every cell of the dermis;
  • vitamin E - gives the skin youth, makes it more elastic, evens out its color;
  • vitamin K - fights purulent inflammation;
  • phytosterols - resist the processes of aging and decrepitude.

The complex effect of all these components can bring truly wonderful results. This is why cocoa butter is so in demand in modern cosmetology: entire lines of care products are produced based on it, and it is used by the best beauty salons. This product has earned numerous positive reviews from both experts and women who have already tried it.

In what cases is cocoa butter used?

According to cosmetologists, cocoa butter is most effective in the following cases:

  • dryness, tightness, peeling;
  • age-related changes in the skin, including the formation of wrinkles;
  • various manifestations of vitamin deficiency;
  • tired and inexpressive color of the dermis;
  • skin care in adverse weather conditions (frost or heat);
  • fight against cosmetic defects (scars, scars, red spots after acne, etc.);
  • regular care sensitive skin.

If you adhere to the listed indications, you can get a very quick and pronounced effect. It’s not without reason that chocolate fruit extract is gaining immense popularity in the beauty industry and receiving rave reviews.

How to use cocoa butter on your face at home

Today you can see on store shelves large number cosmetic products with cocoa butter, but let's talk about the independent use of this substance, both in its pure form and as part of various recipes.

Without any additives, this valuable extract can replace traditional nourishing cream. Its use is especially useful for owners of very dry and dehydrated, as well as aging and fading dermis.

To use the oil in its pure form, proceed as follows: cut off a small piece and warm it in your hand. When it acquires a liquid consistency, apply it to the skin. Of course, before the procedure you need to wash your face and wash your hands thoroughly.

You can carry out the procedure differently: apply a small piece of the product to your face: under the influence of body temperature it will begin to melt. Move it over different areas of the skin until completely lubricated. The optimal time to apply the product is in the evening. If the substrate is not completely absorbed, then after half an hour, remove the excess with a dry cloth.

If you have very dry and dehydrated skin, use the product twice a day. In the morning you should use it some time before applying cosmetics or going outside. If there is any excess left on the skin, you will need to blot it off with a napkin.

Cocoa butter is especially useful in frosty and windy weather. It is recommended to apply it before going to the beach or just spending a long time in the sun: you will have an even and beautiful tan, and the thinnest oily film will protect the epidermis from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation and drying out.

Chocolate tree extract is suitable for daily care of sensitive skin around the eyes. It can be used both in pure form and in mixtures with other vegetable oils. Simply melt a piece of the product in your palm and apply the liquid to the dermis.

If the cocoa squeeze seems too dense and causes discomfort, then make mixes with other extracts. It goes perfectly with rosehip, almond, peach and sesame oil. Recommended ratios are 1:2 or 1:3, where 1 is the original product.

Chocolate extract can be used to care for lips; it is especially useful during the cold season. The product will help make eyebrows and eyelashes beautiful. It is an indispensable component for preparing homemade creams and masks, because it is what gives them a thick consistency.

Cocoa butter masks

The product is used in many recipes home cosmetology. Products containing it are highly effective and therefore receive only positive reviews. For all masks with cocoa, you need to use the melted product; a water bath will help give it exactly this consistency.

Toning mask

Grate one medium-sized cucumber on a fine grater, add 6 ml of cocoa and chamomile oils and 7 ml of aloe juice to the resulting puree. The procedure time is 30 minutes. The composition will smooth the dermis, improve its color, moisturize and make it fresher.

Moisturizing mask

Combine 9 g of finely chopped parsley and 6 ml of the original product. Apply on face for half an hour. This recipe deeply moisturizes and nourishes, and therefore it is very good for dry and aging dermis.

Mask for oily skin

Mix the original product with kefir in a 4:1 ratio and one egg white. The action time of the composition is 10 minutes. It has a wide range of effects: narrows pores, removes unsightly shine, normalizes the functioning of the fat glands.

Recipe for the eye area

Mix cocoa and sea buckthorn oils in a 1:2 ratio, add a couple of drops there liquid vitamin E, mix and apply to areas around the eyes. Leave for a quarter of an hour, after which, if necessary, remove excess with a dry cloth. It is best to carry out this procedure in the evening. After just a few uses, you will notice a pronounced effect: small wrinkles will disappear, and new ones will not appear.

Soft scrub

Combine liquid honey, brown sugar and chocolate fruit extract. Do not stir completely and apply to face. Massage it for a while: sugar crystals will remove dead skin particles, and then leave the mask on the skin for another 10-15 minutes: this way it will nourish the deep layers of the epidermis with useful substances.

Cocoa butter for the face is a very valuable product that can compare its effectiveness with expensive skin care products and salon procedures. This good helper for those women who want to preserve youth and beauty for many years, and this is confirmed by numerous reviews.

Useful qualities

The unique properties of this natural preparation are due to the balanced content of fatty acids and healing natural components:

  • high oleic acid content provides excellent softening properties. The skin receives the necessary nutrients and moisturizers allowing you to maintain a radiant, healthy appearance even in the coldest and windiest weather;
  • stearic acid gives the skin intense hydration. She's excellent smoothes fine wrinkles, eliminates flaking and visibly improves complexion. Cocoa butter is the champion in stearic acid content among products of plant and animal origin;
  • palmitic acid is responsible for maintaining the water balance of the skin, thereby ensuring optimal hydration and elasticity;
  • tannins successfully cope with pimples and acne due to their powerful antibacterial properties;
  • caffeine increases elasticity and has a significant tonic effect. It also provides the drug with a slight lifting effect.

The healing properties of the oil are used in the treatment of cuts and burns, cracks on the lips. In practice, its effectiveness in the fight against stretch marks and cellulite has been proven.

Contraindications and precautions

The use of cocoa butter in cosmetology has virtually no restrictions. However, allergic reactions to it, although quite rare, still occur. To avoid undesirable consequences, before using the drug for the first time, you should do a standard tolerability test.

To do this, apply 2 drops of the melted substance to the bend of the elbow or wrist, rub into the skin and leave to act for 1-2 hours. If there is no redness, itching or other unpleasant sensations, you can safely proceed to the intended procedures.

Do not use cocoa butter with expired validity that have changed their color or consistency.

Main uses

Cocoa butter is one of the most popular ingredients among modern cosmetics manufacturers. In beauty salons and for daily home skin care, its unique properties are used:

  • in its pure form;
  • in combination with base or aromatic oils;
  • for preparing a variety of homemade masks and creams.

In winter, and for those with dry skin at any time of the year Cocoa butter will effectively replace the best moisturizer. To do this, a small piece of it should be heated to 35–40°C in a water bath until completely softened and, without cooling, applied to the face. Liquid oil offered by some manufacturers can be used without preheating. As a rule, the substance is completely absorbed without leaving an unpleasant shine.

Combining cocoa with other base or aromatic oils allows you to enhance the beneficial effects of all ingredients. The drug can be used daily as a night cream, and in order to achieve the intended result as quickly as possible, experts recommend making compresses from the resulting mixture. To do this, slits are made in a linen napkin for the nose and eyes, the fabric is moistened in a warm mixture and placed on the face for 20–25 minutes.

Cocoa butter goes perfectly with most foods, used in home cosmetology to prepare effective masks, creams And scrubs: milk, eggs, vegetables and fruits.

To achieve maximum efficiency from the use of oils, you should use simple advice from professionals:

  • the most important condition for the success of the procedure is preliminary thorough cleansing of the skin not only from cosmetics, but also from natural skin secretions;
  • The rapid penetration of useful substances through cell membranes is facilitated by heating the oil to a temperature human body. To avoid thickening, the oil should be applied immediately, without waiting for it to cool. Simultaneous light massage makes the procedure more effective;
  • before applying the oily substance, the skin should be moistened generously with a decoction of herbs, serum or plain water;
  • The duration of the session should not exceed 30 minutes, and a duration of less than 15 minutes is ineffective. A standard course usually consists of 10 procedures; if there is clear positive dynamics, it can be increased by 2-3 sessions. After each course, a break of 3–4 weeks is required. Then treatment can be resumed;
  • The frequency of use depends on the chosen procedure. You can apply the oil mixture as a cream or perform anti-acne applications daily; masks should not be made more than 1-2 times a week.

The best recipes for home use

Ease of use and wide application possibilities make cocoa butter an indispensable component in a home beauty salon. Dozens of recipes include this natural substance.

Toning mask

Chop 2-3 sprigs of parsley using scissors or a kitchen knife, combine with a pre-melted teaspoon of cocoa butter and stir. Apply an even layer to the face and leave for 25–30 minutes. After the specified time, the mixture is washed off with warm water without soap and cosmetic foam. It is recommended to carry out complex treatment consisting of 8–10 procedures. As a result, the skin regains its elasticity and fresh appearance.

Anti-inflammatory mask with blue clay

Regular use of this mask helps to quickly eliminate unpleasant skin rashes, get rid of acne and pimples. To prepare it, you will need to melt 3 teaspoons of cocoa butter, quickly mix them with 2 tablespoons of pharmaceutical blue clay, adding 2-3 drops of lemon juice and, without allowing it to cool, apply to the surface of the face for 20-25 minutes.

Rejuvenating mask

The following mask effectively smoothes even deep wrinkles: combine sea buckthorn oil and cocoa butter (preheated to 40°C) with an oil solution of vitamin E. All ingredients are taken in a 1:1 ratio, mixed thoroughly and applied to the face for 15–20 minutes. It is recommended to carry out this procedure 2–3 times a week.

Nourishing anti-inflammatory cream

Mix pre-melted cocoa and coconut oils in a 3:1 ratio, add a crushed ascorutin tablet to the resulting mixture, grind thoroughly and cool to body temperature. Add 4-5 drops of ginger oil and stir until smooth. The cream can be used for daily skin care for 3-4 weeks. It perfectly nourishes and tones the skin, smoothes wrinkles and effectively eliminates acne.

Anti-wrinkle smoothing mask

Melt 2 teaspoons of cocoa butter in 3 tablespoons of milk, cool the mixture to 36–37°C and add a tablespoon of heavy cream and 4 drops of dill oil. The mixture is applied to the face with a cotton pad along massage lines; the duration of exposure can be 30–35 minutes. Regular use for a month helps improve the appearance of the skin, smoothes existing wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new ones.

Nourishing mask

Natural ingredients of this nourishing mask help maintain elasticity and a healthy appearance even in the coldest and windiest weather. To prepare it, the egg yolk is thoroughly ground with cocoa butter and honey (1 teaspoon each). The mask is applied in a circular motion in 3-4 layers and left on the face until completely dry. It provides nutrition and deep hydration of the skin, while eliminating peeling and acne.

The gift of Aphrodite is often called the product obtained from cocoa beans. Oil is a particularly valuable product. It is used in cooking and helps maintain skin health and elasticity. This is a true natural “elixir of youth”, as it literally “turns back time”, removing the signs of aging from the face. Let's figure out how to use cocoa butter for wrinkles.

People who have not seen butter made from cocoa beans tend to think that this product looks like chocolate. However, this is not entirely true. Under normal conditions, it is a solid mass of yellowish-white color, has a brittle consistency and a very pleasant chocolate smell. The melting point of oil is +27 degrees, so when you wipe the skin with a piece, it melts, leaving greasy mark. However, the oil is absorbed very quickly without forming an unpleasant greasy film.

The technology for obtaining butter from cocoa beans is quite complex, and this is reflected in the price of the product. But the value of natural cocoa butter is so great that it is worth spending money on purchasing it.

The product contains a rich set of valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids, which contribute to the healing and rejuvenation of facial skin. In the set of acids:

  • oleic, which restores impaired lipid metabolism, thereby normalizing the nutrition of epidermal cells;
  • stearic, increasing local immunity and providing additional protection to cells from external negative influences;
  • lauric, regulating water-salt metabolism, thereby eliminating dryness and flaking;
  • palmitic, which ensures uninterrupted “delivery” of oxygen to the cells, which restores the natural healthy color of the skin;
  • linoleic, preventing the premature appearance of signs of aging;
  • arachine, necessary for the normal absorption of nutrients by cells.

In addition to valuable amino acids, cocoa butter contains many vitamins, including:

  • vitamin of youth - tocopherol, promoting the synthesis of collagen fibers, “responsible” for maintaining skin elasticity;
  • vitamins group K, increasing the tone of blood vessels and accelerating the renewal of new cells, which improves tissue nutrition, and minor injuries and wounds heal much faster;
  • sterols plant origin help stop the natural aging process.

Such a rich and unique composition ensures widespread use of this product in cosmetology. A variety of creams and masks are made with the addition of the “gift of Aphrodite”. But using the product at home is even more effective, since preservatives and other synthetic additives are always present in finished cosmetic products. Homemade treatments are good because they use 100% natural ingredients.

Who can use it?

  • dry and dehydrated skin prone to peeling;
  • availability of cosmetics defects– pigmentation, including traces after healed deep acne, fresh scars, spider veins;
  • appearance of signs withering– wrinkles, sagging;
  • cutaneous rashes– acne, pimples, as well as herpetic rashes (for herpes, the product is used as part of a complex treatment, along with antiviral drugs).

This product can be used at any age, but cocoa butter is especially recommended for women aged 35+ as a wonderful anti-aging agent.

Who should not use it?

Like any other cosmetic product, cocoa butter has a number of contraindications for use. First of all, these are individual reactions of the body.

Important! Chocolate is a common allergen, so using cocoa butter for cosmetic purposes without first testing for sensitivity is prohibited.

You should postpone using the product if there are lesions or purulent rashes on the skin. You need to wait for the wounds to heal, and only then begin the procedures.

This product should be used with great caution on oily skin. You should avoid applying it undiluted, but occasionally making masks with the addition of the “gift of Aphrodite” is possible, provided that drying components are included in the composition.

Important nuances

In order not to be disappointed in the use of any cosmetic product, you must first become familiar with the rules for its use. The rules are simple, but you need to strictly adhere to them:

  • Before purchasing, please make sure the product is natural, that is, it does not contain any additives. In addition, it is necessary to inspect for expiration date;
  • If you plan to apply the oil undiluted, you can simply wipe the skin with a “cube” of oil. But more effective way is the application of the product warm. Therefore, you need to put a small amount of the product in a glass or ceramic cup and place this dish in a large bowl of hot water. The product will turn into a liquid mass into which you can add the remaining ingredients, or simply apply it to the skin;
  • complex formulations that include several ingredients must be mixed very carefully so that the mass turned out to be homogeneous;
  • It is convenient to apply compositions that have a consistency cream, therefore, if the prepared mixture turns out to be liquid, you can add a little oatmeal or barley flour or potato starch to it. You need to add flour gradually, achieving the desired thickness;

  • Be sure to prepare the skin - clean and steam. Applying the product to uncleaned skin may cause acne. And steaming is necessary for deeper penetration of valuable substances into tissues;
  • compositions prepared for the face are not applied to the skin of the eyelids and lips; special compositions are used for these areas of the face;
  • the duration of action of the masks depends on the chosen recipe, but it should not exceed half an hour;
  • It is necessary to remove the compounds using wet swab, and if the skin is very dry, then you need to moisten the tampon not in water, but in warm milk. After removing the composition, gently blot the skin with a soft cloth. Washing, especially using soap, is not recommended;
  • procedures must be carried out in a course, consisting of 10-12 procedures, frequency of weekly (up to 40 years) or twice a week (aged 40+). ​​After completing the course, you need to take a break for three months so as not to “overfeed” the skin.

Application options

You can use oil in different ways. Here are the most effective and time-tested recipes.

No additives

Cocoa butter contains everything necessary to care for skin that needs softening and moisturizing. Therefore, it can be used without additives.

Take a stick of butter and hold it in your hands for a while until it begins to melt. Wipe your face with this block.

like this the procedure can be carried out before bed. In this case, there is no need to wash off the oil. It is well absorbed without leaving any marks on the skin. The next morning your face will look refreshed and rejuvenated.

Cocoa butter can also be applied to daytime, in this case, it will perform the functions protective cream. In winter it will protect skin from weathering and the negative effects of frost, and in summer - from drying ultraviolet radiation. It is necessary to apply the oil about half an hour before going outside. And before leaving the apartment, you will need to wet your face with a napkin.

Cocoa butter is great for wrinkles around the eyes. It is necessary to melt a small block of product. Soak gauze pads in warm oil and apply these compresses to the skin of the eyelids. This procedure will help tighten the skin, smooth out crow's feet and get rid of bluish circles under the eyes.

Oil oil

Can be used mixtures with other oils. Thus, it is recommended to apply cocoa butter against wrinkles on the forehead in a mixture with jojoba and olive oils. You need to mix the ingredients in a water bath, taking all products in equal quantities. Let the mixture cool a little and add two potassium sandalwood ether.

Moisten pieces of bandage in the warm mixture and place on the forehead and nasolabial folds. Cover the top with parchment or cling film. Cover your face with a terry towel. After twenty minutes, remove the compresses, pat the skin dry with napkins, and do not wash. A similar composition can be used to get rid of wrinkles on the neck.

You can also combine cocoa bean oil with other oils - rose hips, peach, sesame seeds, almond.

Lip balm

Melt a teaspoon of pure beeswax. Add a tablespoon of cocoa butter to the liquid wax and stir. Add wheat germ oil (two teaspoons) to the slightly cooled mixture. Pour into a small jar and apply as you would a regular lip balm.


This composition is used to exfoliate dead epidermal cells. First you will need to melt about two tablespoons of honey and cocoa butter, mix these two ingredients until smooth. Then add a tablespoon of almond bran and oatmeal ground in a coffee grinder to the mixture.

Apply with circular massage movements, duration of procedure is 2-3 minutes. Then you will need to leave the mixture on the skin for another 5-10 minutes and then rinse off. After this procedure, the skin will look noticeably fresher.

Mask options

You can use cocoa masks to prepare effective anti-aging masks.

With parsley

Chop a bunch of parsley very finely and grind, or even better, chop the greens in a blender. Mix two parts of green mass with melted cocoa butter. Apply for twenty minutes.


Melt 10 grams of cocoa butter. Add an equal amount of any cosmetic cream suitable for your skin and the contents of four capsules of the vitamin preparation Aevit to the warm oil. Stir and apply to prepared skin. Remove with a damp swab dipped in a warm decoction of string or chamomile.

With carrot juice

Melt 10 grams of cocoa butter and mix it with a teaspoon of honey. Add 10 ml of freshly prepared carrot juice, fresh yolk and five drops of lemon juice to the warm, homogeneous mass. Wear for a quarter of an hour; this option perfectly nourishes and rejuvenates.

With apple

Bake half a large apple in the oven or microwave. Grind the treated apple pulp to a puree and mix with a tablespoon of melted cocoa bean butter. Apply for half an hour. This composition moisturizes well, soothes irritated skin, and relieves flaking.


To prepare this rejuvenating composition, you need to grate a fresh cucumber on a fine grater.

For a tablespoon of cucumber mass you will need a teaspoon of fresh aloe juice. Melt a teaspoon of cocoa butter and mix it with the same amount of chamomile oil. Combine the oil and cucumber mixtures and keep the mixture on your face for twenty minutes. It is advisable to perform the procedure in the evening, since after it it is undesirable to go outside for several hours.


Chop the raw pumpkin and grate it on a fine grater. Mix pumpkin puree with oils, you will need a teaspoon each of cocoa butter and wheat germ. Apply for half an hour. A similar anti-aging composition can be prepared by replacing the pumpkin with the pulp of a ripe avocado. Both mask options perfectly smooth the skin, making it more youthful and radiant.

With concentrated milk

This composition option will improve your complexion and make your skin velvety. You need to mix one teaspoon at a time:

  • melted cocoa butter;
  • concentrated milk (no sugar);
  • fruit juice (except for citrus juice, you can use pumpkin or carrot juice). The juice must be freshly prepared.

Mix three ingredients, add potato starch. Add starch little by little, stirring thoroughly. You need to ensure that the mass acquires the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply for twenty minutes.

With sea buckthorn oil and oatmeal

This composition perfectly tightens, cleanses, softens. You need to mix about a dessert spoon of sea buckthorn and cocoa oils, then add five drops of a solution of tocopherol in oil to the mixture. Then add oatmeal to the liquid mixture until you obtain a consistency convenient for application. Apply for half an hour.

With clay

Dilute a tablespoon of white cosmetic clay with cold water until a thick mass is obtained. Add a teaspoon of melted cocoa butter and ten drops of lemon juice to the clay. Apply for a quarter of an hour.

This composition option is suitable for combination and oily skin.

Cosmetologists' opinion

According to professional cosmetologists, it is possible and necessary to use cocoa butter against wrinkles. This is one of the most effective means rejuvenation.

However, one should not forget to be careful, since the use of this product may provoke the development of an allergic reaction. Only after sensitivity tests have been carried out can you begin to use the product.

Not recommended This product is also for those with oily skin., since its use can further activate the work of the sebaceous glands. But for aging skin, cocoa bean oil is a life-giving, rejuvenating elixir.

Women's opinion

Excellent reviews from women are the best confirmation of the effectiveness of the product.

Yulia, 34 years old:

I recently developed fine wrinkles around my eyes. Despite the fact that I immediately began using various special creams, the hated “crow’s feet” did not go away. I read that cocoa butter smoothes the skin well, so I decided to buy it, although I didn’t have much hope for this product. But I thought that there would definitely be no harm, and the oil smelled very nice, why not try it? After 2 weeks of using the oil, I noticed that the skin of the eyelids tightened and the wrinkles became smaller. I'm very pleased.

Ksenia, 38 years old:

My skin is dry, the first wrinkles began to appear very early, so I tried a variety of ways to combat it - and professional cosmetics, And folk recipes. The most effective product for moisturizing and rejuvenating for me turned out to be cocoa butter. I apply it twice a week and enjoy my reflection in the mirror.