1. Remember that children will grow up.

And very quickly. This means that they will no longer need your attention of the type that they need now.

Which means Now - best time to be with them the way that later, when they grow up, it won’t be time. Tinkering with kids, playing with those who have not yet forgotten how to play, answering serious “why” questions, fighting kindly with a teenager. And, perhaps, find a thread of connection with someone who is almost completely grown up

2. Conflicts between your children are like the noise of an engine when working.

There is noise - that means the engine is running. There are conflicts - that means life goes on. Believe me, these Conflicts will not define your children's future relationships.. After all, mostly good things remain in memory.
And if you manage to remember this in a conflict, its severity will definitely decrease by 30 percent. And also, I think, in these inevitable and normal conflicts it is very important to be able to put an end to. So that there is as little “conflict aftertaste” as possible.

3. It is very important not to forget that “the fish goes out of the head,” and the head of your family is you, your parents and your relationships.

And it should not be a pity to invest neither time, nor finances, nor attention in this column of the family budget. Don't forget that It is extremely important for children what the weather is like in the house. And a very dubious gift for children, when all parental attention was invested precisely in their growing up, formation, and adults did not have enough strength for themselves and for relationships.

Growing up in the ruins of a family is not at all easy. If you don't believe me, talk to others who have had similar experiences.

4. One of the most important skills that we can pass on to children is maintaining life balance.

After all, children learn not only mathematics, embroidery and cycling (direct skills), but also less noticeable psychological and emotional self-regulation skills. Until the age of 11-12 years old, they mainly follow the example of their mother; later, boys are more likely to follow the example of their father.

And if we, adults, give them an example of either sacrificial, joyless service to others, or depression, or total dissatisfaction with everything, you can be sure that they will internalize this pattern (model) very firmly. And they will reproduce it in their conscious life and in their family, not fully understanding why they act this way.

I think that after 3-3.5 years, from the period when children tend to adopt their parents’ global life models, it would be good to revise their own behavior strategies.

Ask yourself a few questions:

  • What am I doing?
  • Is this really what I want to do in my life?
  • Do I want my children to repeat this model of mine?

And do not forget that children will learn everything or almost everything that is actively used in the family psychological economy.

5. “The aspen tree will not produce oranges,” and this is true.

You should not expect from your children what you have never succeeded in doing. And you shouldn’t be surprised if your growing children make your usual life “blunders” and step on the same rake.

It's not that it's predetermined, but I'm sure that psychological predisposition to a particular type of behavior or reaction is as real as a hereditary predisposition to allergies, for example.

And maybe you will be able to convey your life experience and your ways of coping with your usual mistakes in a safe form.

6. If difficult times come in a family (in circumstances or relationships), it is very important to try not to stand on opposite sides of the barricades.

Remember that your neighbors are your most loyal and reliable allies. Although sometimes it may not look like that at all. During times of difficulty, it is very important to find small events that please you and your loved ones, and try to return to your common resource states.

These can be photographs of good periods, family video, and other “souvenirs” - repositories of good memories. Don't eat your neighbors when you're in trouble. It’s better to try to find the strength in yourself to support them without blaming. And perhaps they will support you.

7. We are all not gifts.

Remember that families are often selected on the basis of “complements”. We choose life partners who are very different from us. And we don’t choose the qualities of our children at all, that’s not an option.

So, when faced with how different you all are, try not to get upset or angry. It's not out of spite.

It’s not out of spite that your husband doesn’t like fish, but he loves driving on new roads. But these and other qualities will definitely come in handy for your family someday.

And the main thing is that “for the whole family” you have a full set of qualities and skills. And you are the “ultimate fighting unit.” And you can come to terms with the difference of everything if you remember this. Just try to look at the difference from this point of view.

8. When children start to annoy you, it means that you are tired.

Perhaps very tired. And there is no point in trying to raise a child in such a state.

There is a saying: “an irritated teacher does not educate, but irritates.” And this is very true.

Find these ways to relax and harmonize that suit your life situation. It could be something very small and simple, such as a leisurely cup of special tea or a conversation with a beloved friend who is ready to listen to you.

9. Raising children is not a sprint, but a marathon.

This is a really long time: 18-20 years of total immersion. And during a marathon, the most important thing is to distribute your strength and not lose your breath. You shouldn’t give all your best at every specific stage.

You will have many attempts to “try again” and “do things differently”. Don't blame yourself for your mistakes!

Self-eating greatly drains the battery, and there is less strength left to change oneself, one’s reactions in the preferred direction.

I think it is very, very important to learn to see inside this long marathon - life with children, raising children - to see not only your mistakes, but also your small and big victories, good luck.

10. It seems to me that the most important thing in life with children is the philosophy of “small steps” - tiny, barely noticeable changes.

This is something we weren’t taught at school; we are focused on catchy and global things. And I think it's very important to learn see very small changes for the better yourself, your spouse, your child and learn to focus on the good.

IN family life The “glass half full or half empty” problem is much better solved in the “half full” direction.

And if we ourselves have learned to see our own little right steps, it will be easier for us to see them both in our neighbors and in our children when they grow up a little. And if we do something learned to forgive yourself(for example, minor glitches, errors, less than optimal solutions), we will forgive more easily and to our neighbors.

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1. Learn to calm down

The situation in the family largely depends on the mother’s mood: the calmer she is, the fewer scandals. But life is not ideal, and we are not robots. Larisa Surkova advises when stressful situation breathe in cycles: take 3 deep breaths and 3 deep exhales, it is important to breathe loudly.

Or try chewing, it doesn’t matter what exactly, the main thing is to make chewing movements with your jaw: this good way for the brain to get distracted in at the moment. Rinse your mouth cold water or jump on one leg: such methods will help you control yourself and not say too much.

2. Tell your child about your love more often

It often seems to us that our love is already obvious to the child, because we walk with him, give him toys, read books before bed... But It is important for every child to hear that he is loved, and there cannot be too many such words. This is especially important when a second child appears in the family: the first-born often lacks love and attention, and jealousy appears.

During this period, a mother’s love should not be shared, but multiplied. Take time to explain to your child that you do not love him less, listen to him. Try to find time to be alone with each of the children doing their favorite activity, do not be afraid to “out-love” them. This will help children avoid jealousy and grow up affectionate and loving.

3. Don’t sort things out with your child before bedtime.

Yes, it is very difficult to restrain your emotions when your child has made you angry and everything inside is boiling with anger. But negative emotions- not the best adviser. Even if your child’s behavior has greatly upset you, you should still postpone conversations about serious topics until the morning.

Conflicts and Quarrels before bedtime cause children to fear loneliness and bring a feeling of uselessness. And before going to bed, teenagers come up with all sorts of stupid things that, unfortunately, they can put into practice the next morning.

4. Don’t subject your life to your children.

Being a parent is one of the most important roles in life, but not the only one. Don’t forget about yourself: don’t push your interests into the back burner, don’t wait for better times, live a rich life with your children.

Do what you want: sign up for a dance class, read your favorite book, go to a cafe with your friends. We can devote our whole lives to the pursuit of the ideal, but perfectionism will not make us happier. Give yourself the right to rest without remorse, take breaks, enjoy life: all this prevents you from getting stuck in a routine and helps to charge our “battery”. As they say, a happy mother has happy children.

5. Let children be in charge of their own lessons.

It may not be easy, but it is still worth putting responsibility for school in the child's hands. The beginning of school is the best time to teach him responsibility and independence. And constant control only leads to infantilism and does not allow the child to learn to make decisions independently.

It is necessary to explain to children that they themselves need education first of all. Otherwise, it may happen that, once you take on this burden, you will carry it all your life. It is important for parents to give their child more freedom, entrust him with more tasks and be sure to believe that he will succeed. After all, even a 7-year-old son and daughter can do a lot of things themselves.

6. Show your feelings in front of your children.

It is important for children to see their parents not only as dad and mom, but also as loving spouses. It's great if you find time to date, look after each other, hug, kiss, and give gifts. If parents are happy together, the children are only better off.

7. Give boys the opportunity to show masculinity, but don’t scold them for “girly” emotions

Usually the leading role in raising boys belongs to the father, but a lot also depends on the mother. Try to ask your son for help more often, because even a 3-year-old child can be given a bottle of milk and asked to carry it home. Let your child know that you appreciate his help and thank him for it. You will see how pleasant it will be for him too.

Do not forbid boys to cry, support them, instill in the child confidence that he will be able to cope with difficulties and everything will work out. Teach the boy to take care of himself and do housework: this will make him more self-confident, and in the future it will help him find the woman he loves, not a housekeeper.

8. Don't punish, but encourage

Rewards are much more effective than punishments. Children really enjoy emotional rewards - fishing, going to an exhibition or having a picnic. Such activities motivate children well to study, and it will also give them many vivid impressions that they will remember for the rest of their lives.

Do not abuse punishments, beware of shouting, exclude physical punishment. If such methods work, then only at first, but over time they become habitual and begin to cause only harm: they cause negative emotions and lead to the development of neuroses in the child.

Large families are a rarity now, but once upon a time large number children were considered the norm. Now, according to Russian legislation, a large family is considered to be one that raises three or more children. But this is a formal, dry definition.
The topic of a large family is a complex one. The idea of ​​large families in recent years have undergone fundamental changes; previously, such a family was considered to be one with 5 or more children. A large family is, first of all, normal family. Unfortunately, statistics and family experience show that most young people do not even think about creating a large family. Many of them prefer to limit themselves to one child.

The reasons why many children appear in a family are different: someone planned a child, but twins were born, someone took this step deliberately.

Of course, a woman begins to feel parental feelings earlier than a man. She understands that she is a mother even during pregnancy, but dads still have to go through this journey.

A large family faces a number of difficulties. Let's not talk about material, everyday, financial and other problems. Let's talk about something else: parenting, especially in a family where there are more than two children, is hard, exhausting work.

Contrary to popular belief, children are not always main problem in a large family. Such families face other problems:

Problems in a large family

  • how to physically manage to keep track of everyone and pay attention to everyone when one is sleeping and the other needs to be quieter;
  • when you feed one, and the others now ask to play with them.

Mothers of many children need to be doubly able to control themselves and their emotions. These parents are already professionals, they cope with their work competently.

The daily routine of a mother with many children is not much different from the daily routine of a woman who, say, has only 1 child: we get up, have breakfast, then go for a walk, and you definitely need to go for a walk every day. Yes, it’s difficult to dress three children and dress yourself...

And most importantly, mom needs to rest. This is not a dream. It's about taking a break from parental concerns. Take a break from household chores. In order to prevent the little one from constantly climbing on his parents’ lap, he must be taught that mom and dad have their own territory. Remember the poem:

Mom is sleeping, she’s tired, but I won’t play either,

I don’t start the top, I sat down and sit.

Even mothers with one child will agree that they need a break and rest. To do this, the family must have holiday traditions. You can come up with them yourself, but you can also borrow them from your ancestors.

You can go on a hike (of course, prepare for it long in advance: think through and prepare food, medicine, tents).

It is necessary to rest, if only because tired parents can give their children little.

In order for parents to have their own time, most mothers and fathers use the so-called curfew: “children’s time is over, go to bed.”

In order to cultivate traditions between adult and childhood time, you need to make a lot of effort. Even experts have noticed that children are very resistant to the introduction of a curfew. And the parents’ task is to withstand resistance and explain why. Parents need to have authority over their children (in in a good way words, not despotism): rules need to be established; family life must be regulated.

Separating themselves from their children sometimes feels wrong to mothers, that they will be bad parents. There is no need to be afraid of this. After all, it is useful for children to have the opportunity to learn how to interact with their peers. And when there are two or more children, the little ones go there themselves. There is their world, there they speak to each other in the same language, the language of childhood. True, such a subsystem does not arise on its own; it must be created by parents. Of course, everyone's resources are different. In our urban subculture, the resources themselves do not arise - anti-parental time, anti-family time, everything is focused on children. But in long term can really undermine a family. It is necessary to ensure that parental roles are not replaced or supplanted by all others. This is especially true for women, so that they do not forget that they are not only mothers, but also wives. A mother should not focus on her children. Such a system is autonomous, mothers become fixated, plus they find a maternal community on the Internet, and the man distances himself from this community. This is extremely harmful for the family.

Speaking about rest, it is important to switch from one type of activity to another, personal one. And hobbies and hobbies can help with this. Visit places where you can get an adrenaline rush (fly hot air balloon, for example).

It’s not just the wind tunnel that helps you get a boost of vivacity and energy. Other, more mundane activities can also bring joy.

Pregnancy smoothly flows into feeding, feeding into games...

The parent's space is the bed. And everyone encroaches on it - from young to old, and sometimes guests sit on this bed, since both the living room and dining room are in one. Protecting the marital bed from child abuse is also a difficult task, but it must be solved. And when babies like to fall asleep between their parents... Now imagine that there is not one little one, but three of them.

Here is the situation: in one family - father, mother, two children. The apartment has a double bed and a two-story children's room. Guess who sleeps where.

Of course there are many options, but most mothers answer like this:

  • Mom and baby are on the second tier, and dad is alone on the marital bed.
  • After two years of a child being in a potentially marital bed, this is not helpful.
  • In order for parents to feel comfortable in the family, they should not break themselves. Change yes, but don’t change yourself!

If there is a need to spend time outside the family, then it must be satisfied. Because mothers need to draw energy from somewhere in order to bring it into the family.

A de-energized mother, drained of housework... how much will the children get?

Some people equate going to work with a feat, but for mothers with many children it is akin to visiting the theater. This is a powerful resource if someone’s profession requires not abandoning it completely while the children are small, but it is difficult.

You can’t babble, come up with names for dolls, or knit bows all 24 hours a day to please the kids. This needs to be taught to the child, but it is not at all necessary to stand on the same level with him; you can stand at the top of the stairs.

It is important that a woman can feel like just a person.

For parents of many children rest, as a rule, is an unimaginable luxury, but it is necessary, simply so that your strength does not run out.

  • Taking care of children is like exhaling, and you need to inhale.
  • Moms can get quality rest in little time.
  • Today, large families are a special world, not like 1 or 2 children.
  • Yes, the percentage of those who are ready to have a horde of children is small, but fortunately such families do exist.

Send us your comments on how you cope with kids, even if you have one.

There comes a time in a woman’s life when she wants to experience the joy of motherhood again, having small or already grown children in her arms. It seems that everything is going well: a stable income, “adult” children, suitable age, health, and most importantly - the desire to give your love and care.

The “attack of motherhood” did not bypass me either, for the third time. Imagine my surprise when I found out that among my friends there were like-minded people. And now, we are already complaining to each other about fatigue, lack of time, being overwhelmed, despite already having solid experience in family life. But at the same time, my friends manage to do everything, but I have an eternal rush. It was a serious blow to my pride.

Panic set in: “What’s wrong with me? Didn’t everything work out for me before?”

Looking for a quick answer, I scoured a ton of mommy websites and blogs. I calmed down a little when I learned that this is indeed the problem of many parents: rebuilding their lives with the arrival of a child. I didn't think much about it before.

  1. Determine priorities.
  2. Plan your day.
  3. Accept help from relatives.
  4. Distribute household responsibilities.
  5. Maintain a daily routine.
  6. Organize food rationally.
  7. Rest.
  8. Make time for yourself.

“How great,” I thought, “I’ll take it into service and everything will work out for me!”

I started building my life according to the rules

  1. The first point didn't work out. I couldn’t immediately identify the main thing. Everyone equally needed my attention and care: a ninth-grader taking the OGE (enhanced nutrition, a lot of free time), a first-grader (all of his mother’s brain), a baby (all of his mother’s brain), poor dad had nothing left (he accepted this as a fact ). We went through jealousy, tears, arguments, resentment. Newborn sister wins! The losers rallied and even became best friends.
  2. All my life I have been haunted by the “fate of planning”: you seem to have foreseen everything, estimated the time, distributed the forces... But no! Surely some screw will pop out and the whole mechanism will go to hell. I realized that this is not mine. I highlighted one or two important events for a week (going to the doctor, visiting parent meeting, making time for yourself): and you won’t have to worry about not meeting the plan, and you’ll be more likely to implement it. Yes, and most importantly, there will be a reason to praise yourself, and not nag all the time for your inability to implement the plan. I started a wall calendar in the kitchen, in which I recorded my upcoming actions for each month. By the end of the year, this calendar became a literal chronicle of family life.
  3. With the involvement of assistants, things were more complicated. Grandparents, due to their advanced age or remote location, could not help. Schoolchildren are “helpers for an hour”, one thing is good, they can help each other, this is already a big relief. My husband would be happy to get involved... Nannies and governesses are not our option. Conclusion: you need to rely only on yourself, hence point 4 follows.
  4. Minimize housework, since the main burden is on me. On one of the sites I read the following advice: get rid of unnecessary things (besides, this is a great way to help people who find themselves in difficult life situations). Minimalism is the key to order in the house. It really works! You won’t have to collect dozens of scattered toys every day, move magnetic souvenirs from place to place, rake through piles of old things, etc.
  5. Daily routine. I can praise myself here. It worked. Feeding small child by the hour allows you to organize the whole family's day with maximum benefit.
  6. It didn’t work out right away with a balanced diet. At first, store-bought dumplings replaced homemade food. The problem was to provide schoolchildren with a hot breakfast in the morning. As a rule, this moment coincided with feeding the baby, so I was unable to physically feed three children of different ages at the same time. I started preparing breakfast... in the evening, and entrusted my eldest son with warming it up in the morning. Soon I taught him how to cook milk porridge and completely relieved myself of this responsibility. Subsequently, I successfully expanded my cooking stock with a series of “lazy” recipes and minimized my time in the kitchen.

7-8. At first, until the baby grew up, rest and personal time had to wait. The pool and salon returned to my life after a year and a half. In the meantime, I limited myself to raids at the hairdresser.

Having tried to organize my life according to the rules, I understood finally and irrevocably: every mother has her own rhythm of life, her own life goals and tasks. Don’t be upset, much less panic, if you can’t do it like everyone else or as experienced teachers advise or family psychologists. If you can’t live by the established rules, come up with these rules yourself. If you want to be a happy mother and wife, create a situation of success for yourself and tell your loved ones about your achievements. You shouldn’t worry too much about what didn’t work out during the day; it’s better to focus on the results achieved.

To be honest, in our country there is a very ambiguous attitude towards large families. And everyone has the same image of a mother with many children: tired, gloomy, unkempt. But this seems to be misleading. We didn’t even look for the heroines of this article: we just remembered mothers of many children we knew. And each of them delights with its beauty.

Elena, 39 years old, 3 children (12, 9, 5 years old)

We live an active and busy life. We always spend all holidays together, organize joint holidays, and travel with the whole family.

My husband and I work a lot. You could say that work is my fourth child, but it is well integrated into my life. In addition, my husband always tries to help me in everything. We clearly distribute responsibilities, and there are days when it is dad who picks up the children from various activities. And we also find time for two!

As for everyday life... We order food for home from an online store, and I learned a lot of quick and simple, but at the same time healthy recipes, so it doesn't take much time.

Photo source: heroine archive

For many years I was dissatisfied with myself: my figure, my face, I was terribly unsure of myself. After the birth of my second son, I weighed 90 kg and looked like a bun. I hated my reflection in the mirror, but at one point I pulled myself together, completely changed my diet and turned my life around.

I lost 30 kg, began to appreciate my appearance and became very interested in sports. The way I look now is the best motivator for further studies.

Now I work out 6 days a week, some days 2 workouts a day. This is running, crossfit, triathlon. I have several half marathons and a marathon in my portfolio (42 km in 4.20 hours!).

Photo source: heroine archive

Sports and proper nutrition- this is my basic self-care. I use creams and masks like everyone else. I visit a cosmetologist very rarely, although at my age I probably need to take this issue more seriously.

There is always time for yourself, you just need to really want it. You can sleep until 7-10 in the morning, you can watch TV series in the evening, or you can devote this time to yourself.

My morning starts at 5.25 with 2 glasses of water. Then either jog or do some other things. By seven in the morning, when the children wake up, breakfast is already ready and mom is cheerful and ready for a productive day.

Photo source: heroine archive

Everything I do, I do first of all for myself. But, undoubtedly, my husband’s admiring glance is pleasant and important to me.

My husband supports me in everything, although he doesn’t always approve. For example, when I asked for a road bike as a birthday present, he “twirled his head in amazement,” but gave me the bike.

Anna, 32 years old, three children (8, 6, 4 years old)

Photo source: heroine archive

Once upon a time, even before our wedding, my husband and I dreamed of five children. But when we realized that our eldest son Bogdan had autism, we decided to stop at three.

We really love spending time together. We go out into nature with our children, we love to discover new cities, take family mini-trips, and organize family evenings when everything “turns off” and we all play games together.

We believe that it is very important to spend time alone with each child, and sometimes we have days when we “share” the children among ourselves.

But we find time for each other. From time to time, my husband invites me on dates somewhere together, and if that doesn’t work out, we have dates in the kitchen! Quality time spent together greatly inspires us and fills us with energy.

Photo source: heroine archive

I believe that every mother needs to find time for herself. It’s like the safety rules on an airplane: first mask for yourself, then for your child. The mood of the whole family depends on the mother’s condition. When mom is well-groomed and healthy, she feels great, everyone feels good!

Therefore, you need to delegate responsibilities and work as a team with a partner. My husband and I are a great team. We easily replace each other in household chores and raising children.

It is important for a man to feel needed, and for a woman to feel protected.

My husband plans his every day very clearly. Therefore, the main thing for me is to warn him in advance that I need a manicure or other errands, so that he can fit it into his schedule.

Photo source: heroine archive

I use high-quality cosmetics, I have a facial skin care device at home. At home there is also a sports corner, which was made for children, and now the whole family uses it.
But it seems to me main secret beauty for a woman means a positive attitude towards life and happiness. When a woman is happy, she is beautiful!

Oksana, 36 years old, three children (15, 12, 11 years old)

Photo source: heroine archive

The initiator of each of our children was the husband. When we got married, I was still very young, I had just graduated from university, I dreamed of continuing my studies and being fulfilled in my work...

But my husband really wanted children! Now I am very grateful to him for not giving up on his desire. I myself would not have decided to give birth to three, especially with such a small age difference.

Three maternity leave succession was not easy for me, to be honest. But the children taught me a lot, and when they grew up, I calmly set about realizing myself in the profession. Having experience raising children makes this even better!

Photo source: heroine archive

Back in school I dreamed of being beautiful. Not just cute and cute, but beautiful!

I always tried to follow as much as possible fashion trends. I have experience communicating with a stylist, from her I learned how to create ensembles in clothes. This gives you some self-confidence and frees up time. I know what color will highlight my beauty, and what style will highlight my figure. Sometimes my daughters and I swap things, I really like it!

I consider myself lucky with my genetics. I look like my grandmother, and she always looked youthful. But for my part, I try to keep myself in shape: I take care of my manicure, makeup, and work out my abs. But with three children it is impossible not to active image life, so I'm always on my toes!

Photo source: heroine archive

It is very important for me to please my husband. Always in the morning, even if we are just at home, I lightly line my eyebrows and eyelashes. I see that it is also important for my husband that I look good.

My husband is very tall family values: he creates both emotional and financial stability in our family, he is always there in a difficult situation, will support and reassure. This is important for a woman. When you feel protected, you can flourish!

Svetlana, 43 years old, 6 children (16 years old (twins), 13, 7, 4 years old (twins)

Photo source: heroine archive

I always knew for sure that I wanted at least four children. The husband agreed. But after the birth of his third child, he began to hesitate. However, six years later Olivia was born - our fourth child. To make it more fun for her to grow up, we wanted to give life to one more little person. And twins were born! So we ended up with two groups of children: three older ones and three younger ones.

It's not difficult to deal with everything. We distribute different cases different days rather than trying to do everything at the same time.

And of course, we help each other. I am grateful to my husband: he taught the older children to offer me their help, and he himself tries to take on some of the daily worries. As a result, we have time for both of us, and this is very inspiring.

The main thing in contact with children is quality communication. We often take one or two children somewhere so that we can devote as much time as possible to each child and have the opportunity to hear and listen to them.

But there are days when we go somewhere as a family and it's a lot of fun! Going to the cinema, to exhibitions, theater performances, or just to a cafe or nature is an obligatory part of our lives.

Photo source: heroine archive

My personal care: cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing the skin, massage. My husband prefers to do the massage himself. His touch provides good immunity.

My physical activity is recreational: running and long walks. And physical love gives tone. For me, this is the important and best part of married life.

Photo source: heroine archive

My husband likes it when I'm beautiful. It supports the purchase of new outfits, accessories, good perfumes, shoes, and cosmetics.

If only you, darling, were happy and smiling!

And I smile. I adhere to the rule: “Do with people the way you want them to do with you.” People don’t always reciprocate, but I know that I did all the good that I could. And I’m happy about it!

I devoted 15 years of my life mostly to children. She was also involved in public work on family issues. Now I’m returning to journalism and my favorite hobby is fashion design.

Faith gives me strength. I believe that God is life.

Anna, 30 years old, four children (5,4,3 years and 7 months)

We did not plan for any of the children, moreover, we took precautions in different ways, but nothing worked. This is good - we are very happy!

Photo source: heroine archive

We are happy to involve children in our lives and interests. Over the five years of my life, my children and I visited Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Lithuania and Tenerife. We relax actively. For example, in Tenerife we ​​traveled around the entire island by car, climbed the volcano, even though I was 7 months pregnant, and our eldest son was only 11 months old at the time.

In Minsk you can also always find entertainment, both paid and free, if you wish!

Photo source: heroine archive

In our family, everything works quite harmoniously. Children have a daily routine, there are responsibilities that they perform. For example, collecting toys before bed, putting dirty clothes in the wash, putting away dishes after eating, throwing out trash.

They always help each other, it makes me very happy. A huge plus is that, if necessary, the children can play on their own, and at this time I can do household chores, just by being nearby.

I'm trying to simplify my life: it's hard to wash dishes - I bought it for a dishwasher. It's hard to vacuum with a robot vacuum cleaner. I do the cleaning myself; we don’t have nannies or assistants.

Photo source: heroine archive

The relationship with my husband is my mirror. If we suddenly had a fight, the world is not nice to me and I give up. And his approval and praise are like fairy dust to me.

My husband is my support. He helps me with absolutely everything, is actively involved with the children and the house and takes great care of me.

I know that he accepts me as anyone, it is for this reason that I want to be better and better, to look attractive, to be interesting, to develop.

Photo source: heroine archive

I do all my self-care myself. I regularly do manicures, pedicures, body wraps, and tint my eyebrows and hair. I don’t use creams at all: I don’t like feeling the heaviness on my skin. I often wash my face with just soap.

From the very morning I try to put myself in order, do my hair and day makeup to feel beautiful, even if I sit at home all day. This is important to me.

To keep my body in shape, I attend EMS training (electromagnetic stimulation).

And meetings with friends, walks alone, evening conversations with your husband in an embrace help maintain mental strength. And of course - children! I love them very much.

Photo source: heroine archive

The secret of my beauty is self-love. You cannot save on yourself (in a reasonable sense), you cannot forgive yourself for laziness. The more active you are, the more interesting your life is.

Now I'm developing my blog on Instagram, I help organize various events, partly doing advertising and PR. I have a flexible schedule, so I can manage everything. I myself went to this and tried to make my life just like that. And everyone can build their own life!

“I stroked my belly and invited Aya to sing with me.” Singer Rusya about the birth of her daughter and touring with a baby