Remove superglue very easily and quickly using a variety of household cleaning products you have on hand at home.


Acetone works very well on stains. To clean traces of glue, you need to moisten a cotton pad or napkin in acetone and wipe the contaminated area of ​​your hands with it.

If the glue does not come off immediately, apply a dampened cloth to the stained area for 10 minutes. Then rub lightly, the glue will roll off and can be easily removed.

If you don’t have acetone on hand, nail polish remover can successfully replace it. Just pay attention to the composition: many manicure removers are now produced without acetone. You need one that contains acetone.

Since the concentration of acetone in the nail product is low, you will have to apply a swab moistened with liquid more than once. After the second or third attempt, the film should peel off.

Wear rubber gloves when working with acetone or other solvents. Try to apply the solvent liquid directly to the adhesive stain, touching it as little as possible. clean skin around.

After using liquids containing acetone, the surface of the hands at the treatment site becomes very dry. To avoid this problem, immediately after removing the glue, lubricate the treated area. thick cream.

Salt water

Everyone has salt at home, so getting rid of traces of superglue is not difficult. There are two proven methods:

  1. Sprinkle a heaping amount of salt onto the stain. Add a few drops of lemon juice on top until the salt is completely saturated. Leave for 5-8 minutes, then rinse with water and gently scrape the glue from the skin.
  2. Prepare a paste of coarse salt and plain water. Rub this paste onto the contaminated area of ​​skin. If the glue layer is thick, you will have to scrub it off with great effort. Massage small stained spots carefully so as not to damage the clean skin around you.

After using salt, you need to lubricate your hands nourishing cream.

Dishwashing liquid

Washing glue off your skin with dish soap will take longer than other methods.

To do this, fill a small tub or bowl with warm water and add a few drops of detergent. You will have to soak your hands in such a bath for about 15 minutes. Periodically you need to wipe off the dirt with a sponge or washcloth. After 2-3 rubbings, the glue will come away from the skin and can be easily removed with your fingers or tweezers.

The fact is that the glue contains cyanoacrylate, which loses its adhesive properties when interacting with grease removers.

After this procedure, hands do not need to be moisturized, most modern means for washing dishes has a beneficial effect on the skin.

Medical alcohol

Rubbing alcohol works well to remove traces of superglue from the skin. To do this, moisten a napkin or tampon with alcohol and apply it to the stained area for about five minutes. After this, the layer of glue can be carefully removed.

Superglue is toxic. If it gets on sensitive areas of the skin (lips, eyelids) or mucous membranes, do not remove it yourself. You need to see a doctor!

In the absence of pure alcohol, you can use regular vodka. Please note that the strength of vodka is half that of alcohol, so cleansing the skin will take longer.

After handling alcohol, apply an emollient cream to your hands.

To summarize, it should be noted that superglue can be easily removed from the skin of the hands by any mechanical means (pumice stone, scrubs, washcloth) or solvents.

If you don't have it at hand special means to remove glue, help remove it traditional methods, accessible to everyone. But it is better to take care in advance to protect the skin and surrounding objects from getting glue.


Superglue sets very quickly. This is good when you need to connect something. But it’s bad if a drop falls by mistake, most often on your hands. And sometimes something goes wrong and the work needs to be redone.

In both cases, it is necessary to urgently remove the hardened glue. It's not as difficult as it seems, even if you don't have special tools at hand.

The main component of superglue is cyanoacrylate. It sets in seconds and hardens completely in no more than 2 hours. Full strength of the connection occurs within a day.

This substance is special in that it hardens under the influence of moisture on the bonded surfaces, especially in a slightly alkaline environment. That is why it instantly hardens on your fingers.

Luckily, the skin contains oils. The sebaceous glands, secreting them, displace superglue. Usually after three days the skin is completely cleared.

In order not to wait so much time, you can use special formulations.

What industrial products will help remove glue?

There are reliable chemical superglue solvents on the market. They must be used with caution: comply with all requirements indicated on the packaging.

It is easy to clean the glue using these methods:

  • apply a small amount, cover with a napkin, leave for a while (on the skin - not for long);
  • rub with a dry cloth or sponge;
  • wash off any remaining traces with soap.

Remove the glue layer by layer, replacing the fabric with a clean one.

  • Acetone-based substances can only be used to clean glass and metal. They are applied for a very short time.
  • Synthetic materials cannot be cleaned with anti-glue.
  • If there are wounds on the skin, do not use chemicals to remove glue.

Anti-glue products are produced in convenient packaging (blister):

  • "Strength."

Removes superglue, PVA, contact adhesive well. Composition: nitromethane. Can be stored indefinitely in a closed tube at room temperature. Does not lose its properties even after defrosting.

  • "Super moment."

Composition: propylene carbonate. Removes PVA, contact adhesive, superglue. In addition, it removes traces of labels and markers. Valid for two years. Very toxic. It should not be used on children's skin.

  • "Second".

Removes both new and old stains of any glue. Cope with chewing gum marks. Composition: propylene carbonate. Safe for all surfaces (can be left on for several hours) and for skin (applied for 20 minutes).

  • "Contact".

This is a gel: does not flow when used. Composition: propylene carbonate. Removes superglue, traces of labels, stickers, markers. Chemically active, may damage the surface being cleaned. Toxic. Use with caution on skin.

What can you buy at the pharmacy to clean up superglue?

The medical drug Dimexide is prescribed for the treatment of diseases of the joints, skin, and bruises. But for glue it works like a solvent: applied to long time, completely removes unnecessary marks. It can be used on any surface.

Dimexide is safe for the skin if it is not damaged and does not have medical contraindications. In any case, for use on the body, it is better to dilute the concentrated composition with water.


  • apply to fabric;
  • rub;
  • rinse with warm water.

You can also buy an aerosol at the pharmacy for quickly freezing burns. Under its influence, the glue begins to crumble and is easily cleaned off.

Glues to the skin in a second, removes in a minute

Sometimes you can simply remove the glue from the skin by hooking it on the edge with something sharp. It's better to wait until the layer dries, otherwise it will smear. This must be done extremely carefully so as not to damage the epithelium. If you can’t remove it easily, you can use tried and tested home methods.

When using any product, the skin should be periodically washed with clean water.

Just soap in warm water

Suitable for fresh traces. Add soap to warm water. Any: toilet, liquid, household, dishwashing. It is better if it is fragrance-free, since they are additional chemical irritants.

The glue will soften and can be easily cleaned off with something tough. Household grade works best because the alkali makes the glue brittle.

Hands hold in the basin as long as needed, constantly adding hot water.

Hard file, sandpaper and pumice

How to clean:

  • steam the contaminated area in a soap solution;
  • protecting the skin, rub with pumice (file, sandpaper);
  • rinse, lubricate with cream.

Regular salt and warm water

How to clean:

  • pick up salt, preferably coarse;
  • wet a little (do not dissolve);
  • rub (foam will appear);
  • wash off.

Repeat until skin is clean.

This recipe is not suitable for those who have injuries on their hands.

For a persistent drop, salt is replaced with citric acid.


Dry glue will be removed if you rub it with softened margarine (any oil, fat). This method is good for delicate skin.

The process is long, but safe.

Dissolution with vodka

Use any liquid containing alcohol.

How to clean:

  • put your hands in vodka for 15 minutes;
  • remove remaining glue with scrub (salt).

Any washing powder

How to clean:

  • do concentrated solution powder in hot water;
  • soak the stain for 10 minutes;
  • rub with pumice, wash off the residue.


Suitable for removing fresh drops. Wet a cloth and rub the glue until it comes off.

Gasoline based solvent. Just rub the dirty area. Since white spirit has a pungent odor, do this in air.


Low temperatures destroy the glue. An ice cube in 10 minutes will freeze it so that it can be easily scraped off the skin.

Spray freezing

It is even easier to remove glue with it than with ice. Spray, freeze, skim off residue.

Acetone and nail polish remover work well for removing glue:

  • treat the stain (do not use cotton wool, because it can catch fire: the reaction of acetone with glue releases a lot of heat);
  • there is no need to rub: the effect is not a mechanical, but a chemical process;
  • wait until dry;
  • clean off the remains with pumice;
  • lubricate the skin with cream.


It not only softens, but also destroys even dried superglue.

How to clean:

  • wet your hands with soapy water;
  • apply Vaseline;
  • rub with a nail file;
  • repeat until completely removed.

Lighter fluid

Dampen the cloth and rub the glue mark. But this liquid, although it destroys dried glue well, is explosive, so it should be used only as a last resort.

Nitromethane - filling fluid

This substance is flammable, explosive and poisonous. Irritating to skin. Not so dangerous in solvents. Removes fresh superglue stains mixed with acetone:

  • wet the sponge with solvent;
  • apply to the contaminated area for 5 minutes;
  • clean with a spatula;
  • wash off with soap;
  • apply cream.

When using this product, you must protect your eyes.

Any lotion

But not lotion with fragrances: they can react with the degrading glue and damage the skin. They can also remove dried glue particles.

Just rub and remove the residue with a spatula.

Brake fluid

It dissolves glue very quickly. Elementary: rub the mark with a cloth soaked in liquid and wash your hands.

Rock salt

How to clean:

  • rock salt - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water at room temperature - a glass;
  • wipe the stained area;
  • wash your hands.

Repeat until everything is clean.

Paste of sugar and lemon juice

Sugaring (sugar hair removal) paste perfectly exfoliates superglue from the skin.

  • sugar - 2.5 tablespoons;
  • lemon juice- 1/8 lemon;
  • water - 1 tbsp. l.

Stir while heating the mixture. Apply, soak, rub. Use pumice if it is difficult to clean.

Rough scrub

You can use a skin scrub. You can use sand mixed with vegetable oil or Vaseline.

How to clean:

  • steam out the contamination;
  • lubricate the skin with glycerin;
  • stand for 10 minutes;
  • rub gently with scrub;
  • rinse, lubricate the skin with cream.

How to remove glue from clothes once and for all

It all depends on the type of fabric and the age of the adhesive trace:

  • Mechanical method for coarse fabrics: wet the clothes in cold water and wipe off the glue.
  • Heat the fabric with a hairdryer (iron) or freeze it; carefully scrape off the stain that has become brittle.
  • For wool and silk: moisten the glue with a vinegar solution and rub gently. (Water - a glass, vinegar - 1 tbsp.). Wash.
  • For natural fabrics, acetone is suitable (if the fabric is not dyed). The item is spread out on cardboard: acetone, dissolving the backing, can glue it to the fabric. Clean off the remains with a knife and wash.
  • Fresh marks are removed with gasoline or white spirit.

How to avoid making mistakes when removing glue from carpet and furniture?

The main thing is to remove the glue as soon as possible, before it penetrates into the deeper layers. If the glue has not hardened, it can be quickly removed without smearing it over the pile.

A large dried stain is broken with a hammer and brushed off, washed off detergent white cloth.

  • dishwashing liquid - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 2 glasses.

For tough stains:

  • water - 2 glasses;
  • ammonia- 1 tbsp. l.

A very dry mark can be softened with petroleum jelly before cleaning.

A simple solution for cleaning glass

It is better to soak the old stain with soapy water for two hours.

Glass is easy to clean:

  • acetone or gasoline;
  • alcohol or kerosene;
  • lemon juice or vegetable oil;
  • toothpaste;
  • nail polish remover.

Dissolve, carefully scrape with a blade, wash.

How to properly remove superglue from wood

  • Mineral oil - for unpainted surfaces. Lubricate. When the edges of the stain begin to fall away, separate it from the item.
  • For unvarnished surfaces, solvent or acetone is suitable.
  • The glue will soften from a stream of hot air from a hair dryer.
  • You can use white spirit or gasoline.

Clean off the glue, wash the furniture, polish with wax.

Metal surfaces can withstand any solvents:

  • acetone;
  • nitromethane;
  • ethanol;
  • white spirit;
  • vinegar and even essence.

Clean and rinse with water. When working, you need to use precautions and protective equipment.

The original method for linoleum

  • Wash the linoleum with a soapy solution using a woolen cloth.
  • Use gasoline or white spirit.
  • Lubricate with vegetable oil or Vaseline, leave until the stain is destroyed and wash.

Instant removal from plastic

Many types of plastic are durable, so you can use almost all possible means to clean them:

  • solvents;
  • petrol;
  • soapy water;
  • alcohol;
  • acetone.

Before work, be sure to check the durability of the material in an inconspicuous place: starting with non-aggressive methods, choose one that will remove the glue without damaging the surface.

How to avoid sticking to the tube yourself

To avoid having to look for ways to clean things, skin and fingers from drops of glue, you need to be careful while working:

  • put on gloves (rubber) and old clothes(not cotton);
  • place something under the thing being glued;
  • do not fuss while working;
  • do not open the tube with your teeth and always keep it away from your eyes;
  • Prepare in advance means for instantly washing off the glue.

Under no circumstances should there be children around!

To complete the work of removing traces of glue, you need to wash your hands thoroughly for a long time, preferably with laundry soap. It is advisable to make a moisturizing mask and apply a rich cream.

The room where aggressive chemicals were sprayed must be ventilated.

After working with Moment glue, the question often arises of how to remove the remaining substance from your hands. The sooner you start getting rid of the adhesive film, the easier and sooner the result will be obtained. There are specialized compounds for eliminating the “Moment”, but in their absence, folk methods using means that can be found in every home will help.

The main danger is that if you try to simply tear off the stuck glue or forcefully separate stuck fingers, you can injure the skin, even causing a deep wound. This happens because the glue penetrates microcracks in the skin and sets quickly. In addition, when the glue hardens, it forms an airtight film, which tightens the skin and causes discomfort.

Ways to remove

Within a week, the dried glue peels off on its own, but if you don’t want to wait, you can try to remove it using proven methods. “Moment” is removed mechanically, with improvised means, and also with the help chemicals. You can try cleaning your hands with regular soap and warm water.

Soap will help if the glue has not yet set, but even in this case you will need to be patient, since the process is slow.


Steaming your hands will speed up the process of getting rid of glue. You can combine this with solving accumulated household issues, for example, washing dishes in hot water. Remove the softened glue from the steamed skin with a sponge or soft brush.

Table salt

A spoonful of salt is diluted with water to form a paste, the mixture is rubbed onto the glue stain, then washed off with water. If the glue does not come off the first time, apply the paste again and repeat until a successful result is obtained. Salt acts both as a chemical, slightly corroding the Moment, and as a scrub in the paste.

Butter or margarine

To remove dried glue, you can use margarine or butter. The main advantage of the method is that oil can be found in every refrigerator. The stain is treated by vigorously rubbing it with a swab with oil, and then washed off with soap and water.

Mechanical methods

Mechanical methods must be used with great care so as not to injure the skin. The methods are based on simple removal adhesive with abrasives by friction.

Nail file

A nail file is an item that any woman can find. Using a nail file, gently rub the area covered with dried glue, then wash off the remaining adhesive film with water. There is no need to pre-wet the skin.


To remove dried glue residue from your hands, use fine-grained sandpaper. Coarse-grained is also effective, but more traumatic, it is better not to use it. Gently rub the stain with paper, then rinse with water.


Before you wipe Moment off your skin with a pumice stone, you need to soften the glue by placing your hands in a bath of warm water. The prepared skin is rubbed with great care with pumice until any remaining glue is completely removed.

Chemical methods

Chemical methods differ from folk remedies Greater efficiency, they will help faster, but at the same time they act aggressively on the skin. They should be used carefully, and after removing any remaining glue, lubricate your hands with cream.

Nail polish remover

Every woman can find a nail polish remover, with or without acetone. An acetone-containing liquid is more effective, but others will also get rid of the glue, albeit more slowly. The liquid first acts on top layer glue stain, which is erased with a cotton swab, and then repeat the procedure.


"Dimexide" is sold in pharmacies without a prescription and is used as an anesthetic and antiseptic. It has an advantageous low price. To remove superglue, apply the product to the damaged area with a cotton swab and then rinse with warm water.

White spirit

White spirit is used in everyday life to dissolve paint, and will also cope with the removal of superglue. The product is not very toxic, but with prolonged contact with the skin it causes dermatitis.


“Anti-glue” is considered the most effective in the fight against “Moment” that has dried on your hands, since this product was invented specifically for removing superglue. It makes sense to immediately purchase a tube of Anti-Glue along with the glue. The gel is applied to the affected area and left for a while, then washed off with warm soapy water and a sponge. Depending on the type of product, it may be necessary different times for impact.

Spray freezing

A pharmacy or sports store sells a sports freeze - a can of liquefied gas designed for cooling when you get a bruise or sprain. When exposed to cold, the glue loses its tenacity. The spray is sprayed onto the contaminated skin, and then the glue is scraped off.


In order to remove dried glue from the skin of the hands, acetone is often used, applying it to the contaminated area. The liquid does not completely remove the “Moment”, but only weakens its effect. To finally get rid of glue residues, you need to rub the area treated with acetone with soap and a sponge until it is washed off.


The main advantage of Vaseline treatment is the absence of allergic reactions. Vaseline is gently rubbed into the affected area, then the layer of adhesive is separated using a non-sharp instrument. The product does not dry the skin, which makes it unnecessary to apply a moisturizing lotion after removing the glue.

Lighter fluid

The cans used to refill lighters can also be useful for removing adhesive film. The spray from a can is sprayed onto the stained skin, left for a few minutes, then washed off with warm water.

We must not forget that it is forbidden to use a can of lighter refill near an open fire due to the flammability of the spray.


The colorless liquid is used as a solvent for varnishes, polymers, glue, and paints. Nitromethane should be used with great care as it is poisonous, flammable and explosive when undiluted. You can use a product containing nitromethane, which will be less dangerous.

After 5 minutes, carefully remove. If the glue does not separate from the skin the first time, the attempt should be repeated. After removing the remnants of “Moment”, wash your hands well and apply a moisturizer.

Brake fluid

Thrifty motorists often have brake fluid in their garage, which is also used to combat pollution from Moment. The product copes quite successfully with glue that has dried on the skin. After using it, the residue must be thoroughly rinsed off.


The drug, originally developed to prevent corrosion, is now widely used for other purposes, including helping to get rid of glue on the skin of the hands. When using the product, you need to remember that it is flammable and harmful if exposed to the skin for a long time.

To remove glue, WD-40 is mixed with acetone and petroleum jelly, the resulting mixture is treated with dirt, and then washed with warm water.

Dissolution with vodka

To combat dried glue on your hands, you can use regular vodka. You need to apply vodka to the skin for 15 minutes so that the alcohol softens the glue, and then wash your hands of its residue.

Washing powder

Laundry detergent combined with hot water can also help get rid of the glue. Both liquid gel and powder are suitable. The product is diluted with water and applied to the stain, or your hands are immersed in the liquid - it depends on the area of ​​the stain and the thickness of the adhesive layer.

In order not to waste time, you can combine eliminating the “Moment” with doing housework: wash your clothes by hand in hot water. Water with powder will help dissolve the superglue, and the washing process will remove dried-on residues.


The influence of cold has a weakening effect on the seized “Moment”. You can apply an ice cube from the freezer to the stain and after a while peel the film off the skin.

Sugaring paste

For sugaring, or otherwise sugar hair removal, use a mixture containing water, lemon juice and sugar. The paste is prepared by mixing and heating the components, after which the mixture is applied to the contaminated area for a while and rubbed.

How to remove moment glue from clothes

It is important to try to remove any glue that gets on your clothes as soon as possible. In this case, less effort will be required, it will be easier to get rid of the marks, and the glue will not have time to stain the areas adjacent to the stain.

Alcohol and vinegar

One spoon of table vinegar is diluted in a glass of water, the resulting composition is applied to the contaminated area and left for 2-3 minutes, after which it is rinsed in cool water. The glue may not come off completely the first time, in which case you will need to repeat it. The method is suitable for clothes made of thin fabric.

Ammonia will help get rid of superglue. One drop on a cotton swab is enough, left on the stain for 20 minutes. Afterwards the glue is wiped off with a napkin.

Nail polish remover can also be useful for removing Moment from clothing. But the method is only suitable for coarse fabrics.

Using an iron

High temperature makes the glue brittle, but is also dangerous for synthetic materials. When ironing, it is necessary to place cotton fabric or a napkin under the contaminated area, place another napkin on top of the stain and carefully monitor the condition of the glue. As soon as it softens, scrape it off with a spatula or other blunt instrument, after which the clothes are washed in soapy warm water. Instead of an iron, you can use a hair dryer for heating.

Using the freezer

Clothes stained with glue are placed in the freezer for several hours. The fabric is first wrapped in plastic bag so that the glue does not stain other areas of the clothing. The frozen stain is scraped off with the blunt side of a knife or other suitable object. After mechanical treatment, wash clothes in warm soapy water.

Remove glue from carpet and furniture

It is easier to remove a fresh stain, so this process should not be delayed. If there is uncured excess glue on a stain, first of all you need to eliminate it, collecting it from the edges of the stain towards the center. Before using a cleaning agent, you need to check how the material will react to it, for which purpose the product is first applied to an inconspicuous area.

It is best to use a specialized drug, for example, Anti-Glue. It can handle both fresh dirt and old residues. Use the product according to the attached instructions. As a rule, it is required to apply for 10 minutes, then remove with a napkin or cotton swab, collecting remaining glue from the edges of the contaminated area to the middle.

If the stain is fresh, you can try removing superglue with soap and water or washing powder. Acetone and nail polish remover are usually used from available means. After using the solvent, the stain is washed well with a soap solution, and finally with clean water.

Mechanical methods may be the most effective against old stains. You can try to scrape off the glue, and cut off the dried fibers on the carpet with a knife or scissors.

What not to do

To minimize injury to the delicate skin of your hands, you must remember the following prohibitions when removing traces of glue:

  • If your fingers are stuck together, do not simply separate them by force without using a special tool.
  • You should not try to peel off dried glue, as this can cause a deep wound. It is better to soften the contamination with any available means and scrape it off with a blunt object.
  • Do not use sharp objects to remove the “Moment”.
  • Do not use chemicals to remove glue if there are wounds or scratches on the skin.
  • It is prohibited to use toxic drugs in closed, unventilated areas.
  • Do not use flammable materials near open flames.

Most best advice to protect your hands when using glue - wear protective gloves, but, unfortunately, rarely anyone follows this. To remove glue residues that have dried on your hands, it is better to try to use the most gentle methods possible. Natural exfoliants, as well as methods based on the use of fatty creams or lotions, will cause the least harm.

If gentle methods do not bring desired result and I had to resort to chemicals; after getting rid of traces of glue, you must wash your hands with water and apply cream. “Moment” is an indispensable assistant in construction work and everyday matters, but you need to use it carefully, otherwise you will have to remove traces of glue from your hands and surrounding objects. It is not difficult to cope with this task; both specially developed tools and many improvised tools will help. You just need to be patient and try to work with glue more carefully next time.

You need to wipe super glue off your fingers after almost every use of the adhesive. Even with great care, a little glue almost always gets on your fingers, and then the dried film causes discomfort for a long time. However, there are many different ways to remove glue.

Features of removing glue from skin

Super-glue Moment is not without reason very popular; it has the highest strength and easily adheres to most surfaces. Unfortunately, sometimes these advantages turn into disadvantages; if it gets on your fingers, super glue also dries firmly and creates great difficulty in removal.

Of course, you can do nothing at all with the glue and just wait a few days - sooner or later the film will come off on its own. But it is not recommended to do this. In addition to the fact that dried super glue on your fingers gets in the way and causes emotional irritation, it can also cause harm to your health. Its chemical composition negatively affects the condition of the skin, and if you handle food with dirty hands or rub your eyes, you can be poisoned or cause severe inflammation.

It is impossible to wipe super glue off your fingers with plain water; the manufacturer adds substances to the glue formula that make the composition resistant to moisture. However, the glue can be easily rubbed off mechanically - under abrasive action. You can also use specialized solvents and home remedies of a similar effect; with aggressive chemical exposure, the structure of the super glue will be disrupted, and it will be possible to quickly wipe it off.

How to remove super glue from your hands using improvised means

If specialized compositions for wiping off Moment are not available, or it is not possible to buy them urgently, you can use home remedies. Most of them are in every apartment.

How to remove Moment glue from hands with Vaseline

Regular Vaseline is an excellent emollient and is often used to remove stubborn or dried dirt. It will also help with super glue on your fingers - apply a small amount of the product to your fingers, rub a little and wait about half an hour. During this time, the dried super glue will soften, and your fingers will need to be lightly rubbed with a nail file or pumice stone so that the Moment can easily come away from your hands.

How to remove super glue from hands with solvent

One more thing effective remedy, which allows you to wipe off super glue from your fingers, is any household solvent designed specifically for quickly removing stubborn stains. With its help, you can wipe off Moment in literally 10 minutes, but you must take precautions.

  • You need to apply the chemical precisely to the areas where the super glue has dried, and try not to let the solvent get into clean areas.
  • A few minutes after applying the solvent, you need to scrape your fingers with a pumice stone or a small nail file, and then wash your hands thoroughly with soap - preferably twice.
  • After using the solvent, your hands should be treated with a softening and moisturizing cream to prevent irritation.

Attention! Hands treated with solvent should not touch your face, much less take food with them. You can use a chemical only if there are no cuts, scratches or abrasions on your hands.

How to remove Moment glue from hands with vegetable oil

If you don’t have Vaseline at home, you can remove Moment glue from your hands using a simpler softening agent, any vegetable oil. It is used in the same way - a small amount of oil should be poured onto the palm, then distributed over the fingers and rubbed in a little. After about 20-30 minutes, the product will be absorbed enough so that the dried super glue becomes soft and can be wiped off.

Vegetable oil is also completely harmless to your hands. Therefore, it can be used even if there are scratches and cuts on your fingers; the oil will not provoke inflammation, but will help to avoid it.

How to remove Moment glue from skin with salt

If you need to wipe strong and waterproof super glue off your fingers, finely ground ordinary table salt will work great. It has not only dissolving contaminants, but also abrasive properties, so the beneficial effect is double.

Use salt like this:

  • First, the dirty hands are thoroughly steamed under hot water, and then the dried super glue is sprinkled with a small amount of salt;
  • Next, you need to rub the product into your hands for several minutes so that the grains of salt form a white foam;
  • After this, the salt is washed off, and if necessary, the remaining Moment is wiped off the fingers with a pumice stone or nail file.

Some caution must be exercised when using salt. First of all, it is better not to use it if there is any damage to your hands; salt will have an irritating effect and impair the healing of scratches. In addition, rub grains even into healthy skin you need to be very careful, otherwise the salt itself may leave scratches on your fingers.

Advice! Since salt has a drying effect on the skin, you should treat your hands with an emollient cream after using it.

How to remove super glue from skin using gasoline

Gasoline can serve as a good household solvent; men will probably have it in their supplies, at least in small quantities. The chemical composition of gasoline has a corrosive effect on the structure of dirt and helps to quickly wipe off super glue.

  • To get rid of dried super glue, you need to wash your hands thoroughly, then soak a cotton swab in gasoline and carefully apply it to the stained areas of the skin.
  • It is better not to treat a clean area of ​​your fingers with gasoline; this will not do any good, but your hands may suffer.
  • After applying gasoline, you should wait a couple of minutes, then wash it off with soapy water and rub the desired areas with a hard pumice stone.
  • If you cannot remove the super glue the first time, the procedure should be repeated again.

During the procedure, you should not touch your face or food with your hands. It is better not to touch items of clothing, otherwise a gasoline smell that is difficult to remove will remain on them. Ideally, you should clean your fingers with gasoline on a balcony or in a room that is easily ventilated.

Important! After using gasoline, your hands should be washed several times with soap and lubricated with nourishing cream to avoid irritation.

How to remove super glue from your hands with a scrub

Another very simple one effective way To wipe off super glue from your fingers, use any scrub. An abrasive agent can be a pumice stone for the heels, a nail file with a fine-grained surface, a small file, or a homemade scrub made from granulated sugar. Cosmetic scrubs for removing super glue are not suitable; they are designed to gently cleanse the skin and may simply not cope with the dried Moment.

In this case, the super glue is removed primarily mechanically. But before using the scrub, it is still better to moisturize and steam your hands, then you will be able to cleanse the skin of dirt faster. You need to gently rub your fingers with the scrub until the adhesive film is completely cleaned off.

Since the abrasive effect slightly injures the skin of the fingers and makes it thinner and more sensitive, after the procedure your hands should be anointed with cream.

How to remove super glue from skin using specialized products

In addition to folk home remedies, you can wipe off super glue from your hands with special chemical compounds, they are designed specifically to remove super glue residue.

  • In construction stores you can find a special “anti-glue” - a solvent designed to remove super glue. The product is mainly used to remove Moment glue from wooden, plastic and other surfaces; in such cases, the solvent applied to the stain must be left on for an hour. But you can also clean the skin of your hands with anti-glue - but it’s better to shorten the duration of use and wash off the product after a few minutes. “Second”, a Swiss anti-glue, works well to remove glue from hands, as well as the Chinese special solvent “Strength” and the German “Anti-glue Super Moment”.
  • In the fight against the withered super glue The antiseptic Dimexide has proven itself well - pharmaceutical product from inflammation. It can also be used to dissolve Moment; wipe the skin with a cotton swab soaked in antiseptic until the last remnants of super glue come off.
  • Nail polish remover helps remove super glue residue from your fingers. You also need to treat the stained areas with it using a moistened cotton wool until the softened glue begins to come off the skin freely.

After using any specialized solvent, hands should be washed thoroughly. Most solvents are highly toxic, and all of them have negative impact directly onto the skin, drying it out and leaving a small chemical burn. After using such products, the fingers should be regularly lubricated with cream for the next few days, do not injure them and do not keep them in water for too long.


You can remove super glue from your fingers in just a few minutes if you use specialized or home remedies. Great care must be taken when doing this, as most of these products can cause minor damage to the skin.

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While superglue helps solve many problems, it can cause harm when it gets on the surface and contaminates it. We will consider important features this adhesive, as well as how to remove super glue.

How to remove super glue from finger skin?

When gluing different surfaces, superglue may inadvertently get onto the exposed skin of your hands. Of course, there is no time to delay. Especially if the glue got on your fingers, sticking them together. Let's look at a few simple ways how to clean super glue.

  1. Dip your fingers into a container of warm water, hold for a couple of minutes and apply baking soda, rubbing it in. After a few minutes, all the remaining super glue will come off.
  2. Dip your fingers into a container of alcohol. In this case, the adhesive will gradually come off. At first it will turn whitish, and then it will fall off as a whole crust.
  3. A soap solution is required. It is used to soften the skin of the hands and fingers where there is dried glue. Afterwards, you need to take men's shaving gel and apply it to the skin. Next, carefully razor move over the area of ​​dried glue. At the end of this procedure, take a cotton pad and wipe the affected area.
  4. Using regular salt, sprinkle on the affected area. For a little more than one minute, rub it into the skin. It is important that the salt is slightly moist in a porridge form.
  5. Treat the contaminated area with a rich cream, and then use your nails to easily remove the super glue.
  6. A solution of vinegar and soap. Dilute these components in warm water. A particularly effective remedy if the contamination is relatively fresh. After treating the affected area of ​​the skin of your hands or fingers with this solution, after a few minutes you need to remove all the superglue with a spatula or fingernail.
  7. One of universal remedies Acetone is considered a nail polish remover. Treat the area of ​​contamination with acetone, and after a few minutes wash your hands with running water and soap.
  8. A nail file is the heritage of every handbag. It can help remove dried superglue. Keep the skin dry by drying it with a hairdryer. Afterwards, simply sand the dry superglue with a nail file.

    Instead of a nail file, pumice is often used. But do not overdo it so as not to damage the skin of your hands.

  9. Not the best best solution, but still margarine. Margarine is effective for those who have very sensitive skin. Take a small piece of margarine and in a circular motion rub it into your skin. After a quarter of an hour, wash your hands with soap. If there are any superglue residues, remove it with your fingernails.
  10. Dilute water with washing powder in a ratio of 1 to 3. Apply the resulting concentrate to dried superglue and rub into the skin for a quarter of an hour. Finally, treat your hands with moisturizing and softening cream.
  11. Prepare a mixture of lemon and salt. Add two teaspoons of each ingredient. It is important that the salt does not completely dissolve, because it will additionally serve as an abrasive. Rub the mixture onto your fingers or skin for several minutes. As a result of these actions, the superglue will clump into clumps and completely come off your hands.


Under no circumstances should you forcefully tear out the glue from the skin of your hands or fingers, especially if you feel that the skin is coming off along with the glue. This may be accompanied by severe pain.

If you decide to use a nail file, pumice stone or other abrasive material from all the listed means, then you should not put in much effort. This can damage the skin even more.

It is better not to let the glue come into contact with the skin, but to carry out gluing work different materials wearing protective rubber or cotton gloves. Or at least don’t rush when doing the work.

Cleaning clothes

If you managed to protect exposed areas of skin, but your clothes did not, then we will next consider methods and means that will help remove the glue immediately. Thus, there are many chemicals that are successfully used to clean clothes.

For example, “Antikley” or “Dimexide”. They are designed so that they do not pose any threat to clothing. The principle of their use is simple. Apply the purchased composition to the dry glue, wait a few minutes, and then remove the softened superglue with a scraper.

Important! If the fabric is delicate or very thin, then it is not worth the risk. First test the product on an inconspicuous area of ​​the item. If everything went well, you can start cleaning the stains.

DIYers also use battery acid. Great solution for a robe made of jeans and burlap. When using battery acid, there is an important requirement - to send clothes to the wash as quickly as possible.

Another non-aggressive remedy is freezing clothes. It definitely won't cause any harm to things. As a result of freezing, the dry glue will fall off on its own.


Do not allow the glue to come into contact with exposed skin; keep an eye on the open tube while gluing.

  1. Try not to squeeze out a lot of glue onto the surfaces to be glued.
  2. Poke the hole in the tube with a thin and sharp object, for example, a needle. It is not recommended to put pressure on the tube; you risk spilling the contents on yourself.
  3. Do not squeeze the glue out of the tube towards your hands or fingers. Squeeze the glue away from you.
  4. It is not recommended to twist the tube in order to completely squeeze out the contents. Often the glue leaks through the creases and stains your hands.
  5. Prepare an adhesive cleaner to immediately remove any possible contamination.


So, we looked at the main ways to remove superglue from the skin of your hands, fingers and clothes. If you know other techniques, then share them with our readers at the end of this article.