Grossular belongs to the category of semi precious stones. It is a calcium garnet with a mesmerizing glass luster. This mineral is also called Pakistani emerald, rosolite and South African jade.


Grossular was discovered in 1790 by Russian scientist Eric Laxman on the banks of the Vilyuy River, which flows in Sakha-Yakutia. In appearance, the found crystals resembled gooseberries. Interestingly, in the 19th century, Indians used this mineral to make gun bullets. The formation of crystals occurs when limestone rocks combine with commercial magmas. Grossular occurs in basalts of metamorphic origin or in calcareous screens. One of the most famous varieties of stone is hydrogrossular. The color saturation of a crystal depends on the concentration of iron ions in it.

The semi-precious stone has many deposits scattered throughout the world. In Russia, samples of yellow and orange flowers are found in the Central and Southern Urals. Hydrogrossular is found in the basins of the Krasnoyarsk and Primorsky Territories. Less commonly, the stone is found in Karelia, the North Caucasus, and the Murmansk region. Grossular is found in some foreign countries: USA, Canada, Finland, as well as on the island of Sri Lanka.

Healing and magical properties

Green hydrogrossular has unique soothing properties. It is recommended to wear it even for children with increased hyperactivity. The stone is useful for people who are susceptible to depression or increased emotional excitability. In tandem with silver, this mineral helps eliminate insomnia and stop attacks of anger and rage. Necklaces inlaid with grossular relieve hypertension and heart failure. For toothache, it is useful to squeeze this mineral tightly in your hand. Crystals of brown and orange colors relieve the suffering of people who are susceptible to skin diseases.

Women can wear jewelry with a stone during the menstrual period - this will relieve pain, cephalalgia and improve emotional state.

The mineral has a special energy that brings peace and tranquility. However, magicians practically do not use it in their work. For an ordinary person, hydrogrossular can give conflicting feelings - calm and an unbridled desire for action. The crystal will help bring harmony to family life provided that each spouse carries the stone with them. In addition, the mineral relieves ophthalmic problems and provides significant support to the immune system.

Who is it suitable for?

Astrologers claim that grossular is a universal mineral that interacts well with all signs of the zodiac constellation. The most successful partners for him are:

  • Scorpion;
  • Scales.

The mineral has a beneficial effect on people born under these signs. For Aquarius and Capricorn born in January, the mineral can bring good luck and material well-being. It is also recommended to wear grossular to owners of the names Arkady, Artem, Ruslan, Lyubava, Anisiya, Arina. It encourages open communication, so it should be worn by those whose professional activities involve people, such as doctors, teachers or salespeople.

It helps to reveal talents, so people in creative professions should carry it with them.

The mineral will become a real assistant for those who want to constantly be in harmony with themselves and the world around them. Grossular is a fairly expensive stone. A 3-carat copy will cost approximately 5-6 thousand rubles. However, it is not difficult to buy. The advantage is that there is no special care for the mineral. In addition, decorations inlaid with this semiprecious stone, look very beautiful and expensive.

Translated from Latin, the word “grossular” means “gooseberry”. This stone received this name due to its unusual color scheme. You can find grossular yellow, or maybe light green. Pink stones are no exception. That is, the color of this stone is represented by all shades of gooseberries, depending on the degree of ripeness of the berry.

There are 7 varieties of this mineral known. The intensity of the color depends on the iron content in its composition. And chromium gives the sample that very rich green color. For example, tsavorite is the legendary Kenyan emerald, which is nothing more than a green grossular, which received this color due to the presence of vanadium and chromium ions in its composition.

Here are the other varieties of grossular:

  1. Pakistani emerald. The stone is gentle green having a strong shine;
  2. Leucogranate. Absolutely transparent mineral;
  3. Rosolite. A valuable stone that is found only in the vastness of Mexico;
  4. Rumyantsevit. An ornamental stone, quite widespread
  5. Succinite. The color resembles the stone amber.
  6. Hessonite. The cheapest, but most original mineral. The fact is that it is endowed with the ability to change its color depending on the distance from which you look at it. Upon closer inspection, the color of the sample may be yellow, but from a distance of several meters, this mineral has a red color.

It remains to add that rosolite and rumyantsevite are minerals that have “telling” names. That is, all shades of pink are their colors.


If you look a little into history, you can get information regarding the unusual use of this stone. In the 19th century, when the Indians put up desperate resistance to the British colonialists, local peoples used grossular as a material for making bullets. Oh, their opponents had a hard time, because the wounds inflicted by these bullets did not heal at all, or they healed, but for a very long time.

But in Europe, around the same time, grossular was used as a material for making jewelry. He even gained some popularity in elite circles. To this day, all varieties of grossular are used precisely for these purposes. The best setting for such a stone is gold. Jewelry with this stone has incredible durability, and the color of the mineral is not affected by sunlight or heat.

Medicinal properties

Grossular is a very peaceful stone. It is not intended to damage or cause any harm to a person. If you wear it constantly, the owner of the grossular will feel protected, and there will be complete peace and harmony in his soul. General peace and the ability to generate new ideas - this is what awaits a person if he chooses this mineral as his amulet. That is, calmness and vigor are contradictory feelings, but when wearing this stone they will peacefully coexist with each other.

Grossular can be worn alone or with other stones. This is a peace-making mineral, absolutely not conflict-provoking, but on the contrary, bringing people together. But its owner should be careful: the grossular is jealous and will try with all its might to preserve the sense of harmony that reigns in the soul of its owner. Therefore, he will in every possible way interfere with the noble intention of his owner to provide assistance to strangers. But the stone is quite friendly towards the family and friends of its owner: it will help them too, in order to save its “master” from all sorts of troubles and worries.

Meaning of zodiac signs

This stone suits everyone. Anyone who owns it will really feel its support. Any representative of the zodiac circle will be able to discover and develop hitherto unknown talents. For Aquarius and Capricorn (who were born in January), this stone can bring good luck. Scorpios, thanks to green grossular, will be able to get rid of depression and melancholy once and for all.

Grossular belongs to the category of semi-precious stones. It is a calcium garnet with a mesmerizing glass luster. This mineral is also called Pakistani emerald, rosolite and South African jade.


Grossular was discovered in 1790 by Russian scientist Eric Laxman on the banks of the Vilyuy River, which flows in Sakha-Yakutia. In appearance, the found crystals resembled gooseberries. Interestingly, in the 19th century, Indians used this mineral to make gun bullets. The formation of crystals occurs when limestone rocks combine with commercial magmas. Grossular occurs in basalts of metamorphic origin or in calcareous screens. One of the most famous varieties of stone is hydrogrossular. The color saturation of a crystal depends on the concentration of iron ions in it.

The semi-precious stone has many deposits scattered throughout the world. In Russia, samples of yellow and orange flowers are found in the Central and Southern Urals. Hydrogrossular is found in the basins of the Krasnoyarsk and Primorsky Territories. Less commonly, the stone is found in Karelia, the North Caucasus, and the Murmansk region. Grossular is found in some foreign countries: the USA, Canada, Finland, and also on the island of Sri Lanka.

Healing and magical properties

Green hydrogrossular has unique soothing properties. It is recommended to wear it even for children with increased hyperactivity. The stone is useful for people who are susceptible to depression or increased emotional excitability. In tandem with silver, this mineral helps eliminate insomnia and stop attacks of anger and rage. Necklaces inlaid with grossular relieve hypertension and heart failure. For toothache, it is useful to squeeze this mineral tightly in your hand. Crystals of brown and orange colors relieve the suffering of people who are susceptible to skin diseases.

Women can wear jewelry with a stone during the menstrual period - this will relieve pain, cephalalgia and improve their emotional state.

The mineral has a special energy that brings peace and tranquility. However, magicians practically do not use it in their work. For an ordinary person, hydrogrossular can give conflicting feelings - calm and an unbridled desire for action. The crystal will help bring harmony into family life, provided that each spouse carries the stone with them. In addition, the mineral relieves ophthalmic problems and provides significant support to the immune system.

Who is it suitable for?

Astrologers claim that grossular is a universal mineral that interacts well with all signs of the zodiac constellation. The most successful partners for him are:

  • Scorpion;
  • Scales.

The mineral has a beneficial effect on people born under these signs. For Aquarius and Capricorn born in January, the mineral can bring good luck and material well-being. It is also recommended to wear grossular to owners of the names Arkady, Artem, Ruslan, Lyubava, Anisiya, Arina. It encourages open communication, so it should be worn by those whose professional activities involve people, such as doctors, teachers or salespeople.

It helps to reveal talents, so people in creative professions should carry it with them.

The mineral will become a real assistant for those who want to constantly be in harmony with themselves and the world around them. Grossular is a fairly expensive stone. A 3-carat copy will cost approximately 5-6 thousand rubles. However, it is not difficult to buy. The advantage is that there is no special care for the mineral. In addition, jewelry inlaid with this semi-precious stone looks very beautiful and expensive.

Grossular (grossularite, gomed) is a mineral with extensive coloring, which is a calcium variety. Stones with a pronounced glass luster are transparent, slightly translucent or opaque, in some cases they have a fluorescent effect with a yellow-brown reflection. Like most varieties of garnets, grossulars tend to be small in size. The crystal size rarely exceeds 3-4 cm.

Translated from Latin, the word “grossular” means “gooseberry”. This stone received this name due to its unusual color scheme. You can find grossular yellow, or light green. Pink stones are no exception. The color of this stone is represented by all shades of gooseberries, depending on the degree of ripeness of the berry.

Varieties of Grossular

Depending on the color they are distinguished, but not as individual minerals, but as varieties:

Hessonite has a granular structure due to inclusions of apatite and zircon, is colored in brown, yellow and orange tones, and also changes shade depending on how the light falls on it. Is the least known in jewelry making a variety of pomegranate. Characterized by a unique type of amorphous inclusions.

Hydrogrossular (hydrogarnet) is a dense, opaque, green hydrated grossular that forms solid aggregates, the trade name is “Transvaal jade”, although it resembles jadeite only in color. This stone includes 5% water, its size can be very large - the size of a boulder or a small hill. There is also hydrogrossular in pink and light red shades.

Leucogranate is a colorless grossular. Sometimes it is called "noble grossular". This crystal can be transparent, like glass, or opaque, white. There are practically no foreign impurities in its composition.

Rosolite is a variety of bright pink to crimson-red grossular (garnet group) from the locality of Xalostoc, Mexico. The name rosolite comes from the word “pink”. Rosolite forms perfect, but almost opaque crystals. The color of rosolite is very similar. Rosolite is a very popular collectible stone. Ores with crimson rosolite crystals are well known abroad, but are almost unknown to Russian collectors.

Rumyantsevite is dense aggregates of brownish-red color. Rumyantsevit is named after Nikolai Petrovich Rumyantsev, ethnographer, archaeologist and collector. A fairly widespread ornamental stone.

Succinite is an amber-yellow grossular that is sometimes confused with amber. Succinite is not particularly popular among jewelers. The reason is large number inclusions that make it difficult to process.

Tsavorite (tsavorite) is vanadium grossular, green, which contains up to 4.52% vanadium oxide. Tsavorite is one of the most expensive minerals of this variety of garnet. On the world gemstone market, the cost of tsavorite varies from $150 to $500 per carat. They can easily be confused with emerald and diopside.

Magical properties of Grossular

Grossular spreads calm and tranquility, helps clarify difficult situations and find the right way out. On the one hand, it is able to extinguish anxiety and fear, on the other hand, it encourages action and gives strength to solve assigned tasks. Suitable as a talisman for those who struggle with depression, emotional burnout, nervous exhaustion, prolonged stress.

It helps analysts, scientists and researchers achieve their goals in the best possible way, stimulates logical thinking, develops intuition - a real assistant for those who act in the scientific field. Grossular, as a real talisman of peace, helps to establish relationships between close people, for example, between lovers or close friends. It also promotes the establishment of new connections, helps to win over others, and protects against the evil eye and damage.

The healing properties of Grossular

The calming nature of the stone is also used in medicine - primarily for the treatment of nervous disorders of any nature. Green crystals are the most powerful in this regard. Stones set in silver help with nervous exhaustion, relieve stress, and relieve insomnia. Grossular also works well for heart patients and people suffering from migraines and weather-dependent people. Lithotherapists recommend wearing grossular in the form of beads for diseases of the cardiovascular system. Grossular crystal, clenched in a fist, relieves toothache.

Talismans and amulets

A person who has chosen a grossular as a talisman will always internally feel cheerful and full of vitality, but externally this person will always be calm and reasonable, being in a complacent mood. The mineral develops in a person the ability to dream, make positive plans for the future, and also fully contributes to the disclosure of hitherto hidden creativity. It should be noted that this stone is not a conflict stone; it can be easily combined with other minerals. Since the grossular is easy-going, it imparts the same quality to its owner. The owner of a grossular will always get along very easily with the most different people, finding with everyone common language.

Grossular in astrology

All zodiac signs, without exception, can wear a grossular. He is quite capable of coping with any shortcomings and developing the advantages inherent in each sign. However, it is recommended more often than others and green grossulars are especially suitable for them. Cancers should carefully choose grossulars, giving preference to stones of warm colors. Taurus and Leo will feel the beneficial effects of the mineral, become softer, and learn compromise and prudence.

Compatibility of grossular with zodiac signs

Grossular for

Grossular - stone peace of mind and inner harmony. It is quite difficult for him to find a common language with a person born under the constellation Aries, but when he recognizes him as his well-wisher, he will give his positive energy to the fullest!

Grossular for

The sign of Taurus is sometimes characterized by a pronounced down-to-earth nature, so its representatives will find it useful to wear grossular in order to become more pure and morally elevated. The mineral also has a positive effect on the personal life of Taurus, bringing romance into their everyday relationships. Many eminent astrologers claim that people born under this zodiac sign can safely wear jewelry with grossular.

Grossular for

Traditionally, grossular is considered a stone of good luck. This mineral inspires Gemini and has a positive effect on their psychic abilities. The stone will help Gemini maintain their internal energy.

Grossular for

The grossular stone is important for those born under the sign of Cancer, as it is able to attract positively charged energy and protect against negative emotions, preventing them from accumulating inside. Since ancient times, it was believed that this mineral is useful for the prevention of diseases, and prevents illnesses from poisoning the body from the inside.

Grossular for

Lviv, grossular will be able to get rid of groundless fears, suspiciousness and indecision, which they hide under the guise of their own confidence.

Grossular for

We can safely say that grossular supports and helps develop all the best qualities inherent in people born under the zodiac sign - Virgo. A talisman with this powerful green mineral literally forces its owner to leave the comfort zone without significant losses in order to conquer ever new heights.

Grossular for

Grossular will help Libra in scientific research and philosophical research, it can have a beneficial effect on the mind and creative thinking. Jewelry with this stone will help Libra feel more relaxed and confident during business negotiations.

Grossular for

The ardent natures of Scorpios are quite often obsessed with the idea of ​​calculated revenge - grossular will help them maintain calm and safely channel their anger into a peaceful direction. This gem also protects its owner from evil spells and brings him good luck in matters, especially amorous ones.

Grossular for

The zodiac sign Sagittarius especially reveres the grossular, which is responsible for family happiness, positive energy and indomitable love passion.

Grossular for

Capricorns who are involved in business do not make dubious deals. They are extremely pedantic and conservative in almost everything. Therefore, grossular will give Capricorns the courage and determination to make the right decisions, and help them adapt to the changing world of commercial activity.

Grossular for

Grossular harmonizes work on oneself for Aquarius, leading him to think about the eternal, helping to awaken thoughts in the right direction and find a way out of any, even the most difficult life situation.

Grossular for

This amazingly beautiful stone gives Pisces strength and even magical power. Most often, it is preferred by people who are weak in spirit and do not have a strong inner core. Grossular copes well with this task and helps a person make decisions clearly and without the slightest hesitation.

Grossular - magical properties of the stone

The name “grossular” itself comes from the Latin word grossularia, which means “gooseberry”, because appearance mineral resembles this berry. There are other names for the mineral: cinnamon, garnet jade, South African jade, Pakistani emerald.

The name “grossular” itself comes from the Latin word grossularia, which means “gooseberry.”

Grossular stone is a calcium garnet. The color of a mineral depends on its chemical components:

  • leucogranate is practically colorless due to the low content of iron ions in it;
  • Pakistani emerald has a soft green hue, which is due to the admixture of chromium in the mineral;
  • hyacinth garnet is brown in color;
  • succinite has an amber-yellow color;
  • hydrogrossular consists of 5% water and is often green in color.

Grossular stone is a calcium garnet

It is important to familiarize yourself with the magical and medicinal properties mineral, as well as with the peculiarities of using grossular as an ornamental stone.

Magic properties

It is worth knowing about the magical properties of the mineral:

  1. Hydrogrossular is an astrological talisman for any zodiac sign: it promotes the development of the best personal qualities and neutralizes negative impact disadvantages on the spiritual growth of the owner of the stone. Capricorns and Aquarius born in January can become lucky thanks to the mineral. Scorpios suffering from unrequited love can get rid of the oppressive feeling of loneliness and melancholy. Hydrogrossular can help Cancers and Libras overcome depression. Taurus and Leo will find peace and peace of mind and will be able to find compromise solutions without resorting to a fierce battle of interests.
  2. Hydrogrossular has exclusively positive energy, so representatives of black magic never use it to carry out their rituals. And, conversely, white magicians use the crystal to create talismans that protect against damage and the evil eye.
  3. A gifted stone evokes mixed feelings in a person: either he wants to create and actively transform something, or he feels peace and a desire to be inactive even in the most tense situations.
  4. The mineral promotes cleansing from bad thoughts.
  5. If a person has lost the meaning of life, then grossular will help him find his true purpose.
  6. If the spouses are not going well in the family, then it is necessary to carry this mineral with you: it promotes the development of empathic abilities, which has a beneficial effect on the renewal of mutual understanding between husband and wife.
  7. The stone helps to preserve your internal energy. It happens that after communicating with a certain category of people, you feel a loss of strength. Grossular helps protect against energy vampires without allowing them to take advantage of your spiritual power.
  8. A talisman with this stone helps create the image of a cheerful person in the eyes of others.
  9. In professional activities, the mineral will be useful to scientists and all representatives of intellectual work: it promotes the development of intuition and logical thinking.

Gallery: grossular stone (25 photos)

Grossular has many advantages as a remedy