In our culture, mushroom picking plays a fairly important role. Yes, nutritional value there is not much in them, but the content of vitamins, microelements and fiber is quite high. So modern mushroom pickers are heirs to the rich tradition of “silent hunting”. But it’s not enough just to be an “heir” - you also need to clearly know what you’re doing.

The mushroom picker should be able to answer questions such as: “ “, “Where to collect?”, “ ” and “ “. If all these questions have been answered correctly, then you can go into the forest with a clear conscience. You just need to take the right equipment with you. So the issue of “mushroom picker equipment” should also be raised and resolved. Fortunately, it's not very difficult.

To be honest, the equipment of a mushroom picker is not much different from the equipment of the most ordinary tourist. However, there are still differences. And we will try to tell you about them. Well, it’s also important to remind you what is included in the .


Probably the most important element adequate mushroom picker equipment. Here, a lot depends on when and where exactly you went “hunting”. It is clear that for the late autumn forest and for the summer search for mushrooms in the fields, you will need different uniforms. However, the principle will still be the same. Clothing should be durable, comfortable and suitable for weather conditions. Knitwear and jeans are definitely not suitable - they will be too hot. Ideal option - military uniform. Plain trousers made of cotton or cotton-blend and synthetic are also suitable. There is no need to take full synthetics - evaporate.

Pants should be long enough to be tucked into boots. This will reduce the risk of tick attacks from below. And in shorts, there is a high chance of accidentally running into something in the forest and getting hurt. The shirt must be taken from long sleeve, or short, but then a light jacket is required on top. for the same reason - ticks and protection from branches. It would be a good idea to take a raincoat with you - you never know what surprises the weather will bring. And here again, there is no need to take pure synthetics or polyethylene - they tear very easily if they run into branches ( approx. editor - I completely agree. I foolishly experienced what it’s like to walk through the forest in a plastic cape.).


Since you will be walking through the forest, then you need durable and comfortable shoes. We immediately sweep away slippers, sandals and shoes - ticks can get into them, and a random branch can dig into your foot. The heavier version of the “Steels” type fits a little better - they perfectly protect the leg and secure the ankle. But, damn them, they are heavy and uncomfortable... So don’t invent something strange - take either high-top sneakers or army-style boots.

Also be sure to bring an extra pair of woolen or partially wool socks. Yes, your feet will probably sweat in them, but there will be no scuffs from the shoes. And if you don’t have fungus, then there’s nothing to be afraid of.


Since you will be wandering through forests, where all sorts of garbage can fall on your head, and fields, where the sun can only bake your head, the question of whether you need a headdress is mushroom picker's outfit It's not even worth it. Definitely take it. This can be either a Panama hat made of rigid fabric with wide brim and a retainer or shemagh. Both options perform their function perfectly - protect the head and hair. But many take something simpler: caps, caps, bandanas. Why not - they also cope with their task.

Backpack and container for mushrooms

Going into the forest without a backpack, where you can put everything you need, is stupid, to say the least. Even if it’s a small outing lasting a few hours. You will still have to take the required minimum with you, but it is easiest to store it in a backpack. But there is no need to go to extremes - huge travel backpacks With pouches you definitely won't need them. So it’s better to opt for some more compact option that will not hinder movement and cling to branches.

As for containers for mushrooms (you haven’t forgotten that we are going after them and counting on a big catch), then the best option there will be a wicker basket. In it, the mushrooms will wrinkle less and will also be able to ventilate. Also, in them, the layer of mushrooms on the bottom does not press very hard, so there should not be much damage. Wicker metal basket ( editor's note - I used to go with just this - 20 liters, if not more) is also suitable, but the mushrooms may crumble in it. Plastic bags and it’s better to leave the plastic buckets at home right away - let those who don’t mind their health and the time spent take it.

Additional inventory

The usual tourist kit: a flashlight, matches, a watch, a compass, a map, a signal whistle (you never know, in case you get lost, so you can easily give a signal), a first aid kit, something to eat, 2 liters of water - in this mushroom picker equipment no different from tourist equipment. But there is a difference. You will also need to take with you a long stick, forked at the end. This thing is much more convenient for stirring up heaps of leaves, digging out hummocks and turning over strange mushrooms.

And, perhaps, the main difference is the knife. A mushroom picker doesn’t need some kind of super-tactical man-cutter. No, if you feel more comfortable with it, take it, but you don’t need to use it for cutting mushrooms. It's like hammering nails in with a microscope. It will be more useful here, the main thing is that it is sharp. You can simply tie it to the basket with a long rope so as not to accidentally lose it. But if you like to walk through the forest waving a huge cleaver out of nothing to do... Other people, if they happen to meet you, may misunderstand you.

When going on a hike, especially a long one, tourists take a lot of things with them. However, carrying a heavy backpack for a long time, in the end, part of what you took turns out to be absolutely unnecessary, and extremely necessary things are simply forgotten at home. To prevent this from happening, you should prepare for your hike in advance and pack the essentials first.

To avoid having to figure out what you need to take with you for the trip a few hours before your trip, it is better to make a list of things by category in advance and prepare them. All the items you will need on your hike can be divided into the following categories:

  • Warm clothes and shoes;
  • Items for sleeping and relaxation. This category includes tents, camping mats and sleeping bags;
  • Camping tourist furniture;
  • Dishes;
  • First aid kit;
  • Hygiene items;
  • Special equipment.

Also, depending on free space in a backpack or car; on a camping holiday, you can take items that are not essential items.

Warm clothes and shoes

Warm clothes for camping with a tent are needed at any time of the year. For tourist travel in the cold season, its supply should be much larger than for summer period. In this case, the bulk of clothing and shoes will be exclusively warm things.

For a summer hike, the following clothes and shoes will be useful:

  • Several sets of underwear. If the hike involves long-term parking and washing of things, then it is enough to have 3-4 sets with you;
  • Thermal underwear and thermal socks are average in warmth. Needed for cold weather and night rest;
  • Special hiking socks. Unlike ordinary ones, they retain heat well, do not get wet and do not squeeze the leg due to the absence of seams and elastic bands;
  • Windproof sweatpants. They will protect from wind, scratches from bushes, and mosquito bites. In addition, these pants are very light, do not restrict movement and dry quickly;
  • Fleece sweater or jacket. Clothing is lightweight and has the ability to warm and retain heat well;
  • Waterproof raincoat;
  • Windbreaker jacket. The fabric should be light, waterproof and windproof at the same time;
  • Headdress. It is best to use a bandana, baseball cap or Panama hat;
  • Warm hat, preferably woolen;
  • Shorts;
  • Several T-shirts with sleeves of different lengths;
  • Thermal T-shirt;
  • Clean light kit casual wear. Women should not wear sundresses, dresses or skirts;
  • Gloves with and without fingers.
  • Swimwear.

During the hike, the tourist should have the following shoes:

  • Open light sandals. Needed for relaxation;
  • Thick boots with ankle support and thick soles. Such shoes should be soft on the inside and hard on the outside, made of leather or special materials.
  • Lightweight sneakers with stride cushioning.

The main rule when choosing clothing for a hike is its practicality, ease of wear, as well as the naturalness and durability of the materials. If extreme ascents or descents are involved, tourists should use only specialized shoes.

Travel mats and sleeping bags

The list of things for camping with a tent necessarily includes camping mats and sleeping bags. Tourists who have not been on overnight hikes often think that a tent is enough for a comfortable overnight stay. However, it is only a shelter from bad weather and is not able to fully protect against the cold.

For traveling in the off-season, it is better to take a winter sleeping bag with you on a hike, the weight of which is about 2 kg. For summer travel A product weighing 1 kg is suitable. The choice of sleeping bag design, blanket or mummy, as well as its capacity, can be selected solely according to the personal preferences of the tourist.

A tourist rug, or karemat, is useful both during rest stops and for night rest, as an additional bedding for a sleeping bag. The main difference between the mats is their thickness. The most practical are the Izhevsk mats with a thickness of 8 mm. Self-inflating mats are not recommended as they tear easily on rocks and dry grass.

Camping – tourist furniture

The list of things for relaxing with a tent at sea or just in nature includes the following pieces of furniture:

  • Tent;
  • Folding stools, armchairs or chairs;
  • Folding tables.

A tent is a must for overnight camping trips. The capacity of the tent, as well as its density, are determined individually. It is only important that its weight when hiking does not exceed 2 kg. It is important that the tent is waterproof and also equipped with a ventilation window and a mosquito net.

Tents with trekking poles are lightweight and comfortable. In this case, poles are recommended to be used as additional support when hiking in the mountains.

It is recommended to take folding stools and chairs, as well as tables, only when traveling by car. For hiking, if necessary, you can only take a light folding chair or stool. However, these pieces of furniture most often turn out to be unnecessary.


The dishes you take with you should be light, unbreakable, spacious and easy to clean. The basic set of dishes includes:

  • spoon;
  • Steel mug, volume from 300 ml. The optimal mug size is 600 ml.

Useful when traveling and plastic bottle volume 2 liters. It is easy to attach to a backpack.

If you plan to cook food while camping, you will need the following utensils:

  • Bowler hat. Should be easy. The volume depends on the number of travelers. For a company of 3-5 people, a 4-liter pot is enough;
  • Bowls in the amount of 2 pieces;
  • A light, medium-sized frying pan.

Cast iron or plastic dishes. You should also not take forks with you.

First aid kit

A standard first aid kit for a tourist should include the following medical supplies:

  • Cotton wool;
  • Bandage;
  • Elastic bandage;
  • Zelenka or iodine;
  • Bactericidal patches of various sizes;
  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Activated carbon;
  • Analgin;
  • Medical tourniquet or condom;
  • Levomycytin;
  • Ammonia;
  • Corvalol;
  • Ointments or creams used for sprains, bruises or lumbago. This could be Nimedar, Viprosal, Voltaren, Diclak gel, Lyoton;
  • Repellents;
  • Remedies for runny nose and cold symptoms. This could be Pinosol, Otrivin, Acc;
  • Antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs. These include Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Nimesil;
  • Sorbents used for food poisoning. Smecta, Phosphalugel, Enterosgel;
  • Antidiarrheal drugs. The most accessible is Furazolidone;
  • A drug for restoring water-salt balance, Regidron.

Also, on a hike you need to take with you medications prescribed to the tourist by a doctor on an individual basis.

Hygiene items

The main hygiene items that a tourist should have on a hike are:

  • Soap;
  • Shampoo in disposable bags;
  • Toilet paper;
  • Wet wipes;
  • Small microfiber towel;
  • Hypoallergenic moisturizing cream;
  • Sunscreen with a high protection factor;
  • Toothbrush;
  • Toothpaste;
  • A small manicure set including scissors, tweezers and a nail file;
  • Hygienic colorless lipstick.

Women may require pads when hiking, and small children should be sure to bring diapers.


The list of things you need to take with you on a hike should include the following additional equipment:

  • Trekking telescopic poles;
  • Medium sized gas burner and gas cylinder. Alternatively, you can stock up on dry alcohol, matches and liquid for starting fires;
  • Flashlight;
  • Tourist folding shovel.

On a hike that involves extreme entertainment, you need to take special equipment.


The list of items that can be taken on a camping holiday can also include:

  • Axe;
  • Multitool;
  • Travel flask;
  • Anti-slip shoe pads;
  • A strong rope at least 3 m long.

Also, for relaxing with a tent, in the list of what to take, you can include a camera, a small notebook with a pencil or pen, mobile phone, copies of documents and money.

If you want and know how to play, you can take a guitar with you. It is not recommended to take books on a hike, as they have heavy weight and are extremely rarely used during tourist travel.

List of products and basic rules for creating a grocery set

What products to take with you on a camping trip with tents, and in what volume, depends on the number of tourists, as well as the duration and complexity of the route. A standard set may include the following products:

  1. Canned meat and fish, as well as pates. It is not recommended to take canned food in glass containers with you. Quantity – 1-2 cans per day of travel for 1 person. Pate 1 jar for 2 days.
  2. Buckwheat and rice groats, as well as pasta. A pack weighing 1 kg for 3-4 days.
  3. Potato. For 1 person approximately 1 kg is needed for 3-4 days;
  4. Bakery products. A loaf of bread for 2-3 days. Cookies, cupcakes optional.
  5. Instant soup packets 1 piece for 1-2 days.
  6. Drinking water. For 1 tourist per day, excluding cooking, 3-4 liters may be required.
  7. Tea, coffee. For a hike lasting up to 2 weeks, 1 small pack of food per person is enough.
  8. Sugar in crystals or refined sugar. The quantity of the product is determined individually. Usually, 1 pack of sugar is enough for a tourist for 1 week.
  9. Salt. It is convenient to take the seasoning in sticks, at the rate of 10-15 g for 1 day of travel per person.
  10. Eggs and milk with long shelf life. Eggs in the amount of 1 dozen for 4 days. Milk 1 liter for 2-3 days. These products should only be taken in cool weather conditions.
  11. Flour. For a trip of 1-2 weeks, 1 kg is enough.
  12. Sunflower oil. For 1-1.5 weeks, a small bottle of 500 ml is enough.
  13. Raw smoked sausage. 400 g stick for 3-4 days.
  14. Processed cheese. The quantity is determined individually.
  15. Mayonnaise and ketchup, 1 package for 5-7 days.
  16. Sour cream, sausages and sausages. You can take it provided that the product is eaten on the first day of the hike.
  17. Condensed milk 1 can for 2-3 days.
  18. Fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, 3 pieces of medium size, for 1 day of the hike.
  19. Dried fruits and nuts 50-100 g per day.
  20. Raw or cooked meat. The number of products is determined individually. Moreover, they must be eaten on the first day of the hike.
  21. Breakfast cereals 1 package for 2-3 days.

When creating a food set for tourist trip It is important not to take with you any perishable foods or dishes that require strict temperature control. It is important to monitor the expiration dates of canned goods and eat them on opening day.

Travel accessories are something that lasts for many years and can be used for generations if you choose the right purchase and take good care of it. Forays into nature can be the most memorable moments of the year, so they need to be planned correctly so that nothing overshadows your stay in the forest. In this article we will offer a list of the most necessary things on a hike for a family, couple or big company.

Short-term and long-term tourist entertainment: nuances

All events can be divided into three categories:

  1. One-day. An overnight stay is not planned, the main task is to have the most interesting time possible and get a lot of impressions. Typically, these options are suitable for children and teenagers, as well as couples with babies. In addition, picnics can be organized on weekdays, when you need to leave for work in the morning. They can be carried out either at one planned place, for example, near a river, or with movements over short distances. You can build a cycling route with several stops - for lunch, sightseeing, entertainment. Usually, on a one-day hike, you take with you what you really need for a short period of time - food, swimwear, blankets or special foam for camping. But the list does not include tents and other things required for a long stay in nature.
  2. All weekend. Perhaps the most common option, since it does not require long preparation, but allows you to completely relax and unwind from the bustle of the city. You can start this weekend on Friday evening and end on Sunday. Here you will already need things for a long stay, including sleeping gear - a tent, sleeping bags. Entertainment must be provided. This could be fishing with further preparation of fish soup, hunting, or rafting on a river. You need to take on a hike what you might need in case of urgent need - medicines, means of communication to call for help (if you are going on foot).
  3. Long vacation. These are various hiking trips - on foot, on bicycles, kayaks, mountaineering. In this case, when choosing things, you adapt to the method of movement, because not every load can be carried on your shoulders.

It is also worth separating ways of spending time:

  • Picnic or parking means staying in one place, without crossings with or without setting up camp.
  • River rafting - on rafts, kayaks, boats.
  • Climbing a mountain - you will need special climbing equipment.
  • Bike trip.
  • Hiking trail.

Another important aspect when packing a backpack is the planned route and its safety. It is worth considering a number of questions: how quickly you can be evacuated in a critical situation and how correctly and effectively you can provide medical care if necessary. In nature, various troubles can happen - fractures, snake bites, allergies, common colds, burns. Therefore, if you are planning a trip through impassable terrain where there is no connection and no quick message with the outside world, you need to be especially careful about the contents of the first aid kit.

How to plan a hike so you don't forget your hiking gear

You need to adhere to a clear algorithm of actions and follow the following recommendations:

  1. Appoint a leader. Even if it’s a romantic picnic for two, one of the couple should take on the bulk of the organization. If this does not happen, then each member of the camping trip will shift responsibilities to each other, which in general will lead to disorganization and lengthy preparations with a high risk of forgetting something.
  2. Think over the route. If this is a one-day trip, then you should choose a place in advance, visit it, and make sure that it will be free. If you plan to travel, you need to check the map and carefully select parking spots.
  3. Select and schedule a meeting time and location. This is especially true for a large company. All preparatory work must be completed within an hour. This will give everyone the opportunity to calmly think about who forgot what and not rush in a hurry.
  4. Write a list of what you need to take on a hike. It is better if there are two or more of them - each participant can write a separate list, and then they can be compared and supplemented. This will eliminate the possibility of forgetting anything, so you can take into account all wishes and discuss alternative options. In the future, if you repeat such events, you can save this sheet. And after the route has already been completed, the list can be supplemented with a few more points - what was missing.
  5. View the weather forecast. This is very important recommendation: the wardrobe depends on it - whether to take insulated clothes, a jacket, raincoats. If thunderstorms and heavy rain are expected, then it may make sense to reschedule the event.
  6. Go to the store in advance and buy groceries. The same applies to clothing and other travel accessories. If you lack time, you can turn to popular online stores. On the website of the Tovarika trading platform you can find all the missing accessories for tourists. This is a Russian platform, so all goods arrive very quickly, without customs delays. There is a wide choice and very affordable prices, since all products are from domestic manufacturers.

What you need for a day trip

For a picnic you will need the following things:

  • A blanket or foam that is comfortable to sit on. You can take folding chairs, this will significantly increase the level of comfort. It is better to use a heated mat “Teplovichok” - it heats up to 55 degrees. In the Tovarika store catalog you can choose options of various sizes that are convenient to carry and use.
  • A folding table or oilcloth is an impromptu place for eating.
  • Tent or sun umbrellas.
  • If you have small children with you, for whom it is important nap, then take a tent. When installed, it turns into a place not only for relaxation, but also for games.
  • Warm and comfortable things - even if it’s warm during the day, then when evening comes you will need comfortable ones sports suit and sneakers.
  • Swimming accessories and a towel, a change of underwear - if you are located near a pond.
  • food and clean drinking water, other drinks.
  • Entertainment facilities. Good options: badminton, frisbee, volleyball, cards or board games.

From food products you need to choose those that are not perishable. You can take a set for a shish kebab or barbecue, but then you should take care of the presence of a barbecue, a grill or skewers, coals, and ignition equipment.

Be sure to take dishes and trash bag. After any picnic, there is trash that needs to be cleaned up.

What to take on an overnight camping trip

If you plan to stay for one or more nights, then, in addition to the above, it is mandatory:

  • Tents. There are two- and three-seater options. They differ in the design of the assembly - on bending supports or a frame that can be quickly disassembled. The former are stronger, and the latter are more convenient to assemble.
  • Air mattress and pump. If you like comfort, then take this item. It won't be as convenient without it. It is important to choose right size so that it fits completely into the tent.
  • Foams. They protect well from the coolness of the earth, from moisture, dry quickly and are easy to carry and use. There are models with an additional coating in the form of foil fabric. It prevents any ingress of water, even if it rains at night or dew forms in the morning.
  • Sleeping bags. They differ in the minimum temperature at which they can be used. Inside they are made of soft textiles that are pleasant to the body, and on the outside they are made of fabric that does not release heat. They are also classified by size. Eat special options for children.
  • Blankets and pillows. They can replace a sleeping bag if one is not available, or spread on foam to make it less rigid.
  • Flashlight. It is better to purchase several models for each member of the group. Another great option is a handheld spotlight. It is not very big and easy to install. Gatherings with him can drag on well past midnight.
  • Bed sheets. This is an optional attribute, but it creates familiar comfort and also ensures hygiene conditions.
  • Cleansers, soap, toothbrush and toothpaste, and along with them a towel.

Now let's look at all the parts of the travel bag separately.

What backpack to take when going on a hike

Such backpacks are called tourist or travel backpacks. Their design in a simplified form consists of the fabric container itself and two straps. Other details are optional. That is why it is important to pay attention to two aspects:

  • capacity;
  • comfortable fit on the shoulders.

The volume is selected depending on gender, height, strength, as well as needs. If you are planning hiking or climbing a mountain, then the displacement should be large, since you need to take a lot with you. And in case of short picnics, one-day bike rides, take standard size, a little larger than a school bag.

The optimal shape is oblong. This allows you to evenly distribute the load on the spine. Such backpacks have several fastenings - straps, 2-3 girths for the waist, hips, and chest. Depending on the capacity, there may be options that rise above the tourist’s head.

Additional features and pockets should be considered. It’s good if there are special fastenings and elastic bands for tying foams and carrying a bottle of water.

Characteristics that you need to focus on when choosing a backpack:

  • the material from which the lining and outer layer are made must be moisture-resistant and durable; synthetic options are good;
  • additional protection from moisture and snow - an elastic cover that fits over the briefcase;
  • the presence of stiffening ribs is a prerequisite for tourist models, since it is necessary to give the shape to a rather large product;
  • additional compaction of the bottom, several seams for strength - important, since the pressure on the bottom is the highest;
  • volume: for men – up to 120 liters, for women – up to 80 liters;
  • an expedition backpack cannot be light due to its size, but its design can be so thought out that when worn it will not actually be felt, so fitting is necessary before purchasing.

What to take with you on a hike from your wardrobe

It depends on the time of year and the duration of the event. We offer a set for three days of a summer outing:

  • sun hat;
  • swimwear;
  • 3 pairs of underwear;
  • socks – thin and a pair of woolen ones for overnight stays;
  • shorts and a T-shirt, a changeable jacket - for the warm period;
  • sweatpants or comfortable jeans with a windbreaker or sweater - for evenings;
  • flip-flops;
  • sneakers.

If the weather forecast predicts rain, you should take raincoats. The list will change if the trip has certain specifics, for example, for climbing a mountain you will need to additionally buy trekking boots, thermal underwear and equipment.

Comfortable walking shoes

For long treks, choose sneakers with the following qualities:

  • good shock absorption;
  • non-slip protector;
  • breathable fabric;
  • hard noses.

What you can take with you on a hike to navigate the terrain - features of a compass

Knowing the cardinal direction is necessary for any route, even if it is already familiar to you. You should focus not on memory and changing nature, but on adaptation for travelers. It is better to choose it in a durable case to prevent mechanical damage.

You also need to take a card. It is better to have a paper one with you, but you can also use an electronic one. The necessary systems will track your geolocation, which will greatly help when navigating the area. But the gadget may run out of power or lose connection, but the compass and map will remain with you.

Getting ready for a hike: getting water

You need to take clean liquid at the rate of 2-2.5 liters per day per person. This figure includes drinking, tea, and even preparing soup and porridge. If there are no stops planned nearby where you can replenish supplies, then it is better not to take risks and take less, since a lot of moisture is consumed when moving - thirst will be constant.

If you just decide to have a picnic - one day or overnight - in one place, then you should take any capacious container from which it will be convenient to pour water. For example, five-liter bottles. When packing for a hiking trip, you need more convenient devices - soft containers with a dispenser that can be attached to a backpack.

Be mindful of needs such as maintaining hygiene and washing dishes. If there is no reservoir nearby, then additional supplies are needed for this.

First aid kit

What medications are needed for the hike:

  • bandages, cotton wool, tourniquets, plasters - everything is sterile;
  • iodine, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide;
  • painkiller, better than two types - the usual one in tablets and the strong one for relieving acute pain from fractures in injection solutions;
  • for digestion - from diarrhea, constipation;
  • antipyretic;
  • ointment for burns.

If you have chronic diseases, be sure to take medicine for them.

Products and kitchen utensils

You can take disposable dishes and cutlery. If you are planning soup, then you definitely need a ladle. Don't forget knives and cutting boards. For barbecue - grill and skewers.

The menu is compiled individually by each person, you can take:

  • cereals;
  • seasonings;
  • canned food;
  • vegetables and fruits.

Avoid products with a short shelf life and refrigerated storage conditions. For a light snack, you can purchase nutritious fruit sticks from the NEOFRUT company. Contains only natural ingredients - fruits and nuts.

This simple delicacy will not only appeal to both children and adults, but also perfectly satisfies hunger when physical activity(for example, long walks) and tones the body. You can order a whole package of “cosmonaut sweets” on the Tovarik website.

Things for personal hygiene while hiking in the forest

You will need:

  • toothbrush and toothpaste;
  • soap;
  • shampoo - if you are leaving for more than one day;
  • toilet paper;
  • wet wipes;
  • towel.


Be sure to take a cell phone - it is needed as a means of communication in case of emergency. Don't discharge it unless absolutely necessary. You can take a charger with a battery for it.

You can put your camera down. But it is important that it is small and not very heavy.

Accommodation supplies

For a comfortable overnight stay, it is better to purchase:

  • tent;
  • sleeping bag;
  • mat or foam.

When choosing, focus on the lightness and compactness of all things. Now many products are created on the basis of fleece - thin, but warm blankets literally fits in the palm of your hand. The same trend has affected sleeping bags. They cost a little more than classic sleeping bags, but they are very convenient to take with you on hiking tours.

The tent should be taken with an additional covering against rain, condensation, and morning dew.

Economic part

In addition to the listed individual equipment, you need things to organize your general life during outdoor recreation. These are the following items:

  • ax – it will be useful when making a fire, when setting up a camp;
  • ropes, twine - an important element for hanging wet washed clothes, drying something, building a canopy;
  • flashlights and spotlights with a good battery are professional-level lighting devices.

Get ready for your hike in advance and follow our recommendations, then you won’t miss anything.

A trip to the forest requires careful preparation, especially if it concerns inexperienced tourists. In addition to moral and physical preparation, willpower and stress resistance, it is necessary to have equipment equipped with everything necessary, including for an emergency. If you prepare well, a trip to the forest will only bring positive emotions. You can learn more about how to prepare for a hike so that you only have pleasant impressions from it.

Preparing for a hike in the forest

First you need to decide on the purpose of a multi-day trip to nature, as well as the location. Inexperienced tourists are not recommended to make their first foray into nature too far from home. Preparation consists of preliminary drawing up the route, familiarization with the map of the area of ​​the designated point. It is advisable to plan your daily routine so that, for example, you do not end up in the middle of a swampy area when you need to prepare for the night. In case of unforeseen circumstances, an additional route with detours must be developed in advance. This will be useful if there are blockages, landslides or road repairs along the paved path.

To organize a hiking group and create discipline, you need to choose a “senior” - the most experienced participant who will be responsible for the entire group and make decisions when unforeseen circumstances arise. It will help group members navigate the route successfully.

Not every place can be reached for free or on foot. If you plan to travel without using personal transport, you need to take money, documents, tickets, and insurance policies with you.

Also, in case of unforeseen circumstances, it is necessary to leave contact details of all participants in the tourist group and detailed information about the intended route to relatives or another trusted person. It is better to leave a copy of the map with your travel plan.

When going on a forest hike, you need to have at least an idea about the animals that live there, and at most, read detailed information about them on the Internet. It will not be superfluous to know information about snakes and animals dangerous to humans, as well as the rules of first aid.

After the hike participants are mentally prepared, they need to pack the necessary equipment for the forest.

The most important thing you can’t do without on a hike is a tent, a backpack, a sleeping bag, a foam camping mat, and a piece of foam for sitting. Of course, we must not forget about the compass and map. The rest of the equipment for going to the forest is listed below.

  • Clothes and shoes

You need to be prepared for any weather. Shoes should be comfortable and durable. It is best to wear boots that tie securely at the ankle. If you do not plan to climb into dense thickets, you can wear regular sneakers or sneakers. Clothing should provide protection against insects, in particular ticks. Therefore, a headdress must be present. Clothes should be light enough to fit into a backpack without adding extra weight. Depending on the season, thermal underwear will come in handy. A raincoat is an indispensable item when hiking. It must be strong so that it does not tear from branches. You don’t need to take a lot of things with you; you only need what you’re wearing and a couple of spare things, as well as clothes for an overnight stay (thermal underwear will help). It is advisable that the clothes are bright and noticeable.

  • Hygiene

These and some other things can be taken individually or distributed among group members. You definitely need to take it with you toilet paper(the more the better) which is a universal item, soap, toothpaste and brush. Dishwashing liquid will come in handy. It is not necessary to take shampoo; soap replaces it well. Instead of a towel, it is better to take a sheet - it is light, large, and can be torn into several towels or used as a dressing material. A hair tie, tweezers, and a sewing kit can come in handy in the most unexpected situations.

  • Food

You need to take packed rations, salt, sugar, pepper, soda, packaged in small bags. The rest of the food is distributed among the group members, its composition is selected depending on the duration of the trip. The main thing is that it is not perishable.

A canister of water can be carried one at a time, or distributed among the participants in the hike. 5-7 liters or more will be useful on a hike clean water. In case of shortage, you need to take filters for water purification. KLMN set - mug, spoon, bowl, knife, preferably made of iron if possible. It is durable, iron dishes can be placed on fire. The bowler hat is attached to the backpack so as not to take up much space.

  • Medicines

The following will definitely come in handy: a bandage (elastic and regular) or gauze, cotton pads or tampons, remedies for heartburn, nausea, painkillers. You also need adhesive plaster, activated carbon, hydrogen peroxide, antibiotics, aspirin, iodine. In addition, we must not forget about individual medications. Don't forget about tick and mosquito repellents.

  • Tools and other items

Vital items on a hike: matches soaked in paraffin, lighters (several pieces, placed in different places), a hunting knife, a flashlight with batteries, a piece of plexiglass, a mirror, a lighter (you can make tinder). In addition, you always need candles, self-tapping screws, a screwdriver, pliers, and a hacksaw. If space allows, you can take a small ax. Fishing equipment can be useful in other situations as well. And of course, a miniature NAZ will always save you in an extreme situation, the configuration and size of which can be selected individually.

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Hello, my name is Masha. My mother has been going to the forest near our dacha since childhood, she knows it inside and out. And last year she got lost. Fortunately, she was lost for only half an hour, and then she was able to get out onto the road. But my mother told me how scared she was. And I was even more frightened when I imagined that she might not get out and that her grandchildren might go with her.

With the beginning of the mushroom season, cases of people going missing in the natural environment are sharply increasing. The Lisa Alert search and rescue team affectionately calls them the lost ones. Most often they turn out to be elderly people, but anyone can lose their way.

website I talked with Lisa Alert specialists and found out what you need to do before entering the forest and what to do if you get lost.

1. Stop immediately

Panic is your main enemy. You may start frantically rushing through the forest in search of a road and get even more lost. Once you realize you are lost, stop.Don't take a single step. It’s better to immediately come to terms with the idea that you can stay here for quite a long time until they find you.

Try to calm down. One of the most simple ways from survival instructors to come to your senses: visualize your fear, imagine it and, as it were, step back, look from the side. Don't fight it, don't analyze it. Soon you will notice that you can take action.

2. Call to report what happened, and then save your phone charge

The Lisa Alert team recently saved from the forest a young girl Christina. She got lost and was very cold. The guys barely had time to save her, and the search dog warmed the girl until the evacuation arrived. The chairman of the detachment noted that it is very important not to talk for a long time on the phone (even with services before they arrive at the place) and not to put the phone down.

Remember that charging your phone can save your life. Don't call everyone at once. Call 112 or immediately the Lisa Alert squad. Briefly inform what you can and wait for help without talking to anyone else. You can turn off the phone (if the battery is already running low) by calling 112 to agree on the time of the next contact. Remember number 112 or the inscription “SOS / Emergency call” always work and on all phones, regardless of the presence of a signal and account balance.

3. Make noise

Experts strongly advise giving all mushroom pickers you know a whistle. However, if you don't have a whistle, you can shout "Oy!" and then be sure to knock on wood with a stick. The source of the knocking is easier to determine, because it does not create the same echo as a human voice.

Start shouting and knocking as early as possible if you are walking with a group. This way they will find you faster. This will also help you scare away any wild animals that may be nearby.

Look around carefully. If you can clearly see the road, go out onto it. It will be easier to find you here. But remember that you don’t need to run around and look for it everywhere. Leave your place only if you can clearly see the road or the train tracks straight ahead.

5. Have a snack

Make it a rule to take with you into the forest a bottle of water and a chocolate or energy bar. Don't eat everything at once - you don't know how long you'll have to stay here.

You can go without food for up to several days. With water things are more complicated. You can take water and boil it for at least 5 minutes if you have a tin mug with you. The use of special tablets for water disinfection is also effective. You can stock up on them in advance.

If help does not come for a very long time, you can snack on plants you know. The edible leaves include clover, and the rhizomes of cattails and reeds can be eaten. You can look for wild raspberries and blackberries. But remember that some plants and berries can cause allergies and gastrointestinal problems, so use them only as a last resort.

6. Wear bright clothes

Why are lost mushroom pickers so difficult to find? They love to dress in discreet clothes. Being invisible so as not to reveal the mushroom place to others is valuable, but in a camouflage suit they will be looking for you for a very long time.

Try to take at least one with you bright piece of clothing. And clothing with reflective elements significantly speeds up night searches. A signal vest can be bought at any gas station for pennies; a child can buy a funny reflective sticker (and stick it on right away).

7. You can only approach bodies of water if you are confident in your abilities.

About 8 out of 10 children who die in the natural environment drown in bodies of water. Therefore, explain to your child that you can only approach any open water in the presence of an adult. If a child gets lost alone, the rules for him are exactly the same: stay where he is and do not go near water under any circumstances. Even if you're dying of thirst. Even if it seems that there are people on the other side.

An adult can go down to the pond extremely carefully and only if he is confident in his abilities.

8. Report even the shortest walk and arrange a follow-up call

Vladimir Sergeevich went for mushrooms early in the morning, and the application for his search was received only 2 days later. He went into a familiar forest, but fell and could not get up. I lay there for 3 nights. On the 4th day I saw a helicopter, gathered my last strength and went to meet it.

Most of those who were lost were completely confident in themselves, knew the places well and went for a walk for just a couple of hours. “Leave the water in the car”, “You won’t need this jacket” - all these phrases can lead to tragic consequences. Therefore, when going on any trip to the forest, it is better to play it safe.

Always tell your loved ones where and for how long you are going to go, even if you just want to run through the forest!

And at the end of the article we will talk about the most necessary things that should always be with you in the forest. Remember that Each participant of the walk should have these items. Would a whistle and a chocolate bar help you personally if they are in your husband/wife’s backpack? Also put everything you need in your child's backpack.

9. Take a compass with you and determine the cardinal directions when entering the forest

The most dangerous thing in the forest is to freeze. In summer by 18:00, and in winter by 15:00 you should start preparing for the night. Preparing firewood will take a lot of time, and walking through the forest in the dark will no longer be possible. Light a fire, dry your clothes if they are wet, and warm up. To do this, you must have a lighter or flint with you. Regular matches may get wet. It's also good to have a raincoat or a large trash bag: they will protect from rain and create additional warmth.

It's best to sleep during daylight hours, and at night listen carefully to the call of search engines. Under no circumstances should you lie down on the ground: collect branches, dead wood, connect fallen logs and sleep on them.

When you've been in the forest for a long time and still haven't lit a fire, try connect thumb and little finger. If you cannot do this without effort, this is an alarming symptom that means the onset of hypothermia. We urgently need to warm ourselves up in any way possible.

Checklist: before a walk in the forest

  • Necessarily communicate your plans. Agree on a contact time/return time. If you live alone, find someone who will know exactly where you are going and when to start worrying.
  • Put on bright clothes , better with reflective elements. It is especially important to give such a set to your elderly relatives if they like to go mushroom picking. It is doubly important if these are grandparents who take children with them. In addition, it is advisable to take raincoat or large trash bag.
  • Take a fully charged phone with you. Report that you are lost, and then strictly control the phone charge, communicating only with those who are directly looking for you (in most cases this will be “Lisa Alert”). It's good to have an extra external battery with you.
  • Bring a bottle of water, a chocolate or energy bar, a compass, a whistle, and lighters. This little set is compact and can save your life. If you regularly take any medicines, be sure to take them with you to the forest.
  • Children need to be explained that they should not go near bodies of water, no matter how scared they were and no matter how thirsty they were.