Nature, as you know, has no bad weather, and our children know this very well, who are ready to have fun and walk in any weather conditions. But the words of the famous song - every weather is grace - are true only if the child is dressed appropriately and, importantly, has shoes on. Children's membrane shoes, thanks to its unique properties, allows you to maintain a comfortable microclimate for the child’s feet and is best choice for autumn and slushy winter.

What are membrane shoes?

These are shoes with a membrane. The membrane cannot be seen - it is securely covered with a top textile layer and an inner layer of lining. First of all, the membrane is a high-tech microporous material, which, due to its unique properties, performs two main functions: it retains water coming from the outside, and removes water vapor and natural evaporation from the body from the inside.

In one and the second case we are talking about water in one state or another, and the reader naturally asks the question: what is responsible for such unique, but at the same time contradictory properties of the membrane? We answer: it’s all about the size, the size of the smallest pores of the membrane material, which are so small that even the smallest particles of water are not able to penetrate inside. In turn, steam molecules, not bound by surface tension, easily pass through the membrane, keeping children's feet comfortable and dry.

The membrane is molded inside the shoe like a sock, and, as a rule, does not reach the very top of the shoe, protecting the foot only where it is really needed, namely at the bottom. The size of the membrane insert is also influenced by the design features of the model - the location of the tongue, the presence of zippers and other characteristics. Of course, it would be naive to believe that the membrane will protect the foot from water that penetrates through the upper edge of the shoe - in this case, the liquid remains blocked inside and the most reasonable solution is in this case There will naturally be proper drying.

The membrane freely releases water vapor and natural body evaporation - it releases it, but does not “suck it out”. The removal of steam occurs due to a physical process known to us from a physics course under the term “diffusion”, i.e. the process of transferring matter or energy from an area of ​​high concentration to an area of ​​low concentration. A microclimate is formed inside the shoes, which is characterized by temperature and humidity different from the conditions environment. During active use, the concentration of water vapor (natural body evaporation) inside the boot increases even more. According to the law of equilibrium, natural forces strive to equalize the conditions inside and outside, thus the vapor particles naturally move from the inside of the shoe to the outside, providing the foot with comfort and dryness.

It is important to understand that steam removal in warm and dry weather will be an order of magnitude faster than in wet and damp weather. The greater the difference in temperature and humidity, the higher, naturally, the speed of particle movement. Therefore, you should not be surprised if on the rainiest of autumn days After a walk, you were surprised to discover that the child’s feet were not dry enough - the difference between the internal microclimate and external conditions was not great enough and the rate of steam removal decreased. On the other hand, finding yourself in membrane shoes after a walk in a rainy park in, say, a dry, warm room, the removal of steam accelerates significantly and the comfortable sensation returns. Exactly according to this principle, the natural regulation of the microclimate is carried out even with the active use of membrane shoes: the child runs, the temperature and humidity inside the shoe increase and “push out” the moisture more and more.

Everyone knows that a person feels cold more acutely in damp, wet weather. So wet children's feet instantly freeze, and the baby can catch a cold - but the feet shod in membrane shoes remain dry for a long time, and therefore warm. Membrane shoes for children retain heat by removing moisture, but do not forget that the choice of sock is also very important. We do not recommend wearing membrane shoes with 100% wool socks. Of course, wool retains heat excellently, but at the same time, it also quickly absorbs moisture from the environment and retains it, thereby reducing the unique properties of membrane shoes to nothing. The best “companion” for membrane shoes will be socks made of combined materials or so-called thermal underwear (*). The Baby Boots assortment includes three types of membrane shoes - for cold autumn (up to -7C) and for winter (up to -20C, up to -30C). This difference in recommended conditions of use is achieved due to various materials lining: lightweight and insulated. Your baby's feet will be comfortable in shoes with a membrane, provided they select the shoes correctly for the season and use them correctly and actively. Buying membrane shoes for children is only half the battle; it is also important to properly care for them.

In order for the membrane to “breathe”, you need to regularly care for your shoes - the top textile layer sealed with dirt not only spoils appearance shoes, but also blocks evaporation, so cleaning and timely care necessary. We recommend using special sprays to care for shoes, which will not only increase the water-repellent properties of the fabric, but also protect it from persistent contamination. Shoes should be cleaned with a dry soft brush; if necessary, use a sponge dipped in warm soapy water. Membrane shoes, like any other shoe, should be dried by tightly stuffing them with newsprint in a dry, ventilated area. Never dry your shoes on a radiator or near heat sources.

Baby in a stroller 0°С
- 5°С
-20°С The baby will be cold. We recommend felt boots lined with natural wool or leather boots with real fur
-30°С It is not recommended to go outside
Inactive baby on a walk 0°С
- 5°С membrane up to “-7°C” and thermal sock
-10°С membrane up to “-7°C” and thermal socks with a woolen sock
-15°С membrane up to “-20°C” and a thermal sock or synthetic sock
-20°С membrane up to “-20°C” and a thermal sock with a woolen sock
Active baby on a walk 0°С membrane up to “-7°C” and synthetic sock. The baby may be hot.
- 5°С membrane up to “-7°C” and synthetic sock
-10°С membrane up to “-7°C” and thermal socks with a woolen sock
-15°С membrane up to “-20°C” and synthetic sock
-20°С membrane up to “-20°C” and a thermal sock with a woolen sock
-30°С membrane up to “-30°C” and a thermal sock with a woolen sock

*thermal underwear is special underwear that retains heat and removes moisture from the body. Thermal underwear, with a low weight, is equivalent in heat retention to two or more layers traditional clothes, and prevents a person from sweating and freezing during active movement.

Have a nice time SHOPPING AND

A distinctive feature of membrane shoes is the presence of a high-tech, finely porous polymer material tightly fixed between the inner lining and the upper upholstery. Due to the microscopic size of the holes, such an intermediate layer does not allow drops of moisture to seep into the shoes, but it perfectly removes natural fumes. Thus, membrane shoes ensure proper air circulation, keeping feet dry and warm even at low temperatures and high humidity.

It is the membrane that makes shoes more moisture-resistant and comfortable. This thin layer in itself is not insulation, but due to its characteristics it helps maintain an optimal microclimate in boots, boots or sneakers. It is not surprising that such a wardrobe item can often be found among those who like to actively relax and travel in all weather conditions or play sports outdoors. Knowing what membrane shoes are, you can easily solve the problem of foot discomfort during long hikes or runs in any weather.

The quality of membrane shoes directly depends on the quality of the polymer material used, as well as the design features of the model, for example, the presence or absence of a zipper, the location of the membrane tongue attachment point, and others. As a rule, the intermediate layer does not reach the top edge of the shoe, but is located along the bottom of the shoe in the form of a kind of sock, and thus membrane shoes cannot protect against water entering over the edge. But the membrane will protect your feet from rainwater or melted snow, which can penetrate even through high-quality natural leather.

Children's shoes with membrane are also produced, because it is very important for active and curious kids to explore the world in any weather conditions. Small shoes or boots with an intermediate protective layer provide excellent protection for a child's feet, keeping them dry even during prolonged activity in wet weather. Membrane shoes for children are an excellent option in cold or snowy winters, as well as during the chilly off-season.

How to wear membrane shoes correctly

In order for autumn and winter shoes with a membrane to protect your feet well from dampness, they should be selected strictly according to size. It should not put pressure on your fingers or be too wide, because thick woolen socks - one of the main companions of harsh weather conditions - are not recommended to be worn. The same, however, as cotton ones. Due to the fact that natural materials absorb any moisture well, socks made of cotton or wool will quickly become wet, which will make it difficult to remove sweat, which means your feet will simply freeze. That is why synthetics or a special thermal material are considered the best “partner” of membrane shoes. You can also wear combination socks with no more than 80% natural fibers.

It is more advisable to purchase shoes with a membrane for children if the child already runs independently. Then his feet will remain dry and warm even during long active walks in the fresh air.

To take advantage of all the benefits, you should also pay attention to what temperature the membrane shoes are designed for. Depending on the model, it can be worn both in the heat and in the most severe frost. Thanks to the good air circulation provided by the finely porous layer, summer sneakers, for example, are comfortable up to + 40°C even with prolonged active movement. Autumn models are designed for temperatures from +5°C to -15-20°C, and winter ones, insulated with natural wool, can be worn even at 30°C below zero. Naturally, the better the quality of the children's, women's and men's shoes with a membrane, the more comfortable it will be in any weather conditions.

Rules for caring for membrane shoes

Like any other shoes, membrane shoes require special care, which will not only preserve its decent appearance and special temperature-regulating properties, but will also significantly extend its service life. It is recommended to dry this item of clothing at room temperature, but away from any heating devices, so as not to disrupt the integrity of the membrane. In this case, it is better to remove the insole.

It is important to clean your shoes from dirt and dust as needed. Leather surface can be wiped clean soft cloth, nubuck - with a special brush, but for textiles a sponge is suitable. Heavily dirty shoes can be washed with a mild soap solution, but it is better to by special means on water based without the presence of oils or fats.

It is advisable to apply special water-repellent compounds to membrane shoes several times a month. This is especially important for autumn and winter models. Thanks to this, the outer material will be better protected, which means the shoes will last longer and retain their original appearance.

The online shoe store offers a wide selection of membrane shoes for any time of year.

If a few years ago only professional athletes were familiar with the concept of “membrane shoes,” today this technology has reached the masses. On store shelves there is a huge assortment of shoes that reliably protect your feet from cold and moisture. It is not surprising that products with such unique properties are in demand among the population. Membrane shoes for children, designed for the cold season, have become especially popular recently.

What kind of shoes are these

A membrane is understood as a thin polymer film or impregnation that has the ability to “breathe” and is almost one hundred percent waterproof. Its pores are large enough for water vapor molecules to pass through, but too small to allow moisture to enter. Thus, the material prevents getting wet and ensures normal air circulation, preventing your feet from sweating. Therefore this option will be great solution for slushy, humid winters. The main thing is to choose shoes according to the weather and do not forget about warm socks.

In children's shoes, the "microporous material" is usually found in the active area of ​​the foot. An excellent example of this is winter shoes, in which the membrane, hidden from view, reaches the ankle. The layer is successfully combined with other high-quality materials (fabric, fur, artificial or natural leather), making the shoes not only warm and practical, but also incredibly comfortable.

High-quality winter shoes have an interesting design that appeals not only to parents, but also to children. Modern manufacturers produce membrane boots and shoes for every taste, so everyone, even the most demanding buyer, will find their pair.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Initially, membrane shoes were created for travelers and athletes to provide them with a comfortable existence in extreme conditions. To do this, a membrane was placed inside the shoes, maintaining an optimal microclimate in the shoes, allowing the feet to “breathe” and being reliable protection from moisture and cold air. Over time, manufacturers realized that their products would be useful not only for adults, but also for children. The average child spends a lot of time outside and is active. If regular shoes cannot withstand the test of snow and slush, then the membrane can easily cope with this task: the feet will remain dry and not freeze, no matter what the weather is like outside.

Another advantage is that it maintains a constant temperature inside the boot (about +31 degrees). Some parents believe that this is not enough for winter and are mistaken. In fact, this temperature prevents your feet from overheating, sweating and freezing. Thanks to this, the child feels comfortable even during the most active games.

Thus, the advantages of children's membrane shoes are obvious. It is lightweight, comfortable, high-tech and practical, which together makes it an ideal solution for the harsh Russian climate.

As for the disadvantages of membrane products, there is only one: they are not designed for sedentary children. Therefore, if your child is not a fan of playing outdoors, it is better to refuse the purchase. The same applies to very young children who are just taking their first steps and spend most of their time in a stroller.

How to choose

When choosing, you should pay attention to:

  1. Size . Make sure your feet are not too tight or too spacious. In the first case, the feet will freeze due to the lack of an air gap, and in the second, due to the fact that the heat will not be retained. When trying on, try to estimate the distance between the toe of the shoe and thumb. It is advisable that it does not exceed 1-1.5 centimeters.
  2. sole . It is important that the sole is elastic and retains its flexibility even at low temperatures. In this case, it will be easy and convenient to move on any surface, including snow and ice. Rubber is considered the ideal material for making soles.
  3. Price . It is worth understanding that good membrane boots cannot be cheap: the cost of winter models starts from 2-3 thousand rubles.
  4. Manufacturer . Unfortunately, today there are quite a few unscrupulous manufacturers who sell low-quality products at low prices. Therefore, preference should be given to products from reliable manufacturers, such as Kotofey, etc. And it is best to buy in trusted stores: this way you will have less chance of running into a fake.

In order for children's shoes to remain in pristine condition, they need to be properly cared for. Membrane boots should be dried away from any heating devices, i.e. in a natural way. Periodically (at least once a week) they need to be treated with a special water-repellent impregnation.

Boots, shoes, sneakers with a membrane are a new milestone in the footwear industry. The popularity of these products is growing steadily every day. The increased demand is due to the properties of the special fabric, due to which membrane shoes always remain dry inside. Even with active movement and in any weather, the legs are comfortable and comfortable. Recently, technology, originally developed for athletes, has found wide application in the manufacture of not only demi-season, winter, but also summer shoes. The membrane is an ideal solution for adults and children; it makes it possible to take long walks and actively relax in the fresh air in any weather.

Features and Specifications

To understand what membrane shoes are and why they are invulnerable to water, it is worth understanding the principle of operation of the popular material. It is a thin polytetrafluoroethylene film endowed with important properties:

  • waterproof - prevents liquid water from penetrating inside, becoming an obstacle to the movement of molecules;
  • vapor permeability - allows steam formed from sweat to escape, creating the feeling that the legs are “breathing”;
  • wind protection – necessary in the cool season, especially in textile shoes.

Depending on what laws of physics and chemistry are used to achieve the above characteristics, membranes are divided into several types:

  1. Microporous (the most famous manufacturer is W. L. Gore & Associates). It is a thin high-tech material based on Teflon with one and a half billion microscopic pores per square centimeter. The size of one pore is several thousand times smaller than a water molecule, which does not allow liquid to pass through the membrane. At the same time, the pores are much larger than a water vapor molecule. Provided that the partial pressure inside the shoe is higher than the outside one, the steam is directed towards the lower pressure and freely exits through the material. In order for the pores to perform their function well, you should carefully care for your shoes.
  2. Hydrophilic (European company Sympatex Technologies). The thin and lightweight membrane, made of polyurethane, has no pores and does not require special care. There's nothing to worry about here. This is its significant advantage, which makes the material durable. The hydrophilic components of the membrane attract sweat vapor and transport it outward using the phenomenon of diffusion. At the same time, the structure of the film does not allow water from the outside to seep through the material. We can say that shoes with a membrane without pores “breathe” freely. The identified disadvantage is that over time, such a lining begins to let moisture in.
  3. The best option is a combined material. The porous membrane is covered on top with a hydrophilic film. In this case, the advantages of both materials are combined, which enhances the removal of sweat and the waterproofness of the structure. Leading companies, including Gore-Tex, use exactly this technology in their top models.

The membrane cannot be seen in shoes, since the film is only 0.01 mm thick and has little strength. During the manufacturing process, the film layer is glued or stitched with an external or internal protective material, which is important for maintaining the waterproofness of the shoe. As a rule, it is made of durable textiles or genuine leather and treated with waterproof impregnations. According to the sewing technology, the membrane can be located around the entire perimeter of the shoe, resembling the shape of a shoe, or only in the toe area.

Today, the membrane is actively used in the manufacture of both adult and children's shoes. High-tech lining can be found in summer, winter and demi-season sneakers, shoes and boots.

Such shoes are relevant for athletes, active people, and actively moving children. It is perfect for:

  • playing sports;
  • hiking;
  • motorsports;
  • hunting;
  • normal daily wear.

For children, shoes with a membrane – best option in the autumn-spring period, when it is cold and slushy outside, as well as in winter at a temperature not lower than -20 ° C. It is light, comfortable, and baby's feet remain dry and warm.

It is not advisable to purchase winter shoes with a membrane for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, or for children who are not yet very active.


Types of membranes

Depending on the task that the material must solve, membrane manufacturers have developed several versions of it, differing in the number of layers connected during the manufacturing process:

  1. 2-layer. It is applied to fabric and therefore does not have an internal protective coating. This material was one of the first options for the production of waterproof raw materials. Ideal for outdoor sports.
  2. 2.5-layer. Consists of a membrane and an outer layer. The inner side of the film is coated with polyurethane or carbon particles. The main advantage of this fabric is its lightness. The representative is the Gore-Tex Performance Comfort membrane. Used in boots for rock climbing and long walks.
  3. 3-layer. It consists of the membrane itself and two layers - external and internal. This technology increases the strength and durability of the material, allowing it to be used in extreme conditions, while significantly increasing the weight of the product. The Gore-Tex Insulated Comfort membrane of this design is used in winter version shoes for cold weather with snow and rain.
  4. LINER. A design in which the film is applied to a thin supporting material, freely located between the outer and inner layers. A new development that allows designers to freely realize their ideas. The Sympatex company offers this type of membrane for the manufacture of shoes.

In addition, any membrane product is coated with a water-repellent DWR coating, which prevents water from absorbing into the fabric. Over time, it is washed off, so it is recommended to periodically saturate the surface with water-repellent agents.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Shoes with membrane fabric have clear advantages over their counterparts that do not use similar material. Its main advantages:

  • the feet do not freeze and also do not overheat;
  • moisture is easily removed outside, the inside of the shoes remains dry;
  • good air ventilation.

Some models of children's shoes for the winter retain heat even at air temperatures down to -20 ° C, but this is only possible with active movement.

The membrane also has some disadvantages:

  • porous varieties can quickly lose their basic properties of waterproofness and vapor permeability if shoes are not promptly cleaned of dirt and dust;
  • this is a fragile material that cannot be dried near a heating device or fire;
  • If the product does get wet, it will take an extremely long time to dry.

Since the presence of a membrane in shoes cannot be checked visually, there is a possibility of buying a fake. This problem can be encountered if the purchase is made from an unverified manufacturer. It is important to remember that both adult and children's shoes with a real membrane are much more expensive than regular ones.

How to wear it correctly

To ensure that the benefits of membrane shoes are fully appreciated, and that the material does not lose its properties for a long time, manufacturers advise following certain rules for using boots and sneakers:

  1. Shoes should be selected according to size so that they do not squeeze the foot and are not wide. The membrane works fully when the boots do not cause discomfort.
  2. It is also necessary to take into account the season and weather conditions for which shoes with a membrane are intended: demi-season shoes can withstand temperatures down to -10, winter - up to -20, summer - up to +30 degrees.
  3. It is recommended to wear special socks designed for boots with membrane fabric. This can be thermal underwear or products containing at least 10% synthetics.

If you wear underwear made of natural material (wool, cotton), then with active movement the skin will soon sweat, the socks will absorb moisture and will not release it, as a result, very quickly your feet will become wet and begin to freeze.

Choose by size
Use thermal socks
Consider weather conditions
  1. Regularly clean the top surface of dirt with warm water without using aggressive detergents. In the case of leather, clean with a brush; with textiles, use a sponge.
  2. Do not use creams for cleaning oil based. They will not damage the membrane, but they can clog the pores of the leather upper, which will worsen the overall vapor permeability of the shoe. It is better to use specially developed products.
  3. Periodically treat the outside of your shoes with a special water-repellent coating, which will significantly increase the service life of the material.
  4. Dry your shoes after each wash. It is better to do this in the fresh air or put crumpled soft paper in your shoes at night.

It is not allowed to dry membrane shoes near heating appliances, as the film may be destroyed.

Treat with a water-repellent coating
Clean from dirt and dust
Dry in the fresh air

Popular manufacturers

In order for membrane shoes to fully reveal all their advantages, as well as to ensure high quality products, the American company Gore-Tex and the German SympaTex work exclusively with licensed manufacturers of footwear products. These include:

  • German concern Adidas;
  • French company Salomon;
  • Swiss company Mammut;
  • Italian factories Scarpa and La Sportiva;
  • Danish shoe company ECCO.

In addition, many popular manufacturers of men's, women's and children's membrane shoes designed to be worn in cold season and warm seasons, they additionally specialize in the introduction of films of their own development.

The young Italian brand Jog Dog has been produced since 2010 at the famous Skandia factory using the BIOME-TEX membrane (biological membrane textiles). The Italian shoe factory Skandia has been producing warm shoes for the cold season, using the high-tech water-repellent Skandia Tex membrane. In the production of its products, the Italian brand Alaska uses a unique patented Alaska Tex film, which completely protects feet from getting wet. Antarctica is a Canadian developer of autumn-winter membrane shoes for preschool and younger children school age produces models with film produced in factories located in Asian countries. By choosing products from any of these experienced manufacturers, you can be confident in the high quality of your shoes and fully enjoy all the benefits of the membrane.

Orthopedists say that more than half of children wear the wrong shoes, which leads to problems with the health of their feet. That is why when choosing boots and slippers for kids, you need to pay attention first of all not to their appearance, but to their quality characteristics.

Membrane shoes for children have many advantages; some manufacturers have established themselves in the market with positive side. There are also some wearing rules.

What are membrane shoes for children

First, you need to understand what a membrane actually is. This is a multilayer fabric with microscopic pores. The number of layers depends on the type of fabric, but less than 3 is usually not found. The principle of operation of the membrane is that the pores are so small that moisture does not pass through them, but steam molecules can penetrate. This way the heat is retained. In turn, the air from outside does not enter the shoes and does not reduce the temperature inside.

The membrane creates an optimal microclimate in which the feet do not sweat or freeze. It is worth noting that the membrane is not the main material for making shoes. It serves as a kind of layer that is attached between the inner and outer fabric.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Parents have long appreciated the properties of membrane shoes. First of all, buyers highlight the following advantages of “porous” material:

  • the feet “breathe”, do not sweat, and, as you know, dry feet freeze much less than sweaty ones;
  • inside the boot a constant optimal temperature is maintained at 31 degrees above zero;
  • water does not penetrate inside, so children can play in wet snow or walk through puddles without getting their feet wet;
  • there is constant air circulation;
  • long wearing period;
  • convenience - the shoes are light, so children’s feet do not get tired.

However, each thing has its own disadvantages, among which are:

  • not designed for sedentary children, and especially for those who move in a stroller and cannot walk independently;
  • requires special care; improper cleaning or drying can cause it to become unusable.

Features of manufacturing technology

Membrane fabric is inserted into shoes in only one layer. It is usually located between the lining and the outer part. To ensure all the functions of the material, it cannot be combined with natural fabrics, therefore it is not recommended to wear wool socks along with the membrane. It is better to choose a piece of clothing in which the share of natural materials does not exceed 80%. Since the membrane is a fabric with a lot of tiny pores, you need to make sure that no oil gets on the material. Otherwise, it will clog the pores and air circulation will be impaired.

Popular brands of membrane shoes for children


Norwegian company. The cost of one pair ranges from 5500-6500 rubles. The company makes shoes from the high-tech membrane of the GORE-TEX brand - it is distinguished by its strength and elasticity.

The boots are fastened either with Velcro or with a special comfortable lacing, which allows you to put on your shoes in a few seconds. The soles are durable and covered with a thick anti-slip layer. This brand is one of the most popular manufacturers of membrane shoes in Europe; its products are distinguished by durability, lightness, but at the same time the ability to retain the warmth of the feet as much as possible.


Italian manufacturer. The price ranges from 5500-6500 rubles. The membrane shoes of this brand are characterized by bright design. The surface does not allow water to pass through, the sole is made of special high-strength materials. The membrane manufactured by this company ensures reliable “adhesion” of the pores. Only natural, environmentally friendly materials are used in the production of boots. All production takes place according to European standards.


Russian made. The boots are made in such a way that they can withstand temperatures down to -25 degrees. For sewing, a membrane from KINGTECH is used. The main advantage is a large selection of goods and relatively low prices - starting from 4,500 rubles. Manufacturers of this brand insulate their shoes with a wool-based lining. "Kotofey" is characterized interesting design shoes, their durability, as well as correct form. No flaws were found in the reviews.


Also products of a Russian company. Prices are low - you can buy quality pair for 4000 rubles.

The company uses a membrane of its own production called “KapiTEX” . The shoes withstand frost well, you can walk in them at temperatures down to -20 degrees. In addition, the boots are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of orthopedists.

All materials are natural and environmentally friendly.

To choose a good pair for winter, it is important to follow these tips:

  • To check, Genuine Leather or not, you need to carefully pierce the surface of the shoe with a needle. A dent will appear on the natural material, which will quickly recover. If this artificial material, a dent-mark will remain on the surface.
  • When purchasing, be sure to inspect all seams. They must be durable, manufacturers quality shoes They don’t skimp on processing it.
  • Inspect the heel - it should be hard, but flexible to hold your foot well. The inside is covered with leather or flannel. There is no point in using fur in this area, as it quickly wears out.
  • Carefully inspect the sole. It should be strong, securely attached to the base of the boots. You need to check that glue drips or protruding threads are not visible.
  • It is also worth looking at the appearance of the sole - the thickness cannot be less than 1 cm. Otherwise, your feet will quickly freeze. It would be good if it was corrugated - this pattern provides traction with the asphalt, which prevents slipping.

When choosing membrane shoes for children, you should pay attention to the following details:

  • boots should be light, but at the same time warm;
  • sole - anti-slip;
  • It’s best to buy shoes with your baby so that he can try them on himself and evaluate how comfortable he is.

When buying shoes made of membrane, you should always look at the label. It must be present in branded products. The label indicates the brand of the membrane. The best manufacturers material - GORE-TEX and SIMPA-TEX . If the label is missing, it’s worth considering whether the item on display is a fake.

How to wear membrane shoes for children correctly

  • It is not recommended to wear socks made of 100% cotton or wool; they must contain synthetic materials (at least 10%) - this is because synthetics are responsible for removing moisture from the feet to the surface;
  • special thermal socks designed specifically for such shoes are also well suited;
  • You cannot dry your boots near heating devices - only the natural drying method is suitable here;
  • It is best to clean shoes with a simple damp cloth;
  • special sprays intended for leather or suede are not suitable; moreover, they can ruin boots by clogging microscopic pores through which air circulates;
  • as a caring agent, choose those that are specifically designed for membrane products;
  • heavy stains can be easily cleaned under running water - for more thorough cleaning, use a rubber brush (it is better not to use a fluffy one - it leaves streaks).

Dirt must be cleaned regularly, as dirt clogs the pores and circulation stops.

Previously, only skiers and travelers knew about membrane shoes. But now such boots allow children to feel confident and comfortable while walking, while their feet will remain warm. Membrane shoes are not afraid of dirt and water, air circulates well, and does not deteriorate under the influence of reagents.