Original and cheerful pillows are a fashionable and stylish interior detail. Textile or made of fur, such pillow toys will appeal to both adults and children. Bunnies, cats, dogs - they create all sorts of animals skillful hands craftswomen! Today we will figure out how to sew an owl pillow with our own hands using a simple pattern.

In our master class, the owl has a blue shirtfront. If you are sewing a pillow for a girl’s crib, you can make an owl in pink tones.

For needlework you need:

  • cotton fabric in two colors;
  • pieces of felt for the eyes and beak;
  • black beads or buttons for the pupils;
  • ribbon for decoration;
  • lace;
  • filler;
  • needles, pins, scissors, threads, sewing machine.


Print out the pillow pattern in full size.

Cut out all the parts of the toy from the fabric.

For the bow, cut out a rectangular piece 8x16 cm and a square with a side of 45 mm.

We attach the lace and beak, making a zigzag seam along the contour. The lace should lie in the center of the body, between the wings.

Use the same seam to attach the wings and eyes. We manually sew on the pupils - beads.

We fold the two parts with the right sides inward, pin them together, and sew along the contour. At the same time, do not forget to leave an area for turning and stuffing.

We make notches on the convex areas so that the shirt front with wings does not puff up after turning it inside out.

Turn the pillow inside out and iron it. Then the main part, that is, the shirtfront, is filled with filler.

Sew up the hole using hidden stitches.

Now let's start decorating the owl. We fold a strip from a square blank for a bow (see photo) and iron it. We sew the rectangular piece with an allowance of 1 cm.

Turn the bow inside out and gather it in the center. We cover the place of gathering with a strip.

We sew the decoration onto the ear of the pillow toy.

We make a bow from a narrow ribbon and sew it on. If desired, you can also decorate the pillow with buttons.

Pillow “Owl”: video master class

Felt owl

It is very easy to sew such a toy. Depending on the size, the craft can be a small owl - a keychain or a comfortable one sofa cushion. A bright owl made of felt with your own hands is made according to a pattern.

For work need to prepare:

  • felt of different colors;
  • filler;
  • fabric for finishing the belly and wings;
  • needles, pins, scissors.


An owl, like many felt toys, is easy to sew using a needle-forward stitch, in which the lengths of the stitches and gaps are equal.

Using pattern templates, we cut out all the elements from felt and fabric. Sew colored details onto the felt wings. We will hide the knot of thread between the felt and the fabric. For convenience, the fabric can be secured with a pin before sewing.

We design the face of a felt owl. Referring to the pattern, we place and sew on the eyelet details. Please note that from the edge of the main part to the eye, as well as between the eyes, the distance should be about 5 mm.

As an alternative, you can choose to glue the eyes.

Then we sew on the tummy, having previously secured it with a pin.

We attach the claws, beak, dark parts of the ears. We embroider the tail on the back side.

We fold the two main parts, insert the wings between them and secure with pins. We sew a seam around the circumference, leaving a small part unsewn.

We fill the owl with padding polyester or any other filler. Sew up the hole.

We sew a side for the Sovushka crib: MK video

Educational searching toy “Owl”

For creativity we need to prepare:

  • fleece material of sand and light green color;
  • brown felt and white– thickness 3 mm;
  • felt, black and yellow– thickness 1 mm;
  • grosgrain ribbon with bright patterns;
  • film file or any thick transparent film;
  • quick-drying glue;
  • short chain;
  • filler – rice, beads;
  • small toys - scythes;
  • embroidery threads;
  • scissors, pencil, needles, tape.


We make patterns for all the elements of the toy, drawing them ourselves or printing them from the website.

The body and ears should be symmetrical.

We mark the abdomen and frill. To do this, you can use improvised objects.

Try to keep the size of the frill waves the same.

Cut out the belly.

We mark two main parts on the fabric - one with an abdomen, the other without it.

Cut out both parts.

Cut out the frill pattern.

We mark it on the fabric and cut it out.

We place the main part on a transparent film.

We connect the parts with pins and sew along the contour of the window with a zigzag seam.

We cut off the excess film, leaving an allowance of 20-30 mm from the seam.

Fold the main parts right side out and secure with pins. Then we manually sew a seam “over the edge” along the contour. This seam looks good if it is made with threads that match the main part, but a little darker.

We make a loop from the tape.

We sew it along the edge of the product.

We do not sew up the top of the head and ears. We do not cut the thread.

We glue the frill along the edge of the window in the form of a decorative border, covering the seam.

To fill the owl's belly we use beads or rice.

We prepare small objects that we will put in the toy, lay them out on paper and photograph them.

Fill a third of the height of the abdomen with filler. We put the prepared little pieces there.

Sew up the top of the owl, fasten and cut the thread.

Using improvised objects as templates, we cut out three circles of white, yellow and black for each eye. We also cut out the beak and eyebrows.

We connect the white circles and glue the beak on the wrong side.

Glue together the details of the eye, eyebrows and beak.

Glue the common part onto front side owls.

We print out photos of the searchers, laminate them with tape, adding a piece of cardboard or multi-colored paper Velcro for rigidity.

Punch a hole in the corner.

We pass the chain through the hole and loop on the toy.

The owl is ready!

The symbol of wisdom and kindness is represented by an owl; you can create cozy things with the figure of this bird using fabric with your own hands. Owls are emotional birds, somewhat reminiscent of children, they are just as laid-back and funny. Why not bring this mischievous bird into your home? We offer you three master classes on making textile owls.

History of textiles

Magnificent fabrics, which are sold in a wide range in specialized stores, are produced in large textile factories. But in the old days everything was completely different. People did not have special equipment and still produced fabric. Since ancient times, man has grown cotton and flax, collected the finest silk threads, and cut animal hair. All these materials were only of natural origin and helped to protect themselves from heat or cold and give themselves an attractive appearance. The ancient Greeks and Romans were famous throughout the world for their fabrics - fine linen and muslin. Due to the labor-intensive process of weaving and processing them, the price was too high. Only emperors and their entourage could afford to wear outfits made from these materials. These fabrics are so durable that even after thousands of years their fragments are found in the tombs of ancient kings.

China strictly guarded the secrets of sericulture, and there could only be one punishment for their distribution and sale. For a very long time, the Chinese had no competitors in silk production. But the eastern princess, who married an Indian prince, was so afraid that she would be left in another country without her favorite silk dresses that she secretly took silkworm cocoons to another country. Since then, India has become the second power producing silk fabrics.

The development of maritime trade routes inevitably carried fabrics around the world. Due to the high price, many countries began to refuse the product and decided to produce the materials themselves. Of course, their quality was worse than that of the original manufacturers, but the price dropped significantly. After the introduction of our own production, fabrics were no longer considered a luxury item; they entered the everyday life of every person.

Scientific and technological progress has made it possible to create fabrics from synthetic fibers. Now the light industry is thriving, but there is nothing better than time-tested cotton, linen, wool and silk.

Cozy paintings

So, back to the owls. A cozy picture with this cute bird can decorate a corner of a children's room. They say that an owl can give children perseverance and the ability to learn.

To create an applique, it is better to choose fabrics that do not fray at the edges. Felt or denim (denim) is perfect for this.

If you are planning bright craft from beautiful scraps cotton fabric, don't be upset. It just needs to be prepared in the right way:

  • If the fabric is new, wash it thoroughly. This will protect your product from premature shrinkage and deformation.
  • After washing, the fabric should be starched and ironed; it will become stiff enough so that it can be safely cut and glued to the base.

Choose a suitable drawing. You can use one of the templates provided below.

Transfer the image to thick paper and cut out the parts. Trace the pattern onto the prepared fabric and cut out the details of the future painting. Glue the details of the craft to a base made of colored cardboard or fabric stretched over a stretcher. It is best to use PVA glue; when it dries, it does not leave marks on the fabric. The owl applique is ready!

Useful decorative element

This master class will tell you how to sew a pillow in the shape of an owl. To complete the work, prepare:

  • Beautiful fabrics with various patterns;
  • Felt;
  • Scissors, thread, tailor's chalk;
  • Pins;
  • Filler (sintepon, holofiber).

To sew any product, a pattern is required. Choose an owl to your liking.

Transfer the pieces onto the fabric and cut out taking into account the seam allowance.

It is better to make the bird's eyes and beak from felt. Sew the resulting parts along the contour according to the pattern. Leave a small hole so they can be turned out and filled with stuffing. Put the pillow together and decorate it to your liking. If you sew a small pocket to the owl's belly, the pillow will turn into a convenient organizer.

soft friend

Children love soft toys. Sewn by the caring hands of a beloved mother, they will not only become best friend, but also a talisman for your baby. The principle of making a soft toy in the shape of an owl is no different from sewing a pillow:

  • Choose the right fabric;
  • Decide on the pattern of the bird;
  • Transfer the pattern to the material and cut out the parts;
  • Sew the parts of the toy according to the pattern, leaving a small hole;
  • Turn each piece right side out through the hole, fill it with padding polyester and carefully sew up the hole;
  • Connect the parts of the toy together;
  • Decorate the finished owl by adding decorative elements.

We offer you several patterns of a soft toy in the shape of an owl.

The owl is not only a smart and beautiful bird, but also a popular symbol today. It is believed that such a toy gives children calmness, perseverance and patience, and increases their learning abilities; gives young girls mystery and femininity; for young men - strength; and for people experiencing financial difficulties - financial well-being. And if you make an owl with your own hands quickly and simply from fabric or other materials, then the power of such a talisman will increase many times over.

If it seems that sewing a forest beauty is difficult and for this you need to have tailoring skills, then this is a mistake. Even children can cope with the creation of the product, and they will gladly take part in the birth of a new family friend.

We sew an owl with our own hands from fabric in a step-by-step tutorial

To sew a simple owl from fabric, you do not need to purchase any special materials. Everything you need can be found at home. So, for this you will need:

  • Pattern or templates (download and print on a printer, or redraw by hand);
  • Pieces of fabric;
  • Threads;
  • Scissors, needle;
  • Buttons and other decor;
  • Glue (if an applique will be made);
  • Filling (holofiber, fabric, ordinary cotton wool, etc. for a voluminous toy).

The list is small, but the scope for imagination is huge. You can choose any fabric, but it should not crumble around the edges or show through. Suitable for crafts old clothes, for example, jeans, bright sundresses, a jacket and even a terry towel. Each time, even with the same pattern, the result will be different, but always excellent.

The first thing you can make from fabric is applique. The simplest and quick option, which both children and beginners in the handicraft world can easily cope with. To do this, you can take this diagram or those presented below.

  1. We draw by hand or print the template we like. To begin with, you should choose a simple one, from 6-8 elements. It is best if it is made of dense material, such as cardboard or an old box;
  2. We distribute the available pieces of fabric among the parts of the owl’s body. For appliqué, it is best to use felt - its edges are quite dense and do not require processing. The base can be made colored, the belly - plain (or vice versa). The main thing is to avoid large quantity colorful details, but this is also acceptable if you are planning a funny comic toy;
  3. Using a pencil, thin chalk or a piece of dried soap, trace the outline of the template and transfer it to the fabric;
  4. We cut out the parts along the contour and assemble the future owl. If you are satisfied with the result, we take up the glue and carefully glue all the parts. You can choose any sequence (either start with small elements, or, on the contrary, from the abdomen);
  5. The finished toy must be allowed to dry in a ventilated place for at least 6-8 hours so that the glue dries and bad smell faded away from him.

Below are diagrams that you can print and use to create a variety of bright applications owls.

You can use felt or regular fabric.

The appliqué technique is also suitable for decorating children's clothing, bags and bedding. For example, owls will look very beautiful on a pillow.

We create an owl from fabric quickly and easily with a detailed description

If you have mastered the appliqué technique, you can move on to mastering the sewing technique. Best to work with soft felt, however, almost any fabric that is available will work. Since to make an owl in in this case You will need to work with scissors and a needle, you must be careful. If children are involved in creating a toy, they must be supervised by adults. The process itself is quite simple. There are two differences from the previous technique: to attach the elements we will use a needle and thread, and to make the owl voluminous we will use filler.

  1. As in previous technology, find a template or pattern you like, or come up with one yourself. We transfer it to the fabric and cut out the details of the future owl.
  2. In order to sew one part to another (wings, eyes, belly), it is best to use hand stitch called “forward the needle.” The technique of doing it is that one stitch is made from the face, the other from the outside. The length of the stitch and the skip on the front part of the product is equal.
  3. Having sewn together the parts of the front and back sides of the owl, we proceed to the main thing - sewing together the two halves of the owl. To do this, you need to combine the parts, fasten them with sewing pins and sew them “forward with the needle” in the same way, leaving about 2-3 cm unsewn.
  4. We fill the toy with filler through the remaining hole.
  5. We complete the seam and hide the end of the thread inside the toy.
  6. The resulting product can be decorated by gluing plastic eyes, bows, buttons, pockets, bow ties, etc. to it.

Depending on the pattern used, a wide variety of owlets can be obtained.

By sewing a loop to the resulting toy, you can use it as an interior decoration (crib, Christmas tree, fireplace, bookshelves) or a key ring.

Video on the topic of the article

You will learn a few more ways to sew an owl from fabric by watching the video master classes.

Sewing soft toys always captivates craftswomen and novice needlewomen. For example, owls have been very fashionable lately. Eat different patterns owls made of felt and other fabrics. You can even sew a plush product in natural scale or beautiful panel on the wall. Small hand-sewn keychains or toys in the style of a Tilda doll look very original. All of these crafts are very easy to make if you model owl patterns from felt in advance and then get to work.

DIY felt owl

Before you start sewing, you need to stock up on materials and tools for further work.

Materials and tools

Required materials:

Required tools:

Tools for creating a felt owl

Creating a pattern

First you need to draw a pattern on paper.

The model consists of the following parts:

Examples of owl patterns

The process of sewing a toy

Step-by-step description of making an owl toy from felt:

Assembly of parts

We begin assembling the product by sewing on the tummy. We fix it to the front of the toy small hand stitch "forward-needle". Then, using a similar stitch, we sew the base for the eyes, which looks like a lying figure eight.

If the eyes are sewn in the form of beads in the center, then you should first sew on the pupils, and only then sew the figure eight piece in place of the eye. If the eyes will be glued, then first sew on the eye piece and then glue the eyes or pupils on top.

Without changing the seam technique, we sew the beak into place, which is located exactly in the middle. At this stage, the front part of the product is completed.

Then we put the front part and the back part together. To prevent them from moving, we pin them with pins. Now, using matching or contrasting color threads, we sew these two parts together using a loop stitch. If you need to add volume, then through an unstitched hole fill the animal with filler. When the product is stuffed, sew up the hole. After filling, you can sew on the bird’s legs.

The final step is to sew on the wings. The area where the wings are sewn can be decorated with beads. To give it a cute look, you can sew a felt flower onto the ear.

Textile pillow toy

The pillow toy will delight not only children, but also adults. Such things fit perfectly into any interior, adding warmth and comfort to it.

Materials and pattern

What you need to prepare:

  • Several fabric scraps.
  • Threads of different tones.
  • Sintepon.
  • Needle.
  • Scissors.

As with any sewn product, for further work you must first draw a pattern.

It consists of several parts:

Stages of sewing a pillow

How to sew a toy pillow in the shape of an owl:

  1. Sizes are selected arbitrarily depending on the size of the pillow. But you can also print the pattern from the Internet if you don’t have time to draw it.
  2. Next, cut out all the elements of the templates. First we transfer the body part. To do this, take the material and fold it twice, then fold the already folded fabric again. Now we pin the template of the owl’s body to the fold of the fabric and trace the contours of the template with a pencil. Be sure to leave seam allowances. Now let's cut it out.
  3. Then we unfold the cut out parts and lay them with their front parts on top of each other. As a result, the wrong parts look up, and the front parts end up on the inside.
  4. We fix the tummy detail with pins to the fabric folded in half, outline and cut out.
  5. We fix the fabric part of the tummy with pins to the body on the front part of the outer side right in the middle.
  6. If the product is sewn by hand, then sew the tummy to the body. If the pillow is made on sewing machine, then with a simple zig-zag stitch we sew the middle onto the top fabric of the product.
  7. After that take templates for the inner ear and transfer the pattern to material of a different shade. Only in this case we cut out the parts without allowances.
  8. Next step: We pin the ears into place and leave them like that for now.
  9. Take material of a different shade and cut out the largest detail of the eyes from it. Made from fabric suitable color cut out the middle part of the eyes. The smallest detail of the eye - the pupil - is made of fabric of the third color.
  10. From fabric of the corresponding color cut out the beak.
  11. Now We pin all the details of the face with pins in their places so that they don’t slide down in the future.
  12. Next from fabric of a different shade cut out the details of the wings in the amount of two pieces. We also fix them with pins.
  13. When all the details have already been recorded, sewn with a zig-zag stitch all these elements to the body.
  14. Then we turn the body over with the parts sewn inward and the wrong side up, we also lay the second part of the body with the front side inward, that is, the two parts are located with the front sides facing each other. We sew these parts along the contour, but leave a small area at the bottom to turn the product inside out.
  15. In places where there are corners, we make cuts, not reaching the stitched seam. Now we turn the future pillow inside out through the left area and straighten all the seams. We are not sewing up the hole yet.
  16. We transfer the four parts of the paws to the fabric. To do this, fold the material in half and pin it to the material with pins. Next, use a pencil to trace the contours of the template and cut out along the drawn lines, not forgetting about the allowances.
  17. It turned out four fabric parts. Place the two pieces right sides facing each other and stitch on wrong side, leaving a section for turning out. We do the same with the second paw. Turn both paws right side out.
  18. Fill the paws and pillow with filler: evenly, filling all corners of the product. For convenience, you can use a stick to push the filler.
  19. We bend the fabric on the body and paws with cuts inward and secure with pins. We sew up the folded edges and open areas using a blind stitch.
  20. At the last stage sew the paws to the pillow.