Starching clothes today has not lost its relevance. And, despite the availability of various products on sale intended for this purpose, many prefer to do it the old fashioned way, diluting starch, especially if you need to starch fabric or knitted napkins and tablecloths.

Why do you need to starch napkins?

If you want the napkins you knit to look impressive and fully demonstrate the pattern, you will have to starch them. The same applies to fabric napkins - if you don’t starch them, they won’t become decorations, but just rags. And you won’t be able to fold them beautifully.

To fold napkins beautifully, you must first starch them.

Also, starching extends the life of napkins, since starch forms a protective film, thus protecting the threads from contamination.

Knitted napkins are often used to decorate the interior, for example, decorating walls with them.

Napkins are used to decorate not only horizontal surfaces, but also vertical ones.

Various objects are made from napkins, for example, vases or lampshades. In this case, too, you can’t do without starching.

The principle of starching using a liquid solution, regardless of its ingredients, is the same.

How to starch a napkin

First, cook the paste, syrup, or prepare a cold solution. Then it cools down.

There are recommendations to cool the solution to a certain temperature, for example, 30–35 o C. But in fact, this is not important. You can put it in hot, but why get burned? A warm solution is more comfortable. Starch and sugar solutions should also not be allowed to cool completely, as they begin to harden, and this prevents the liquid from being absorbed into the fabric or thread.

The napkin is placed in the solution and lies there until completely saturated. The time depends on the thickness of the threads. So, for products made from thin threads, 5–7 minutes will be enough, but for products made from thick threads, up to half an hour. But if you wait too long, it’s okay.

After soaking, the napkin is wrung out to remove excess liquid, but there is no need to twist it. Then you should prepare the product for drying.

How to prepare napkins for drying

The process of preparing to dry starched items is very important, so it requires care and patience.

Fabric napkins

Everything is quite simple here. Textile napkins must be straightened and hung on ropes to drain excess liquid. Do not use clothespins!

Clothespins are not used to dry starched napkins.

Knitted napkins

But with knitted items you will have to tinker.

You can, of course, simply lay out the napkin on a flat surface, laying it down with some kind of cloth (pillowcase, scarf, sheet, just a piece of fabric, etc.). But this method does not guarantee an acceptable final result, since it is impossible to straighten and fix everything well.

The surface for fixing the tied item must be:

  • perfectly flat so that the dried product does not turn out wavy or lumpy;
  • soft, but dense so that pins can be firmly fixed in it;
  • of sufficient thickness so as not to wrinkle after attaching the napkin to it (one centimeter will be enough);
  • waterproof.
  • These criteria meet polystyrene foam, penoplex ( ceiling tiles, use the flat side without a pattern), polyurethane foam or isolon (tourist mat).

    You can use corrugated cardboard. Take a thick one or glue two pieces of cardboard of the required size together. To prevent it from getting wet, cover it with tape, preferably on both sides and in several layers.

    In addition to the surface on which we will attach the napkin, we will also need pins - tailor's pins (with a loop at the top) or corsage pins (with a ball-shaped top), and a ruler.

    Sequence of actions:

  • We straighten the middle of the napkin and secure it with four pins so that there are no distortions in the future.
    The middle of the napkin is fixed with four pins
  • We stretch and straighten one ray. We fix it with a pin. We measure the distance to the center with a ruler.
    Be sure to measure the distance from the edge to the center
  • We stretch the opposite beam, measure the resulting distance and fix it.
    The second ray of the napkin is fixed
  • We continue by analogy. To ensure that everything is stretched evenly, we stretch the segments diagonally.
    Make sure that the distance from the center to the edges is the same
  • We fix the intermediate elements.
    All parts must be straightened and fixed
  • Dry the napkin.
    The difference before and after drying the straightened napkin is obvious
  • If you have a pentagonal napkin, attach the segments as if you were drawing a star: top - bottom left corner - top right - top left - bottom right.

    If you want to make vases from napkins, use any suitable container:

    • bowl;
    • saucepan;
    • cup;
    • jar;
    • a real vase, etc.

    Wrap the container with a bag or cling film and spread your product on it.

    Wrap containers in film and then spread napkins over them

    A good alternative for giving napkins different shapes are inflatable balls. They can be inflated under right size and give it a suitable shape.

    Napkins dried on balls have a round shape

    It is also better to wrap the ball in film.

    Video: how to make a vase from a napkin

    How to dry starched napkins

    Fabric napkins, after excess liquid has drained from them and they have dried a little, are dried through gauze with a warm iron (heating temperature is minimal). If you plan to fold various shapes from napkins, they are left slightly damp, then folded into shapes and left to dry in this form.

    Knitted items are dried naturally until completely dry, away from heat sources. If you dry it with an iron, the threads become flattened - the texture is lost and appearance things get spoiled.

    How to prepare a solution from starch

    If you know how to cook jelly, then you can easily cope with preparing a starch solution.

    Main stages:

  • The required amount of starch is diluted in cold water.
  • The main part of the water is brought to a boil.
  • In a thin stream, the cold starch solution is introduced into the hot liquid with continuous stirring.
  • When stirring, the mixture is brought to a boil, but does not boil.
  • The product is removed from the heat and cooled.
  • If you're worried about lumps forming, you can proceed as if you were making custard. First, add hot water in small portions to the cold diluted starch and stir all the time, and then pour this warm solution into the pan, continuing to stir.

    The ratio of starch and water depends on how strong the product you want to get in the end.

    Table: proportions of ingredients depending on the desired degree of starching of products

    Video: how to prepare starch solution

    Small tricks

    To get a good result, you should know some tricks:

  • If the starch is not very pure, it should be soaked in cold water for a couple of hours before preparing the solution. Pure starch will settle to the bottom, and dirt will remain in the water. Then you need to carefully drain this water. If necessary, you can repeat the procedure several times;
  • if you use corn starch, you need to use one and a half times more of it than potato starch;
  • To make starched items shiny, you can add a pinch of salt to boiling water;
  • if you want to give the product a matte finish, you should use skim milk instead of water;
  • for white products, as well as napkins made of thin threads, you can prepare a solution of skim milk and rice starch (for half a liter of milk - one teaspoon of rice starch);
  • If you are starching a white napkin for a long time (making a vase, for example), then it is better not to use potato starch, as it turns yellow and crumbles over time. If you use napkins as napkins and plan to wash them periodically, then potato starch will not harm their appearance.
  • Alternative starching methods

    You can add rigidity to products not only with starch. For this you can use sugar, gelatin and PVA glue.

    How to make a sugar solution

    To make the product stick, you can prepare a strong sugar syrup (take two hundred grams of sugar per hundred milliliters of water). Keep it on the fire until the sugar is completely dissolved. It is necessary to ensure that the syrup does not begin to brown, otherwise the product will acquire a yellow tint. The finished product must be removed from the heat, cooled, wet a napkin with it well, shaped and dried. The product will practically not bend and will remain rigid for many years.

    The only disadvantage of this method is that the sweet product is very attractive to small children and dogs with a sweet tooth, who, if they get their hands on it, will happily chew on it. If the product becomes dirty over time, it can be washed and then “sugared” again.

    Also, don’t “sugarify” knitted hats- you can become an attractive object for bees and wasps.

    The napkin treated with sugar syrup holds its shape perfectly

    A more gentle solution is obtained from the following ratio: a liter of water plus six tablespoons of sugar.

    Gelatin solution

    A tablespoon of gelatin is soaked in a glass of cold water, then heated in a water bath until it is completely dissolved. Then you need to proceed as usual. It is better not to use this method for white fabrics. For everyone else it's fine. Gelatin forms a thin film on the surface of the product, thus protecting it from contamination.

    Gelatin holds the product well and helps it retain its shape for a long time; moreover, unlike starch, it does not crumble. Therefore, this method is good to use for knitted hats.

    How to use PVA glue

    Using a solution of PVA glue with water to stiffen knitted items is one of the most favorite methods among craftswomen. Probably because it is very simple to prepare - you don’t need to cook anything. The glue is mixed with water at room temperature, and the solution is ready for use.

    It is not possible to indicate the exact dosage, since the glue has different viscosity. Therefore, you will have to experiment to find the concentration that suits you.

    Video: how to use PVA glue for starching

    Dry and semi-dry methods

    The dry method of starching is not the best best option, because it involves the use of an iron. The item is stretched and sprinkled with dry starch. Then it is lightly rubbed into the threads. Spray with a spray bottle and iron through the fabric with a warm iron.

    If the semi-dry method is used, the item is put on the base, coated with the prepared solution and left to dry completely.

    For semi-dry starching, the napkin is placed on the base, coated with the solution and dried

    Ready-made liquids for starching

    There are ready-made liquids for starching things on sale - for adding to washing machine and in the form of aerosols. Products - laundry additives - are more suitable for wearable items or bed linen, in general, for those cases when light starching is required. These additives can be used for fabric napkins if special rigidity is not needed. They are not suitable for knitted items - they are too weak.

    Starch Superforma LUXUS Professional - effective remedy for starching linen and giving shape

    Aerosols are easy to use, and they help smooth even dry items. But this again works with fabric, not knitted things. Weak starching can only be achieved for napkins knitted from very thin threads. To do this, lay the napkin on the film and moisten it generously with spray, straighten the pattern, iron it through the fabric until completely dry.

    Is it worth starching black things?

    It is believed that black things cannot be starched, as white stains appear on them. But if you do not use too strong a solution and do not starch it for centuries, then it will not harm the thing. There is a greater chance that a black item will have white streaks when dried with an iron. As a last resort, if you don’t like the result, you can wash the item.

    If you starch without fanaticism and dry it naturally, then you can use any method. But before you start working with the thing, try the chosen method on a sample. For example, if you have leftover threads from which a napkin was knitted, take some and treat it with a solution, dry it and look at the end result. If it suits you, you can safely use this method, if not, try another. Ideally, it is better to knit a small sample (several rows) and experiment with it.

    The starching process is quite simple, but significantly improves the appearance of products. Therefore, needlewomen should not neglect them.

    Crocheted napkins are beautiful, spectacular, and elegant. They will create coziness and comfort in your apartment. If you look at just now knitted napkins, then, although they are openwork, their appearance is not very attractive: not ironed, wrinkled, with wavy, uneven edges. How to give napkins a brilliant look, make them harder, with smooth edges?

    In order for soft napkins to be exquisite, elegantly hold their shape, and give the impression of a stylish, creative piece of furniture, you need to starch the napkins with starch.

    We will add whiteness and hardness to the napkins using:

    1. starch;
    2. Sahara;
    3. gelatin;
    4. glue.

    How to starch a crocheted napkin with starch

    Starch is:

    The quality of starch determines in what proportions it should be added. Corn starch has a thinner consistency than potato starch. Therefore, you need to add much more of it.

    There are three types of starching. The amount of starch that needs to be added to starch the napkins will depend on the type and purpose of using the napkin.

    Types of starching

    1. Soft starching. Add 1 teaspoon per liter of water;
    2. For tablecloths, semi-rigid starch is used, in which 1 tablespoon of potato starch is added to 1 liter of water.
    3. To give strength to the product and transfer it to some form with napkins, hard starching is used.

    How to properly starch a crocheted napkin?

    To starch napkins at home, pour water into a 4-liter saucepan, a little more than half, to add the starch solution. We put it on the fire and wait for it to boil.

    In the meantime, wash the crocheted napkins: pour in gel or shampoo. We soap the napkins and wash them to remove dust.

    Then rinse thoroughly and leave in a bowl. Meanwhile, we dilute the starch. Pour 1 glass of water into a cup and add 4 tablespoons of starch to it, mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps and pour into boiling water.

    Boil for several minutes, stirring. Then pour boiling water into a bowl with napkins. It is necessary that the water with starch completely covers the napkins. To do this, mix the napkins with a stick, and dip the ends of the napkins that have come out into the solution with starch.

    Let's wait 10 minutes for the starch to be absorbed into the napkins. The time for soaking knitted napkins in the paste depends on what threads are used in knitting and how thick they are. If the threads are thick, then put them in the solution knitted product for 15 minutes.

    If the threads are of medium thickness, then soaking the napkins in boiled starch for 10 minutes is enough. Keep the thin, elegant threads from which the elegant napkin is knitted in the paste for no more than 5-7 minutes.

    Cook until bubbles appear at the edges of the paste, then let the solution cool and put the napkin in the solution for a while.

    Wring out, lay down beautiful knitted napkin onto a clean cloth and smooth it out. Iron it with an iron.

    A hard sugar napkin will take the shape of any vessel: vase, cup, jug. Only sugar can attract insects: flies, ants, rodents.

    You can also starch a napkin with milk. Milk will give the product a matte tint, give it rigidity and visually increase its volume.

    You need to take a liter of milk and divide it into 2 parts. Boil the larger part, and add a teaspoon of rice starch to the smaller part. As soon as the milk boils, add it to the liquid solution mixed with starch so that there are no lumps.

    Place a napkin in the hot milk solution for 10-15 minutes so that it is well saturated with the mass. Then wring it out and lay it on a cloth to dry, using needles and pins to straighten the shape of the product, stretching the napkin.

    Iron the napkin through several layers of gauze. Dry it completely naturally. If after starching with sugar and completely drying there are still weak spots, then cover them with the solution using a brush.

    Starch a napkin using glue

    The most in a simple way starching the product is the use of PVA glue. Dissolve half a glass of white glue in a glass of water.

    Stir well, put a napkin in it to soak in the solution, then dry on a cloth. Level it out. In this case, there is no need to iron. After drying, the napkin can take on any shape.

    When using glue, you don’t have to flatten the napkin, but stretch it to the shape you want to give the product. For example, let's say you want to shape a napkin into a vase.

    Take a vase and put it in cellophane bag so as not to get dirty. Pour water and glue into a cup, mix, let it sit for a while, soak in the glue. Then wring out the napkin.

    Set aside the napkin with the vase and let it dry naturally.

    The next day we cut the threads, take out the vase and put it away. The napkin took the shape of a vase. You can bend the corners a little to make the shape more refined. The gracefulness of a vase made from a napkin will satisfy any sophisticated taste and create a unique interior in the room.

    Starching napkins with gelatin

    Any housewife knows how to starch a napkin with gelatin, crochet. If this is your first time starching napkins with gelatin, we will introduce you to the procedure.

    Gelatin is used to hold the shape of a vase, basket, or hat brim. Unlike starch, gelatin does not crumble and lasts until the next wash. It is used only for light-colored napkins.

    Dissolve a tablespoon of gelatin in half a glass of warm water and wait a little for the crystals to swell. Then add another glass of liquid and put on low heat until the mixture becomes homogeneous.

    Then let it cool and put a napkin in it. You need to turn the napkin over in the solution so that it is completely saturated with it. Next, we take it out, squeeze it out and put it to dry away from heaters and direct sunlight.

    Starched napkins look attractive; only natural ingredients: starch, sugar, gelatin.

    Starching napkins is easy and the process does not take much time. Use a variety of starching methods, don't be afraid to experiment.

    If you don’t want to burden yourself with washing products or boiling paste, but want to make the napkin harder, you can use the dry starching method.

    To do this, place a napkin on a clean sheet of paper and spray it with water from a spray bottle, then sprinkle potato or rice starch on top and rub it into the napkin. Then iron it through gauze to make the product tougher.

    But this method is short-lived; after a while you will need to starch it again. You can spray with an aerosol that contains starch. This quick way indispensable in extreme situations when you urgently need to cook beautiful napkins for guests.

    Starched knitted napkins are a real masterpiece, because with their help you can create a unique apartment interior, make original baskets, vases for small things, flowers.

    Coziness will live in your home forever. Comfort and harmony will create a favorable environment for creativity.

    Knowing how to starch napkins with starch and other substances will give you new ideas for apartment design using chic knitted shapes for your interior.

    And we told you how to starch them. If we have helped you at least a little in the emergence of creative ideas, in creating a cozy atmosphere at home, write to us, or even better, send your photographs, so that not only we, but also hundreds of our readers will rejoice with you, admiring your golden hands, clear mind and creative imagination and drawing on your knowledge, learning skill from you.

    Home comfort is the dream of every housewife. A crocheted napkin will be a lovely addition to the interior. This is an airy product; starch will give it neatness. If you know how to starch correctly, taking into account all the features of this procedure, the napkins will for a long time maintain shape and impeccable appearance.

    Starched napkins look much better on the table.

    A tablecloth and napkin are products that can easily get dirty, but if you starch them, it will be much easier to wash off accidentally placed stains. Starch creates an invisible film on top of the fabric, which protects the product from difficult-to-remove stains: it prevents dust from penetrating deep into the fabric. Special whiteness, beautiful shape and elegance: another reason to starch festive napkin. Decorative plates and flowers and vases are also created using this technology.

    Crocheted napkins without such treatment simply look wrinkled.

    It will take very little time to starch a napkin.

    Traditional method: starch

    Using starch is an effective and proven method for years. To process the product at home, you can take the following type of starch: potato, wheat, rice or corn.

    If you need to starch the product heavily, take 2 tablespoons of starch; for medium processing, 1.5 tablespoons is enough.

    Pay attention! The choice of starch will determine its proportion for preparing the mixture. Corn starch consumption is twice as much as potato starch. Rice and potato starch have approximately the same consistency.

    The concentration of the paste will depend on the degree to which you want to starch the prepared napkins. In total, three degrees can be distinguished: light, medium and strong. It is enough to treat napkins and tablecloth until medium degree. They are prepared as follows: light - one teaspoon per liter of water; medium - one tablespoon per liter of water; strong - two tablespoons per liter of water.

    Take a napkin and immerse it all in the solution, wait until the paste is absorbed into the napkin.

    Before starching, wash and bleach the product, then dry the napkin thoroughly. The preparation of a classic mixture using starch can be divided into several stages.

    • Dilute the starch raw material in cold water, make sure there are no lumps, mix thoroughly.
    • Prepare a pot of water. Place it on the fire and wait until it heats up to 100 degrees.
    • When the water boils, slowly pour in the prepared solution, stirring gently, you can add a pinch of salt for shine.
    • After the mass turns into a homogeneous paste, remove the pan from the heat and cool the mixture.
    • Before starching, moisten the napkin with water.
    • Dip the product into the paste for 10 - 20 minutes, depending on the desired degree of hardness.
    • Remove and remove excess paste from the napkin. After processing, it is better to lay out the product on a flat surface rather than hang it out.
    • When the napkin is dry, iron it through the gauze to avoid yellow streaks.

    After drying, the napkin must be steamed with an iron.

    Attention! It is very important to take pure starch, without debris. If you notice small particles in the starch, fill it with water for several hours, let it sit, the debris will float to the surface.

    Other recipes with starch: creating a glossy surface

    Knowing how to starch a napkin and make its surface glossy, you can give the item being treated a special gift. beautiful view, because, at first glance, it is difficult to carefully soak a crocheted item with starch, especially at home.

    It is allowed to starch napkins crocheted from cotton threads, including those mixed with other materials - viscose, acrylic and even silk.

    The glossy effect method is simple, you need to prepare a paste: 5-6 tablespoons of rice starch, 1 spoon of boric acid and 3 talc. The mixture should be free of lumps: it should be mixed thoroughly. Take a cotton pad or a piece of sponge, lightly moisten it in the paste and treat the surface of the napkin. After you have managed to starch and dry the knitted napkin, take an iron and gently iron it through the gauze.

    The starch film prevents particles of dust and dirt from penetrating deep into the fibers.

    Attention! You can't starch things dark colors, untidy stains and stains will be visible on them.

    Other ways: creating a matte effect

    To create a matte effect, the solution must be prepared in milk, as a result the item acquires volume and a special pleasant shade.

    The recipe for making such a paste is no more complicated than the classic one.

    • Before preparing the solution and starting to starch, thoroughly clean the crocheted napkin or tablecloth with soap and water and dry it.
    • Pour 1 tablespoon of rice starch (or 2 tablespoons of corn starch) into a glass of cold milk and mix.
    • We eliminate all the formed lumps. For an ideal result, the mixture can be passed through cheesecloth or a sieve.
    • Take 1 liter of milk with 1.5% fat content, bring it to a boil and pour the starch mixture into it.
    • Cool the finished paste to room temperature.

    Products look especially impressive after starching white, acquiring a pure snow-white hue.

    Use of sugar

    Sugar is always at hand and can also be used in addition to starch. The sugar product for processing the product is very simple to prepare: dissolve granulated sugar (5-6 tablespoons) in a glass of water. Heat the resulting mixture over fire and add starch (1 tablespoon). The mixture should be homogeneous. Immerse the product for 10 minutes, squeeze lightly and iron.

    Treated wipes will become more rigid.

    Attention! Napkins and tablecloths treated with starch and added sugar attract insects. This method is preferably not used for outdoor products.

    PVA glue

    A long-term result is one of the advantages of this method, but it is worth remembering that such a solution creates a high degree of hardness and cannot be used for underwear and bed linen.

    Napkins properly treated with PVA glue will become elastic and rigid.

    It is necessary to prepare a solution in the following ratio: a glass of water and half a glass of glue. This method is relevant when it is necessary to give a clear shape. To do this, load crocheted napkin into the mixture, wring it out and, if necessary, pull it into the desired shape.

    This way you can create a napkin vase.

    Gelatin treatment

    A good alternative to regular starch is gelatin. It must be immersed in cold water and allowed to brew a little. On average, one tablespoon of gelatin will require a glass of water. Heat the infused mixture in a water bath, pouring an additional 200 grams of water into it. Mix the solution well. After the solution has cooled, you can starch the knitted napkin to a medium-hard state.

    This method is good because the mixture remains on the product for a long time and does not crumble.

    Gelatin does not crumble, so it is more convenient and faster to process products. large sizes and volumes.


    The most modern and quick method- This is an aerosol. You can simply and effectively starch a small item in short time, just spray the contents of the bottle evenly onto a crocheted napkin. Rules for spraying the aerosol: shake the can well and tilt it slightly, apply evenly to the product at a distance of 25-30 cm.

    Unlike other methods, aerosol can be used on many types of fabric.

    The product is simply sprayed onto a damp knitted item and ironed.

    Dry method

    You can starch a tablecloth and napkin without preparing the mixture.

    This method is simpler, but after dry processing the product quickly loses its rigidity and wrinkles.

    1. Place the item on a cloth or sheet of paper and straighten it thoroughly.
    2. Apply starch powder on top in a thin “powdery” layer.
    3. Spray the product with water, it is convenient to use a spray bottle, leave to dry, covered with a cloth or paper.

    The product must be covered with starch as evenly as possible so that all its areas subsequently acquire the same elasticity.

    This processing method is not long-term; after a short time, the procedure will have to be repeated.

    Advice. If the hardness of the product after drying is insufficient, the procedure can be carried out until the desired result is achieved.

    The final stage in the starching procedure is drying and ironing, which will fix the result well. There are several useful tips, which are worth considering.

    To give a perfectly smooth surface to a starched napkin, lay it out on the table.

    • You should not dry it in a room where the sun's rays directly hit the product, there is a risk that it will turn yellow and stains will form on it.
    • Spread the treated item on a smooth and flat surface covered with a towel or piece of thick paper.
    • Drying should be done in a room with open windows and naturally.
    • Use pins and bobby pins to secure the napkin. This is necessary to ensure that the item dries correctly and takes on the desired shape.
    • Iron the napkin at low temperatures using damp gauze.
    • When ironing a product treated with starch, do not use hot steam; it will destroy the starch.

    Fold dry starched napkins so that their shape is maintained.

    Attention! Deformed fringe on the product can be easily tidied up with steam.

    All methods presented in the material involve the use of exclusively natural ingredients. Try each of them, choose your best option.

    When you plan to get openwork balls or a convex part in the middle of the napkin, combine lining items with this shape.

    If we make a vase from the product, then smooth the soaked napkin onto an object of suitable volume, and leave it in this form to dry.

    The starched napkin has a solemn appearance, the product looks neat and cozy. Regardless of the method and substance chosen for starching: any crocheted item, tablecloth or napkin can be put in order in an accessible way at home.

    Knit your first napkin if you've never done it before. Starch it and decorate the coffee table.

    VIDEO: How to starch a knitted napkin.

    Creating comfort in the house is the first thing every housewife should be able to do. Skillfully arranged napkins are an attribute that has been passed down through centuries. Snow-white patterned products look especially beautiful, crocheted.

    Therefore, women should know how to starch napkins. After all, with them the room becomes especially cozy.

    Classic method

    This one is passed down from generation to generation. It is considered the most optimal and simple option imparting rigidity. After using it, the product keeps its shape.

    Using potato starch is also the cheapest method, but effective. Grandmothers successfully use it, which inspires confidence in this procedure.


    The solution can be prepared in several concentrations, it all depends on how hard the product should be.

    Crocheted tablecloths can be liquid with the following concentration:

    1. Soft - 1 tsp per liter of water. starch. A solution with this concentration is great for napkins and tablecloths that need to hang down. The soft method can also be used for knitted curtains.
    2. The average concentration of the solution is prepared from 1 tbsp. l. potato starch, which are diluted in 1 liter of water. Great for cuffs, collars, lace doilies.
    3. Hard concentration is prepared at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. starch per 1 liter of water. This method is used to impart rigidity and hardness. For example, this way you can starch a knitted fruit bowl, plate or yarn flowers. The hard method is also suitable for others volumetric crafts, which are crocheted.

    These concentrations are suitable if potato starch is used. When using corn, you should know that it is not as viscous, so you will need half as much.

    That is, to prepare a solution of soft concentration you will need 1.5 tsp, medium - 1.5 tbsp. l., hard - 3 tbsp. l. The steps for preparing the paste are the same.

    Stages of paste preparation

    Before using starch, pour it into a separate dry container and check for lumps and debris. If you notice foreign inclusions, do the following: fill the product with water, and after 2 hours use it for starching. All debris will rise to the top, and pure starch will remain at the bottom.

    How to prepare the solution correctly:

    1. Prepare two containers. In the first, starch is mixed with a small amount of water to obtain a creamy consistency. There should be no lumps.
    2. The remaining water is poured into the second container and placed on the stove. After waiting for it to boil, pour the liquid in a thin stream into a container with prepared starch.
    3. Then the first container is placed on the fire and brought to a boil. The paste must be constantly stirred to prevent lumps from forming.
    4. After boiling, remove the container from the stove and leave to cool. The temperature of the paste should be 30–35 degrees.

    Now you can starch the knitted napkins.

    The process itself

    A knitted product is not difficult if you follow the steps of the procedure. Especially when the procedure is performed for the first time.

    How to starch a napkin crocheted with starch - algorithm of actions:

    1. The finished paste is poured into a basin; it must be clean and dry. Take care of this in advance.
    2. The product is dipped into the liquid, it must be completely saturated with the composition. Remember, if starching is carried out, more solution will be needed for the tablecloth, not 1 liter.
    3. The product is kept in the composition depending on the thickness of the thread. If they are thin - 7 minutes, medium - 10-15, thick - 15-30 minutes.
    4. Then the product is removed from the solution, the excess liquid is carefully squeezed out, and laid out on the table.

    The napkin must be straightened and given correct form. When it becomes slightly damp, iron it through several layers of gauze. The temperature of the electrical appliance should be minimal.

    You need to act quickly, and at the same time do not forget to watch the edges of the product so that they do not bend and the appearance does not deteriorate.

    If we make a vase from the product, then smooth the soaked napkin onto a bowl of suitable volume and leave it to dry in this form. If possible, then it will be on the selected item.

    This method does not require the use of an iron. The product must dry on its own, which takes 24 hours. If the threads are thick it may take longer.

    Other recipes

    For starching, you can use not only starch. For this procedure, milk, sugar, gelatin, salt, PVA glue or a commercial aerosol are suitable.

    Of all the methods, the worst is the last one, and the best is the use of milk and office glue.


    Light products can be perfectly starched using skim milk. This method will make the napkin more matte and visually increase its volume.

    To prepare the paste you will need 500 ml of milk and 0.5 tbsp. l. rice starch.

    The solution is prepared as follows:

    1. Starch is mixed with 2 tbsp. l. milk in a separate container.
    2. Remaining quantity dairy product put on the stove and boil.
    3. Then both solutions are mixed and the starching procedure begins.

    The napkin is placed in such a paste for 20 minutes, and then immediately shaped. It is important to do this when the product is wet. If dry, reach desired result It's unlikely to work.


    Sugar makes it tougher. This method is suitable if it was tied to make a vase or plate.

    Like a knitted napkin with sugar:

    1. Add 6 tbsp to 1 liter of warm water. l. product.
    2. Syrup is made from sugar. The liquid must be stirred constantly. The syrup should be light brown in color.
    3. Separately in a bowl, while the syrup is boiling, dilute 1 tsp. starch in cold water.
    4. When both products are ready for use, they are combined. The starch is carefully poured into the syrup, stirring constantly.
    5. Bubbles should appear along the edges, which means the solution is ready.
    6. The liquid is cooled and the product prepared for starching is dipped into it.
    7. After 15 minutes, the item is squeezed out of excess moisture and shaped, only then sent to dry.

    The desired shape must be given before drying. Because then it will be problematic to correct it in order to obtain the required result.

    PVA glue

    Stationery glue also gives napkins rigidity and elasticity. It perfectly gives shape to the product, but it is better to keep such things away from curious kids.

    How to starch napkins:

    1. You will need to dilute 100 grams of glue in 1 liter of water. The consistency should be homogeneous. You can add 50 grams more if the solution is very liquid.
    2. Place the product in the paste and leave to soak for 15 minutes. During this time, the glue will have time to penetrate even the thickest fibers of the fabric.
    3. After 15 minutes, take out the napkin and carefully squeeze out the remaining paste.
    4. Give the product the correct shape and leave to dry. If it just lies on the table, then when it becomes slightly damp you can iron it.

    PVA glue is a great way, but a little more expensive than starch.

    Dry method

    These are some of the simplest methods for starching a napkin with starch. For the dry method you will need starch, water and a spray bottle.

    How to starch correctly:

    1. The napkin is placed on a flat surface, and a sheet of paper or plastic film must be placed under it so as not to stain the table.
    2. The product is sprinkled with dry starch. You don’t need a lot of product, the main thing is that it covers the entire napkin and is distributed evenly.
    3. The starch is sprayed with water from a spray bottle and covered with a second sheet of paper or plastic wrap.
    4. The napkin is moved to another place and left to dry. The process will take approximately 2–3 hours.

    All that remains is to shake off the remaining starch. The napkin is ready for use.

    Only use a white sheet of paper. If you use newspaper or colored paper, water may leave streaks on the product.

    There is another option for the dry method, with which the napkin becomes more rigid. To do this, starch is diluted with water until a homogeneous mass is obtained, boiled liquid is added and the product is dipped into the paste for 15 minutes.

    Then take out a napkin and dry it on paper. It is not necessary to observe the entire process; during soaking and drying, you can simultaneously go about your business.

    Gelatin is used not only for baking and making jellied meats. This product is also capable of imparting beautiful shape openwork thing.

    Preparation of paste:

    1. In a clean container, mix 100 ml of water and 1 tbsp. l. gelatin.
    2. The baking product is poured in slowly, stirring constantly, otherwise it will remain at the bottom and you will end up with 1 large lump. The consistency should be uniform.
    3. Then add 1 glass of water and put on low heat.
    4. When the solution boils, remove it from the stove and cool.

    The product is dipped into the paste and left in the solution for some time. Then they are carefully squeezed out, shaped and starched and placed in a cold place to dry.

    Under the influence of heat, gelatin can melt again, so the product should be dried and kept away from sunlight and heating devices.


    In the store household chemicals You can buy a special aerosol that you can use to starch napkins. This is the most convenient way.

    However, the aerosol does not have a long-lasting effect.

    The product is laid out on the table, a plastic film is placed under it and the product is sprayed. Don't worry, you won't be able to overdo it in this case, since the napkin won't hold its shape well even if it's heavily coated with aerosol.

    Then immediately iron the product with a hot iron, under which they place cotton fabric. Iron until completely dry.

    The described starching methods are only suitable for napkins made of white threads; black things will have stains and will have to be washed again. In such cases, it is better to buy the appropriate product in the store.

    Nowadays it is generally accepted that starching napkins is old-fashioned. But this opinion is wrong. After all, starched napkins look much better when used as a table setting, while crocheted napkins without such treatment simply look crumpled. It will take very little time to starch a napkin.

    How to use starch

    Using starch is the most popular method.

    • Boil a liter of water.
    • While the water is boiling, dissolve the starch. If you need to starch the product heavily, take 2 tablespoons of starch; for medium processing, 1.5 tablespoons are enough, and for weak processing, 1 spoon. Take a little water, just to dissolve the starch. Stir the starch well in cold water so that no lumps form.
    • Now pour the starch solution into boiling water and stir thoroughly until small bubbles appear on the edges of the pan.
    • Then cool the resulting solution.
    • Take a napkin and immerse it all in the solution, wait until the paste is absorbed into the napkin.
    • Wring out the napkin well and straighten it into the correct shape.
    • After drying, the napkin must be steamed with an iron.

    How to starch with sugar

    The method of starching a knitted napkin with sugar was known to our grandmothers. Treated wipes will become more rigid.

    • Take 1 liter of water and 6 tablespoons of sugar.
    • Make syrup from sugar.
    • While the syrup is boiling, dilute 1 teaspoon of starch in cold water.
    • Pour the prepared starch into the container with the syrup, stirring all the time.
    • When bubbles appear at the edges of the container, the solution for treating the napkin is ready.
    • Cool the solution and dip a napkin into it.
    • When the napkin is completely saturated with the solution, wring it out and straighten it to give the desired shape.
    • When the napkin is completely dry, iron it with a hot iron.