Makarenko is a brilliant teacher. The international recognition of A.S. Makarenko was evidenced by the well-known UNESCO decision (1988) concerning only four teachers who determined the way of pedagogical thinking in the twentieth century. These are John Dewey, Georg Kerschensteiner, Maria Montessori and Anton Makarenko.

A.S. Makarenko is known for organizing and leading colonies for juvenile offenders and street children. Children came to Makarenko, who were already so spoiled that they could not live in a normal society: thieves, hooligans, girls-prostitutes. Parents brought their children when they themselves could not cope with them. And Makarenko could. He achieved such skill in raising children that he could say with confidence: "Upbringing is an easy thing." It became so easy for Makarenko that in the colony for them. Dzerzhinsky, he completely abandoned educators, and 600 former offenders were in his care. There were teachers at school, engineers at the plant, but the children's collective of 500-600 people lived independently to a certain extent. Makarenko was sure that the children, on their own, would get out of bed on time at a signal, tidy themselves up and tidy up all the premises of the commune. The commune has never had a cleaning lady. The pupils cleaned everything themselves, moreover, so that everything had to shine, because 3-4 delegations a day came to the commune. Cleanliness was checked with a white handkerchief.

Today, in our days, according to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, only 10% of graduates of Russian state orphanages and boarding schools adapt to life, 40% commit crimes, another 40% of graduates become alcoholics and drug addicts, 10% commit suicide.

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I am inexperienced and even deluded, I created a team of people who were deluded and backward. A. Makarenko

The theoretical legacy of A.S. Makarenko, his convictions and brilliant talent, which were fully developed in the 1920s and 1930s, still serve the school faithfully, enrich our ideological and creative life. Time does not extinguish, but opens up more and more facets of his selfless and versatile pedagogical work, he experienced 200 thousand hours of working stress - those precious hours during which more than 3000 children and adolescents passed through his hands.

"Pedagogical Poem" by A.S. Makarenko gave 10 years of hard work. One of the most important events in the history of the creation of this wonderful book is a visit to A.M. Gorky of the colony, which was headed by Makarenko. The great interest of the great writer in the intention to create a book about a pedagogical experiment was explained, according to Makarenko, by the fact that Gorky was keenly interested in new positions of man on earth, new ways of trusting man and new principles of social creative discipline.

"Poem" tells how in the children's colony, created in the first years after civil war, there was a formation of a "real person" from among the homeless, petty thieves, people crippled by the difficult and cruel conditions of the civil war. The creation of a collective, magnificent in its ideological and moral qualities, is shown in the poem in a wide and multifaceted manner.

In the work on the book there were ups and downs and periods of disbelief in success. It so happened that the finished chapters did not seem to be a work of fiction, but a "book on pedagogy" written in the form of memoirs. Confidence in the writer was instilled by A.M. Gorky is the first reader and editor of the "Pedagogical Poem". He wrote: "In my opinion," Poem "was a great success for you. Not to mention the meaning of its plot, about the most interesting material, you managed to develop this material very successfully and found a correct, lively and sincere tone of the story, in which your humor is appropriate, as no more ".

The Poem consists of three parts. It is based on a chronological description of the formation and development of a very complex educational institution, which has gone from the anarchism of homelessness and petty-bourgeois individualism to the militant, seething Soviet reality, illuminated by the norms of socialist society.

A distinctive feature of "Poem" is a masterful combination of artistic narration, theoretical struggle in pedagogy of the 1920s and journalism. The fine artistic taste of A.S. Makarenko did not allow the book to be overloaded with details of everyday life and details of pedagogical searches.

It draws the reader's attention to the facts and events that ultimately determined the system of educating the collective of colonists and very vividly revealed the essence of humanistic pedagogy, and the author himself was nominated among the best exponents of its fighting spirit. The moral and aesthetic ideal of the author of the poem is most fully expressed in respect for man and in high demands on him, in the poeticization of creative work. AC. Makarenko was a very gifted person. He began his teaching career at a time when, along with talent, life example, civic pathos, moral and ideological purposefulness and the highest selflessness.

These qualities allowed him to achieve brilliant success in the struggle to educate a new person. The poetry of the teacher Makarenko was fueled by his desire to convey to the pupils all the wealth of a new attitude, to please them with new perspectives, thoughts and feelings, to make them better and more inspired. The main thing in his work is not "taming" a wild band of homeless children, but the formation of a children's collective, the formation of the personality of a new person. The poetry of his human and teaching feat, the poetry of comprehending and transforming the life of his pupils logically resulted in the "Pedagogical Poem" - one of the most amazing and read books world literature.

The secret of the eternal youth of the "Poem" lies in the author's deep penetration into the social problems of his time, in his active love for children, in the bold formulation of the question of the style, tone, organizational forms and means of Soviet education, in the fact that the author managed to say his own, even if not very big but necessary truth. As an artist of words, he deeply felt the socio-economic shifts in our society. As a teacher, he promisingly and boldly paved the way for the new Soviet education system. Now all the greatness of the feat of the teacher-innovator is clearly visible. This experience required testing over time. Time has shown that a teacher and artist still teaches us to think on a large scale, responsibly and specifically approach each pedagogical phenomenon.

The pedagogical skill itself was a moral necessity for Makarenko. Indeed, at the heart of everything that he accomplished was a tireless, uncompromising, exultant and militant struggle for a man, for his tomorrow's joy.

The enduring value of the "Pedagogical Poem" lies in the fact that it is illuminated by the romance of this struggle, filled with the light of wisdom and the unfading beauty of pedagogical work.

Anton Semyonovich Makarenko was born on March 13, 1888 in the city of Belopole, Sumy district, Kharkov province, in the family of a painter-painter of railroad car workshops. He had a younger brother, Vitaly, later a lieutenant, a white Markovite officer, who outlived his brother for a long time and left valuable memories of him.

§ In 1897 he entered the elementary railway school.

§ In 1901 with his family he moved to Kryukov, a suburb of Kremenchug.

§ B1904 graduated from a four-year school in Kremenchug and one-year pedagogical courses

§ In 1905, he worked as a teacher at a railway school in the village of Kryukov, then at Dolinskaya station.

§ 1914-1917 - studies at the Poltava Teachers' Institute, which he graduated with a gold medal. The topic of the diploma was very "delicate" - "The crisis of modern pedagogy."

§ In 1916 was drafted into the army, but demobilized due to visual impairment.

§ B1917-1919 was the head of the railway school at the Kryukov carriage workshops.

§ B1919. moved to Poltava.

On the instructions of the Poltava Gubnarobraz, he organized a labor colony for juvenile offenders in the village of Kovalevka, near Poltava, in 1921 the colony was named after M. Gorky, in 1926 the colony was transferred to the Kuryazhsky monastery near Kharkov; in charge of it (1920-1928), from October 1927 he headed the children's labor commune named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky in the suburb of Kharkov, in which he applied the pedagogical system developed by him in practice. His pedagogical achievements made Makarenko one of the famous figures of Soviet and world culture and pedagogy.

Member of the Union of Soviet Writers (since 1934).

Since the summer of 1935, he worked in Kiev as deputy head of labor colonies of the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs of the Ukrainian SSR. Concurrently, for some time he headed the labor colony No. 5 in Brovary.

In 1937 moved to Moscow, where he was mainly engaged in literary, social and scientific activities. In early 1939 he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. In February 1939, he applied for his acceptance as a candidate for membership in the CPSU (b), which was supported by the party committee of the Union of Soviet Writers in March of the same year.

He died suddenly in a suburban train carriage at the Golitsyno station on April 1, 1939. Buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.


In 1914 or 1915 he wrote the first story, sent it to Maxim Gorky, but he recognized the story as weak in literary terms. After that, Makarenko did not engage in writing for thirteen years, but kept notebooks. After visiting the juvenile colony, Gorky advised Makarenko to return to literary work... After the books about the commune named after F.E.Dzerzhinsky "March of 30 Years" (1932) and "FD-1" (1932), Makarenko's main work of fiction, "Pedagogical Poem" (1935), was completed. V last years In his life Makarenko continued to work both on works of art - "Flags on the Towers" (1938), and on autobiographical materials - the story "Honor" (1937-1938), the novel "Ways of a Generation" (not finished). In addition, he continues to actively develop the methodology of pedagogical activity and education in general, publishes a number of articles. In 1936, his first major scientific and pedagogical work "Methodology for organizing educational process". At the beginning of 1937, the first part of the "Book for Parents" was published. In the works of Makarenko, his pedagogical experience and pedagogical views are expressed. The activities and works of the teacher were highly appreciated by L. Aragon, A. Barbusse, D. Bernal, U.Bronfenbrenner, A. Wallon, V. Gall, A. Zegers, J. Korchak, S. Frene and other cultural and educational workers.

The leading place in foreign "Makarenko studies" is occupied by the A.S. Makarenko Laboratory for the Study of the Legacy of A.S. Makarenko, founded in 1968 in the Federal Republic of Germany, which is a subdivision of the largest institution of pedagogical "Ostforshung" - the Research Center for Comparative Pedagogy of the University of Marburg. An attempt was made there to publish Makarenko's works in German and Russian with the restoration of censorship notes, but in 1982, after the release of seven volumes, the publication was discontinued. In 2003, in Moscow, for the first time, the publication of the "Pedagogical Poem" was carried out without censorship abbreviations. The editor of the publication is a researcher of the Pedagogical Museum A.S. Makarenko Svetlana Sergeevna Nevskaya. A. S. Makarenko himself sums up his works in the epilogue of the "Pedagogical Poem":

My Gorky people also grew up, scattered all over the Soviet world, it is now difficult for me to collect them even in my imagination. You cannot catch the engineer Zadorov, buried in one of the grandiose construction projects in Turkmenistan, you cannot call the doctor of the Special Far Eastern Vershnev or the doctor in Yaroslavl Burun on a date. Even Nisinov and Zoren, for which the boys already flew away from me, fluttering their wings, only their wings are not the same now, not the tender wings of my pedagogical sympathy, but the steel wings of Soviet airplanes. And Shelaputin was not mistaken when he claimed that he would be a pilot; Shurka Zheveliy also became a pilot, not wanting to imitate his older brother, who chose the navigational path for himself in the Arctic.

Quotes Makarenko

Our children are our old age.

You cannot teach a person to be happy, but you can educate him so that he is happy.

Upbringing always happens, even when you are not at home.

“Our pedagogical production has never been built according to technological logic, but always according to the logic of moral preaching. This is especially noticeable in the field of our own upbringing ... Why in technical universities we study the resistance of materials, and in pedagogical universities we do not study the resistance of the individual when they begin to educate it? "

To give up risk is to give up creativity.

My work with street children was by no means a special job with street children. First, as a working hypothesis, from the first days of my work with homeless children, I established that no special methods should be used in relation to homeless people .. (Makarenko A.S., PSS, vol. 4, Moscow, 1984, p. 123).

Books are intertwined people.

“You can be dry with them to the last degree, demanding to the point of pickiness, you may not notice them ... but if you shine with work, knowledge, luck, then calmly do not look back: they are on your side ... And vice versa, no matter how affectionate you are , entertaining in conversation, kind and friendly ... if your business is accompanied by failures and failures, if at every step it is clear that you do not know your business ... you will never deserve anything but contempt ... "

Forty forty-ruble teachers can lead to complete decomposition not only of the group of street children, but also of any group.

From the tops of the "Olympic" cabinets, no details or parts of the work can be distinguished. From there you can see only the endless sea of ​​a faceless childhood, and in the office itself there is a model of an abstract child, made of the lightest materials: ideas, printed paper, Manilov's dreams ... "Olympians" despise technology. Thanks to their domination, pedagogical and technical thought, especially in the matter of our own upbringing, has long since decayed in our pedagogical universities. In all our Soviet life, there is no more miserable technical condition than in the area of ​​education. And therefore educational work is a handicraft business, and of the handicraft industries it is the most backward.


One of the approaches to criticizing the application of the A.S. Makarenko system was and remains the assertion that this system supposedly could work well only in the hands of its creator. This is refuted by the successful long-term activities of a number of followers of A.S. Makarenko.

Among the most famous followers and successors of the activities of A.S. Makarenko from his pupils, one should first of all name Semyon Afanasyevich Kalabalin and his wife Galina Konstantinovna (in the "Pedagogical Poem" - Semyon Karabanov and Galina Podgornaya ("Chernigovka")) and A.G. Yavlinsky (1915-1981) (father of the famous politician G.A. Yavlinsky). Among the followers who were not directly pupils of Anton Semyonovich, the names of prof., Ph.D. V.V. Kumarin (started with the successful implementation of the Makarenko System in orphanage Vladimir region, then worked in Russia and Ukraine, both dissertations are devoted to the study of the Makarenko System), G.M. Kubrakov (Kazakhstan), etc.


Major (1932; play)

March 30 (1932)

"FD - 1" (1932; essay)

"Pedagogical Poem" (1925-1935).

"Pedagogical poem" (with corrected remarks. Typos, restored letter "ё", table of contents appeared)

"Pedagogical Poem" (the first complete edition of 2003, scientific ed., Comp. And note by S.S. Nevskaya, published on the network by the decision of the head of the Central Exhibition Center named after A.S. Makarenko)

"Book for Parents" (1937; artistic and theoretical composition)

"Honor" (1937-1938; story)

"Flags on the Towers" (1938)

"Flags on the towers"

"Methodology for organizing the educational process"

"Lectures on parenting"


Pedagogical Poem (1955)

Flags on the Towers (1958)

Big and Small (1963)

A.S. Makarenko Pedagogical Museum, 121170, Moscow, Poklonnaya st., 16

Site dedicated to A.S. Makarenko; electronic archive of works by A.S. Makarenko

Education Center No. 656 named after A.S. Makarenko, Moscow Administrative District

Order named after A.S. Makarenko

Sumy State Pedagogical University. A.S. Makarenko, (Sumy, Ukraine)

Research laboratory "Educational pedagogy of A.S. Makarenko" (Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University)

"Chicks of Kuryazha": all genres of Makarenko's pedagogy (about the current life of the Kuryazhsk colony named after A.S. Makarenko (Kuryazh, Kharkiv region))

About IV-th int. competition them. A.S. Makarenko

Institute of Pedagogy named after A.S. Makarenko (founded in 1960 in Havana, r. Cuba)

Central library named after A.S. Makarenko, Novosibirsk

Library named after Anton Semyonovich Makarenko in Nizhny Novgorod

School number 1 named after A.S. Makarenko (Bazarkurgan village, Kyrgyz Republic),

UVK "School-Lyceum" №3, named after A.S. Makarenko (Simferopol)

Microdistrict Makarenko (city of Stary Oskol),

Makarenko Street (in Sochi),

Makarenko Street (Moscow),

Lane Makarenko (St. Petersburg)

Makarenko Lane (St. Petersburg) Makarenko Street (Perm), Makarenko Street (Severodvinsk), Makarenko Street (Tula), Makarenko Street (Novocherkassk),

General Regime TIC named after Makarenko (Kuryazhskaya colony) Kharkiv region, Podvorki village.

Makarenko pedagogical poem

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Anton Semyonovich Makarenko- Soviet teacher and writer. Makarenko is one of four teachers who defined the way of pedagogical thinking in the twentieth century.

Was born March 1 (13), 1888 years in the village of Belopolye, Kharkov province in the family of a painter-painter of railroad car workshops.

In 1897 he entered the elementary railway school.

In 1901, he moved with his family to Kryukov, (now the district of the city of Kremenchug, Poltava region).

In 1904 he graduated from a four-year school in Kremenchug and a one-year pedagogical course (1905).

In 1905 he worked there as a teacher at a railway school, then at the Dolinskaya station.

1914-1917 years - studies at the Poltava Teachers' Institute, which he graduated with a gold medal. The topic of the diploma was very "delicate" - "The crisis of modern pedagogy."

In 1916 he was drafted into the army, but demobilized due to visual impairment.

In 1917-1919 he was the head of the railway school at the Kryukov carriage workshops.

In 1919 he moved to Poltava.

On behalf of the Poltava Gubenarobra, he created a labor colony for juvenile offenders in the village of Kovalevka, near Poltava. In 1921 the colony was named after M. Gorky, in 1926 the colony was transferred to the Kuryazhsky monastery near Kharkov; in charge of it (1920-1928), from October 1927 to July 1935.

He was one of the leaders of the children's labor commune of the OGPU named after F.E.Dzerzhinsky in the suburbs of Kharkov, in which he continued to implement in practice the educational and pedagogical system he had developed.

On July 1, 1935, he was transferred to Kiev, to the central office of the NKVD of the Ukrainian SSR, where he worked as an assistant to the head of the department of labor colonies until November 1936. For some time - before moving in March 1937 from Kiev to Moscow, he headed the pedagogical part of the labor colony No. 5 in Brovary near Kiev.

In 1914 or 1915, he wrote the first story, sent it to Maxim Gorky, but he recognized the story as weak in literary terms. After that, Makarenko did not engage in writing for thirteen years, but kept notebooks.

The correspondence between Gorky and Makarenko lasted from 1925 to 1935.

After visiting the juvenile colony, Gorky advised Makarenko to return to literary work.

The main artwork of Makarenko is "Pedagogical Poem" (1925-1935).

In the last years of his life, Makarenko continued to work on both works of art - "Flags on the Towers" in 1938. In addition, he continues to actively develop methods of teaching and education in general, publishes a number of articles.

In 1936, his first major scientific and pedagogical work "Methods of organizing the educational process" was published. In the summer and autumn of 1937, the first part of the "Book for Parents" was published. In the works of Makarenko, his pedagogical experience and pedagogical views are expressed.


writer, teacher

Years of creativity: Direction:

pedagogy, fiction

Language of works: Awards: at Wikisource.

Anton Semyonovich Makarenko(March 1 (13), Belopole, Sumy district, Kharkov province, Russian Empire - April 1, Golitsyno station, Moscow region) - Soviet teacher and writer.

The international recognition of A.S. Makarenko was evidenced by the well-known UNESCO decision (1988) concerning only four teachers who determined the way of pedagogical thinking in the twentieth century. These are John Dewey, Georg Kerschensteiner, Maria Montessori and Anton Makarenko.


Anton Semyonovich Makarenko was born on March 13, 1888 in the city of Belopole, Sumy district, Kharkov province, in the family of a worker-painter of railroad car workshops. He had younger sister(died in childhood) and brother Vitaly (1895-1983), later a lieutenant, a participant in the Brusilov breakthrough, who received tangible wounds there and was awarded an award for bravery, after which he helped A.S. Makarenko (it was he who suggested introducing, in particular, elements of the game of militarization into the classes of his older brother). After the October Revolution of 1917, as a white officer, he was forced to leave his homeland and went abroad with the White Guards. He spent the rest of his life in France, where he younger brother Vitaly was found in 1970 by the West European Makarenko scholars G. Hillig (Germany) and Z. Weitz (France) and persuaded him to leave memories of his elder brother.

  • In 1897 he entered the elementary railway school.
  • In 1901, he moved with his family to Kryukov, (now the district of the city of Kremenchug, Poltava region).
  • He graduated from a four-year school in Kremenchug and one-year pedagogical courses ().
  • In 1905 he worked there as a teacher at a railway school, then at the Dolinskaya station.
  • -1917 years - studies at the Poltava Teachers' Institute, which he graduated with a gold medal. The topic of the diploma was very "delicate" - "The crisis of modern pedagogy."
  • B was drafted into the army, but demobilized due to visual impairment.
  • B - he was the head of the railway school at the Kryukov carriage workshops.

On behalf of the Poltava Gubnarobraz, he organized a labor colony for juvenile offenders in the village of Kovalevka, near Poltava, in 1921 the colony was named after M. Gorky, in 1926 the colony was transferred to the Kuryazhsky monastery near Kharkov; headed it (-), from October 1927 to July 1935 was one of the leaders of the children's labor commune of the OGPU named after F.E.Dzerzhinsky in the suburbs of Kharkov, in which he continued to put into practice the pedagogical system he had developed. M. Gorky was interested in A. Makarenko's pedagogical activity, provided him with all kinds of support. His pedagogical achievements made Makarenko one of the famous figures of Soviet and world culture and pedagogy.

He died suddenly in a suburban train carriage at the Golitsyno station on April 1, 1939. Buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Postage stamp of the USSR with the image of A.S. Makarenko

The origin of Makarenko

One of the leading foreign specialists in Makarenko studies, prof. Goetz Hillig devoted a separate study to the issue of AS Makarenko's national origin and national identity, the results of which are presented in the report “On the issue of AS Makarenko's national identity”. , where, in general, both the statement of his brother and the Russian identity of Anton Semyonovich are confirmed.

At the same time, it is indicated that for tactical reasons (in order to reduce the number of reasons for the dispersal of the Gorky colony for some officials), from a certain year, he ceases to indicate the word "Russian" in the nationality column (as was the case in Kryukov), and begins to write "Ukrainian".

Makarenko's nationality was not a secret for his contemporaries either. So, in goodbye from the Union of Soviet Writers of the BSSR directly says:

The Union of Soviet Writers of the BSSR expresses its deep condolences on the untimely death of the talented Russian writer, order bearer Anton Semyonovich Makarenko, the author of outstanding works widely known to the Belarusian reader.

Board of the Union of Soviet Writers of the BSSR

A family

  • Wife - Galina Stakhievna Makarenko (Salko - until 09.1935).
  • Adopted daughter - Olympiada Vitalievna Makarenko (daughter of brother Vitaly)
  • The adopted son is Lev Mikhailovich Salko.
  • The great-niece of A. S. Makarenko - Ekaterina Vasilieva, a Soviet and Russian actress, was born in the family of the poet Sergei Vasiliev and Olympiada Vitalievna Makarenko.

Literary creativity

Lifetime assessment of the activities of A.S. Makarenko.

Already during the life of A.S. Makarenko, his activities and works as an educator and teacher were highly appreciated by L. Aragon, A. Barbusse, D. Bernal, U. Bronfenbrenner, A. Wallon, V. Gali, A. Zegers, J. Korczak , S. Frene and other figures of culture and education.

A.M. played a great role in the life of Makarenko. Gorky, for whom caring for Russian children, especially those who turned out to be homeless, was a natural and most important thing for many years. Thus, F.E.Dzerzhinsky took up homeless children only after M.Gorky wrote a letter to V.I.Ulyanov about the need to urgently address this issue. In subsequent years, Gorky helped to prepare a book about the Bolshevsk Commune (Moscow region), which "thundered" at the end of the twenties, under the direction of. M. S. Pogrebinsky ( Pogrebinsky M.S. Factory of people), on the basis of the experience of which (the commune) the world famous film "A Way to Life" was shot. In this commune, just like in Makarenko's, offenders are re-educated with useful productive labor, there are also no fences and guards. In this sense, Makarenko for Gorky was another example of advanced experience in education. Gorky in every possible way insisted on publishing Makarenko's notes about his experience of upbringing in the form of a book, as the famous writer helped to publish in literary almanacs first individual chapters of the "Pedagogical Poem", and then published the entire book under his own editorship.

Of great importance for Makarenko was the understanding and support of his experience of upbringing and re-education literally from the first years of the Colony. M. Gorky from the side of the hands. NKVD of Ukraine Vsevolod Appolinarievich Balitsky. It is thanks to the last Makarenko after the removal from the leadership of the Colony. Gorky ... continued to lead a similar institution (the Commune named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky) already as part of the NKVD (A.S. Makarenko was appointed to lead the Commune in December 1927, i.e. for six months he combined both positions: in The Commune and the Colony). It is also reliably known that in the fall of 1936, on the direct orders of Balitsky, Makarenko's surname was deleted from the list of persons already mentioned during interrogation in the case of the former head of Makarenko in the department. labor colonies of Ukraine L.S. Akhmatov, as Trotskyists.

At the same time, during his lifetime, Makarenko was constantly criticized, including very harsh ones.

  • First, they often did not believe in his achievements ("boys in sweet syrup" is a typical review of the book "Flags on the Towers", that is, "a fairy tale, this does not happen").
  • Secondly, his approaches were perceived as alien ("The Makarenko system is not a Soviet system" - this is already the assessment of officials given in the "Pedagogical Poem").
  • Thirdly, he was attributed to constant assault, etc. It was on the basis of messages from such "well-wishers" that N.K. Krupskaya spoke at the Komsomol congress in May 1928 with harsh criticism of the Makarenko system (her speech was published in Komsomolskaya Pravda), which had a number of sad, and sometimes tragic, consequences not only for Makarenko himself (very soon dismissed from the Gorky Colony), but also for his followers (for example, for the family of S.A. and G.K. Kalabalin).

Therefore, it is not surprising that the works of A.S. Makarenko appeared in print not in a pedagogical publishing house, but in a literary one. The attitude of official pedagogy to Makarenko is also evidenced by the fact that there were no high pedagogical officials at his funeral.

Makarenko studies

The first Soviet candidate. dissertation on makarenko studies on the topic: "The pedagogical experience of A. S. Makarenko" was defended in Moscow on June 21, 1941 at the Academic Council of the Institute. To Liebknecht by Ivan Fedorovich Kozlov. Subsequently, he also made efforts to publish first selected works of Anton Semyonovich Makarenko, and then full collection essays and prepared a book ( Kozlov I.F. A.S. Makarenko's pedagogical system. M .: Education, 1987, 159 s.)

The leading place in foreign "Makarenko studies" is the laboratory for the study of AS Makarenko's heritage, founded in 1968 in Germany, which is a subdivision of the largest institution of pedagogical "Ostforschung" - the research center for comparative pedagogy at the University of Marburg. An attempt was made there to publish Makarenko's works in German and Russian with the restoration of censorship notes, but in 1982, after the release of seven volumes, the publication was discontinued. The works of prof. Goetz Hillig (Germany), foreign. member of RAO RF and APN of Ukraine, President (until 2002) of the International Makarenko Association (MMA). Since 2002, MMA has been headed by Ph.D. Korableva T.F.

Quotes Makarenko

"You cannot teach a person to be happy, but you can educate him so that he is happy."

“If there is little ability, then demanding an excellent study is not only useless, but also criminal. You cannot force to study well. This can lead to tragic consequences. " Explanation. At the same time, Makarenko did his best to ensure that (1) each student had at least 2-3 "favorite" subjects at school (circle, section, participation in a theater, orchestra, etc., up to a detachment to combat home brewing in neighboring villages), in which he (a) studied with pleasure. (2) sought mastery feasible for this person levels of mastering each educational "subject" (they could be either higher (preparation for the workers' faculty), and significantly lower than the "general" program), that is, idleness was also not encouraged.

"Upbringing always happens, even when you are not at home."

“Our pedagogical production has never been built according to technological logic, but always according to the logic of moral preaching. This is especially noticeable in the field of our own upbringing ... Why in technical universities we study the resistance of materials, and in pedagogical universities we do not study the resistance of the individual when they begin to educate it? "

"To give up risk is to give up creativity."

“My work with street children was by no means a special job with street children. First, as a working hypothesis, from the first days of my work with homeless children, I established that no special methods should be used in relation to homeless people. "

"Verbal education without accompanying gymnastics of behavior is the most criminal sabotage"

“You can be dry with them to the last degree, demanding to the point of pickiness, you may not notice them ... but if you shine with work, knowledge, luck, then calmly - do not look back: they are on your side ... And vice versa, no matter how you are affectionate, entertaining in conversation, kind and welcoming ... if your business is accompanied by failures and failures, if at every step it is clear that you do not know your business ... you will never deserve anything but contempt ... "

"Forty forty-ruble teachers can lead to complete decomposition not only of the group of street children, but also of any group."

“From the top of the“ Olympic ”offices, they do not distinguish between any details and parts of the work. From there you can see only the endless sea of ​​a faceless childhood, and in the office itself there is a model of an abstract child made of the lightest materials: ideas, printed paper, Manilov's dreams ... "Olympians" despise technology. Thanks to their domination, pedagogical and technical thought, especially in the matter of our own upbringing, has long since decayed in our pedagogical universities. In all our Soviet life, there is no more miserable technical condition than in the area of ​​education. And therefore, educational work is a handicraft business, and of the handicraft industries it is the most backward. "

"Books are intertwined people."


One of the common methods of critics of the system of A.S. Makarenko was and remains the assertion that this system allegedly worked well only in the hands of its creator. This is refuted both by the detailed verified description of the system in the works of A.S. Makarenko himself (involuntarily and mainly in the form of artistic and scientific presentation), and by the successful long-term activity of a number of his followers.

Among the most famous followers and successors of A.S. Makarenko's activities, of his pupils, one should first of all name Semyon Afanasyevich Kalabalin (1903-1972) and his wife Galina Konstantinovna (1908-1999, in the "Pedagogical Poem" - Semyon Karabanov and Galina Podgornaya ( "Chernigovka")) and A. G. Yavlinsky (1915-1981, father of the famous politician G. A. Yavlinsky).

A number of Makarenko's pupils initially chose a different path in life, but after a while they turned to educational activities. Among such figures, the most famous is L. V. Konisevich, who spent more than 15 years in the naval service, and then headed the Almazny boarding school in Ukraine for a quarter of a century, where education was based on feasible and exciting caring for flower beds, a garden and a vegetable garden. At the end of his life, Leonid Vatslavovich managed to prepare in his book "We were raised by Makarenko" the most detailed (of all available) memoirs about life and work in the commune. Dzerzhinsky from the point of view of the pupil.

Among the followers, who were not directly pupils of Anton Semyonovich, the names of prof., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences are known. V.V. Kumarin (1928-2002, began with the successful implementation of the Makarenko system in an orphanage in the Vladimir region, then worked in Russia and Ukraine, both theses were devoted to the study of the Makarenko system), G.M. Kubrakova (Kazakhstan), I. A. Zyazyuna (Ukraine), as well as A.A. Katolikova, A.A. Zakharenko, A.S. Gurevich, V.M. Makarchenkova and others.

The ideas of organizing the collective of A.S. Makarenko (reliance on traditions, the teaching staff as a community of like-minded people, the organization of relations of responsible dependence, children's self-government, etc.) were developed by the Soviet teacher Fedor Fedorovich Bryukhovetsky. Creating a creative team of children and adults on the principles of humanism, FF Bryukhovetsky creatively applied these ideas in the practice of a mass school and supplemented them with original content, taking into account social conditions education in the post-war years.

A curious continuation of the Makarenko movement was shown by a number of representatives of the Komsomol, who in the mid-1960s began to work with "difficult" teenagers. Some of them, for example, Vitaly Eremin, quite deliberately used the experience and approaches of A.S. Makarenko, which is mentioned in the description of their pedagogical experience.

Pupils of Makarenko - Order Bearers and Heroes of the Second World War

  • Tsymbal, Vasily Timofeevich [Jan. 1916 - 11/01/1943] - Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • other...

Events associated with the name of A.S. Makarenko


  • Major (1932; play)
  • "FD-1" (1932; sketch)
  • "Pedagogical Poem" (1925-1935).
  • "Pedagogical poem" (with corrected remarks. Typos, restored letter "ё", table of contents appeared)
  • "Pedagogical Poem" (the first complete edition of 2003, scientific ed., Comp. And note. S. S. Nevskaya, published on the network in 2010 by the decision of the head of the Central Exhibition Center named after A. S. Makarenko (pdf ))
  • "Book for Parents" (1937; artistic and theoretical composition)
  • "Honor" (1937-1938; story)
  • "Flags on the towers"


  • Flags on the Towers (1958)
  • Filmography on the site dedicated to the life and work of A. S. Makarenko


The grave of A.S. Makarenko at the Novodevichy cemetery

Medal A.S. Makarenko

Educational establishments

  • Institute of Pedagogy named after A. S. Makarenko (founded in 1960 in Havana, r. Cuba)
  • Research laboratory "Educational pedagogy of A. S. Makarenko" of the Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University
  • Laboratory "Pedagogy of A. S. Makarenko"
  • Kiev Vocational Pedagogical College named after A. S. Makarenko (Kiev, Ukraine)
  • Novosibirsk Pedagogical College №1 named after A. S. Makarenko
  • Republican boarding school of secondary (general) education with a humanitarian profile named after A.S. Makarenko (Baku, Azerbaijan)
  • Sumy State Pedagogical University. A. S. Makarenko, (Sumy, Ukraine)
  • UVK "School-Lyceum" No. 3, named after A. S. Makarenko (Simferopol)
  • School named after A. S. Makarenko, (village Danilovka, Volgograd region)
  • School number 3 named. A. S. Makarenko (Frolovo, Volgograd region)
  • School number 1 named after A. S. Makarenko (Bazarkurgan village, Kyrgyz Republic)
  • School number 1 named after A. S. Makarenko (Khanka, Khorezm region, Uzbekistan)
  • Arzamas, Nizhny Novgorod region)
  • School number 22 named after A. S. Makarenko, (Votkinsk, Republic of Udmurtia)
  • School number 6 named. A. S. Makarenko, (Taldykorgan, Kazakhstan)
  • School number 100 named. A. S. Makarenko, (Kharkov, Ukraine)
  • Nikitovskaya school. A. S. Makarenko (Nikitivka village, Belgorod region)
  • Schule mit Ausgleichsklassen A.S. Makarenko (Magdeburg, Germany)


  • Makarenko Street (Belgorod city)
  • Makarenko Street (Bogoroditsk)
  • Makarenko street, city of Bratsk
  • Makarenko Street (Dubna)
  • Makarenko Street (Zhirnovsk)
  • Makarenko Street (Kiev)
  • Makarenko's passage (Korolev, Moscow region)
  • Makarenko Street (in Nakhodka, Primorsky Territory)
  • Makarenko Street (Novocherkassk)
  • Makarenko Street (Odessa, Ukraine)
  • Makarenko Street (Perm)
  • Makarenko Street (Severodvinsk)
  • Microdistrict Makarenko (Stary Oskol, Belgorod Region)
  • Makarenko's passage (Surgut, Tyumen region)
  • Makarenko Street (Tula)


  • Site dedicated to A. S. Makarenko; electronic archive of works by A.S. Makarenko
  • A. S. Makarenko Pedagogical Museum, Moscow.
  • Medal of A. S. Makarenko (Ukraine) "For achievements in the field of education and pedagogical science"

(established in 1964)

  • Museum of A.S. Makarenko in the village. Podvorki (Kuryazh) Kharkiv region
  • A. Makarenko Reserve-Museum of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine 15018, Poltava district, with. Kovalevka
  • Museum of A. S. Makarenko in the city of Belopole, Sumy region. [email protected]
  • A. S. Makarenko Pedagogical Memorial Museum in Kremenchug, Poltava Region.
  • Museum of A.S. Makarenko in Moscow
  • Library named after Anton Semyonovich Makarenko in Nizhny Novgorod
  • Central library named after A. S. Makarenko, Novosibirsk
  • Microdistrict Makarenko (city of Stary Oskol)
  • Educational colony for minors named after A.S. Makarenko (formerly Kuryazhskaya colony) Kharkiv region, Podvorki village, Dergachevsky district
  • Library named after A. S. Makarenko Evpatoria

see also

Notes (edit)

  1. cit. on Korableva T.F. Philosophical and ethical aspects of the theory of the collective A.S. Makarenko. Abstract of thesis. Cand. dis. ... Cand. Philos. sciences. M., 2000, p. 3.
  2. Makarenko V.S. My brother Anton Semyonovich ", Marburg, 1985, p. 79
  3. Goetz Hillig... On the issue of national identity A.S. Makarenko
  4. Konisevich L.V. We were raised by Makarenko. Chelyabinsk, 1994

In the small town of Belopole, Kharkov province, on March 1 (13), 1888, a boy was born into a simple family of a railway worker, who was destined to write his name in the history of world pedagogy.

Anton grew up as a very sickly boy, and he preferred reading books to yard amusements. The authority of the local kids was not added either by the short-sightedness of young Makarenko, or by his image of a "know-it-all."

Having moved with the whole family to Kryukov, Anton entered the Kremenchug School, which he brilliantly graduated in 1904. Seriously thinking about his future professional activity, Anton enrolled in pedagogical courses, the successful completion of which gave him the right to teach in the elementary grades.

Pedagogical activity

Makarenko immediately started working in his native Kryukov, but very quickly realized that he lacked the knowledge he had acquired. In 1914 he was enrolled in the Poltava Teachers' Institute, from which he graduated with honors.

Simultaneously with his studies at the institute, Anton Semenovich began to try his hand at the literary field, writing the story "A Stupid Day". The aspiring writer sent his work for review to Maxim Gorky, but in return received only merciless criticism. Such an unsuccessful attempt for a long time discouraged his craving for creativity.

In a short biography of Makarenko, it is indicated that the teacher began to develop his own method of re-education, choosing for these purposes a labor colony for minors. Working with street children and difficult teenagers he used a method based on the division of children into separate groups and independent arrangement of their life. Under the guidance of a teacher, they were engaged in the manufacture of cameras "FED".

However, representatives of the authorities, who closely followed Makarenko's pedagogical experiments, did not give him the opportunity to fully implement them. As a result, Anton Semenovich was transferred to Kiev for a “paper” job.

Writing work

Realizing that he would not be allowed to do what he loved, Makarenko plunged headlong into writing books. Thanks to his "Pedagogical Poem", he quickly joined the ranks of the Union of Soviet Writers.

Having moved to Moscow, Anton Semenovich continued his activities. Together with his wife, he wrote the famous "Book for Parents", in which he described in detail the main pedagogical ideas.

According to this book, for better adaptation of a child in society, he needs a team from an early age like air. An important role is also played by the possibility of free realization of one's abilities and talents. Every teenager should be able to independently earn for their own needs.

Makarenko's outstanding achievements in the field of education and, in particular, the re-education of street children and difficult adolescents, allowed him to become one of the significant figures in world pedagogy. After the death of Anton Semenovich, on the basis of his literary works, the paintings "Big and Small", "Flags on Towers", "Pedagogical Poem" were created.

Personal life

Makarenko met his wife, Galina Stakhievna, while working in the colony. After registering his marriage in 1935, he adopted his wife's son, Leo. He also replaced his own father with his niece Olympias. Anton Semenovich had no children of his own.