I know it's not easy to forgive me
But believe me, it's even harder now
Realizing that you hurt your friend
From this itself it is doubly painful.

Let's forget the past grievances
I feel so bad without you, I'm not lying
Therefore, hoping for forgiveness,
I sincerely apologize.

Have I offended you?
Believe me, I didn't mean to.
Something came over me
I didn’t see my tongue.

Excuse me friend
I inadvertently
I will not repeat myself
It will be a lesson to me.

I'm so ashamed, uncomfortable
It became bad in my soul,
Excuse me please,
I will improve, I will become better!

Forgive me friend. I don’t want you and me to have any misunderstandings, I don’t want to see you offended and sad. Let everything be fine again, because our friendship is able to overcome any problem, any difficulty. I love you, friend, don't be angry anymore, please.

We quarreled with you
And suddenly they became strangers.
But you won't be replaced by me
Thousands of other girlfriends.

Really a couple of stupid
Pathetic and insulting phrases
Will destroy friendship forever
What connected us with you?

I want to forget forever
Everything that we said
So that we are with you as before,
Best friends were.

I'm so sorry it happened
Everything turned out very stupid,
But I beg your pardon
And I apologize.

My beloved friend,
I am guilty. Sorry.
I know we love each other -
The grievances will be over.

Please don't be angry with me
I'm to blame, I admit
You better just smile
I love you with all my heart.

You are my friend
Dear little man,
I will never be
Someone closer than you.

This is all because of me!
My friend is to blame.
And now I regret
That they quarreled with each other.

I want to make up.
I suffer in a quarrel without you.
Well, don't be angry, please.
Excuse me, dear!

I want to tell you I'm sorry
Sorry, I pray you don't be angry anymore
I didn't want to offend
Well, let's put up soon!

Imagine how I will be
Without my dear friend
I'm going crazy without you
You alone are needed.

You are my sun
What made it through all the clouds
And with you it's so easy for me
Stop torturing my soul.

I know I hurt you
And for this I sincerely apologize,
You're bored without me
Give me back the mood!

Forgive me, dear friend!
I am very guilty before you
I don’t know what came over me then
Something terrible was happening to me.

You are my support and hope
And I better not find anyone around.
Forgive me! Let everything be as before
You are my best friend in the world.

I value our friendship very much
Let's forget this quarrel already!
I beg your pardon with all my heart,
Let's put an edge to empty conversation!

Let's not sulk at each other
And immediately the soul will become warmer!
After all, you are my beloved friend
And I want you to stay her!

Sorry for doing this
I know that of course I'm wrong
What I told you too much
That my words hurt you!

I hope the ice thaws a little
After all, I insanely value friendship!
My soul both weeps and weeps,
I ask you for forgiveness for everything!

Close people are defenseless in front of us: they open their deep thoughts and feelings, trust - and that is why you can accidentally or in the heat of anger hurt them deeply with something. Women are more emotional, so conflicts between them are especially difficult and frequent. How to apologize to your friend and restore trust?

Ways to apologize to a friend

When deciding how best to apologize to your friend, especially if you screwed up a lot, you should calm down and analyze the situation. There are many options to ask for forgiveness:

How to make the right choice?

Analyzing the situation

To begin with, you need to abstract from emotions, and consider the situation as it is: what exactly hurt the girlfriend - for this you need to look at what happened from her side. Talked to someone about her, and she took it as a betrayal? Didn't you say something important in your life? Didn't you support at a difficult moment? Complaints may seem strange, but even if they are, the person's feelings are hurt and should be treated with respect.

Perhaps in response, during a quarrel, I had to listen to many unpleasant words. You don't need to scroll through them in your head, it's better to just excuse them - it was just a manifestation of the fact that to a loved one painfully. If you begin to develop a reciprocal resentment, peaceful relations cannot be achieved on mutual accusations.

Finding a compromise solution

You need to try to understand how serious the friend herself considers the situation that has occurred. It is clear that if you were flirting with her boyfriend, a simple apology will not be enough, some action will be required.

It should be taken into account what she loves and what qualities she possesses. Will she take a joke about this? Would he agree to listen to long explanations? Will he accept the gift with joy, or will he decide that it is a dishonest bribery? Sometimes it's better to just give time and not touch the painful.

You can remember how the injured party itself decides conflict situations, or how she spoke about different ways reconciliation. For close people, this is usually not a secret.

Simple "sorry"

Sometimes simple words can do more than anything else. A willingness to admit guilt shows that friendship is more important than your own ego.

Well, if you can find the right moment when her resentment subsides a little. At the same time, you can ask how to atone for your guilt.

A humorous approach

Perfect for those who like to joke. Surely there is humor that only you understand - then she will remember what unites you.

You can joke about yourself, about the situation, but you should not laugh at her feelings - even if it seems that she was offended by an absolutely ridiculous reason.

Reconciling gift

The gift will show the determination to make sacrifices in order to restore peaceful relations. This could be something that a friend has long wanted: new toy for the collection of souvenirs, cosmetics, jewelry.

Some come to put up with a bottle of something alcoholic in order to end the application with the gatherings. In any case, the present should bring joy to the offended party.

Sincere message

Sometimes it's better to put your thoughts in writing. This will help weigh every word and wording. Great if your friend likes to interrupt or if you tend to get excited.

It is worth choosing a method of transferring information: just SMS or a beautifully designed paper letter sent by mail. It is clear that the latter will cause more joy.

Intimate talk

Often in how to apologize to best friend an important role is played by conversation - a simple "sorry" is not enough, although it all starts with it.

During a conversation, you can better understand the position of the offended and help her look at the situation from the other side. This will make it easier to come to a compromise.

You need to be prepared that the girlfriend does not immediately want to conduct conversations. It's good if you can create a welcoming atmosphere.

What to say during a conversation

It's usually best to start by admitting your guilt. Even if it is not clear what happened, you can apologize for the fact that her feelings were hurt, and reassure that it was not intentional.

Sometimes it is appropriate to explain the reason for your behavior: she said without thinking, in a rage. If you did something wrong, tell what was the reason. In any case, what was said must be true. If you are tempted to write a mind-blowing story, you need to think about how, firstly, it is dishonest, and secondly, what will happen when the lie is revealed.

Explanations should not look like an attempt to justify yourself or to twist yourself by making yourself innocent. This is disliked because it doesn't sound like a sincere apology. And vice versa: when a person admits that he is guilty, the accusing party may find others involved.

Then you will need not to speak, but to listen, even if the answer is unpleasant. Most likely, she will repeat her claims and feelings again - women thus experience what happened. She will speak out, and it will become easier for her. Then you can ask what she expects - what could be done to remedy the situation.

If the conflict is serious enough, she may ask to give up something. For example, if you flirted with her boyfriend, she has the right to ask you not to communicate with him anymore. And if the problem is gossip, then you should talk about which things can be considered acceptable for discussion and which are not. This behavior will show that the request for forgiveness is sincere and that the problem will not recur.

What if she doesn't want to talk

It happens that the offended side is not ready to enter into dialogue. She is probably overwhelmed by negative feelings - it is worth waiting for this to pass. If a lot of time has passed, you can try to write a letter or SMS. Another option is to ask mutual friends to help arrange a meeting.

It is not always possible to quickly find a way to use, and sometimes, once native person wants to put an end to communication forever - to which he also has the right. If, on your part, everything has been tried, and you have not been able to earn forgiveness, you just need to let go of the situation. This is not always the worst option, especially if quarrels and showdowns have become the norm of communication.

Let's be realistic: everyone can offend a friend. Therefore, one should not too much spread rot on oneself, but one should not justify the trouble with general imperfection. Often reconciliations make friendships stronger - but only if they are sincere. A quarrel is a kind of test of strength.

Sometimes it is not easy to find the strength to take steps towards application. Many find this behavior humiliating. But on the contrary, such things require great fortitude, which a weak person is incapable of. This is an opportunity to show that a loved one is dearer than your own pride.

You should not dwell on the conflict. Such information is later embellished by every gossip and annoys even when everything has passed. Someone can take advantage of a disagreement to quarrel close people completely.

Whichever way to restore friendship was chosen: conversation, original gift or a good joke, it is important that the friend understands what the purpose of all this is. Subsequently, the trouble will only be remembered with a laugh and not repeat past mistakes.

Marina, Nalchik

One of the greatest values ​​in our life is friendship. It's good when there is a person who will rejoice at your achievements and successes and will help when clouds are gathering on the horizon. Friendship is tested by time, distance, and often conflicts. Relationships between people are not always cloudless. Different upbringing, the level of development, character and life values ​​lead to the fact that sometimes people cannot find a common language. However, disagreements should not be a barrier between people close to the soul. Even if a misunderstanding intervened in your relationship, you can always restore the lost harmony. The main thing is to be willing to re-establish friendly relations.

How to apologize to a friend?

There are many ways to apologize to your friend. The choice of a specific method depends on what is the reason, what character the friend has, how strong the disagreement is, etc.

Consider options for how to properly apologize to a friend:

  1. Often it is enough to say the usual “forgive me” to sparkle a friend's eyes and restore friendship. Apologize should be simple and sincere.
  2. Describe how you felt about what happened and why the hurtful words came out. You can talk about your mood that day or the problems that prompted you to behave this way. This will give her friend the opportunity to turn her attention away from her hurt and empathize with you.
  3. You should not describe the quarrel itself, recalling negative moments in memory that everyone would like to forget about.
  4. It is advisable to tell how you value your friendship, and what warm feelings feel for a friend.
  5. There is no need to shield yourself and make excuses. If you feel guilty, it’s better to be direct about it. An apology can make sense like this: “There are some reasons why I did this, but it doesn't excuse me. I am guilty before you. "

It is worth considering one more point: some people need time to calm down, and it is better to turn to some immediately so that the lump of resentment does not increase.

How can you apologize to your best friend?

Quarrels are generally an unpleasant thing, but when a conflict flared up with your best friend, it is doubly unpleasant. Although it is not at all difficult to make peace with your best friends, because hardly any of you wants to end your friendship. One has only to imagine that this friendship will no longer exist, as the forces will appear to find a solution.

Don't think too long about how to apologize to your best friend. She, for sure, is also worried and wants to improve good relationship... Just call or come to visit with candy and tell them that you are sorry about what happened.

If you can't find the strength to say this when you meet, you can use the services of social networks. Write a letter and attach a picture of your apology.

How beautiful is it to apologize to a friend?

If a friend appreciates originality and uniqueness, you can use a non-standard apology:

1. Buy a gift. It could be soft toy with a postcard on which the words of apology are written, or the thing that a friend dreamed of. Or maybe just a chocolate bar is enough, on which it says "Forgive my friend ..."

2. Write SMS in verse. For example:

I didn't want this fight

Forgive me - let's be friends.

I don't like arguing with you

And I will cherish friendship.

I offended you - forgive me,

Misunderstandings - let go of the wind.

I don't want to quarrel, but I want to be friends,

Rejoice with you, sing songs, joke ...

3. Make a presentation or create a file in which you can talk about your friendship and apologize for the unpleasant moment.

4. Draw a picture or make a collage that will talk about repentance and friendship.

You need to be sincere in your words and apologies. If yours is important to both of you, then you can restore a precious relationship.

Sometimes we can offend a person close to us and not even notice it. When it becomes clear why your friend is ignoring you and does not want to communicate with you, you grab your head: "How to apologize to a friend?"

However, do not panic - even the closest people can quarrel and take offense at each other. Lovers swear, children and parents swear, and of course, friends swear. After all, there is no relationship without quarrels and conflicts. The main thing in this case is to apologize in time and return friendship.

Make up with your best friend. How?

In fact, making up with your best friend is not that difficult, because deep down she also wants reconciliation. For this, it is not necessary to apologize in verse, a simple apology in your own words will be enough: "I was wrong."

Have a heart-to-heart talk, talk about how you regret your deed or words, how you miss her.

However, in the event that you screwed up a lot, you may have to repeat this more than once. Don't be discouraged and be persistent. If your friendship is important to both of you, your friend will definitely take you a step towards meeting.

Apologize beautifully

You can use modern technology and write your apologies in social networks(vk, facebook, classmates, etc.). Such an apology can be written not only in prose, but also in poetry, do not be ashamed of it. After all, the most important thing is to convey your repentance to her, and it does not matter in what way it will be done.

The main thing is not a gift, the main attention

Give her a gift to show that you value your friendship. At the same time, the gift does not have to be expensive. Better to remember what your friend loves (it could be her favorite candy, a bottle of wine or lipstick, which will soon run out). In this case, the main thing is to show that you know her interests and passions well, and value your friendship very much.

A bit of a mystery

When was the last time you used the post office? If this is not work-related, then most likely - a very long time ago. Write a sincere text with an apology, your worries, and necessarily - good and funny moments of your friendship. To receive such a letter by mail is always unexpected and pleasant.

Secrets of Reconciliation

  • Each person has his own character and temperament, therefore, the time of resentment for everyone lasts differently. Give your friend time to calm down and cool down after an argument;
  • Remember that you are the best friend, and that she will forgive you a simple but sincere apology.
  • It is not necessary to describe the quarrel in detail, so as not to raise a past resentment in memory. It is better to focus on why you happened this way (headache, problems at work, etc.), as well as how you regret it;
  • If you do not consider yourself to be guilty, but want to take the first step towards reconciliation, it is enough to say: “I did not want to offend you with my words / actions and I am very worried that I unintentionally offended you. You should know, I didn’t want this at all ”;
  • Be in contact with her immediate environment, perhaps at some point she will need your support and help;
  • Do not insult yourself and maintain self-respect, because friendship is a relationship between two EQUAL people;

Relationships between people are not always simple. After all, two people, no matter how similar they are, still remain unique and inimitable. It's okay when your outlook on life doesn't coincide on certain areas or issues. If these disagreements are always highly perceived, simply bypass such topics of conversation.

Who is guilty?

Friendship by nature is not always equal. In such a relationship, there is a leader, and there is one who follows the leader. And not always the one who is to blame is the first to ask for forgiveness. Therefore, when you quarrel with a friend, do not rush to apologize, it is better to analyze the situation on the following questions:

  1. On whose initiative do quarrels most often occur?
  2. Who is the first to initiate reconciliation?
  3. What happens if you never make up? Perhaps your life will become easier and more carefree?
  4. If such a quarrel does not happen for the first time, are you ready to come to terms with the fact that your friend cannot be corrected, and her behavior / words will offend you in the future?

Unfortunately, friendship is not always disinterested and sincere, although none of the friends may not even guess about it. If you are constantly aware of all the events and twists and turns in your friend's life, if it is you who constantly console and support her, think about it. Does your girlfriend do the same to you? Or you both live only one life - hers. In this case, it's time for you to seriously think about why someone else's life interests you more than your own and how to deal with it further. Know that real friendship brings you joy and support, the knowledge that in a difficult situation they will always give you a shoulder and come to the rescue. If your friendship is not like that, start working on raising your own worth in your eyes and remember that you deserve the best!

We quarreled with you
This is only my fault.
Is it really to be a stranger
Do I always have to now?

Show me patience
And forgive me, friend.
There is only regret in my heart
That she was so mean

My beloved friend
Forgive me, forgive me for everything
I love you so madly
That my heart sank with longing.

Please don't be offended by me
I know everything will pass, because I am your friend,
And our friendship grows stronger by the day.
And we cannot live without each other.

Girlfriend, darling I'm sorry
I promise, we will see you more often,
Come on, take your keys
Put the kettle on, set the table, and we'll see you soon.

Forgive me dear friend
I value our friendship very much!
I know there's a blizzard between us
I'm shivering from the cold of insults!

I beg your forgiveness now
So that the sun of our friendship shines!
Hope you accept the apology
So that everything is as before, we have it again!

Sorry for everything friend
If something offended you.
There is no friend in the world
With whom I was honest with you.

Maybe I accidentally dropped it
Harsh words addressed to you.
I just apparently completely forgot
How much you have done in your life for me.

My dear flower dear
You are the only one in the world
Forgive me, for my stupidity,
I will never meet another friend.

You are bright, so good
And I can't live without you at all
You are my dearest
I need to measure with you urgently!

Will you forgive me, will you forgive?
I know that I am to blame
That you are sad now
Full of rage and poison.

I will not forget my words
But they hurt me too.
Those words are like a boomerang
They hurt me involuntarily.

Our wounds heal
Only we can each other,
To revive friendship
Even if it's hard.

Hi, girlfriend, how are you -
I see you are angry with me?
I understand everything myself -
I urge you to make up.

Well forgive me fool
I am without any catch.
My tongue is a cruel enemy to me,
Not even a minute is silent.

What she said is already decay,
Listen to what I say in return:
I want to be friends with you
I am writing an apology.

My dear friend
Please forgive me
Pillow wet with tears
It’s very difficult without you.

I didn't want to offend
Apparently the evil spirit influenced
I want to hear you,
This scandal was superfluous.

We've known each other for so many years
My dear friend.
We always forget insults ...
And this time - forgive me!

I appreciate and respect you,
I'm sorry for the stupidity!
It's not a hindrance, I know
For our friendship and love!

I have not stopped loving you
I value our friendship
I said stupid words
And I beg your pardon.

You and I are like fingers
On one hand, girlfriend.
I don't want to say goodbye to you
I roar like a beluga from melancholy.

I dare not approach you,
I can't make up my mind
But believe that it is very strong
I want to make up ...