Labor benefits also include:

  • Work at night. Citizens who have given written consent may be involved in such action. And only if there are no health restrictions for medical reasons in accordance with Article 96 Labor Code RF.
  • Business trips, overtime work and working hours on weekends and holidays. If there is a child under three years of age, it is possible to involve workers with written consent and only in the absence medical indications. Such women must be informed in writing of this right. Similar guarantees are now provided to citizens who have children under 5 years of age.
  • Additional holidays. This is the most frequently asked question. A collective agreement at an enterprise has the right to create such clauses on the basis of Article 263 of the Labor Code.

Benefits for a single mother if she is married

  • at school, children raised by one parent have the right to have two meals in the canteen (for this you will need to submit a corresponding application to educational institution addressed to the director);
  • providing children with free massage sessions by medical specialists;
  • the state provides free trips to camps and sanatoriums for children;
  • children are placed on a preferential queue for admission to kindergartens;
  • 50% discount on kindergarten fees;
  • provision from the state of a 30% discount on a child’s education in organizations additional education (sports clubs, drawing schools, etc.).

If, for some reason, the administration educational organization where the child is studying refuses to provide benefits, you can file a complaint with a higher authority.

Is it legal to cancel benefits and benefits for a single mother if she gets married?


On at the moment You can find more than half of citizens who are considered single mothers. This often happens when the father leaves the family or does not recognize his paternity at all.

By law, a single parent is a woman raising a child alone. Obtaining status You can obtain the status of a single mother yourself by contacting the registry office and social protection.

Many people want to know if a single mother gets married, does she lose benefits. Officially, a quarter of the population remains in this status.
And each of these people is entitled to additional benefits and allowances. Many women believe that their status can be given due to the death of a spouse or failure to fulfill responsibilities.

Benefit for single mothers in 2018

If there is a need to get a job, and a woman has a son or daughter under 14 years of age in her care, the employer, in case of refusal of a job, must provide a written explanation justifying the reason. When a woman considers that the reason for refusal is unfounded, she can go to court to resolve this issue.

Can a single mother get a mortgage? The bank does not provide separate lending conditions for this category of the population, however, if a woman has a stable income, she can easily get a mortgage. The presence of a husband in this case is not necessary. Family income is considered.


If a woman has two children, she will also need to prove her solvency. In this case, the income level must be high to cover the costs for three people.

When you need to pay the down payment, you can use funds from maternity capital.

Single mother got married

And this does not stop until paternity is established or the spouse’s child is adopted. Personal income tax Personal income tax is provided upon application by a single mother at her place of employment.
This allows you to reduce the cost of paying the submitted tax by a specific amount. For a single mother, this amount becomes 2800.


If the number of children is more than three – 6000. A similar amount is present when raising a disabled child. Labor Every woman can receive labor benefits in 2018.

These include additional leave or days to care for a child, paid sick leave and similar employment benefits. Payment sick leave is carried out regardless of length of service.

Even if a woman has just started working, she has the right to receive full sick pay until the child reaches 7 years of age and 15 days for a child over the specified age.

If I get married, will I lose my single mother benefits?

If the contract expires, management may dismiss, but provide continued employment. In this case, the job search should not exceed three months.

During this period, the woman must receive the average salary from her previous place of work. Sick leave is paid in full, regardless of its duration. According to the law, if a child is between 7 and 15 years old, the mother has the right to take sick leave for up to 15 days.

When outpatient treatment is indicated, wages are paid in full for the first 10 days. Starting from the 11th day, the salary is calculated at 50% of the rate.

As for leave, the mother is entitled to it every year. There are two types – paid and unpaid. The mother can take the second one at a time that is convenient for her.

Benefits and privileges of single mothers in 2018

The list of documents includes:

  1. statement;
  2. passport of the applicant;
  3. single mother certificate;
  4. certificates of income and the value of property owned;
  5. a document establishing the fact of the child’s birth;
  6. document confirming registration for 10 years;
  7. certificate of inspection of living space for the last five years.

In individual cases, department specialists may request other documents from the applicant. Download for viewing and printing: Having examined the submitted list of documents, housing commission employees recognize the woman as low-income and in need of improving the conditions of her housing.

How to speed up the process of obtaining housing In practice, receiving housing benefits for a single mother can take several years, despite the fact that she has the right to it.

Single mother - legal status, benefits and benefits

  • in the event of complete liquidation of an organization in which a single mother works, the employer is obliged to provide her with a job no worse than her previous one in another institution (enshrined in Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 5, 1992 No. 554 “On compulsory employment of certain categories of workers during liquidation enterprises, institutions, organizations");
  • if the child is under 14 years old, then his mother can apply for part-time work;
  • sending a woman on a business trip to raise a child without the help of his father is possible only after obtaining her consent in writing;
  • Women raising a child under five years old cannot be recruited alone to work at night, on weekends and on holidays;
  • If a single mother is dependent on a disabled child, she is entitled to 4 additional paid days off monthly according to a convenient schedule.

If a single mother gets married and her husband does not adopt the child, does the woman still have this status? After marriage, the status of children born before marriage remains the same. The rights of single mothers are protected by law.

However, before entering into labor, family and other types of relationships, you need to familiarize yourself with the legislative rationale that works in a particular case. A specialized lawyer who works in the field of Family or Labor Law will help with this.

Dear readers! Works for you 24 hours a day legal advice. Ask your question using the form on the website or request a free call.

If a single mother gets married, will child benefits be canceled?

What is this for? Is it better for a child to live with a single mother rather than in a full family? Question: is it possible to do all this in another way, without collecting documents for the court? lawyer Zaretskaya Olga Anatolyevna Dear Anna! In accordance with the requirements of Article 125 of the RF IC, adoption is carried out only in court, there is no other way. Consideration of cases on establishing the adoption of a child is carried out by the court in a special proceeding. Cases on establishing the adoption of children are considered by the court with the mandatory participation of the adoptive parents themselves, the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, as well as the prosecutor. To establish the adoption of a child, a conclusion from the guardianship and trusteeship authority is required on the validity of the adoption and its compliance with the interests of the adopted child, indicating information about the fact of personal communication between the adoptive parents (adoptive parent) and the adopted child.

After all procedures have been completed, the final response is given no later than 30 days after the date of application. Amount of benefit for a single mother with two or more children Amount of benefit for a single mother with two or more children If the mother is employed, after the birth of her second child she can count on the same benefits as after the birth of the first.

In this case, the amount of payments for a child under 1.5 years old increases, and the woman already has the right to maternity capital. Regional maternity capital is usually prescribed after the birth of the third child, but the law provides for exceptions.

The program is valid until 31.12. 2018. If a single mother does not work, such women are entitled to less benefits than working women. Payments are usually minimal and are carried out through the Social Security authorities, and not through the Social Insurance Fund in the case of working people.

Viewed 10066 times
Asked 2011-09-07 12:49:44 +0400 in the topic "Family Law" from Moscow

Single mother, married, husband did not adopt the child. Do I continue to be a single mother? benefits?

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Answers (1)

Yuri Igorevich Nazarov

Single mother - these days this phrase no longer evokes the former condemnation. Single-parent families, where, as a rule, there are not enough fathers, are becoming more and more common. Moreover, among single mothers there are many successful, but very lonely women. Russian legislation provides for them a number of benefits, subsidies and payments. However, not all single-parent families can count on state support. Law against society If in society a single mother is considered to be a woman who raises a child (or several children) alone, then legislators have their own position on this matter. So, according to current legislation, a single mother is a woman who gave birth to a child out of wedlock (or after 300 days after divorce), and if it has not been properly established who the father of the child is (voluntarily or in court). If the child was born in marriage, or 300 days have not passed since the divorce, but the ex-husband has challenged paternity and there is a corresponding court decision certifying that the man is not the father, then in this case the woman is considered a single mother. This status is also acquired by a woman who has not entered into marriage and has adopted a child. In other cases, the legal status of “single mother” is not assigned to a woman, which means she does not enjoy benefits and payments. And strange as it may seem, a widow is also not considered a single mother, although in this case the family is granted benefits due to the loss of one breadwinner. If the child's father is deprived parental rights, then in this case the mother is not considered single, and the father, deprived of his rights, is still obliged to pay child support. Simply put, a mother is not considered single if the child has an official father, whether he is alive or not. Thus, in the child’s birth certificate, the “Father” column should be empty, or this column should be filled in with unofficial data with the clarification “recorded from the words of the mother.” A dash or “according to the mother”? Everything has its advantages and disadvantages; both versions of single motherhood carry a lot of differences. Civil registry office employees sometimes recommend that single mothers do not enter their father on the birth certificate, but simply put a dash through. And they are absolutely right, because in the future this can free you from a number of bureaucratic difficulties. It's no secret that for a mother and child to travel abroad, a notarized permission from the father is required. If the father's place on the birth certificate is vacant, the mother will not need to prove to customs officers that the father entered according to her words is not legally real. The legislation provides for a huge number of situations when certain actions concerning a child cannot be performed without the permission of the other parent. Another example confirming the advantages of an empty column is registration at the place of residence. If the parents are registered at different addresses, then for the permanent registration of the child at the mother’s place of residence, the father’s consent and an extract from the “father’s” house register are not required. Of course, the law clearly states that passport office employees are required to register a child with their mother if they have a birth certificate, the mother’s passport and her application, but this still has to be proven. It is especially difficult for Muscovites. Our capital, as you know, is not rubber, so the procedure for registering a newborn here is seriously complicated. And most importantly, nowhere in the legislation does it say that medical intervention in a child’s body requires the consent of both parents; as a rule, one is enough. But there are known cases when, with risky but necessary for the child During operations, doctors required permission from both parents. So the main advantage of a dash in the “father” column is the absence of bureaucratic problems and the need to spend money on a notary every time. However, there is one caveat to this state of affairs. According to civil code, children are considered first-priority heirs, so the child will not be able to inherit property from

  • Hello....please tell me, am I considered a single mother if I got married, but my husband did not adopt my child? - Hello....please tell me, am I considered a single mother if I got married, but my husband did not adopt my child?..
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  • A single mother gets married, but her husband does not adopt the child, so she remains a single mother? — A single mother gets married, but her husband does not adopt the child, she remains a single mother?..
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  • I am a single mother, but last year I got married, my husband did not adopt a child. Should I receive child benefits? “I’m a single mother, but I got married last year and my husband didn’t adopt the child.” Should I receive child benefits?..
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  • Good evening! Please answer my question: I gave birth to a slave as a single mother, later I got married. My husband is a rabbi - Good evening! Please answer my question: I gave birth to a slave as a single mother, later I got married married. My husband is a child..
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  • Social law - Social law..

1. I am a single mother. She got married and changed her last name. Do I need to change my child's last name?

1.1. The change of surname is carried out solely at your request or at the request of the child. The law does not establish such an obligation.

1.2. There is no such need; it is not provided for by law. Sometimes in everyday life it is simply not convenient.

2. My daughter, a single mother, got married, does she lose benefits?

2.1. If the child is not adopted, the daughter will not lose benefits.

3. Single mother got married. Is it legal not to pay child support?

3.1. Good evening, dear visitor!
No, child benefit must be paid in any case
All the best, I wish you good luck!

4. I have 2 children, I am a single mother, I got married, that changes.

4.1. Good evening to you. If your legal husband does not establish your children, then you will continue to be a single mother, nothing will change for you. Good luck to you.

4.2. Good afternoon, dear visitor!
In this case, nothing changes. If you have previously received benefits, you will continue to receive them.
All the best, I wish you good luck.

4.3. Natasha. Good afternoon. Until your husband adopts a child, you enjoy the rights of a single mother.
You can always find a way out of any situation. Good luck to you and all the best in your endeavors

5. If a single mother gets married, is the double deduction benefit lost?

5.1. Hello, If you are a single mother in relation to your child, then marriage does not play any role

I wish you good luck and all the best!

6. I got married but according to my birth certificate I am a single mother, will I receive benefits?

6.1. Good afternoon, Svetlana! If your husband does not adopt the child, then in relation to the child you will be a single mother. For your joint children - no. If you have any questions, contact a lawyer for a personal consultation and get competent advice on this issue and the possibility of protecting your rights. You can successfully resolve your issue with legal assistance.
Thank you for using the site's services!

6.2. Hello, Svetlana! According to current legislation, if, when registering a child, a marriage certificate between the parents was not presented or paternity was not established (voluntarily or in court), then the mother is recognized as a single mother (single mother) and can receive a special certificate from the registry office in form No. 25 , this status will remain even if you get married, but your husband does not adopt a child. With respect and readiness to help, STANISLAV PICHUEV.

7. If I got married but had the status of a single mother, do I erase this status and benefits too?

7.1. Good afternoon. Yes upon conclusion official marriage a single mother loses this status and the payment of benefits stops. All the best to you.

8. I am a single mother (a 7-year-old daughter) who got married in 2018 and had a child in February 2019. I want to file for divorce, due to the fact that my husband is abusing my daughter (this is not his native child) Can I get a divorce and what is needed for this?

8.1. Hello, dear Christina! You can. To do this, you need to submit a statement of claim to the court in the manner prescribed by Articles 131-132 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, on the basis of Article 21 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation. If there is no dispute about children, then to the magistrate's court. If there is, then in district court. Both the plaintiff, with whom the children live, can be filed at his place of residence (Article 29 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation), and at the place of residence of the defendant. Please attach a marriage certificate and copies of the birth certificates of your common child to your claim. Good luck in resolving your issue!

8.2. Yes, you can, you need to sue.
The reasons are not important at all.
Your desire is enough.
The claim is filed in accordance with Art. 131-132 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation.

8.3. Hello, Christina!
You have the right to dissolve your marriage in any case.
To do this, you need to go to court (to the magistrate at your place of residence) with a statement of claim for divorce.
To the statement of claim you must attach a marriage certificate (original), a copy of the child’s birth certificate, and a receipt for payment of the state duty (600 rubles).
According to Art. 22 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation:
1. Divorce in court is carried out if the court determines that further life together spouses and family preservation are impossible.
2. When considering a case of divorce in the absence of the consent of one of the spouses to dissolve the marriage, the court has the right to take measures to reconcile the spouses and has the right to postpone the hearing of the case, assigning the spouses a period for reconciliation within three months.
Divorce is carried out if measures to reconcile the spouses are unsuccessful and the spouses (one of them) insist on dissolution of the marriage.

8.4. Christina
For a divorce, file a claim with a magistrate under Article 131 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation.
Pay the state fee. Attach documents: marriage certificate, copy of passports.

8.5. --- Hello dear site visitor, what does mocking mean? File a complaint with the police, remove the beatings, and file for divorce in the Magistrates' Court. . Divorce in court (current version)
1. Divorce of a marriage is carried out in court if the spouses have common minor children, with the exception of the cases provided for in paragraph 2 of Article 19 of this Code, or in the absence of the consent of one of the spouses to dissolve the marriage.

2. Divorce of marriage is also carried out in court in cases where one of the spouses, despite the absence of objections, evades the divorce in the registry office civil status, including refusing to submit an application.

Good luck to you and all the best, with respect, lawyer Ligostaeva A.V.

8.6. Hello, dear Christina!
Firstly, for this you need to familiarize yourself with articles 21, 22, 24, 60, 65, 66, 80, 81, 83, 89-91, 107 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation and file a claim with the magistrate for divorce and for the collection of child support shared with my husband and for myself. He will pay alimony for you until the child turns 3 years old, for the child until he reaches adulthood.
Secondly, file a statement of claim to the magistrate on the basis of Article 131 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation (in short - the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation).
Article 131. Form and content of the statement of claim
1. Statement of claim submitted to the court in writing.
2. The statement of claim must indicate:
1) the name of the court to which the application is submitted;
2) the name of the plaintiff, his place of residence or, if the plaintiff is an organization, its location, as well as the name of the representative and his address, if the application is submitted by a representative;
3) the name of the defendant, his place of residence or, if the defendant is an organization, its location;
4) what is the violation or threat of violation of the rights, freedoms or legitimate interests of the plaintiff and his demands;
5) the circumstances on which the plaintiff bases his claims and evidence confirming these circumstances;
6) the price of the claim, if it is subject to assessment, as well as the calculation of the collected or disputed amounts of money;
7) information about compliance with the pre-trial procedure for contacting the defendant, if this is established by federal law or provided for by the agreement of the parties;
8) list of documents attached to the application.
The application may indicate telephone numbers, fax numbers, email addresses of the plaintiff, his representative, the defendant, other information relevant to the consideration and resolution of the case, as well as the plaintiff’s requests.
3. In a statement of claim brought by the prosecutor in defense of the interests Russian Federation, subjects of the Russian Federation, municipalities, or in defense of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of an indefinite number of persons, it must be indicated what exactly their interests are, what right has been violated, and there must also be a reference to a law or other regulatory legal act providing for methods protection of these interests.
If the prosecutor appeals to protect the legitimate interests of a citizen, the application must contain a justification for the impossibility of bringing a claim by the citizen himself or an indication of the citizen’s appeal to the prosecutor.
(as amended by Federal Law dated April 5, 2009 N 43-FZ)
4. The statement of claim is signed by the plaintiff or his representative if he has the authority to sign the statement and present it to the court.
A statement of claim submitted by filling out a form posted on the official website of the court on the Internet, containing a request to secure the claim, is signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Attach to the claim:
1 The marriage certificate is genuine.
2 A copy of the child’s birth certificate.
3 Receipt for payment of state duty - 600 rubles.
4 A copy of the claim for the husband.
Good luck to you.

8.7. Of course you can. If the husband has to file a lawsuit against the divorce, on the basis of Art. 21 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, if there is no dispute over property and the child is not his, then it can be filed with a magistrate.

8.8. Hello!
Since there is a child from the marriage, divorce is possible only in court (Article 21 of the RF IC).
To file a claim in court, the following documents are required:
1. State duty in the amount of 600 rubles.
2. Original marriage certificate;
3. A copy of the birth certificate of the common child.
The claim is filed by the magistrate at his place of residence.
Good luck.

9. I am a single mother, married. The husband did not adopt the child. Do I have the right to receive child benefits and all the benefits of single mothers? Thank you!

9.1. Hello. Yes.You have. 11. When a single mother gets married, she retains the right to receive an assigned state benefit, as well as to receive benefits for children born before marriage.

Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers of 08/12/1970 N 659 (as amended on 05/04/1990) “On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for assigning and paying benefits to pregnant women, large and single mothers”...
I wish you good luck. IN.

10. My son and I are standing in line for housing improvements. conditions as a single mother since 2010. I got married in 2019. Will they take us off the waiting list since I’m no longer single?

10.1. Citizens cannot be removed from the housing register only if there are changes in their marital status. And you were accepted for housing registration not only because you are a single mother, but also taking into account your housing security and financial situation.
If the grounds for housing registration have changed (the housing security of all family members in total, financial situation), then they can remove it.

Housing Code of the Russian Federation Article 56. Removal of citizens from registration as those in need of residential premises

1. Citizens are deregistered as those in need of residential premises in the following cases:
1) they submit an application for deregistration at the place of registration;
2) their loss of the grounds giving them the right to receive residential premises under a social tenancy agreement;
3) their departure to their place of residence in another municipality, with the exception of cases of change of place of residence within cities federal significance Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol;

4) received by them in the prescribed manner from a state authority or local government body budget funds for the purchase or construction of residential premises;
5) provision to them in the prescribed manner from a state authority or local government body land plot(except for a garden plot of land) for the construction of a residential building, with the exception of citizens with three or more children;

6) identification in the documents submitted to the body carrying out registration, information that does not correspond to reality and served as the basis for registration, as well as unlawful actions officials body carrying out registration, when deciding on registration.

2. Decisions to deregister citizens as those in need of residential premises must be made by the body on the basis of whose decisions such citizens were admitted to this registration, no later than thirty working days from the date of identification of the circumstances that serve as the basis for such decisions. Decisions on deregistration of citizens as those in need of residential premises must contain the grounds for deregistration with mandatory reference to the circumstances provided for in Part 1 of this article. Decisions to deregister citizens as those in need of residential premises are issued or sent to citizens in respect of whom such decisions were made no later than three working days from the date such decisions were made and can be appealed by these citizens in court.
3. Citizens registered as those in need of residential premises by the local government of the municipality at the place of residence of such citizens and who changed their place of residence in connection with the provision to such citizens of residential premises under rental agreements of the housing stock for the social use of residential premises located within the boundaries of another municipal education (in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - the federal cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol - in the municipality of another constituent entity of the Russian Federation), are not subject to deregistration as those in need of residential premises at their previous place of residence.

11. With my first child, I am a single mother, married, and have 2 children in the marriage. Is our family considered to have many children? Can I count on all the benefits provided? large families? Or does the husband need to adopt the older one?

11.1. Hello, you can get the status of a large family, contact the social protection department.

12. I am a single mother, I got married in 2014, my husband did not adopt the child. I am currently unemployed and pregnant with my second child. What benefits am I entitled to? Registration in Moscow.

12.1. Hello, Irina. Benefits for single mothers in 2019

List of benefits provided to mothers in 2019
Help for single mothers 2019
When discharged from the maternity hospital, the mother can receive the most necessary items
First of all, they need to issue a certificate in form No. 25. After this, you can apply for benefits from the following list with social authorities:

Assistance in kind - this category includes an envelope for discharge from the maternity hospital, a supply of linen, clothes and medicines from among the most necessary, as well as products provided in the dairy kitchen. The benefit is valid until the child celebrates his second birthday;
compensation for the amounts required for feeding the baby - this benefit is valid for 36 months from the date of birth of the child;
discounts or refunds when paying for electricity, water, gas and other types utilities. As long as the child is under one and a half years old, you also don’t have to pay for garbage collection;
benefits when receiving educational services (in state-owned institutions);
the right to arrange a course of therapeutic or preventive massage for a child;
the right to free meals for schoolchildren in the canteen;
the possibility of priority enrollment in a preschool institution;
the right to register in preschool institution state form of ownership, a discount reaching ½ of the amount of payment for services;
the opportunity to take part in the “Young Family” program, since a single mother with a child is considered a separate unit of society. The main limitation for this program is the age criterion. Mom must be no older than 35 years;
the right to carry out preventive treatment or organize a sanatorium holiday for a child at a reduced rate or free of charge (no more than once every 2 years);
the opportunity to receive the medications your child needs for free until he is three years old. Then you can purchase them with a discount of up to 50%;
the right to discounts when visiting government clubs or sections. Attention: this benefit does not apply to all types of sections! The maximum discount reaches 30%;
the right to apply for a double tax deduction - as a result, the amount of taxes is reduced by 2.8 thousand rubles, and this discount applies to each child under 18 years of age;
almost complete impossibility of being fired from work - such “insurance” is valid until the child celebrates his 14th birthday. Of course, there are exceptions - they concern persistent violators of discipline, truants and those who do not meet professional requirements and avoid work. In other cases, the woman must find a new place to work, even if the company is liquidated;
the opportunity to take not only the main, but also an additional two-week vacation during the year (in this case, vacation pay is not accrued);
the right to refuse night shifts, overtime hours and going to work on days that are weekends or holidays. This right is valid until the child turns 5 years old;
the right to receive paid sick leave if the mother has to go to hospital with her child. In the first 2 weeks, 100% of the salary is compensated, in the subsequent period - 50% of the salary. It doesn’t matter how long the mother stays in the hospital - if the child is under 7 years old, then all days will be paid for. However, if the child is over 15, then the employer accrues payments only for 15 days of sick leave;
the ability to perform work duties within a shortened working day. This benefit is valid until the child has celebrated his fourteenth birthday.
We remind you that any benefits must be registered with the relevant authorities (housing office, social insurance), presenting a certificate and application. They are not provided automatically.

Payments to single mothers 2019
Single mothers are entitled not only to a number of benefits, but also to cash payments
General benefits
First of all, these are benefits intended for all mothers without exception:

Payment related to pregnancy and childbirth - its value depends on the salary that the mother received over the past two years;
payment of 16-day sick leave (depending on the amount of salary) or receipt of temporary disability benefits (for complicated labor);
one-time financial payment to expectant mothers if they registered their status in consultation before the third month of pregnancy - 613.14 rubles;
a monthly payment of 50 rubles is due to children who do not attend preschool;
allowance for the first child until he reaches 1.5 years of age – new payment, which can be obtained upon the birth of the first child in the family after 01/01/2018. It must be remembered that this assistance from the state is targeted. It is intended for low-income mothers whose family income per person is less than one and a half regional living wages. The amounts differ by region, but on average the authorities promise to pay 10,523 thousand rubles in 2018 and 10,836 thousand in 2019.
Special payments
Payments available only to single mothers include:

A one-time payment due after the birth of a child is 15 thousand rubles, if the fact of insecurity of a single mother is established;
monthly payment in the amount of the fixed minimum required for living in a specific region of the Russian Federation - for those single mothers who have more than three dependent children (until the child reaches 3 years of age);
increased amount child benefit up to 1.5 years - 6 thousand rubles monthly (or 80% of the salary, if the single mother did not return to work, but immediately went on another maternity leave);
social benefits for six-month-old children - 16.35 thousand in national currency;
one-time assistance for single adoptive parents - 15,512 thousand rubles, if one child was adopted; 118.529 thousand if the adoption of a child with a disability, a child seven years old or older, or several brothers or sisters was registered.
Initiatives in regional subjects of the Russian Federation
Help for single mothers in Russia 2019
In different regions of the Russian Federation, mothers can apply for different types benefits
Territorial subjects of the Russian Federation are given significant powers in the implementation of additional social initiatives. Examples include the following payments and benefits for single mothers in various areas:

In the most affluent city in Russia - Moscow - they pay an additional 750 and 675 rubles to cover the cost of purchasing food for children under 3 years of age and inflation. Separately, 4 thousand rubles are transferred monthly to mothers of children under 3 years old, and after reaching the specified age and until adulthood, they are paid 2 thousand per month.

13. I am a single mother, married, my husband did not adopt the child. My 8-year-old child and I have been discharged from the apartment and are planning to register in the village. My husband has a apartment and he is ready to register only me alone. Will the child automatically be registered with me?

13.1. Hello dear site visitor, no, based on your application and the consent of the owner.

If you find it difficult to formulate a question, call the toll-free multi-line phone 8 800 505-91-11 , a lawyer will help you

After a divorce, a single mother often finds herself hostage to her role as a mother, and this interferes with her personal life.

Personal life fades into the background, getting lost among worries, career, relationships with ex-husband and household responsibilities.

We have some tips on how you can go this route.

Break with the past . Many women, once divorced, still long time are experiencing their relationship with their ex-partner. They learn to live differently, “lick their wounds” and experience a hitherto unknown fear that they will now be alone forever. Throwing, loneliness, panic, demonstratively sexual outings and one-night stands to prove something to themselves and others - all this can happen in their lives. It is important to wait out this moment and calm down. New relationships should be built with a fresh mind, not in order to take revenge on someone, but in order to simply become happy.

Be attentive . Nobody likes mistakes. But if stormy breakups are forgivable for a single woman, then a single mother, if she nevertheless decides on a second marriage, should be attentive and think not only about herself. Now you have it, and if you try and treat your future partner without the “rose-colored glasses” effect, the chances of success in your new marriage will be much greater.

Reborn . Whether we like it or not, after a breakup a woman begins a period of problems with self-esteem. It is important to give yourself time to recover, to feel beautiful and confident again, outside of men’s assessments, and as a person. If during dating you realize that you are not yet ready for a new relationship, you feel too vulnerable - there is no need to rush, everything has its time. You are not alone - 35% of women after a divorce do not enter into a permanent relationship for a long time, including abstaining from.

Give time to the child . If a child is very upset about the divorce, then he also needs time to adapt. Sometimes, as soon as another man appears near the mother, the child can become aggressive, indifferent, negatively perceive any attempts at rapprochement, use blackmail (“If he appears again, I will go to live with dad”) and flattery (“It’s best for us together!” ). In the event of such reactions, you should calmly explain to the child that you perfectly understand his “righteous anger,” but the option that you and his father will live together again is, unfortunately, unrealistic, and you are not ready to give up relationships with men. Your task is to turn the child into an ally.

Find balance . You should not introduce your child to each of your string of fans. If you have started a romance, the development of which you are not entirely sure of, take a break and meet with your chosen one on neutral territory. The dual role of woman and mother will require subtle, smart play from you. Your task is not to harm the child, who feels that his mother is slipping away from him, and not to offend a new friend, with whom the relationship is still kept secret.

Make a decision . Getting married with a child - . According to statistics, about 30% of divorced women marry again, and more often to divorced men, since the presence of children from their first marriage discourages bachelors. Although the chosen one's former marital status is not the most important thing. It is important to find a person who would accept your child not as an “annoying nuisance”, but as a little friend and would sincerely try to love him.

Find a time and place to meet . You can go to the cinema, for a walk, or to an amusement park together. If acquaintance takes place at home, the child needs free space: after mutual introductions, he must be able to escape from the gaze of adults, go away and throw out emotional stress in his own way. You should not meet a new person where you and your son or daughter usually spend time together, in some favorite place. In this case, the child will most likely see in your partner a third wheel who is encroaching on your relationship with him, on your intimacy, and will perceive him negatively.

Don't force it . The children and your new partner should have the opportunity to get to know each other gradually. You should not force events: for example, immediately after meeting, inform your child about possible wedding, talk about moving or the birth of a new brother or sister. At one point, the child’s familiar world will collapse, he will feel resentment, jealousy, confusion and will not be able to cope with the flow of emotions on his own. Find a middle ground, don’t force things: first just get to know each other, and over time begin to develop a relationship.

It's right to say and hear . Talk about your new partner discreetly and delicately, in a calm tone. The child will most likely perceive too enthusiastic and flattering reviews about your new half as belittling the merits of the other parent, and a categorical statement of fact as violence. The child must form his own opinion about the new person. After meeting, be sure to find out his impression and remember that he needs time to comprehend what he heard and ask questions if he has any. Be sure to reassure him of your love and your safety.

Psychotherapist Anna Sentsova claims: “Although the child does not formulate it, the appearance of a new man means the collapse of the cherished dream that after the divorce the mother and father will reconcile. And the child needs time to accept this fact.”

Resolve conflicts . The arrival of a new member in the family can certainly be accompanied by difficulties. A man may have clashes with children, who feel comfortable alone with their mother, and with you. Yes, it can be difficult to allow a stranger to yell at your child or reprimand him. Conflicts may also arise between you and your children, because they may feel that this man is not good enough for you.

Understand father . When concluding a new marriage, you must first decide what role they will play in relation to the children and your new marriage. If he does not give up caring for the children, guarantees his ex-wife space and freedom, and accepts her choice, bringing the children closer to the new husband can happen more easily. If ex-dad actively criticizes your new partner, manipulating the feelings of the children, although he himself happily shifts the care of them to your new friend - you have to go through a serious test, after which you will find a strong and happy family.

The personal life of single mothers is something very special and unique. Each, balancing between hope and despair, wants to believe that she has a future, the opportunity to become happy.

The main condition for this is not to perceive the child as an obstacle to a new happy life or protection from loneliness, but to believe that finding happiness again is real.