For many years, women have been striving to make their bodies beautiful and their skin smooth. Thanks to the development of cosmetology, representatives fair half humanity can fulfill their dreams. Most procedures must be carried out constantly, because after some time the hairs reappear on the skin.

There are 2 methods that allow you to destroy follicles with light energy - photoepilation or laser hair removal; What is better to choose, you need to figure it out.

Each hair removal method has advantages and disadvantages. Based on these criteria, a person decides which one suits him best. Laser and light hair removal procedures are similar in result and essence, but there is still a difference, the differences are as follows:

  • method of influence - destruction of follicles during laser hair removal occurs taking into account the color of the client’s skin and hair, and when choosing the second option, the device is universal;
  • Duration of the procedure - laser treatment will take longer;
  • number of sessions - the number of laser procedures is less than with light exposure;
  • functionality of the devices - with photoepilation, the area of ​​skin treated at a time is larger than with a laser procedure;
  • cost - the price for both types is high, but the client will pay almost 2 times more for the light exposure.

Laser or photoepilation destroys follicles. Laser exposure causes rapid destruction due to its precision. For the second procedure, equipment is used where there is a spectrum of light radiation with high power, and the inclusion and disabling of additional functions is selected individually. The danger of light waves is eliminated due to the presence of special filters in the lamps.

The difference between laser hair removal and photoepilation is that to carry out the former, the type of laser must be selected depending on the color of the client’s skin and hair. Women who have little time to visit salons will appreciate the speed of the light procedure. Before visiting the salon, it is recommended to find out how photoepilation differs from laser hair removal and study the principle of their operation in order to choose the best option.

Which method is more effective?

Before hair removal, you need to determine what is better - laser or photoepilation. The procedure, carried out using a laser, was previously effective for dark-colored hair. fair skin. Further development of cosmetology led to the fact that the method began to be used for any type of hair. Insufficient effectiveness is observed in the presence of light, gray or thin hairs.

The result of photoepilation and laser hair removal (which is better is chosen by the client) depends on the beam that is used for the procedure. After an alexandrite laser, hair loss begins immediately, but due to the diode beam, swelling appears in the treated area, and hair begins to fall out after 5-10 days.

Photoepilation can be used for any hair color except one. IN gray hair there is no pigment such as melanin. At the end of the procedure, under a magnifying glass you can see a charred white dot in the hair area.

Over the course of 2 weeks, it may seem that hair growth continues, but later it begins to fall out, since photoepilation disrupts the feeding process of the follicles. Photoepilation or laser hair removal is ineffective in the presence of unstable hormonal levels.

What is more painful: photo or laser hair removal?

Thanks to devices that feature powerful cooling systems, hardware hair removal causes minimal pain. Mild discomfort or burning may occur from the effect of a light pulse on the skin. The intensity of unpleasant sensations is influenced by the following factors:

  • menstrual cycle;
  • flash power;
  • processing area;
  • pain threshold.

The procedures are similar in terms of pain severity. If the patient experiences discomfort when exposed to the laser beam, photoepilation will also be painful for him. For this reason, you can choose the method you like. It doesn’t matter whether it is photoepilation or laser hair removal - the pain threshold of the procedures is at the same level.

Number of sessions

Photoepilation requires more procedures than laser method. In the first case, to eliminate hair growth, you need to visit the salon at least 4 times. Laser hair removal will require fewer sessions to achieve your goal. Within 1-2 visits, hairs may completely disappear or their growth may slow down. This indicator indicates that more efficient use laser method.

The action of the laser beam is concentrated, so every hair that is in the growth stage is affected. When exposed to light from a photo device, the effect on the hairs is different. Some are fully processed, while others may be left untouched. This fact shows which hair removal is better.

Contraindications and possible consequences

Contraindications for laser and light methods are the same, since the procedures are similar in principle of influence. Relative contraindications are:

  • colds;
  • tanned skin;
  • skin diseases (lupus erythematosus, eczema, psoriasis);
  • presence of cuts, cracks or scratches;
  • age spots and moles in the treated area;
  • during breastfeeding;
  • period of bearing a child;
  • allergy;
  • varicose veins;
  • age up to 18 years.

These contraindications are relative. Laser and photoepilation can be performed after consultation with a doctor. It is worth considering a number of factors under which the procedure is prohibited:

  • herpetic rashes;
  • availability diabetes mellitus;
  • oncological diseases;
  • individual intolerance.

The procedure can be harmful to health if the prohibitions are not taken into account. Various parts of the body can be treated, but special care must be taken when treating the bikini area. There are additional restrictions for it:

  • presence of sexually transmitted infection;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • fungal diseases.

In addition, it is taken into account general contraindications. Complications after laser or light exposure are divided into early and late. Early ones can make themselves felt immediately after hair removal. In most cases they are safe, do not require treatment and are caused by hypersensitivity skin.

Side effects may result from non-compliance with recommendations. In this case, you cannot do without the help of a doctor. Early complications include:

  1. The appearance of swelling and redness in the treated area of ​​the skin. The phenomenon is a natural reaction of the body.
  2. Burns may occur due to dark skin or heavy tanning.
  3. Folliculitis occurs in women who visited the pool after hair removal.
  4. Due to a predisposition to the occurrence of herpes, an exacerbation of the disease is observed. To avoid this, you must take antiviral drugs before epilation.
  5. Young girls may develop acneiform rashes that go away on their own and do not require treatment.
  6. Inflammation of the eyes, decreased vision and conjunctivitis are the result of neglecting glasses. Basically, the problem makes itself felt after hair removal to correct the shape of the eyebrows, in which the protective agent interferes with the procedure.
  7. If allergies occur, take antihistamines. The phenomenon may be in the form of urticaria, dermatitis or cyanosis. An allergic reaction is caused by cosmetics or painkillers used to remove hair.

Late complications arise due to non-compliance with recommendations for hair removal. The consequences are difficult to treat. Among the late complications:

  • decreased or increased pigmentation (manifested in women with dark skin who neglect the recommendations for use cosmetics, which lighten the epidermis);
  • Scar formation occurs when there is damage skin and sometimes leads to the formation of scars;
  • Increased hair growth is observed with the wrong choice of flow.

Negative consequences of the procedure include nevus dysplasia, tissue degeneration or impaired sweating due to improper use of hair removal technology. Negative consequences can be avoided if you visit the clinic in advance and tell about your diseases. The doctor will decide whether the procedure is worthwhile or not.

Cost comparison

The cost of one session depends on the device and aids used. If the device is effective and has several functions, then the cost of the procedure will be higher. There are devices that can help you not only get rid of annoying hairs, but also skin defects. Such a device is more expensive, which affects the cost of the session. If a client is looking for a cheap hair removal option, he may receive a poor-quality procedure or be left with a skin burn.

Many salons offer sessions at a discount or promotion. If you track this process, you can get hair removal profitably, but you should pay attention to the discount. Often it is given only for the first procedure, and for further procedures the client pays the full amount. A comparison of prices for services shows that the cost of one photoepilation session is slightly more than for laser treatment. The difference is visible when carrying out the full course.


With both types of hair removal, there is no complete guarantee that hairs will not appear again. Their growth process slows down, but the remaining bulbs are in a dormant phase and can begin to actively grow again. At the same time, the hairs grow weak and thin. The main thing at this moment is not to shave them off, but to visit the salon again for a maintenance session.

Today for hair removal they use: a photoepilator or a laser epilator, which is better? The hair removal techniques are almost the same, the actions of the mechanisms are also almost identical, but there are some differences in the hair removal process. What is hair removal? And what epilation methods are used in both epilators we will consider in this article.

Epilation is a way to rid areas of the body skin of excess or unsightly hairs. Hair can be removed by destroying the hair follicles or by pulling the hair out by the roots. Both methods are much more effective than shaving, since removing the root or destroying it slows down hair growth due to the new formation of the bulb in human cells.

In this video we will figure out the difference between laser and photo hair removal!

Many women, due to the age of technology, choose epilators instead of shaving and waxing. New products in this area are photoepilators and laser epilators. To figure out which epilator is best for a particular person, you need to understand the characteristics of your skin and pain threshold.

What is the difference between laser epilator and photoepilator?

A laser epilator has a standard grip, but a photoepilator has a grip that can be measured within certain limits

Let's take a closer look at a laser epilator and a photoepilator, what is the difference? Many people do not ask themselves what the differences are between laser and photo epilators, and continue to think that this is a marketing ploy. There are differences, albeit minor:

  1. Capture hair length. A laser epilator has a standard grip, while a photoepilator has a grip that can be measured within certain limits.
  2. A laser epilator does not require replacement of lamps, unlike a photoepilator.
  3. Due to the wide window of the photoepilator, it is more convenient to deal with hair removal on the entire surface of the skin, unlike a laser epilator. However, the laser device, due to its targeted effect, will process the hairs more accurately.

Pros and cons of procedures

Due to the wide window of the photoepilator, it is more convenient to remove hair from the entire surface of the skin

The principle of the laser procedure is a light beam of narrowly directed short length. The laser wave interacts with melanin. When heated, this pigment is destroyed along with the hair follicle. This is the main element of difference from a photoepilator. The laser destroys the pigment only in the hair structure, without harming the skin. The procedure is carried out more than once, and depending on the hair color and thickness, it can be carried out 5 or more times to remove 90% of the hair.

Over the course of many millennia of civilization, women have struggled with excess hair in different ways, sometimes in the most ruthless and painful ways. However, modern technology does not stand still and offers affordable, painless and durable methods of laser and photoepilation using compact home devices. How do photoepilators differ from laser epilators and what is more effective?

Almost every modern girl With early years I'm worried about the problem of excess hair. Only a few lucky women can boast of naturally marvelous and delicate skin without unwanted vegetation. Everyone knows shaving, hair removal with wax and sugar (sugaring), enzyme hair removal with creams and gels, hair removal with electric epilators, hair removal with electric current and much more. None of these methods are durable, safe or painless, not to mention the total cost of procedures, supplies and various accessories purchased by a woman throughout her life.

After all the use of all the above hair removal methods, if not all, then most women are faced with the problem of ingrown hair. Dermatologists are increasingly recognizing that ingrown hairs are becoming a real disease, since the appearance of the first such hairs is followed by the next, then extensive subcutaneous inflammation occurs - and you can only admire the traces of the former beauty and tenderness of the skin.

Another thing is modern portable photo and laser epilators that you can buy for home use. They replaced large medical and salon hair removal devices. Previously, they could only be used at a medical center or in professional salon beauty. Doctors and cosmetologists were specially trained in new hair removal technology, salons and centers purchased used equipment in Europe, and women paid big money for dozens of procedures. Now everything has changed dramatically. By investing once in a small and convenient device, every woman can make required quantity procedures right at home at any time. In addition, it is very convenient for friends who can buy the device and use it together.

Let's figure out how photoepilators and laser epilators differ from each other.

Laser hair removal technology uses a laser with a specific wavelength, which affects the hair itself and the hair follicle. The color pigment melanin, which is contained in the hair and gives it a particular color, absorbs the laser wave, becomes very hot, and then is destroyed along with the hair follicle. Some time after the procedure, the damaged hair falls out, leaving behind smooth skin. Depending on the hair type, after 5-8 regular procedures, up to 90% of all hair disappears. Girls with dark hair will have to increase the number of procedures to 10-15 due to physiological characteristics.

Portable laser epilators can be budget, which act on each hair separately, and more expensive - with a scanning function, which, when pointed at the skin, themselves determine the hairs and their location and act on them comprehensively. With the help of such devices, no more than 60 mm2 of skin can be processed at a time. If you don’t have extra money and are persevering, then for home hair removal you can recommend the Rio Dezac Salon Laser device. If you would like to epilate hair with a laser with greater comfort, then you should try models with a self-guided laser and scanning function Rio Dezac X60 and Rio Dezac LAHS-3000. All home laser devices have eye protection from the laser, and they only work when the device is pressed tightly against the skin. Using them will bring you great pleasure and will completely pay off.

As for photoepilators, their biggest advantage is the area of ​​skin treatment. In one flash you can process 6cm2, that is, up to approximately 180-200 hairs. The effect of this device is very similar to the effect of a laser epilator, but in this case the hair is exposed to a light wave, which also affects melanin, the hair structure and its root. During the epilation process, you will not feel any pain - only warmth from the light beam. The flash strength is adjusted in such a way that you will never get burned. Thanks to the photoepilation device, the procedure time will be significantly reduced compared to laser epilators. However, when purchasing such a device, you need to pay attention that after every 2-3 procedures you will need to change the lamps. Among the successful models it is worth noting HPLight, Rio IPL-8000 And Sensepil. More than 85% of customers noted significant results after the first few treatments.

If compare photoepilators and laser epilators, then the following can be noted. A laser epilator has a long service life, a small treatment area and is more suitable for people with dark hair. It can be successfully used even on dark skin. Photoepilatory devices process a large area of ​​skin in one flash; their lamp life is short, but they are recommended for use by people with fair skin and blond hair. Using both types of epilators is equally suitable for both women and men and is completely painless.

It's a shame when a pretty face is spoiled by noticeable hairs on the cheeks or mustaches above upper lip. You don't always have time to shave your armpits every day if you've signed up for a sport. It can be unbearable to endure the pain when doing waxing or sugar depilation. But you can simply avoid creating additional problems for yourself and remove excess hair in the salon using a laser or photoepilator. Everything is simpler there: procedures are less frequent, pain, if any, is tolerable, and the results last a long time. The only question is the price.

Removing hair from the face and body using light irradiation is possible due to the coloring pigment contained in the skin and hair. A person’s phototype depends on the amount of melanin in the body and its form. Hair and eyebrows are light, brown or reddish in color in people whose body is dominated by phenomelanin. Dark-haired people have more zumelanin in their skin and hair. The appearance of gray hair is explained by a decrease in the active synthesis of melanin in the body. During light hair removal, the compounds of the coloring pigment are destroyed intentionally, the only difference is which ones - in the skin or hair.

If the problem area is illuminated with a laser, it is the hair itself that suffers first of all. The melanin they contain absorbs the light wave, the hair shaft heats up, then the heat is transferred down to the root. Since the temperature is quite high, almost 70–80 o, the thermal reaction proceeds quickly; the vessels that delivered blood to the bulb become clogged; nutrition stops, hair atrophies and falls out.

Photoepilation is the treatment of a problem area of ​​the body (or face) with high-intensity pulsed light (IPL), which acts on skin cells with a high content of melanin. The effect is also thermal - the tissues warm up, as with laser hair removal, the follicle gets burned and the cells that produced the pigment die.

Do these procedures differ in effectiveness?

After the first procedure, be it photo or laser hair removal, within a week you can get rid of only 15–20% of body hair - those that were in active phase growth. Irradiation does not affect “dormant” bulbs. Another 8–10% of hair will fall out naturally during this time. New ones will grow in about 2–3 weeks - this is how long the transition from the sleep phase to the growth phase lasts. As soon as the hair appears and has grown at least 2-3 mm, you can go for a repeat procedure.

Thus, in several sessions - on average, 5-6 for laser hair removal and 5-10 for photoepilation - all the bulbs in the problem area are processed. In total, the course of treatment takes 1–1.5 years. Only women aged 40+, who have decreased hormonal activity after menopause, can remove hair faster and permanently.

In young women, follicles usually recover, although not quickly. Experts say that after laser hair removal, the result lasts for 1–2 years, the experience of women who have undergone this procedure is even more positive - they say that the skin remains smooth for up to 3–4 years, but this is with timely correction. When photoepilation is done, they initially promise 5–7 years without hair, and reviews confirm this.

Hair that grows back after any light hair removal completely changes its structure, becoming softer and thinner.

It is believed that only laser is suitable for removing light, gray and red hair; photoepilation is carried out on light skin and dark hair. Modern technology disproves this. The SHR photoepilator, a relatively new invention, will “take” and blonde hair- this is what the manufacturer assures.

How does a session work for a patient?

Using a laser, you can remove hair from any part of the body and on the face - everywhere except the eyebrow area. Infrared radiation is dangerous to the eyes, and during any laser treatment session - no matter what area you are treating - you will be asked to wear protective glasses. For photoepilation, the same restrictions: the working surface area of ​​the photoepilator is about 5 cm 2 - they cannot correct the shape of the eyebrows. In addition, exposure to radiation near the eyes is dangerous to health.

Before starting the hair removal session, the cosmetologist thoroughly cleanses the skin and covers the area with a cooling gel. For modern models laser anesthetic is not necessary - a cooling system is built into the head of the device, and its effect is sufficient, the patient only feels a slight tingling sensation. Photoepilation devices do not yet have a cooling system, so the use of a cream or gel with an analgesic effect is mandatory.

The difference in how you will feel during a photo or laser hair removal session is determined only by the capabilities of the salon, including technical ones

During the procedure, both the client and the master wear protective glasses. Laser hair removal involves targeted irradiation of follicles with a light beam. During photoepilation, the problem area is illuminated with an intense light stream - like a photo flash. The readings of all devices are adjusted individually: the frequency and intensity of the flashes is selected for each individual patient. In terms of time, one hair removal session can last up to 40 minutes (time indicated for legs). During outbreaks, a burning and tingling sensation is felt, for some it is mild, for others it is stronger. If the pain is unbearable, do not hesitate to tell the master about it. A girl online recently told how after one session of photoepilation she received a scar and age spots on her legs. She remembers how severe the pain was during the procedure and how the master told her that this was how it should be. The girl then underwent treatment for several months, but traces remained.

Hair falls out not during the session, but within 2-3 weeks after it.

Hair removal in the salon: doctors talk and show - video

What equipment do photo and laser hair removal specialists use?

Equipment for photo and laser hair removal different principle work.

How and on what is laser hair removal done?

Hair removal lasers differ in two main characteristics: power and wavelength. Salons work primarily with alexandrite, diode and neodymium lasers with wavelengths from 500 to 1200 nm. Ruby hair removal is outdated, just as contactless hair removal is outdated in principle. Modern equipment uses a contact attachment that can work with dark and light hair and skin of any tone.

Since 2014, Russia began to work on the IPLASER system. It is created similar to the IPL, ELOS, SHR photosystems - on a discharge lamp, but has a narrow spectrum of light, like a laser. The light wavelength is from 755 to 1064 nm, and it destroys pigment in both skin and hair. The radiation is supplied in three pulses per flash, which reduces the pain of the procedure.

The AFT (Advanced Fluorescence Technology) fluorescent technology, which is not yet widely used in our country, is considered the safest for the skin. The laser attachments use a special system for uniform distribution of radiation, so that the beam is not “peaked”, but rectangular. During one illumination, several tufts of hair are irradiated, so the total exposure time to the lamp is shorter, which means the risk of getting burns is reduced.

How photoepilators work and how they work

IPL photoepilation technology is widely used in Russia, which is based on the transmission of pulses of powerful light flux (Intensive Pulse Light). The manufacturer uses light energy from krypton lamps in the devices, emitting pulsed light with a wavelength of 500–1200 nm. In this range there is ultraviolet light that is unsafe for humans, so the devices are equipped with filters made of special protective glass.

The working life of the released models is different, measured by the number of flashes. For an average-cost device, the productivity is limited to approximately 50–80 thousand; with constant use of the unit, this resource can be exhausted in about a year, then the lamp needs to be changed.

The following are considered safer photoepilation technologies:

  • E-Light, it combines the effects of visible light and radio waves.
  • SHR (Super Hair Removal), it involves treating the problem area with light with a wavelength of 800 nm, low temperature and high frequency. Manufacturers say that the SHR type photoepilator also removes blond hair, although it is generally accepted that photoepilation does not work on blond hair. But the technology is new and has not yet been tested in practice.

Is it possible to do photo or laser hair removal at home?

Both photo and laser hair removal can be done independently; portable devices are available for home use. If you prefer a laser, it is better to look for a diode laser, which has long been recognized as the “gold standard for hair removal.” But keep in mind that any such device has low power, the beam penetrates shallowly, and its effect is short-lived. It is not convenient for them to work everywhere - due to the fact that the device must be held strictly perpendicular to the body. In the bikini area, for example, it is quite problematic to direct the beam directly at the hair, and not at an angle; it becomes necessary to ask someone for help.

A home photoepilator, like a salon one, is equipped with a double filter that protects the skin from too intense irradiation. The device has a small sensor through which the directed energy flow is transmitted, and in general it is easy to process even individually growing hairs.

Pros and cons of each technology - table

As it turned out, there are no serious differences that would allow us to say that laser hair removal is an order of magnitude more effective than photoepilation (or vice versa).

Contraindications and possible consequences of hair removal

Excessive hair growth is recognized as a disease (in both women and men) and is called hypertrichosis, and purely female hair growth is called hirsutism. The reason is usually either heredity or hormonal imbalance; this should be clarified in consultation with an endocrinologist before visiting the salon.

Contraindications for hair removal are:

  • photodermatosis (allergy to light);
  • chronic skin diseases;
  • any neoplasms;
  • herpes in the hair removal area;
  • varicose veins;
  • moles, nevi, birthmarks and age spots in the epilation area;
  • the presence of metal implants/piercings in the hair removal area;
  • folliculitis.

It is not advisable to do photo and laser hair removal for people suffering from high blood pressure, coronary heart disease and hypertension, diabetes, pregnant and lactating women, and persons under 18 years of age. The use of some is not indicated medicines and antidepressants - the patient is asked about them during a preventive medical examination. The procedure is not performed for viral and infectious diseases. Whether you personally have any contraindications for hair removal can be found out at a preliminary consultation with a cosmetologist in the salon - therefore, it is important that the specialist has medical education. Pay attention to this when choosing where to have the procedure done.

How to prepare for a visit to the salon

There are no restrictions on the time of year for laser hair removal, but doctors advise starting the first photoepilation sessions in late autumn. The general course is quite long; if you start the procedure in spring and summer, it is easy to tan and damage the skin.

In preparation for the procedure, visit a dermatologist; young women are recommended to visit an endocrinologist. Some also visit a gynecologist, and sometimes a preventive examination and subsequent treatment eliminate problems without spending extra money on the procedure.

A cosmetologist in the salon will determine the general condition of the skin and give the specialist recommendations for preparation. It is usually necessary to replace your usual method of hair removal (sugaring, waxing) with shaving for 3–4 weeks so that at least the hair roots grow back. The laser beam acts on melanin, and if there is no hair in the follicle, the procedure loses its meaning. There are no such restrictions for photoepilation.

3 days before visiting the salon, you should avoid scrubbing and peeling for the part of the body that you will epilate.

If you are going to remove facial hair, you do not need to do it a month before the procedure. chemical peeling and any laser procedures.

Skin care after hair removal

As a precaution, it is better to refrain from physical activity and visiting the bathhouse, do not take a hot bath. Try to keep the sun away from the skin in the epilation area, use sunscreen with SPF 50 or higher before each trip outside, and do not visit the solarium for 7-10 days after each procedure. A softening body cream will help relieve skin irritation.

In between procedures, the only possible way to remove hair is shaving; sugaring and waxing must be abandoned in order for laser hair removal sessions to produce results. You can speed up the loss of atrophied hairs by regularly rubbing your skin with a hard washcloth and scrubbing. You can only start doing this no earlier than 3 days after hair removal.

Hair removal is probably one of the most popular procedures in beauty salons. And with the onset of summer, he becomes one of the leaders! Now anyone nice salon Beauty offers its clients several hair removal options. What do we want? We want to eliminate hair for as long as possible and do not want to experience pain. Just what to choose if the procedures are very similar? So, photoepilation or laser hair removal – what to choose?

What is the essence of laser procedure and photoepilation?

Let's start the comparison with a description of the essence of both procedures.

The hair follicle is treated with a laser. Since the laser spectrum is limited, its action is aimed specifically at the hair. The hair pigment absorbs radiation, causing the hair itself and its follicle to be destroyed. Can be used on hair of any color and structure, even thin and light hair.

Photoepilation. The hair is exposed to light, using a device with krypton lamps. The spectrum of action of the flash of such lamps is quite wide, so during photoepilation the effect is on both the hair itself and the area of ​​skin around it. The maximum effect is observed on dark and coarse hairs.

What is the difference between photo and laser hair removal?

At their core, the procedures are really very similar, and their results are almost the same. But there are still differences. We'll talk about them below. Photoepilation and laser procedures differ in the method of influencing the hairs, the hardware used, the duration of the session and the entire course, the area of ​​the treated surface, the degree of pain and cost. And now first things first!

  • Method of influence. In laser hair removal, the type of laser is selected individually - it depends both on the color of the hairs themselves and on the level of melanin in the client’s skin. For photoepilation, equipment is used that uses a spectrum of high-power light radiation. Here, the individual approach consists only in the fact that additional options are turned on or off as needed.
  • Execution hardware. The features of the devices used for these two types of hair removal directly affect the area of ​​the skin surface being treated. In laser hair removal, only one beam is used, which means that a small surface of the skin is treated at a time. The working head of a photoepilation device contains a whole spectrum of light radiation, which significantly increases the surface to be treated.
  • Duration of one session. The duration of one photoepilation procedure is less than that of the laser method.
  • Number of procedures. To get rid of hair using photoepilation, more sessions will be required than with laser treatment. Why? It's quite simple. The laser acts more accurately, so the hair follicles are destroyed faster. But light radiation is scattered over a larger surface, so its effect is not so precise.
  • Price. The cost of these two procedures is almost the same; in general, it is worth noting that a photoepilation session will cost slightly more. But the final pricing depends not only on the type of hair removal and its effect, but also on the cost of the equipment used, related medications and the reputation of the salon.
  • The procedure is painful. According to this criterion, the photo procedure is almost no different from laser hair removal; the pain is the same. When performing both procedures, an anesthetic gel and a directed stream of cold air are used for the client’s comfort.
  • Result. The results of the procedures are also similar. In both cases, there is a gradual decrease in hair growth: with photoepilation - up to 60-70%, with laser hair removal - up to 80%.

What is better, photoepilation or laser hair removal? It is clear to say that one cannot be better. The choice is up to the client. Let us just remind you that although laser hair removal requires more time, its cost is somewhat lower and the result is higher.

Procedure requirements

Laser and photoepilation also differ in the requirements for the procedures. What should you know here?

  • Neither type of hair removal is performed on gray hair - it does not contain pigment that will absorb radiation. For this it is better to use or
  • Photoepilation is suitable for dark hair; for light hair, this procedure is ineffective - it will weaken and become thinner, but no more. Laser hair removal also shows the greatest effect on dark hair, but neodymium laser hair removal can also cope with light hair.
  • The best results after photoepilation are observed in people with fair skin. That's just light skin and dark hair They are not always found in one set, and the risk of burns to light-colored skin is much higher. Laser hair removal is, in principle, suitable for any skin. True, some limitations must be taken into account here. It is better not to use a ruby ​​laser on tanned or simply very dark skin, but alexandrite, neodymium and diode lasers are suitable even for lightly tanned skin.
  • Photoepilation is recommended for clients for whom laser procedures and electrolysis are contraindicated. Laser hair removal is recommended for those who cannot tolerate various reasons other methods.
  • The hair length for photoepilation should be 1 mm, for laser procedures - up to 1-2 mm.
  • Both procedures can cause complications such as hyperpigmentation and hyperpigmentation.

On what parts of the body are these types of hair removal allowed?

Photoepilation is suitable for all parts of the body, but is used to a limited extent on the face - the working tip of the equipment is simply too large, and it is inconvenient for them to work on the face. Laser hair removal is also performed on all parts of the body, but due to its targeted action, it is most often used to remove hair from areas on the face. Both types of procedures are not suitable for treating the eyebrow area, since the patient’s eyes must be covered with dark glasses while the technician is working.

Contraindications and complications of procedures

How does laser hair removal differ from photoepilation in terms of contraindications and complications? Yes, practically nothing. They have the same contraindications:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Diabetes;
  • Hypertension and ischemia;
  • Inflammations on the skin;
  • The presence of lesions or malignant neoplasms on the skin;
  • Children's and adolescence(not recommended for those under 17-18 years old);
  • Gray or very light hair and very dark skin.

Complications, in principle, are also similar, since both types of hair removal have similar mechanisms of action on the treated surface. Complications may include:

  • Allergic reactions;
  • The appearance of scars and changes in skin pigmentation;
  • Conjunctivitis, blurred vision.

How are the procedures carried out and what skin care is required afterwards?

Photo and laser hair removal are carried out almost identically. A cooling gel or cream is applied to the treated area - this is necessary in order to reduce discomfort. Then the master, using the applicator of the working apparatus, begins treating the skin. Redness and swelling after procedures is a normal reaction of the skin to what has just been done to it. After a few days, all these signs should go away. If you notice that your skin condition is getting worse, don’t wait – consult a doctor!

After both hair removal, it is recommended to avoid sunbathing on the beach, solarium, visiting the bathhouse and sauna, or swimming in a hot bath for several days. Skin care products should be moisturizing, but definitely without alcohol!

What to pay attention to in the salon?

Before you go to a beauty salon for photo or laser hair removal, pay attention to reviews about this establishment, and when visiting the salon, to the following points:

  • For cleanliness in the salon itself and in the master’s workplace;
  • Availability of working equipment. For example, photoepilation machines initially have a permissible number of flashes, and if the equipment is clearly old, then the lamps in it are unlikely to be in good condition. good condition. The result of the procedure directly depends on the condition of the lamps. Otherwise, if the device is old, you will overpay for additional procedures.
  • The presence of a qualified master who has been trained and received permission to carry out this type of hair removal. This is important for both photoepilation and laser procedures. The effect of the latter depends on the experience of the master.

What should the master ask you if you come to him for procedures? Here are the main points:

  • It must determine your skin phonotype, otherwise you may get burns due to incorrect equipment settings;
  • He should ask about the presence of diseases and problems that are considered contraindications. It is best to first undergo examination by an endocrinologist;
  • Immediately before photo or laser hair removal, you should be offered protective glasses. Even if you come for hair removal of your legs or bikini area! Glasses will protect your eyes, otherwise you risk damaging your vision.
  • The specialist should tell you about the restrictions after hair removal (for some time after the procedures it is better not to sunbathe either in the sun or in a solarium), and also give advice on skin care.

What is more effective – laser hair removal or photoepilation? As a result, let’s try to summarize all of the above:

  1. Photoepilation is ideal for people with dark hair on light skin; laser hair removal can be performed on slightly tanned skin.
  2. Laser hair removal is most often performed on the face and chest; photoepilation on the face is problematic.
  3. The contraindications and complications for the procedures are the same - there is no difference here.
  4. Photoepilation has a shorter session duration than a laser procedure, but the sessions themselves will require more to achieve results.
  5. The cost of the procedures is approximately the same, but after a detailed comparison, photoepilation still costs a little more.
  6. The effect is better with laser hair removal, hair growth is reduced by up to 80%, with photoepilation it is lower - up to 70%.

Which method should you choose? Rely on these criteria, and also don’t forget to ask for reviews from your friends. I think that everyone will find a suitable procedure for themselves. And if you have already found it, we are waiting for your feedback in the comments!