It's hard to learn to write at first. The child picks up a pen for the first time and must draw the correct lines, loops and different sizes of hooks. We write beautifully, spell out each hook correctly, connecting a vowel and a consonant, we get a syllable as part of any word. And by connecting the syllables, we get a neatly written word.

We tried to write the word syllable by syllable: “gives.” But they didn’t do it successfully, and it turned out that it was necessary to tear out the sheet in the notebook with an oblique ruler and rewrite everything in a new way. We removed the sheet from the notebook and wrote again: “The cow gives fresh milk!” But I should have written: “The cow gives fresh milk!” Let’s calm down, take a deep breath, exhale, take another deep breath and cross out our line. And we will try to calmly repeat and write each letter beautifully. And now we have a stain in the notebook, covering up all the letters of the word. And again we tear the page, because the letters under the blot are not visible.

Various sounds are heard on the street: “A loud ringing sound, a piercing bark of a dog, the sound of a ball, kids playing hide and seek, a friend flying a kite!” But you can’t go for a walk now, you have to write a sentence, and now I’m writing the same words for the fifth time: “The cow gives fresh milk!” I try, I write out all the letters and sit over the textbook. Exactly, in order to be a famous scientist, you need to learn grammar and arithmetic.

Yes, guys, studying is hard work and without knowledge of Russian and mathematics they won’t take you anywhere! And it all starts with the letters of the alphabet, counting numbers from 1 to 100.

It is difficult to learn to write lowercase and capital letters correctly. You must be careful so that the notebook does not quickly “lose weight”; the pages should often not be torn out. For corrections, erasures and deletions, the grade will be reduced.

The more you write, the better you get. A unique artistic style is art.

Calligraphy is the science of writing beautifully, correctly and accurately in a notebook.

Picture or drawing Calligraphy

Other retellings and reviews for the reader's diary

  • Summary of the Book Thief Zuzak

    The main narrator in the work is Death. The character is terribly tired of his work, since World War II begins and there is really a lot of work. Death watches Liesel's life closely.

  • Summary of Countess de Monsoreau Dumas

    Life is a difficult thing, but you need to be able to love it, otherwise it will simply be impossible to live normally. The sixteenth century - or rather the end of this century. France. At this time, very interesting and dangerous events take place there.

  • Summary of Princess Volkonskaya Nekrasova

    The work begins from the moment when the children ask Grandma Volkonskaya to tell them about her youth. But the princess sends them out for a walk, promising that her whole life will be described in memoirs.

  • Summary of Tolstoy Old Grandfather and Granddaughters

    There lived a family: grandfather, husband, wife and their son. Grandfather was old and helpless. He could not eat or drink normally; everything came out of his mouth. The husband and wife disdained him and decided to send him to sit behind the stove

  • Summary of Milton Paradise Lost

    When Satan and his rebellious angels rebelled against God, he was defeated, but not humbled. He calls his army to a council and proposes to take revenge on God. He knows that God created people (Adam and Eve)


It's hard to learn to write at first. The child picks up a pen for the first time and must draw the correct lines, loops and different sizes of hooks. We write beautifully, spell out each hook correctly, connecting a vowel and a consonant, we get a syllable as part of any word. And by connecting the syllables, we get a neatly written word.

We tried to write the word syllable by syllable: “gives.” But they didn’t do it successfully, and it turned out that it was necessary to tear out the sheet in the notebook with an oblique ruler and rewrite everything in a new way. We removed the sheet from the notebook and wrote again: “The cow gives fresh milk!” But I should have written: “The cow gives fresh milk!” Let’s calm down, take a deep breath, exhale, take another deep breath and cross out our line. And we will try to calmly repeat and write each letter beautifully. And now we have a stain in the notebook, covering up all the letters of the word. And again we tear the page, because the letters under the blot are not visible.

Various sounds are heard on the street: “A loud ringing sound, a piercing bark of a dog, the sound of a ball, kids playing hide and seek, a friend flying a kite!” But you can’t go for a walk now, you have to write a sentence, and now I’m writing the same words for the fifth time: “The cow gives fresh milk!” I try, I write out all the letters and sit over the textbook. Exactly, in order to be a famous scientist, you need to learn grammar and arithmetic.

Yes, guys, studying is hard work and without knowledge of Russian and mathematics they won’t take you anywhere! And it all starts with the letters of the alphabet, counting numbers from 1 to 100.

It is difficult to learn to write lowercase and capital letters correctly. You must be careful so that the notebook does not quickly “lose weight”; the pages should often not be torn out. For corrections, erasures and deletions, the grade will be reduced.

The more you write, the better you get. A unique artistic style is art.

Calligraphy is the science of writing beautifully, correctly and accurately in a notebook.

Picture or drawing Calligraphy

Other retellings for the reader's diary

  • Summary Lermontov Vadim

    A young beggar, who is also a hunchback, meets the nobleman Palitsyn near the church. He asks to work with him and introduces himself as Vadim.

  • Brief summary of Kuprin Listrigons

    The book tells about fishermen - Listrigons, who were descendants of Greek colonists. October has arrived in Balaklava. All the summer residents left the city, and the residents of Balaklava concentrated on fishing.

  • Summary of Iskander Forbidden Fruit

    Every person has had and will have some kind of temptation in life. Temptations come in a variety of forms. And this is not always something that is a temptation for absolutely everyone. It’s different for everyone. And every person has boundaries.

  • Summary of the Life of a Man Andreev

    The work presents the whole life of a Man to the public. The action takes place from the moment of Man's birth until his death. He will walk through life as if on a ladder, each time climbing a new step.

  • Summary of the House in the Garden Sasha Cherny

    A cat and a starling gathered near the house. They sit and discuss building a new house. Two girls arrived and asked the master, Danila. They ask when the house will be ready. Danila replies that it will be by lunchtime today.

It's hard to learn how to do something for the first time in your life, especially when it comes to acquiring writing skills in school. little child for the first time he holds a pen in his hand and draws uncertain lines, squiggles and squiggles. You need to write carefully, correctly, writing out each loop, combining vowels and consonants, until you get a single syllable. And now, as a result of the first efforts, we get a beautifully written word.

We wanted to write some word in the notebook, but it turned out wrong. And here comes the first failure, you will have to tear out the sheet and start over. Having gotten rid of the sheet, we write again. Slowly, carefully checking everything and drawing out every letter. We repeat until we get the correctly written word. Only here's the problem! In our notebook with a slanted line, a blot somehow settled in and covered everything. Well, nothing! We tear out the page, because under this formed stain we can’t see the letters at all.

There is some noise coming from the street. It’s a dog barking, and someone is playing with a ball, a very loud ringing is heard, the kids are starting a game of hide and seek, and somewhere a boy lets kite. Well, unfortunately, you can’t join in the children’s fun; you still have to write and write letters and syllables! And now for the umpteenth time, we take hold of the pen and scribble our squiggles. We also carefully and beautifully draw each line. After all, it’s no secret that in order to be smart and become a famous scientist, you need to know grammar perfectly and study a lot.

That's it, children! Studying is a lot of work and you need to know the basics. In order for everything to work out, try to practice a lot, rewriting the words over and over again. At first it’s hard for everyone, but then you will gain experience from which you will understand that what you write beautifully, accurately and, above all, correctly is called penmanship.

You can use this text for reader's diary

Mikhalkov. All works

  • Uncle Styopa
  • Calligraphy

Calligraphy. Picture for the story

Currently reading

  • By Edgar

    Edgar loved his work and always worked with perseverance, but he was poor, since his work was limited to journalism, at least something that aroused interest among the public.

  • Summary of Aitmatov When mountains fall (Eternal Bride)

    The novel takes place during the years of change, when the country began to actively move towards capitalism. Many old principles have lost value, and new ones have not taken root in the minds of the majority. There are two main characters in this novel

  • Summary of the fairy tale The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats by the Brothers Grimm

    On the edge of the forest, in a small hut, lived a goat with her seven children. The goat was nibbling green grass and drinking cold water from forest streams, and left the children in the hut, forced them to close the doors and not let anyone stranger in.

  • Summary Lindgren The Adventures of Emil from Lenneberga

    Emil is a boy who is in childhood, and does not even try to get out of this age. But, since he is still small, this is considered quite normal. But the fact is that Emil often goes beyond all limits in his pranks


Text: Vladimir Berezin

tell your friends:

Pedestrian writer Vladimir Berezin about keys, feathers and inexorable time.

... “Yes, it’s mo-lo-ko.”
The feather clings to "ko"
And the blot is black, like a beetle,
It suddenly slides off the end of the pen.
Not one second has passed
How “ko” and “mo” and “lo” disappeared...
One more page out!
And outside the window on all sides:
And the sound of the ball and the barking of the puppy,
And the ringing of some bell, -
And I’m sitting, looking at my notebook -
I print the letter after the letter:
“Yes-yet-ko-ro-va mo-lo-ko”...
Yes! Becoming a scientist is not easy!

Sergey Mikhalkov, “Cleanmanship”

In my old age, I also took part in a total dictation. True, in absentia, and with a not very good result: three extra commas, one missing, and one potential error (I wrote correctly not because I knew how to do it, but because I guessed right).

I was lucky because my text was dictated by the writer Yuzefovich himself, and, besides, this best text what I've seen there over the years.

Regardless of the verification function, it is good in itself - both aesthetically, and ideologically, and, in general, as you wish.

Everything is good there - the balance of the three parts and three cities, the intonation itself, and especially the author’s goodwill towards the universe in general and the reader in particular. True, I saw how Permians were offended by the sterlet and began to say that there was a mistake in the dictation, they had not lost sterlet at all, and with this sterlet they would outshine any city, but this does not diminish my pathos at all.

But I want to say something else: at one time I went through the usual penmanship lessons for a Soviet schoolchild - drawing sticks and elements of letters, a lined notebook, a desk with hinged lids, painted green on top oil paint, and below - brown. Moreover, under the green layer one could discern hollows for fountain pens and a recess for ink.

Ink! It seems that ink was poured here - at least that's what they explained to me.

I was taught to write by hand correctly and legibly, and I thought that if I were a real participant in a total dictation and handed in what was written by hand, then in a couple of places I could be given errors in my handwriting.

The blots described in the poems of Barto and Mikhalkov cause bewilderment in the modern schoolchild

In my childhood, there was a presumption of guilt in the “illegible” zone, in other words, you had to write clearly. There was a terrible word - blots - for blots the grade was reduced. Somehow the clear and eternal world was destroyed, a new rule came into it - in the capital, that is capital letter“A” should have been written with a curl instead of a crossbar. The curl began at the right leg and moved like the Lissajous figure, which I became acquainted with later, up and to the left, and then went to connect with the next letter or break off into the void. Then the rules changed, and the letter began to be crossed by a simple line. Many people hated this activity, I won’t say that everyone hated it - however, the teachers said that fine motor skills calligraphy stimulates brain function.

Calligraphy is a difficult art: improving aesthetics makes utilitarian understanding difficult. Calligraphy is directly tied to the writing instrument - old-style fountain pens made it possible to make letters the way we see them in old copybooks - wide on the side and thinner when turning. Ballpen equalized the thickness, and now it has been replaced by gel ones. The blots described in the poems of Barto and Mikhalkov cause bewilderment in the modern schoolchild.

Chalk has become a rarity - that letter on the board in which you reached for the top edge and school uniform sprinkled white flour on unwritten letters. Nowadays they write with felt-tip pens - at least in the schools where I lived.

Motor skills are still fine, but different.

Calligraphy, which disappeared with real gymnasiums, returned to the USSR in the thirties, when “the school, like a barge with prisoners, moved further and further from the shores of freedom and experiments of the post-revolutionary years. The positions of those released were abolished class teachers, in the first and second grades, again, as under the “old regime,” calligraphy (formerly calligraphy) was introduced, “copybooks” appeared - notebooks in which perfectly written icons and letters were imprinted in a typographical way, and the thick and hairy lines drawn in them became subject of study and imitation. Pen No. 86 became a mandatory tool for a first-grader. The “frog” feather was less encouraged, and the “soldier” feather was completely banned in some places for its inability to draw hairlines. In schools, the requirements for literacy and maintaining order in the Russian language have generally increased.” * - Andreevsky G. Daily life Moscow in the Stalin era. 1930-1940s. - M.: Young Guard, 2008. P. 123.

There were and are many manuals on calligraphy - but now they have disappeared somewhere into the shadows of public consciousness, and I still found terrible books from past times. One of them was printed by Uchpedgiz even when two bodies lay in the Mausoleum and the city on the Volga was called after the battle.

It talked about the ideal letter like this:

"1. Only oblique writing is considered correct and beautiful, in which letters are written at an angle of 65°. Slanted writing is more natural than straight writing, as it corresponds to a better, more relaxed position of the hand, body and head. If, for example, you put a sheet of paper or a notebook in front of you not obliquely, but straightly, and start writing, then when you move your forearm from left to right, while maintaining the same position of the elbow, the line will invariably rush upward. In order to write it strictly according to the ruler, you have to constantly “shorten” your hand and forearm. Prolonged writing in this position causes the appearance of a disease - the so-called writer's cramp. When writing obliquely, the possibility of writer's cramp is eliminated. Only with slanted writing is uniform handwriting preserved, its legibility and rhythm. Oblique writing is most suitable for developing cursive writing (I. E. Evseev). Direct writing often turns into so-called mirror writing (with a slant in left side), which has an extremely illegible and ugly appearance. In defense of direct writing, the consideration was usually put forward that it requires a normal sitting position for children, and therefore is more hygienic than inclined. But this consideration cannot be considered correct, because the inclination of the writing is achieved not due to the landing, but due to the position of the notebook.

2. Correct and beautiful writing must have pressure, which gives it rhythm and legibility. Pressure in students' writing is developed through the use of correct techniques and long exercises. As the pen moves downwards, its tips move apart. It turns out to be a thick line. As the pen moves upward, its tips move closer together. A thin hairline is formed.<...>Among many writers, including children, a false prejudice against pressure is often created, and in order to avoid it, they begin to write with the side of the pen. It seems to them that writing without pressure is cleaner and neater. But a letter consisting of densely intertwined, hairy, identical features, of course, cannot be legible, rhythmic, and, therefore, beautiful. It is also very important that children write not just with pressure, but respect different types pressure, for example, when writing a straight line, a straight line (stick) with a rounding at the bottom, ovals and semi-ovals, flame-shaped lines.

3. Lowercase letters must be the same height; capital letters should also have a certain height and be much larger than the size lowercase letters. Height of lowercase letters throughout the first three years learning is gradually changing. In grade I, children write letters with a height of 8 mm, in grade II - with a height of 5 mm, and in grade III - with a height of 3 mm.

In the past, our calligraphers, for example, P.E. Gradoboev, held the view that a capital letter can be 3-4 times higher in height than a lowercase letter. Currently, Soviet methodologists are of the view that the capital letter in grade I when writing on oblique rulers large size should exceed the lowercase by 2 times, and starting from grade II, both when writing on two rulers and when writing on one ruler - 2½ times. Thus, in normal writing (cursive), the height of capital letters is 7.5 mm.<...>However, in order for the letter to be beautiful, it is necessary to maintain not only the same height of the letters, but also the correct ratio between the height and width of the letter. A normal ratio should be considered in which the length of the main element, for example, an oval or an oblique line with pressure and rounding at the bottom, relates to its width as 2:1. The height to width ratio of a letter will vary depending on the number of letter elements.

The continuity of the letter was as convincing as a red service ID

4. To maintain the correctness and beauty of handwriting, the connecting lines between letters, as well as the fine hairline features of the elements, are written with the same slant. True, this inclination is somewhat greater than the inclination of the main elements, and the features are more sloping than the features of the main elements, nevertheless, the uniform inclination of the hairline features gives the entire handwriting an even and rhythmic character.

5. Finally, to maintain the correctness and beauty of handwriting, it is very important to evenly space the letters in the word and the words on the line. All lines must start on the same vertical line. The margins are usually made 3 cm wide. Words should be written so that there are equal spaces between them, equal to the width of the handwritten letter t. Letters in a word should be placed at equal intervals, which in cursive writing will be slightly wider than the main element of the letter, but completely uniform. This gives the whole handwriting a strict rhythm, and therefore beauty.<..>

Only if all five conditions are met, as well as with the correct outline of the ovals, which must retain the classic elliptical shape, and with the perfect straightness of the slanted strokes, can the teacher achieve beautiful writing from students.” * - Bogolyubov N. Methods of penmanship. - M.: Uchpedgiz, 1955. P. 16-18. .

The continuity of the letter was as convincing as a red service ID, the pressure was as sure as the rhythm of the ceremonial columns on the paving stones of Red Square. Oh, there was the spirit of real Soviet calligraphy. For example, it was advised to establish a “calligraphy school regime<...>in this form:

“...2. Notebooks for all subjects are designed in the same way: each notebook must be labeled, have margins two fingers wide (3 cm) and contain the number of sheets established by the standard.<...>

3. Both class and homework are done in the same color of ink, preferably black.

4. Students write with pens of the established type: 15 cm long and 0.8 cm thick. The use of short, all-metal or thickened pens is prohibited.

5. When writing, students must adhere to the established posture, that is, sit without bowing their heads low, holding the pen correctly and placing the notebook at an angle.

6. The letter should be slanted, with an angle of 60–65° with pressure, with correct positioning pen. When writing, you can only use a sharp pen, preferably No. 86, and under no circumstances use a “rondeau” pen or, in general, pens with a blunt tip.

Now you need to write less and less by hand, handwritten is reduced to a signature

7. The style of all letters must correspond to the patterns established by the Ministry of Education.

8. When writing, erasures and the use of erasers are not allowed. You should simply cross out what is written incorrectly and carefully write on top.

9. The use of drafts is allowed only when solving test problems and when writing essays, and drafts must be written clearly.

10. Each work should be formatted accordingly, that is, at the beginning of the work, indicate the date, write the title, placing it in the middle of a special line.

11. When writing, no abbreviations of words should be allowed; for example, you cannot write tk instead of since, teacher instead of student, etc.

12. All lines should begin at the same distance from the edge of the page and end at the margin.

13. To correct student written work, the teacher uses only red ink.<...>

15. All kinds of announcements posted at school, as well as notes and articles in wall newspapers must be formatted in compliance with the basic requirements of calligraphy.” * - Bogolyubov N. Methods of penmanship. - M.: Uchpedgiz, 1955. P. 138-139. .

Now you need to write less and less by hand, handwritten is reduced to a signature. Even in legal documents that are filled out by hand on the spot, only personal data is inserted, which will soon be entered into the document by voice. And then the digital signature will finally end the era of writing in the truest sense of the word.

There are many uninteresting public experiences associated with the handwriting technique. Quite a few people claim that pen in hand (pun intended) helps better work brain etc. They say that what is written by hand is better retained in memory, calligraphy promotes a sense of grace, and many other nonsense in the style of glossy hairdressing magazines. Even those studies that are recounted in detail raise doubts about the formulation of the problem, and the emotional style is reminiscent of debates about “warm tube sound” and the fact that “the smell of books cannot be replaced by anything.” All these “Five reasons why a pen is better than a keyboard” and “Twelve reasons to improve your handwriting technique” are not at all obvious, and are fought by a more or less witty opponent.

Moreover, a fairly cynical debater can come up with his own “Five reasons why digital recording is better than handwritten” and “A dozen ways to improve your typing technique.”

Huge amounts of texts - diaries, letters, suicide notes, drafts and notes - will never be read precisely because they are written by hand, because the handwriting is illegible, the letters have merged together, the ink has become wet and blurred. They will not be read because there is no search engine attached to this huge sea of ​​words - and the fates of millions of people who witnessed amazing events will remain on paper. Although they were written in calligraphic letters, and the paper still retains the faint smell of perfume that is no longer produced on the planet - but all this will decay in country attics, will be eaten by archival mice, and will be flooded with fire or tap water.

Writers, with rare exceptions, are poorly paid, anxious and frightened people

Sometimes lovers of the sublime attract the authority of writers to their aid. This is a rather dubious help - firstly, in the present century writers do not at all enjoy the authority that they had in those days when the book replaced most of the knowledge about this and other worlds, but now this is not the case. Writers, with rare exceptions, are poorly paid, anxious and frightened people. And those who are highly paid are not necessarily models of wisdom and mental health. Often glossy magazines tell us that Ivan Sinderyushkin writes only with a quill pen and only from Mikhailovsky, and John Pinkhasovich only with a silver Harker pen, and you catch yourself asking the shameful question: who are these people?

Secondly, one's personal habits are not always beneficial to others.

Thirdly, there is no correspondence between the quality of the texts and the recording method. There were people who created bad things and had beautiful handwriting, just as we know many wonderful authors who wrote like chickens with their paws.

But there were also authors who successfully read their works to barefoot students in tunics, St. Petersburg stenographers and a small black voice recorder. There were also people who spent their entire lives typing on typewriters. The words “equal impact force” rustled, “Erica” took four copies, the carriage bell rang in warning. Grease, tape, carbon paper... Where did it all go? The same place as cassette recorders and telephones with rotary dialers.

Everyday culture is changing quickly and inexorably.

Knock-knock of keys, creak-skip of a steel pen, squelch-squelch of ink in the pen pump - some with a funny rubber-nipple, and some with a screw piston.

Of course, something remains in everyday life - I also saw a working phonograph (and many have experienced the chic of the coal samovar shown at the dacha).

However, changes in everyday culture are inexorable - and soon it will be possible to issue a disposable device for testing.

And so - total dictation remains the most common phenomenon in the field of handwriting.

That's what I thought when I discovered that I couldn't open two windows on the screen at the same time, record in one and listen to the video in the other.

I wrote it down for myself, simply, in gel on yellow - about cognac and sterlet, hard-working tugboats and streets radiating from a distant river.

I wrote it down and returned to the keys.

There - knock-knock, creaking-creaking, and in this world - clack-clack or even the quiet rustle of fingers on durable glass.

One thing seems to be true - dying poems are quite difficult to write in blood using a keyboard. But there is little harm in the fact that this skill disappears.

Reader's diary Mikhalkov "Drowsiness and Yawning"

A beautiful children's work, like many works, has its roots in folk epic, about magical creatures that bring dreams to children, and generally put them to sleep. The work “Drowsiness and Yawning” is often attributed to Samuil Marshak, but this is not true.

The main characters of the poem magical creatures: Napping and Yawning - whose main occupation is putting children to sleep. The heroines wish those children who go to bed on time pleasant dreams. For those children who do not want to go to bed, they send a yawn, which forces the baby to also go to bed.

Main idea works: Children should go to bed on time.

Nap and Yawn wandered along the road.

Drowsiness ran into the gates and gates,

Looked into the windows

And into the cracks of the doors

And she told the children:

Go to bed quickly!

Yawning said: whoever goes to bed sooner,

That's why she, Yawning, Good night will say

And if someone doesn’t lie down

Now on the bed

She will order that

Yawn, yawn, yawn!

"About mimosa" Mikhalkov

“About mimosa” Mikhalkov analysis and summary

The main character of the poems little boy Vitya, surrounded by excessive care (overprotection) from his parents. From such treatment, the boy’s character deteriorates and he begins to demand from others special attention, while he loses interest in everything that normal children should strive for. At the end, the author compares Vitya with a plant - mimosa.

Read "About Mimosa" by Mikhalkov

This is who is covered in the bed
Blankets on cotton wool?
Who lies on three pillows
In front of the food table
And, barely dressed,
Without making my bed,
Gently washes cheeks
Boiled water?

This is probably a decrepit grandfather
One hundred and fourteen years old?

Who, having stuffed his mouth with cake,
He says: - Where is the compote?
Give me something
Serve it up
Do the opposite!

This is probably a disabled person

Who is this?
They drag felt boots for him,
Fur mittens,
So that he can warm his hands,
So that he couldn't catch a cold
And die from the flu
If the sun shines from the sky,
What if there was no snow for six months?

Maybe he's going to the Pole,
Where do bears live in the ice?

Take a good look -
It's just a boy, Vitya,
Mom's Vitya,
Papin Vitya
From apartment number six.

This is him lying in bed
With blankets on cotton wool,
In addition to buns and cakes,
Doesn't want to eat anything.

And therefore,
As soon as he opens his eyes -
They put a thermometer on him,
Putting on shoes
Dress up
And always, at any hour,
Whatever he asks for, they carry.

If the dream is sweet in the morning -
He's in bed all day.
If the sky is cloudy -
He wears galoshes all day.

And therefore,
That everything is forgiven to him,
And he lives in a new house,
Not ready for anything.

Not to become a pilot,
Be a brave sailor
To lie behind a machine gun,
Drive a truck.

He grows up afraid of frost,
In front of mom and dad,
Like a mimosa plant
In the botanical garden.

Mikhalkov's calligraphy for a reader's diary (briefly)

The hero of the work is just learning to write. It tells in poetic form how difficult it is for the boy in this matter. He has to tear out a page more than once, first because the pen has pierced the notebook, then because of an error, then because of a blot. These details allow us to understand that the poem was written a long time ago, back in the days when children wrote with metal pens and ink. But the hero of the work does not give up, even to the seductive sounds coming from the street. After all, he understands that: “Becoming a scientist is not easy!”

Calligraphy Mikhalkov read the text

Writing beautifully is not easy:
"Yes-yet ko-ro-va mo-lo-ko."
Behind the letter is a letter,
to a syllable syllable.
Well, at least someone would help!

First “yes”, then “yes”.
It's already written "gives"
It's already written "gives"
But then the pen tears the paper.

The notebook is ruined again -
The page needs to be torn out!
The page was torn out, and here it is:
"Ko-ro-va mo-lo-ko yes-yet."

"The cow gives milk"
But you need the opposite:
"The cow gives milk"!

Let's take a deep breath first,
Let's take a breath and cross out the line
And let's start the matter again.

"Yes-yet ko-ro-va mo-lo-ko."
The feather clings to the "ko"
And the blot is black, like a beetle,
It suddenly slides off the end of the pen.

Not one second has passed
How “ko” and “mo” and “lo” disappeared...

One more page out!

And outside the window on all sides:
And the sound of the ball and the barking of the puppy,
And the ringing of some bell, -
And I’m sitting, looking at my notebook -
I print the letter after the letter:
"Yes-yet-ko-ro-va mo-lo-ko"...

Yes! Becoming a scientist is not easy!

It's not easy to write beautifully:
“Yes, it’s mo-lo-ko.”
Behind the letter is a letter, to a syllable is a syllable.
Well, at least someone would help!
First “yes”, then “yes”.

It’s already written “gives”
But then the pen tears the paper.
The notebook is ruined again -
The page needs to be torn out!
The page was torn out, and here it is:
“Ko-ro-va mo-lo-ko yes-yet.”
"The cow gives milk"
But you need the opposite:
“The cow gives milk”!

Let's take a deep breath first,
Let's take a breath and cross out the line
And let's start the matter again.
“Yes, it’s mo-lo-ko.”
The feather clings to "ko"
And the blot is black, like a beetle,
It suddenly slides off the end of the pen.
Not one second has passed
How “ko” and “mo” and “lo” disappeared.

One more page out!
And outside the window on all sides
And the sound of the ball and the barking of the puppy,
And some kind of bell ringing.
And I’m sitting, looking at my notebook -
I print the letter after the letter:
“Yes-yet-ko-ro-va mo-lo-ko”...
Yes! Becoming a scientist is not easy!

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Writing beautifully is not easy:
“Yes, it’s mo-lo-ko.”
Behind the letter is a letter,

to a syllable syllable.
Well, at least someone would help!

First “yes”, then “no”.
It’s already written “gives”
It’s already written “gives”
But then the pen tears the paper.

The notebook is ruined again -
The page needs to be torn out!
The page was torn out, and here it is:
“Ko-ro-va mo-lo-ko yes.”

"The cow gives milk"
But you need the opposite:
“The cow gives milk”!

Let's take a deep breath first,
Let's take a breath and cross out the line
And we'll start the matter again.

“Yes, it’s mo-lo-ko.”
The feather clings to "ko"
And the blot is black, like a beetle,
It suddenly slides off the end of the pen.

Not one second has passed
How “ko” and “mo” and “lo” disappeared...

One more page out!
And outside the window on all sides:
And the sound of the ball and the barking of the puppy,
And the ringing of some bell, -
And I’m sitting, looking at my notebook -
I print the letter after the letter:
“Yes, it’s mo-lo-ko”...
Yes! Becoming a scientist is not easy!

Analysis of the poem “Cleanmanship” by Mikhalkov

Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov is a master of teaching children basic school knowledge in an entertaining way.

The poem dates from 1958. Its author at this time turned 45 years old, he has long been recognized as a leading figure in children's poetry, loved by children, teachers, and even the authorities. His creativity is varied, he tries himself in many genres. The writer is married and is interested in art and history of his family. Finally, it has a lot to do with the creation of the national anthem. The genre is didactic, but not dry or formal. The rhyme is adjacent, there are almost equal numbers of open and closed rhymes. Such a lesson in modern school No. In those years they still wrote with a pen, developing a beautiful, clear handwriting, they also mastered the elements of calligraphy, and learned to use inkwells. Actually, little hero Since elementary school, he has been busy with precisely the difficult task called “writing beautifully.” Letter by letter, syllable by syllable, the boy writes a sacramental phrase: the cow gives milk (by the way, inversion). The entire process is described in detail - from the first line, the curl, made with special pressure, to the broken fountain pen paper. Anaphora: let's sigh, a page (the diminutive suffix gives the word warm shade). The refrain about the cow appears in different stanzas. There are several exclamations and ellipses. Expressive comparison and inversion: the blot is black, like a beetle. It is impossible to get rid of such an oversight. This means that the page is out again, and the text is to be written again. The final large stanza describes the tempting miracles that had to be sacrificed for the sake of developing handwriting and patience. Enumerative gradation: the barking of a puppy, the ringing of a bell (of a bicycle, apparently), the sound of a ball. The student falls into momentary distraction and breaks the order of words in the unfortunate sentence. The writer writes in the first person, sitting down at his desk: I am sitting. This technique creates special trust between the hero of the poem and the little reader. The hero’s troubles are familiar, the desire to escape into the yard is also understandable. Actually, the final lines sound with a barely concealed smile: becoming a scientist is not easy! The schoolboy puts on airs about the task he is doing, puffs and sighs. Repeated repetition of material helps to consolidate it in memory. A sea of ​​lexical repetitions, verbosity, a minimum of adjectives.

An expert in child psychology, S. Mikhalkov in “Cleanwriting” draws a picture from a now long-gone life, when they wrote with a pen and made ink blots.

Writing beautifully is not easy:
"Yes, it's mo-lo-ko."
Behind the letter is a letter,
to a syllable syllable.
Well at least someone

Writing beautifully is not easy:
"Yes, it's mo-lo-ko."
Behind the letter is a letter,
to a syllable syllable.
Well at least someone

First “yes”, then “yes”.
It's already written "gives"
It's already written "gives"
But then the pen tears the paper.

The notebook is ruined again -
The page needs to be torn out!
The page was torn out, and here it is:
"Ko-ro-va mo-lo-ko yes."

"The cow gives milk"
But you need the opposite:
"The cow gives milk"!

Let's take a deep breath first,
Let's take a breath and cross out the line
And we'll start the matter again.

"Yes, it's mo-lo-ko."
The feather clings to the "ko"
And the blot is black, like a beetle,
It suddenly slides off the end of the pen.

Not one second has passed
How "ko" and "mo" and "lo" disappeared...

One more page out!
And outside the window on all sides:
And the sound of the ball and the barking of the puppy,
And the ringing of some bell, -
And I’m sitting, looking at my notebook -
I print the letter after the letter:
“Yes, it’s mo-lo-ko”...

Yes! Becoming a scientist is not easy!

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