As a rule, parting on the right indicates a strong character. Such a person is usually endowed with a number of fighting qualities. Constantly challenging, he loves competitions, exams and all kinds of tests that will allow him to compare himself with others. This is an inner need to be confident in your talents.

Such a person has excellent adaptability. He easily adapts to new conditions or surprises that have just disrupted the usual order of things, or even creates them himself - as an experiment. Partings on the right are few.

Parting on the left

And if the parting that separates your hair is located on the left. What does it mean? If you are a woman, then real, to the ends of your hair. You do not miss a single opportunity to demonstrate your femininity. Such a parting only emphasizes your grace and originality. In general, the parting on the left gives out a more sensual, creative and feminine person in his perception of the world.

When it comes to a man, remember that feminine in no way means effeminate. Parting on the left is most typical for seducers. All people, to a greater or lesser extent, need some kind of system to protect their own weaknesses, and seduction is an excellent defense system. Please note that most actors have a parting on the left or in the center.

How to make a parting

Which side do you comb your hair on? Don't panic - we're still writing about careers. It is believed that the hairstyle is most directly related to this topic. Maybe, combing your hair in the morning, you, without knowing it, decide your fate?

Let's make a reservation right away: the facts that we are going to tell about are not recognized by official science. With the theory of partings - as with astrology: it is customary to laugh at it, but the hypotheses expressed in it receive empirical confirmation over and over again. And it is worth starting to understand them in detail, as it turns out that the whole thing is in psychology.

Tricks with parting

For the first time, the influence of hairstyles on success was discussed about 30 years ago. It all started with an observation made by engineer-inventor John Waters. At school, he was not popular with girls, who considered him a boring and uninteresting hack, but one day he changed his hairstyle, making a parting on the left, contrary to custom. The effect was stunning: there was no end to classmates. Then the attentive Waters combed his hair back - this made his life somewhat calmer (read about what invention John Waters inspired to observe partings).

Later, he drew attention to the hairstyles of American presidents. Almost all of them (except the six least fortunate ones) wore a parting on the left, and some had to change their habits for this - for example, Lincoln and Reagan. Here you involuntarily think: maybe there really is something in this?

Who is to the right, who is to the left

Let's turn to the facts. Warren Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway (#11 on the Fortune Top 500) and billionaire, parting to the left. Indra Nui, Fortune's top female CEO and head of PepsiCo, parted to the left. Bill Gates parting on the left. Why go far for examples - Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev comb their hair to the right (and parting, respectively, is done on the left). Even "the best manager of the 20th century" Jack Welch in his youth wore a parting on the left.

However, now Jack Welch does not have a parting at all, but this did not make him less successful. Ruben Vardanyan, Vladimir Potanin, Mikhail Prokhorov, Evgeny Chichvarkin, Sergey Brin and Larry Page have no parting. Steve Jobs in his youth wore a parting on the right. The parting of Roman Abramovich periodically changes its location. And what is happening on the head of billionaire Donald Trump generally causes shivers in stylists around the world - but there is no parting there.

brain massage

The brain, as you know, is divided into two hemispheres, each of which has its own “sphere of responsibility”. The right one is responsible for spatial-figurative thinking and the ability to be creative, the left one is responsible for abstract-logical thinking and analytical abilities. That is, for the fact that for most "office" professions it is just necessary condition successful career. But where does the parting?

Hypothesis one: parting on the head somehow affects the activity of the brain inside the head. Let's say, it stimulates the manifestation of those very "left hemispheric" qualities - the ability to think and analyze logically. We will not even try to refute this hypothesis. Try to tell someone very gullible about it and watch the reaction.

Hypothesis two : the parting on the head somehow affects the attitude of those around you - colleagues and business partners. Seeing this emphasis on the “right” side of the head, they subconsciously begin to attribute to you the possession of the qualities necessary for a successful business person. This theory would have the right to exist - after all, it has been proven that, for example, a trusting atmosphere when communicating with a partner can be created by standing up. However, if you part on the left, people looking straight at you will see the part on the right. Inconsistency.

Hypothesis three : parting on the head affects your self-esteem. After all, if you have a parting on the left, then your mirror image has it in the same place. Perhaps, doing the “right” hairstyle, and then watching it in the mirror, you voluntarily or involuntarily program yourself for success. If this is true, then, in the end, it doesn’t really matter where you comb your hair, especially since the theory of the left parting has not yet received any scientific evidence. You can treat it as a sign or as a funny statistical incident.

The moral is simple: the main thing is your personal attitude and self-confidence. Well, a neat haircut doesn't hurt either.

We all want to be accepted and loved by others, but let's face it: someday in your life there will still be such a person who simply does not like you. Maybe it's all about your habit of scratching your genitals in public, or it's because of the toxic gases that just ask to come out at the most inopportune moments. And, perhaps (although it probably is), the reason lies in the fact that you have some kind of individual “feature” that forces people to shy away from you like fire.

Whatever the case, according to science, if you want people to like you, follow these absurd pieces of advice. Your success is guaranteed.

5. Apologize for every little thing, even if you didn't do anything wrong.

Have you ever met Mr. Pardon in your life? Well, the kind of guy who keeps apologizing for terrible rush hour traffic or bad weather outside lately. Everything bad that happens in the world is not his fault, but he feels an obligatory need to apologize for every little thing. It's even possible that Mr. Sorry lives inside of you too - after all, we've all had to apologize for something at least once in our lives - whether it's a bad movie on a first date or accidentally spilling coffee on someone's new dress.

Well, why do people do this? Yes, because it is so accepted in society: you apologize, and in return you receive a reward, encouragement. In a study by scientists at Harvard Business School, participants were sent to a crowded train station when it was raining heavily outside and given the task of asking strangers to call from their cell phones; moreover, some were instructed to simply ask to use someone else's phone, and others - first to apologize to the person for the bad weather, and then ask him for a mobile phone.

In the first case, people were reluctant to respond to the participants' request. However, after hearing unnecessary apologies, they, as if under hypnosis, did not hesitate to give their mobile phones potential scammers at a crowded train station.

A number of experiments have shown that unnecessary apologies increase trust levels - even if your actions are somewhat dishonest, you will still receive sympathy for admitting mistakes that you did not make.

4. Comb your hair to the left side

Yes, we agree, it sounds strange, but first, let's do a little experiment. Think and name a few popular, attractive, or powerful men. Brad Pitt. John Hamm. Or John Fitzgerald Kennedy, why not? Now think about their hair. Do you find anything in common between them? Ask Google for help if you don't remember what they look like. We'll wait, although no: either an accident or a pattern, but they all comb their hair to the left side.

John and Katherine Walter (brother and sister), nuclear physicist and cultural anthropologist respectively (apparently an unhealthy obsession male hair was a common hobby for both of them), decided together to find this scientific explanation. Their research resulted in the whole "Theory on combing hair." According to this theory, the way you comb your hair directly affects what assumptions others make about your personality and character.

If a man combs his hair on the left side (and most of them), hypothetically he has courage, assertiveness and self-confidence, but if he has a parting on the right side, then in this case he is perceived as a sensitive, pampered and boring person.

Sounds unconvincing until you start looking for examples to prove it. And here's the first one - Superman:

Weak, nerdy, allegedly erectile dysfunction Clark Kent combs his hair to the right. But when he transforms into a strong, heroic Superman who can literally pulverize you, his hair is already combed to the left side.

The second example is Ryan Gosling, who supported this theory throughout his career. He went from being the charming and sexy man in The Notebook to being the eccentric loser in Lars and the Real Girl, and then back into the legendary handsome man (That's Stupid Love). And all this time his hair was combed in different ways - to the left, to the right and again to the left (respectively).

Enough about Hollywood stars, I think. It's time to find a couple of examples from the real, non-cine world. And there is no need to go far - the presidents of the United States. Among them, only six combed their hair to the right side, and, according to the study, three of them (Warren Harding, Andrew Johnson and James Buchanan) are considered the worst presidents in American history, while the other two (John Tyler and Chester Alan Arthur) did not play at all. any significant role in the development of the country.

3. Shave your head

When men have such a problem as alopecia, or simply baldness, the question arises - what to do with hair. There is no perfect solution, but in any case, cutting your hair bald is far from the best. the best way, right?

But scientists from the University of Pennsylvania do not think so. They conducted a series of experiments in order to find out how others perceive men with thinning hair, thick hair and a shaved head. During the first study, participants were shown a series of photographs of men similar to each other (in age, clothing, etc.) - the only and main difference was the presence of hair on their heads - and asked to rate each of them in terms of how strong, influential and they looked authoritative. As the results showed, the most-most were men shaved bald.

In the second experiment, the participants were shown two photographs of each of the four men - one with hair, the other completely bald. It turned out that in the latter case, the men in the photo look more masculine, and also “almost three centimeters taller and thirteen percent stronger.”

In the latest experiment, the researchers provided participants with oral and written descriptions of the physical appearance of several men. And again, among them, the most courageous, strong, dominant and possessing leadership potential were men who, according to the description, had no hair on their heads.

Moreover, scientists simply recommend that owners of thin, thinning hair shave their heads in order to “improve their interpersonal relationships". Studies have shown that men with a shaved head look older and less attractive than those with thick hair. However, the most unsightly and repulsive are men who have only three hairs on their heads.

2. Hide your atheistic views, even from atheists

V modern world atheism is becoming more and more popular and widespread. According to polls, faith in the Almighty is on the decline, and the number of non-religious people has increased by half a billion people around the planet. And while atheism is becoming the norm in places like Scandinavia where religion has always been culturally underdeveloped, if you happen to be an atheist in America, for example, we have potentially bad news for you: Chances are people won't like you. including other atheists, are very high.

Overall, polls have shown that less than half of Americans would not even consider voting for a presidential candidate who holds atheistic views. Moreover, many parents oppose the marriage of their children with "pagans". A group of researchers led by Will Gervais from the University of British Columbia became interested in the reason for this attitude of people towards atheists and found out that it all comes down to banal mistrust.

Gervais and his colleagues presented to the subjects a situation where a certain person accidentally crashed into a car parked on the street and, without waiting for the owner of the car and leaving him no information, left the scene of the accident. Participants were asked to identify who could presumably have done so: a Muslim, a Christian, an atheist, or a rapist. Most of them stated that the perpetrator was either a rapist or an atheist.

Subsequent research showed that the participants would not hire an atheist for a job that required a high degree of trust, and that they would lock their doors at night just to prevent ungodly people from entering their home and eating their sleeping children.

It can be assumed that such a biased attitude of others towards those who do not believe in the Almighty is a common manifestation of religious discrimination. But the most interesting thing is that even those people who called themselves atheists tended to trust believers more because they considered them more ethical.

1. Don't smile (if you're a guy)

Surely, from childhood, your mother tried to impose on you the idea that a smile is our everything. Photo day at school? Smile! Granny gave you for Christmas... knitted socks???!!! Smile! Broke your leg and ended up in the hospital? Smile! Smile! Smile, because perhaps at this very moment your future / your future spouse is looking at you!

Well, so, the next time your mom calls you, you can safely say “thank you” to her for the fact that now the whole world hates you. Because, contrary to all her words that a smile can attract people, scientists from the University of British Columbia proved the opposite - at least when it comes to the stronger sex. The researchers asked the participants to look at photographs of the same man in various poses, expressing happiness, pride, shyness, and normality. Women recognized the man as the most unattractive in the photo where he smiled, showed joy. Most of all, they liked him in those pictures where he took a serious or thoughtful look.

But, as we mentioned earlier, this only applies to the stronger sex. As for fair half of mankind, here mom's advice, on the contrary, was useful, because, according to the results of the same study, men are more attracted to happy, rather than sad women.

So, dear readers and female readers, draw your own conclusions…

Copyright site ©
Translation of an article from
ROSEMARINA Translation

And if you are a man and want to look good, the Clean Environment ironing press will help if you are not always ready to apologize or shave your head baldly...

Copyright site © - This news belongs to the site, and are the intellectual property of the blog, protected by copyright law and cannot be used anywhere without an active link to the source. Read more - "About Authorship"

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Fashion does not stand still. Around the world, new trends come out monthly, if not daily. Many men, like women, strive to meet modern notions of style. To make a variety of fashion solutions look even better, you need to take care of your hair. Tidy hair and a stylish, classic suit make an adult presentable man out of an ordinary guy. But the opinions of people about which side to comb the hair of a man differ markedly.

Hairstyle selection

A person can choose an image for himself only after he analyzes his appearance. Through this process, it is created individual style. In addition, it will help to decide which side of the man to comb his hair and why. When choosing a haircut and styling, you must consider:

  • hair structure;
  • sensitivity;
  • length;
  • thickness;
  • direction of growth;
  • face shape;
  • skull structure.

And, of course, you should not forget about your preferences. Usually the hairstyle reflects the internal state of a person, a messy "torn" - a person loves extreme sports, he does not have time to constantly look after himself. Bangs combed to the side - a man most likely works in an office or in a leadership position. He constantly maintains order and discipline. Hedgehog haircut - a person loves freedom and lightness, important criterion for him: so that nothing interferes.

What to do with styling

It is not enough to decide in which direction it is better to comb a man's hair, because without some styling products, they simply will not hold. Especially if it's windy outside or you have to wear a hat.

Not every person will fit this or that styling. Therefore, it is worth trying several options to decide which one suits you best.

Necessary resources for styling

If the guy decides to change his style and goes to the hairdresser to make his dream come true, the masters there will do everything to the highest standard. On which side to comb the hair of a man, they will certainly tell you. But as soon as the next day after this you need to create the styling yourself, difficulties may arise. Hairdressers always have both tools and skill at hand. But what about someone who is faced with this problem for the first time?

In order to do your hair at home, you will need:

  • comb for styling;
  • scallop;
  • hair straightener (if you have curly hair);
  • styling tools.

Long hair is easiest to style with varnish, and short hair with balm. But do not overdo it with the amounts of products used, otherwise the hair will look dirty.

Hairstyle defines a man

The theory that the way you style your hair affects the rest of your life has not yet been confirmed. But due to the fact that cases were recorded when it really worked, it is worth considering the veracity of the assumption put forward.

One American engineer, when he was still in school, was not popular with women. But the guy decided to change his image and parted on the left (that is, he began to comb his hair to the right), and not to the right. The girls began to look at him differently. The boy even had fans.

Later, the engineer noticed that almost all American presidents wore a parting on the left.

Which side is better

You can not be guided only by an unconfirmed theory of how best to comb your hair. Many guys have certain features of hair growth, which directly affect how the styling will look. Each case is individual.

If your face has flaws, you should choose a hairstyle that will cover them and highlight the advantages more.

In this article, photos will be presented on which side to comb the hair of a man. There are several options:

When you decide to change the image or just tidy up your head - do not worry, as the hairdressers in the salons will be able to tell you what will look best with your skull structure and face shape. They will tell you how to do the styling and what tools you will need.

Note to the browser

Girls have always understood fashion and beauty much more than the fairer sex. If you have a chosen one, then you definitely don’t have to worry. Each woman will tell you which side to comb her man's hair. It is easier for them to notice the advantages and disadvantages of the lover's appearance.

Just ask your partner for help in choosing your image, and then you can definitely save yourself from making mistakes.

Individuality. Male models with laying on the side are always relevant. The question of whether a man needs to comb his hair on the left or right side is actually far-fetched. Lengthening the hair in the upper sections of hairstyles allows you to create models that show great possibilities for combing into different shapes and sides.

Men often comb their hair to make an original hairstyle.


Style orientation in the manner of dressing and hairstyle is inseparable.

When creating a new image, consider a number of important factors:

  1. hair thickness;
  2. the direction of their growth;
  3. structure;
  4. structural features of the skull;
  5. face shape;
  6. growth line;
  7. the lifestyle you prefer.

But scientists from the University of Pennsylvania do not think so. They conducted a series of experiments in order to find out how others perceive men with thinning hair, thick hair and a shaved head. During the first study, participants were shown a series of photographs of men similar to each other (in age, clothing, etc.) - the only and main difference was the presence of hair on their heads - and asked to rate each of them in terms of how strong, influential and they looked authoritative. As the results showed, the most-most were men shaved bald.

In the second experiment, the participants were shown two photographs of each of the four men - one with hair, the other completely bald. It turned out that in the latter case, the men in the photo look more masculine, and also “almost three centimeters taller and thirteen percent stronger.”

In the latest experiment, the researchers provided participants with oral and written descriptions of the physical appearance of several men. And again, among them, the most courageous, strong, dominant and possessing leadership potential were men who, according to the description, had no hair on their heads.

Moreover, scientists simply recommend that owners of thin, thinning hair shave their heads in order to "improve their interpersonal relationships." Studies have shown that men with a shaved head look older and less attractive than those with thick hair. However, the most unsightly and repulsive are men who have only three hairs on their heads.

2. Hide your atheistic views, even from atheists

In the modern world, atheism is becoming more and more popular and widespread. According to polls, faith in the Almighty is on the decline, and the number of non-religious people has increased by half a billion people around the planet. And while atheism is becoming the norm in places like Scandinavia where religion has always been culturally underdeveloped, if you happen to be an atheist in America, for example, we have potentially bad news for you: Chances are people won't like you. including other atheists, are very high.

Overall, polls have shown that less than half of Americans would not even consider voting for a presidential candidate who holds atheistic views. Moreover, many parents oppose the marriage of their children with "pagans". A group of researchers led by Will Gervais from the University of British Columbia became interested in the reason for this attitude of people towards atheists and found out that it all comes down to banal mistrust.

Gervais and his colleagues presented to the subjects a situation where a certain person accidentally crashed into a car parked on the street and, without waiting for the owner of the car and leaving him no information, left the scene of the accident. Participants were asked to identify who could presumably have done so: a Muslim, a Christian, an atheist, or a rapist. Most of them stated that the perpetrator was either a rapist or an atheist.

Subsequent research showed that the participants would not hire an atheist for a job that required a high degree of trust, and that they would lock their doors at night just to prevent ungodly people from entering their home and eating their sleeping children.

It can be assumed that such a biased attitude of others towards those who do not believe in the Almighty is a common manifestation of religious discrimination. But the most interesting thing is that even those people who called themselves atheists tended to trust believers more because they considered them more ethical.

1. Don't smile (if you're a guy)

Surely, from childhood, your mother tried to impose on you the idea that a smile is our everything. Photo day at school? Smile! Granny gave you for Christmas... knitted socks???!!! Smile! Broke your leg and ended up in the hospital? Smile! Smile! Smile, because perhaps at this very moment your future / your future spouse is looking at you!

Well, so, the next time your mom calls you, you can safely say “thank you” to her for the fact that now the whole world hates you. Because, contrary to all her words that a smile can attract people, scientists from the University of British Columbia proved the opposite - at least when it comes to the stronger sex. The researchers asked the participants to look at photographs of the same man in various poses, expressing happiness, pride, shyness, and normality. Women recognized the man as the most unattractive in the photo where he smiled, showed joy. Most of all, they liked him in those pictures where he took a serious or thoughtful look.

But, as we mentioned earlier, this only applies to the stronger sex. As for the beautiful half of humanity, here mom's advice, on the contrary, was useful, because, according to the results of the same study, men are more attracted to happy, rather than sad women.

So, dear readers and female readers, draw your own conclusions…

Copyright site ©
Translation of an article from
ROSEMARINA Translation

And if you are a man and want to look good, the Clean Environment ironing press will help if you are not always ready to apologize or shave your head baldly...

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