8. Even if you don't like wearing jewelry, then New Year's Eve you need you need to wear your most expensive and luxurious accessories.

9. In your pockets New Year's outfit be sure to put some money in. If you do this, then your 2017 will be marked by wealth.

10. Place on New Year's table dishes that contain rice or wheat. In addition to the fact that these products are a symbol of prosperity, they will definitely appeal to the symbol of 2017 - the Red Rooster.

Signs and customs for the 2017 meeting

Almost all people who celebrate this holiday know about the existence of many New Year's signs. But there are also beliefs that not everyone has heard of.

1. Perhaps the most famous and popular New Year's sign is that if you make a wish during the chiming clock, it will definitely come true. Everyone knows about the existence of this belief. That's why many people make their deepest wishes on New Year's Eve.

2. To attract wealth to the house, you need to sprinkle grain on the guests gathered in the house. If you are not sure that people will correctly evaluate your idea, then instead you can simply put a bowl of porridge on the New Year's table. The Red Rooster will like this, and he will definitely thank you.

3. There is a sign that if a girl accidentally pricks or cuts her finger that night, she will get married in 2017.

4. The more people you manage to congratulate on New Year’s Eve, the more happiness the Year of the Red Rooster will bring.

5. People who will celebrate 2017 near the fireplace need to ensure that the fire does not go out. If this happens, then the person will be haunted by misfortunes throughout the next year.

6. To the person who sneezes at the festive table, 2017 promises happiness and good luck.

7. The person who will be the first to visit your apartment in the new year should be a man. If in the coming year a woman crosses your threshold first, then misfortune will haunt you all year.

8. Celebrating the New Year Fire Rooster, you should not lend items related to fire (lighters, matches) to strangers. The symbol of the year will not like this.

9. If you quarrel with someone on New Year's Eve, then there is a chance that you will not communicate with this person all year. So it's better to avoid conflicts.

10. Remember that what happened to you on New Year's Eve will accompany you throughout the year.

In addition to these popular beliefs, there are other signs that should be observed when welcoming 2017. But the main thing is to celebrate this holiday with pure and bright thoughts.

Celebrating the New Year has always been welcome and magical holiday. Signs will tell you how to attract good luck and the attention of the Red Rooster on the eve of the holiday.

Signs collected by our ancestors and time-tested are excellent assistants in predicting fate. Life constantly gives us signs, and attentive people have learned to interpret them correctly and successfully apply them for their own well-being. Your inner voice and intuition will help you make a decision.

There are a lot of signs that make life easier and allow you to successfully realize all your plans and desires. Luck, health, love - all this can be obtained if you listen to experienced people and use the wisdom of many generations.

How to attract good luck

You can enlist support in the coming year with the help of talismans for the Year of the Rooster. Self-made amulets will attract good luck and protect you and your loved ones from evil thoughts.

Do you want luck to never leave you and always have money in your pocket? Prepare the coins and wrap them in red wrapping paper. Before the chimes, give the guests a coin with the words:

“I generously distribute wealth from my own pocket, without knowing greed. The wealth will return to me multiplied by the number of guests added up.”

Luck never leaves optimistic people. If you believe and accept, then avoid bad mood A mask of any animal will help in the New Year. On the eve of the holiday, put it on and go to the mirror. Dance, sing, make faces - whatever, as long as it’s fun. You can celebrate the year wearing a mask with your family and friends - this way you will all be charged with positive emotions.

To the people leading active image life, the support of capricious Fortune will not hurt. A healthy body should have healthy mind, and the next ritual is aimed at protecting against illness and injury. Prepare any herbal tea, pour it into your favorite mug and sip slowly, saying:

“The grasses were saturated with the sun, they gave me the summer heat in winter. I take over the energy of the Earth, I wish you to be healthy in the coming year.”

New Year's signs for good luck

Good news received in the new year is a sign of good luck. Agree with friends and send each other letters by mail. Wish them luck, prosperity and happiness. Describe their best qualities and thank them for having them in your life. Attach a red ribbon to the letter - it will interest the Rooster and will not leave your message unattended.

Having a good dream on New Year's Eve or the night before a holiday is considered a good omen. Try not to think about anything bad and pray to the Virgin Mary for a good dream. It is believed that on this magical night it is often prophetic and with strong faith it will definitely come true. Well, if you suddenly have a nightmare, wash your face in the morning cold water, three times and spit over your left shoulder. Think about your nightmare tying knots in a thread and then burn it over a candle with the words:

“Righteous fire burns everything and cleanses everything from filth. Get the bad dream out of your head. He will leave like night from the dawn.”

According to folk superstitions, those who met it in new clothes will have a successful year. The rooster is a capricious bird and does not like greedy and petty people. Try not to wear other people's things, and especially not to take jewelry. They are charged with someone else's energy and can negatively affect your biofield. You don't have to buy an expensive toilet. Use tinsel and beads to make the outfit sparkle and attract the attention of the bright Red Rooster.

For those who have a money tree at home, it is useful to decorate it with bills or coins. After midnight, take some snow, melt it and water the plant with the words:

“The melt water of the New Year melted the ice of failure and bad luck. Grow, strong tree, for our joy and good luck in the house."

It is believed that all indoor plants need to be spoken to so that they grow better and cleanse the house of negative energy.

The whims of Fortune can be appeased with cordiality and abundance. Invite good luck to visit and ask to taste the dishes from the table. Place an additional device and fill it with everyone else, so as not to offend your wayward guest. It is better to pour juice into a glass so that the year is not drunk and full of not always pleasant and acceptable surprises.

The red thread will help preserve the well-being and prosperity of the family, protect it from adversity and quarrels. Tie her around the legs of the table and hold hands before the chimes strike. The ancestors believed that the thread would hold all household members and strengthen relationships.

Not only small children need to believe in miracles. Adults who have not lost their enthusiasm and faith in miracles are lucky in life. Denial of miracles and the idea that only children and fools believe in fairy tales negatively affects the perception of the world and pollutes energy flows. Cast aside doubts and make your deepest wish. Believe, because miracles await us at every step. All the best to you and don't forget to press the buttons and

Fun and original - that's how you should greet New Year 2017 to please his patron, the Fire Rooster. A bright, capricious, proud and slightly daring bird, it really values ​​creativity, external brilliance and good taste in both appearance and behavior, so to attract its attention you will have to dress beautifully and fashionably, effectively decorate the apartment and set a truly chic table.

What to cook for the festive night marking the coming of the Year of the Rooster? What should be ideal? New Year's menu? These issues also require a specific approach. You can cook almost anything from pork ribs, salmon steak, cream cake and the classic Olivier salad, very popular in Russia, to exquisite julienne, jellied and juicy boiled pork. But the strictest taboo applies to poultry. Signs say that on New Year's Eve the Rooster will not want to see any of his close or distant relatives baked with fruits and potatoes on the festive table. For a hot second course, it is better to take lamb, veal or inexpensive beef, and use fresh vegetables and long steamed rice as a side dish. Be sure to put food made from grains on the New Year's table. The rooster simply adores them and pecks them wherever he sees them.

How to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster 2017 and what the holiday menu should be

There is still a lot of time before the traditional winter celebrations, but zealous housewives are already thinking about how to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster 2017 and what the festive menu should be. Astrologers advise holding the event in a circle of family and friends and serving generous, plentiful and beautiful table. Some pomp in the decoration and presentation would not hurt, as the owner of next year likes to show off and even show off to friends and relatives.

New Year's dishes should be catchy, spectacular and chic. The best choice for such an occasion is a classic set with flowers and gilding, which contains large dishes for the main dishes and portion plates different sizes for each guest and salad bowl. Cutlery will have to be polished to a mirror shine, and colored paper napkins form decorative bouquets. Disposable tableware is inappropriate on New Year's Eve. Only exquisite, high-quality and high-quality items made from natural materials can be present on the table, since the Rooster categorically does not accept artificiality.

The most strict rule New Year's menu - no chicken or poultry at all on the table, so you will have to refuse whole baked turkey, goose or duck. Chicken may be present in small quantities, but not as a main course, but as an additional component of a second or hot appetizer.

Salads are welcome in all their forms, but preference should still be given to vegetable and fruit options, since the Rooster simply adores cucumbers, tomatoes, apples, zucchini and other gifts of nature, both fresh and pickled.

Lamb, pork, beef, juicy salmon steaks, smoked salmon, caviar and seafood - all these items have every right to a place of honor on the New Year's menu. The main thing is to decorate the dishes in an original and extraordinary way and serve them in beautiful dishes.

There are practically no restrictions on baking. You can prepare kulebyaka with rice filling, sweet buns with raisins, tender apple charlotte, “Napoleon” with custard, exquisite chocolate “Prague”, “Medovik” or “Drunk Cherry”. But the chicken recipe should be put off until better times. The rooster is unlikely to like this type of rich treat.

The main New Year's drink will be champagne or any other sparkling wine. The patron of the coming year will treat well light fashionable cocktails Strong drinks are also acceptable, but in very small quantities, since participants should be inclined to have fun and dance, and not make them sleepy.

How to celebrate the New Year 2017 Year of the Rooster - signs of happiness, good luck and prosperity

To attract good luck, prosperity and happiness into your life, you need to know how to properly celebrate the New Year of the Fire Rooster 2017. Folk signs They recommend taking a few simple actions that will ensure a prosperous and comfortable existence for the next 365 days.

  • Money will come into your home if you buy a broom on New Year's Eve, decorate it with bright red ribbons and place it so that the handle is at the bottom.
  • Will provide prosperity and financial well-being a small coin made of yellow metal, clutched in a fist during the New Year's chimes. The main thing is to wish this very sincerely and strongly.
  • Anyone who manages to sneeze at exactly midnight will be lucky and fortunate all year, but a person who trips over his left foot, on the contrary, will be haunted by minor problems and failures.
  • You definitely need to celebrate New Year's Eve in new clothes. Then your wardrobe will be regularly replenished with beautiful, fashionable and expensive clothes in the coming months.
  • If you use some cunning and dexterity by placing your New Year's glass under the last drops of champagne poured from the bottle, you can secure the patronage of Fortune for the whole year.
  • In order for the whole family to be absolutely healthy all year, on the eve of the holiday you need to make a small broom of medicinal herbs and carefully sweep the whole house with it, right down to the farthest corners.
  • To attract money, you need to sit on your wallet with the first chime and not get up until the clock ends.
  • In order for all failures, troubles and sorrows to remain in the past, on December 31, you need to burn the calendar of the past year to the ground.

New Year 2017 - where to celebrate and what to cook for a large company

How and where to celebrate the New Year 2017, what to cook for big company and how to entertain your guests? These questions make your head spin, but nevertheless you still have to solve them, and without putting them off for a long time.

The easiest option is to gather relatives, friends and acquaintances at home. But there are also pitfalls here. You will need to find a large, long table, provide chairs for everyone, and even allow guests to walk on the carpets in shoes, since evening dresses and formal suits do not go well with worn house slippers or flip-flops. There should be plenty of food, as well as drinks. A situation with a shortage of bread, napkins or cutlery is absolutely unacceptable. The menu should be as varied as possible and contain dishes for every taste, including vegetarian ones. Otherwise, one of the guests may find themselves in an awkward position, unable, due to their personal beliefs and principles, to try any of the holiday treats.

The restaurant's banquet hall can easily accommodate a company of any size, however, to rent such a room and order an abundant holiday menu with drinks, you will need an impressive amount of money. If all participants agree to contribute their part to the common pot, New 2017 a year will pass bright, impressive and extraordinary, and at the end of the event no one will have to clean up or wash dirty dishes.

A country house is a good option for a company that wants to not only sit at a festive table and drink a glass of champagne, but also play snowballs, dance around a live Christmas tree and warm their hands by a real fire. True, if the dacha is residential only in summer period time and does not have its own heating and water supply, you will need to take a large supply with you drinking water and heating devices so that guests do not have to suffer from the lack of basic amenities on a festive night.

Where to celebrate the New Year in Russia in a fun and original way

Where and how to celebrate the New Year 2017 in Russia so that it remains in your memory for a long time and fills your heart with the brightest, warmest and most joyful emotions? Of course, not at home in front of the TV, but in a fun, original and extraordinary way, for example, at a beach party in the pool or during a holiday party on the roof of a high-rise building. Do you think these options are too creative and don’t want to do something so radical? Then arrange a beautiful one in your apartment costume party and celebrate the arrival of the Year of the Rooster in the company of family and friends dressed up in funny carnival masks. Signs say that this version of the holiday will definitely appeal to the symbol of the coming year, who greatly values ​​sincerity and a warm, family atmosphere, harmoniously combined with audacity and external splendor.

You shouldn’t worry too much about what the New Year’s menu should be. The Fire Rooster is quite omnivorous and will enjoy vegetables and fruit salads, meat and fish dishes, delicious, rich pastries, fluffy desserts and light alcoholic drinks. The only thing that should never be cooked on New Year's Eve is any type of poultry. There are no restrictions on all other dishes, so you can decide how best to serve the holiday yourself. If you don’t want to spend extra money on food, you can a quick fix make several inexpensive, simple dishes and decorate them in an original way with elements of food decor. Spectacular, festive table setting and presentation will add zest to familiar dishes and make them sparkle with bright shades and new colors.

This holiday is loved by everyone: from young to old. They've been waiting for it all year, trying to come up with interesting and practical gifts, choose an outfit, make a menu, decide where they will celebrate. If you have not yet guessed what celebration we are talking about, we will tell you - it is the New Year.

Every year we have high hopes for a new period in our lives and 2017 will be no exception. Some will expect marriage from him, some a child, some a new car or apartment. But we are all united by the same question - “ How to properly celebrate the Year of the Rooster 2017?

It is extremely important to think through the New Year, because your future depends on how you “get to know” it. Therefore, you need to think through everything carefully - from the outfit to the location of the holiday. We hope that this article will help you create a clear plan that will soon turn into reality.

When thinking about where you would like to spend this day, we recommend considering several options. 2017 will be ruled by the Fire Rooster, and this bird is famous for its “domestic” character. However, this does not mean that you need to lock yourself in your apartment, being content with little. Among the places where you can cheerfully celebrate the New Year are:

  • . Today this is the most popular type of recreation, especially on New Year holidays. There is always snow here, unlike the noisy city, which may “lose” this snow-white cover during the New Year holidays. However, if you do not want to go to distant countries, you can rent a house nearby, for example, in a local forest. You will be able to fully enjoy the winter landscapes, breathe in the fresh air and sit in the evenings near the lit fireplace. You can visit these regions either with your loved one or in the company of friends.
  • Hot resorts. Despite the fact that we are all waiting for the New Year and Christmas holidays, sometimes we want to feel the warm rays of the sun and the gentle blow of the wind. If you have the same desires, we advise you to go to New Year's trip to the ocean. It is not necessary to choose expensive tours; you can go on vacation using a “hot package”, which will be somewhat cheaper than booked tours.

  • Flight to hot air balloon. Flight across the endless sky, champagne, warm blankets...What could be more romantic! You will remember this New Year's Eve for a long time, and most importantly, you will be able to talk about your feelings in complete privacy.

  • New Year in transport. This is a rather extravagant idea that you can implement together with your friends. Imagine the sound of wheels fun company friends and every time a new station and new people.

In general, it doesn’t matter at all where you decide to celebrate the New Year 2017, because if you are in a good mood and have friendly friends, happiness and joy will not keep you waiting long.

Choosing an outfit

Everyone knows that the Rooster is a scrupulous bird, which will require the same scrupulousness from you. Try to think ahead and don’t miss a single detail, including spectacular makeup.

Astrologers have compiled a list of the most relevant colors that will help create perfect image for you and your friends. Among all the tones that exist in the world, orange, red and yellow should be highlighted.

It is not at all necessary to wear plain dresses or blouses. It is enough for the outfit to have several declared colors, and they will definitely bring you good luck next year. You can also combine different shades golden, silver, purple and burgundy colors.

How to choose an outfit for a party

First of all, you must remember that your attire should be somewhat extravagant, and at the same time sophisticated. Impeccability in everything is the main “strong point” of the Rooster, so he will appreciate this touch in his outfit for the New Year.

Put aside classic faded suits and dresses. Women can wear luxurious clothes for the holiday evening dress With open back or a spectacular miniskirt combined with a bright blouse. Also an ideal outfit would be a cocktail dress or a dress made in retro style with unusual trim.

In 2017, your choice should fall on boho style, combining naturalness and drama, layering, a lot of textured fabrics and intricate prints. To prevent the owner of the year from getting angry, try to avoid any hint of predators - put off such accessories and dresses until next year.

You can use bright jewelry to complement your outfit. unusual shape. Opt for jewelry (gold, silver, pearls) - such jewelry is most welcomed by the Rooster.

Hair and makeup

Naturalness should prevail in your look, so you can style your curls in small curls or even straighten your hair. Current makeup for the New Year 2017 - graphic makeup without shading and glamorous grunge (pale skin and pronounced eyes).

You can shine, in the literal sense of the word, at a party with metallic makeup - metallic shadows in the form of sequins or sparkles will shine attractively before your eyes, turning the gaze of all the men in the room.

Table, gifts, Christmas tree and entertainment

If you decide to celebrate New Year 2017 at home, then try to come up with entertainment for guests so that they don’t languish at the table. In addition to the program, it is worth decorating the table, apartment and, of course, the main attribute of the holiday - the Christmas tree.

Choose a bright tablecloth, and place figurines of cockerels and hens, candles, and fruit baskets on the table. For the holiday, it is advisable to use exquisite dishes and glasses.

The decor of the Christmas tree will be familiar, except that red and yellow tones should predominate in the colors of tinsel and balls. You can hang candies in shiny wrappers, tangerines and small cockerels on the branches. Don't forget about the garlands so that your Christmas tree sparkles with bright lights during the holiday.

As for gifts, here, if you wish, you can show all the imagination that you are capable of. But as practice shows, it is better to ask your friends in advance what they would like to receive as a present. Can be purchased gift certificate in a cosmetics store to close person could choose the necessary thing.

When planning your New Year, listen to your desires and then you will certainly meet it in a good mood, which will be the key to success in the future.

Somehow it took root in Russia unnoticed eastern tradition celebrate New Year according to the Chinese calendar. According to his layout, each year is dedicated to some animal (there are twelve in total). In addition, in different years animals Chinese horoscope assigned its own color. Below we will give you the main recommendations on how to celebrate the New Year 2017, what to wear for the holiday, and what the menu should be. You will learn about the most common signs associated with the Fire Rooster and its year, read how to avoid troubles in the coming year, how to attract good luck, health, money and even love. Perhaps you will bookmark our tips on how to celebrate the New Year in Russia in a fun, original, and, most importantly, inexpensive way, where to go winter holidays and what to cook for the festive table - fun will come very soon.

How to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster 2017 and what the festive table menu should be. What dishes should not be served?

According to the Chinese calendar, the New Year 2017 is dedicated to the Fire Rooster, a symbol of the Sun, light and solar energy. The wise ancient Chinese associated such virtues as dignity, loyalty, benevolence, courage and kindness with this colorful animal. According to their advice, in the coming year we will develop precisely these virtues in ourselves.

It is advised to celebrate the coming year with your family and closest friends. You need to show as much generosity as possible to guests and relatives; You can even splurge a little - organize a luxurious table. The Rooster, especially the Fiery Rooster, loves glitter, luxury, and gold. Think in advance about what dishes you will put on the table. Let it be a multi-colored service with gilding; napkins and tablecloth should be red. Do not use disposable tableware. Everything on the table should be natural and real. Do not put chicken or game on the table - these dishes are prohibited when celebrating the Year of the Rooster.

The motto of the year is to have fun, be active, bright, shower with talent, and attract attention with unconventional actions. Do so as you welcome 2017.

How to celebrate the New Year 2017 - the year of the Fire Rooster: True signs

  • To celebrate the New Year 2017, the year of the Fire Rooster, buy a broom for your house. Tie red ribbons around its handle and place it so that the handle is at the bottom - such a ritual promises profit.
  • Another sign of 2017 is a small “gold” coin clutched in a fist during the chime. It will bring prosperity, especially if you really want it.
  • Sneezing at midnight means good luck and luck, but you won’t wish anyone to trip over your left foot - small but unpleasant misfortunes will haunt you all year.
  • As you pour golden champagne into glasses, check which of those gathered at the table will get the last drops. It is this person who will be lucky all year - you can get smart by substituting your glass at the moment when the pourer (ignorant of the omen) is already pouring out the rest from the bottle.
  • It’s an excellent omen to celebrate the New Year in new clothes, because then in the remaining months you will always have a lot of fashionable and expensive clothes. In general, you should dress very brightly in the year of the Rooster. Gold jewelry is suitable for women, men should hide it away business suits. Your appearance must correspond to the enchanting atmosphere of the holiday. A golden dress or shirt will attract wealth in the future, orange - health, red - will strengthen the spirit, attract love. If you want a quiet life
  • wear burgundy clothes. Fabrics for dresses should be expensive and natural - silk, velvet, brocade, leather.

Where to celebrate the New Year 2017 and what to cook for the festive table. Where can you relax inexpensively during the winter holidays?

Traditionally, travel companies offer winter and Christmas tours to Asia, Europe and Africa in the fall. It would probably be natural to celebrate the New Year in China if Chinese calendar coincided with ours, Gregorian. The fact is that Asians will celebrate the real Year of the Fire Rooster in the East on January 28th. Thus, you can celebrate two holidays at once - spend 2017 inexpensively at home, and towards the end of January - go to the Middle Kingdom or Thailand. A real fireworks display of events, grand processions and costume performances will definitely await you there. In our country you can go to Crimea, although you are unlikely to see snow there in December-January. An original solution would be to buy a tour to Veliky Ustyug, where the real Santa Claus lives! You will find yourself in a magical land where wishes come true, and outside the window there is always white and fluffy, real snow! Wherever you celebrate the holidays, the main thing is not to part with good mood and remember your loved ones! As you celebrate the coming year, make sure there is no poultry or game on the table. Meat eaters can recommend dishes made from lamb, beef and pork (if, of course, religion allows). It will be easier for vegetarians - in everything related to plant foods, roosters are almost omnivores. You can bake fragrant cookies with raisins and nuts, bake Charlotte, and make pies with different fillings (except for chicken, of course). There should be a lot of fish dishes on the table, preferably decorated in an original and colorful way.

Where to celebrate the New Year in a fun and original way. How to have fun in the year of the Fire Rooster

For the New Year to be fun and original, you don’t need a lot of material resources - you need the company of loved ones who are in high spirits. In principle, celebrations can be celebrated at home, but in such a way that the holiday will be remembered forever. Everyone loves fireworks, fireworks, sparklers. Purchase all of these in advance, but use with caution. Remember that in Rus' the fire was always called the “Red Rooster”. Have fun, have fun, but don't let your guard down. This year the holiday should attract many guests, so try to be closer to people and gratefully accept invitations to any entertainment activities. If you want to celebrate the coming year at home, give each guest a task - let his gift for everyone be a pre-prepared surprise. This could be a mini-performance, a dance number. Schoolchildren can even show some spectacular physical or chemical experiment! The entire holiday should take place under the auspices of good noise, fun, a sea of ​​treats and games.

We know that you will need our recommendations on how to celebrate the New Year 2017 very soon. Start preparing for the holidays in advance, because it is known that how you meet the coming year is how you will spend it. We wish you to spend your winter weekend fun and original; so that you remember them forever! Be sure to think over the menu for January 1 (exclude poultry); Talk to your invited friends about how you will have fun. Invite each of them (if you are going to celebrate the Year of the Fire Rooster at your home) to contribute fully to the preparation of the celebration and prepare 1-2 fish or sweet dishes themselves. Women who want to look stunning on December 31 can pre-order a dress or suit from the studio, preferably in red and gold tones. You can celebrate the holiday both at home, in Russia, and abroad - in the second case, check whether you have the opportunity to travel to the desired country and whether they will give you a visa. Following the signs, prepare your home for the coming year in such a way that all the remaining 364 days you will be accompanied by prosperity, luck and love!