The article describes the main criteria for choosing a child’s first shoes, explains how to correctly measure a child’s feet and choose shoes that fit.

How to choose the right first shoes for a child? Toddler Shoe Size Chart

Parents treat each new achievement of their child with trepidation and a sense of pride. As soon as the child leaves the exclusively horizontal plane and begins to strive upward, balancing on his fragile legs, the number of worries for caring parents increases by at least one: choosing the first shoes.

I want to approach many things that concern a child for the first time as responsibly as possible. The choice of the first shoes undoubtedly belongs to this number.

IMPORTANT: You should seriously think about the first pair of shoes when the baby begins to balance on his feet without support. On average, a baby enjoys such successes between the ninth month and one year of age.

How to choose orthopedic children's shoes for babies under one year old?

  • The term “orthopedic shoes” is now quite common among not only young mothers, but everywhere where shoes are discussed. Subconsciously, people prefer models labeled “orthopedic”
  • It is not surprising that when choosing the first sandals for your child, the thought immediately comes to mind: they must be orthopedic, as the best, of high quality, and most importantly, with which the baby is not at risk of flat feet
  • Orthopedic in the original sense of the word means shoes made specifically for a specific child using plaster casts. Such shoes are made in cases prescribed by an orthopedist for the purpose of treating existing disorders in the child’s musculoskeletal system.
  • A wide range of shoes presented in stores, pharmacies, specialized shoe stores, as well as those positioning themselves as lines of orthopedic shoes of famous brands, in reality, simply cannot be such
  • Most likely, we are talking about the compliance of such shoes with the requirements for the prevention of flat feet and about higher quality. It follows that when choosing the first shoes you should pay attention not to the presence of the “orthopedic” marking, but to the following criteria:

This applies to the sole, as well as the side walls and top of the shoes. Shoes should not restrict movement. In hard shoes, the load is distributed incorrectly; in fact, such shoes prevent natural work the necessary muscles of the arch of the foot, and they weaken.

IMPORTANT: When the child walks, flexion marks should be visible at the base of the toes.


A low heel (about 3 to 8 mm) promotes active work and development of the foot muscles. The raised heel prevents the baby from falling onto his back.

Hard back

Necessary for proper heel fixation. A backdrop that is not rigid enough may begin to fly off the leg over time. It would be good if there was a small soft cushion inside the back to prevent the occurrence of calluses.

IMPORTANT: To test the backdrop for stiffness, squeeze it with two fingers (thumb and forefinger). It shouldn't be too soft.

Non-slip sole

The baby is just learning to control the movements of his legs, which is often accompanied by falls. You should not provoke them with slippery soles shoes

Natural materials

Shoes should allow air to pass through, and the feet should not “sweat.” To do this, it is better to prefer products made from genuine leather, thick canvas fabric, and avoid “non-breathable” synthetics. The sole, depending on the type of shoe, can be leather, rubber or another flexible material.

Soft insole-support

The insole should support the arch of the foot and protect it from falling inward.

How to determine a child's shoe size?

Correctly sized shoes double your chances of making a successful purchase. It is best to try on boots on their future owner directly in the store. If this is not possible, you should carefully measure the baby’s leg at home, observing the following rules:

  1. The child should stand, not sit. In a standing position, due to the load of the entire body weight on the legs, the length of the foot will be greater
  2. It is better to take measurements in the evening. During an active day, your baby's legs naturally swell and become larger.
  3. It's better to put your baby's socks on. To ensure that the shoes do not turn out to be small after the child puts on socks under them, it is wiser to immediately take measurements with them
  4. Both legs need to be measured. One foot may be longer than the other. In this case, the shoe size is determined by the leg whose foot length is greater

IMPORTANT: The parameters of the foot when stationary and when walking are not the same. The inside dimensions of the boots should be slightly larger than the measurements you received for your child's feet.

To determine your shoe size:

  1. Place the baby with both legs on thick cardboard. It is desirable that the load be distributed evenly between the legs. If you can’t hold the baby in this position, measure the legs one by one.
  2. Carefully outline both feet with a pencil, trying to hold the pencil vertically and press it firmly against the foot
  3. Then cut out the resulting cardboard insoles. With such a blank, it is easy to choose the necessary shoes in the store by placing paper insoles inside the model you like
  4. Measure the distance between the long finger and heel using a ruler

5. Add 0.5-1 cm to the result obtained for reserve. Determine your child's shoe size using the chart below.

Toddler Shoe Size Chart

For example, the length of the foot is 9.8 cm plus a margin of 0.5 cm, which means you need to choose size 17.

Toddler shoe size by age

The given values ​​of shoe sizes depending on age are quite arbitrary and calculated on the basis of average data. Each child is different and the meanings for them may vary.

IMPORTANT: A child under the age of two grows out of shoes on average every three months.

Therefore, you should periodically check whether your child’s shoes are too tight. Signs that it's time to change your shoes:

  • the appearance of calluses, abrasions, or indentations on the feet
  • heel displacement when walking
  • absence of a distance of 1-1.5 cm between the thumb and the toe of the shoe

How to choose the first winter warm shoes for a child?

Besides general requirements To winter shoes A special condition is imposed: the leg should not freeze in it. For the top of boots, leather, felt, cloth and nubuck are perfect. Special attention You should pay attention to the insulation of winter boots:

  • sheepskin fur
  • membrane
  • Thinsulate

The warmest option would be natural fur. The membrane is perfect for wet winters without severe frosts, as it does not allow moisture to pass through. Thinsulate is a modern synthetic insulation that is of high quality, waterproof and can compete with fur in retaining heat in severe frosts.

IMPORTANT: Unlike summer shoes, for which a margin of 0.5 cm is usually provided, when choosing winter shoes it is allowed to increase the margin to 1.5 cm for a warm sock.

If your baby will only be 6-8 months old in winter, there is no point in buying winter boots. Postpone the purchase of boots until spring, when the baby begins to take his first steps. To prevent your feet from freezing in winter, it is better to purchase leather slippers with fur or knitted booties if the child wears one-piece warm overalls.

How to choose soft knitted shoes for a baby?

In order for the child to gradually get used to the feeling of shoes on his feet, there is a so-called transitional option - soft booties.
Even newborns wear knitted booties to keep their feet warm. But when a child begins to sit and crawl, especially in the cold season, it’s definitely time to get booties, if you haven’t already. When choosing knitted booties Please note the following:

  1. Slippers should be knitted from natural hypoallergenic threads. The yarn should not irritate the baby's delicate skin. In stores you can find special threads for knitting children's clothes.
  2. Booties should not contain small parts (beads, fasteners, buttons, etc.), or they should be securely sewn on. Otherwise, the child can easily tear them off and swallow them.
  3. Knitted shoes should not come off easily. little child very mobile and will lose booties if they are poorly fixed on the leg

DIY shoes for kids

If you have basic knitting or cutting and sewing skills, give your baby his first pair of soft shoes, made with his own hands. This will bring pleasure to both you and your baby, since the shoes will be made individually to fit the size of the foot, with a unique design, and most importantly, with love for the baby.
Depending on your desires and abilities, you can sew leather slippers, felt shoes, or choose a simple pattern for knitting booties.

Pattern of shoes (booties) for a baby with dimensions

In order to get a pattern of the size you need, trace the baby’s foot, cut out a paper insole and attach it to the “sole” part on the pattern, change the scale of the pattern until the insole matches the pattern. Print the pattern and cut out the pieces. Cut out the felt product, sew the pieces together and decorate the resulting booties using all your imagination.

In order for the first shoes not only to captivate with their appearance, but to be comfortable and not interfere with the correct formation of the child’s foot, you should listen to the following tips:

  1. Give preference to well-known manufacturers of high-quality children's shoes
  2. Do not buy narrow, tight shoes or shoes for your child to grow into. Boots must fit exactly
  3. Buy shoes from stores that specialize in selling children's shoes.
  4. Shoes should be flexible, with a stable heel and a wide toe
  5. Quality shoes can't be too cheap
  6. It is advisable to have two pairs of shoes in a child’s wardrobe for the season.

By following these requirements, you can easily choose the right shoes for your child and be sure that his first steps will be taken without harm to his health.

Video: How to choose your child's first shoes. Komarovsky

Ekaterina Rakitina

Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 6 minutes


Article last updated: 01/23/2017

When can a child wear his first shoes?

Many parents are wondering when to put on their baby’s first shoes. Experts are divided in their opinions, because all children are different, each child has his own individual approach. But most doctors agree on one thing: there is no point in tightening the baby’s leg before six months. Maximum comfortable socks or loose booties. No hard fixations. And the fabric must be natural.

Before making your next purchase for your child, think about the function this item has. Any shoes, first of all, serve as protection. Why should he wear it if he doesn’t know how to walk yet?

Before purchasing shoes, consult a podiatrist. He will advise you on what kind of shoes you should buy and when to wear them for your baby.

Some experts believe that you need to put shoes on your baby when he stands on his feet, others argue that this can only be done after the first steps. It all depends on the development of the foot. If a child has certain problems, most likely the doctor will recommend shoes as soon as he begins to stand on his feet. But mostly at home, children should be barefoot. After all, the baby has just started, he needs to feel his fingers and feet. It is advisable that nothing interferes with him during this process. There must be freedom of action.

And on the street he will need protection from unexpected troubles. The baby will be eager to study the world around us, because sitting in a stroller is no longer interesting.

Which shoes should you prefer?

Many stores and online sites are full of advertisements for children's sandals and boots. Grandmothers have some left over from their older grandchildren, and friends may also offer to carry her daughter’s shoes. Don't rush to agree. It is important to approach the choice of first shoes for a toddler with all responsibility.

The basic rule is not to let your child wear older relatives’ shoes. It has already formed and trampled under their feet, why should your baby mold his foot to someone else’s standard? The first shoes must be new.

In addition, highlight a few more points
  • Material
  • Sole
  • Insole
  • Size
  • Rigidity
  • Toe part

Stop choosing only natural materials. The leg must be provided with good air exchange so as not to get sick in the future. If these are winter boots, only natural fur is also allowed inside. No rough seams or irregularities inside to avoid creating calluses on tiny feet.


Ease of movement largely depends on the sole. It should not be too thick and flexible enough, especially at the base. thumb. This is a kind of shock absorber. It is also not allowed to make the toe part from coarse fabrics. At the top, the sandals should also perfectly take the shape of the foot when walking and return to its original position.


For this element, the anatomical shape is important, as shown in the photo. With or without an instep support, the doctor decides. But the insole corrects the child’s heel when walking. Therefore, discuss this point with a good orthopedic surgeon.


Most parents try to buy shoes for their children to grow into. And this is a grave mistake. In this case, the foot is formed incorrectly; it is not secured in any way in sandals that are 3 sizes larger, even orthopedic ones.

The child’s foot should not dangle in the shoes; strong fixation is necessary for the correct development of fragile joints. But you shouldn’t buy back-to-back shoes either.

The best choice for a baby is a shoe 0.5–1.5 cm larger than his own foot. In this case, 1.5 cm is for winter shoes. For sandals this value does not exceed 1 cm.

It is with these values ​​that the child’s heel will be securely fastened, and he will not freeze and get calluses.

A very important parameter. Healthy children still need supportive shoes correct form to ensure foot development in the right direction. Therefore, products made from soft fabrics are not suitable. A clear fixation in the heel area and above is important; this is ensured by the rigidity and height of the back of the boot. The leg must be securely fastened. Also, good fixation of the legs is necessary at the top of the shoes. When purchasing, opt for models that are fastened with Velcro or tied with laces at the top rather than at the side of the product. This way you can adjust the mount yourself.

Toe part

Choose shoes with wide nose. So, the baby’s fingers will be in a free position without being pinched by anything. It is better that the sandals are closed, this will help avoid injuries and give the child great joy and freedom of movement.

How to make the right choice

When buying, you need to be careful with the size of your shoes. But what if this is the first couple in the baby’s life? How do you do a fitting here? Even if your baby lets you try on all the options, he won’t tell you where he feels uncomfortable.

Therefore, a few tips will come in handy here.

  • In the evening, outline the leg on a piece of paper, only in a standing position. Make a margin of 0.5-1.5 cm, and according to this sketch, measure the stick of the required length.
  • Go to the store with your child. Ask the seller to provide all suitable models and sizes, and try them on using the prepared stick, pushing it inside the product. Try on what suits your child, 1-2 pairs, no more. That's enough for a start.
  • For your first purchase, you should not use the services of online stores, despite the attractive price. The child should try on the purchase in the store and walk around the hall in it before you get to the checkout.
  • It is better to try on after lunch, towards evening. By that time, the little fashionista’s legs will work hard and slightly increase in volume. This will create an additional margin to the chosen size, so that by the evening walk it will not turn out that the new boots will fit right into him.
  • Be sure to pay attention to the parameters that ensure reliable fixation and comfortable position of the child’s foot. Test the sole for flexibility by bending it slightly in your hands. How Velcro behaves when fastened on the leg.

It is necessary that the shoes be equipped with a low heel of approximately 0.5 cm, as shown in the photo below. This will protect the baby from flat feet.

Remember that dressy pumps should be avoided. There is now a wide range of practical and beautiful models, helping in the proper development of the toddler’s legs.

In general, many doctors agree that even healthy children should have a pair of anatomical sandals. They can be purchased at any specialized store, or you can pick up similar ones. But specifically orthopedic brands need to be discussed with an orthopedist. There is no point in buying such things spontaneously; there must be certain indications for this. Otherwise, you can harm your developing foot.

Don't overwhelm your heir with a pile of shoes. It’s better to buy him 2 pairs according to the season and size.


  • Shoes - for the summer heat;
  • Sneakers (for cool summer days);
  • Demi-season boots;
  • Winter boots or felt boots.

Buy shoes for the season, then you will save on the health of the most precious thing you have - your child.

Good parents always try to give their child the best. In childhood, the foundations are laid on which future health largely depends. little man. The first shoes for a baby are of great importance. How to choose the best best option for the first steps without getting confused by the huge abundance presented on the market? After all, you can’t choose your first shoes based solely on aesthetic considerations. They must meet safety requirements so that the little leg develops correctly.

Beauty Shoes

When talking about the very first boots or shoes, many people mean booties. When can you put your baby in these shoes for the first time? This is completely unimportant; even upon discharge from the maternity hospital, many parents purchase this cute accessory. But rather, booties can be classified not as shoes, but as socks. They perform a decorative and warming function, because the baby will not run around in it. Strict rules There are no rules regulating the choice. It is advisable that the booties be made from soft natural material that does not irritate delicate skin. Of course, they should not be decorated with elements that the little owner, in a fit of knowledge of the world, will tear off and eat.

The first shoes for beginners to walk are a completely different matter. It is very different from booties, and we will see this now.

Doctors' opinion

Pediatricians pay great attention to this important point like a baby's first shoes. How to choose?

Komarovsky Evgeniy Olegovich, famous pediatrician, have repeatedly drawn the attention of parents to this topic. A supporter of natural development and minimizing interference in natural processes, Dr. Komarovsky believes that there are not so many rules. The leg should not dangle, shrink excessively, or sag. Moreover, according to the doctor, buy healthy child Orthopedic shoes are not worth it - they are intended only for those who have problems with the formation of the foot.

Children's flat feet: how to recognize?

There is a common misconception among young parents that they can easily diagnose flat feet on their own using the baby’s footprints. It is enough to wet the feet and let the child walk on the smooth floor - and the material for the home consultation is ready. This often leads to sad consequences, because mothers also try to correct the defect on their own. Often in such cases, shoes are purchased for the little ones, which are completely unsuitable for them.

Remember: you can’t do this. The diagnosis of “flat feet” can only be made by a doctor. By the way, a footprint on which the entire foot is imprinted is not at all an alarming symptom. Up to a certain age, this phenomenon is completely normal. It's all about the fat layer under the skin, which is completely natural for children under one year old.

The main question: when should a child buy shoes?

The answer is simple: when the need arises. And it will arise only at the moment when the baby begins to stomp on the sidewalk. The first steps are not a reason to fly to the store. Especially if it happens in a snowy winter or damp autumn. Remember, the leg grows quickly, experience is gained more slowly. Give your baby the opportunity to learn to walk confidently at home, and only then think about walking.

Main requirements

When going to the store, remember the set of rules that the baby's first shoes must comply with. How to choose the most suitable option? Use this reminder:

  1. Durable, supportive heel.
  2. The presence of an instep support.
  3. Natural materials.
  4. Convenient fastening clasp.
  5. Appropriate size.
  6. Relief sole.

Some features are related to the season. We will look at this in detail below.

Many parents do not advise purchasing shoes with Velcro or other fasteners that the baby can easily unfasten on his own. He will learn to put on and take off his shoes a little later, and at the age of about a year he is more interested in experimenting, which often leads to the elementary loss of a shoe.

How not to

It will not be superfluous to remember some taboos. These include:

  • high heel;
  • soft sole;
  • slippery sole;
  • platforms, wedges;
  • flip-flops;
  • flip-flops;
  • shoes that do not match the size and season.

A word about the best

Soft genuine leather, patented systems, patterns perfected over the years - this is important for shoes, so best manufacturers They use all their accumulated experience and the latest technologies to produce it. We will look at the products of some of the most famous brands in more detail.

Cool off-season

The Kickers company has established itself in the market for a long time. Among her trendy products are shoes for little ones. Boots and shoes are made only from calfskin, equipped with a textured polyurethane sole with instep support and good heel support.

The peculiarity of Kickers shoes is the recognizable classic design and different labels with the logo: red on one shoe, green on the other.

When choosing boots for autumn and spring, pay attention to the quality of the seams and the fastening of the sole. These shoes are designed for cool weather, not cold weather and real wetness. Special tightness is not needed here, but there should be no obvious holes.

What is Gore-Tex?

A special membrane fabric that prevents the foot from getting wet, freezing and sweating is widely used in the production of shoes for professional athletes, the military, and tourists. But it is also widespread “in the world.” Today, Gortex is used by many manufacturers, including Ecco. If you are looking for shoes for boys who want to measure the depth of all the surrounding puddles or play polar explorers, Ekko boots can be best choice. There is a wide choice of models for little princesses, and the main difference between the entire model range of this company is the use of rich, but not easily soiled colors: purple, swamp green, chocolate, cherry.

When choosing shoes for walking in the cold and damp seasons, remember: inappropriate sizes are unacceptable, and ankle support is highly desirable.

Winter, cold... UGG for the little ones

The first one is not always intended for walking. This is especially true for northern regions and very cold winters. If you're looking for boots that are guaranteed to keep you warm, look no further than Uggs. The original shoes of this manufacturer are made of soft suede and natural sheepskin. It's hard to find a warmer combination.

These boots look very impressive, but you shouldn’t walk in them for a long time - due to insufficient ankle fixation, your legs will get tired. But it’s hard to come up with the best option for traveling on a sled or in a stroller.

Sunny summer

Summer shoes can be either with or without a heel. The main condition is good fixation on the ankle. Summer is the season when even a baby who has just learned to walk can walk along the street. In this regard, sports shoes with soft, flexible soles are very comfortable.

The best manufacturers of sports equipment, for example, Columbia, offer shoes for kids with the ability to adjust the instep - hard Velcro is provided for this. The deep tread prevents slipping.

Beach season

Not all summer shoes are suitable for outdoor activities, so beach shoes are worth mentioning separately. Doctors say that the first shoes for a child should not be made of rubber - the foot wears out in them, and the moving elements can rub. In this case, it is better to pay attention to Crocs products, which are famous for their quality characteristics. It is made of natural rubber, adapts to the shape and individual characteristics of the foot, does not rub, does not float, and dries very quickly.

Design is also important. Bright “Crocs” can be decorated at your discretion with all kinds of jibits, which are securely fixed to the shoes and will not yield to either the fingers or the teeth of the owner.

In addition, Crocs can be worn at home. They do not have an instep support, but thanks to the comfortable ergonomic shape of the sole, they provide reliable support for the arch of the foot.

Shoes for home

Buy house shoes It’s only worth it if it’s cold in the house and it’s uncomfortable for a child to walk around in socks alone. A healthy baby does not need to be forced to wear shoes “just in case” - this only harms him. But if you need to buy a pair of shoes for indoors, pay attention to Zetpol textile slippers. Their main advantage is budget price with quite decent quality. The shoes from this company fully meet all the requirements, wash well and are quite suitable for walking on the street in dry weather. In addition, it is very wear-resistant, just like the first shoes for a baby should be.

How to choose the right pair? First you need to find out the size and do not forget that size tables different manufacturers may not match. And now we’ll find out how to do this.

How to find out the size?

The first rule is never try to measure a leg by weight. Firstly, an active baby is unlikely to allow you to calmly concentrate on the process, and secondly, the information received will not be objective. Place the leg on a support with a sheet of paper under it. Lower the ruler perpendicular to the floor so that it touches the heel and make a mark. Repeat with your fingers. All that remains is to measure the distance between the two marks.

Some manufacturers, for example Clarks, offer convenient devices for measuring leg size. With their help, you can easily select your baby's first shoes.

How to choose shoes using similar accessory? Just place the foot in the right place, move the slider and look into the round hole - both the length of the foot and right size. Remember: such a device may not be suitable for selecting shoes from other manufacturers.

Orthopedic shoes

What does this term mean? These are special shoes that are individually selected by an orthopedic surgeon. It is sold in specialized stores and pharmacies. Such shoes are not suitable for boys and girls who do not have foot health problems.

If your child is prescribed to wear it, follow your doctor's recommendations. By the way, if you think that it looks dull and unattractive, modern manufacturers are ready to dispel doubts. For example, famous company Bartek produces not only ordinary, but also very beautiful orthopedic shoes for little ones.

For healthy feet

We already know how to choose good shoes and boots, but we shouldn’t forget about preventive measures.

Encourage walking barefoot on soft grass, clean sand, and sea pebbles. Temper your baby regularly. Buy a special rug that you can stomp on during the cold season. Don't forget about preventive massages. These measures and well-chosen shoes will contribute to the health of your baby.

The first shoes for a child should be chosen from the time the baby tries to walk independently. It is necessary to make a purchase according to the appropriate weather. Lighter options - shoes, sandals, moccasins - are suitable for spring, and boots, felt boots and boots should be worn for the cold season. The very first shoes form a full-fledged step in children and in many ways are the key to proper development skeleton of the baby in the future, so it must be of high quality and orthopedic correct.

How to choose the right first shoes for a child

In order to choose the first shoes for your baby, it is absolutely not necessary to consult with friends, parents or acquaintances. You must understand for yourself what is suitable for a girl or a boy. Make a decision based on your tastes and applying the following knowledge. Here are some tips for first-time parents.

  1. Where to buy children's shoes? Evgeniy Komarovsky confidently answers that an online store is inappropriate for these purposes. You have to try on a copy and see the quality by touch. You can trust such a resource if you have tried shoes for children before.
  2. Children's shoes for up to one year: requirement or whim? Parents strive to quickly purchase boots for their baby before the age of one year. Orthopedists say that shoes are a basic necessity. If the baby is taking its first steps, then you need to buy suitable model for proper foot formation.
  3. Beauty and attractive design: should it be taken into account? Of course, bright and colorful shoes look stylish. But even the most popular brands do not always offer healthy options for a growing person.
  4. Quality and size. Under no circumstances should children's shoes be purchased for growth. Therefore, you should limit yourself to options that strictly fit the leg. one year old baby. For those starting to walk, you need to check that all the materials of the product are natural, the back is comfortable and rigid, and there is no excess space left in the socks.
  5. Child's shoes: choice by sole. Many people, when buying children's shoes, try to choose them with hard soles so that nothing puts pressure on the child. This is absolutely wrong, since the soft sole stimulates the correct formation of the foot and prevents flat feet. It is ideal if the shoes or sandals have a heel up to 0.5 cm high.
Important! Orthopedists and pediatricians advise not to buy your first orthopedic type shoes unnecessarily or for prevention, since this item is considered strictly therapeutic and will definitely not be able to prevent flat feet.

Winter boots for a child who is taking his first steps should have an instep support

If you really want to buy safe shoes for your baby, then a high-waist option, that is, with high-mounted fasteners and a tight heel, will be very useful.

How to make the right purchase of shoes for a child for his first steps?

Unfortunately, not all children have the patience to try on various options shoes But how to choose shoes for the first steps without such a lengthy procedure? You can make a template for your baby’s foot size yourself. To do this, at home, trace the child’s leg on thick cardboard, and then cut out the blank with a margin of 1-1.5 cm. Of course, you should reconsider different options. But follow all the rules from the section above.

Children say!

Grandma made jam.
Little Lena:
- What is this?
- Jam.
- Oh, there’s jam in the bowl.
Get some new clothes by visiting a children's shoe and clothing store. Here they will not only help you purchase a reliable model, but will also tell you about the quality and advantages of this particular offer. Therefore, the right shoes don’t cost that little. Make your primary choice appearance, and only then check all the matches to your preferences. How to choose the first shoes for a child, each parent decides independently. But my only advice: don’t buy to grow. It is not permissible for a baby's foot to dangle in the shoes - this increases the risk of a sprained ankle.

Find out more about orthopedic shoes in our video.

Number of pairs of shoes for baby: fillmwardrobe

Having decided on the question of what the child’s first shoes should be, confirm their quantity. Experienced parents Several options are not recommended. At this age, one set is important for a child, which must be chosen correctly. In the photo you can see how to choose the right first shoes.

Let's smile! Dad calls Lena:
- Help me...
“I can’t, my hands are full on the bed.”

There is no urgent need for a baby under one year old to purchase several pairs of sandals and boots, since he will outgrow them very quickly, and the expenses will remain unjustified. One pair of outdoor shoes is enough for the season. In addition, purchase a model for your home. Let these be light booties made of material with dense rubber soles.

Important! Some parents give their child the right to choose. In such early age this is unreasonable, since the child gives preference, in particular, to bright things, and does not think about what the first shoes should be.

Therapeutic orthopedic shoes: prevention of flat feet

Children's sneakers are not always ideal for a baby's first steps; many shoes have manufacturing defects

All newborn babies up to one year old have a flat footprint, since their limbs have not yet developed. Formation occurs from the moment the child begins to stand on his feet. At this time, the baby develops muscle tissues that are responsible for the condition of the foot. To prevent flat feet, you need the first orthopedic shoes. IN in this case follows:

  • invite the child to stand on an uneven surface (grass, pebbles, sand on the beach);
  • buy the right shoes, taking into account the position of the insoles with the presence of arch support;
  • make a special exercise machine for the baby (to do this, fill a bag with chestnuts or nuts and invite the baby to trample on it);
  • shoes are needed with strong backs and hard soles so that the child’s foot remains securely fixed;
  • purchase special massage mats.

We draw the attention of parents that the best shoes for a child of the first year of life should always be of high quality and comfortable. Beauty and style are criteria of a secondary type. It is better for the baby to put on his first shoes at home, so that the baby can get used to it and understand what to do with the shoes. Be sure to watch how the child walks to see if he has a slant. Shoes for the first steps should have a flat sole. If these are therapeutic shoes, then the presence of an instep support is important.

If a child has flat feet, it is necessary to monitor the entire process. Stimulate the development of normal feet with special insoles and therapeutic exercises. It is absolutely not necessary to buy your first shoes in a bright, elegant style. Buy Soviet-type felt boots for your baby: they have a rounded sole. Wearing it for a long time will allow the baby’s foot to take on the proper shape. IN winter time These shoes will be ideal for your first steps.

If you are wondering what shoes to buy for your baby, consult your pediatrician. It is the specialist who will give clear recommendations on the right choice. In order not to run far, you need to take into account a number of tips from E. Komarovsky:

  • Decide for yourself what first shoes to buy for your child, depending on the season. It is only important to comply with all necessary standards.
  • Decide when your child will need boots. It depends individual abilities crumbs. As soon as the first steps are noticed, you can buy new things.
  • Does a child under one year old need shoes? This question gets asked all the time. In fact, there is no great need for this, since this item of clothing is intended strictly for walking. Sandals for the summer should be high-waisted; these are the ideal first shoes.
  • The first shoe size for a child should be no more than 19-20. On average, this value is suitable for every second baby.

The anatomical and physiological characteristics of a child’s foot ensure that there is no pain if the shoes are tight and small. A large supply of adipose tissue dulls all unpleasant sensations. But it is important to choose the right shoes for your baby’s growing feet.

Incorrectly chosen shoes can cause not only aesthetic defect and unpleasant sensations, but also future problems, including flat feet and poor posture.

When choosing shoes, parents should pay attention to the main selection criteria: size, material, sole, heel, instep support and much more.

When should you buy shoes for your baby for the first time?

Most pediatricians and orthopedists are of the same opinion - the baby does not need shoes until the baby has taken his first confident steps! Having decided on the moment of purchasing shoes, before purchasing, you need to decide what exactly the first children's shoes should be.

Buying children's shoes should be done in person; for now it is better not to give preference to online stores. You can buy shoes online only after personal inspection, tactile inspection.

For kids, you need to buy several options for shoes. For walking outside, for children who have already learned to walk, one pair of shoes is enough, for example sandals, boots, sneakers.

In the future, when the baby is already walking confidently, the baby needs more pairs of shoes - depending on the weather, and chosen according to all the rules.

How to choose your shoe size?

The baby's feet are constantly growing, and shoes have to be bought often. At the same time, “true to size” shoes are not advisable, they will become too small too quickly, and the baby will be forced to curl his toes.

But when you buy larger shoes, that is, several sizes larger, the foot will slide, which is difficult and uncomfortable, and the likelihood of injury increases sharply.

The fact is that articular ligaments in the early childhood weak, and the shoes do not fix the leg, therefore, when falling, sprains, subluxations and dislocations of the joint easily form. You can buy shoes with a margin of no more than 1.5 cm, for winter version The reserve may be slightly larger, based on a warm sock.

You can choose shoes without your baby, just have a “mark” on cardboard or paper with you. But for the right choice shoes, it is necessary to compare the baby's footprint and the insole, but not the sole.

When choosing, be sure to pay attention to the design of the shoes. Sports shoes– has large number seams that do not make it possible to fill the space of the shoe completely, so the size of the footprint should be slightly larger compared to the insole.

Before purchasing, you need to evaluate the latest criteria:

  • Is it convenient for the baby to take off or put on shoes?
  • You need to try on shoes on both feet;
  • After fitting, you need to carefully observe the baby to see if his gait has changed.

Please note - the sole

The sole also has special requirements. Ideally, it should be flexible, have a grooved surface, and therefore not slip. The shock-absorbing function of the foot is directly related to the quality of the sole.

If the sole is not elastic enough and does not bend, then a normal and correct transition from heel to toe is simply not possible. If the sole is too thick and does not bend very well, the toe should be raised up; only such conditions will ensure a roll.


The material from which the shoes are made must be “breathable” and natural. For children, this condition is extremely important and is explained by physiological characteristics.

Vegetative nervous system is not yet perfect, and is learning to work correctly, the same applies to thermoregulation centers. These conditions cause increased sweating of the baby's feet. Every mother knows the dangers of walking with wet feet, and the unpleasant sensations are far from the most sad and dangerous.

Breathable material will be more flexible and stretchable, which provides additional comfort, as well as improves air microcirculation and ensures moisture evaporation.

Arch support

The instep is a tubercle on the inner edge of the sole that ensures the maintenance of the correct arch of the foot. It will be the best prevention preventing the development of orthopedic pathologies – flat feet.

But it is worth remembering that in some conditions, the presence of an arch support is contraindicated, for example, with clubfoot.

Shoe heel

The presence of a heel is extremely important; it must be firm enough to hold the heel and prevent it from turning to the side. To control sufficient rigidity, just squeeze the heel - this should not be easy.

For better comfort, you should choose shoes with laces or Velcro. Laces are still a more acceptable option, allowing not only to secure the leg correctly, but also to promote the development of fine motor skills in the baby’s hands. For winter shoes, it is necessary to have a side zipper - it is easier to put on your baby's shoes.

How to choose summer children's shoes?

The main condition for choosing the right shoes for your baby is his direct participation. It is not enough for parents to know the shoe size, because each baby is individual.

One baby's leg will be fuller, another will have a higher instep, and each baby will have a completely different size. The choice is complicated by the lack of an objective assessment from the baby; only older children preschool age they can say that the shoes are tight, or, on the contrary, too loose.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the model, which should be comfortable and protect the baby from injury. The baby's very first shoes are often squeaky booties, and they can make sounds only if the baby has placed the heel correctly.

In the future, parents prefer sandals that have many ventilation holes. In addition, such models secure the foot well with straps or large buckles, such shoes have the correct heel and a fairly good thick sole.

Every parent should remember that flip flops, i.e. without a back, are not suitable for preschool children. Lack of foot support can contribute to the development of flat feet.

Sneakers and sneakers perfectly protect the foot from injury during active games or even just while walking. But at the same time, sneakers must ensure the movement of the baby’s legs.

It is best to choose summer shoes from leather, faux leather, synthetics or textiles. From a hygienic point of view, genuine leather is more valuable. High-tech materials can become an alternative to leather, but still the inside of the shoe should be made of natural materials or have a textile lining.

Instructions for choosing summer children's shoes

When choosing shoes, there are specific tips:

  1. There should be a distance of at least a centimeter between the toes and the toe of the boot. In order not to make a mistake, the mother must insert her finger between the back and the baby’s leg, while the baby’s fingers should rest against the nose.
  2. Shoes must match the fullness of the baby's feet. Narrow shoes will disrupt proper blood circulation and cause foot deformation. If the shoes are large, the child is forced to expend more effort on maintaining balance and carrying shoes, and therefore gets tired quickly. The main rule of choice will be ease of use - put on and take off.
  3. In summer shoes, the insole should be removable, absorb moisture and be washable.
  4. Do you need a heel? Experts have different opinions. The presence of a heel prevents the baby from falling backwards and will help the foot form correctly. But the heel should be no more than 7 mm. Other experts say that heels should be abandoned altogether.
  5. It is necessary to take into account the growth rate of a child's foot. In children 2–3 years old, within a year, the foot can grow by 2–3 sizes; in the period from 3 to 6 years old by 2 sizes, and for schoolchildren by 1 to 2 sizes.

Rules for choosing winter shoes

The most important requirement for children's shoes is that they should be warm, comfortable and properly selected.

You need to choose winter shoes with your baby, having studied the instep and width of the feet in advance. Children's shoes can be produced in three versions: narrow, medium or wide. The leg should not be too compressed. IN tight shoes, the foot may freeze, but this does not mean that the shoes should be wide and large in size.

Most often, children's winter shoes are made of leather, faux leather or modern materials. Genuine Leather more flexible and will provide a better fit to the leg, allowing air to pass through.

Leatherette is a synthetic material that does not allow air to pass through, does not adapt to the structure of the leg, and will create a greenhouse effect inside the boot.

In winter shoes, it is important to pay attention to the filling - natural fur and, of course, the sole. As a rule, the sole is made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyurethane. PVC is less slippery, while polyurethane loses its elasticity and can slip.

The insole in winter shoes should be made of natural fur, and is tightly sewn to the sole, otherwise it may get confused and cause pain to the baby, which is why the baby may refuse to walk.

A climatic membrane containing a huge number of microscopic holes necessary to maintain an optimal microclimate, and the baby’s feet remain dry.

In such shoes, the baby will not even be hot, and not cold outside at a temperature of -10º. For more severe frosts, down to -30º, you need to buy shoes with a membrane and sheep's wool.

Instructions for choosing winter shoes

All tips will be directly related to the child’s age and the degree of mastery of independent running:

  1. If in winter the baby is just starting to walk, then you should not buy boots for your baby. Just fur-lined booties or felt boots are enough.
  2. The toe of the shoe should be rounded or square, but this shape does not squeeze the toes.
  3. It is important that the shoes fit well on the foot and do not dangle. Therefore, boots must have straps, fasteners, and laces with a lock. If there is a side zipper, it should be covered from the inside with fur, not leather, this is the only way the zipper will not allow cold air to pass through and the legs will not freeze.
  4. Winter shoes can be one size larger (socks), but if the shoes are too large, the child will not be comfortable walking.

The baby's feet are constantly growing, and before each purchase of shoes it is necessary to measure the foot. Try on shoes only in a standing position, and you must make sure that the leg does not slip out and does not squeeze the foot.

All parameters of children's shoes are prescribed in GOST: closed toe, fixed heel, soft edging, soft instep support on the insole. Shoes should be selected strictly according to the season so that your feet do not sweat or freeze. Before purchasing, you need to inspect the shoes for seams and protrusions that may irritate your baby’s feet.

On children's shoes there should only be flat sole, laces and straps. For the little ones, shoes should be made entirely of natural fabrics: leather, fur. The use of synthetic materials in children under two years of age is not recommended.

All shoes for a baby should not only be of high quality, but also be liked by the baby. In this case, the child will be happy to put on his shoes on his own. If there are laces, the baby will develop fine motor skills fingers, which will have a beneficial effect on the activity of thinking and brain activity and speech development. All kids try to imitate adults, so give your children joy - let their wardrobe be fashionable, beautiful and bright.

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