Strong Relationships between a man and a woman is a big and hard work. It's not easy to maintain love for many years.

In order for feelings not to cool down and people not to get tired of each other, one has to make concessions, find compromises, and take the first steps towards reconciliation in quarrels. In general, you need to have respect and not be selfish, because the main thing in a relationship is . And this is not only kisses and hugs, but also patience.

Sometimes a minor quarrel over a trifle can cause a break in a love relationship. In most cases, people regret that there was a quarrel and in the end everyone ended up offended friend on a friend. But, with a strong desire, this unpleasant situation can be corrected! Let's read how.

Appetite comes with the first bite, and quarrel with the first word.
Arabic proverbs and sayings

Why do you have to put up right away?

In most cases, after a quarrel, young people hold a grudge against each other for at least one day. In the worst cases, this drags on for months. This behavior is not normal. All people tend to get irritated, tired, and angry. But this is not a reason to break off the relationship forever. It is recommended to calm down, put your thoughts in order, relax, and then solve the problem.

You need to make peace immediately on the day of the quarrel. After all, in a fit of anger, people can do things that they may later regret. For example, find another soulmate, get involved with bad company, or drown out the pain with alcohol. Human psychology still does not have clear boundaries, so you should not trust it. In fits of anger, you can take any action, even the most desperate.

Psychologists advise making peace 2-3 hours after a quarrel, or earlier. A person should not experience bad thoughts and terrible intentions. No need to wait for the first step. You should put up with it right away so as not to bring on melancholy and bad mood.

What to do if reconciliation does not happen?

Reconciliation is not always successful. There can be many reasons. I lied, I was late, I bought the wrong flowers, I didn’t pick up the phone. And there may be serious arguments. For example, betrayal, theft or beating. Therefore, you should be aware of the whole essence of the quarrel. There are even times when a person does not understand why they stopped communicating with him. And this is wrong.

When people disagree, they must talk and come to a common conclusion in order to avoid misunderstandings in the future.

If the quarrel is insignificant, then you can take the first step towards the girl. You just need to start small so that it doesn’t look like cajoling. It is necessary to show how important a person is. That is why the decision was made to be the first to reconcile.

Ways to make peace with a girl after a big fight

1. A large number of people depend on social networks

People love to post photos, comment on posts, write lyrical texts, and also repost quotes from famous people.

Most often, after a quarrel, girls post texts on the page about how they were betrayed, how lonely they are and how there is no one in the world. better than mom. And there is a contingent of women who delete the page altogether, although not forever.

At such moments there is no point in calling. We need to act using their own methods. But just don’t show “snot” on the page, but repost texts where there is good motivation, an incentive to achieve a goal and become a truly good person. At this moment the girl realizes that she is not needed. Moreover, her loved one switched his attention. Next, you can post photos with friends. It is necessary to show how well the holiday is going. In general, make the girl start to regret the quarrel.

Just don't go too far. After 3-4 days of rest, you can already ask about her affairs, her feelings, whether she really feels so good, and also offer to meet and talk. If the girl agrees, then there is a chance to start from the very beginning. The best thing is to take a walk in the park, buy ice cream, and then go to an interesting movie. Such a walk will outshine any negativity.

2. There are girls who are very difficult to put up with.

In this case, you can contact her friends. We need to talk about the existence of feelings, love, and affection. I would like to start dating again. If this is done properly, then any normal friend will not refuse help. In the process, you can find out what the beloved herself thinks, whether there are chances for reconciliation and what her plans are.

3. When girlfriends and friends are negative and there is no point in humiliating themselves, then parents come to the rescue

When the girl is not at home, you can talk to dad or mom. Perhaps they will suggest ideas for reconciliation. However, it also happens that you have not met them before or have formed bad relationship. In this case, you need to rely only on yourself.

4. Girls love generous men

Thus, it must be shown that it is important. A bouquet and a box of chocolates will not be enough. This won’t surprise anyone now. But a pleasant surprise can not only reconcile, but also make the relationship stronger. For example, arrange a romantic dinner on the roof or a photo shoot in the mountains. And it’s best to write sensual poems that will melt the icy heart of your beloved girl.

In general, there are many ways to reconcile a man and a woman, although few people want to be the first to make concessions. People argue that this is how they humiliate themselves. In fact, they are mistaken. First of all, they are the first to meet halfway strong people who truly love.


Any quarrel in a relationship is not a reason to leave a person. It is difficult to create something strong, but easy to destroy it. You can't mend a broken cup. So it is in love. Therefore, you need to take care of your loved one and appreciate every day spent with him, and not waste time on quarrels. Life is short, so don't waste your time on trifles.

No matter how cloudless the relationship may be, it is not without quarrels. The reasons for scandals can be very different, and the result in most cases is disastrous - accumulated grievances lead to the separation of the couple. If a man values ​​his beloved, then he is faced with the question of how to earn the forgiveness of his beloved girl. The situation can be complicated by the fact that the lady of the heart avoids meetings and telephone conversations. Advice from psychologists will help you understand the current situation.

Most people who have no experience in relationships believe that constant quarrels and scandals will inevitably lead a couple to separation. And a marriage in which everything goes smoothly will certainly be strong and durable. However, the stereotypes that have developed in society are not entirely true.

To avoid conflicts, people sometimes deeply hide accumulated resentment and dissatisfaction within themselves. But complaints against a partner do not go away, only growing and getting worse over time.

A person who restrains himself can be compared to a volcano. At any moment it will explode, and there will be an “eruption” of negative emotions, and the “other half” will be covered with a wave of indignation.

In addition to the negative aspects, conflicts also have positive aspects. There is no need to be afraid of minor quarrels, you just need to learn how to put up correctly.

Conflicts help a couple in emotional release and allow them to diversify their life together. Without quarrels and insults daily life It may well bore both spouses. This is human nature - he needs emotional outbursts in relationships.

But sometimes the situation becomes so aggravated that the couple decides to separate. In some cases, a woman interrupts all communication with her partner and does not make contact. Psychologists will tell you how to regain the trust of your loved one and renew the relationship.

First, you need to carefully understand what caused the conflict and analyze the situation.

How to make peace with the girl you love

It is necessary to act depending on how serious the conflict is. There are couples who fight every day. We are not talking about large-scale battles, but about small everyday quarrels.

In this case, a simple conversation is enough for reconciliation. You need to put yourself in the place of your other half, look at the situation from her point of view. It’s enough to admit that you’re wrong, because it’s a man’s thing to realize your mistake and be honest about it. The girl will appreciate such an act and will meet you halfway.

After a strong quarrel, ordinary conversation will not be enough. You will have to make an effort to earn forgiveness.

The main thing is to pause. There should be no reconciliation until negative emotions have not cooled down yet. Mutual reproaches expressed in the heat of the moment can make the situation uncontrollable and irreversible.

There is still no point in delaying reconciliation. It is easier to receive forgiveness after a couple of days than after six months of silence. If you are absent for too long, you may find that the girl is no longer free.

After the beloved has had a few days to think, it is permissible to give her a large plush toy, jewelry or a box of your favorite chocolates. A bouquet with a romantic note about tender feelings and regret about what happened or an invitation to a restaurant will also help to make amends. It all depends on imagination and finances.

For more courageous young people, a public declaration of love or an inscription on the asphalt with an apology under the windows of the chosen one is suitable. Performing a serenade would also be an original act; this will more eloquently declare the desire to reconcile than any words.

Relationships after breakup

If you failed to make peace with a girl immediately after a quarrel, this does not mean that the relationship is over. Sometimes the end is the beginning of a new happy period. There's no need to rush. Options with an unrestrained attempt to return the past in one day will not work.

First, it’s worth figuring out what didn’t suit your partner in a previous relationship, which is why she “slammed the door” and left. If a girl is dear, then you need to change for her sake, correct your own mistakes.

An honest admission of wrongdoing and an apology will not immediately heal all the wounds caused. And it will take a lot of time for the lost feelings to return, so you should be patient.

To regain the trust of your ex-partner after a breakup, you need to renew your relationship with her, but as a friend. You can invite her for a walk and make the day spent together unforgettable.

It is necessary to prove to the girl that the time lived without her has become an invaluable lesson. Be sure to choose sincere words about your feelings and ask probation to check the seriousness of intentions.

You can create a beautiful collage from photos together and send it to the girl through any social network, for example, VKontakte. It is important to remind your loved one of all the good things that connected you. Let the girl plunge into memories of a happy past, then she will understand that she needs to start all over again.

Should you put up with a girl after cheating?

Before deciding whether reconciliation is needed, it is worth understanding what caused the betrayal. It doesn’t matter which partner cheated, both are always to blame.

In case of betrayal on the part of a girl, the partner should think carefully about whether it is possible to overcome what happened and avoid constant reproaches against her in the future. living together. Then try to correct the shortcomings in her behavior that pushed her to such an act.

If a girl has become a victim of betrayal, then you need to understand yourself and answer the question of whether it is necessary to return a relationship that did not bring satisfaction. It may be better to stop them and try to build a life without your ex-lover.

Having recognized betrayal as a mistake and made a decision about reconciliation, you need to sincerely repent of what you have done. Most girls are ready to forgive such a serious offense. There is no point in repeating such an experience in the future. The next attempt to return your beloved will not be successful.

The girl doesn't want to talk

If a young man offended his beloved in the heat of the moment, hit him, said unnecessary things, then the conflict may drag on for long time. During the calm period, you should not annoy the girl with calls, SMS and messages on social networks, much less wait near the house and keep an eye on her. Under no circumstances should you be intrusive; such behavior is repulsive.

It is necessary to give your beloved time to think about everything and make a decision. If she doesn't want to talk, you can write a frank letter, admit your mistakes and apologize. And also offer to discuss the current situation and the reasons that led to the disagreement. It is important to choose the right words in order to convey to your beloved the seriousness of what is happening.

But in any case, you need to be prepared for refusal. You can’t throw threats, shout or force someone to return. Such behavior can forever cross out the possibility of reconciliation.

It is enough to accept your partner’s decision and show respect for her choice. Then the situation will unfold in a more favorable direction.

How to prevent conflict

Experts believe that it is easier to prevent a problem than to eliminate its consequences. Psychologists recommend following simple rules:

  1. 1. Do not criticize your beloved in the presence of strangers.
  2. 2. Don’t keep all the negativity to yourself. Difficult topics needs to be discussed.
  3. 3. You need to say words of praise more often, do pleasant surprises and show sincerity of feelings.
  4. 4. A joint hobby will help unite lovers more than beautiful deeds and words.

How not to behave after a quarrel

It is important to behave correctly after a disagreement, because the possibility of future reconciliation depends on it.

  • Even if you are very angry at your partner, you should not talk badly about her to mutual acquaintances and friends, much less blame her for everything that happened.
  • After a quarrel, you can’t call a girl as if nothing happened. There is no need to try to make peace over the phone. This could offend her or make her angry. You can only make an appointment to discuss the current situation. Apologies must be made in person.
  • After a quarrel, it is unacceptable to demonstratively pack your things, remove your ex-lover from your contacts on social networks and blacklist her phone number. She will take this for immaturity and frivolity of intentions.
  • There is no need to demand gifts back. She will consider this act unworthy.
  • Don't cause jealousy by trying to get closer to her. best friend. The girl will never forgive such an act, and reconciliation will be impossible.

A horoscope will help you make peace

To avoid conflicts and choose best way reconciliation after a quarrel, you need to know under what zodiac sign your other half was born.

If you quarrel with an Aries girl, you don’t have to be the first to ask for forgiveness. After some time, having thought everything through, she will call herself. Taurus are very worried about discord in relationships, so in order to earn their forgiveness, you need to assure your beloved of your sincere feelings and back up your apology with a bouquet of flowers.

The chosen one, born under the sign of Gemini, needs to be given time to think after a quarrel, just like the vulnerable Cancer girl. If you have a fight with a Leo lady, you need to immediately ask for forgiveness by inviting her to an expensive restaurant.

Mistrustful Virgos are acutely sensitive to any criticism addressed to them; it is difficult to reconcile with them; it is easier not to bring the situation to a critical point. And the Libra girl will wait for the first step towards reconciliation from her partner. In doing so, she will recognize if the apology was insincere.

A gift will help you make peace with your Scorpio lover, but the Sagittarius girl needs to have an unforgettable picnic in nature. To reconcile with Capricorn, you need a clear plan of action, but with Aquarius, reconciliation will not cause any difficulties. It is useless to ask for forgiveness from a lady born under the sign of Pisces; it is better to call her for a sincere and sincere conversation.

And a little about secrets...

I looked at my husband in fascination, and he did not take his admiring eyes off his mistress. He acted like a fool in love...compatibility horoscope

There is not a single couple in the world who, at a certain stage of their relationship, does not encounter quarrels and misunderstandings. And if some manage to find the root of the problem, eliminate it and establish harmony, others, due to immaturity or emotionality, act out of the blue and break up altogether. Leading psychologists are ready to share advice and recommendations on how to make peace with a girl.

Regardless of whether it is a quarrel or a breakup, restoring a close connection, peace and mutual feelings is quite possible. To do this, you need to determine the reason, establish contacts with the girl, win her over and show your true feelings. Experts emphasize that it is the man who bears the responsibility for maintaining the relationship and taking the initiative. The girl always reciprocates good deeds.

You can make peace with a girl after a breakup if you give time for passion and emotions to subside. The main condition is mutual feelings between partners, as well as the absence of any unforgivable actions and mistakes, for example, betrayal. But before taking active action, a man needs to find the root of the problem, analyze all the words that were spoken in the quarrel.

The main way to resolve a conflict is an honest, calm and frank conversation. Good way clarification of all problems after a strong quarrel with a girl is to write all the problems and complaints on a piece of paper. Next, each point will need to be discussed, promising each other to do everything possible to satisfy the desires of both. If she doesn’t want to communicate, you can organize an original and romantic date, give her flowers, do any actions that prove the feelings of a man.

Getting ready to return the relationship

Establishing relationships after a breakup is much more difficult, since there is a distance between partners that moves them away from each other. Psychologists name several main points thanks to which you can radically change the situation, and ultimately return your ex-girlfriend and your relationship with her to the right direction. A man is required to follow all recommendations step by step and be ready for actions, words and deeds.

Analyze the situation

In the event that she does not want to talk after another quarrel or even a breakup, the man first needs to calm down, put his thought process in order and emotional state, and after that analyze everything that happens between the partners. You need to ask yourself whether a man needs to return this relationship at all, why he needs a girl. Only sincere feelings, and not fear of condemnation or loneliness, should be the driving motive.

Find the reason for the breakup

There are many reasons why a girl chooses to leave a relationship, for example, if the man hit the girl, cheated on her, was rude or cheated. You can reveal the grievances and disappointments of your chosen one during a quarrel and showdown, or you can talk frankly with her, wanting to know your guilt. If a man is ready to change, eradicating similar offenses in the future, there is a chance for the relationship to return.

Get ready for the meeting

You always need to act, even if she doesn’t want a relationship after a quarrel and breakup. A man will need to collect his thoughts, think through his speech, and also plan the possibility of meeting his beloved. The success of the dialogue also depends on the man’s external attractiveness and poise, self-confidence and competent speech. You need to express all your thoughts correctly, you can practice in front of the mirror in advance. When meeting, you need to speak briefly and clearly, allowing the girl to also speak out.

Do you often have to put up with girls?


Make contact

A breakup with the girl you love is possible; the man had a fight and greatly offended her. In this case, you need to find opportunities to establish contacts. You can visit the girl in a place where she often visits, for example, at school or work. To immediately put a girl in a positive direction, a man needs to present a small gift, for example, a bouquet of flowers, sweets, etc. To win her heart, you need to remember what character traits the man was able to hook her with, and then use them again.

Find the right words

Make peace with ex-girlfriend it is necessary not only by recognizing the problem, meeting and presenting a gift, but also by competent and correctly composed speech. Girls love with their ears, so you need to choose sincere words in advance for her return. The main thing is that everything said is sincere from the heart, since girls are very sensitive and insightful, notes of falsehood and ingratiation will be recognized immediately.

Be sincere

The main key to success in trying to regain a relationship is the man’s sincerity, as well as competent speech. All words spoken should exude confidence and clarity of position, but at the same time be from the heart and soul. The key to reconciliation is communication. To win her over, you can say compliments, emphasizing her external attractiveness. It is better to start the conversation with an apology, admitting your mistakes and guarantees that this will not happen again.

If he doesn’t want to talk, what should he write via SMS?

If a girl flatly refuses meetings and even conversations, a man does not need to give up and remain decisive. Perhaps he offended her so much that, under the influence of resentment, she refuses to make contact despite her feelings. The easiest way to establish contact is via SMS, showing the girl that the man realizes he is wrong and is ready to apologize. This may be a banal phrase: “Please forgive me, I was wrong.”

If a man wants to make peace with a girl using SMS, but she changed her phone number or blocked his contacts, you can use social networks. You can write on VK, sending the girl a postcard admitting guilt, poetry of your own composition, prose, and attaching music that is associated with dating and spending time together.

Expert opinion

Elena Druzhnikova

Sexologist. Expert on family relations. Family psychologist.

In fact, reconciliation through correspondence on the Internet and SMS is practiced by men much more often than real meetings, face-to-face conversations, and actions. This is explained by the fact that on the Internet or messages you don’t need to think about how to behave with a girl. In fact, virtual communication is an ineffective way of reconciliation; it does not convey the emotions, feelings and mood of the interlocutors.

What to give?

After reconciliation it is necessary! A gift is a good way to reinforce performance frank conversation and meetings if young people separated after a quarrel or serious misconduct. You can give a girl something inexpensive but pleasant, with the expectation that she may refuse to accept the gift out of resentment and pride. For example:

  • a bouquet of flowers or indoor flowers;
  • any sweets, be it chocolate, a box of chocolates, desserts;
  • a figurine or souvenir in a suitable theme;
  • ticket to the theatre, concert, cinema or museum;
  • jewelry with engraving or photo, for example, a bracelet, pendant.

If a man is sure that the girl is ready to make contact and reconciliation, and the gift will not be rejected, he can give an expensive piece of jewelry that more than one representative of the fair sex will not resist. Also, a great opportunity for reconciliation would be to buy a ticket for traveling together or resort.

What to do if your girlfriend forgives you?

If a girl has forgiven a man after a quarrel, breakup, after infidelity or other wrongdoing, the man should be grateful to her for the second chance. Many people relax after this, believing that the relationship has already returned to its previous stage and is not in danger. In fact, such an opportunity is given to a man so that he can show in every possible way his changes for the better and again win the trust of his beloved.

Don't repeat the mistakes

If a man knows about his misdeeds, repeating them a second time means failing to draw conclusions and losing the relationship completely. Even if she is to blame for the quarrel, it is extremely important for a man to show the girl the fact that there will be no more negative moments in the relationship.

Change your relationships for the better

In order for a relationship to develop, you need to bring only good changes into it. You can find new mutual interests and hobbies that strengthen the bond between partners. It will also be useful to visit family psychologist, which will help you overcome obstacles and problems, forget about previous grievances and misdeeds. Joint walks and trips to the cinema, theater, museum and other cultural institutions will help you find many new points of contact.

Care and attention

Not a single girl can resist male attention and care. If she has difficulties and difficulties, it is important for a man to show participation, support and help. Signs of attention should be not only on occasion, but also in everyday life, this could be a cooked breakfast, gifts of flowers, any help in everyday life, compliments and words of praise.

Give compliments from the heart

All girls, without exception, love with their ears, so it is extremely important for a man to show attention to his beloved with compliments and praise. Women pay a lot of attention to their appearance, expecting encouragement from the man. You can praise your choice of outfit, makeup and new hairstyle, or you can note a deliciously prepared dinner or good qualities in the character of the chosen one. The main thing is that the words come from the heart and not be banal flattery.

Always tell the truth

Deception is practically the same as betrayal and treason; it is with this seriousness that women take lies and lies from a loved one. Therefore, you should not lie even in some minor details, otherwise trust will be completely lost.


Reconciliation with a girl after a quarrel or breakup is a man’s responsibility, even if in some moments she was wrong. It just so happened by nature that the conqueror and guardian of relationships has always been and will be a man. A woman, due to her sensitivity and emotionality, is prone to mutual giving. You can make peace with the help of properly prepared speeches, a planned meeting or date, presents and conciliatory promises.

Sometimes the end is just the beginning. And even if you broke up, but you understand that you love, you can still return. If you cannot imagine your life without her, she is the best, you need to improve your relationship. Psychologists will tell you how to make peace with a girl after a breakup.

It’s easier to make peace and improve relationships “without delay.” After all, the resentment that gnaws at the girl from the inside flares up more and more every day. Therefore, a couple of days after the conflict you will be forgiven much easier than after a month of silence. So you shouldn’t wait six months until she, too, “understands who she’s lost.” If your girl is dear to you, make peace as soon as possible. Otherwise, there is a risk of being late, because after some time someone else may take your place.

How to make peace with a girl after a breakup?

If you know what the reason for the separation is, of course, you need to “eliminate” it, if possible. Think about what didn’t suit the girl in your relationship, what prompted her to break up? Promise, only sincerely, to correct this annoying nuisance. And try to keep your word, otherwise new conflicts, even more serious, will not be long in coming.

Sincerely ask for forgiveness. Moreover, simply saying: “Well, I’m sorry” will not be enough. Tell the girl that you understand your guilt, realize how wrong you were, and promise never to do that again. Naturally, if you really consider yourself guilty. After all, insincere apologies “if only she would come back, and then we’ll see” are not needed by anyone; they will not mend your broken relationship.
But what to do if you can’t talk to a girl and apologize. She's offended and doesn't want to talk. Well, we'll have to act in other ways. It will be even more romantic this way.

For example, write a letter to a girl. Gentle, frank, tell her how you miss her, how you regret that you offended her, how you sincerely want to take everything back. Writing is truly a win-win. After all, if in a live conversation, surging emotions can “explode” and, if the resentment is too strong, things will again turn to reproaches and quarrels, then she will definitely read the letter to the end, so that you can express everything that is in your soul. In a letter you can not only ask for forgiveness, it is important to remind your loved one of all the good things that you had. Describe your emotions from the first date, remind how good you were together, how many pleasant memories connected you. Let the girl plunge into the memories of your happiness together - then she will understand that good things are clearly worth trying to start all over again.

A good way to get a girl back after a breakup is to send your loved one a bouquet or a small gift with a meaning that is clear to both of you. Such romantic things can melt away the resentment and chill in a relationship, and it will be easier to make peace. Just don't do it publicly, don't put yourself or her in an awkward position. If she wants to show off your gift to her friends, then she will do it on Instagram.

Give her the opportunity to take the initiative without losing her sense of dignity. Give her the opportunity to make an informed decision. For example, tell or write to her that you understand how hurt she is, but still really hope that she can forgive you. And you will wait for her call or message. Still silent for several days? Well, it’s worth repeating the move with the bouquet - after all, girls love it when they are wooed. But in no case should you be intrusive - wait for her near the house, keep track of where and with whom she is, call her on her mobile phone, and bombard her with messages. After all, you want her to consider you a lover, and not a maniac.

A woman is like a match. Now she flared up and announced that she was ready to break up with you, half an hour later she had already cooled down, and was waiting for your first step towards reconciliation. How to make peace with a girl if she doesn't want to talk? In this publication, we will offer you several original methods to return the passion of your beloved, even if you had a very big quarrel. The main thing is to act, and don’t let everything take its course, and don’t let a chasm form between you.

Method one: Standard.
As they say: “To make a woman fall in love with you, you need to make her laugh properly!” If you have a big fight, first, give her some time to cool down. This is a must. After all, in the heat of emotion, she can say even more unpleasant things to you, you, too, will not remain in debt, and now, you have new wave quarrel
Wait until you can talk to her calmly and productively. Next - “melt the ice.” Cheat. Start the conversation with the phrase: “I know why you’re offended at me!” This way you will disarm her. She was preparing to pour a whole stream on you negative emotions, insults and claims, and then, take a tough position on the offended side, and you once took away this pleasure from her! You already know in advance what she is offended by, and there is no point in discussing it again!
As a result, by cheating, you avoided negativity in your conversation. Next, your task is to bring it to the positive. By any means. It's appropriate to joke. Or show a pitiful, humorous "beaten dog" look, making her smile, or simply say that she looks divine today and you're tired of fighting off rivals from her, any pleasant remark , the main thing is to make her smile at you!
If you bring it to a positive note, consider that 90 percent of the job is done. Yes, what a 90! All 100! Next, it’s a matter of technique, as they say, grab her in your arms and kiss her until she gives up - like in the movie “Office Romance.”

Another effective way– to fulfill her long-time dream. Buy or do something that she has dreamed of for a very long time. Thus, you show through your actions that you care about her. But don't overuse gifts. This may cause a backlash, which we will talk about a little later.

Method two: Non-standard.
In fact, this method is very effective under one condition: it must be applied directly during a quarrel. I need to have sex with her. No matter how strange it may sound, it is precisely at that moment when your emotions are on the sidelines that the desire for sex also increases to its very peak. The fact is that when negativity goes off scale, our psyche turns on a defense mechanism and redirects the person’s brain to something else: tears, the desire to escape, or sexual attraction. This way, you are guaranteed the most wild sex of your life. And after orgasm, she will no longer have anything to be angry about.
The main thing is not to use this method regularly. Firstly, it will cease to be effective if used regularly, and secondly, constant strong emotions are harmful to the psyche of both. Everything is good in moderation.

Method three: Hard.
It is especially effective if the girl is to blame. The point is not to admit your guilt, and “resting your horn”, wait for the first step from her. And when she does it, return your attention to her not immediately, but in parts.
Practice shows that a man who runs to measure first in any situation loses respect in the eyes of a girl, therefore, make her suffer a little, show that you have pride, and you will not allow her to sit on your head.
But don't go too far. There are men who “give up” even if they themselves have “messed up” a lot. And then they wait for their beloved to come running to make peace. This method only works with weak and insecure girls. If yours has character and self-respect, you just might lose it completely.

Method four: Do everything yourself.
If you are to blame yourself, or simply want to save the relationship, take the first step towards reconciliation. If you apologize, apologize, but only once. Don’t call her, don’t overwhelm her with gifts, and don’t bring up the topic of the quarrel in conversation a hundred times. You apologized, showed that you are sorry, then, if she wants, she will forgive you.
If you start persuading her and giving her gifts every time she looks askance at you, she will quickly realize that you are afraid of losing her. And he may begin to manipulate you openly. This means that she will begin to deliberately provoke scandals, knowing that in the finale a present awaits her.

If all these methods do not suit you, then in this article you will find , that really work.

So, let's once again briefly go through all the advice that we gave you and draw a conclusion. How to make peace with a girl if she doesn't want to talk? The fastest and most effective way:

    1. Wait until she calms down and talk to her. Try to evoke only positive emotions in her or do something pleasant for your loved one. Men's beautiful deeds– always in fashion.
    2. Play on a quarrel at the moment when she least expects it - have sex with her. You will kill two birds with one stone at once: she will forgive you, and she will never forget this sex with YOU.
    3. If she is guilty, “go into denial” and wait for the first step from her. Show that you have pride and dignity.
    4. Take the first step: apologize or give flowers, but only once. Don't drag yourself after her, don't beg you to forgive, otherwise she might start to manipulate you.