There is an opinion that telephone conversations save time. However, calculations have shown that telephone conversations for managers during the working day take from 3 to 4.5 hours, and for employees - 2–2.5 hours. The shortcomings of telephone conversations have been identified. Their duration increases due to emotional coloring. This leads to speech unclearness and clumsiness of phrases. Hence, it takes 2/3 of the time to communicate business information, and 1/3 of the time to pause between words and phrases, to express one’s emotions about certain information.

Quickly communicate certain laconic information to a business partner remote from you or receive such information from him;

Quickly find out the opinion of a particular official on an issue that interests you;

Obtain consent to specific actions from higher organizations;

Clarify whether the previous agreement to meet with someone remains valid.

It is important to choose the right time for a telephone conversation. It should be taken into account that:

According to your information, it is convenient for the subscriber;

The subscriber must be at his workplace, taking into account the daily routine of the enterprise;

It is at this time that your subscriber’s phone is least loaded; It should be borne in mind that the busiest telephone contacts in institutions occur in December and January, on Mondays and in the first half of the day.

Business communication by phone includes a number of stages: mutual introduction, introduction of the interlocutor to the situation, discussion of the situation, final word. When introducing yourself to your interlocutor, provide your last name, first name and patronymic, place of work and position you hold. This will immediately set him up for a business-like conversation. After introducing yourself, it is advisable to ask the interlocutor if you disturbed him with your call, if he can pay attention to you. Only if the answer is positive can the conversation continue.

Rules for business communication by phone

1.When performing urgent, urgent work:

a) do not pick up the phone at all;

b) take it off immediately and politely say: “Please call me then and there.” I'm busy with an urgent matter."

3. When picking up the phone from a ringing phone, replace neutral reviews like “Yes”, “Hello”, “Listen” with more informative ones: “Ivanov”, “HR Department”, “Factory”. This eliminates errors and confusion and therefore saves time. Additionally, pairing a review with an introduction sets a businesslike tone for the entire conversation.

4. When calling an employee who is currently absent by telephone, it is recommended not to limit yourself to a simple statement of the fact “he is not there”, but to give an answer of something like this:

“He's not there. It will be then. Maybe I should give him something?” And if you are actually asked for this, do not rely on memory, immediately record the request and put a note on your colleague’s desk.

5. Write down the necessary telephone numbers with the obligatory indication of the last name, first name and patronymic, institution or the specific matter for which you are connected with this person. In doing so, adhere to the following rules:

do not delay the interlocutor and make an initial entry on the calendar, and then move it to where it should be;

any phone number that you know you will use more than two or three times should be entered in your address book;

review it once every six months and cross out numbers that are no longer needed;

Change your notebook every year and don’t throw away the old ones.

6. For important telephone conversations (international, long-distance, with senior management, etc.), you should first sketch out a list of questions so that in excitement or haste you do not miss important points.

7. Telephone ethics dictates that you should always identify yourself before starting a conversation, even if you expect to be recognized by your voice.

8.All conversations should be conducted in a friendly tone. Even if the answer is accurate and complete, but given in a rude, tactless form, this damages the authority of both the employee and the organization he represents, and negatively affects the essence of the matter.

9.Recording telephone messages speeds up and becomes error-free if a voice recorder is connected to the phone.

If you are calling a person with whom you have already met, but he may not remember you only by your last name, you should definitely remind him briefly about your last meeting. This will facilitate psychological contact and relieve the interlocutor from the need to think that he has a bad memory.

During a telephone conversation:

It should be taken into account that words sound more expressive after mini


It is best to repeat numbers, names and even questions twice;

The most unpleasant words must be pronounced in a normal voice so that the interlocutor ponders their meaning and understands why you used them;

After asking a question, pause so that the interlocutor has time to answer.

The article was prepared with the help of E. P. Ilyin’s book “Psychology of Communication and Interpersonal Relations.”

When two business people meet, everything is simple. They shook hands, smiled, and chatted. When you see the interlocutor in front of you, talking to him is much easier. But it also happens that the opponent is at a great distance from us, we have never even seen him in person. We are talking about telephone conversations. According to statistics, business people spend from four to twenty-five percent of their working time on the phone. It's comfortable. You can make a quick decision; you don’t have to go anywhere or send a letter. The telephone is ideal for obtaining information and consultations. However, in a telephone conversation, your only weapon is your voice and speech. True, you are deprived of the opportunity to track the reaction of your interlocutor by gestures or gaze. In addition, telephone conversations tend to be more time-limited than face-to-face meetings. But this type of conversation also has a lot of advantages. After all, the interlocutor does not see either you, your suit, or your office. He judges by the timbre of the voice and intonation. And now everything is in your hands! Or vocal cords...

Preparation comes first!

We are preparing the phone. There is no place for improvisation in telephone negotiations. Everything must be prepared in advance. And first of all - a telephone set. Even if the interlocutor is friendly in advance, poor communication quality will quickly ruin his mood. A self-respecting person will not shout over the noise, squeaking and squealing on the phone. Please use decent lines.

We are making a memo. Now turn to the topic of negotiations. It has already been said above that they require serious and painstaking preparation. And the presence of a telephone as an intermediary does not change anything. Quite the contrary. In a personal meeting, you can allow yourself a couple of interjections, a few sentences that are not relevant to the matter. On the phone you need to speak quickly, clearly and only to the point. You can’t let your thoughts wander, otherwise your interlocutor will very quickly get tired of your buzzing on the phone. And he also has things to do, he is also in a hurry somewhere... Make it a rule - before every conversation, make up a reminder for yourself: what you need to say and what you should never say. Your speech should be “polished” in advance!

Let's vote. Without a confident voice and clear diction, you don’t even have to answer the phone. Therefore, take the trouble to work out the pronunciation in advance, to achieve confident intonations. Calmness, confidence, solidity in the voice - a guarantee of success.

Getting a job, say, at the Helpline, is not as easy as it might seem. After all, a lot depends on intonation. They will first check the "intonation pattern" of the candidate's speech. Does it show irritation or disdain? Sometimes our speech seems absolutely normal to us, but those around us hear something... In the “Helpline” people are trained in a special way. They try to select those with voices with a pleasant timbre and those with clear diction.

Getting ready for failure. In our crazy times, people sometimes don’t have a minute to have a very important conversation. Psychologically prepare for the fact that the interlocutor does not have time to talk now. Make an appointment right now for another time. You must also be prepared for objections, which, as you know, arise during any conversation.

10 seconds saves 10 minutes

And yet, before calling a specific person, ask yourself again whether you need this and what benefits these negotiations will bring. Have you made sure that the call is really necessary? Before you pick up the phone, follow a few simple steps.

  1. Once again, be clear about everything you are going to say.
  2. Think about the future interlocutor and what he would like to hear.
  3. Compose a short message in your head in advance to dictate if the other person is not there and the secretary or answering machine will answer you.
  4. Place all necessary documents on the table.
  5. Have paper and pen ready.
  6. Write a short summary of the most important names and facts.
  7. Before picking up the phone, relax and take a few deep breaths.
  8. Mentally imagine your future interlocutor.
  9. Think about something pleasant.
  10. Try to call only when your interlocutor is not busy and has time to talk.

How to write a memo

No matter what you say, a conversation aid is important. How many times have you found yourself in a stupid situation: the number was dialed, but everything you were going to say suddenly flew out of your head. And now the arguments are no longer so logical, and the interlocutor takes the initiative from you. After all, it only takes one minute to remember! Write down literally one sentence for each point of conversation. Number them. Write clearly, you won’t have time to sort through your scribbles. And only after making a clear plan, call without fear.

By the way, a separate point in the memo should be: “What exactly do I want to achieve.” Do you need to make an appointment? Or about the supply of equipment? And did you manage to achieve what you wanted? Check the memo and end the conversation. Business does not tolerate idle chatter... Remember: everything that can be said outside the phone should be said outside the phone. Using the device, you can arrange a meeting and make quick, clear and precise arguments. Make your interlocutor come to this meeting and take the bait on your offer. The goal is one: to arouse interest. Here's another reason to think things through ahead of time. But the main thing is that no one needs long conversations, just like unclear and vague deadlines.

By the way, the memo can also serve as a kind of condensed outline of the conversation. Such a detailed reminder is needed if the conversation ahead is complex and sensitive. For example, you need to apologize to someone. You will feel much more confident if all the “necessary” words and expressions are already before your eyes. This means you won’t get confused or become nervous. Which in itself promises the success of your mission.

By the way, it wouldn’t hurt to put a blank sheet of paper next to the memo. Sometimes it is simply necessary to capture significant points and details during a conversation. Don't trust your own memory too much. There are already a hundred things in your poor head, so why bother once again because of a telephone conversation? Put its essence on paper and forget about it with a clear conscience.

Confidence is the key to success!

An unsure voice is a guarantee of failure when talking on the phone. In a personal meeting, uncertain notes can be masked with a smile, gesticulation, or something else. Only a voice is heard on the phone. And the lack of confidence here is like death. But confident people can sometimes achieve significant success.

Another case that we talk about during trainings. It was about residency. Junior researchers were waiting for an exam in a foreign language. But for some reason the administration was in no hurry. It was necessary to negotiate with the department of another institute, but they simply did not need the extra workload. Then Alexander, a junior researcher like everyone else, decided to call this department himself. He had a pleasant, confident voice and knew how to play with intonations. “Hello, you’re getting a call from a research institute... Here future professors are waiting for an exam... Yes, at any time... Who’s talking? Alexander Ivanovich." That department agreed without hesitation, only asking for the necessary paper. The fact is that the person “at the other end of the line” mistook Alexander for at least the director of the research institute. He didn’t even feel comfortable asking who exactly was talking to him. This is what confidence in your voice means! And the residents passed the exam on a clearly scheduled date.

That is why it is necessary to pump up yourself with confidence before a conversation. Even the most relaxed person feels a little uncomfortable before telephone conversations. What if they don’t listen to him? What if they hang up after a couple of minutes? Of course, such thoughts do not increase self-confidence. So charge yourself with faith in your strength! Before the call, joke, tell an anecdote, laugh, laugh. And put a reminder in front of your eyes. You always feel much more confident with text.

Get ready for battle! Sit comfortably so that your diaphragm is free. There is no need to curl up in your chair; it is better to sit back and relax. Your voice is your weapon, so breathing should be as free as possible. Some people find it more convenient to stand while talking. For someone to walk, it creates a kind of rhythm. It is best to conduct the experiment in advance. Try to determine how you “speak” better: lying down, sitting or standing.

Learn to monitor your breathing, speak only as you exhale.

And remember: voice is power! People tend to attribute advantages or disadvantages to other people according to their first impression. Hearing a ringing melodious voice, we see a young and beautiful girl in front of us. Velvety bass creates the impression of a “voluminous”, confident boss. The whole problem is that very often the voice and appearance have nothing in common.

One of the visitors to our trainings told how she arranged negotiations with the director of a large company. Before that, they talked on the phone for a long time. She was struck by his deep and pleasant baritone; in his voice there was a sense of confidence and possession of all the blessings of life. She was so interested that she decided to attend the negotiations in person. Seeing a stately, broad-shouldered middle-aged man, she walked towards him, smiling. And she was amazed to hear his high, shrill voice. The owner of the familiar baritone turned out to be a short, bald man, almost lost in the crowd of the delegation...

Voice, manner of speaking, diction, pronunciation are extremely important. Let's remember Bernard Shaw's play Pygmalion. How did the hero of the play manage to make a lady from a simple flower girl? Changing her pronunciation, diction and manner of expression.

Phone traps

What pitfalls await those who decide to conduct serious business negotiations over the phone?

Apparatus trap. Poor technique will ruin even the most brilliant speech. Cleanliness of telephone lines is paramount. Otherwise, your interlocutor will only have an ear ache.

Text Trap. I repeat once again: you can’t go anywhere without a reminder! 99% - preparation, 1% - improvisation. You need pre-written text! Moreover, when you speak on the phone, you should pay more attention to HOW you speak. WHAT to tell you should be written down on a piece of paper and be in front of your eyes.

Diction trap. Poor diction will obscure the meaning of statements. So, if you have problems with speech, it makes sense to use some other way of negotiating.

Failure Trap. It is also worth preparing for refusals in advance. And know what exactly you will say in this or that case.

The intonation trap. Irritation, uncertainty, boredom in the voice are always very "striking". Please be kind enough to achieve the perfect intonation pattern. Who would talk to a bore who drags out every word? The interlocutor will not want to sleep by the phone or slowly sink into depression, he simply will not communicate with you.

If the phone rings...

Answering a business call correctly is, by the way, also an art. Which, alas, many business people do not own. All you need to do is remember a few rules.

  • You should pick up the phone immediately after the first ring. If you have a visitor, are writing a letter, or are busy doing something else, it is perfectly acceptable to answer after the phone rings two or three times. But it’s better not to delay. Remember: it is in your best interest to answer every call. What if there is a person on the other end with the most advantageous business proposal?
  • If you have difficulty hearing, do not shout into the phone. It’s you who can’t hear the caller well, not the caller who hears you. Ask him to speak louder, ask how he hears you.
  • “Yes”, “Hello”, “Listen” - all these options for starting a conversation in the business world are, to say the least, inappropriate. When you pick up the phone, you need to introduce yourself: say the name of the company and your last name. If the subscriber has the wrong number, the error will immediately become clear and you won’t have to waste time on unnecessary conversations.
  • Never answer rudely. You don't know who is on the other end of the line. But whoever it is, he doesn’t care much that you just had a fight with your boss or failed the annual report and you’re in a bad mood...
  • If they call your colleague who is not there, you should not abruptly reject the caller. After all, he needs to get through, he will call in an hour or two. Isn’t it better to politely ask who it is and what to say to your colleague?
  • Learn to “receive telephone messages.” By the way, there are special forms for recording telephone messages. It indicates who called, when they called and what they wanted to say.
  • Never say “no” on the phone. Look for positive language. Forget the phrases “I don’t know” or “I can’t.” You work here, it's your responsibility to know. And if it is impossible to fulfill the client’s wishes, instead of a direct refusal, you can always offer an alternative option. If you need to step away from the phone for a couple of minutes, tell the other person honestly how long you'll be leaving and ask if they can wait. The usual “I’ll just be a second” won’t work here.
  • Don't talk to anonymous people. If the interlocutor; I forgot to identify myself, politely ask who he is and where he is from. Otherwise, you risk making a lot of mistakes when accepting an order or providing information to him.
  • The person who called ends the conversation. To impatiently “round off” your interlocutor is, to say the least, bad form. Perhaps the interlocutor still has questions, and you have already hung up...
  • At the end of the conversation, assure the interlocutor that you are always happy to call and meet with him. Thank him if he helped you or told you good news. Wish you all the best and say goodbye.

I. Vagin, N. Kirsheva. Negotiation: Win every round. M. 2002

Good afternoon friends. We constantly study new materials, articles on the Internet, read new books, engage in self-development in order to learn new techniques and innovative solutions to our problems. Today I want to talk to you about telephone communication, or rather, business communication. What gave me the idea to write this article was a book I recently read again by Dale Carnegie, which is as relevant today as it was many years ago.

This topic, of course, is very broad and interesting, ranging from working with cold calls, closing objections, inviting people to meet... to telephone sales.

What the article is about:

  • 1. The purpose of the business conversation.
  • 2. Telephone communication: business, with a client, examples.
  • 3. How to properly take feedback on work over the phone.
  • 4. How to properly make a discount on a product or service over the phone.

The ability to competently conduct a business conversation on the phone will be useful in your off-line environment. Let's say you have and you accept orders over the phone, advise clients about your product, services, then at the time of the conversation, it is important to close the buyer for the purchase so that the transaction is 100% successful. After all, very often a client refuses a purchase after an illiterate conversation on the phone.

The purpose of a business conversation on the phone can be different:

For example, these are negotiations, selling a product or service, receiving mail for the purpose of further communication, establishing contact with a client, a supply agreement, signing up for a webinar, workshop, etc.

Telephone communication: business, with a client [Examples]

  • 1. When you call a person on the phone for the first time, build the beginning of the conversation to establish personal contact.
    So, be sure to first introduce yourself, then ask the client’s name. “Excuse me, please, what’s your name?” After the conversation is over, you need to figure out how to contact him again. Perhaps this will be an email address or check again his personal phone number. This is necessary in order to leave yourself one more chance to contact this person if the first conversation was unsuccessful or to continue communication and negotiations.

At the same time, you need to introduce yourself every time you call a person and call him by the name he used to introduce himself to you the first time. For example, if he said that his name is Sasha, you should not call him Alexander or Alexander Ivanovich. A person himself determines how you should address him, this is very, very important.

  • 2. When you call a person, be sure to ask if it is convenient for him to talk now. People are often busy with their own business and may avoid talking to you if you don't ask such a simple question. And your sale of goods or negotiations will fail. Your friendliness and confidence will be an additional plus.
  • 3. Don’t start a phone conversation with:
    “I’m not distracting you” or “What’s bothering you is...”.

    The fact is that then you automatically take a weaker position and characterize yourself as an annoying person who bothers and distracts. Remember this when you start a conversation.

  • 4. During business negotiations or telephone sales, try to think in advance what you will say to the client and immediately announce your call so as not to beat your interlocutor around the bush. Perhaps you have promotions, discounts, a business proposal - this is where you need to start.

    The conversation should be to the point and take a minimum of time, usually 3-5 minutes. For example: “I’m selling..., we have discounts today...”

    • 5. Think about telephone response patterns in your business. to popular questions, objections, refusals, greetings, i.e. a conversation script or they are also called scripts, algorithms, speech modules.

    For example, scripts for incoming calls - greetings or outgoing calls - sales at discounts, promotions, invitations.

    • 6. Listen and give the other person a chance to respond to you when you call him on the phone. By doing this, you make it clear that you are interested in him, pleasant, and that you are attentive to him. Remember in Dale Carnegie’s book there are these lines: “when you want to convince someone to do something, be quiet before you speak” or “to become interesting, be interested.”

    • 7. And also, don’t interrupt and argue on the phone, if you receive a complaint regarding your business activities. Otherwise there will be incoherence, and you know how such scenes end. It’s better to do this at the end of the monologue.

      Example: “I understand you, Maria Ivanovna...” and briefly summarize the complaint, or “If I were in your place, I would probably call about this” and briefly summarize the essence of the complaint.

      This will show that you listened to the client!, understood why he was dissatisfied and take measures to eliminate dissatisfaction. Otherwise, if you try to argue and prove him wrong over the phone, his pride would not give you the chance to concede.

    • 8. If you want to persuade a person to your opinion, then when entering into a conversation on the phone, do not start it with those issues on which you disagree with your interlocutor. Make him say from the very beginning: “Yes, yes, okay.” Keep him from saying “no” as much as you can. Using this method will give you the opportunity to retain and attract a customer who might otherwise have been lost.
    • 9. The art of telephone communication includes both the tone of the conversation and the pace of speech. during a conversation. Dale Carnegie wrote about this very well in his book “How to Win Friends and Influence People,” which everyone has probably read.

    How to properly get feedback on the work of your, for example, online store by phone

    The method of assessing an enterprise using a five-point system works well. The trick is that you ask the client to evaluate the work of the enterprise based on five points. And then name the pros and cons of your work. At the same time, be sure to structure the conversation like this.

    For example: “Maria Ivanovna, what did you not like and what did you like (emphasize!) in the work of our store.”
    The fact is that a person, as a rule, always begins to answer from the end of the sentence, which means to the last question. And when he talks about the pros, believe me, there will be few cons left, because he will tune in to a positive conversation.

    How to make a discount on a product or service over the phone

    Often the discount is purely, i.e. a person simply needs it in order to feel that he is a lucky person who knows how to bargain, has saved, and has not overpaid.

    In general, a discount on the purchase of a product or service for the first purchase is not justified. It destroys business. Neither the buyer nor the seller owe each other anything at the first meeting.

    A discount is given, for example, because a person returns to you, repeat purchases, is a regular customer, brought new customers to your business, purchased for a large amount, or extended the service for a long time.
    Over the phone, you can make it clear that if he enters this category of clients, he is guaranteed to receive a certain discount.

    P.S. Of course, these are just the main points in the world of competent telephone communication with clients. I hope you weren’t bored reading and you learned something important and interesting for yourself. Supplement the article with your own tricks that you use during business communication over the phone. Sincerely, .

    In our progressive age, communicative interaction takes a leading position. Most complex issues and problems can be resolved through telephone conversations. Thanks to communication through this means of communication, people are able to conclude the most profitable agreement or, in the “wrong situation,” completely lose an important client. That is why every literate man is required to master the basics of telephone etiquette. What is business communication over the phone and how to conduct it correctly is the topic of our article today.

    Any of us must learn to negotiate correctly, since the person leading the conversation does not have the opportunity to see the opponent and his actions. Swaying a potential client in your favor in such a way that he does not have the desire to hang up in the first minutes of a conversation will require a lot of effort. The reputation of a person and the organization he represents depends on the ability to conduct telephone conversations.

    Preparing for an upcoming conversation

    Before a serious phone call, you should carefully prepare for it as follows:

    1. Get ready mentally.
    2. Formulate, or better yet, write down the goal, plan and main issues of the upcoming conversation on paper, which will always lie in front of you during the negotiations.
    3. Be sure to prepare all materials that may be useful during telephone conversations.
    4. It is necessary to distance yourself from negativity and personal problems even before the conversation begins, since the voice can give off an aggressive attitude, which the client often takes personally.
    5. The time for negotiations must be selected so that it is convenient for both you and the interlocutor. If you plan to call a business partner, try to discuss with him in advance a convenient time for him.

    Phone business basics

    When making a call, first of all, you should introduce yourself and state the purpose for which you are calling. In this case, it is necessary to choose a friendly tone. A telephone conversation should take place without long pauses, it should be energetic and concise.

    You can not exert psychological pressure in the process of negotiating, since in this case you are unlikely to be able to win the favor of a potential client in this way. Try not to ask inappropriate questions. In the event that a telephone call is international or long-distance, it is necessary to ensure that it lasts no more than six minutes. All business proposals and requirements must be supported by arguments. Questions should be answered truthfully and briefly. It is better to outline the conversation plan on paper in advance.

    At the end of the conversation, be sure to say again all the agreements that you came to during the conversation. Since you initiated the call, the end of the conversation should also come from you, except for situations where the interlocutor is more senior.

    When at the end of negotiations you promise to call back, try not to delay it and make a second call within 24 hours. Be sure to keep in mind that you cannot dial partners to your home number.

    In a situation where, having called, you do not find your partner at the workplace, specify a convenient time to call him back, and do not ask where he is now. From a business ethics point of view, this is incorrect.

    Follow these rules of business etiquette:

    • Try to pick up the phone after the third ring at most.
    • When answering from the workplace, you need to greet the person, say the name of the company, and then introduce yourself.
    • If the caller does not introduce himself, politely ask him to give his name. For example, the following phrases would be appropriate here: “I would like to know who I am talking to”, “Could you introduce yourself?” or “Excuse me, how should I contact you?”
    • You should answer the interlocutor's questions as quickly as possible, look for phone numbers that may be useful during negotiations.
    • If you get a call during your lunch hour, ask someone else to answer so you don't have to answer with your mouth full.
    • The caller will have to end the conversation; if the initiative comes from you, the action will look unethical.

    What mistakes are made during a telephone conversation?

    Numerous studies that have been conducted among business people have indicated that about 56% of calls are made without greeting phrases. Explaining the reason for not saying greetings, businessmen said that it goes without saying, and they also cannot say hello many times during the day. It is important to remember here that in speech communication there is nothing that goes without saying, and therefore every phrase must be voiced.

    Under no circumstances should you interrupt your interlocutor mid-conversation - give him the opportunity to express his thoughts to the end. It is necessary to pronounce words clearly, and also to monitor the tone of speech and its volume. There should be a pause between questions to give the interlocutor the right to answer.

    Negative emotions should not be given free rein, as this may offend a business partner.

    • Do not pick up the phone for a very long time.
    • At the beginning of a conversation, you should not say the following words: “say,” “yes,” “hello.” Unless it's your old friend.
    • Carry on several conversations at the same time.
    • Leave your phone unattended, even for a few minutes.
    • Use scraps of paper for notes, which are easy to lose later.
    • Passing the phone to colleagues many times.

    If you speak with an accent, try to pronounce phrases as clearly as possible. Under no circumstances should you hold the receiver with your hand to comment on the conversation to your colleagues, as the interlocutor can hear everything. Thus, you will find yourself in an awkward situation.

    If your interlocutor voices a complaint to you, you cannot tell him that this mistake is not yours, or this issue is not within your competence. Such a response may have a negative impact on the organization's reputation and will not help resolve problems. If it is your fault, be sure to apologize and try to resolve the problem as quickly as possible.

    There are some phrases to avoid:

    • "I don't know".
    • "We can't solve it."
    • "You must".
    • "I'll be back in a second."

    It is better to replace these answers with neutral ones, which will be more loyal and will not spoil the company’s reputation. When you are unable to give an exact answer, it is better to say that you will try to clarify the information and call back. Use these phrases:

    • “I’ll clarify the information and call you back right away.”
    • “We will try to resolve the issue.”

    By maintaining a culture of business communication over the phone, you will be able to establish yourself from the best side and confirm the positive image of the company for which you work.