People always give gifts to their relatives and friends in holidays. At the same time, many believe that content is better than form, so they give gifts that are not packaged at all. But this is a wrong judgment. Form matters. Especially for the female half of society. Even the most serious and wealthy person is more pleased to receive gifts packaged in beautiful packaging.

Step by step instructions

Step 1: cut the paper to size (in a square piece)

Step 2: Fold the edge away from you

Step 3: cover the box up to the edge/corner

Step 4: Seal the edge of the paper with a piece of clear tape

Step 5: Cover the 2nd side of the paper

Step 6: also secure with tape in several places

Step 7: Carefully bend the edges of the side panel

Step 8: two thumbs it's more convenient to do this

Step 9: so that you get triangular bent corners

Step 10: Fold each triangular corner inward one by one

Step 11: to create one overall “triangle”

Step 12: lean it against the box (if it sticks out, bend it)

Step 13: tape around the edge of the box

Step 14: do the same with the other side...

Step 16: Tape both ends of the tape (pull the tape slightly)

Step 17: twist a bow from the same ribbon (you may have a ready-made one)

Step 18: attach the bow with the same tape

Voila! The gift was beautifully and quickly packaged.

Video instruction (1 minute)

See how quickly and beautifully you can wrap your gift.
You will need paper, tape, tape.

Packaging materials: types and features

People have been wrapping gifts in paper since ancient times. Only the ignorant do not know about this. However, many people can get confused about which paper to choose. Because today there are many various types gift paper. So much that anyone who wants to give a gift will find something to wrap it in.

There are different types gift paper:

  • polysilk;
  • corrugated paper;
  • silence;
  • craft;
  • sheet glossy paper;
  • mulberry.

This is far from full list types of gift paper. There are, as already mentioned, many other types. It is simply impossible to consider all types, so only the most common ones are given.



Many people do not know what polysilk is. However, everyone not only saw this paper, but even held it in their hands and touched it. However, if you ask someone what polysilk is, no one will be able to give a clear answer.

Polysilk is more often used for packaging non-standard gifts that are problematic to pack in a box. The polylisk is intended to knit decorative knots. It looks like a wide film. It stretches a little. In addition to the fact that polysilk is used for knitting decorative knots on gift wrappings, it is often used by stylists and designers.

The main feature of polysilk is that you can wrap the largest gifts in it: refrigerators, televisions and even cars.

A gift package wrapped in corrugated gift paper. You can wrap anything in it: boxes, objects, even flowerpots. If in addition you tie it on the gift wrapping beautiful knot made from polysilk, it will come out simply amazing.

Corrugated paper is plain and rough. Everyone knows this paper. Flower bouquets are often packed in it. In addition, gifts that have an elongated shape are packaged in it. For example, various bottles, oblong boxes and tubes.


As gift paper in which you can wrap a gift, you can use it along with other types of gift paper. choose silence. A gift wrapped in silence also looks very elegant and beautiful.

In addition to the fact that silk is used to wrap various things, giving them a festive look, it is also often used by needlewomen. Women and girls who are engaged, for example, in decoupage or decorating home interiors, often use silence in their creativity.

Silence - these are paper ribbons, which are usually used as a filler rather than a wrapping material. However, such material also belongs to the gift category. It is very light, thin and airy. In silence you can wrap various objects of complex geometric shapes. At the same time, they become more voluminous. Gift packages that are wrapped in silence look very elegant and festive.


A wedding is perhaps the most big holiday for each person participating in it. The most unusual and original gifts can be seen on days like these.

And when such a great event takes place, the invited people inevitably face the question of what to give for the wedding, and most importantly, what to wrap the wedding gift in? This question has long had an answer - a wedding gift is wrapped in Kraft gift paper.

Kraft is a paper that has ribbed shape and cross embossing. It is sold in large rolls. In it, except wedding gifts, wrapping others too. That is, it cannot be said that only wedding gifts are packaged in craft.

Sheet glossy paper is used exclusively for gift wrapping. In other words, it was invented specifically for wrapping gifts.

This paper comes in a variety of colors. Moreover, the colors can be either monochromatic or multi-colored. Various beautiful designs can be applied to it.

It should be noted that most often it is used for wrapping gifts. sheet glossy paper. It, like craft, was invented to wrap various gift items.

When this paper was invented, the main goal of the inventor was to wrap a gift.

Mulberry is crumpled paper self made . It is generally accepted that it was invented in Thailand. This paper is painted in all the colors of the rainbow. As a rule, there is no single color. Various colorful designs are applied to it.

Often, when people ask a store clerk what kind of paper to wrap a gift in, the answer may be that the gift can be wrapped in Mulberry.

Mulberry can be used to wrap gifts of various shapes. After wrapping the gift, you can glue various decorated details onto the finished package. You can also tie a beautiful knot from polysilic. It will come out very beautiful.

Beautiful DIY decor

An invitation to a holiday implies that you need to give something. A person chooses something original, and then wonders what to wrap the gift in now?

To solve this problem it is necessary have the right supplies, namely:

  • the gift paper itself;
  • containers in which you can wrap a gift;
  • filler to add volume;
  • decorative details for decorating gift packaging.

If you don’t want to bother with gift paper, bows, knots, various frills and other decorative elements, then you can, of course, buy filler and ready-made gift box suitable sizes, wrap a gift in it and forget about it. But it’s much more pleasant to arrange it yourself. After all, wrapping a gift with your own hands is a creative endeavor. Who among us hasn’t felt like a creator at least sometimes?

If you wrap a gift item in gift paper with your own hands, then you can packaged in a completely original way. Such a gift will turn out to be original and, one might even say, exclusive. This gift will not be like the others.

It should be added that you can also choose from many types of filler to add volume or simply for beauty.

Types of filler The following types can be distinguished:

In conclusion, it must be said that it is more pleasant to give gifts wrapped in gift paper with your own hands. This way it will always turn out more beautiful than in a regular gift box. Gift boxes that you can buy in a store are given everywhere and by everyone, but sometimes you want to give something truly memorable and original.

Photo gallery

I once had questions such as how to pack a box in gift paper, and the store helped me resolve this issue in a matter of minutes.

Now when I'm invited to a party, I don't bang my head against the wall, trying to come up with something original and exclusive. In my opinion, it’s better to go to the store. Everything there will be done in the best possible way.

Ivan Okhlobystin

Yes, you can wrap gift boxes in store. It turns out well. The saleswomen there also try to do everything so that the buyer likes it. But sometimes it’s more pleasant to do it yourself.

If you are looking for a container, for example, for a book, then yes, you can pack it in a banal store box. And if this is a design of complex shape, then I would show my own creativity and I figured out how to do it myself beautiful packaging.

Julia Kraft

I don't agree with your point of view.

I once gave a book as a gift. I wanted to do everything and decorate it with my own hands. After all, this is not difficult to do. And I don't need any instructions for this. After all, this must be done from the heart, and not according to instructions.

A friend helped me make a beautiful package, then helped me paste it with decorative elements, so I then offered to give her this book together. But she refused. And rightly so, she was not invited to her birthday.

We give gifts to loved ones, friends, colleagues on birthdays, New Year, other holidays. Those who believe that the content more important than form, they think that it is quite possible to do without a beautiful wrapper. Candy with or without a wrapper is equally delicious! However, even a very serious and respectable person will be sincerely delighted to receive an elegantly and inventively packaged gift.

The most popular “container” for it, like hundreds of years ago, remains paper. Let's see how to wrap a gift in paper.

Paper like the ancient Chinese never dreamed of

The choice of paper is enormous. Stores offer packaging paper that is thin and durable, glossy and matte, corrugated and embossed.

Sheet glossy paper

The most convenient for our purpose. Comes in a variety of colors and patterns.


Craft is intended specifically for gift wrapping. This type of paper is slightly ribbed to the touch, with transverse embossing. Produced in rolls of ten meters in length.


Quietly thin, light, airy. Therefore, it is also used as a filler. Objects of complex shapes are wrapped in silence, which this type of packaging fits elegantly and prominently.


Gifts of non-standard shapes are often packaged in polysilk. Large decorative bows are made from it. Resembles a thick film, stretches a little. For these not-quite-paper-like properties, polysilk is loved by designers and stylists.

Corrugated paper

Plain, rough corrugated paper is familiar to everyone as an element of packaging flower bouquets. It is often used to decorate souvenir bottles and other gifts of narrow elongated shape, packaged in boxes and tubes.


Mulberry is a type of handmade paper made in Thailand. The color range is extensive. It often has a pattern or ornament, sometimes with inserts of floral materials (dried flowers, fragments of stems, leaves).

These types of wrapping paper do not exhaust the entire selection. There is also mother-of-pearl, silk, crinkled, embossed, gel... The ancient Chinese inventors of paper never dreamed of this!

We pack a square or rectangular box

First, let's learn how to properly pack a gift with your own hands if it is in a square or rectangular box.

We will need:

  • packaging paper
  • ribbons, cords for decoration
  • tape measure or centimeter
  • scissors
  • tape (preferably double-sided - ordinary tape will be too noticeable, and it remains to be seen whether it will be possible to disguise it accurately enough).

We pack a round or oval box

Let's figure out how to pack a round gift. In a round or oval box they sell hats, tea or coffee services, sweets, cookies, tea. Not every professional packer can handle a box of this shape, so again, practice on scrap paper first.

We measure the box in height. Cut a strip of gift paper 2–3 cm wider. We paste this strip around the box, not forgetting to tuck 1 cm under the bottom, 1-2 cm inside. Naturally, remove the lid. Cut out a circle or oval from wrapping paper slightly smaller than the bottom. Glue it to the bottom of the box so that the folded seam allowance is not visible.

With the lid it's the other way around. Cut out a circle or oval slightly larger size, glue it and the allowance on the sides, laying neat folds. We cut out a strip of paper 1 cm wider than the height of the lid. Glue it flush with the top of the lid, and fold the protruding seam allowance inward.

Here is another master class in pictures using corrugated paper

The final touch is the box design

We have figured out how to properly wrap a gift in paper. Now you need to decorate it in an original way. Let's look at a few ideas.

The box can be tied with a ribbon or ribbon. No, it's too banal. What if with several ribbons or ribbons of different colors and textures?

If you chose plain, unpatterned wrapping paper, tighten the box with thin thread or ribbon and attach a flower or bow on top. This bright accent will give ordinary paper a special charm.

For a man's gift, more discreet packaging is more suitable. You can tie tiny plastic ones to New Year's Christmas balls; for a birthday party - small bows or other decorative decorations. Anyone can do this in an hour, it will look spectacular!

It is better to put a children's gift in a bright textile bag or arrange it in the form of a large candy. Kids love to discover all sorts of interesting surprises from packages.

Gift shops sell ready-made packaging boxes. If your gift is large, look there: maybe you can guess the size?

In general, it is useful to go shopping in search of fresh ideas, how to complement gift wrapping to advantage. Among various cute little things you can sometimes find something that will be useful to you. Brightly colored natural bird feathers or miniature butterfly brooches, for example. Or you can rummage through your home supplies and find original ribbons, decorative laces, miniature souvenirs that just need to be glued to a gift box. For those who know how to crochet, making a round flower is a matter of minutes, and glued together with ribbons to the package, it will look like a designer exclusive.

Use your imagination, and your efforts and experiments on how to wrap a gift will not be in vain, but will be appreciated.

Giving gifts is no less pleasant than receiving. We go through hundreds of stores in search of “that very” thing that the recipient will like. What could be more interesting and exciting than the moment when the potential owner of a gift with sparkling eyes tears open the colorful wrapper in anticipation of a miracle. Well-chosen packaging can easily turn the most modest gift into a work of art. In any major city shopping center There are a couple of specialty stores that will offer you dozens of options and ideas for holiday wrapping. But, of course, wrapping gifts yourself is a very pleasant and interesting process that allows you to put a piece of your soul into the gift. Using imagination and improvised means, you can create an original and bright design packaging a gift that its owner will definitely love.

Simple ideas and step-by-step instructions: how to wrap a gift in gift paper

Simplicity and sophistication

To create holiday packaging you will need several meters of wrapping paper, scissors, a tape measure, double-sided tape and decorative ribbons for decoration.

We measure the required amount of paper in accordance with the size of the gift, adding a few centimeters for the hem.

If this is your first time packing, try it on regular newspaper first.

Freedom of expression

Using kraft paper in the gift making process provides unlimited opportunities for self-expression. To create original packaging, you just need to turn on your imagination and start creating.

You will need craft paper, markers, decorative ribbons and a brooch for decoration.

You can simplify the task: Draw patterns on the paper with paint and tie the box with twine or bright ribbon for contrast.

Tender motives

Everyone has special people, gifts for whom we choose with special care, racking our brains over the design. Using lace ribbon in packaging design will tell the recipient about your reverent feelings. A little imagination and double-sided tape - your gift will become more personal and its contents will be carefully hidden from prying eyes.

News feed

If you don't have wrapping paper and all the stores are closed, a regular newspaper will come to the rescue. The principles of gift wrapping are already pretty clear, but in order to make a beautiful flower, you will have to work a little.

  1. Cut out several strips of newspaper, about 15cm wide, some a little narrower. Fold one strip in half lengthwise and make a series of cuts along the fold, as shown in Figure 1.
  2. After you have made cuts along the entire length, wrap the resulting fringe and secure with tape.
  3. To make the flower petals, use strips of paper in the same way as the previous ones.
  4. Assemble all the parts together and secure them with tape. Leave the ends to attach the flower to the gift.

To make the gift even more original, you can choose a newspaper according to the recipient’s hobbies; use a finance section for an entrepreneur, a comic for a child, or a few pages of recipes for a mom.

Briefly about the main thing

If you've been wanting to say something for a long time to a loved one, but didn’t know how to do it beautifully - don’t worry, the right choice gift wrapping can do it for you. Use a computer and a color printer to design your gift, and you won't need words anymore.

Bright colors

If you dream of making your gift bright and unforgettable, then this idea is what you need. This option is my favorite because all you need to do is This means wrapping a gift in plain wrapping paper.

  1. Take a sheet of contrasting color and fold it in half.
  2. Draw a butterfly shape on a separate sheet of thin cardboard: cut out and trace half as shown on colored paper. Cut out as many stencils as needed to cover the entire gift.
  3. Cut out the shapes and fold them on both sides in the middle to make their bodies.
  4. Use glue or a thin strip of double-sided tape to attach them all over your gift.

If you don't like butterflies, you can use ribbons or any other shapes.

Secret signs

For those who like to solve puzzles, this is almost two gifts in one. Use in the design of paper with printed letters folded into kind words , will help the owner feel special and satisfy the craving for solving complex problems

Club of interests

These interesting examples will be useful to you if you want to design a gift in accordance with the interests of the recipient. If the gift is intended for a musician or music lover, then no the best way make it unique than wrapping a gift in sheet music. Whether it's a CD or a new guitar, he'll admire it, trying not to damage the packaging, so he can read it again later.

Using a card to wrap your gift will allow the recipient to fly around the globe or find their way down the street. Either way, it will definitely be an enjoyable trip.

If you want to surprise a book lover, use the pages of a book you don't plan to read again as wrapping paper.

The best thing about these ideas is that with the help of them everyone can create a festive atmosphere. In addition, you can make your dreams come true, enjoy the process and get a unique opportunity to be a wish-granting magician for a moment.

How to pack a gift in gift paper: video

Agree that it’s nice not only to receive gifts, but also to give them, especially if the gift is in original packaging, causing a desire to quickly find out what is hidden under the wrapper. And to beautifully wrap a gift with your own hands, you will need special paper, some decorative elements and, of course, your inspiration. Since gifts can have different shapes(rectangular, round, etc.), below we will consider some options for their packaging.

What paper to use

Today there is a huge range of different types of paper. If you want to wrap a gift with your own hands, you can easily choose the wrapping material of the required texture and color.

Most often, glossy paper of various colors, with and without drawings, is used for design. It is very easy to use and ideal when you need to wrap an item rectangular shape. How to wrap a gift in paper if it will not be presented in a box? In this case, quiet is perfect. This is a fairly thin material that conveys the outlines of objects well. You can use corrugated wrapping to decorate tubes and bottles. You can make packaging in a retro style using kraft paper - a matte material with cross-stamping. A gift wrapped in Mulberry looks expensive. This patterned or patterned paper is produced in Thailand. Mother-of-pearl packaging, characterized by the ability to change shades due to lighting, gives gifts a very festive look.

Which color to choose

It is better if the color matches the occasion. For example, for New Year's gifts Suitable paper is blue or red in combination with a silver or gold pattern or with pictures on New Year theme. For weddings, delicate, discreet shades are relevant - beige, white, pale pink. A children's souvenir can be safely wrapped in bright paper with drawings depicting various cartoon characters. Ideally, these will be the favorite characters of the child for whom the gift is intended. Better choice for women light shades, green, brown or blue are good for men.

What decor to use

What decorative materials should you use to wrap a gift with your own hands in an original way? The most common elements for decoration are ribbons and bows, the choice of which is quite varied. They can be paper, satin, velvet, made of organza or some other material and have various shapes. You can also use various beads, appliqués, shells, buttons and much more to decorate the packaging. If, for example, the gift is intended for a girl, then you can safely use lace, rhinestones, and flowers when decorating. If the recipient of the gift is a young man, one ribbon will be enough for decoration. A gift for a child can be decorated with a toy or balloons. It all depends on the flight of your imagination. But it is important to remember that decorative elements must be harmoniously combined with the selected packaging material.

How to properly pack a rectangular gift: option No. 1

To wrap a square or rectangular object (for example, a box, book or soap), you will need: wrapping paper, a ruler, scissors, double-sided tape, and decorative materials.

Place the gift on paper and, using a ruler and pencil, determine and mark the required size of the package, leaving 2-3 cm at the edges for hems. Using scissors, cut out the drawn rectangle and place the box in the center. Bend one of the vertical edges of the segment inward by about 5-10 mm and glue double-sided tape to the fold. Wrap the box in paper, making sure that the edges remaining on the sides are the same size. Try to wrap as tightly as possible to avoid wrinkles. Remove the film from the tape and glue the folded edge to this side. To process the side, fold the bottom protruding part up and press it against the edge of the box. Then you need to bend the sides and top, and then secure it with double-sided tape. Do the same with the other side. Decorate the wrapped gift as you wish.

Option No. 2

You can use another one, it’s enough in a simple way how to wrap a gift with gift paper correct form. Prepare wrapping material in two colors, scissors, ribbon and tape. Place the gift box in the middle of a piece of paper required size. Wrap lengthwise first and secure in the center with tape. Then fold the sides of the paper up and join them together, tying them with ribbon. After this, take two strips of a different color, which should be smaller in width than the sides of the box. Place them crosswise on the table, place the gift in the center and wrap it around it, gathering the edges of both strips at the top. Tie them together with ribbon. Cut the resulting bunch and straighten it, giving it the shape of a flower. You need to use soft paper. Packaging made of foil material looks good.

How to beautifully wrap a round gift

Packing gifts with round shape, is more difficult and will take a little longer, but the result will certainly please you. This requires wrapping, glue and tape.

Cut a strip out of paper, the length of which should be greater than the circumference of the box, and the width - greater than the diameter and height combined. The gift should be placed in the middle of the cut strip sideways and wrapped as tightly as possible, fixing the tip with glue. Next you need to process the top and bottom of the box. To do this, bend the protruding ends of the paper on both sides into neat folds, and then secure them with tape. To disguise it, glue small circles cut from the material used for packaging on top.

If one of the paper indents is initially left larger, then you will only need to fold the folds on one bottom side. The top is gathered in the form of a lush frill, which is secured with a ribbon or bow. For such packaging it is better to use corrugated paper because it is more pliable.

Packing a round box in paper strips

There's another one original version how to wrap a gift in paper. A round box wrapped in cut-out stripes of one or more colors, which can be either matching or contrasting, looks unusual and interesting. How to wrap a gift in gift paper this way? No special skills are required here. Everything is elementary simple. Cut 8, 6 or 4 wide strips of paper and fold them crosswise. Place a gift in the middle. Lift the strips, one at a time, securing them to the end of the box using tape or glue, which can be disguised with a circle of paper or directly with a decorative element in the form of a flower, bow, etc.

Packaging of custom shaped boxes

How to wrap a gift in gift paper if it is placed in a box non-standard shape? The simplest option is to place it in a bag, for the manufacture of which, in addition to thin gift wrapping, you need scissors and decorative cord or tape. Cut the required amount of paper based on the size of the box. Place the gift on the piece so that when folded, its opposite sides can meet evenly. Wrap the box in paper, rolling it into a tube. Bend the resulting roll in half at the base. Connect both ends at the top base with ribbon or lace and decorate.

Gift packaging without a box: option No. 1

How to pack a gift in an original way if it does not have a box? There is no need to buy it specifically. You can make a beautiful gift without it. For example, candy-shaped packaging looks interesting and is very easy to make. Moreover, you can give any item you want (cosmetics, sweets, clothes, etc.). Let's look at how to wrap a gift in gift paper, giving it the shape of a delicious treat.

To make a “candy” you need scissors, wrapping paper (preferably corrugated), ribbon, a sheet of cardboard or other dense material.

First, the gift must be placed in a small bag and given the shape of a candy bar, wrapped in thick material. Next, the “candy” is wrapped in gift paper. In this case, it is necessary that its edges extend several centimeters beyond the boundaries of the “bar”, at the ends of which ribbon bows are tied. This, in fact, is the entire packaging manufacturing process. If you take plain gift paper, you can write a congratulatory text on top of it, which will certainly please the recipient.

Option No. 2 - packaging in the form of truffle candy

Another option for how to beautifully wrap a gift is to decorate it in the form of a truffle candy. This is very convenient if you need to wrap several items together ( stationery, dishes, etc.). To do this, place all the components of the gift on a sheet of cardboard, which can first be wrapped in wrapping paper. Place it in the middle of a piece of transparent wrapping film, the size of which depends on the size of the gift. Next, lift the ends of the film up and give the package the appearance of a truffle by securing it at the top beautiful ribbon. Instead of transparent material, you can use corrugated paper. The bottle can be decorated in a similar way.

In addition to the considered ways to wrap a gift in gift paper, there are many more interesting options, which can be studied and tested in practice. Perhaps, when making a present for the first time, you will come to the conclusion that this is a rather difficult task. But believe me, each time the process will be easier, bring pleasure and delight you with the results of the work done.

Do you want to know 9 ways to pack your orders and goods so that they reach your customers safely? And you won’t have to overpay for packaging!

Consider the following inputs:

  1. We will take into account all the basic rules of courier services and Russian Post, because they most often send goods;
  2. We will pack an average product weighing 2 kilograms with dimensions 30x30x30;
  3. It is necessary to protect the product from leaks;
  4. Minimize the likelihood of physical damage;
  5. Consider additional packaging and branding options;
  6. And at the same time, you can spend a maximum of 40 rubles per package of one product.

How to package goods for delivery in an online store?

The main task that we face is to ensure that the goods reach the recipient intact and safe. Therefore, we will use several layers of packaging:

  1. The product itself
  2. Branded packaging
  3. Kraft paper
  4. Air bubble film
  5. Additional packaging

In the article, I took into account all popular types of goods and examined in detail how to package them for delivery.

The product itself

Before we move on to the packaging process, I would like to tell you a few nuances of delivery and packaging that you may not be aware of when working:

  1. If you have a fragile product, food, expensive goods, jewelry or large items, then first check whether they are ready to undertake its delivery. Maybe we won’t even get to packaging :)
  2. For fragile goods, be sure to use padding in the box;
  3. It is better to transport cosmetics in sealed packaging that minimizes exposure to temperature;
  4. It makes sense to pack expensive goods in additional layers to avoid excruciating pain later.

Because of all these features, in this article I am considering an “ordinary” product for ease of perception. And then you yourself will add the missing packaging ingredients.

Layer No. 1. Branded packaging

Before you start packing your orders, be sure to include your item in your branded bag.

Although many people think that these bags go straight into the trash bin, this is not the case. Buyers appreciate such respect and it is much more pleasant to take an order out of a branded bag than from a white rustling T-shirt bag.

You can always place not only your logo on the package, but also get as creative as you want. For example, like this:

Please pay special attention, that if you use a craft bag, then they tend to wrinkle very much during delivery and do not reach the buyer in the same form in which you packed them. Therefore, it makes sense to invest them separately when folded.

Your gifts, the goods themselves, documents and everything else are added to the same package.

Cost of branded packages about 20 rubles per piece. You can order from almost any printing house. They look like this:

Layer No. 2. Kraft paper

The second layer is usually craft paper.
Here's what it looks like:

  1. It's cheap
  2. It's stylish
  3. The product does not show through the paper

But it makes no sense to use it if you are packing goods in a box.

Sold in rolls or directly cut. The cost of a roll of kraft paper is approximately 150 rubles with a length of 20 meters and a width of about a meter.

One order takes about a meter. Total One order costs about 7 rubles.

Layer No. 3. Air bubble film

This is perhaps a universal material for packaging.

Here's what it looks like:

The advantages are obvious:

  • Costs pennies;
  • Lasts a long time;
  • Greatly reduces the risk of loss from shock;
  • Will not give a chance to leaks.

After you have packaged it in kraft, simply wrap it in this film and seal it with tape on top in a few turns. Such a package will not be unpacked by accident, and opening it will require some effort.

A roll of such film costs about 300 rubles. Width 1.2 meters, length 25 meters.
With a consumption of 1 meter, one order yields 12 rubles per order.

Basically, that's all. In most cases, you can put a sticker on top courier service and send it on a journey to the buyer.


Total we got for 1 order:

  1. Branded package – 20 rubles;
  2. Kraft paper – 7 rubles;

Amount: 20+7+12= 39 rubles.

For this money you get:

  • Peace of mind that the goods will arrive without damage;
  • Satisfaction, joy and lack of complaints from the outside. I'm completely serious :)

This, I think, is quite enough.

But! Situations are different, and let's look at additional ways to package goods in your online store.

How else can you package orders in an online store?

Courier package

Some courier companies stipulate that they can only be sent in courier packages. They look like this:

The thing is actually quite convenient and there are a great variety of sizes of these packages. You can place your order packed in craft and bubble wrap directly into them. Triple protection.

Check with your courier service about which courier packages can be used and whether they sell them themselves.

Price about 8 rubles per piece with a size of 295 by 405 mm.

Postal package

Most often, this is a mandatory condition for mailing. They look like this:

There are a great variety of sizes: from 114 by 162 mm to 787 by 750 mm.

They are quite expensive at the post office, so it is better to buy them from online stores that produce packaging goods. For example, in similar online stores an average package of 36 by 50 cm costs about 12 rubles. The Russian Post office is much more expensive :)

Don't overpay.

Cardboard boxes (corrugated box)

Not everyone has the need to pack in a box.

Most often, very fragile goods with filling are packed into the box, which I will discuss below.

The cost of boxes depends greatly on their size, but in most cases their cost rarely exceeds 15-20 rubles per piece.

Postal boxes

The post office has the right to refuse to accept your cargo if your boxes do not meet their standard, so they must be made in accordance with GOST and, preferably, have a Russian Post design.

Cost of medium size postal boxes about 35 rubles.

Box filler

To prevent the crystal cup from flying around the box during delivery, you can use a special filler. It weighs almost nothing, but reliably protects fragile goods from damage.

There are several types of fillers.

Foam filler:

Cost approx. 800 rubles for 200 liters (weight about 1 kg). For comparison, an average size garbage bag is 40 liters.

Foam crumbs:

Its obvious disadvantage is that there are small fractions and they stick to some materials. You can see it in the photo.

Cost approx. 50 rubles for 40 liters. The volume of a medium-sized garbage bag.

Corrugated cardboard filler:

Average cost approx. 50 rubles for 3 kg of filler.

Corrugated cardboard and paper filling:

Average cost approx. 60 rubles for 3 kilograms.

If you have fragile goods, I highly advise you not to skimp on such things, otherwise it may cost you even more.

Branded tape

Another corporate identity element that you can use to package products in your online store.
Usually this is not strictly necessary, but sometimes postal services require it.

The cost at the initial stage will seem quite steep, since the minimum order is quite large. This about 40 rubles per roll with a minimum order of 100 pieces.

Costs about 300-500 rubles.


In my experience, excessive savings on packaging goods for an online store inevitably leads to damage to the goods during delivery.

  • Branded package – 20 rubles;
  • Kraft paper – 7 rubles;
  • Air bubble film – 12 rubles.

Desired minimum: 20+7+12= 39 rubles.

Additionally you can add:

  • Courier package ~8 rubles per piece;
  • Postal package ~12 rubles per piece;
  • Cardboard box ~15-20 rubles per piece;
  • Postal box according to GOST ~35 rubles for medium size;
  • Box filler is very cheap;
  • Branded tape ~40 rubles per roll for a small order.

You can include all these calculations in .

There is plenty to choose from, you must agree!

If you have any experience in packaging goods, I will be glad if you share them :)