By the hour: The required daily volume of the mixture is separated by equal portions and is given at equal intervals during the day between 6 and 24 hours (for example, 40 g in 6, 10, at 14, at 18 and at 22 hours).

Around dreams: Doctors offer a child after waking up and before falling asleep. In this case, it is necessary to closely ensure that the required amount of mixture is gained per day.

There are several more rules when organizing reconciliation:
  • after the report, you definitely offer breasts;
  • speak to stay on time! Do not insist that the kid ate everything you have prepared for him - imagine him to control my food needs yourself;
  • if the kid shedding something or did not reach this time, it is not necessary to add the amount of the mixture equal to the unselected, by the next portion;
  • do not create negative associations with the process of recovery. If the kid resists or shows discontent, offer the mixture otherwise;
  • the shortage of milk must compensate for physical contact with mom! As you can less often leave a child one, hold more on your hands, wear in special devices, sleep together, learn how to receive children's massage. The baby is constantly needed by Mamina caress and warmth!

Do not need discount

But another, common situation: Milk at Mom is quite enough, the baby "goes well" and in large, and in a small one. But very slowly adds in weight, restlessly behaves during sucking or even refuses to take the chest. And the surrounding still tend to blame the lack of mother's milk and insist on the proceed. Try to find the true causes of the problem.

The growth rate and weight gain affect stress factors. These are heavy childbirth, and infant colic, and the treatment of a baby, and just a shortage of mother's attention or inept care. Such a cause of problems may be the health status of the kid.

Restless, with crying, ripple sucking the chest sometimes causes incorrect applying. Maybe due to the use of a pacifier or the presence of a shortened bridle - and he only needs to help apply correctly!

The rejection of the breast is not associated with how much milk in the chest. Suck children to a pacifier or finger, of which nothing flows at all. Therefore, if you are sure that the milk is enough, and on the problem you have persistently recommended to introduce the mixture, claiming that it is "better" and "more useful" - do not rush.

Observe in the situation
  • contact a more competent doctor;
  • call the breastfeeding specialist for advice;
  • look for modern scientific information on lactation issues (on the Internet, in the documents of the World Health Organization);
  • look for support among relatives and girlfriends. And do not fall in spirit!

From what to remember the child with a mixture: the choice is yours!

The easiest version of the doctorate - this is a kid feeding from the spoon. Fill the pure teaspoon half. After the baby opens the mouth wide, make the contents inward enough deeply and pour on the side, for the cheek (everything that falls into the tongue, the baby pushes).

Now you can buy special soft spoons. There are spoons with a bottle on the handle. During feeding a child, you can keep in a horizontal or half-propical position or place in car seat or stroller. By offering the following portion, make sure that the baby swallowed the previous one.

Baby reluctance to open the mouth or swallow - a signal to stop feeding. Most likely, he sat down his hunger and now wants to "wash" mother milk or fall asleep, having bought the chest.

Some mothers are more convenient to give discount from pipette with a rounded end. The kid can be in a lying position or half-sidew. Filling the pipette, put it in the corner of the mouth of the child so that the liquid will bring him down for the cheek. Do not rush, let the kid itself determine the rate of recovery and the required volume.

Many children prefer to get a mixture from a small cup: This method is recommended for premature. What if your baby will also like to kille from a small capacity? She can become plastic minzur, and a puppet cup. The main thing is safe material from which it is made.

And finally, the best, but little-known way. This is the so-called Additional feeding system (SNS). What does this device look like? Mom does not wear a neck (on a small shoelace) an inverted bottle, at the end of which instead of the nipple - a thin tube attached to the chest next to the nipple. The baby gets a mixture in the breast sucking process!

In this method, everything is saved psychological aspects and the benefits of breastfeeding and solve the problem of shortage of nutrition for the baby. If you do not have SNS, try making it yourself. Or use the colummer from a disposable syringe or any thin tube (for example, a nasogastric probe for newborns).

Mom can not be replaced

And if you still do not get breastfeed? Milk did not come after childbirth, did not have enough strength to fight for its preservation, it was impossible for medical reasons, it was not possible to get qualification assistance on time ... As a result, the baby grows on artificial feeding. Many mothers are aware of it as their guilt, intuitively feeling incomplete motherhood.

Is there a way out of the impasse of spiritual discomfort on the expanses of joy and full-blooded communication with the baby? Of course there is! Here are some solutions:

Return milk. Yes, you need a lot of work and patience plus professional helpBut this is possible. And abroad, and in Russia, these cases are regularly engaged in numerous breastfeeding consultants.

Use the additional feeding system (SNS). That is, for example, some moms feed the adoptive child. The main condition for using such a method is the consent of the kid to suck your breasts! To teach it to this, most likely, you will also need a help from a specialist.

Use bottles and pacifiers as substitutes. But not as we are often watching: the baby goes in the stroller and the chipper in the mouth of the Pipple, or is the roar coalk one in the crib and, falling asleep, sucks a bottle. With a similar situation, part of love and affection, intended in the children's soul for the mother, is transferred to these feeding accessories.

Little man B. difficult moment In the habit, it stretches not to mom, but to a bottle. Therefore, at an older age will also seek comfort on the side. And you will only stay to grab your head when the child will begin the transitional age and the problem of the lack of contact and mutual understanding with a teenager will rise by an edge.

Feeding rules mixture

From the baby's bottle feeds only mom. In Mamino, the lack of discomfort is made from spoons (cups, pipettes, etc.).

Try to buy the most comfortable and safe for sucking the bottles and pacifiers. On the Russian market there was a bottle made in the form of maternal breast - the best way For the situation of bottle feeding. During feeding, you can hide it under the clothes (like a pacifier) \u200b\u200b- so that the kid has a complete illusion of sucking chest.

For sucking, the baby is located at mom on his arms to the chest. Nowhere else, he should not suck anything (for example, lying in a stroller, or a crib, or on the hands of another person).

He falls asleep in the process of sucking at mom on his arms (like breastfeeding). Decided to postpone the sleeping baby? Wait for it when he will release a pacifier from his mouth, or take it before postponing the baby.

The dummy offers only mom. The nipple can be used to calm the baby and falling asleep. In Mamino, the absence of children calmly fall asleep from the pointing in their arms from any, well-friendly person, without sucking anything.

You're together!

Psychologists warn O. negative consequences Artificial feeding. But we will not sharpen your attention on them, but we will try to do everything to compensate for the lack of breastfeeding due to competent baby care.

So, a lack of contact with breasts we replenish constant physical contact. As much as possible, the baby is as possible on the hands, we carry on yourself, organize, contact the skin to the skin, practicing a joint sleep. For walks go during the wakefulness in my mom's hands. All homework is trying to perform without leaving the baby one.

During pregnancy, Mamino body gives a baby life. And the baby expects that it will be so after delivery. Mine breast and milk will ensure the safe further development of the child. And the kid who is on artificial feeding, thanks to such continuous bodily communications with Mom, will not forget that it is she who is the source of his life support and the most reliable assistant in all stages of its growth.

The second condition is an adequate use of items for sucking. The baby should perceive breast substitutes not as separate, independent objects, but as part of the beloved mother. Comfort and sense of security that they provide him should be associated exclusively with mom.

The tubes can be bought in the intntrnet store separately (the order from Moscow time in Peter came in a couple of days), so this is not a problem.

If you want to return GW to return, and do not feed the mixture for emotional contact through the chest, that is, a tricky moment here is such. In all descriptions, it is advised first to give the baby to eat the chest, and then through the SNA to pectinate the mixture. That is, not to decrease with insufficient lactation. But it did not help us. Helped the opposite.

i just jumped everything up to drip before feeding! And he poured it all into the SNA. Further laid the child and not torturing it (the baby weakly sucked, because there was little milk), gave the chest with the SNA immediately. The tube took first thinner, then almost immediately moved to the middle, and a month later on the thick. Immediately make a reservation, the tubes took, focusing on the time of drinking to the baby's baby bottle of the SNA: about half an hour should have eaten its norm. More - the tube is thicker, less - the tube took thinner. And still regulated the flow of the height of the suspension of the system on the chest. But distracted ...)

so, immediately, with breasts, gave the SNA. And on an empty, writing chest - !!! - to three or four tides felt during feeding. That is, breasts were given a signal for greater milk production. And when I acted according to the instructions, the baby just slept on the chest, and desperately, I turned on the SNA, and the milk in the chest was not particularly declining, therefore, and not produced in more.

Then I found this explanation. More on pregnant courses we were taught that the milk, the child sucks simultaneously in two ways: vacuum and mechanical handing over the tongue. If at least one component is missing - the GW suffers. My child created a great vacuum on the nipple (hence the feeling of tides), but I could not capture the nipple (as it turned out, simply because the most notorious "correct seizure" did not fit my nipple at all! And as soon as I allowed the baby suck as he likes, and not as it should be, the matter went!)) As a result, I mechanical work I did it with your hands (not a breast pump! He just creates a vacuum!), And the Vacuum then added a child and stacked right in the process of sucking the chest along with the SNA of the last drops of the rear milk, which he was so necessary and to which he himself could not reach . And the chest devastated completely: first mechanically, followed by the kid's vacuum.

In this mode, we returned to the full GW in a couple of weeks, but a month and a half before that, I tried to the SNA, trying to do everything according to the instructions. If you managed to do this my little discovery before, everything would happen faster ...

As a result, at 2 months we weighed a little more than during childbirth, but then it was shipped up to 8 months by a kilogram per month)) now still on guv, we year)

and further. We emphasize that it is necessary to push in such hands like my occasion. In fact, it is not slower than the breast pump, which is also necessary to disassemble, to sverbish, dry, collect again ... I mastered the stream method)) In two sterilized wide containers, the Aent simultaneously handed over both breasts. So after five minutes, the tide of milk was attacked and for three minutes both breasts were frightened. Without a tide, it is practically unrealistic. When stimulating both breasts, the tide personally occurred much earlier, or even more than once. As an orgasm, honestly)))

And I froze immediately before feeding! This is also very important moment. In order for the baby to take a blank breast and continued to stimulate it on the production of milk.

Yes, the feedings were strictly for the regime. But when they switched completely on the chest - they returned to feeding on demand, I did not find anything in that terrible))

Wash the SNA need really immediately. But this is a trifle compared to all the rest, the right word!)) Of course, those two months were a feat, I bow to the girls, nursing through the SNA of the year and more, this is a hard work! But it is worth the results.

And also say, milk is better not to store (its own) for the reason that the morning and evening differ in each other. I do not know how true it is, but noticed that if in the SNS to pour just that eradic milk, the stomach is not worried about the baby, and if you still stand at least three hours - it is already worse than digested ... urchit, colic worried stronger.

there was no allergy to the allergies, I still use it, it is better than an ordinary pharmacy, turns into the water, so you can get off, not traumating the gentle skin of the chest, a slightly wet.

Yes, another important technical nuance with tubes: I first, as it should be fixed both tubes to different breasts. Generally milk did not flow. Or flowed from both tubes. As a result, it was understood with my husband: fasten one tube to an active nipple, and the second lifts up the level above this "working nipple" on another chest. Somewhere in the middle of feeding, I changed the chest, and the position of the tubes is also, respectively. The second tube must be raised high enough (I closed to the shoulder at the shoulder) so that there is a sufficient influx of air into the bottle. The one is provided for by the design, too small and did not allow the milk to flow. Well, or is it my design defect was? ...

So experiment and do not despair! HW to return completely real!))

all dairy rivers with fermented shores!)

Optimal way to give discounts to a child is a chest discount. This method gives the opportunity to suck the mother's chest, continue to stimulate lactation, stay with mom in close contact. At the same time, he can receive additional meals, whom he is missing yet.


Within the framework of the project "Educational photos and video master classes on breastfeeding created 17 instructions for the correction of the most common difficulties in breastfeeding. Master classes will be released in the photo and video format in Russian and Kazakh languages.

Materials are designed for parents and specialists and are available free of charge. All master classes are protected by copyright law. The authors of the project give permission to the use of materials on their resources, provided that references to the author's site (original source) are the site.

If you want to use these materials to create any printed materials, you need to contact the project authors to obtain coordination.

The implementation of this project was possible due to the comprehensive support of the following organizations:

We thank the sponsors of the project for confidence and support us at all stages of implementation.

Chest doctors

Models for Master-class "Records without a bottle" Steel:

  • Baby (age - 40 days).

Methods of the child's chest

Recovers at the chest syringe

Chest Presentation System

The chest recording system (SNS) is a container that is filled with or an adapted milk mixture.
A thin tube is attached to it, which the child sucks simultaneously with the breast and gets extra food.

The chest detector system can be made independently from a conventional bottle and thin tubes (for example, catheters). You can use ready-made industrial systems.

    1. So that the baby does not interfere with his handles, you can warm it. More about this - in the master class.

    1. Capacity with a doctorate can be fixed on your mom's neck.

  1. If you have noticed that the child continues to suck, but the pipe does not come on the tube, you can promote (carefully move) the tube in the child's mouth - a little deeper into the mouth or on the contrary, slightly reduce the depth of administration.

Important: Items for a child's reador should be thoroughly washed, processed after each use. Or regularly replaced with new ones.

  • - Consultant for HB, perinatal psychologist, teacher Aksev, teacher and author of the course "Maternity Psychology. Natural feeding ", coordinator of the Branch of MOO" Dairy Help "in St. Petersburg, Head of MOO" Dairy Assistance ".
  • - Consultant on breastfeeding, teacher-psychologist, teacher AKEV, coordinator of the branch of MOO "Dairy Assistance" in Almaty, Head of MOO "Dairy Assistance".

Photo: Marina Tsaplin is a family photographer.


The implementation of the project to create master classes for mothers and specialists has also become possible due to the contribution that contributed:

  • PROUD MOM - clothes for future and nursing mothers. Breastfeeding clothing in the project provided by brand PROUD MOM
  • Creative workshop

Deceit systems are available of different types And they got the spread recently among nursing mothers. SNS is a thin tube, one end of which joins the chest, and the other to the container with food. Thus, the child can receive discounts directly during the sucking of the chest.

Such a device can be bought (we have accessible to the Medela and Lact-AID brand systems) or do it yourself. How? Read below.

What problems can help solve the SNS doctorate system?

Often nursing moms begin to use such a system to reducewhen a child needs additional nutrition in large volume and for a long timeFor example, with a significant lack of milk, during relatation or induced lactation (breastfeeding of the adopted child). The child is manifested greater interest in the chest and sucks her longerIf a stable stream feels, which means it stimulates the greater production of milk in the chest.

What problems can cause a doctor system?

The child can suck the tube like strawAnd therefore, do not deeply open your mouth and not stimulate the chest. In addition, baby gets used to permanent topping From the tube, which means it ceases to understand that the breast milk is not constantly standing out, but with interruptions. Therefore, the dependence on the system, both in the child and the mother, who no longer represents how to feed the child without such an assistant.

One American study of 22 mothers who used such doctor systems showed that women experience very different feelings about their experience. Some mother considered this device as "necessary evil", without which it is impossible breast-feedingOthers complained that this device took away a lot of time, it was difficult to operate. 5 of 22 women completed the GW within the week after the start of using this device. 16 Mothers fed for more than 6 months, one woman is 4.5 years old.

Tips Nursing Mama about SNS

What prompts can help a nursing mother when using the chest doctor systems?

1) In order for breasts to receive good stimulation, it is desirable that feeding lasted at least 20-40 minutes.

Therefore, before inserting the tube, achieve deep seizure of the chest and make sure that the flow of milk or mixture from the tube is not too fast.

How to achieve this? Raising the bottle with the discount above, you accelerate the stream, lowering the chest level - slow down. Also, some systems are sold at once with three sizes of the tubes, thanks to which you can slow down or increase the flow rate.

2) exactly the same strategies can be used when the child is removed from the doctor system, if the number breast milk It has already increased or the baby has already been 6 months old and it receives in sufficient quantity.

3) Try to reduce the bottle height to slow down the flow of milk from the tube. Also try part of feedings to carry out without using a tube, for example, in the morning, when a lot of milk.

Real stories of nursing mothers with SNS

"As I already wrote to you that I have problems with vision, so I can't independently feed the baby from a spoon or a syringe, helping relatives. When the doctors were introduced with each feeding, I began to feed from the bottle, as there is no other output. I read that there is still such a way of feeding as a SNA (an additional feeding system) - as I understood this bottle, which is hanging on your mother on the neck and from her, the delicate capital, which is fixed next to the nipple, the baby captures the chest and it, judging by the reviews This adaptation almost excludes the likelihood of a child's failure. In our city while I did not find such a device. Tell me, how do you feel about this method of doctor? "

In general, I am good, although this system is not universal and cannot be recommended in all cases.

"I tried to feed through the finger with the SNA system. Two days eaten well, then began a scandal with refusal. "
"A week ago I completely abandoned my chest. Ways, screaming, etc. Bought a system extra. Feeding SNS - I pushed 2 times and everything. "
"Began to refuse the chest because of the discount from the bottle, it sucks not always when the milk in his chest comes to an end, throws with irritation. Sometimes at all immediately throws the chest, without waiting for the tide, milk becomes less. I read the comments, I bought SNS, I can not establish use. Help me please!"

You can return the baby to the chest, but much depends on the volume of the mixture and age of the child - it may not be so easy. The SNS system is suitable only if there is no chest failure, otherwise it is better a cup or a special spoon.

"At first, we alternated then the chest, then the mixture (the bottle was bought special - imitation of the nipple, dosage of droplets, respectively, the age) - Milk with such feedings began to decrease. And gradually the son refused during the day from the chest at all. With screams and tears, we still have learned from the bottle. I deducted about such a system of recovery - with a thin tube one end, which baby in the mouth, and the other in a bottle with a mixture. And for two weeks for two weeks, we eat so - "a mixture of the chest", 90 grams each every 2.5-3 hours. Chest without a mixture refuses to take. Several times tried to give only the chest, but there is no effect - it will drive, put 3 minutes and fall asleep. Tell me, is it worth how to mock the child at all - trying to resume gv? "

Situation is complex. Not the first time I come across the problem of the dependence of children from the SNS additional nutrition system, although it is designed to help establish GW. You can definitely return to your chest, but completely without tears fail.

I suggest you abandon the SNS and go to the addiction with a mixture of a spoon. The mixture of giving equal volumes in an amount of no more than 60 grams per 1 time. Breasts offer at its request no more than 1 time per hour, mainly after the report and after pointing to sleep. If it starts crying, we close the chest and distract.

Plus, it is necessary to comply with the following conditions for the first week at least: 1) No walks and guests, hiking to doctors 2) Contact leather-to-skin with baby 3) Gradual Cancellation of dusting 4) Joint sleep and joint bathing in a large bath.

"I had to abandon breastfeeding for a month, I want to return the milk. There is a feeding system. Is it possible to increase the lactation with the help of breast pump (there are two in stock) or are they only intended for complaining? "

Yes, you can increase the lactation with the help of breastsos, both are good. It is necessary to plumb regularly after 3 hours to 10-15 minutes each chest. If you have two breastsosos, you can simultaneously decrease if it turns out. SNS feeding system makes sense to use if the child takes the chest. It would be wonderful. You can give discounts and at the same time stimulate breasts. I would recommend you to contact one of the consultants in your city (see Website / Consult) and work with it, it will increase efficiency. You will succeed, at that age it is quite real!

"Mososier came only for 9 days - there was an urgent operation to stop bleeding. Now the milk goes around the droplet, slowly taught the child to take the chest, but sucks only if in parallel I put the SNA. What to do?"

You can stimulate lactation using push for 15 minutes every breast every 3 hours. And you still have to give up the SNA. Indeed, it happens that this system leads to addiction and then the child does not want to suck the chest without a tube. Try to give the chest sucking without a tube every hour, and give the discounts from the cup every 3 hours. Write about your successes!

Non-standard children's toys find not easy, but a doll, nursing the breast, about which I somehow wrote, it is generally difficult to find from us on the Internet. And sorry - because there would be a demand! ..

About the history about the struggle for breastfeeding - read.

At 1.5 months left only feeding overnight, and then in half a form. In cheerful condition only a bottle. I decided to do something about it. Therefore, I went to the LCD for consultation with an instructor of breastfeeding. She looked at the capture, consulted about what needs to be done, including to refuse bottles and pacifiers. I had the experience of a detector from the syringe, but it turned out that the doctors can be made from a spoon, a soft spoon, a rifle and SNA. It was especially strongly recommended by the SNA, since the breast sucking is stimulated by the production of milk.

The SNA was designed specifically for the premature decoration, children are hard to suck chest or breast adoptive children, well, for children of such women as I tried to increase the amount of milk and return confidence in the chest.

SNS rarely meet in a pharmacy, but in Volgograd SNS meets in pharmacies Volghogrofarm. We bought it for 1681 rubles in September 2014. It is pretty much expensive. Opening the box, I expected to see something completely different ... And I saw only the instructions, a bottle, a cap on a bottle, capillaries and a leucoplasty.

So, The SNA is a bottle with a cap and capillaries connected to it. Included are coming 3 species of capillaries, various diameter: with large, medium and small patency. They differ in color. I used the average.

The bottle is calculated on 150 ml liquids. But the division scale, as well as on many bottles, not accurate.

I will start with the fact that in the use of SNS is not very convenient. First, the mixture is preparing and only then poured into a Medell bottle. To the mixture did not flow when attaching to the neck, then the capillaries should be inserted into the slots on the lid. But when the baby consumption is consumed, it periodically accounts for the second capillary to pull out of this slot and run air. Otherwise it becomes difficult to suck the mixture.

I first always gave the chest, on the neck already hung the SNA with a mixture, and as soon as the child began to lose interest in the chest, I pulled a capillary from the slot and a small pressure of the mixture again became interested in a son in sucking chest.

Sometimes the truth is my fear that my baby is hungry, forced me to immediately connect the SNA, but over time I overwhelm.

A month later, the volume decreased very much. The son drank a very little mixture of the bottle and I refused it. I quiz and disappeared from a spoon or syringe. With these fixtures, much less troubles.

Many wrote in responses that the SNA is clogged and washing it uncomfortable. I didn't beat anything during this time. If one capillary was clogged, I poured boiling water into a bottle, closed the cap with the capillaries and pressed the bottle. Everything was perfectly cleaned.

Even to minus, I can attribute these leukoplastics. I also cause irritation. But what to do. Plus, sometimes the mixture began to drip through the capillaries and everything turned out to be flooded in it.

But if you want to bring back breastfeeding, then without a doctor system, it is hardly possible to do.

I do not agree with the opinion that only for children taking chest. My son began to cry and demand a bottle almost immediately after applying to the chest, only in the middle of the night sustained the chest. Nevertheless, the SNA was able to attract it back to the chest, forget the bottle.