Goal: Formation in children of ideas about the changes occurring in nature with the arrival of spring.


  1. Expand and systematize knowledge about spring and its characteristic features.
  2. Develop auditory and visual attention, mental operations.
  3. To cultivate an aesthetic feeling for nature.

Progress of the lesson:

1 Greeting is an organizational moment.

Children enter. They stand near the chairs.

Q: Hello guys! I'm very glad to see you!

Let's enjoy the sun and the birds (stretch on tiptoes),

And we will also rejoice at the friendly faces, (smile at each other)

And to everyone who lives on this planet (spread arms to the sides)

"Good morning" Let's all say it together!

2 Motivation

The teacher shows the children the box.

Q: Oh, guys, look what kind of box we have here (opens the box). Yes, Masha is here. Well, for some reason she's sad. Do you want to know what happened? (asks Masha why she is sad)

M: Guys, I received a letter from my friend the bear, where he invites me to visit, then when does this happen? The snowball melts, the meadow comes to life, the day arrives, when does this happen? (Spring). So in the spring the bear invites me to visit, but how do I know that spring has come, because I don’t know anything about it.

3 Topic message

Q: Guys, let us help Mashenka and tell her a little about spring, and what happens in spring. Then Masha will be able to go to visit her friend.

4 Solving a problem situation

Q: Guys, what happens in the spring. (children's answers) That's right, and now we will tell you about this in more detail.

Di "Sun"

What do we see when we look through the window? A bright light shines upon us... (Sun)

Guys, look, the sun is hanging here! (shows the sun), but for some reason it’s sad. Probably because it doesn’t have rays, but let’s attach these rays and say what kind of sun there is in the spring. Well, now the sun is smiling and it has truly become like spring.


Spring is coming
Spring sings
Spring warms up
Spring cleans up

The leaves are blooming,
The birds are calling,
Dancing with the sun
And he draws flowers.

Q: Oh guys, what is that sound? (drip sound) Children's answers.

Why are the icicles crying, did someone offend them? (children answer that the sun is hot and they are melting). Look how many droplets there are from the icicles. Let's blow on them to shake them off the icicles.

Breathing exercise "Blow some drops"

Di “What’s extra?” (There are 4 cards in total, three show signs of spring, and the fourth shows signs of another season, you need to remove the excess)

The sound of a babbling stream comes on.

Q: Guys, what is this? (children's answers) Let us turn into a trickle. (Children stand one after another pretending to be a stream). And the stream brought us to the clearing, what do you hear? (bird sound) Who flies to us in the spring from warm countries? What birds do you know?

P/n "Birds"

Somehow in early spring
at the edge of the forest
A flock of birds appeared
No rooks or tits

Those are funny starlings
They are black in color
Scattered across the edge
They jump quickly, hop and hop

There's a worm and there's a bug
Skvorushki fly quickly
Occupy your houses.

Q: Guys, while you were birds, I found another envelope, what is there probably a letter in there? (opens) No, this is a picture that needs to be assembled from parts.

Di "Collect a picture"

Q: What did we do? What time of year? (children's answers)

Summing up

Guys, our lesson has come to an end. Let's remember what we talked about? What have you learned?

Assessment of children's activities

Well done guys! We told Mashenka about spring, and now she can easily go to her friend the bear. And for this she thanks you and gives you gifts.

Future perspective.

Guys, let’s also make a gift for Misha, which Masha will give from all the guys. We will make a spring picture for you. (The teacher, together with the children, begins to put together a picture from the prepared parts) Guys, let’s continue to finish the picture, after we walk outside, we’ll watch the spring some more, and then we’ll return to the group and finish the gift.

Abstract of the GCD “Spring.

Signs of spring" (junior group 2)

Abstract GCD for cognitive-speech, artistic-aesthetic development "Spring . Signs of spring "

Target : consolidate children's knowledge about the seasons« spring » ; strengthen the ability to highlightsigns of spring ; improve the ability to select definitions for nouns; continue to develop children’s coherent speech, motor activity, thinking, and memory; cultivate interest in the world around us and the changes occurring in it; teach children to correctly compose an image from finished parts and carefully glue them; learn to use brush and glue carefully.

Integration : speech development (selection of adjectives to nouns, coordination of adjectives and nouns) + artistic activity(applique)

Equipment : subject and plot pictures characterizing different times year; circles yellow(one for each child, brushes, glue, ready-made applique sample"Sun" .

GCD move

I. Organizational moment.

Guys! Listen to the poem.

The evil blizzard has passed away,

The night became shorter than the day.

A warm wind blows from the south,

The drops fall, ringing.

The sun, warming the earth,

The ice is driving away from our river,

The snow woman is melting

And tears flow in streams!

What time of year is this poem talking about?(ABOUT spring ) . How did you understand this? (Answerschildren : the sun warms up, the day becomes longer than the night, the snow becomes dirty, loose, begins to melt, icicles drip, birds return from warm countries... The teacher helps the children by reading the lines of the poem). Well done guys!

II. Didactic games. Riddles.

Game“Pick up pictures from signs of spring » (there are pictures on the board depicting characteristicsigns of different seasons )

Guys, there are pictures on this board. You need to select and take only those of them that showsigns of spring . (Children take turns doing the task, when everyone takes a picture, you can ask one of the children to evaluate the correctness of the task or the teacher himself to comment on the results.)

And now we will play a game called"Spring words" . I'll name the words and you can guess what I'm talking about.

1. Blue, clear, cloudless, pure...(sky)

2. Bright, affectionate, golden, radiant...(Sun)

3. Warm, pleasant, light, fresh...(wind)

4. Young, green, fresh, tender, first(grass) .

Now look out the window. I will name the word, and you say which oneit :

What is the sky like? The sky is blue (clear, clean, cloudless... What kind of sun is it? The sun is bright(golden, radiant, affectionate) ...What day is it? Cloudy day (fine, bright, spring, sunny... What kind of clouds? White clouds(fluffy, light, airy)

How well do you know all the signs?spring . This means that you can easily guess my riddles.

On a forest thaw

A small flower has grown.

Hiding in dead wood


Nice days are not rare

Branches bask in the sun.

And, like little dots,

The branches are swollen...(kidneys)

Snow and ice melt in the sun,

Birds fly from the south,

And the bear has no time to sleep.

So, I have come to you...( spring )

III. Physical education minute« Stonefly »

Sunshine, sunshine, golden bottom

(children walk in a circle, everyone holds hands)

A stream ran in the forest

(children run in a circle)

A hundred rooks have arrived

(children run in a circle, imitating the flight of birds)

And the snowdrifts are melting, melting

(children squat slowly)

And the flowers grow

(children stand on tiptoes and everyone reaches their hands up)

Tell me guys, what do you think, why?spring begins , which is the very firstsign of spring ? It shines brightly and the sun warms(show the sun) . The sun alone can't do it. He needs help so that the warmth comes faster. Let's make little suns that will be his helpers.

IV. Application. Examination of the finished sample. A story about the sequence of work.

What color is our sun?(yellow) What shape is the sun?(round) What does the sun have?(Rays) . Our sun consists of a circle and rays. I take the rays and glue them one by one to our circle. This is the kind of sunshine I got! (Questions for children in sequencework : What will you do first? What should we do next? What will you glue with what? Now try to make the sun yourself. Take your seats at the tables. I remind you that the brush and glue must be used correctly and carefully.

Independent work of children.

Well done, you all did your best. We got such wonderful suns. What's your mood when the sun is shining?(Joyful, cheerful) . Show what you are like when you are happy. What is your mood when there is no sun?(Sad, sad) Show what you are like when you are sad. Now you each have your own sunshine, so you don’t have to be sad. Let us glue your suns onto the rays of the big sun.

V. Summary of the lesson.

Guys, we named signs of spring, riddles aboutguessed it right in the spring , played spring words, glued together some suns. That's how much we managed to do. What did you like most?(children's answers)

Guys, thank you for helping the sun. It is very glad that you sent your suns to help it! And it has prepared gifts for you that are waiting for you ingroup !

Summary of an open lesson on the topic “Spring”

Second junior group "Forget-me-nots"


Introduce children to the signs of spring


    To consolidate children's knowledge about the characteristic signs of early spring.

    Form ideas about spring changes in nature: more sunny days, it becomes warmer, snow melts, thawed patches appear, children’s clothes change, birds arrive.

    Continue to teach children to do work according to the model, carefully, develop fine motor skills hands

    Develop speech, imagination, creative and mental abilities of children.

    Improve communication skills.

    Cultivate a caring attitude towards living nature, a desire to carefully complete the work started.

Preliminary work:

Observations in nature, looking at illustrations, reading fiction, listening to music and voices of nature, moving, learning the poem “Spring” by I. Tokmakova

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment

Educator: Hello guys, today we have an unusual activity. We have guests today, let's say hello to them.

Now let’s say hello to each other so that you and I can have a great mood today.

After the greeting, children are invited to look out the window. Pay attention to the fact that the sun is shining brightly, puddles have appeared on the paths - Spring has come!

II. Progress of the lesson

Educator: I suggest you watch a video about Spring. Sit down on the chairs!

Children watching a video

Educator : Who can tell me what time of year it is?

Children : Spring!

Educator : Who can tell me the three months of spring?

Children : March, April May.

Educator : what happens to nature in spring?

Children : the snow melts, puddles appear, birds - starlings - fly in, you can dress lighter.

Educator : That's right, well done! Oh guys, I think I hear something... I think someone is coming towards us?!

(Spring enters)

Spring : Hello, children!

Children : Hello!

Spring : I have come, Spring is red,

The sun brought joy.

With warm rays

With fast streams,

With green leaves

With the first flowers.

Educator : Spring, we have been waiting for you for so long, we are very glad to see you! We guys have prepared a poem for you!

Children recite I. Tokmakova’s poem “Spring” in chorus

Spring is coming to us

With quick steps,

And the snowdrifts are melting

Under her feet.

Black thawed patches

Visible in the fields.

That's right, very warm

Spring has legs.

Spring : What great fellows you are! And I suggest you play a little!

Physical education minute

With the help of a mirror, Spring turns all children into sunbeams, the teacher reads a poem by A. Brodsky:

Sunbeams are jumping

We call them - they don’t come

Were here - and they are not here

Jump, jump around the corners

Were there - and they are not there

Where are the bunnies? Gone.

Haven't you found them anywhere?

Children jump on two legs in place

They stand, beckon with their hands, shake their heads

Shrug in surprise

Jumping all over the floor

Show with hands

Hands to the sides, surprise, shrug

Educator : While we were playing, a guest flew to us! (shows a bird - a starling ). Guys, who is this?!

Children : Starling!

Educator : That's right, well done, starling! Where does he live? (shows birdhouse )

Children : In the birdhouse!

Educator : Well done, right! What is the birdhouse made of?

Children : made of wood

Educator : That’s right, and now I suggest you make a birdhouse out of paper for our guest! Sit down at the tables!

Children sit at tables and do the appliqué together with the teacher. During work, the music of Antonio Vivaldi “Spring” plays. Allegro"

Educator : Well done! We did it. Guys, spring is good. The sun is shining, but it’s time for our Spring to move on!

Spring : Goodbye children! Thank you for the games!(plucks flowers from her dress and gives them to the children)

Children : Goodbye Spring!

III . Lesson summary

Educator : What did we talk about today? (about spring). Who came to visit us? (spring). What did you and I do? (birdhouse). For which bird? (starling). Did you like our lesson? (Yes). Then we’ll say goodbye to our guests and go wash our hands.

Oksana Bublik
Outline open class in the second younger group"Spring"


1. Accustom to pronounce the sound “U” slowly, on one exhalation.

2. Continue to introduce the characteristic features of the season “ spring” based on mnemonic tables.

3. Develop speech activity

4. Reinforce knowledge of four colors (red, green, blue, yellow)

5. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

6. Cultivate interest in the national holiday.

Integration of educational regions: « Cognitive development» , « Speech development» , "Social-communicative", "Artistic-Aesthetic", "Physical development".

Material equipment: Mnemonic table “ spring", table - bath for launching boats, paper boats using the origami method, four colors, dough and raisins.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Guys, today we are on an unusual trip, we are going to visit the spring sun. Hurry up and get into the trailers,

The time is approaching, the train is leaving!

(We stand with the children one after another, holding their shoulders.

We accompany the movements of the train with the words “Choo, chug, oo-oo-oo, sh-sh-sh”)


Carriages, trailers

They're knocking on the rails,

They take it to guests

A group of guys.

Educator: Here we are. Sit on the chairs. Tell me guys, what time of year is it now? Let's look at the picture with you.

What time of year is shown there? (Spring)

How did you know what was there? Spring?

(Children’s answers. The teacher asks leading questions)

Educator: That's right, guys! This Spring! on my board different pictures. You need to choose only those that suit the time of year Spring.

(Children choose cards only with a spring theme.

I ask the children. What pictures did they choose? Why)

Physical education minute.

Educator: Guys, now let's play sunshine.

The sun was walking across the sky,

It kept the kids and animals warm.

A cloud came and covered the sun.

The breeze blew and drove the cloud away.

The sun either shines or hides.

Educator: Let's play again.

Well done! Look, it's on my table magic bag. Let's see what's in it (Takes out boats)

(Children's answers.)

Educator: Right. What color are the boats?

(The teacher asks each child.

Reads a poem by D. Kharms.)


A boat is sailing along the river;

He's sailing from afar

There are four on the boat

A very brave sailor.

They have ears on top of their heads,

They have long tails

And only cats are scary to them,

Only cats and cats!

Educator: Let's set them sailing now. (They let boats into the bath and blow on them).

Oh, someone is knocking on our door. It's sama Spring has come to us.

(Entered Spring)

Spring: Hello guys! I Vesna-Krasna. And today I want to tell you about unusual holiday which happens in the spring.

in spring many birds fly in from warm regions. And some of them are larks. This day is called the day of the lark. On this day, our grandmothers baked larks from dough. And today I want to bake them with you.

(From the test Spring She brought ready-made larks, the children and the teacher looked at them. The teacher asks what the birds are missing. Beak and eye. Explains how to make them. They do. Spring says goodbye. And he offers to take it to the kitchen to bake the larks.)

Educator: and it’s time for us to go home.

Hurry up and get into the carriages.

The time is approaching, the train is leaving.

Carriages, trailers

They're knocking on the rails,

They're taking me back to group

A group of guys.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of an open lesson on health conservation in the second junior group Aleksandrova Olga Olegovna “Let’s help Mishka” (NOD on health conservation in the second junior group Goals: 1. Teach children to take care of their health.

Summary of the open lesson “Sun-bell” in the second junior group Goal: To introduce children to Russian traditions and their native culture. Objectives: * Getting to know Russian national holiday– Maslenitsa, its meaning.

Summary of an open lesson in the second junior group “We take care of health” WE PROTECT YOUR HEALTH. GOALS: To educate children in cultural and hygienic skills, the desire to be beautiful, clean, neat; bring up.

"Pets." Summary of an open lesson in the second junior group Purpose of the lesson: development of all components of children’s oral speech, generalization of children’s knowledge about the life of domestic animals and their cubs. Tasks: 1.

Summary of an open lesson in the second junior group “In the world of emotions” Developed by kindergarten teacher No. 1 "Cornflower" Integration educational areas: “Cognitive development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”,.

Lesson for the younger group on the topic: Spring

I present to your attention a summary educational activities for children 2-3 years old. This summary will be useful for teachers of younger groups. The lesson can be held in group rooms, music halls. This development systematizes children's ideas about the season - spring, reinforces the ability to observe natural phenomena and establish simple connections between them. The lesson develops thinking, attention, fine motor skills of the fingers, artistic and creativity child. Fosters respect for nature and accuracy when doing work.
During the lesson, children read poetry by heart, and memorizing poetry is a kind of, and very intense, useful gymnastics for the brain, developing memory and attention. This is a replenishment of vocabulary, even the simplest children's poem contains many words that we do not often use in everyday life. And the speech structures themselves in a poetic text are much more complex and interesting than in everyday life. A child, repeatedly reciting a poem, activates a whole layer of complex vocabulary, his speech becomes richer and more complexly organized. This lesson includes finger games- this is a dramatization of any rhymed stories or fairy tales using your fingers. The child develops perseverance, the ability to listen, speech activity increases, and memory develops. Breathing exercises in this lesson have a positive effect on the functioning of the respiratory, cardiovascular, and nervous systems.
body systems.

Summary of direct organized activities in the junior group of the kindergarten “Visiting Spring”

Systematize children's ideas about the season - spring. Strengthen the ability to observe natural phenomena and establish simple connections between them.
Educational: consolidate and clarify ideas about the signs of spring; learn to find signs of spring in pictures yourself; expand your vocabulary; learn to move in accordance with the words of games and nursery rhymes;
Developmental: develop thinking, attention, fine motor skills of the fingers; artistic and creative abilities; sense of rhythm; ability to change the strength of the voice - speak quietly - loudly;
Educational: to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, accuracy when doing work.

Material for the lesson: made of cardboard, large circles of yellow color (sunbeams), cotton balls (snowball), a large picture depicting a stream, clouds; pictures of trees, flowers, grass, sun, bicycle, snowflakes, sleighs, snowman, paper boats; image of the sun, rays on Velcro;
sheets of paper with applique of bushes, white plasticine, napkins, boards for modeling.
Progress of the lesson:
Today is an unusual day,
I want to surprise you.
On a big adventure
We'll leave now.

Tell me guys, what time of year is it now? (Spring.) That's right, spring.
Spring struggled for a long time with winter. Winter didn't want to go away. Spring sent its helpers to us - sunbeams, and winter brought a snowball. The sunbeams stopped on our table. Let's blow on the snowballs so that they roll towards the bunnies and melt. And spring will come faster.

Breathing exercise “Blow on the snow”
We blow strongly, then quietly, long and short, puffing out our cheeks without puffing out our cheeks.

Well done, guys! Good job, all the snowballs have melted! Now let's ask the sun to warm the earth and spring will come quickly!
"Finger gymnastics."
We extended our palms
And they looked at the sun.
Give us warmth from the sun,
So that there is strength.
Our little fingers
They don't want to wait a minute.
Clap-clap your hands,

Top-top with your feet,
Jump-jump like bunnies
Jumping on the lawn.
"Signs of Spring"
Guys, how well do you know the signs of spring? Help me find them. Take pictures depicting signs of spring. (Sun, grass, flowers, bicycle, paper boats, etc.) We add pictures suitable for winter to the spring pictures: snowflakes, sleighs, snowman.
(Children post pictures in a large picture depicting the sun, grass, flowers, birds, and a bicycle).

Do you love the sun? (Children, yes!) It’s so nice when it shines, our mood becomes better. Let's give the sun a song.
Children perform the song “Sun” (lyrics by E. Makshantseva, E. Kotysheva, music by E. Makshantseva), performing movements in accordance with the text.

This is our sunshine. (Image of the sun without rays) But it’s just not funny, it’s missing something. (Children: rays!) That's right, it doesn't have rays. Let's give some rays to the sun.
(Children attach the sun rays to the sun with Velcro)

Look, the sun is smiling. It is it that thanks you for helping it and giving it rays of light! And the sun really liked how you sang the song and invites you to play.
Game "Sunshine and Rain".
The sun looks out the window,
shines into our room.
We will clap our hands -
We are very happy about the sun.
Productive activity “Let’s give willows to Spring”
Guys, let's give willow bushes to Spring! Our bushes are now bare, and we will decorate them with willows. (Teach children to tear off small pieces of plasticine, roll them between their palms, and, using pressure, flatten them with a finger from above, attaching them to a sheet of paper on which a bush is depicted)

Well done guys, your willow bushes turned out very beautiful. Do you know spring poems? (Children read poetry)
And now we invite everyone to dance.
Dance "Rosy Cheeks"

1) Kids, kids,
rosy cheeks,
And with us, and with us
Sounding lads!

2) Kids, kids,
Pink cheeks..
And we have fists,
Like hammers.

3) Kids, kids,
Rosy cheeks!
And with us, and with us
Fun in the garden.

4) Kids, kids,
Rosy cheeks!
And with us, and with us
Mouth sealed!

There are no more difficult tasks,
We were able to do everything.
Winter said goodbye to us
Allowing spring to come.

The adventure is over,
Let's go back
In our beautiful, in our good
To our favorite kindergarten
The teacher comes out, dressed in a spring costume, thanks the children for hastening her arrival and gives the children a treat - sweet cockerels on a stick.