13:00 05 August 2016

Probably it is difficult to find a person who in the closet does not lies without a pair-three of old jeans. And throw out a pity, and you no longer want to wear. An excellent option in the style of "How to make a new one" is sewing a denim handbag.

Jeans is not a gift out of fashion for several decades. In addition to the fact that things made of denim look very stylish, they still have excellent wear resistance and convenience. Women's denim handbag is a practically universal accessory. Depending on the cutting and finishes, it can be worn both with sportswear and with romantic summer dresses and even office outfits. And for teens and youth - it is generally real Nakhodka. Bright decor, fun lettering and appliques will pay attention to any situation.

Many girls seem to create such a fashionable thing on their own it is practically no possible. Not true! A little patience, a drop of fantasy a couple of unnecessary jeans - and new accessory You have in your hands. BUT detailed master classes From our article will help to cope with every stage of the process.

Stylish denim bag. We sew around

This handbag is characterized by simplicity of performance and original design. It will be easy to make it even a beginner needlewoman. For this:

  • transfer the pattern on paper with the specified dimensions. However, the size can be done any. But if this is your first thing, it is better to adhere to accurate recommendations throughout the process;

  • separate attention to the wrappers. Do not refuse them, otherwise the bag will be flat;
  • after the pattern of the bag is ready, you can move in working with a cloth;
  • cut one pant from jeans and disperse one of the side seams on it. Repeat the same actions for the second pant. As a result, we received 2 canvases for the front and back of the handbag;
  • with the help of the chalk, transfer the pattern to the fabric and cut the parts, leaving the allowances of 10 mm on each side;
  • fold both parts by the front parties to each other and step up the side and lower parts for the typewriter;
  • connect the edges of the wrappers, fix their position with sewing pins and keep strictly along the line;
  • next, proceed to decorating a denim bag. Cut your pockets and sew them as you like. You can make pockets on the sides, you can sew both on the one hand or even impose a mustache on each other. Experiment and select the option that will seem the most harmonious;
  • we sew a beautiful ruffle. Cut off the strip of any beautiful fabric with a size of 0.7 * 1.2 m. We fold it in half along the long side and flashing on a typewriter or manually, while making folds;
  • cut off the belt and coquette from jeans, we sew our rush to the details. Sein K. point side belt so that the Oracle spoke about 30 mm;
  • we connect two parts and the handbag is practically ready. It remains only to make the handles;
  • binding a strip of denim and a second material, as shown in the figure. Each "nodule" fix thread;
  • send the handles to the bag and ...
  • We go pick out the outfit for the new accessory!

    In each house you can find jeans that no one will be worn, but came out of fashion or torn pants should not be thrown away. Excellent accessory from such a material will be a bag of jeans with their own hands, differing from factory products original external species. Sew a similar stylish thing Can any homemade master.

    To get a unique denim bag, quite slightly dreaming, familiarize yourself with original ideas experienced masters. Make an exclusive product will be pretty quickly. The most common variants of the model can be called:

    • bag;
    • ethnic version;
    • sports bag;
    • torba;
    • pocket;
    • rectangular;
    • children's

    Each jeans bag is designed for specific case use. Products differ in their dimensions, have different shapeBut all of them are original and stylish accessories.

    For many years, a denim bag has remained popular and in demand. It always looks fashionable, emphasizes the created image.







    Technique sewing

    Self sew the bags made of denim is not very difficult. The main part of the product can be built from pants trousers. Need to cut off right size, Sprinkle and cut from the product fabric.

    Homemade craftswomen use original techniques for sewing denim bags. For example, you can apply the method patchwork sewing (patchwork). It allows you to sew the product that will be different with its originality. Sew flap can be in the form of a specific pattern or chaotic. To get an unusual model, it is desirable to use a denim fabric of several colors. To work in this technique it is necessary to have:

    • denim flap;
    • basis;
    • paper pattern in the form of a 40x40 cm square;
    • lining tissue.

    To build a bag, you need to step by step to follow the instructions. The technological process is as follows:

    1. From the lining, we cut two rectangular blanks, the size of 40x40 cm.
    2. On a white sheet of Watman make sketch.
    3. Each flap, to create a unique drawing, mark the number.
    4. The resulting pieces we rush to the base.
    5. Details are sewn with small stitches.
    6. We sew, withsting one direction.

    Then we make the second half of the product. Rectangular linings fix the "face to face" to the main billets. Sewing along the contour you need to start from the upper edge. To subsequently, it was possible to turn out the product, we leave a unpripted segment in the lining. Then we turn the bag, the left part is sewn, the corners are sewn, sewing them to the lining.

    The bottom in the bag made of old jeans is easy to make out of plastic. The sheet must be seized with cloth, fasten from the inside. To make a thing more beautiful, lightning can be issued in the form of inserts. For the manufacture of the handle will suit:

    • belt;
    • belt;
    • multicolored cord;
    • wicker braid.

    The original patchwork bag can become an excellent decoration in the warm season. Moreover, it will not be necessary to create a professional master to create such an accessory. He can sew any craftswoman. The process will not take much time.

    If you do not want to sew a bag of flap, you can perform it from the solid canvas of the denim rod. For the decoration of the product suitable technique ribbon sewing, which allows you to create original volume embroidery from satin ribbons. This method is not considered difficult, therefore it will be forces even beginners.

    To decorate the bags you will need:

    • satin ribbons of different widths;
    • needle with a wide ear.

    From wide ribbons you can make bulk flowers. Finished elements Send to a denim bag. Complement the composition embroidery made of thin tape. It is inserted into the needles as a thread. Lines and drawings made of thin ribbons are embroidered right on denim, so it is better to decorate the bag at the workpiece, until they are sewn with each other.

    A starting master can make patterns from old bags. To do this, it is necessary to resort an unnecessary product, attach to the paper each part and draw it. According to these patterns, you can make an updated copy of your favorite old bag.

    Ribbon sewing

    Stages of sewing taking into account the model

    The denim fabric is so popular that it can be sewed almost any model of the bag. Backpacks, clutches, beach and children's bags can be made in a few hours and decorated to your taste. The only limitation of such accessories is more relevant for warm season.


    To sew a bag-backpack, not a lot of time. To perform work, you will need:

    • old jeans;
    • strap;
    • awl;
    • threads;
    • scissors;
    • color cord.

    First, the pant is cut off with scissors. It is desirable 55-60 cm. Fold the workpiece, apply the belt to the top. Near Niza cut off part of the belt (more than 10 cm). The part is sewn straight to the bottom of the face. Then you need a sliced \u200b\u200bpant to turn inside out.

    The bottom is sewn manually to the edge of the workpiece. Corners are attached to it, taking into account the length of the line. The longer it is, the bottom of the backpack will be.

    If the line does not do, the bottom will turn out absolutely flat.

    The cord is sewn behind the bag, it replaces straps. The backpack will look much more beautiful if you attach a long strap cut from the old leather bag. To decorate it, you can use the applique or spectacular embroidery. There are no restrictions here. For similar technology, a sports bag is created.


    Stages of manufacture

    Finished bag

    To make a beach bag from old jeans with their own hands, it should be different with the capacity. To create it, you must have:

    • old jeans;
    • lining fabric;
    • line;
    • scissors;
    • threads;
    • needles.

    In a place where the width of the pants begins to change, mark is made. Across the workpiece is a straight line. It takes a cut. The billet turns inside out, cuts off by a seam with an allowance. The fierce seam remains unchanged. As a result, the main details will be obtained. After stitching, you can get beach bags with dimensions:

    • height - 43 cm;
    • width - 48 cm.

    Considering the size of the sizes, the sidewalls are cut (14x43 cm). Accordingly, the length of the bottom will be 48 cm, and its width is 14 cm. To transfer bottled water, an additional pocket is sewn. Its dimensions are chosen individually.

    Details of the bag are cut out of the lining. The allowances (1 cm) are taken into account. The lining is sewn to sidewalls and bottom. Pocket is cut out of unnecessary jeans. It is attached from the inside to the lining. From the remaining tissue make handles, about 63 cm long. Their width must be at least 5 cm.


    Handbag-clutch is easy to sew at home. To do this, you need to make several blanks in advance:

    • front back - 26x31cm;
    • valve - 25x26 cm;
    • two sidewalls - 31x6 cm;
    • hlystik;
    • lining - 16x26 cm;
    • backrest seal - 14x25 cm;
    • fliselin to create rigidity;
    • magnetic button.

    Prepared denim parts are sampled by phlizelin. The valve marks the location of the magnetic button. It is sewn to the front side of the back. The fixed magnetic button must be at the top. Lining blanks are stitching taking into account the input for turning.

    The lining must be combined with the inside of jeans, combining with the corners of parts. There should be a complete coincidence, without landing. The product is turned off, strokes the hot iron. Then the location of the second magnetic button element is installed. To determine the height, apply the valve. Krepim magnet. Front side The clutch folds inside, the sidewalls are sewed.

    After that, the edges are processed. Beautifully looks tight zigzag. A seal is inserted between the rear wall and the lining cloth. Operation must be performed by observing the location of the corners so that there is no skew. The lining is sewn and turned. The original denim clutch is obtained, which can be decorated with beads, rhinestones or beautiful appliqué.

    Cut front, rear and side parts

    For compaction, we use Dublerin and Flizelin

    Gift Details with Dublerin or Flizelin

    Sealing details

    We celebrate the location of the magnetic button

    Fix magnetic button

    Send the sidewalls by sticking the pens fastening

    Sevive the valve face to face to the back, the magnetic button must be at the top

    We sew the lining parts, the finished lining is sewn to the bag, do not forget to align the corners

    Turn out and stroke the iron

    Freed the second part of the magnetic button

    Fold the front side inside, connect the side parts

    We place the seal between the lining and the rear wall

    We sew a hole in the lining, turn out, and the clutch is ready


    To independently sew a fashionable handbag for a girl, you will need old children's jeans as well:

    • cord;
    • lining;
    • needle;
    • line;
    • pin.

    For the manufacture of a children's handbag, you do not need to create a pattern. It is enough to relete the belt, cut off from the bottom from each pant that approximately 23-24 cm. Take a ruler, measure the desired height. To add one centimeter to the bottom seam.

    Children's handbag consists of two parts. The first is its top, the second is the lining fabric. First, the main part is turned inside out. Then it is stitched with leaving the incidence of 1 cm. The lining material is also turned, then flash, but the value of the incite is slightly more - 1.5 cm. As a result, the lining is turned on shorter of the first element.

    The main part folds across. It is measured from each angle. 3 cm. The direct lines are scheduled for which the firmware is made. Similarly, the lining is also stitched. Then the belt is embarrassed, the loops are removed, only the buttons remain.

    The handle is attached with colored threads. The top of the top is performed independently. All parts are stitched by the front side inside, retreating from the made cut of 3.2 cm. The seam width should not exceed 1 cm. The seams are tested inside by half acetimeter. They are allowed not to flash, quite well passed.

    The outstanding side is striking near the adjacent edge. To make it easier to pull the top, the seams are slightly covered. Then climbs the length of the rope. It equals the width of the bag plus 18 cm. The rope is cut into two equal parts, insert into the scenes. Ends tightly tie.

    The top item is put on the lining. Selects taking into account the upper cut. You need to retreat one centimeter from it. The main part is inserted into the manufactured lining to which the handle is attached. We connect all the details. Tightly tighten the top. The result is an unusual handbag for the girl, which can be decorated with beads or sequins.

    Making pattern

    Details are ready

    Connect the lining elements

    Before connecting the rest, sew a synthesis to jeans, covering it with pins

    Decorating the product

    Decor ideas

    To make a bag of jeans with their own hands in original, it must be decorated. Stylish finish will give her freshness and novelty. For a solemn evening, a small accessory is suitable for flowers. Beautifully look at the bags decorated with rhinestones.

    Denim models are perfectly looking together with different buttons. It is enough to create from them an arbitrary pattern on the surface so that the model is originally and unique. To decorate a denim handbag, some fashionista are applied to the surface with drawn paintings.

    Figures must be made by high-quality paints (acrylic). This will allow you to wash the product without damaging the applied image.

    Appliqué is considered the most attractive option. To do this, it is better to use the skin. From it cut out beautiful flowersthat glue on the surface. The miniature satin flowers look great, with a bead in the center.

    Among the most bright decorations In the first place is the trim beads. For creating a picture use several types of fittings:

    • japanese;
    • czech;
    • glass crystals;
    • coral;
    • jade;
    • pink quartz;
    • crystal.

    First, a future pattern is drawn on a sheet of paper. The sketch is copied to the surface of the denim. Beads are sewn over the drawing. In order for the drawing to be smooth, the thread is first stretched through the hole in the bead, and then sew on the technology "back needle."

    Bag with beads will look great at Evening Weekend End, Embroidered the pattern will suit For beach bags, original flowers can decorate a children's handbag. For the shopping hike, larger sizes are suitable.

    Judging by infinite popularity in all corners of the globe, denim fabrics can be safely classified as the greatest inventions of humanity. Being invented specifically for the production of pants, Denim (and this is how the denim tissue is so correctly called) with time has become material and for jackets. His best qualities sooner or later had to push the designers to the idea that it was great and as a material for bags, and several decades ago the first models appeared. Today, denim bags are a very common and demanded accessory.

    Features and advantages

    Denim - probably the most recognizable fabric modern MiraAnd about his properties probably knows literally everyone.

    Nevertheless, it is worth mentioning the qualities of which the bag from it will be excellent. Here they are:

    • Strength. First of all, the denim bag is very practical - the material is completely "unsubscribed", therefore one accessory is enough for the owner for several years of wearing, and even the most severe conditions will be nicked;
    • Durability. With its strength and practicality, the material also does not lose its initial appearance for a long time, so things from it even look like new years later;
    • Ecology. Invented in the previous century, the fabric does not contain new-fashioned harmful synthetics, it does not cause allergies and does not harm the environment;
    • Typical denim aesthetics. Jeans are good not only with their practicality and reliability, but also the appearance - the same can be said about the bags from Denim.

    Stylish models

    Although denim fabric is not universal, there are several cases in which it looks perfect. The world fashion trends suggest that the denim bag will be win-win in such versions.


    When choosing light shade It looks very in a summer, and the high strength of the material allows you to load it with everything necessary, which may be needed in places of recreation.


    In the hands of the best world couturiers, Denim turns into exquisite ladies' Ridiculi for every taste, and the decoration by their rhinestones and other elements allows us to make a completely new, fresh look.


    Excellent idea for office workers who want to refine a little business style clothes. In this case, preference is worth sending models from a black or dark blue denim tissue.

    Bag bag

    The optimal solution for those who love active image Life. It has a high capacity sufficient even for a small journey or long-term bars. It looks stylish and bright.


    Denim also looks as well as the basis for a small female handbag For the evening exit, designed for the most basic - mobile phone, keys, wallet and minor gear cosmetics.


    There are also purely denim models of bags without any jewelry, but in most cases they look too simple. Denim requires decorations and combines well with them, and the following ideas are perfect as a decor for the handbag:

    • Patchwork. Under this word, the patchwork stripes from the same denim tissue, but shades, of course, can be different, different from the shade of the base. Such a solution allows you to experiment with the design of things, but at the same time leave it purely denim, without breaking his head over a combination of materials.

    • Rhinestones. For anyone who loves shine, rhinestones are an eternal inspiration source. They are well combined with Denim and will be relevant for all models of bags, the use of which is planned in the dark or with artificial lighting.
    • Applique. Curly stripes from other tissues look good - with their help you can slightly revive the coldness of Denim and create one or another memorable drawing.

    • Embroidery. The advantages of embroidery are the same as the patchwork with the application, but in this case decoration is performed using individual threads. With the help of embroidery, it is very easy to create inscriptions or complex visual images.

    Combined models

    In the fashion world, a long time ago, a combination of several materials in one thing is considered to be trend. There are no exception and denim bags, the basis of which is made from Denim, but inserts can have any other origin.

    The most common combination represent leather bags and jeans. Both material have increased strength and wear resistance, both of them are inherent in the element of light rudeness, that is, their connection is very predictable. The skin in such cases is often used for the manufacture of tags or manufacturer shortcuts, which themselves are performed and another function is a formative.

    A knitted-denim bag is somewhat less common, and pursues the opposite goal - knitted insert, on the contrary, should slightly reduce the brutality of Denim, without canceling its best qualities. Original creators of this tissue of a year and a half ago were unlikely to realize that their invention could become material for fashionable female accessories, so I didn't even try to give him femininity or tenderness - it is a combination of knitted fragments to correct this omission.

    A separate role is played by metal details of the denim. They are present in any case, but sometimes the designer purposefully increases, it allocates them - due to this, it is possible to give the product, daring, but also the style.


    The size of the denim bag is highly dependent on what purpose it is intended. Say, large models are usually beach bags, or, as an option, shopping bags. Their main task is to accommodate a lot, this is exactly what their size is due.

    The most common option is a medium-sized denim bag. It may be a backpack, and a bag bag, and a tablet bag - in one word, a typical casual accessory, designed to work, study, or any other kind of activity, because a woman in any case will not go anywhere without his handbag.

    Small denim handbags are designed for evening outputs. With a properly selected image, such an accessory adds the owner of tenderness and femininity, and this is exactly what is needed for a small romantic walk or a hike in a cafe.


    Although denim is not produced in all known colors, it also has a certain affordable palette, which, one way or another, leaves space to select. General recommendations The choice of shade look like this:

    • If you need something official, the choice is definitely in favor of classic dark tones - black or dark blue. This is especially true in offices, but also appropriate for study, work, certain types of official events.

    • Under daily use, it is better to choose a "denim classic", that is, or neutral blue, or one of the shades of gray. The advantage of such tones is that they are most versatile in the sense of a combination with any other things, and this is the main criterion of things for regular use.

    • The bright blue coloring of the denim bag is likely to be relevant only on the beach - there it will be good to harmonize with the color of water. In all other cases, such a decision, most likely, will seem inappropriately a bright spot, and if the image itself in itself, it turns out to be faded.

    Fashion trends

    From the moment of its occurrence, denim bags firmly settled in the fashion world. They found their place in the area of \u200b\u200bthe so-called high fashion - if the real masters are taken for their creation, then masterpieces are obtained.

    For example, a whole wipes of jewelry used the Louis Vuitton brand, presenting its vision of a denim bag - it is decorated with glass, beads, beads and even ribbons, and the largest elements are nasty manually.

    But Chanel designers enrolled completely on the contrary, deciding that the sophistication lies in the maximum simplicity - their bags may not be decorated with nothing, and it still looks beautiful.

    Prada adheres to such tactics, and the laconicity of the latter even estimated the world-level stars - such as Rihanna.

    Valentino trendy house has done everything possible so that Denim's branded rudeness does not have a trace. A peculiar difference of denim bags of this brand is very tender appliqués in the form of butterflies.

    Originality and femininity also offers Miss Sixty, but already in a slightly more "adult" version.

    What to wear?

    Denim seems to be a universal thing only at first glance - in fact, you need to carefully carefully ensure that you do not overload them the image.

    This fabric looks heavy, so the perfect exit is to wear it in combination with something light, whereas a completely denim image is that the girl will definitely not be to face.

    What we do with unnecessary things? Correctly, throw out or felt somewhere away in the closet with the hope that once we are hand. And you can give things a second chance. Here is a photo of jeans bags that made by their own hands.

    In European countries, Handmade has long been practiced, in translating this word means " handmade" Such things are unique and can be made from any girlfriend.

    From jeans you can make such models of bags:

    • Clutches or cosmetics;
    • Shoulder bags;
    • Big bags;
    • Backpacks.

    The main thing that was a desire, as well as fantasy.

    Patterns for jeans bags

    Before getting to the manufacture, select suitable pattern. They can be like simple and complex, it all depends on how much time you want to spend on it.

    Big bags

    Patterns for such models can be both simple and complex. As for models, from bags resembling a wallet to bags with a lot of pockets or accessories.


    Here you can consider the uyma options. A popular size is the A4 format suitable for walking during the day, as well as in the evening.


    Backpack - fashion trend 2018. There are such patterns that make it possible to make a handbag transforming into a portfolio from ordinary old jeans and vice versa. So to speak 2 in 1.

    We sew your hands backpack - a bag of old jeans

    For sewing a miniature backpack we will need:

    • Jeans;
    • Line;
    • Sewing machine;
    • Lace;
    • The cloth.

    Progress of work:

    • Step 1. From the bottom of the old jeans, measure the desired height of the future product and cut off. Turn it away.
    • Step 2. From another part of the pants, we do the bottom, pre-measuring the dimensions.
    • Step 3. Already to the twisted cut, attach the bottom pins. Stretch.
    • Step 4. For the resulting bag, we make a lining for this: let's measure the bag and make the pattern. We connect them with each other.
    • Step 5. We admonish the resulting lining to the base.
    • Step 6. Measure 2 -3 cm from the top and step up. There will be a lace.

    Tip! If there is a desire to make an exterior finish, then you can leave the lining by 4-5 cm longer. After the lining is sewn to the base, wrap the remaining fabric outside and place.

    How to make a bag of jeans with your own hands

    As mentioned earlier, it will take patterns for making a handbag, they can be found on the Internet, make themselves or if there is an old bag that you liked to take it as a pattern.

    But if you are new, make a simple option. It takes no so much effort for him:

    • Step 1. On ready-made patterns cut out the workpiece. Knowing proportions can be reduced or increased the size, but if this is your first thing, it is better not to risk and do everything on the pattern.
    • Step 2. Connect the bottom with the sides of the future bag and sew.
    • Step 3. Combine the sides. For this, smoothly connect the lines of lateral parts and deposit seam.
    • Step 4. To get a volumetric bag. We spend the corner of the handbag from the bottom side.
    • Step 5. Pens. They can be different made of old belts, decorated with various rhinestones, embroidery. In this case, the handles sew themselves.

    To do this, take two strips of the same length, we fold them, wrap the edges inside, we shoot. Send to my purse.

    What is the bag of jeans

    You can wear such backpacks and bags with a T-shirt, shorts, dodges - it will give the image of brutality.

    Tip! T-shirts must be monophonic, made of: cotton, flax, lace.

    To create a feminine image, change sneakers on sandals, a shirt t-shirt white color. Summer dresses Harmoniously looks with backpacks, on which there is embroidery, and long sundresses - with bags of large sizes.

    Even using the same pattern, you can get completely different bags. This is achieved thanks to a different decor made by hand or purchased in the store.

    Use inserts from other materials. So with jeans harmoniously combines skin or other dense fabrics.

    Regardlessly purchased or shched manually, the denim bag is combined with all the images, complement the wardrobe, and also demonstrates the taste and knowledge of trends.

    Stock Foto Bags of jeans do it yourself