The base of the nail is the most delicate place, easily vulnerable to infections. The only thing that protects it is the thinnest layer of skin - the cuticle. And often the cuticle itself is in danger - both because of household and cosmetic products, and because of internal problems of the body, fungus, bacteria.

Peeling, dryness, cuticle cracks make hands unkempt, decorative coating nail plate won't make them more attractive.

Dry, rough cuticles occur for external reasons: working with chemical solutions without gloves, cheap varnishes and products for removing them, low-quality manicure tools (scissors, nippers), improper cutting of the cuticle.

Another negative result of dry cuticle and its improper, rough treatment is nail damage. The plate becomes deformed, a dent or waves appear at the base, growths and thickening of the nail appear. In this case, only a professional will help; no varnish will hide the defects. Extended or false nails will only give an external effect - the problem with the nail itself will remain, and the cuticle requires treatment.

Dry cuticle care basics

Should I trim my cuticles or not? Removing dry cuticles is a good method, but short-lived. The new skin will be denser and grow faster. If you have problematic, very thin and weak cuticles, or vice versa, dense and overgrown cuticles, it is better to entrust a manicure to a professional.

Modern alternative – unedged manicure– will save your hands with cracks in the cuticle and hangnails.

However, the effect of a liquid that softens the cuticle on cracked skin around the nail, wounds from hangnails, sometimes gives an unpleasant sensation. In addition, any cosmetic product can become a source of infection.

Treating dry cuticle at home

An unhealthy cuticle is a sign of problems within the body or the action of irritants. For a while it is necessary to abandon decorative varnish, trim manicure, work with detergents perform it with gloves - it is advisable to do the latter always, and not just at times of inflammation of the cuticle.

For home care used behind the cuticle essential oils, their mixtures and ointments based on glycerin and oil - castor, apricot, orange, tea tree. Instead of citrus oils, the peel from the fruit itself - orange, grapefruit - is suitable. A natural antiseptic – lavender oil – will help treat cracks, hangnails, and cuticle detachment.

Homemade cuticle cream recipe

  • flowers of calendula, chamomile, sage - 150 grams each;
  • Vaseline – 10 grams.

Instead of three different inflorescences, you can choose two or just one. Mix the ingredients in a saucepan and heat in a water bath until the Vaseline softens. Then remove the mixture from heat, cover with a lid, and leave to infuse overnight. By morning, the Vaseline will harden again, then remove excess water from the surface and reheat the Vaseline to a liquid state. All that remains is to strain, put in a jar - and you can use the ointment.

Dry cuticle causes serious inflammation, which should be treated not at home, but by a dermatologist:

  • infectious inflammation;
  • fungus;
  • paronychia;
  • felon.

Signs of infection, serious inflammation: swelling, redness around the nail, pain, pus. When these symptoms appear, hands should be washed, but without cleansers. After drying your hands, apply antibiotic cream to the cuticle; taking antibiotics orally will also not hurt.

What not to do with an inflamed cuticle:

  1. Cracks, hangnails - with these problems you should not touch the cuticle again. You cannot cut with nail scissors; the wounds can become infected.
  2. If there is severe inflammation or redness of the area around the nail, you should not touch the cuticle even with a remover, steam your hands or apply hot masks for your hands and nails.

To reduce the risk of infection through an already injured cuticle, if possible, the wound should be protected with a special plaster. For a therapeutic effect, apply a few drops of orange or tea tree to the fabric part of the patch.

Inflammation of the nail cuticle occurs with the development of adverse symptoms. This article will help you understand what causes this pathology and how to treat it.

Why is it damaged?

The fold of skin that surrounds the nail plate is called the cuticle. Epithelial cells participate in its formation. These cells are gradually renewed. The cuticle is an important anatomical element that protects the inner surface of the nail from various damages.

Inflammation of the cuticle can occur due to various reasons.

  • This is often caused by various traumatic injuries. For example, it often happens that the cuticle becomes inflamed after a manicure. Treating the cuticle with untreated tools can also cause it to fester. If the inflammation is severe enough, it can even lead to the formation of an abscess.

The cuticle can become inflamed not only on the fingers, but also on the toes. This often results from a poorly performed pedicure. It is very important that this procedure was carried out only with instruments that were thoroughly disinfected. It is quite easy to damage the cuticle; it only takes a couple of careless movements. That is why it is very important that the pedicure is performed by an experienced specialist.

  • The bad habit of biting your nails also leads to cuticle damage. It usually appears in childhood. So, some people, when nervous, begin to bite their nails, which leads to damage to the cuticle. In this case, many parents make many different attempts in order to save the baby from this.

As a rule, they begin to lubricate the baby's fingers with various substances that have a bitter taste. However, this method is not suitable for removing a bad habit. In this case, it is better to show the child to a psychologist. In this situation, qualified specialist work is required in order to teach the child to deal with stress.

  • Inadequate nail care is another factor that can lead to cuticle damage. So, if you do not treat these areas by special means, they may become very dry afterwards. In order to get rid of severe dryness, you should lubricate the cuticle with special oils or creams. These products nourish dry skin, which helps it look better.

How to treat?

It is better to treat an inflamed cuticle when it is not severely damaged. In this case, results can be achieved quite quickly. If the cuticle is severely damaged, and its treatment for a long time was not carried out, then in this case longer therapy is required. In some cases, it may even take several months to restore the beauty of your nails.

  • A good way to restore cuticles that are inflamed are baths with the addition of potassium permanganate. At the same time, one such treatment procedure per day is quite enough. The duration of the bath should be 12-15 minutes. After completing this restorative procedure, hands should be thoroughly dried.

After this, the damaged cuticle must be treated with special ointments. For this you can use, for example, Levomekol. This remedy effectively copes with the resulting inflammation, and also promotes speedy healing inflamed skin. In order to medicine has not been washed, a fixing bandage should be applied to the finger. A regular bandage will do for this.

  • It is important to note that treatment of cuticle inflammation at home is possible only if complications have not developed. For example, severe suppuration can cause the development of an abscess. If such a pathological condition appears, then only a surgeon should treat it. This condition is extremely dangerous and should only be treated by an experienced doctor.
  • The site of traumatic damage to the cuticle can be treated with Miramistin. It helps reduce the severity of the inflammatory process and also helps reduce the risk of secondary infection. After treatment with this drug, a fixing bandage should be applied to the inflamed finger. You can do this procedure 1-2 times a day. Before treating inflamed cuticles, hands should be thoroughly washed with gentle soap.

  • For inflammation of the skin ridges, you can use various traditional methods. So, for treatment you can use compresses made from aloe. Making them is quite simple. To do this, you need to cut a couple of leaves of a succulent plant and squeeze the juice out of them. After this, a piece of bandage folded in half should be moistened in plant juice and applied to the area of ​​inflammation. Then the compress must be additionally secured with a bandage. If desired, you can simply apply a cut piece of aloe to the area of ​​inflammation. As a rule, after 2-3 treatment procedures, healing of the inflamed cuticle begins.
  • Baths with oak bark also promote healing of skin ridges. A decoction of oak bark contains a complex of various substances that help heal inflamed nails.


To ensure that the cuticle always remains beautiful and well-groomed, certain recommendations should be followed.

  • Carry out hygienic hand care regularly. It is better to wash your hands with soap that does not contain aggressive ingredients.
  • If the cuticle is extremely dry, it should be treated with special nourishing and moisturizing agents. For this you can use various oils and creams.

People who bite their nails when nervous should definitely consult a psychologist. This bad habit, as a rule, has a long course and is characterized by the fact that it is difficult for a person to cope with various stresses. In this case, only an experienced specialist can help.

  • Manicures should only be done with treated tools. If the instrument has been infected with some pathogenic microbes, then the risk of infection is quite high. If a manicure is not carried out at home, but in a beauty salon or nail studio, you should definitely ask the master how the tools were disinfected.

To learn why the cuticle on your fingers becomes inflamed, see the following video.

Even the fair sex, who spend a lot of time and money on caring for their nails and hand skin, may experience inflammation of the cuticle. The cuticle is the periungual ridge, from which no one is immune from inflammation. There can be many reasons for the appearance of the inflammatory process in this place. It is necessary to treat this disease in a timely manner, since suppuration is possible.


Inflammation of the cuticle can occur for various reasons. Most often this happens after a manicure has been performed without following the rules of asepsis. However, this is not the only reason. Before starting treatment for this disease, it is necessary to accurately determine the causes of its occurrence. There may be several of them:

  1. In first place is improper treatment of the periungual fold while doing a manicure. After removing the cuticle, hangnails may form in this place, which cannot be torn off due to the risk of suppuration. If the cuticle is not softened before cutting, it can also become inflamed. The use of non-sterile instruments leads to infection of the periungual fold, its inflammation and the formation of a purulent abscess.
  2. The skin around the nail can become inflamed due to insufficient hand care. If this area is not systematically treated and softened, then you risk getting problems. A thickened large cuticle will often become damaged and inflamed. Excessively dry skin around the nail beds may indicate a fungal infection.
  3. Nail extensions methimethacrylate increases the likelihood of cuticle inflammation. For this reason, women with extended nails should take extra care of their cuticles, choose the right nail care products, and keep their hand skin clean.
  4. Often the cuticle becomes inflamed due to penetration of infection, living on the skin of the hands. Moreover, even a minor injury to the periungual fold, accidentally received or caused during a manicure, is enough. The most common causes of infection are streptococci, staphylococci and fungus. In the latter case, except severe irritation, there is peeling and itching of the skin.
  5. Allergy. When in contact with household chemicals and other allergenic products, inflammation, irritation, swelling and peeling will appear not on one finger around the nail, but also on other parts of the hand.
  6. The cuticle may become inflamed on a finger or toe due to injuries and mechanical impacts. This can be caused by bruises, cuts, blows, or wearing tight shoes.
  7. Frequent inflammatory processes in this place may be due to constant contact with household chemicals or professional activities related to handmade. In this case, local immunity weakens, which leads to frequent skin infections.

Important! The habit of biting your nails can also cause skin infection and inflammation. In this case, multiple abscesses can form.


Inflammation of the cuticle cannot be confused with other diseases, since there are characteristic symptoms that depend on the stage of the disease. The disease goes through the following stages in its development:

  • Initially, the periungual fold swells and turns red. Often in this place you can notice a hangnail of any size. If treatment is started at this stage, the skin can heal much faster without serious complications.
  • If the inflammation lasts for several days, then local immunity weakens and an infection can join the inflammation.
  • Once pathogenic microorganisms enter soft fabrics, swelling increases, pain appears. Itching may occur. It will be more difficult to cure the cuticle at this stage. Special antiseptic ointments and creams will be required.
  • If treatment is not started on time, a purulent abscess appears at the site of infection. Pus may be localized only around the nail plate or flow under the nail. You will need the help of a qualified surgeon.

Attention! When suppuration occurs, the entire finger may swell. Sometimes the temperature rises and throbbing pain appears. The site of the abscess is painful to touch.

Treatment at home

If the cuticle is inflamed, then at the initial stage, baths with potassium permanganate will help. One bath a day for 10-15 minutes is enough to remove inflammation. After the bath, you need to wipe your hands and apply a medicinal ointment (Levomekol, Vishnevsky or Dioxidin ointment) to the inflamed area. We apply a folded bandage on top and secure it with a plaster or the same bandage.

Important! If a large purulent abscess has formed, then you need to contact a surgeon who will open it and drain it.

Treatment of small purulent abscesses on the periungual fold can be carried out at home. To do this, do the following:

  1. A couple of times a day it is necessary to steam the areas with abscesses in a bath with the addition of potassium permanganate. The solution should be slightly pinkish. We carry out the procedure for 15 minutes. As the bath cools, you can add hot water.
  2. After steaming, apply Ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky ointment to the inflamed areas and wrap your fingers with a bandage.
  3. We repeat the procedure with steaming and applying ointment until the abscess breaks.
  4. After this, we stop making baths and apply the ointments mentioned above. Otherwise, the abscess sites will not heal for a long time.
  5. Further treatment is carried out using the antiseptic and wound healing ointment Miramistin or Levomekol. Before applying the ointment, the wound must be treated with an antiseptic solution, chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide. To speed up healing, it is better to wrap the healing ointment with a bandage rather than fix the bandage with a bandage. This will improve air access to the skin.
  6. We apply bandages with medicinal ointment and antiseptic treatment in the morning and evening until the skin is completely healed.

Folk recipes

If inflammation and infection of the nail cuticle is not accompanied by purulent formation, then it can be treated using traditional methods:

  • Compresses with aloe juice. To do this, soak a cotton swab with juice and apply it to the inflamed area. Instead of juice, you can use a plant leaf cut lengthwise. A piece of leaf is applied with the pulp to the sore spot.
  • As an additional treatment, you can use baths with oak bark, which helps accelerate tissue regeneration. To relieve swelling and redness, baths with nettle and chamomile are recommended. However, these procedures alone will not help. They need to be supplemented with the use of special ointments and antiseptic treatments.
  • To speed up the healing of the abscess, you can use special oils to treat the cuticle. They will also help to remove the inflammatory process and swelling of tissues at the initial stage, and will have a slight analgesic effect.
  • IN folk medicine boils and inflammations are often treated with honey cake. This method helps remove inflammation, draw out pus and speed up tissue healing. Before the procedure, it is necessary to disinfect the skin on the affected area. Next, prepare the flatbread. To do this, mix honey (15 g) with flour until a homogeneous cake is obtained. It needs to be applied to the damaged area and fixed. The cake must be removed after 12 hours.
  • St. John's wort, plantain and horse sorrel will provide good help in the fight against abscesses. To prepare the product, fresh plantain and sorrel leaves are crushed in equal proportions to a pasty state. The mixture is applied to the site of the abscess and secured with a bandage. Medicinal baths are made with St. John's wort. To prepare them, 50 g of dry or fresh herbs are steamed in 200 g of boiling water. The herb should sit for about 30-40 minutes, after which you can put your sore finger in the container and steam it for a quarter of an hour. After steaming your finger, you can apply a paste of medicinal plants to it and wipe it on it. We carry out the procedures until complete recovery.


To avoid abscesses and inflammation of the periungual fold, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. All manicure tools must be disinfected before use.
  2. If you accidentally damage the cuticle during a manicure, you should immediately treat the area with an antiseptic solution.
  3. To eliminate the possibility of cracks and hangnails, the cuticle must be regularly treated with special products to nourish and soften it.
  4. It is useful to take warm cosmetic baths for hands and nails, then apply nourishing cream, paying special attention to the periungual ridges.
  5. When using household chemicals, it is better to protect your hands with rubber gloves.
  6. Special cosmetics for cuticle removal will insure you against damage and injury during a manicure.

It is much easier to prevent a problem than to fight it. That is why it is worth constantly adhering to the preventive measures listed above, which will keep your hands well-groomed and protect the cuticle from inflammation and suppuration.

It happens that after an unsuccessful manicure in a salon, a private author, or after doing it yourself, inflammation of the finger occurs.

This happens infrequently, but if inflammation appears after a manicure, then immediately consult a doctor, advanced inflammation can threaten an abscess. And this will require serious treatment.

Inflammation is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • the cuticle, and sometimes the skin on the finger, turns red;
  • the affected area swells;
  • painful sensations of a twitching or ticking nature appear;
  • the damaged area has more high temperature than the whole body;
  • Eventually, the inflamed area breaks out.

Inflammation of the nail (nail plate)

Healthy nails look aesthetically pleasing. The main characteristics are:

  • flesh pink color;
  • smooth and even surface;
  • without seals, i.e. the thickness is the same along the entire length of the nail.

When a nail becomes inflamed, its growth or even structure may change, brittleness and delamination may increase, or, conversely, thickening.

Grooves on the nails, both longitudinal and transverse, will tell an experienced master that the nail plate was previously injured.

The following color changes are common: whitishness, yellowness or even blackening.

Inflammation of the cuticle

The cuticle is a skin rim that frames the nail plate. Inflammation becomes noticeable almost immediately and is difficult to miss. The delicate skin begins to turn red, a tumor often appears, and in advanced cases the inflamed area can fester.

Another one of Signs of cuticle inflammation are itching and discomfort. As soon as you notice some changes near the cuticle, you should not ignore them, because it is the cuticle that provides the protective function of the body.

Inflammation of the finger near the nail

The problem of ingrown toenails is common. It occurs when the nail is cut incorrectly, that is, when the nail plate has not yet had time to grow, but it has already been cut along its entire length, including the sides.

As a result, the growth of the nail is disrupted; it is embedded in the side ridges, instead of growing straight.

The abscess and suppuration can extend beyond the cuticle - further to the phalanx. It is difficult to bend the finger, and it is impossible to touch the inflamed area. The medical term is paronychia.

The main causes of inflammation after manicure

Improper care, allergic reactions, injuries, failure to comply with the basics healthy eating, infectious diseases, hereditary factors, dermatological diseases, heart disease, nervous system, thyroid gland, are those factors that can cause changes in the structure of the skin and nails.

  • contact with low-quality cosmetics;
  • An incorrectly or carelessly performed manicure can damage the nail plate;
  • damage to the cuticle during the manicure process, i.e. a wound that has gotten dirty or infected;
  • itching or redness is explained by violation of the rules of hygiene and sterility when working with instruments. They can carry a huge number of diseases; in the worst case, they become infected with a fungus;
  • an unsuitable tool may have negative impact, for example, scissors can cause serious injury, and nippers should be used only for their intended purpose (for cuticles, nails);
  • a low-quality and dull instrument, instead of careful cutting, will “tear off” the delicate skin of the cuticle;
  • An allergic reaction to a cream, coating or other cosmetic product is no less unpleasant.

What to do and how to treat inflammation after a manicure

In the initial stages of inflammation, experts advise make warm baths with a solution of potassium permanganate. 5-7 minutes a day is enough for the sore finger to get its natural color, and for the abscess and swelling to go away. In order to record the medical effect of potassium permanganate, you should blot your finger with a napkin after the bath. You will need to apply dioscidine ointment to the bandage and fix the finger.

The healing process of abscess and inflammation using an ordinary honey cake is an excellent method of coping with the disease. Since the medicinal qualities of this folk method, draw out pus, remove redness and have a wound healing effect. In order to proceed to this procedure, the damaged area should be disinfected.

Mix one teaspoon of honey and a little flour, create a small cake from the mixture and place it on the affected finger. Since the process takes approximately 12 hours, it is necessary to secure the honey cake with a plaster or bandage.

Plantain, sorrel or St. John's wort can also help in the fight against abscess. You will need fresh sorrel leaves, crush and grind the plantain leaves, and put the purchased mixture on the site of the abscess. Then secure with a band-aid and leave for a couple of hours. St. John's wort is best used in the form of medicinal baths of 200 grams of boiling water and herbs. After infusing the decoction, it is necessary to moisten a cotton swab in it and adjust it to the desired place.

In order to simplify this procedure, you can simply dip your sore finger into the warm infusion and hold it in the warm medicine for 10-15 minutes. Then wipe carefully with a napkin or simply allow the moisture to be completely absorbed. It is more correct to do this procedure a couple of times a day until complete healing.

If the area around the nail plate is red, but there is no pus, then it is quite enough to treat the affected area with an antiseptic. Before the procedure, do not forget to carefully cut off the burrs at the root.

If suppuration is present, then drugs such as Vishnevsky Ointment and Ichthyol Ointment will help. These are the most common ointments.

  • Vishnevsky ointment. A universal anti-inflammatory agent. Its main function is to draw out trapped dirt and pus from the wound. This will allow the cuticle to heal further.
  • Ichthyol ointment. Night compresses are most often used with this ointment. It relieves inflammation and speeds up the healing process.

When inflammation gains momentum and suppuration develops, then self-treatment better to stop. In most situations, surgery will be required. If the infection has gone deep into the soft tissue, then drainage will be required.

In these cases, you should immediately consult a doctor

Getting rid of inflammation caused by an allergic reaction is not as easy as commercials make it out to be. The doctor, in addition to antiallergic drugs, also prescribes antifungal drugs for both internal and external use. A positive outcome of treatment is visible only if all the doctor’s recommendations have been followed.

Only a doctor can cure inflammation caused by fungal bacteria effectively and without relapse. In case of severe fungal infection, a course of antibiotics is indicated, which can be selected correctly after a number of studies and only as prescribed by the attending physician.

ATTENTION! Severe cases of ingrown toenails may require surgery. Although today, podiatrists and dermatologists have learned to do without surgery, using titanium plates that clearly fix the problem nail.

Folk remedies

Alternative medicine methods can be effective only in the initial stages of diseases.

Very proven baths with sea salt. They help thanks to their high iodine content, which literally draws out all infections and strengthens the nail structure. The procedure can be replaced with regular iodine and simply lubricate the cuticle with it. Iodine effectively resists fungal infections. The procedure will not only be pleasant, but also relaxing.

Aloe juice in folk medicine it is considered almost a panacea for all diseases. He has medicinal properties and will help regenerate the skin. For treatment, a leaf cut in several places is applied to the inflamed area for several hours. Now it's folk remedy even admitted traditional medicine. Aloe juice is now sold in pencils in pharmacies.

Calendula and chamomile. These plants are known among many herbalists. They have antiseptic and soothing properties. For medical procedures use a decoction containing 50 g of calendula and chamomile. The ingredients are poured into 500 ml of boiling water and boiled for 5 minutes. You need to let the broth brew for half an hour, and then you can put your hands in it. The recommended time is at least 10 minutes. It is better to carry out the procedure 1-2 times a day.

Honey cake also a very popular home remedy. Honey has proven itself to have antiseptic properties. As remedy A honey cake has proven itself, which must be applied for at least 12-15 hours. To prepare it you will need 15 grams of honey, which is mixed with flour until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

Mostly women face the problem of cuticle inflammation, as they pay special attention to their nails, do regular manicures and trim off excess skin. In such processes, injuries occur, which ultimately lead to inflammation. This pathology is called paronychia, ICD 10 disease code L03.0.

The cuticle on your nails is a small layer of skin that sits at the base of the nail growth. Its main function is protection; the cuticle prevents dirt, bacteria and infections from penetrating to the place where the nail is formed. To female hands looked more aesthetically pleasing, this skin is removed with a special instrument.

Every girl, in pursuit of beauty, undergoes many different procedures, including visiting a manicurist, nail extensions, applying varnish and others. Often main reason inflammation of the cuticles becomes such harmless trips to procedures. After all, not all craftsmen take their responsibilities responsibly; some forget to process the tool after each client. Failure to comply with such rules leads to negative consequences.

Inflammation of the nail cuticle is a process that is accompanied by pain, redness and swelling; in advanced cases, purulent discharge is observed.


When the cuticle on the hands becomes inflamed, symptoms appear that signal the onset of the disease. The main features are:

  • redness at the beginning of the nail;
  • the occurrence of edema;
  • there is a feeling of discomfort and pain;
  • in advanced forms, the pain becomes stronger and pus is released.

If at least one of these symptoms is diagnosed, you should immediately begin treatment. As you know, in the initial stages it is much easier to fight the disease in order to prevent it from developing into a severe form.

Main causes of inflammation

Immediately before starting treatment, it is necessary to establish the cause of the inflammation, and only then begin therapy. Such reasons usually include:

  1. Burrs. This reason rarely becomes a provoking factor of inflammation. But despite this, it should not be discounted. After all, if they are removed incorrectly, it is quite possible to cause an infection, which will become a source of inflammation. It is prohibited to remove burrs with dirty manicure tools or foreign objects.
  2. Incorrect care. If the cuticle is not removed, it begins to grow and, thereby, occupy a larger area on the nail. In addition, the skin tends to roughen, become dry and thicken. To avoid such consequences, you need to take care of your nails and regularly trim the excess cuticle.
  3. The influence of pathogens and fungal diseases. Such factors are no less dangerous for the skin around the nail. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate them so that serious consequences do not occur.
  4. Cuts, bumps, scratches. These mechanical injuries provide a pathway for infection to enter and provoke further inflammatory reactions.
  5. Allergy. It may well be provoked by aggressive substances that are part of household chemicals. When a woman comes into direct contact with such substances, there is a high probability of allergic reactions, which, in turn, cause inflammation. To prevent such a process, it is necessary to touch household chemicals only with rubber gloves.
  6. Sloppy manicure. This reason can become the main reason for inflammation. If you remove too much protective skin or cause damage with an instrument, an inflammatory process may occur.

Treatment at home

In the initial stages of paronychia of the finger, it is not always necessary to seek help from a qualified specialist. There are several proven methods that will help get rid of the disease.

Aloe juice or aloe creams

The plant itself is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. And the substances included in its composition will help quickly relieve redness, remove irritation and soothe the skin. To use it, you will need to treat the problem area with juice or cream, then cover everything well with a band-aid.


The following oils will help soothe the skin and speed up the healing process: orange, apricot kernel, calendula and tea tree. It is important to constantly treat the affected area during treatment.

Anti-fungal agents

When the cause of inflammation is a fungus, then you cannot do without such remedies. In pharmacies you can purchase any product of your choice, from gels to drops.

If a person wants to get rid of the problem as quickly as possible, then he cannot do without an appropriate specialist. He will appoint the most effective drug, which will eliminate the inflammatory process in the shortest possible time.

Ways to prevent inflammation

To avoid inflammation of the cuticle, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • carry out all housework with gloves;
  • takes care of health, in particular immunity;
  • All manicures should be done only by qualified specialists;
  • for the slightest lesions, antiseptic agents should be used.

Preventive methods

To avoid treatment, you must adhere to general rules hygiene. To protect the cuticle from inflammation, it is necessary to thoroughly and properly wash your hands, especially the nail area.

In addition, it is necessary to exclude the entry of dirt, ensure that it does not accumulate under the nails, and that the skin does not become keratinized. The area under the nails is the most dangerous, as various bacteria can remain there, which can get on the cuticle and cause inflammation. To prevent this from happening, you need to stock up on a sponge for cleaning your nails and cuticles and use it to wash away the dirt. You also need to take care of the cuticle: remove excess and dead skin in a timely manner.

Special salt baths will not interfere with your care, and don’t forget about creams with an antiseptic effect. The best of these creams are for children, but only those that contain panthenol. This substance can disinfect the skin and promote the speedy healing of wounds.

Inflammation of the cuticle can reduce blood flow to the fingers. Therefore, to restore normal blood flow, you will need to do massages. For them to have a positive result, you need to take a special cuticle oil and massage it into your fingertips and the skin near your nails. The oil will not only help facilitate the massage, but will also make the skin softer. Special attention You need to pay attention to your fingers; they are kneaded very carefully during movements.

To prevent cuticle inflammation, do not use nail scissors to remove excess skin. Since scissors are not able to cut the skin evenly, and in the process of removing it, injuries are caused, which contributes to the development of inflammatory processes. But you need to know how to trim the cuticle correctly, because high-quality procedures with clean, sterilized instruments will save you from many problems.

Special attention is required if the cuticle becomes inflamed after salon procedures made using reusable tools. In this case, the problems can be much more serious than ordinary cuticle inflammation. It is also necessary to request sealed disposable instruments from your technician.