Nuances for choosing a good product

You need to be smart and choose a product that can fit not only in corridor, but also at . The product must be strong, durable, and of high quality. It is advisable to choose products with PVC fluff or coconut fiber so that the material absorbs dirt, moisture, and snow elements well. Rubber products are popular. On at the moment The market for household items is represented by a wide variety of all types and varieties of products - from minimum sizes to covering all hallways. It will not be difficult for the user to choose the ideal solution for himself.

Types of products

If the rug is of high quality and original, it will not only be distinguished by its ability to protect the home from dirty street particles - it will become an effective, memorable interior detail, because the rug at the door greets and sees off the residents of the house/apartment and their guests. The special properties of such products guarantee their barrier properties, and the mats are easy to wash under running water and easy to care for. Thanks to all sorts of differences that manufacturers have endowed them with, it will not be difficult for you to choose a product that exceeds all your wishes.

The products offered on the market today are divided into several varieties.

  1. Shaggy rug allows you to bring a touch of style and beauty to the room. These help protect against dirt particles from the street, and in terms of external parameters they are noticeably superior to standard rubber products. The fibers easily trap dust and dirt particles, and the length of the pile is selected depending on personal preference. Products with short pile are ideal for cleaning work. The disadvantages of the products include difficulties in removing stubborn dirt and the need for regular drying.
  2. Rubber product - the most universal. It has a rubber base and is highly resistant to wear. Such models can not only trap wet and dirty elements, but also hide excess odors. When laid on a tiled material, the rug will not slip. The only weak point of this element is its insufficiently attractive appearance: today the choice of patterns and color solutions leaves much to be desired, although manufacturers are working on it.
  3. Foam carpets are characterized by simple operation and modest appearance. But they have a long service life, are resistant to rotting and getting wet, create ideal adhesion and do not slip on the tiles. Considering the disadvantages, it is worth noting the increased fragility of the coating at low temperatures. In this regard, it is recommended to choose this type of model not for hallways, and for bathrooms.
  4. Door mats with rubber base – buying them is not difficult due to the wide variety. The backing of all models is rubber. Thanks to it, the rug is able to withstand enormous temperature changes. Therefore, it can be used indoors and outdoors. The advantage of the product is the possibility of easy cleaning, simple washing and vacuuming. The only drawback is the high price and poor selection.

    Among all the models and options offered, rubber-based door mats are the most popular, and this is due to their high durability and functionality. Manufacturers, in an effort to please customers, do color palette solutions are becoming more diverse and original.

    Carpet in the hallway and its choice

    In any situation, the question of purchasing such a product for the hallway can be given a clear positive answer. The question is which models should be taken into account when making a purchase. In addition to convenience, the product should be pleasing to the eye, because it is the first thing that the owners and guests of the apartment see when they cross the threshold. By purchasing bright and large rugs, you can provide your hallway with an ideal appearance that will delight you and be remembered by your guests for a long time.

    To rationally choose a high-quality product that suits you, you should take into account several nuances:

    • it is important to take into account the specific characteristics of the acquisition: resistance to wear, reliability, ;
    • Tactile sensations also play an important role: the product should be pleasant to the touch - delicate and soft;
    • ease of care is key. No amount of beauty is worth the hours spent cleaning dirt from a product;
    • the ability to quickly and easily repel dirt and absorb moisture will allow the product to become as practical and convenient as possible.

    By deciding to buy a rubber-based door mat, you can make a rational choice and bring a touch of comfort and coziness to your hallway or other room.

    Important to know! The design of the selected product must be in harmony with the designs that surround it. That is, have similar colors and fit into the overall style of the interior.

    When choosing a product, owners should take into account the role that the rug will play within the interior. If, the design should be restrained and concise. If it appears large number bright details, you need to ensure a combination of colors of the carpet with furniture and decorations. The main task of any rug is to create a comfortable atmosphere. You can buy finished goods in stores, but you can do them self-production, but the main condition is that the carpet must be stylish, practical and in harmony with the overall appearance of the room.

    Rubber door mat: variety of products

    This type of floor covering has gained popularity due to the variety of substrates and styles. The requirement for the base material is that it must absorb moisture well and be resistant to temperature changes. There are several reasons to choose rubber-based hallway door mats:

    • such material does not emit substances harmful and dangerous to life and health, which makes them environmentally friendly;
    • The versatility of the products allows them to be used anywhere – in, , offices, trading floors, industrial premises, medical and educational institutions;

    In the hallway you can lay either a tiny door mat or a covering that can easily cover half of the hallway

Hallway rugs will help create a reliable dirt barrier when entering a room. A competent approach when choosing an item necessary in everyday life will ensure maximum protection of the atmosphere of the living space and will facilitate the process of maintaining cleanliness. The hallway rug can be made from various materials, the characteristics of each type will allow you to decide which of the assortments presented by the store is better. A hand-decorated copy will help demonstrate your handicraft skills.

Purpose of door mats

The main purpose of a door mat is to trap street dirt on the threshold of the hallway. They become most in demand during the season autumn slush, although positive aspects from their presence are also observed in other periods. To achieve maximum effect, there should be two useful products: one is located outside front door, the second - directly in the hallway.

The specimen located outside takes the “brunt” of collecting dirt, so the material for its manufacture is selected to be especially durable.

For these purposes, several product options are produced:

  • The base is coconut fiber.
  • Deep pile PVC rugs. Both models do a good job of trapping street dirt or snow. Caring for them consists of standard steps: shake off dust from the surface, sweep the area under the rug and wipe the floors with water with added detergents.
  • Rubber mat in the hallway exists in various designs. Rubber brushes are capable of efficiently cleaning dirt from the recesses on the sole. The disadvantage of the product is the need for frequent cleaning of the surface. Before entering the hallway, you can put a rubberized copy with cells. The disadvantage of this solution is the inability of the mat to remove fine dirt from the sole. Caring for the product is very simple - just shake off accumulated debris from the surface.

Advice! To decorate the area in front of the hallway, it is better to purchase rubber-based mats with special Velcro that help securely fix the product to the floor.

Having gotten rid of the bulk of the dirt on the sole, you can cross the threshold of the hallway in which the second copy is located. Often practical products are called barrier mats. Miniature and large models are selected according to certain criteria, which will be discussed further.

Selection criteria

A high-quality stain-resistant rug meets the following conditions:

  • Fairly soft base. This will prevent damage to the flooring in the hallway.
  • Comprehensive cleaning. The product should equally successfully trap particles of dust, dirt and moisture.
  • Comply with environmental safety standards. The raw materials used to make practical bedding for the hallway should not emit toxins.
  • Easy care. It is optimal when the surface is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, a damp brush or by washing at the owner’s discretion.
  • Aesthetics. Achieving harmony in the hallway design is facilitated by a combination of interior items, which includes a protective rug.

A variety of rubber-based hallway rugs are shown in the photo:

Material of manufacture

The hallway specimens themselves are made from the following materials:

  • rubber;
  • polypropylene;
  • polyamide;
  • pile.

The last option is a rather controversial decision. Products with natural bristles serve more of a decorative function, because they do not fully cope with the task of retaining dirt. The lengthy drying of the pile from moisture and the difficult process of cleaning the surface during cleaning make such an acquisition very impractical.

Advice! A worthy alternative Natural pile will be a rug for the hallway, where the pile is made of microfiber. According to manufacturers, such models do an excellent job of cleaning up dirt, are easy to clean and wash, have a significant margin of strength and last a long time thanks to the rubber base.

A rug made from coconut fiber also deserves attention. Resistance to moisture, easy cleaning from dirt is combined with the aesthetic appearance of the product.

The use of polypropylene and polyamide in the production of rugs classifies them as synthetic products. Main features of the models:

  • no deformation;
  • retain their original color for a long time;
  • special coating provides a high degree of moisture absorption;
  • The cleaning process can take place without washing; it is enough to use a vacuum cleaner.

The only drawback of synthetic rugs is their simple design, which does not contribute to decorating the interior of the hallway.

Hallway rugs with a rubber base have a good reputation. The key advantage of the product is instant absorption of moisture and excellent ability to retain dirt. A pleasant bonus will be ease and ease of care. At your discretion, they can be washed, washed or vacuumed.

Comment! In addition to the performance characteristics, when choosing a rug for the hallway, the color design of the product is also important: dark specimens are easily soiled, and the pockmarked color helps to successfully camouflage dirt.

Characteristics of individual species

The choice of the type of protective barrier is determined by its location. Directly for the hallway, it is optimal to purchase a product with a pile surface made of synthetic threads. Successfully penetrating the sole texture, fine fibers gently remove all dirt. Leading among various models rubber-based specimens. This combination contributes to the durability of the mat coupled with the effective collection of dirt due to the pile surface. Another advantage is the ability to quickly absorb moisture.

The most reliable barrier will be created by a tandem of rugs. In front of the entrance to the hallway, cellular or completely rubber types of rugs are placed; there are worthy offers with a bristly coating. These options provide a rougher initial cleaning of the sole and prepare it for subsequent soft treatment.

Manufacturers also suggest decorating the hallway with paths that have an increased ability to absorb moisture. This effect is achieved by the presence of a special gel impregnation.

Advice! If you use rugs intensively, you should pay attention to office coverings that have increased wear resistance.

The cost of certain types of protective products for the hallway consists of a combination of factors: the material used, rigidity, size. The price is influenced by the manufacturer's brand and model design.

The above information can be summarized as follows:

  • Shaggy rug Suitable exclusively for decorating the space inside the hallway. To facilitate the process of removing contaminants, experts recommend choosing products with low pile.
  • Rubber mat usually purchased for the area in front of the front door. The durability of the product, high-quality cleaning of the sole, coupled with low cost, contribute to the demand for such models. Among them, sometimes there are exotic options, for example, a transparent rug.
  • Rubber specimens on a rubber basis are distinguished by their versatility. They are equally good for placement inside the hallway and in front of the front door. Fully meet all the requirements for this type of product.

Even the widest selection of ready-made models for the hallway sometimes does not satisfy the taste of a picky buyer. Making your own rug will help you create your own unique design.

The nuances of choice and do-it-yourself design

In addition to the material of manufacture, when choosing, take into account the size and shape of the product, as well as the correspondence of the design to the existing interior of the hallway. The most common are rectangular models, although semicircular, square and oval examples exist. Rugs with humorous inscriptions, which contribute to the formation of good mood directly from the threshold of the hallway.

Making a protective barrier with your own hands is quite possible, but to do this, you should take into account all the nuances of using the household item. The mat should not be easily soiled, cope with its assigned functions and be easy to clean from any resulting dirt.

Companies specializing in the production of furniture and other interior items offer a wide range of practical and attractive rugs. Therefore, before you start creating a masterpiece with your own hands, it is better to carefully study the available range.

Decorative floor coverings have become a common occurrence in everyday life. The door mat is the latest word in high technology for the comfort of your premises in a domestic environment.

The largest European manufacturers offer a wide selection of products, different in texture and design, meeting the needs of the most demanding customers. The main thing is to do right choice. In the article we will reveal the variety of types of their properties and the secrets of selection.

Types of door mats

Among the variety of stain-resistant products, five main types of household rugs can be distinguished:

  • Fleecy;
  • Universal rubber;
  • Made from foam materials;
  • Rubber based;
  • Made from polypropylene.

Fleecy products create a feeling of comfort and softness in the interior of the hallway. At the entrance, a dirt-proof mat collects all moisture and dust. There is a nuance here: the lower the pile, the easier it is to clean it. Models with high pile are more difficult to clean and take a long time to dry. If the pile is not dried after washing, it will become musty.

The rubber coatings that we are accustomed to are considered universal for protecting the corridor from dirt. Door mats made of rubber, dirt-proof, have sufficient shape strength and color stability, however, they lack variety in terms of design.

Products made from foam materials are very easy to use: they do not slip, do not rot, almost do not get wet, and are not a favorable environment for harmful bacteria. The disadvantage is its unsightly appearance and instability to low temperatures. In frosty conditions, PVC material can crack, but for the bathroom it is an ideal coating.

Watch the video on the production of pile products:

A moisture-proof, dirt-proof, pile entrance mat with a rubber/rubber base is an ideal option for covering both indoors and outdoors. These models are easy to clean: they can be washed, washed and vacuumed. These products belong to a high price category, which is their only drawback.

TO the latest models Dirt-resistant door carpet products include products made from polypropylene fibers. These rugs have a brushed design, are easy to clean and always look neat. They belong to a low price category, are practical, and comply with hygiene standards.

Advantages of anti-splash coatings

Let's consider a number of advantages and features of rugs:

  1. Complies with environmental safety standards;
  2. Retains dirt, water and sand;
  3. Promotes the death of harmful microorganisms;
  4. They have high strength and wear resistance;
  5. Do not lose color or shape.

The products of this company are distinguished by an innovative approach to production. Rubber-based products are particularly durable. Moisture-proof, dirt-resistant pile entrance mats are made of looped fiber of various configurations.

These models are recommended to be placed indoors to protect them from sand and small dirt particles. The design of model rugs will fit perfectly into any interior. The price of products depends on the size and varies from 610 to 2,150 rubles.

  • Schmidt (Ireland)

The entry mat, pile, moisture-proof, dirt-proof Rubber Aseptic from the Irish company Schmidt is intended for places with high traffic: hospitals, schools, sanatoriums and residential premises. The edges of the product are protected by a rubber edging, which gives the pile strength. The special structure of the material (microfiber and cellulose) does not allow harmful bacteria to multiply and infect the room. This product has increased resistance to temperature changes, so it can also be located outside the room. Product price - 7,850 rubles.

  • Fita Company (Russia)

The Russian company Fita has developed a highly effective material based on polyester and cellulose. Moisture-proof entry pile mats perfectly absorb liquid and dirt, which can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or rubber brush. If the rug is heavily soiled, it can be washed using detergents. The price of the rug is 1,030 rubles.

How to choose the best rug

We look at the height and density of the pile. The density of the pile provides high protection against dirt, as well as shape stability. A moisture-proof, dirt-proof, pile entrance mat with a dense texture will look neat for many years.

There is an opinion that rugs for offices and industrial premises are made of higher quality and more reliably than household ones. This is a mistaken opinion: an ordinary household dirt-proof rug for a corridor will last for a sufficient time, conscientiously absorbing particles of dust and dirt. You will simply overpay when purchasing identical coatings with different names.

Watch the video, selection criteria:

Is it worth saving on your purchase? If you have the energy and time to constantly clean the hallway, then you can buy an inexpensive rug. If you save your energy and time, it is better to buy an expensive, high-quality product: dirt-proof rugs for the hallway will save linoleum from additional wet cleaning, and parquet from scratches and dirt.

Pay attention to the Velcro fasteners: they securely secure the rug to the floor, preventing it from moving.

To protect the room from the penetration of dirt and moisture, two rugs are used - external and internal. The outside of the floor can be covered with a rubber product, and the inside with a pile product. Also, internal rugs can be made of polyamide, microfiber, coconut fiber, rubber or polypropylene.

When choosing a suitable covering for your interior space, pay attention to how the product is cleaned. Some materials require careful cleaning and drying, while other materials are easy to clean.

Product care

  • Rugs outside the door

How to care for flooring near doors? Outside, there is usually a rubber mat that can be cleaned with detergents. A product with rubber bristles holds dirt well and cleans the soles of shoes, however, it requires constant washing. Floor mats with a cellular structure will not clean the soles of boots and shoes, but caring for them will not be difficult.

  • Rugs inside the corridor

Natural fibers. The internal pile entrance mat, moisture-proof and dirt-proof, needs more thorough cleaning. Products made from natural pile fiber look decorative and cozy, but caring for them causes a lot of trouble. Such products take a long time to dry and are difficult to clean from dirt. An exception is rugs made of coconut fiber: these products look very attractive, retain their structure for a long time, are easy to clean and dry quickly.

Moisture-proof, dirt-resistant pile entrance mats made of synthetic fibers They hold dirt well and are not afraid of moisture. Polypropylene and polyamide meet all hygienic standards, are environmentally friendly, and are not attractive to bacteria. Such carpet products resemble natural fibers, are pleasant to look at, easy to clean and dry quickly. Unlike natural fibers, they do not lose color or become deformed with regular cleaning.

Watch a video about a heated mat:

Microfiber models are quite durable, cope with any dirt and do not require special equipment for cleaning stain-resistant mats. If microfiber has a rubber base, then the durability of such a product is ensured.

A new product from manufacturers - heated mats. You can always dry your rug using electricity. The disadvantage of such products: they cannot be washed. Such material can only be processed with dry means.

Bottom line

The most durable, environmentally friendly and reliable in operation are moisture-proof, dirt-proof pile entrance mats made of synthetic fibers. Polyamide, polypropylene, foam materials, as well as rubber products will reliably protect the room from dirt and bacteria. These materials are easy to process, dry quickly and do not cause additional hassle during cleaning.

It is not recommended to place models without a rubber base on the outside of the door, especially foam material: it does not tolerate low temperatures. Before purchasing a rug, check the method for removing dirt. The product should help in the fight against dirt and not cause problems during cleaning.

Have you seen the door mats that greet everyone who enters the house? It is unlikely that there are many who will answer “no” to this question. Sometimes there are even several such rugs: one on the street side, the other in the hallway.

Why are they there? Some people think that for decoration, someone - to do not bring street dirt into your home. For some, a rug is barrier for her negative energy what a person, willingly or unwillingly, brings from the street.

However, there is another opinion: the rug in front of the front door - a habit or even a relic of the past. So why is it needed, is there any benefit from it? We'll figure it out together.

The benefits of a rug in front of the front door

At the entrance

Should it be laid on the entrance side? Let's, as usual, “dance from the stove,” and in our case, from the name.

Reference. In stores, door mats are called “stain-proof.”

This means that the function assigned to them is protection from street dirt that we carry on our shoes. Of course, rugs will not rid shoes of dirt one hundred percent, but they will still “take on” some of it.

The benefits of such products are especially noticeable in winter slush and rainy autumn.. Moisture, remnants of blades of grass, sand, snow, lumps of earth - all this remains on the surface of the rugs. And if there are two of them - one from the entrance, the other - inside the apartment, then the floors in the hallway remain, if not clean, then not covered with a layer of earth and requiring minimal cleaning.

Advice! To make the benefits obvious, rugs that are planned to be placed at the entrance to the house should be chosen with a bristly or cellular texture.

The bristles penetrate into the most intricate texture of the sole and clean out everything unnecessary. And the dirt is cleaned off the cells almost like a dirt cleaning grid.

In the hallway

Do you need a rug inside the house, in the hallway? Sometimes it's vital! Especially relevant for those who have floor tiles in the hallway. During the snowy season, it protects against slipping, and ultimately against falling.

By the way, if laminate flooring is laid in the corridor, then it is difficult to do without such an item as a shoe tray or an absorbent mat. The latter is, naturally, a more aesthetic option.

Another argument in favor: mats with an absorbent coating are very convenient to use not only for wiping soles, but also for drying shoes. Water from washed shoes will not spread in a puddle across the hallway floor. This means you won’t have to do wet cleaning again.

Opponents' opinion

An old truth: as many people, as many opinions. Even the simple question “is there a need for a doormat” causes controversy and leads to debate. If supporters think more or less alike, then there is no unanimous opinion among opponents. There are various reasons that motivate people to stop using mats in front of their front doors.

Attracts animals

Reason one: those rugs that are on the side of the entrance or entrance to the house from the street are often attract stray cats and dogs.

It is clear that in this case the rug not only does not protect against dirt: it becomes a breeding ground for it, since grass fleas are added to ordinary dust. Well, if the animal marks the rug, then comments are unnecessary.

Accumulates dirt

The second reason is contained in the question: “saw, how much dirt is under the rug? Opponents of “grandmother’s rugs” are perplexed: how will they save the mass of microbes accumulated under the rug from entering the home?

In response to the objections of supporters about the need to periodically wash the product, they reasonably note that the rug additionally burdens the owner.

Useless habit

Reason number three: old-fashioned, everyone is just used to doing it that way.

A damp rag in front of the door appeared when housewives did not yet know vacuum cleaners. For relief manual labor It was important to leave some sand in front of the entrance to the apartment. It was not without reason that in those days when rugs were not sold in stores, housewives got out of the situation with the help of damp burlap in front of the door. And handicraft lovers knitted rugs from leftover fabric and old clothes.

But today, a vacuum cleaner will do an excellent job of removing sand that gets into the house. Therefore, it is quite possible to do without such “generational experience”!

Spoils the interior

Reason four, subjective: ugly! According to some, modern stylish entrance doors in the company of such a rug immediately lose their luster.

To have or not to have?

We got acquainted with the opinions “for” and “against”. The decision is yours to make. And when accepting it, it is worth remembering that such a utilitarian thing may well be a source of good mood.

Agree, it’s hard not to smile if you’re greeted by a funny picture or an inscription like “sweet home.”