31.5.2007, 15:20

He moves a lot and oh-so-violently, his stomach shakes!
The doctor says there's nothing to worry about. Heartbeat is good, ultrasound too.
Maybe because of the heat?
The girls are pot-bellied and have given birth, how did it go for you?

31.5.2007, 15:40

AutoLady, it was like that. I alternated between periods of “calm” and wild activity. So when my son started playing football in his stomach - or whatever it was - I couldn’t even sleep for days. So there you go.

31.5.2007, 15:53

AutoLady, the doctor told me that this is a sign that the baby is not entirely comfortable in your stomach. You need to take all the tests to see if everything is okay with you. everything was fine with me, but the baby was still pushing, as a result, the pregnancy was generally going well (I had no nausea, no dizziness when it was hot, no abdominal pain), at 8 months. The water broke, also without pain. as it turned out, it was very good, because the child was born with severe jaundice and could have developed big problems before the end of the term. my antibodies did not give him rest and this is with the same Rh factors, it’s just different groups blood. When I found out everything, I was very surprised why no one said anything like that during the takeover. This turned out to be a rare occurrence. but it almost cost my child his health, that’s the minimum!
I wrote how it was with me, but your baby may just be hot, now many people feel uneasy from such heat.

31.5.2007, 16:09

yanser, do you think that your son’s activity caused the early outpouring of water? Hardly.
With a constant threat from 22 weeks (strong uterine tone) and fetal activity, I happily brought it to the PDR, and then the bladder was punctured.

31.5.2007, 16:31

QUOTE(GerdA, 31-05-07 @ 16:09)
you think

I don’t think so, but the doctors who performed the caesarean section and examined the child told me. that his activity was due to discomfort (Tsareva also told me this during pregnancy that his activity could be due to this, so I was prescribed additional tests, hemoglobin was slightly reduced, they prescribed me pills and decided that they had found the cause) , the water broke suddenly, for no reason, labor did not begin even after 6 hours. The doctors explained to me that a critical moment had come and the treatment could no longer continue. as they put it: “what smart nature!”
I can now remember this without any problems, but we have suffered enough fear. and when the doctors saw my belly they said that the baby’s weight did not even reach 2 kg, when it turned out that they were mistaken, the weight was normal, another one began, even worse, during intensive therapy the belly grew so actively that we did not survive best moments in your life. Only thanks to the doctors and their work, it was possible to stop it 11 days after birth. our luminary of pediatrics, calmly told me, there will be a b-bin of 500 units, the child will become a fool, above 750 is not compatible with life.

31.5.2007, 16:31

My first child was born in September, I walked around with a belly all summer, the baby was moving very violently in her tummy, I couldn’t sleep at night. The second child was born some time later in June, so I went through the winter and spring pregnant without even feeling it. I I don’t know exactly what the reason for this movement is, or the heat, and the consequence of this is a lack of oxygen, or the child’s character is already being laid in the mother’s tummy. My first child is still restless, and the second is a calm and flexible little boy. Now everyone will be born on their own you'll see.
yanser, by the way, we also had incompatibility in blood type, I I was very surprised and naturally scared when on the second day the baby developed jaundice, they began to take blood from him every day from a vein, IV, etc., but the pregnancy went well and we were born very quickly, in 2 hours!!!
Now everything is behind us, our birthday is coming soon, we’ve already been 2 years old
So I wish everyone good luck!!!

31.5.2007, 16:39

Increased activity may be due to lack of oxygen.


31.5.2007, 18:29

My first baby hardly moved at all, and wanted to be born at 38 weeks (the waters started), and the second girl was just terribly active (especially since she had something to compare with), but the doctors said that it was nothing to worry about, contractions started at 36 weeks, she arrived to the maternity hospital, they looked at me, did an ultrasound, my weight was 2900, they offered to fasten it and wait until 38 weeks, I was born with a weight of 3360!

My hemoglobin is low. But what does this have to do with the child?
I’m silent about bilirubin and blood incompatibility, everything here (ttt) is ok. The tests are all good.
In general, THANK YOU everyone for the answers!
The doctor says that everything is fine, and since this happens not only to me (but also to a bunch of forum users), I’ve completely calmed down
I will think that the football player...

Well, it is precisely with low hemoglobin that both mother and child feel a lack of oxygen. I was also diagnosed with low hemoglobin during pregnancy and prescribed Sorbifer Durules. Then, about 7 months ago, they injected KKB (cocaborxylase, maybe I lied somewhere in the letters). But my stomach shook and it all continued. However, even now Sanka is such an awl
She and I have a different blood type, we have the same Rhesus, there were no conflicts, no jaundice. She gave birth at 42 weeks, the bladder was punctured, but there were no signs of postmaturity.
Health to you and the baby!

We have a Rhesus conflict, the belly has been walking on its own wherever it wants since the 16th week. In the shower I always had the feeling that I had to wash two people. By the way, the festivities began at night and until the morning. Actually, for the past year and a half we have been sleeping poorly at night. I'm already used to it.

I once came across an article about a child’s strong movements in his stomach. It was explained by a lack of oxygen and mother’s movement. That is, if the mother moved little during the day (sedentary work), and even if there is a lack of fresh air, then the child will encourage the mother to move. I’ve noticed this myself - while you’re walking, doing something, singing songs, the goat lies calmly and doesn’t twitch. All you had to do was sit/lie down for an hour or two, and something like this would start... They advise you to take more walks in the evening, slowly, with your husband arm in arm. After such walks, my belly-dweller let me fall asleep peacefully (apparently he was rocked to sleep as if on his arms), otherwise I would suffer while he kicked his stuff there.

If your intuition tells you that something is wrong and you are very worried about this, do a CTG and see how he is doing there (after consulting with your doctor, of course). And oxygen cocktails also appeared for sale in the pharmacy (I saw them in Zdravushka), a year and a half ago, when my pregnant friend was running around with the thought that her belly was suffering from oxygen starvation, they were not on sale. And I myself went to a pressure chamber during pregnancy, as prescribed by a doctor, they assured me that it was terribly useful, but the procedure was not pleasant. Although I don’t remember that the baby was “constantly shaking in his stomach”, rather, on the contrary, there were days when there was almost no activity, believe me, this was also a reason for worry.

If I were you, I would try belly breathing, it gives the baby an influx of oxygen, and drink an oxygen cocktail. If it helps, then it really means a lack of oxygen, which is quite understandable in such heat.

IMHO, it depends on the child.
The first one was kicking and spinning, there was no way to save him. The second one pushed very little - he only didn’t like it when there was at least some pressure on his stomach (for example, he couldn’t stand the laptop). Hemoglobin was low in both pregnancies. Only the first time I was rushing around on buses to college, and the second time I spent more and more time at home on the sofa. The first one was a terrible nightmare. The second one is just a bunny. So oxygen and movement are complete nonsense.

AutoLady, Did you think you were going to Turkey? So, I really don’t recommend it in this situation, you’ll get tormented at the very least. We won’t talk about the best possible way - the health of vacationers is entirely on their conscience

I also heard and read that a child moves intensely when there is a lack of oxygen. I can say about myself that everything was in periods of shaking, then complete tranquility. But neither one nor the other is good.
I wish you all the best and a healthy baby, the main thing is to be less nervous.

We didn't gather. Reasons were found. It's a pity though.

Thanks everyone!
I went to buy oxygen cocktails


QUOTE(AutoLady, 05/31/07 @ 16:20)
The doctor says there's nothing to worry about. Heartbeat is good, ultrasound too.

I was told that this is not very good, because... the child does not have enough oxygen, they prescribed oxygen cocktails and advised him to stay in the air as much as possible

I don’t know... As Mr. Isheisky said (I fell in love with him this year!), each person is individual... You can’t pull everyone under the “Procrustean bed” or stretch them... My baby in my tummy doesn’t fight, but this a feeling that it is constantly smoothly moving somewhere... Sometimes it wants to rip my mother’s tummy apart, but I explain to him that the way out is on a completely different side...
In general, there was no trust in doctors before, and now even more so... I’ve been scared about childbirth since the end of April... In chorus at the first maternity hospital they said that I was about to give birth... I took a month off... I came to the first one, when they saw me they were surprised, they examined me, they said everything... Five-day readiness... Five days passed, I went to my doctor (or rather, not to my doctor, but who is for her!), I say, well, since when should I give birth... I got an answer again all in five days, there are no other options!!! And now I’ve been sitting on bags for the second month and in combat readiness... And things are still there... The child is growing, he is getting bigger and there is more and more discomfort from his movements... Therefore, it seems that he is constantly moving.. But movement is life and I’m glad that he is growing and living... The only thing that doesn’t make me happy is that these movements intensify at night.. But after reading this thread, I realized that I’m not the only one who has such problems... My friend is already trying to train hers. in the stomach, so that he sleeps at night and doesn’t sleep during the day... But it’s all to no avail, nature is such a thing, you can’t predict it and the doctors here are completely powerless... .. I’m sitting and thinking about going to this very Nonna Vasilievna... So to speak before my eyes... When the 1st maternity hospital opens, I'll go anyway... They even told me at the residential complex that they would no longer schedule an appointment, because... I’ll give birth anyway... Tomorrow I’ll visit... I’ll ask where the vaunted forecasts are... it’s already 39 weeks... and everyone has been promising me a birth since I was 32...

Why does a baby push so hard in the stomach?

The baby is moving vigorously in the uterus - has something really happened? Each expectant mother is worried about the condition of his child in the womb. In the early stages, the baby’s well-being is monitored using various tests and ultrasounds, which the pregnant woman undergoes according to schedule. From about 18 weeks (for some earlier, for others a couple of weeks later), the pregnant woman has the opportunity to control the development process of her child through its movements. It is during this time that it reaches such a size that the mother can finally feel its movements.

When everything happens as doctors warn and is described in books, then future mommy calm and experiencing only joy from signals from the stomach. The norm is considered to be the presence of motor activity of a child in an amount of at least 10 episodes per day. Increased frequency or, on the contrary, rarer movements may indicate certain deviations.

The most common statement is that the fetus moves very much when there is a lack of oxygen - hypoxia. There are many reasons given for its occurrence. These include disorders in the mother’s body (kidney disease, diabetes mellitus), and a lack of certain elements in the blood (low hemoglobin), and ecology, and bad habits pregnant. Hypoxia is dangerous because it disrupts the development of the fetus, because it simply does not have enough oxygen. The earlier it begins and the longer it continues, the greater its impact.

In order to improve blood supply to the placenta, the baby actively kneads it with his arms and legs. And mom can feel it very well. According to other statements, a fetus experiencing oxygen starvation, on the contrary, reduces the number of its movements. He simply does not have the strength for them. This can be observed if hypoxia has already reached a high degree of development.

Talking about hypoxia is not at all meant to scare expectant mothers. After all, the main reasons why a child moves a lot in the stomach are by no means so critical. The “culprit” may be the consumption of certain foods (for example, sour lemon) or an abundance of glucose. That is, an eaten chocolate bar will give the baby energy to actively express himself.

The baby can start exercising if his mother does not do it. The child pushes strongly, provoking his mother to move and walk in the fresh air, because this is so necessary for a full flow of oxygen to the placenta. The little man already has his own character and may simply turn out to be a smart guy. Then your stomach will shake, but this will be absolutely normal.

The child actively moves in the stomach even when he sleeps well. This usually happens closer to night, when mom, on the contrary, is getting ready for bed. In short, if you are under good medical supervision and are already familiar with your baby’s routine and temperament, then active movements should not cause alarm. It is worth paying attention to them only if this has not been observed before, and you noted that the behavior of the fetus has changed over some time. In this case, report your suspicions to your doctor for further examination.

Often, young mothers report that before giving birth the baby moves a lot, and not, on the contrary, freezes, as described in the literature for pregnant women. Typically, such increased activity is observed precisely with the onset of contractions. The uterus contracts, the child begins to periodically experience a lack of oxygen and physical discomfort, which is why he pushes. But during childbirth this should not cause much concern, since doctors monitor the condition of the fetus in the hospital.

Many pregnant women are worried about how the baby behaves in the stomach. Is the baby comfortable? Does he have enough oxygen? Why doesn't he push for a very long time? How to understand that a child’s movements are not related to problems in his development? – To answer these questions, it is worth learning more about what uterine tone, hypoxia are and what expectant mothers should do to avoid these problems during pregnancy.

First movements

When the second trimester of pregnancy begins, women begin to listen to their belly, eagerly awaiting the first movements of the baby. The baby begins to move at 7–8 weeks, but its size is still so small that the woman cannot feel it. Most often, the first movements of the baby become noticeable at 16–20 weeks of pregnancy. The norm is the appearance of the first movements before 23 weeks; during this period, all pregnant women already feel a slight movement in the abdomen, reminiscent of the swimming of a fish.

If a woman is thin, she will notice the first movements at 16 weeks, the rest a little later. During this period, the child is still very small, and his movements are easy to confuse with increased intestinal motility and not pay attention to them. Pregnant women for the second time or more are able to notice subtle movements of the baby already at 16–18 weeks, regardless of body type. As a rule, at this stage, movements are rare, 1–2 times a day, perhaps 1–2 times every 2–3 days.

From the 20th to the 30th week of pregnancy, the baby begins to grow rapidly, and the abdomen noticeably increases in all women. This is the period of maximum motor activity of the fetus. The child has already grown up enough and gained strength. When it turns over and spins, the pregnant woman feels gurgling movements that are quite intense. After the 32nd week, the baby will be so big that it will not be able to “dance” in the mother’s belly. Swimming movements will be replaced by sharp pushes with knees and elbows.

The influence of the environment on fetal behavior

A child in the womb is able to react to what is happening in the world around him. Most often, behavior is changed by the following external factors:

  • the touch of mom, dad and other people,
  • noises, music,
  • smells.

From about 24 weeks, all family members can already feel the baby’s movements if they try to put their hand on the stomach. Children react differently to touch. If the baby is actively kicking and spinning, this can cause inconvenience to the mother. But if at this moment the father touches the stomach, the child very often calms down and calms down. It seems that the baby got scared and hid. If you don’t immediately remove your hand, the child gets used to it and begins to actively push his father’s hands. Some children, on the contrary, love to play with everyone and increase their pushing when they feel new people.

They often protest in response to loud, sharp sounds, unpleasant odors. If the baby is frightened by loud screams, music or the sounds of construction tools, he will definitely give a signal to his parents and begin to push hard. Very often children spin around until the unpleasant sounds are eliminated. Doctors and psychologists recommend that pregnant women avoid going to cinemas and nightclubs, replacing such recreation with walks in the fresh air and listening to classical music.

The beneficial effects of classical music on the development of a baby before and after birth have been confirmed by a number of studies by scientists from the USA and Israel. They noticed that listening to classics by premature babies increased their metabolism, helping the babies gain weight. In addition, breastfeeding mothers who regularly listened to classical music were able to maintain lactation longer than women who preferred other music.

It has been proven that classical music has a therapeutic effect on the human nervous system, which is especially useful for pregnant women, who often experience the negative effects of hormonal surges, manifested in mood swings, tearfulness, and nervousness. Undoubtedly, a child, while still in the womb, is able to calm down with his mother, listening to the calm melodies of great composers. If the baby moves very much, you can try playing “The Seasons” by Vivaldi or “Music of Angels” by Mozart.

American neuroscientists have proven the special influence of Mozart’s music on intrauterine development. Children whose mothers listened to Mozart's works were ahead of other children in their development and had a good memory.

The influence of odors

Prolonged exposure of a pregnant woman to certain odors also leads to increased motor activity of the fetus. The strong smell of chlorine, acetone, paint can irritate it. The child begins to spin, trying to turn away from the unpleasant smell.

The greatest harm to the health of a pregnant woman and fetus is caused by smoking and the smell of tobacco smoke. Numerous studies of this problem have proven the negative impact of tobacco smoke on the intrauterine development of a child. If a pregnant woman smokes, it is extremely important to quit the habit as soon as possible. But the smell of smoke in the room can have a negative impact on the child.

When tobacco smoke enters the mother's body, the baby may begin to move very much. At this moment, he experiences oxygen starvation (hypoxia) and tries to cope with it. As soon as the mother leaves the smoky room into fresh air, the baby will calm down. Constant exposure to tobacco smoke, chlorine and other harmful odors can lead to chronic hypoxia, developmental delays, oligohydramnios and poor weight gain in the baby.

How do you know when hypoxia has started?

If the baby moves very much in the stomach, this is a reason to think about why this is happening and what kind of life a pregnant woman leads. For the normal development of a child in the womb, a sufficient supply of oxygen is very important. It nourishes all the cells of the body, helping the child grow. To control proper development crumbs the following methods are used:

  • listening to the heartbeat with an obstetric stethoscope,
  • Ultrasound screening,
  • dopplerometry,
  • dopplerography,
  • cardiotocography (CTG).

Each of the listed methods is designed to check and evaluate the baby’s condition so that you can take care of him on time. An examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist will help determine why the baby moves a lot or, conversely, does not move for more than a day. The first thing the doctor will do is listen to the heartbeat with a stethoscope. After making sure that everything is fine with the child, the doctor will suggest that the pregnant woman take more walks, not sit for a long time in an uncomfortable position in front of the TV or computer, and eat right. To clarify the baby’s condition, the doctor may prescribe an additional ultrasound.

Ultrasound screening provides information about the size of the fetus, proper formation internal organs and body parts, quantity amniotic fluid and the condition of the placenta. If hypoxia is suspected, the doctor pays special attention indicators of the thickness of the placenta, the amount of water, the position of the umbilical cord, the size of the baby.

To monitor the state of blood flow in the “mother-child” system, Doppler ultrasound and Doppler ultrasound are used. The only difference between these two methods is that during Doppler sonography, information from the sensor is additionally recorded on a medium (disk or tape). This method allows you to see how blood flows from the placenta to the baby; it will be especially useful in the case of entanglement with the umbilical cord.

CTG is done to all pregnant women from the 33rd week. Special sensors connected to the abdomen monitor the baby’s heartbeat, breathing and movements. A woman lies on the couch for 30 to 60 minutes. The results are displayed on tape, similar to ECG data. During the study, you can evaluate how increased uterine tone affects the baby if it occurs in a woman.

As the tone increases, the uterus begins to contract, the woman feels like her stomach is on short time becomes stone, nagging pain appears. Such cramping movements of the uterine muscles, if they occur frequently, can lead to hypoxia and fetoplacental insufficiency. During the increase in tone, the woman feels anxiety, and the child becomes especially active, he is cramped in the contracting uterus. To get rid of this condition, doctors prescribe certain treatment aimed at preventing hypoxia. As a rule, after treatment the baby becomes calmer.

A child’s activity is not always a manifestation of his struggle with oxygen starvation. Each baby develops its own sleeping and waking patterns, and every mother knows when and how he moves. If there are significant changes in physical activity, you should consult a doctor. To prevent problems with oxygen supply, it is recommended to walk a lot in the fresh air, enjoy every day and tune in to a calm, easy birth. Good luck!

The fetus begins to make its first movements early, already at 7–8 weeks of pregnancy. It is at this time that its first muscles and rudiments are formed nervous system. From about 10 weeks of pregnancy, the baby begins to move more actively in the uterus, sometimes bumping into its walls. However, he is still very small, and these blows are very weak, so the expectant mother cannot yet feel them.

2. “As if a fish swam by”: during the first pregnancy, fetal movements are felt later

The first movements of the fetus will be soft and tickling, as if a fish has swam by. The expectant mother will be able to feel noticeable tremors a little later. If the pregnancy is the first, the first fetal movements can be noticed at 18–20 weeks, and when repeat pregnancy– at 16–18 weeks (the woman is already familiar with this sensation, she more accurately and earlier detects fetal movement).

In general, the manifestation of the first movements of the fetus is very individual and depends on how sensitive the expectant mother is, as well as on her physique. For example, thin women can feel fetal movements earlier - even at 15-16 weeks, and larger mothers - sometimes later than 20 weeks.

Women leading active image In life, people who work a lot usually feel the movements of the fetus later, since when they are highly busy they usually listen less to their internal sensations.

3. From 24 weeks, the fetus already “communicates” with the mother through movements

Fetal movements are an indicator of a normal pregnancy, good growth, development and well-being of the baby. At first, when the expectant mother just felt the first movements of the fetus (18–20 weeks), movements may not even be felt every day. From 24 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother already feels how the fetus changes position, moves its arms and legs. The motor activity of the fetus increases gradually, and its peak occurs in the period from the 24th to the 32nd week of pregnancy. At this time, it becomes one of the indicators of the baby’s normal development; the child begins to “communicate” with the mother through movements, respond to the sounds of her voice and emotional state. From the moment he “grows up”, when the baby begins to actively move, he “talks” to his mother, thereby informing her about his anxiety, joy, pleasure or his well-being.

In turn, the fetus reacts very sensitively to changes emotional state future mother. For example, when she is excited, worried about something or happy, the baby may move more actively or, conversely, calm down for a while. Fetal movements can vary in quantity and intensity even throughout the day. And this is normal.

4. If there are no movements, the baby can just sleep

Starting from the 24th week of pregnancy, the baby should move on average 10–15 times per hour. If the baby does not make itself known for 3-4 hours, perhaps he is just sleeping. In this case, the expectant mother needs to eat something sweet and lie on her left side for half an hour. If these simple steps do not help, you should repeat them again after 2-3 hours. If the baby still does not make itself known, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

After 32 weeks of pregnancy, the number of fetal movements gradually decreases due to the fact that the baby is growing up and simply does not have enough free space. But their intensity and strength remain the same or increase. This becomes especially noticeable at the time of childbirth.

See your doctor immediately if:

  • no fetal motor activity for 12 hours or more,
  • the fetus was excessively active for several days, and then suddenly died down,
  • you notice only rare and weak movements of the fetus (this may be caused by a lack of oxygen - fetal hypoxia).

5. How to count fetal movements? 2 special tests

It is recommended for every expectant mother to count the number of fetal movements, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy (after the 28th week) - there should be at least ten of them during the day. There are 2 fetal movement tests to assess fetal activity

"Count to Ten". On a special chart (you can get it from your doctor or he will tell you how to draw it up), the number of fetal movements is recorded daily, usually from 28 weeks of pregnancy. The essence of the fetal movement test is that the expectant mother counts the fetal movements for 12 hours, for example, from 9 am to 9 pm. If the fetus makes less than 10 movements per period, this is a reason to consult a doctor for an examination.

There is another way to count fetal movements - Sadowski technique. It is carried out like this: in the evening after dinner, the woman lies down on her left side and counts the movements of the fetus. In this case, everything must be taken into account, even the most small movements fetus If 10 or more fetal movements are observed within an hour, this indicates that the baby is feeling well. If the fetus moved less than 10 times in an hour, then its movements are counted over the next hour. Evening time for this method The ratings were not chosen randomly. It is in the evening, especially after dinner and the associated increase in glucose, that the greatest activity of the fetus is observed. If the number of fetal movements is less than 10 times in 2 hours, this should be considered as a sign of a violation of its condition and additional research should be carried out.

6. Fetal movements may be a little painful.

Sometimes the baby's movements cause pain to the expectant mother. In this case, she needs to change her body position (lie on the other side, walk, etc.). After this, the discomfort should go away. If fetal movements remain painful for a long time, for several hours, the expectant mother should definitely inform the doctor about this, as this may be a sign of problems during pregnancy (for example, with oligohydramnios). In addition, most expectant mothers note some pain in the hypochondrium area, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy - and this is not a deviation from the norm, since the uterus has risen high enough for the baby to “reach” these areas.

7. Nimble baby: why are fetal movements too active?

The baby may move too actively, as already mentioned, when the emotional state of the expectant mother changes, in addition, this is how he can react to external noise (from about the 20th week of pregnancy, when the hearing aid is formed and the bones in it begin to ossify in order to conduct sound ). Therefore, if an expectant mother comes to an apartment where renovations are underway, or watches a movie with strong noise effects in a cinema, she will most likely feel quite frequent tremors in her tummy.

8. How is oxygen starvation of the fetus expressed?

There is a widespread belief that increased fetal activity is a sign of fetal oxygen starvation, but this is not always the case. Indeed, during the initial stages of fetal hypoxia, the baby’s restless behavior is noted, which consists of increased frequency and intensification of his movements. However, with a prolonged or increasing lack of oxygen, the little person’s movements weaken and may even stop altogether. Therefore, rare (less than 10 per day), weak fetal movements (especially after 30 weeks) or increased activity after a “quiet period” should cause alarm, which requires urgent consultation with a doctor. If the doctor suspects something is wrong, he will refer the expectant mother for an ultrasound or CTG (cardiotocography), with the help of which you can figure out why the baby is behaving this way. And if necessary, the doctor will prescribe treatment to normalize the condition of the fetus.

It is very important to listen to the sensations in your tummy and notice how often and intensely the baby moves. Then you will be able to feel changes in the nature of his movements and consult a doctor in time to make sure that everything is fine with the baby.

9. The little “astronaut” is always on the move

At the 20th week of pregnancy, the fetus makes about 200 movements per day, and in the period between the 28th and 32nd weeks daily amount reaches 600. Naturally, the expectant mother does not feel all the baby’s movements, but only a small part of them. So, after 28 weeks, the frequency of fetal movement, as a woman feels, is usually from 4 to 8 times per hour, with the exception of periods of his sleep (3-4 hours in a row). During the third trimester, a pregnant woman may notice that her baby has certain sleep and wake cycles. Children are usually most active from 19:00 to 4:00 in the morning, and the period of “rest” occurs more often from 4:00 to 9:00 am.

When the baby begins to move in the mother’s tummy, this is a very important moment. For all expectant mothers, this topic is in great demand. After all, every time you worry about whether the baby started kicking at the right time and whether he is active enough. To dispel all worries, it’s worth dotting all the i’s. I would just like to stipulate right away that every woman has her own physiology, and there are no strict standards in this matter.

When, at how many months does the baby start kicking in the first and second pregnancy?

This period cannot even be compared with anything. It is at the moment when the child pushes his tummy for the first time that you fly into seventh heaven with happiness. And after that you begin to realize what is inside you new life. Yes, believe me, many (especially young mothers) do not immediately understand all the responsibility and, in general, what is happening to them. And up to five months, for most, the tummy may be barely noticeable.

When this happens:

  1. Let's just say that the baby is alive and moves the entire time it is in the tummy. This is natural and normal. The fact is that in the early stages the baby is so tiny that any of his tremors are not felt. Yes, and it is located behind so many protective layers (meaning the placenta, uterus and amniotic fluid). And it also does not reach the walls of the uterus itself.
  2. The baby is growing up and the movement of the leg towards the mother’s tummy becomes noticeable. This happens on average 20 weeks during the first pregnancy.
  3. During the second and subsequent pregnancies, this important moment will come a little earlier - at 18 weeks.
  4. But! It happens that the mother begins to feel the baby’s movements as early as 16 or even 15 weeks of pregnancy. And there are cases when the baby begins to kick only at 24-25 weeks. There is no need to worry in either the first or second case (pregnant women should not be nervous at all). Better enjoy every minute of your special position.

To avoid any unanswered questions, let's take a closer look at this nuance. Why do babies kick on these? different dates and what is the norm:

  • The first reason is weak perceptibility and, perhaps, not even awareness of what happened. After all, the baby pushes very weakly in the first stages. Let us immediately answer why this happens a little later during the first pregnancy. For the second time, the expectant mother knows all the sensations and what they should be like.
  • The weight of the fetus plays an important role. Yes, you will feel the leg of a larger baby faster.
  • Also, the weight of the expectant mother makes its own adjustments. Slender girls will quickly feel when the baby begins to kick. And those whose subcutaneous fat layer is thicker will naturally feel movement a little later.
  • And, of course, the sensitivity threshold. Every woman has her own. That's why it's so individual question, which doctors put within the normal range long term. But, of course, no later than 25 weeks. Otherwise, you should definitely consult your doctor.
  • It also affects the activity of the young mother’s intestines. Sometimes, due to its increased work, the movement of the fetus can be overshadowed.
  • Also, the temperament, character and routine of the future baby are already evident.
  • The amount of amniotic fluid also plays a role. The more there are, the less expressive the sensations will be. And with their small number, naturally, the opposite is true.
  • Also, the location of the placenta plays a role. Those in whom it is adjacent to the back wall of the uterus will feel fetal movements a little earlier.
  • Well, of course, the baby’s health status has something to do with it. I think there is no need to go into this topic in detail.
  • By the way, the fact of whether the child is desired also has a great influence. As a rule, mothers feel the tremors of planned and long-awaited children faster.

How a baby kicks in the stomach: sensations

Words cannot convey such sensations, they must be felt. Any mother will say this, especially to her unmarried friend (who is about to have her own children). Yes, it's a really nice feeling. But, rather, not physically, but spiritually.

The sensation of how your baby kicks will change as he grows. And this is natural:

  • In the very first stages, somewhere up to the 15th week, it was already stated above that the movements were simply not noticeable. Rumbling in the stomach even gives more signals. There are cases when mothers claim that they hear the baby (especially young ones who want to quickly feel it for themselves). Sometimes, indeed, early You can faintly notice its movements, but they are often confused with normal bowel activity. Especially considering the fact that pregnant women have increased gas production.
  • After 15 weeks the sensations are already more noticeable and understandable. That is why most mothers begin to feel the baby kicking. Naturally, they can be different for each mother. But on average, the shocks are pleasant, barely noticeable, reminiscent of a kind of gurgling. Some compare it to the fluttering or even the touch of a feather. But over time, this feather will show which bird is sitting in mom’s tummy.
  • After 20 weeks, movements become obvious. You can catch some of his movements. By the way, he can still turn and somersault. Therefore, it is still difficult to understand whether he kicked with his hand or his foot. The sensation is a little like a fish swimming. She splashes in the water, and her movements are even pleasant. The movements become like a push. For example, he could touch with his leg. But they are very tender and light. By the way, during this period the baby may hiccup and the mother will be able to understand this. These will be rhythmic twitchings within yourself. They will be especially noticeable in a lying position.

  • Closer to 24 weeks the tremors can no longer be confused with anything. Sometimes even kicks or fist bumps can make it difficult to fall asleep.
  • 25 week are considered the peak activity of the baby. He still has free space, and he is strong enough for long periods of wakefulness. On average, there should be at least 10 tremors somewhere in a day. By the way, you need to take into account that each baby has his own regime. Babies also sleep in the tummy, which means they are not active. It feels like real shoving.
  • TO 28 weeks the child assumes a head-down position. The thrust of the leg or the blow of the cam is already becoming noticeable. But, if the child has not yet accepted this position, then there is no need to be afraid or worry. He still has 8 weeks left. That is, closer to 36 weeks the baby will take the correct position.
  • As a rule, after 32 weeks the baby’s kicking is no longer very pleasant. Often expectant mothers complain that the baby kicks hard to one side or interferes with normal lying. That is, it already indicates an uncomfortable position. If mom is lying down incorrectly, the baby will immediately let her know about it by kicking her in the side. And as soon as you change your position, the child calms down. The leg can already be clearly seen or even felt with your hand (when he put it out). Every day the baby becomes more and more cramped in his home and his mother clearly senses any of his movements.

Why does a child kick strongly and painfully in the stomach very often?

Mothers are mainly interested in this question. later. The baby is still too weak in the early weeks and has enough space so as not to cause discomfort to the mother. But any changes in your body should be discussed with your doctor. Especially those aspects that make you uncomfortable or worried. Let's look at those cases when you need to urgently go to the hospital, and when this is within normal limits.

  • The most common reason why a child pushes hard or too actively is that the mother is lying uncomfortably. Yes, as soon as you roll over to the other side or change the sitting position for too long, the baby calms down.
  • Also, the baby can express his dissatisfaction. Already at this age, the baby can show his character. Maybe he doesn’t like some external odors or the taste of food. Or maybe mom listens to music too loudly (or her tastes just don’t match). Naturally, you need to change the situation.
  • And it may sound strange, but the baby may not like what his mother is doing. Especially if the activity is exciting long time. For example, a mother sits for a long time in an uncomfortable position for the baby and embroiders or watches TV. Well, you just need to change the type of activity. Or at least just to warm up after sitting for a long time.

  • Everyone knows that a child experiences all her emotions with his mother. Therefore, take a closer look at yourself. Perhaps you've been a little nervous for a few days or haven't been sleeping well lately, and your baby senses your tiredness. In this case, you should drink tea with chamomile or mint, calm down or fall asleep.
  • By the way, you also need to be careful when it comes to food. Sometimes too sour or spicy foods can provoke overly active behavior in the baby.
  • While the baby is in his mother’s tummy, he hears perfectly everything that is happening outside. Listen, maybe your child is just glad to hear dad come home after a long day at work.
  • But what to do if everything is fine with nutrition, the posture and activity have changed, everything is fine with the nerves, but the baby just won’t calm down. You need to inform your doctor about this as soon as possible. It happens that the baby lacks oxygen. And such a problem can only be solved with drug treatment. The main thing is not to let the issue take its course and do not self-medicate.

Why does a child kick in the stomach on one side, in the left, right side, in the lower abdomen?

The timing of his thrusts can be completely different, as can the intensity of the kick. We have already explained above what is considered the norm. But most mothers are confused by the fact that the baby pushes only on one side.

  • This is more than normal. Our arms and legs are on one side (more precisely, they bend in one direction). That is, you don’t feel the shocks on the side where your back is. This is the first plus - it means the child’s development is fine.
  • The second plus is that he does not change his position or does it extremely rarely. This means there is less chance that the baby will decide to turn his head up before giving birth.
  • On the left or right side, most likely, it simply indicates which way the child turned. That is, if he kicks on the left side, then the back is on the right side. And more often than not, the stronger blows come from the leg.

  • By the way! There is such a sign - on which side the baby kicks more often. If the main tremors are on the right side, then it will be a boy. If in the left side the baby most often reminds of itself, then it is a girl.
  • If the baby kicks in the lower abdomen, then this is not a reason to panic. Yes, the baby has turned over and his legs are down. But nothing bad happened. If this happens after 36 weeks, then you should be wary. After all, in the future it will be very difficult for the baby to roll over. Although, there are times when the baby turns over almost just before birth (this happens in both the correct and incorrect position).

How often should a baby push in the stomach?

Many expectant mothers are worried about this, to put it mildly. There are even mothers who try to rouse the baby by gently pushing their belly. And there are also children who are not allowed to sleep peacefully even at night.

  • I would like to immediately note that there is no need to focus too much attention on this. Believe me, when you start to calculate his thrusts, you only find another reason to be nervous. No, you don’t need to leave this matter to chance either. Just listen to your baby's behavior.
  • On average, a child should push his mother at least 10 times a day. If the period is short, then there are naturally fewer movements. For example, at 20 weeks there are up to 4 strokes.
  • But! This is the average. It happens that someone’s baby is too active and makes much more pushes. But for some, the child is more passive and may not reach 10.

  • Sometimes it happens that the baby is tired and was not very awake today. Naturally, this depends on the mother’s regime. Maybe she walked a lot today or stood for a long time. You need to lie down, rest and let the baby relax.
  • It is believed that the 10th movement must occur before 5 pm. But practice shows that each baby has his own regime. Some just woke up for a night of dancing or football. And there are those who wake up their mother at 4-5 in the morning by kicking her.
  • Therefore, take into account your individual regimen (more precisely, your baby’s). Be sure to tell your doctor when your peak activity occurs. But, if all the indicators and tests are normal, you and the baby feel well, then there is no reason to be nervous.
  • An alarming signal will be that the baby moves little and feels pain (sharp or aching) in the lower abdomen. This is a reason to immediately go to the hospital.

Does the baby kick before birth or during contractions?

Often expectant mothers, especially young ones, do not pay enough attention to the baby’s movements before giving birth. And if a rapid birth occurs, then there is no time for that at all. Perhaps this is due to the excitement that awaits the baby and mother the day before. But often this fact can serve as a signal.

  • Immediately before birth, even before contractions begin, the baby stops kicking his mother so actively. It is not always possible to catch this signal. After all, the baby was most active in the evening and was born in the morning.
  • By the way, primigravidas are often admitted to the hospital long before important moment. And the expectant mother is in anticipation and even slightly excited. This is fine. Therefore, the baby's movements are often missed.

  • If the baby becomes less active or stops kicking his mother in the side altogether, then contractions will begin soon.
  • During the matchmaking itself, the baby is also preparing for birth. And the pain is so strong that it is impossible to catch his movements. There’s simply no time to count how and how many times the baby kicked.
  • No, the baby is moving. It’s just that now his actions are directed in a different direction. After all, he also participates in the birth process. Therefore, some argue that childbirth should take place without anesthesia. Thus, the mother fully feels the baby.

That is why doctors (or a special device) are connected to check the baby’s heartbeat. Especially if the birth is slightly delayed.

Video: How does a baby push in his mother’s belly?