Not all complications that arise during pregnancy are signs of some serious pathologies, but they can cause significant discomfort. One of these phenomena is itchy skin during pregnancy.

To be fair, it is worth noting that not all expectant mothers have itchy skin. But if you notice such a symptom, it, like any other change in your condition during pregnancy, should be discussed with the observing gynecologist.

Possible causes of itching

Why does the body itch during pregnancy? One of the most common causes of itchy skin is stretching and dry skin.

This phenomenon is typical for women who quickly gain weight and most often occurs in the second half of pregnancy. In the long term, when the enlargement of the abdomen is visible to the naked eye, almost every pregnant woman wants to scratch this prominent part of the body.

If your whole body itches during pregnancy, you should be more attentive, since itching is a kind of signal that the increase is happening too quickly and causes discomfort for the body.

In addition, itchy skin may indicate formation. This is completely harmless for the health of mother and baby, but such skin changes do not look very attractive.

The reasons are the same: rapid weight gain and insufficient skin elasticity, which occurs when there is insufficient amount of collagen and elastin.

To alleviate your condition, you can try a variety of care products that prevent the appearance of stretch marks. Neoplasms of this type most often appear in the chest, abdomen, buttocks and thighs.

If stretch marks do not appear during pregnancy, this does not mean that they cannot form.

Since scarring of this type of skin tissue can be associated not only with a sharp set, but also with a sharp weight loss.

That is why a young mother should pay attention to her appearance after the birth of her baby and do not forget to apply skin care products - preventing stretch marks is much easier than getting rid of them in the future.

If skin itching appears along with a rash in some parts of the body, a possible cause of this phenomenon may be problems in liver function. This disorder can be diagnosed by performing a urine test.

Rash and redness are more often observed on the feet and hands, and the itching sensation increases in the evening hours. Women who have increased level cholesterol and chronic diseases of the genitourinary system.

This option is often not seriously considered by ladies who have never suffered from allergic reactions, but in vain. After all, during pregnancy, a fundamental restructuring of the entire body occurs at various levels.

And if no other causes of skin itching have been identified, it makes sense to consult an allergist. You can try to identify the allergen yourself; to do this, you need to remember all the new food products, as well as the products and objects with which you had contact, and conduct an allergy test.

A fairly specific reason why the body may itch during pregnancy is increased sweating, characteristic of the third trimester.

The likelihood that the whole thing is due to skin irritation from your own sweat increases if the last months of pregnancy occur during the hottest summer months, and the expectant mother leads the maximum available to her active image life.

The best way to deal with unpleasant feelings– regular shower and choice of clothes and linen exclusively from natural fabrics that have good hygroscopicity and a daily, or even several times a day, complete change of linen.

Body itching during pregnancy can be caused by various dermatological diseases, to which the body of the expectant mother is so vulnerable. These are fungal infections, eczema and dermatosis.

Most often, in addition to itching, the symptoms of these diseases include the appearance of itchy scratches on the skin, local redness of the affected area of ​​the skin, and various and varied rashes.

Only a dermatologist can confirm the presence of a skin infection and prescribe appropriate treatment; it is quite possible that this will require laboratory tests of skin samples.

The body may itch during pregnancy due to serious illnesses, for example or.

How to fight?

Often, before pregnancy, a woman may not be aware of serious malfunctions in her body and infections. Hormonal changes and other accompanying changes can become the starting point for the manifestation of symptoms of a particular disease.

That's why it's so biochemical tests are important, for which each woman will receive referrals twice during the entire duration of even a normal pregnancy, and if any abnormalities in laboratory parameters are detected, the need for repeated tests and the timing of their completion will be recommended by the doctor.

General tips for preventing skin itching is timely personal hygiene using products that do not cause allergies. At the same time, during the hot season, you should not be lazy to take a shower three or even four times a day.

Also skin needs timely hydration and nourishment, for this it is recommended to regularly apply a moisturizing lotion or milk, and once a day (at night) a rich nourishing cream.

The choice of clothing also deserves attention - only natural fabrics and loose fit.

In rare cases itching occurs due to tension psychological state, try to relax more and devote time to enjoyable activities. You can try You can also visit a psychologist or enroll in a training school for expectant mothers.

You can fight itchy skin from the inside. To do this, you need to think through your diet and devote great attention fresh fruit and vegetables, also take an additional vitamin complex for pregnant women.

It is easy to increase the elasticity of the skin with the help of massage; simple stroking and gentle rubbing are enough.

Provides good blood flow to the skin, and, accordingly, high-quality saturation with nutrients. In addition, regular massage can prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

Even if skin itching is not a concern, You should tell your doctor about your problem as soon as possible. The discomfort that this phenomenon can cause is great, and it can cause problems with sleep and rest.

No matter how severe the itching, It is recommended to refrain from scratching the skin, since damage in the form of abrasions and scratches will not only not decorate the pregnant woman, but will also intensify the itching, and they can also become an entry point for serious infections.

Many women are familiar with the unpleasant condition when the whole body itches unbearably. Itching during pregnancy can begin at any stage, vary in intensity and be accompanied by a skin rash. This condition cannot be tolerated, because it can be an alarming signal that serious processes are occurring in the body that threaten the health of the expectant mother and the pregnant baby. First, you need to find out what caused the itching, since this is what the treatment methods and consequences will depend on.

If a pregnant woman has breasts, this is a completely natural process. Its causes are the enlargement of these parts of the body and the gradual stretching of the skin. In medicine it is called very menacingly - “polymorphic dermatosis of pregnancy,” although in fact it is one of the most harmless and natural causes of this phenomenon.

However, cases are different, and today doctors warn that itching can also be dictated by other factors that pose a potential threat to the mother and child. Therefore, you need to find out as quickly as possible what the origin of itchy skin during pregnancy is.

  1. It can be a symptom of such serious diseases as liver pathologies, cholecystitis, hepatitis, cholecystic pancreatitis. This condition is called cholestasis and requires immediate treatment. In these cases, skin itching can spread not only to the abdomen and chest, but also to other parts of the body - arms, back, legs. The risk group includes those who, before pregnancy, had hepatitis A, cholelithiasis, chronic cholecystitis, are carrying several babies and are over 35 years old.
  2. If skin itching during pregnancy is accompanied by rashes reminiscent of an allergic reaction or teenage acne, the cause may be an allergy to cosmetics, clothing, food, dust, flowers, etc. Without eliminating the allergen from her life, a woman will not be able to get rid of the itching .
  3. One of the reasons is the increase in the amount of estrogen in the body of a pregnant woman: such hormonal changes They are not scary for mother and baby: you just need to endure the severe itching, and after childbirth it will disappear.
  4. Skin diseases such as eczema or scabies cannot be excluded from the list of causes. In this case, itching and rash most often appear in skin folds - under the knees, on the bends of the elbows, under the arms, on the neck. In this case, you need to undergo treatment with a dermatologist.
  5. If severe burning and itching is felt in the genitals during pregnancy, these may be symptoms bacterial vaginosis or thrush (read how to identify it). It is recommended that they be treated before birth.

Since the cause of such a phenomenon can be such serious and dangerous diseases, at the first symptoms, a pregnant woman should definitely consult a doctor in order to protect herself and her baby from undesirable consequences. Timely treatment of itching will help avoid complications.

Treatment of itching during pregnancy

The first thing a woman whose body itches (no matter what part of it) should do is tell her doctor about it. After a thorough examination of the affected areas, the gynecologist will give a referral to a more specialized specialist or for tests. If cholestasis is suspected, blood biochemistry is performed, liver samples are taken, and an ultrasound is performed for the abdominal cavity. If the causes of skin itching are serious and pose a danger to the health of the woman and child, a course of treatment is prescribed. If this is just a natural process, you yourself are able to ease the discomfort and eliminate the feeling of discomfort.

  1. Review your diet: exclude foods that are difficult for the liver - fried, salty, spicy, as well as seafood and exotic fruits, which could become an involuntary cause of allergies. Increase your daily consumption of prunes and dried apricots, which will improve intestinal motility.
  2. Keep your body clean, observe basic rules hygiene. If tap water leaves much to be desired, be sure to install filters. Take a shower only with the use of hypoallergenic products (children's can be used).
  3. Itching during pregnancy can be relieved with the help of a properly selected cream. It should be moisturizing, odorless, neutral. Today in pharmacies you can find special lines of products for pregnant women - try to use them. As a last resort, use regular baby cream or natural olive oil cold pressed.
  4. Follow along. If you are not very bothered by swelling in your legs, drink up to two liters of fluid per day.
  5. To ensure that the skin “breathes” and itching does not bother you, spend more time in the fresh air and ventilate the room in which you spend most of the time.
  6. Itching may be exacerbated by synthetic underwear. It is better to choose spacious, skin-friendly, breathable outfits made from natural fabrics.
  7. Take herbal baths (but only after consulting a doctor): decoctions of string, calendula, chamomile, and St. John's wort are beneficial for the skin.
  8. If the skin itching is local in nature, that is, a specific place itches, you can make antipruritic, anti-inflammatory and disinfecting compresses and masks from oatmeal, soaked in milk or herbal decoction.
  9. Avoid overheating: wash with cool water, the bath should be barely warm, no tanning or sunbathing.
  10. Take your mind off the itching: this is the only way to forget and not scratch the affected areas.

Skin itching during pregnancy is one of the most unpleasant sensations that overshadows a happy situation. expectant mother. If the problem is not liver pathologies, you should not worry that this will somehow affect the baby’s condition. Treat your illnesses, resort to traditional methods, consult your doctor and don’t forget to enjoy life: after all, only your calm state and your patience can guarantee the birth of a healthy baby.

Pregnancy is a great stress for the female body. Some pregnant women had to endure several months of toxicosis, while others did not even encounter such symptoms. Another problem for pregnant women is skin itching. Why does this happen and how to treat this disease?

Itching manifests itself on the skin of pregnant women in different ways. It bothers some in the morning and evening, while others around the clock. Sometimes the symptoms are minor. Often itching brings great discomfort to the expectant mother. If it is very strong, then you can notice scratching on the body until it bleeds.

Also, other symptoms may appear on the body during pregnancy:

  • dry skin;
  • stretch marks on the chest and abdomen;
  • rashes on the arms, chest and legs;
  • change in skin color.

The patient must tell the attending physician about all such changes so that he can make the correct diagnosis.

Allergy as a cause of itching

Sometimes on early stages pregnancy is bothered by severe itching; the reasons for this phenomenon may be an allergic reaction.

In this case, the woman needs:

  • limit contact with pets;
  • avoid rooms with a lot of dust;
  • replace the feather pillow;
  • temporarily stop wearing woolen items;
  • limit the consumption of allergic foods;
  • avoid contact with sunlight.

If itching during pregnancy is the cause of an allergy, then it is possible to get rid of all its symptoms by eliminating the irritant. It is impossible to eliminate this disease once and for all, but if you follow the doctor’s advice and healthy eating, then the condition can be improved.

The main symptoms of this disease are itchy skin, which often intensifies at night. Certain wounds can be seen on the skin. Often several people in a family are affected by this disease at the same time.

To cure the disease, you should see an infectious disease specialist. After this, you need to scrape the skin to identify the scabies mite. Next, patients are prescribed ointments, medications and thorough bed treatment.

Cholestasis of pregnancy and itching

Cholestasis often develops against the background of pathological processes in the liver. In this case, there is stagnation of bile in gallbladder. There is intrahepatic and external hepatic cholestasis.

With this disease, pregnant women may feel itching on the plantar and palmar surfaces. Further unpleasant symptoms can be felt throughout the body. The most pronounced complaints are at night. Cholestasis occurs on last month pregnancy.

Intrahepatic cholestasis

Women who have:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pancreatic tumor;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • problems in the biliary tract;
  • gallstone disease.

In addition to severe skin itching, pregnant women need to pay attention to feces, urine and color skin. If the disease starts, the feces will have light shade, the urine will become dark and the skin will turn yellow. Great content bile pigments may harm mother and baby.

To determine cholestasis, pregnant women need to undergo the following tests:

  • general analysis of urine and blood;
  • blood glucose;
  • Ultrasound of the liver and gallbladder;
  • blood biochemistry.

Analysis of bile acid levels and liver tests are performed twice. This is due to the fact that itching of the skin is often a precursor to changes in blood counts.

How to deal with itching yourself?

Treatment of itching on the skin is aimed at eliminating the underlying cause, the occurrence of the symptom. To do this, you can use the following recommendations from doctors:

  1. Ventilate the apartment every day so that the room temperature is no more than 18°C. The procedure is necessary to prevent excessive sweating.
  2. Doctors recommend taking a shower daily and maintaining good hygiene.
  3. You should wash itchy areas daily with soda solution or medicinal herbs in the form of tricolor violet, chamomile and string.
  4. It is advisable for pregnant women to make compresses with duckweed and chamomile. The herbs must first be ground to a porridge state, and then placed on the skin, covering the top with a gauze napkin. It is advisable to carry out the procedure twice a day.

These methods help eliminate itching. However, it is important not to forget to treat the underlying disease. Otherwise, the itching may return again and bring discomfort to the pregnant woman.

At diabetes mellitus Patients need to monitor their blood sugar levels. Sometimes insulin will need to be injected. Such treatment must be carried out under the supervision of an endocrinologist.

If pregnant women suffer from dermatosis, they are prescribed a diet that excludes spicy and salty foods. To eliminate itching, lotions with a solution of potassium permanganate are applied to the itchy area. Antihistamines and vitamin therapy help eliminate the burning sensation.

Treatment for cholestasis takes place in a hospital. Patients are prescribed medications for the outflow of bile (Papaverine) and to maintain liver function (Essentiale).

If women develop jaundice, there is a direct threat to the health of the expectant mother. With such an illness, the pregnant woman is hospitalized and the pregnancy is terminated at any stage.

What should an expectant mother do?

Regardless of which part of the body is prone to discomfort, a woman should definitely consult a doctor. Only a doctor can determine the true cause of the itching. If there is a suspicion that the liver is not functioning properly, then you should undergo a number of important studies: take a blood test or do an ultrasound. If a woman needs the help of doctors, the pregnant woman can be admitted to a hospital to undergo the entire course of treatment under the supervision of doctors.

The following recommendations will help alleviate the condition of the expectant mother:

  1. Pregnant women need to monitor their diet. You should avoid salty, fried and fatty foods. You also need to give up overseas fruits and seafood. After all, they cause allergies. To improve intestinal function, you should eat dried apricots and prunes. It is worth temporarily giving up eating sweets. Instead of chocolate, you can eat homemade yogurt and fresh fruit.
  2. Cleanliness of the body should come first. You should give up your favorite gel, and instead buy a children's series that does not irritate the skin.
  3. Helps eliminate itching cosmetic cream, which has no dyes or pronounced aroma. As a last resort, you can buy baby cream.
  4. You should not forget about drinking water. If a pregnant woman does not have edema, she should drink up to 2 liters of water daily.
  5. You can improve your condition by walking in the fresh air and sleeping soundly in a well-ventilated room.
  6. It is important to reconsider your personal wardrobe and abandon underwear made from synthetic materials. Clothing must be loose and not interfere with movement.
  7. It is prohibited to bathe in hot baths.
  8. If your feet itch, you can apply a soothing compress of oatmeal, steamed in milk, to the inflamed area.
  9. Pregnant women need to be patient so as not to scratch their skin.
  10. To eliminate itching, you can take baths with herbs that relieve inflammation once every 7 days. You can choose good herbs with the help of a gynecologist. Chamomile and string help improve your health.

Itching brings a lot of unpleasant troubles to a pregnant woman. After all, the body is constantly itching, and this prevents you from doing other things. Sometimes, for this reason, your mood may deteriorate or your sleep may be disrupted. In this case, you should strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

While pregnant, women often experience itchy skin on their body. The unpleasant sensation intensifies at night, leading to severe nervousness and sleep disturbance in the pregnant woman. What does this condition mean, and how to treat it correctly?

Skin itching in pregnant women

Itching on the skin during pregnancy occurs on different periods, and differs in its intensity. It can occur from an insect bite or due to serious internal pathology. Such an alarming symptom should not be overlooked and at the first manifestations, immediately consult a doctor.

Probable Causes

Most often, women complain that their skin in the abdomen and chest area is very itchy. The causes of this condition are pathological, psychological and physiological factors. Let's look at each of them in more detail.


This group of provoking factors includes:

  • response to an allergen. There are food and household allergic reactions. In the first case, the pregnant woman develops rashes on the skin that are very itchy. Thus, the body’s response to the entry of an external allergen (food product) into it is manifested. When using low-quality washing powders or cosmetics The pregnant woman also experiences severe itching on the skin;
  • heavy sweating. During perestroika hormonal levels In a woman, the function of the sweat glands also changes. With insufficient personal hygiene, sweat begins to accumulate in the folds, which over time begin to itch;
  • pathologies of the liver and biliary tract (the most common is cholestasis). It develops against the background of hormone surges in the body and manifests itself not only in the form of itching, but also redness of the skin;
  • diabetes;
  • hepatitis, which develops against the background of damage to liver cells.


The main reason is stretching of the skin due to a strong increase in the abdomen. The itching begins to appear especially pronounced in the second trimester.

At this stage, a strong stretching of the connective tissue fibers of the skin occurs, as a result they itch severely.


Dermatosis is a characteristic disease for pregnant women, manifested against the background of severe toxicosis. Due to nervousness, a woman develops severe itching, which intensifies at night. The pregnant woman becomes very irritable. With constant scratching, eczema and ulcers appear on the body. The exact cause of such an unpleasant symptom can only be determined by the results of laboratory blood tests and instrumental studies.

If your body is constantly itching without rashes, what does this mean?

If such a symptom is not accompanied by a rash on the body, then the woman should not worry. This occurs due to an increase in estrogen levels in the body. Skin itching stops after the baby is born. To relieve this unpleasant symptom, doctors prescribe external remedies to the woman.

Which doctor should I consult?

When the first unpleasant symptom appears, you should consult a dermatologist. He will conduct an external examination and prescribe laboratory tests. Based on the results obtained, an individual treatment regimen is selected, based on the root cause of this condition.


Therapeutic measures depend on the form of skin itching and the stage of pregnancy. In most cases, external medicines which help relieve discomfort.

In the early stages

In case of allergic itching in the early stages, a woman is recommended to exclude the effect of a potential allergen and take antihistamines. If the reason is hormonal changes, you just need to endure this period. To relieve an unpleasant symptom and prevent the development of unwanted complications, it is recommended to adhere to the rules of personal hygiene.

In the later stages

Itching in the second and third trimester, in most cases, is associated with severe stretching of the skin. To eliminate this unpleasant symptom, it is recommended to regularly lubricate the skin with a rich baby cream.

Applications made from decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, etc.) are also considered effective. If the itching is caused by an insect bite, then you need to treat the desired area with a weak solution of baking soda.

If bile stagnates, you can take enterosorbent (activated carbon, etc.). Any other medications are prescribed by the attending physician. Self-medication entails the development of unwanted complications.

If you have liver dysfunction, you must adhere to a strict diet that excludes spicy, fried and fatty foods. If there are no contraindications, consume the maximum amount of liquid that helps eliminate toxins. Delaying treatment poses a direct threat to normal course pregnancy.

If the cause of severe itching on the skin is a psychological factor, then it is recommended to provide the woman with complete rest and distract her as much as possible. If necessary, use soothing herbal teas and decoctions.

Itching during pregnancy occurs quite often in women. It occurs against the background of hormonal changes in the body, psychological factors, allergies or internal pathology. Dysfunction of the liver or gall bladder, which is accompanied by severe itching throughout the body, is considered particularly dangerous. An experienced specialist who selects an individual treatment regimen can determine the exact cause. For the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene, exclude potential allergens from the diet and minimize nervous tension.

Useful video

Among all the conditions and uncomfortable situations that often accompany pregnancy, or occur at one time or another, sometimes itching occurs in different parts of a woman’s body. This does not mean that the pregnant woman has any disease. But the discomfort this condition brings is so high that sometimes it seems to drive you crazy. Of course, not every woman who becomes pregnant faces the problem of itchy skin. But it can happen to anyone; no one is immune from this problem.

The itching can be periodic or constant. It can be an independent sign or accompany other symptoms, change its character, intensify in the evening, and go to a minimum in the morning.

To find out the real reason Every person should consult several specialists at once: a gynecologist, a dermatologist and an infectious disease specialist.

Why does your skin itch during pregnancy?

There are a number of theories regarding the occurrence of skin itching in women during pregnancy. These include:

  • occurrence: as the breasts and abdomen begin to enlarge and grow during this period, the skin in these areas stretches, and micro fiber tears occur.

    The appearance of stretch marks is usually preceded by skin itching, which is localized in the places where they form. Such places include the stomach and thighs.

    Buttocks, breasts, and sometimes upper part hands This kind of skin itching usually occurs at the end of the second - beginning of the third trimester, in women who are genetically predisposed to weight gain;

  • cholestasis: caused during pregnancy by liver dysfunction, which occurs due to natural changes with the onset of pregnancy.

    Typically itching occurs in the area of ​​the palms and soles, with redness in these areas. Over time, the itching can spread to the entire body, intensifying in the evening and subsiding in the morning. Cholestasis usually manifests itself in this way by the beginning of the third trimester.

    At the same time, the woman’s urine visually noticeably darkens, and the feces, on the contrary, become light. The risk of cholestasis is increased in those women who have high levels of cholesterol in the blood or chronic diseases of the biliary tract;

  • A common cause of skin itching during pregnancy is the restructuring of the hormonal system. Itching that occurs for this reason is localized on the feet and palms, and disappears only after delivery;
  • Sometimes the cause of itching, of course, is skin diseases. These include: dermatitis, dermatosis, eczema, skin fungus, and other diseases. In addition to itching, peeling of the skin, rashes and swelling usually appear;
  • Another cause of itching during pregnancy can be allergies. Such itching will be accompanied by redness and other associated symptoms inherent in allergies.

    Provocateurs in this case can be washing powders, shampoos, exotic fruits, seafood, pollen, and more.

    During pregnancy it is not recommended to change washing powder, shampoo, hand and face cream, diet. And in cases of an allergic reaction, it is necessary to eliminate and eliminate the interaction of the allergen with the skin of the pregnant woman;

  • itching may occur due to excessive sweating in a pregnant woman. To avoid itching, it is tedious to take a shower more often, change into clean underwear and clothes, and the underwear and preferably all clothes should be made from natural fabrics that “breathe”. You can visit a doctor and listen to his recommendations regarding this issue;
  • Itching in the genital area is usually caused by thrush. Here, a doctor’s consultation, diagnosis and treatment are simply necessary.

Causes of skin infections include hepatitis and hepatitis. To find the cause, it is important to consult a doctor in time and undergo a thorough examination of your body. After establishing the cause, the doctor will prescribe adequate treatment that will help relieve itching and get rid of the problem and discomfort.

Does itching affect the baby?

Itchy skin on the body of a pregnant woman does not in any way affect the development of the fetus. But, severe itching that appears in the third trimester may be a sign of cholestasis, as described above, a serious liver disease.

Its symptoms will be: the onset of itching on the palms and soles, worsening at night, pale stool, and the absence of any type of rash. To soothe itching, your doctor may prescribe a special drug in the form of a cream or ointment.

But consultation with a specialist is necessary. Cholestasis during pregnancy can cause. Therefore, the doctor should constantly monitor such expectant mother with the child to avoid adverse consequences and complications.