Barto Agnia - Toys. Poems and songs for children
(read by Clara Rumyanova, Irina Muravyova, Alexander Lenkov, etc.)

The book includes the most famous poems of the cheerful and good friend childhood of Agnia Lvovna Barto. Several generations of children have already grown up with the poems of this wonderful poetess. Ironic and playful, playful and sad works of the writer will delight children!

More than one generation of children in our country has grown up on the poems of the Soviet poetess Agnia Lvovna Barto. Over the years, the popularity of her books has not waned, Barto’s texts never lose relevance, and young parents, themselves raised on the lines of Agnia Lvovna, invariably choose these very poems for their children.

Dropped the teddy bear on the floor
They tore off the bear's paw.
I still won't leave him -
Because he's good.

The bull is walking, swaying,
Sighs as he walks:
- Oh, the board ends,
Now I'm going to fall!

It's time to sleep! The bull fell asleep
He lay down on his side in the box.
The sleepy bear went to bed,
Only the elephant doesn't want to sleep.

The elephant nods its head
He bows to the elephant.

The owner abandoned the bunny -
A bunny was left in the rain.
I couldn't get off the bench,
I was completely wet.

I love my horse
I'll comb her fur smoothly,
I'll comb my tail
And I’ll go on horseback to visit.


No, we shouldn't have decided
Ride a cat in a car:
The cat is not used to riding -
The truck overturned.

Our Tanya cries loudly:
She dropped a ball into the river.
- Hush, Tanechka, don’t cry:
The ball will not drown in the river.


I have a little goat,
I herd him myself.
I'm a kid in a green garden
I'll take it early in the morning.
He gets lost in the garden -
I'll find it in the grass.


Rope in hand
I'm pulling the boat
Along a fast river.
And the frogs jump
On my heels,
And they ask me:
- Take it for a ride, captain!

2nd junior group

Program content:

1) To consolidate children’s understanding of the basic properties and purpose of

magicians, to promote the transition from “disinterested” experimentation

to purposeful.

2) Develop the ability to use speech to express your thoughts, if desired.

ny; activation of words: thick, napkin, cardboard, landscape, white, red

sleepy, thin.

3) Cultivate a friendly attitude towards others, be able to sympathize

howl, empathize, come to the rescue.

4) Draw children’s attention to the fact that they play for a long time cold water it is forbidden,

because you can catch a cold and get sick.

5) Ind. work with Masha, Vadik - teach to distinguish between paper of different qualities,

Choosing the one you need for the intended purpose.



Abstract directly educational activities

Topic: A. Barto's poem "Boat". Elemental experience activity "Boat made of paper". Games with boats in the water.

2nd junior group

Program content:

1) To consolidate children’s understanding of the basic properties and purpose of

Magicians, promote the transition from “disinterested” experimentation

Towards purposeful.

2) Develop the ability to use speech to express your thoughts, if desired.

Niy; activation of words: thick, napkin, cardboard, landscape, white, red

Sleepy, thin.

3) Cultivate a friendly attitude towards others, be able to sympathize

Howl, empathize, come to the rescue.

4) Draw the attention of children to the fact that they cannot play in cold water for a long time,

Because you can catch a cold and get sick.

5) Ind. work with Masha, Vadik - teach to distinguish between paper of different qualities,

Choosing the one you need for the intended purpose.


Game character Parsley, a basin of water, an imitation of a river with reeds, a kami-origami frog, a paper boat.

Organization of children:

Children sit on chairs in a semicircle.

Progress of the lesson:

Children go into a group and stand near the river.

The teacher reads the poem. A. Barto “Boat”

"Sailor's hat

Rope in hand

I'm pulling the boat

Along the fast river

And the frogs jump

Follow me on your heels

And they ask me:

Give it a ride captain!

Guys, did you like the boat? (yes)

Do you want to have the same one? (yes)

Let's launch boats. Do you want it? (Yes)

We must......Petrushka comes in crying.

What's happened? Tell.

I wanted to please the guys and made a paper boat for them. Carried it to the guys

and there were streams on the street, I let them run into the water and this is what happened. And you have a trickle, but this boat will no longer float.

The teacher, together with the children and Petrushka, look at the boat and before the children’s eyes it completely falls apart, Petrushka cries even louder.

Don’t worry Petrushka, now we will help you and the guys.

Why did this happen? I folded such a beautiful yellow boat.

And I understood why, I probably should have taken red paper.

Teacher, do you think it’s the color of the paper?


Wait Petrushka, you can check if the red paper is suitable for the boat.

Let's check how it gets wet.

Go Nastya, put the red paper in the water. (we are watching)

Will this paper work? Why not?

That's right, it gets wet quickly, it's too thin.

What paper guys? (thin)

It's called a napkin.

Which one, repeat Sema? Let's all say it together - napkin.

Petrushka understood, your ship sank, not because it was red or yellow, but because the paper is thin, napkin paper.

Oh, I understand everything, you need to take the thickest paper. (takes cardboard)

Is this one suitable?

Go Katya, put the cardboard in the water. (we are watching)

What happened?

Yes, cardboard gets wet much slower, which is good.

Guys, can you make a boat out of it? (No)

Why? (because the thick one doesn’t fold well)

Let's try to fold the boat. (Petrushka folds)

What to do?

We need to find paper that gets wet slowly but bends well.

Go find Masha, this paper and try it. (Let’s try)

Teacher, this is the kind of paper that suits us.

Which? (landscape)

Let's all say it together.

Here is Parsley, the kind of paper you need to make a boat out of, it gets wet slowly and is not very thick and not thin.

Guys, while you were looking for suitable paper, I quickly folded the boats for you (prepared in advance)

Get yourself some boats and let's play in the water. Children are placed in a basin of water and blown on them.

“A boat sails on the water,

He is sailing from far away.

A bunny will board the boat,

And two brave sailors."

And now we’re done, you can’t play in the water for a long time, you might catch a cold.

Class is over, well done. Goodbye Parsley.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Olga Azimova

Subject: learning by heart a poem by A. Barto« Ship» .

Program tasks:


Develop children's ability to remember short poem, read it loudly enough with natural expressiveness. Expand and activate children's vocabulary.


Develop cognitive interests children


Cultivate an interest in fiction.

Integration of educational regions:

Social - communicative development,

Cognitive development,

Speech development,

Artistic and aesthetic development,

Physical development.

Types of children's activities:

Playful, cognitive, communicative, motor.

Methods and techniques

Visual: display, demonstration.

Verbal: artistic expression, conversation, story, questions, explanations.

Type of activity:

Form of conduct:


Magic bag;

toys - boat, boy - doll, rope, hat, frog;

pictures – diagrams – 1 cap, 2 rope, 3 boat, 4 frogs;

2 pictures with a sailboat;

pictures – boat, sailboat, steamship;

boats according to the number of children.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Game situation "Magic bag".

Guys, where is my magic bag?

Let's see what's in it.

What is this?

Right, boat.

Let's remember the poem by A.S. Pushkin that we taught.

(Choral and individual responses from children)

What else is in the bag?

Boy - doll, rope, hat.

And in the bag there is... a frog.

Let's play with her a little.

2. Relaxation "Frogs".

There are two frogs in the swamp,

Two green girlfriends.

We washed ourselves early in the morning,

Rubbed with a towel,

Right - left leaning

And they came back.

3. Problem situation.

Today, guys, we will get acquainted with a new poem,

which was written by A. Barto.

Who wrote?

A. Barto.

And it's called « Ship» .

It talks about all the things

which we took out of the magic bag.

Sit comfortably and listen carefully.

4. Reading of a poem by the teacher.

Sailor's hat, rope in hand,

I'm pulling boat on a fast river,

And the frogs jump on my heels

And they ask me: "Ride the captain".

5. Work on the content of the poem.

Did you like the poem?

What is the boy wearing?

What is he holding in his hands?

What do frogs do?

They gallop on their heels. What does it mean?

They jump on their heels - this means very close, nearby,

almost stepping on your heels.

What do the frogs ask the captain boy?

What was the boy captain doing?

6. Repeated reading the teacher's poem

(using pictures).

Listen, I'll read the poem to you again.

And you look at the pictures.

7. Repeated reading a poem with the children in chorus.

Boys reading a poem.

Reading a poem by girls.

8. Children read the poem individually.

Here boat.

Who wants to be captain?

Go, Seryozha, tell me, and I’ll help you.

Let's put on a visor for you.

Very good captain!

Who else wants to recite this poem?

Senya, you did the best!

Here's a real captain's hat for you.

It has a visor, so it's a cap, not a visor.

9. Reading a poem by all children.

10. Outdoor game « Ship»

Now we will swim in the sea on ship.

Like these ships.

(Pictures of two sailboats)

How are they different?

One has no sails because there is no wind -

We give up and will run easily.

The other one has sails as the wind blew

– we raise our hands up and run faster.

And I will give a signal - the wind. ...

Very good.

11. Finger game "Boat - Steam Locomotive".

Guys, it turns out ships are different.

There are just boats like this.

There are sailboats like this.

And there are ships like this.

They are similar to a steam locomotive only without wheels and run on steam.

We have already shown sailboats.

Now let's learn how to show the boat.

Make your fingers here So: Press them tightly together.

The boat floats on the river,

Leaving us rings.

And now the ship is still the same, only thumbs up is a pipe.

A steam locomotive without wheels!

What a miracle locomotive!

Has he gone crazy?

He went straight across the sea.

12. Breathing exercises.

For each of you I have prepared multi-colored boats.

Take them and tell them what color they are.

We will go on a real voyage across the seas.

Distribute five people near each basin of water.

Show how the wind blows.

Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth very sharply and quickly.

So, let's hit the road.

13. Reflection.

Did you enjoy playing?

What did you like most?

I also liked a lot, especially how you were

wonderful captains, how great you rolled the frogs!

Publications on the topic:

Summary of educational activities for speech development in the second junior group “On a visit to a fairy tale” Topic: “Visiting a fairy tale” Program objectives: Educational To consolidate children’s knowledge of an already familiar fairy tale. Arouse desire with the help of a teacher.

Summary of educational activities for speech development in the second junior group “Oh, you winter-winter” Topic: “Oh, winter - winter!” Objectives: 1. Introduce the proverb, explain its meaning and help you remember 2. Reinforce the content of the nursery rhyme.

Abstract of educational activities on speech development in the second junior group “Sound culture of speech. Sound [I]" Summary of educational activities for speech development in the 2nd junior group. Topic: “Sound culture of speech. The sound “I”” Purpose: to teach how to pronounce the sound correctly.

"A Journey Through Fairy Tales." Summary of a lesson on cognitive and speech development in the second junior group Topic: “Journey through fairy tales” Integration of areas: Cognitive development, speech development, physical development. Learning objectives: Reinforce.

Summary of a lesson on cognitive and speech development in the second junior group “Let's help the hedgehog” Lesson for children II junior group, compiled in accordance with the education and training program in kindergarten edited by Vasilyeva.

Rope in hand
I'm pulling the boat
Along a fast river.
And the frogs jump
On my heels,
And they ask me:
- Take it for a ride, captain!

Agnia Barto

“Sorry, Captain! We'll be back! - they shout.
“As soon as we go around the Earth,
We, KVA-KVA, KVArablik will return it to KVA immediately!”

In the evening the ship returned home.
We arranged a meeting with friends - “be healthy”!

The balloons flew up, the poster swayed,
Firecrackers and firecrackers exploded!
Salute to frog travelers!
And they answered: “Hello, guys!”

The first thing they did was give away the boat,

“Today we walked around the whole Earth,
They couldn’t find better swamps than ours!”
We know a lot about their adventures:

Like a fish frolicking and playing on the stretch,

There were countless stories told,

This is the end of the toy stories.

Drawing by Marina Boguslavskaya.


Galina, interesting idea. Let's take a closer look))

Sailor's hat, rope in hand...
My boat has sailed on the fast river!

On the deck there are three dashing frogs:
“Sorry, captain! We'll be back! - they shout.
“As soon as we go around the Earth,
(“let’s go around” - probably Swim? And it’s better to use “around”)
We, kva-kva, will return the kvarablik to you right away!”
(make all KVA in capital letters. Firstly, it is clear that you are playing with “kva”. Secondly, children will easily highlight when reading)

The river circled our hometown,
The boat is carried home by the current.
(in children's poems it is better to avoid contractile words - “with the flow” == The boat returned home)
We are together with the guys from neighboring yards
A meeting was arranged for them - “well, be healthy”!
“well” is stretched because there is not enough syllable. Find another rhyme. ==Example: they had a meeting with a bunch of balloons)

Balloons flew up, posters swayed,
(here, in this stanza and further, there was a change in rhymes from masculine (stress on the last syllable) to feminine (stress on the previous syllable). Why was this done?? It doesn’t look very good, the rhythm is off. It’s better to maintain the rhythm throughout the entire verse.)

Firecrackers rattled and firecrackers exploded!
Salute to the frogs! Hello frogs!
And they answered: “Hello, guys!” (Hello - two times nearby. I wish I could change it)

And with a real sea gait
The little frogs, the heroes, came ashore.
They immediately gave me my boat (mine, I don’t feel good about it!)
And they told us in confidence in our ears:
(So ​​is it still ME or US?? Then it’s EVERYONE. Confusion about pronouns)

“Today we walked around the whole Earth, (again a masculine rhyme. Two “we” and above “my” “me.”)
We haven’t found any swamps better than ours!”
They told a lot of stories,
How a predatory heron almost pecked them off,

About how mysterious life teems
Coastal thickets of reeds,
Like a fish at dawn frolics and plays,
(did the night pass? Or did they return at night? Somehow too many adventures...)
It flies into the air like a silver candle!

There are countless stories about their adventures: (“adventures” - it’s better to remove abbreviations)
All we have to do is hang our ears and sit down.
Well done to those who listened carefully!
This is the end of our stories. (“us” “ours”. Why “ours”? More like a frog.)

General wish. Galina, try to keep the words in a line to a minimum. This makes it easier to read and easier to remember.

Yes, I agree, a long line is my bane! Thank you, Elena, for your constructive comments. I disagree with only one thing: about “We’ll go around the Earth.” I’ll think about CIRCLE or AROUND, but I’ll leave it GOING AROUND, since real sailors WALK, not swim.
I would like to clarify the ending of the verse: by “our stories” I meant 9 verses of this cycle, in which the story with the boat is the last. Apparently, I expressed myself inaccurately, I’ll have to rephrase.
Thank you, Elena, for detailed analysis! These are the kinds of reviews I've always dreamed of. I'll be happy to start working on the mistakes.
With gratitude,

I think it's good!)))
However, let me express my opinion. In my opinion, the following lines of your work will be completely consistent with the spirit of Barto.
rope in hand...
My boat has sailed
along the fast river!

Three on deck
dashing frogs:
“Sorry, Captain!
We'll be back! - they shout.
"KVAk only we Earth
let's go around
We, KVA-KVA, KVArablik
We’ll give it back to KVA right away!”
Short and clear. And they accurately reflect the lack of name.

Elena, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! This is exactly what I was striving for: so that, despite the change of author, the toy characters remain the same for children good toys, familiar from the poems of A. Barto.
With respect and warmth, Galya.

Thanks to you, Elena, I now know what to pay attention to when composing poetry. This is a harmonious arrangement of male and female rhymes, which I did not fully succeed in this poem. And, of course, the fight with old acquaintances - with the Length of lines and with their majesty Quantity.