Galina Levkina
Project in senior group"Ivan Kupala"

MKDOU Novosibirsk Kindergarten No. 27 "Dewdrop"

Senior group project"Semitsvetik"

On the topic:

« Ivan Kupala»

Completed: Levkina Galina



Participants project: Children senior group"Semitsvetik"

Implementation deadlines project - one week.

Type project:

According to the number of children - group

The dominant method is playful, creative;

By educational fieldsSpeech development, cognitive development, social and communicative development, artistic aesthetic development, physical development.

In terms of duration – average duration.

Relevance. Russia is rich in its traditions, customs, and folk holidays. One of these holidays is a large folk festival in the middle of summer. « Ivana Kupala» . Ivana Kupala one of the most joyful and happy holidays in Rus'. You can introduce children to the traditions of this holiday based on the program "Involving children preschool age to the origins of Russian culture", but direct participation in the holiday leaves a more complete and deep understanding of it. Enables children to understand the depth, breadth and deep meaning this joyful holiday. That's why the idea of ​​holding a festive celebration arose « Ivana Kupala» by the teacher, parents and children.

Problem. Having the richest folk traditions in holding calendar holidays, including holidays Ivana Kupala, in which folk and Orthodox roots are intertwined, we are moving away from these traditions, thereby depriving children of the opportunity to touch the spiritual and moral foundations, the best examples of oral and musical folk art.

Target: Increasing interest in the traditions of the Russian people (holiday Ivana Kupala) .


1. Revive interest in ritual Russian holidays.

2. Enrich the spiritual world of children.

3. Summarize and consolidate children’s knowledge about the holiday « Ivana Kupala» .

4. Evoke the emotional empathy and participation in the game-action, to introduce all participants to the tradition of holding a national holiday Ivana Kupala.

5. Foster a sense of patriotism based on Russian traditions.

Ensuring educational integration regions:

Physical development: teach to monitor posture in all types of activities; develop coordination of movements, dexterity, speed, fine motor skills hands

Social - communicative development: to develop the skill of role-playing behavior during games and the ability to unite in a game with peers, to take into account the interests of comrades; teach yourself to cook your own food workplace to GCD and remove it after GCD; develop safe behavior skills when conducting outdoor games and fun.

Cognitive development: teach to talk about Russian folk holiday Ivana Kupala;

Speech development: improve dialogical speech; help children correctly perceive the content of Russian folk songs and poems.

Artistic and aesthetic development: create your own artistic images in visual, constructive activities; evoke emotional responsiveness when perceiving folk melodies.

Interaction with parents:

Consultation for parents « Ivan Kupala» .

Making wreaths for the holiday.

Expected results project:

Introducing children to the tradition of holding a national holiday - Ivan Kupala through empathy and their direct participation in the general action.

Creating an atmosphere of joy in joining a traditional folk holiday.

Promotion cognitive interest among children to their native history.

Implementation stages project:

1. Preparatory - study methodological literature, Internet resources, goal setting, objectives, development project, choosing forms and methods of working with children, determining the content of work, studying the conditions for carrying out project, definition and formulation of expected results.

2. Organizational – GCD, leisure, conversation, outdoor games and exercises, observations in nature, artistic creativity of children, design of visual propaganda for parents.

3. Effective - organizing an exhibition children's creativity "Medicinal plants", "Daisies", photo report preparation, presentation project.

Event plan project« Ivana Kupala» :

1. The teacher’s story about the Russian folk holiday - Ivana Kupala, introduce children to the meaning and customs of the holiday.

2. Ivan Kupala. History and traditions

Now this ancient pagan holiday is celebrated on the night of July 6-7, and old style it fell on June 23-24, days summer solstice.

Among the ancient Slavs, this day was dedicated to the pagan god Kupala, but after the baptism of Rus' they began to associate it with the feast of the Nativity of John the Baptist. So day Kupala turned into Ivan Kupala Day. On the magical night before Ivanova During the day, many rituals were celebrated, and all of them were associated with water, fire and herbs.

Some pagans will certainly swam that night to cleanse themselves, others, on the contrary, believed swimming is dangerous, because on Kupala The merman was celebrating his name day, who really didn’t like it when "muddied the waters", and drowned everyone who dared to enter his domain.

On the night of Bonfires burned Ivan Kupala: they, like water, had a cleansing power. They danced around the fires, jumped over the fires, threw mothers into Kupala bonfires the clothes of sick children, so that illnesses are burned along with them. Around the slowly burning fires they played noisy games, ran races, played with burners, sang, in a word, had as much fun as they could. That night the main thing was not to fall asleep, because evil spirits of all stripes were in a hurry to take advantage of the shortest night of the year - mermaids, werewolves, goblins, witches and sorcerers.

IN Ivanov day they collected flowers and herbs that had healing properties force: it was believed that they would save from illness, drive away evil spirits, bewitch, and ward off. There was also a belief that on the night of Ivana Kupala the fern blooms, and in those few moments that the flower blooms, you can see all the treasures, no matter how deep they are hidden underground. However, it was believed that treasures found with the help of evil spirits did not bring happiness to people. N.V. Gogol spoke about one such ill-fated treasure hunter in his story "The evening before Ivan Kupala» , picturesque and eerie, like the holiday itself.

What to do on the night Ivana Kupala?

The best thing, of course, is to go to bed on time. You definitely shouldn’t wait for the fern to bloom. It’s better to burn bonfires with adults, but if they don’t want to keep you company and you don’t want to sleep at all, here are a few ways to become like your pagan ancestors.

You can climb over twelve vegetable gardens - then all your wishes will come true. You can pick a flower Ivan-yes-Marya and put it in a corner at the dacha - then a thief will not enter the house, because the brother and sister (that is Ivan and Marya, or yellow and purple flowers of the plant) will talk to each other, and the thief will think that there is someone in the house. If you are afraid of witches, who become especially dangerous on this night, pick some nettles and place them on the threshold and on the windowsills. Be careful not to get burned - nettle is much more real than a witch!

The night before You can tell fortunes about Ivan Kupala, for example, lower wreaths with a lit candle onto the river. Whoever's wreath floats the furthest will be the happiest, and whoever's candle burns the longest will live long life. You can also pour water into a wide and deep basin, at sunset, whisper your wish to the water and throw a pebble into the basin. If the number of circles is even, the wish will come true; if it is odd, it means it’s not destiny. Remember, there is little difference between even and odd numbers - you can always see one extra circle if you want!

For this extraordinary night there is one more, the most fabulous class: sit down and listen to the rustling of grass and leaves! They say on Ivana Kupala all the plants are filled with miraculous power and quietly talk to each other.

1. "The Tale of Medicinal Plants"- enrich children’s understanding of the diversity of medicinal plants;

2. Reading literature "Medicinal plants";

3. Application: "Medicinal plants - Chamomile"

4. Finger gymnastics "Flower"

5. P/n "Wreath"

1. View the presentation "Signs Ivana Kupala» - introduce children to the signs and customs of the Ivana Kupala.

2. Finger gymnastics "Sun and Rain"- develop fine motor skills of the hands.

3. Artistic creativity : applique "Bouquet of daisies"- teach children to cut out daisies according to a template, work together.

4. P/n "Burn, burn clearly"- to develop interest in folk outdoor games, the ability to play together.

1. Watching a cartoon "Fern Flower"- summarize children’s knowledge about the holiday Ivana bathed; bring joy and good mood to children.

2. Finger gymnastics "Grass"- develop fine motor skills of the hands.

3. P/n "Zarya"- develop motor activity,

4. Learning a round dance“There was a birch tree in the field”- to develop interest in folk dances, the ability to perform demonstration movements in a round dance.

1. Learning a poem

"I came Ivan Kupala» – develop horizons and memory.

"I came Ivan Kupala»

Today I jumped up at first light,

Well, that is, very early.

Found my water pistol

Poured soda from the tap.

Because today is such a funny day,

It couldn't have been funnier.

Everyone is doused with water,

Came Ivan Kupala.

They pour for good luck, not for bad luck,

So splash and pour!

This is a holiday once a year -

Don't skimp on the water!

3. Finger gymnastics "Sun"- develop fine motor skills of the hands.

4. P/n "Stream"- Training in a playful manner to walk, attentiveness, play in a team, develop motor activity.

Entertainment "Neptune's Day"

1. Celebration "Neptune's Day" dedicated to the day Ivana Kupala- development of motor and musical abilities;

2. Create a positive emotional atmosphere in children, introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture.

3. P/n “Transfer and don’t spill”

4. D/i "Guess the sea creature"

4. Reading a poem “So commands Ivan Kupala»

He tells everyone Ivan Kupala,

Drench anyone!

He is responsible for everything now:

Pour, pour, pour, pour!

Rush along the washed street -

Who else isn't covered here?

How, not a drop got in!

Won't forgive Ivan Kupala!

Catch up! Douses!

Runaways! Humming:

"He came to us Ivan Kupala,

Drench anyone!

Don't run from the sun into the shade

This is the best day!

There's a lot of laughter like water

It's pouring all around Ivan Kupala!


Singing and dousing

Oh, what a pity that it’s so little

Only a day Ivan Kupala!

Results achieved:

Implementation project into the educational process helped to enrich its content. Ensured the development of curiosity in children and the desire to study the traditions of their native country. The children became more familiar with the traditions of their native country. Work on project helped to develop their horizons and aesthetic sensitivity. A selection of various games and games - dramatizations for the development of motor and musical abilities, made it possible to develop clear expressive speech, facial expressions, and movements in children. Children got the opportunity to feel free, liberated, gained confidence in themselves, in their abilities, in the ability to think and fantasize.

Analyzing the results project, I saw that children are involved with great interest in various types activities, show a sense of responsibility for themselves and others. Realizing project, I set a goal for myself - to make the life of my students interesting and meaningful, to fill it with vivid impressions, interesting activities, and the joy of creativity.

Literature used:

1. "From birth to school" sample general education program preschool education/edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. M.: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2014.

2. “Develop creativity in preschoolers” T. G. Kazakova M.: Education, 1985.

3. "Folk holidays in kindergarten» T. V. Antonova, M. B. Zatsepina. M.: 2005.

4. “Scenarios of musical, calendar and folklore holidays: average, eldest, preparatory groups. -

Tatyana Nesterova
Presentation “Introduction to the holiday of Ivan Kupala”

Scenario holiday Ivan Kupala Day


To develop children's interest in ancient Russian customs.

Develop intonation expressiveness of speech.

To form in pupils the need for physical activity and physical improvement.

Evoke an emotional response from children.

Introduce to ritual culture.

Cultivate a desire to take part in celebration calendar holiday Ivana Kupala, cultivate respect for the traditions of your people

Story Ivan Kupala celebrations

Before you start holiday folk songs are heard.

Ivan Kupala(Midsummer's Day, Kupala night) - summer folk holiday of the Slavs. Previously, this date was tied to the summer solstice, June 22, but then it was gradually moved to more late date on July 7th.

But knowing the traditions of your people is good and right!

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On the night of July 7, according to ancient beliefs, people should under no circumstances go to bed. And it was necessary to celebrate this as noisily as possible holiday. After all, noise scares away evil “evil spirits”: devils, merman, goblin, mermaids. It was considered in Ancient Rus' what's up Ivan Kupala you cannot swim in lakes and rivers. People believed that in all bodies of water there lived creatures that could harm a person who decided take a swim. They leave their places of permanent residence only with the arrival of Midsummer's Day. And only after the onset It was possible to swim on Midsummer's Day in rivers and lakes - dark forces will no longer harm bathers. Water Ivanova day was endowed with life-giving and magical properties. And precisely with swimming and washing and associated traditions.

It was customary to get dirty and splash each other - after all, the more often a person washes and cleans himself on this day, the better! And no one was offended by this.

Ivanov the day was always filled with various rituals associated with water, fire and herbs. After all, water is considered a symbol of purification, and fire is a symbol of the Sun.

On this night, fire can cleanse a person from many sins, damage, the evil eye and diseases. And that is why large fires were lit, around which round dances were held. The boys and girls sang special Kupala songs. By the way, the round dance symbolized the movement of the Sun. Bonfires were lit late in the evening and burned most often until the morning.

And when the fire burned out, everyone jumped over it. Whoever jumped the highest was considered lucky for a year, and those who refused to jump were considered witches and were whipped with nettles in order to drive out evil spirits from them.

Clothes taken from sick people were burned in bonfires so that the illnesses would recede.

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And ended holiday by lighting a large wheel, which was then rolled into the water.

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The herbs collected that night had special, magical and medicinal properties. And the girls prepared various “love” and “turnaround” potions from them. These herbs were used to fumigate the sick, fight evil spirits, and also be used for other rituals. According to customs, nettles and wormwood were placed on the threshold and on the windowsills to protect one's home from attacks by witches.

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However, the most important herb of this day is traditionally fern. Ancient legends about treasures are associated with it. It is believed that the color of the fern appears at midnight for only a few seconds on the night of the Ivana Kupala. With it you can find any treasures, even those that are very deep underground. A person who found a blooming fern allegedly became clairvoyant and could see all the treasures, no matter how deep in the ground they were and understand the language of animals.

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That night, unmarried girls told fortunes family life- they wove wreaths, placed lit candles in them and launched them into the water. If the wreath floats far away, it means that your dear one will not soon ask you to get married. If she drowns, there will be no love, the girl will not get married. Well, if he washes up on the shore, expect guests to come to the house soon, they will come to woo you.

A wreath was a mandatory attribute of the games. It was made from wild herbs and flowers. During holiday wreath most often destroyed: thrown into water, burned in a fire, thrown onto a tree or the roof of a house. Sometimes the wreath was preserved, then used for treatment, protecting fields and gardens from "worms".

On Ivana, on Kupala

The world has become more fun!

Sun, shine brighter,

Try to warm everyone up with warmth!

Let Kupala water

Will give you health for years!

Now you know what it is Ivan Kupala holiday, see you again!

  1. 1. Ivan Kupala Day. July 7 is the feast of the Nativity of John the Baptist, the Baptist of Jesus. Nativity of Christ - winter solstice, Nativity of John - summer. Gradually Christian holiday merged with the popular celebration in honor of the summer solstice.
  2. 2. Who is Kupala? Kupala (Kupalo) is the Slavic god of summer, wild fruits and summer flowers. He was ranked among the most noble gods. After all, the fruits of the earth serve man most of all and constitute his wealth.
  3. 3. The shortest night of the year. It is on this night that unimaginable miracles happen, and all the evil spirits go completely wild and try to harm people. To protect their home from the invasion of evil spirits, peasants placed stinging nettles on the windows of their houses.
  4. 4. An unprecedented flower. According to popular belief, only once a year, at midnight on Midsummer's Day, the fern blooms with fiery color. The one who finds and picks this flower becomes a healer and will be able to find any treasure. Anyone who dares to get the magic flower will have to overcome many trials, because all the forest evil spirits will resist him. Few will survive such a test. But without a magic flower you cannot get the treasures.
  5. 5. Kupala fortune-telling. 1. We collected 12 species 2. We made wreaths of herbs and placed them at night under lighted candles, a pillow with the words: let them go into the river. If the betrothed, the mummer, the wreath drowns, the betrothed, come to my garden, will stop loving. Whoever is going for a walk!” to see the longest - in the dream of his future, he will be the happiest of all who have a fiance. The candle that burns the longest is the one who will live the longest life.
  6. 6. Kupala fortune-telling. 3. At midnight 4. To dream of going out and, without looking, the groom, tore the grass under his head, and in the morning they laid down the night and counted it: if a plantain with 12 species was collected with the words: “Triputnik plants - married - travel companion,” you live to go this year . on the road, you see young and old, tell me my betrothed"
  7. 7. Beliefs. Morning Ivan's dew was considered the best cosmetic product. They took a clean tablecloth, went out into the meadow, ran the tablecloth over the wet grass and squeezed it into a container. Anyone who washes himself with this dew will have skin that becomes softer than a petal.
  8. 8. Beliefs. Kupala herbs had healing and miraculous properties: all year round they protected livestock, the house and all household members from evil spirits. Ivan - yes - Marya, placed in the corners of the house, protect it from enemies.
  9. 9. Beliefs. Kupala bonfires were lit on this day by most of the peoples of Europe. Whoever jumps over the flames of the Kupala bonfire will be healthy all year. Jumping over the Kupala bonfires gets rid of forty evil spirits.
  10. 10. Ivan is clean. In the morning, the guys took buckets and went to the river, where they filled them with liquid mud and, returning, doused the girls with this mud. And the girls also ran after the mud and smeared the boys with it. And then a merry fight began, full of screams and laughter. Then the dirty young people flocked to the river to bathe together.
  11. 11. Evening of Ivan Kupala Day. And in the evening, all the people, dressed up, with wreaths on their heads, went to the river, where they lit fires, danced in circles, sang, told fortunes and, of course, collected herbs. You can learn even more about the breathtaking wonders of this holiday by reading N.V. Gogol’s story “The Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala.”

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Who is Kupala?

Kupala (Kupalo) is the Slavic god of summer, wild fruits and summer flowers. He was ranked among the most noble gods. After all, the fruits of the earth serve man most of all and constitute his wealth.

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The shortest night of the year.

It is on this night that unimaginable miracles happen, and all the evil spirits go completely wild and try to harm people. To protect their home from the invasion of evil spirits, peasants placed stinging nettles on the windows of their houses.

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An unprecedented flower.

According to popular belief, only once a year, at midnight on Midsummer's Day, the fern blooms with fiery color. The one who finds and picks this flower becomes a healer and will be able to find any treasure. Anyone who dares to get the magic flower will have to overcome many trials, because all the forest evil spirits will resist him. Few will survive such a test. But without a magic flower you cannot get the treasures.

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Kupala fortune telling.

1. They collected 12 types of herbs and put them under the pillow at night with the words: “Mummer, come to my garden for a walk!” to see your future groom in a dream.

2. They curled wreaths, with lit candles, and let them into the river. If the wreath drowns, the betrothed will stop loving. The one who floats the longest will be the happiest; the one whose candle burns the longest will live the longest life.

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3. At midnight they went out and, without looking, picked the grass, and in the morning they counted it: if there were 12 types of plants, they should get married this year.

4. In order for the groom to dream, they put a plantain under his head at night with the words: “A traveler is a travel companion,” you live along the road, you see young and old, say my betrothed.”

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Morning Ivan's dew was considered the best cosmetic product. They took a clean tablecloth, went out into the meadow, dragged the tablecloth over the wet grass and squeezed it into a vessel. Those who wash themselves with this dew will have skin softer than a petal.

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Kupala herbs had healing and miraculous properties: all year round they protected livestock, the house and all household members from evil spirits. Ivan - yes - Marya, placed in the corners of the house, protect it from enemies.

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Kupala bonfires were lit on this day by most of the peoples of Europe. Whoever jumps over the flames of the Kupala bonfire will be healthy all year. Jumping over the Kupala bonfires gets rid of forty evil spirits.

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Ivan is clean.

In the morning, the guys took buckets and went to the river, where they filled them with liquid mud and, returning, doused the girls with this mud. And the girls also ran after the mud and smeared the boys with it. And then a cheerful fight began, full of screams and laughter. Then the dirty young people flocked to the river to bathe together.

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Evening of Ivan Kupala Day.

And in the evening, all the people, dressed up, with wreaths on their heads, went to the river, where they lit fires, danced in circles, sang, told fortunes and, of course, collected herbs.

You can learn even more about the breathtaking wonders of this holiday by reading N.V. Gogol’s story “The Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala.”

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Ivan Kupala or Midsummer's Day - folk holiday, celebrated on July 7th. According to tradition, on Ivan Kupala, boys and girls perform various rituals related to water, fire and nature. These seemingly simple, rustic rituals and ceremonies contain powerful power.

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On the night before Ivan Kupala, girls lower wreaths with lit splinters or candles onto the river, braid wreaths from Ivan da Marya, burdock, Virgin Mary grass and bear's ear. If the wreath sinks immediately, it means that the betrothed has fallen out of love and cannot marry him. The one whose wreath floats the longest will be the happiest, and the one whose wreath burns the longest will live a long life!

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On the night of Ivan Kupala, witches become more dangerous, and therefore you should put nettles on the threshold and on the windowsills to protect yourself from their attacks. It is necessary to lock the horses so that the witches do not steal them and ride them to Bald Mountain: the horse will not return from there alive!

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On Midsummer night, oil is collected in a vessel on ant heaps, which is recognized as a healing agent against various ailments. On Kupala night, trees move from place to place and talk to each other through the rustling of leaves; Animals and even herbs talk to each other, which are filled with special, miraculous power that night.

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On Midsummer's night, rich grass is collected, which is stuck into the wall in the name of each member of the family; whose flower will soon wither will either die this year or fall ill. If on this night you pick the Ivan da Marya flower and put it in the corners of the hut, the thief will not approach the house: brother and sister (yellow and purple flowers of the plant) will talk to each other, and the thief will think that the owner and mistress are talking.

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Since all kinds of evil spirits come out into the light on Kupala night, they try to stay awake all night and burn fires. The tradition of jumping over fires goes back to our ancient pagan ancestors, who in this way were cleansed of all evil. They say that if you write on a piece of paper what happened bad this year, and then burn it at the stake on the night of Ivan Kupala, then these misfortunes will not happen again.