Potatoes with meat is always tasty and satisfying. And when stew is used as meat, it is also preparing quickly. Therefore, we offer a recipe for many dishes - potatoes with stew in a saucepan. Yes, we will be prepared in a saucepan, although there are many options for cooking, in the Casane, the solar frying pan.

Potato with stew in a saucepan

To prepare this dish, it is better to take potatoes of those varieties that are well welded. Then the potatoes will prepare quickly and will be soft. The stew is suitable any, from pork, beef or national team. So, cook!


  • potatoes - 800 gr
  • bank of Stesenka
  • onion - 1 bulbs
  • carrot - 1 pc
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • spices (bay leaf and peas pepper)

Potatoes clean and cut into small pieces. Fold them into a saucepan and pour water by 2/3. Put cooking on the stove.

Meanwhile, clean the onions and chop finely. Carrots clean and grate on a large grater. Preheat pan with vegetable oil.

Fry a little onions and add carrots to the pan. When vegetables are ready, a stew to it in the pan. If in stewed pieces of meat large, carefully disarm them for a fork.

Swipe a couple of minutes with stew with vegetables in a frying pan. You can add a bit of tomato paste at will. We did not add.

Potatoes must be fully welded. When it is ready, add vegetables with stew in a saucepan. Mix gently.

Try to taste and retire. Add to potatoes Spice, bay leaf and pepper pepper. Cover the lid and leave to steal for 2 minutes on a small fire.

Finished potatoes with stew cooked in a saucepan laying on plates portion. Sprinkle fine greens. Suitable dill, green onion or parsley.

That's all, our potatoes with meat is ready. This is a great dish for the second. Quickly and satisfying.

Enjoy your meal!

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