A Valentine is a heart-shaped greeting card given to each other by lovers or spouses on Valentine's Day. Children can also make a Valentine card with their own hands and give it to their parents on February 14th. In this article we will tell and show you how to make a Valentine card with your own hands. The most affordable material for making valentines is paper. From strips of paper different lengths It’s not at all difficult to make such a voluminous heart as a gift for Valentine’s Day. Even children can make such an original valentine with their own hands. To do this, you need to cut strips of paper of different lengths with scissors (2 strips of each size), fold them in a stack so that the two longest strips are in the center of the stack, and the two shortest are on the outside (see photo below). Fasten the strips together at the bottom with a stapler. Next, to make a beautiful valentine with your own hands, you need to sequentially fold down each pair of paper strips. At the end, fasten all the ends of the strips together with a stapler. Attach a beautiful ribbon to your valentine.

If you make a lot of valentines, they will make an original garland for festive home decoration.

Here is another version of a paper heart, which can be presented as a beautiful valentine to your beloved girl or young man. You will understand how to make such a Valentine card with your own hands if you carefully look at the photo below. A child can make such a voluminous paper heart as a gift to his beloved mother for Valentine’s Day.

There are many ways to make a paper Valentine card. For example, for Valentine's Day, we recommend that you decorate your apartment with heart-shaped garlands.

It’s not difficult to make such an original Valentine’s card. Take a thin strip of paper and fold it in half. Using a toothpick, twist both ends of the paper valentine. Make lots of beautiful DIY paper valentines. Use double sided colored paper different shades red: red, pink, raspberry, lilac. Now cut double-sided tape into small squares and use it to secure your valentines on a long thread. You can decorate a mirror or, for example, a doorway with these valentine hearts.

Here's another one interesting option how to make a valentine with your own hands. These original valentines are also made from strips of colored double-sided paper. Look how tastefully the colors were chosen for paper valentines.

To make it clearer to you how to make these valentine hearts from paper, take a close look at the valentine photos below. In addition to colored paper, you will also need scissors and a stapler.

There are very simple options paper valentines that even a child can make preschool age. For example, a child can make such a tree from branches for his beloved mother for Valentine’s Day, decorated with valentines with his own hands.

Making these valentines is very easy. You need to cut out a lot of hearts from colored paper. Now fold each paper heart in half and glue them together with their sides. Inside each valentine, insert a string with which you can hang the valentine on a branch. To make paper valentines with your own hands, you can use not only colored paper, but also, for example, candy wrappers or gift wrapping paper. Without a doubt, beautiful valentines will be made from special scrapbooking paper. You can buy this paper at craft supply stores.

It’s very easy to make a tree like this from twigs, decorated with Valentine’s hearts. When making this paper craft, it is most convenient to use a glue gun.

On Valentine's Day, you can give your loved one a bouquet of paper flowers in the shape of hearts. To make such an original Valentine card, you need to cut out a lot of hearts from pink or red scrapbooking paper. Then bend them in half and glue them together with their sides. Don’t forget to insert a wire inside the resulting volumetric paper heart. Wrap it with a special floral tape. Also make the leaves for the flowers from scrapbooking paper, only green.

What other Valentine's cards can you make with your own hands? Here's an example original postcard valentines in the form of a three-dimensional labyrinth with hearts lost in it.

Beautiful 3D applique The flower is made from hearts folded in half. Decorate your Valentine's card with this applique. Rest assured, the person to whom you give your own Valentine’s card will be happy with the gift and will appreciate your taste and efforts! Detailed instructions how to make this Valentine's card for Valentine's Day, see.

If you liked the paper weaving technique, then you can make another beautiful Valentine card using this technique. In such heart-shaped wicker paper baskets you can put sweet gift: small candies, nuts, dried fruits or cookies.

To make a paper valentine with your own hands, you will need to print it on two sheets of paper. different colors templates. Cut them out, fold them in half, make three cuts.

Now you need to weave them together to make a paper heart basket. Detailed wizard For a class on how to weave a paper basket, see the link.

We have an interesting and simple one on our website. This valentine is a paper heart - a bookmark. A very original, stylish thing. If your loved one prefers to read books in print rather than electronic form, be sure to give him such a gift. Such beautiful valentine can be a pleasant addition to the main gift - a book.

More large gift can be wrapped in wrapping paper designed this way.

By the way, valentines are not only made of paper. You can make edible valentines :) Yes, yes, see for yourself by carefully looking at the valentines photos below.

Romantic breakfast for two. Fried egg baked inside a toasted butter bread. The heart inside is cut out using a cookie cutter. Don't forget the freshly squeezed orange juice and bacon.

This valentine is a mini sandwich of sausage pieces with olives.

What about cherry tomato valentines? To make these valentines with your own hands, you will need toothpicks and high-density paper. How to properly trim tomatoes to make a heart, see the photo below. These original valentines can be used to decorate your holiday table.

You can also bake heart-shaped cookies for Valentine's Day. The photo below shows cookies with a window. The window is made from regular candy, which was placed inside the cookies 5 minutes before they are ready. For a more detailed guide on how to bake holiday candy cane cookies, check out

Dear friends! Valentine's Day is coming soon, and valentines are an integral part of it. exchange them at school, lovers send them to each other to express their tender feelings. I suggest you approach this romantic moment creatively and not buy ready-made cards, but make other materials at hand. Little cute heart cards can be a gift not only for Valentine's Day, but also for any other holiday or even not for a holiday.

My son, at the age of 5-6 years, when he learned to cut out hearts, would give them to me every day, and inside it would always be written: “Mom, I love you!” Is there a more valuable gift for mom? Why don't we give each other such sweet reminders of our love more than once a year? It's so nice! Do DIY paper valentines just see for yourself. Arm yourself with scissors, glue, paper, cardboard, various small things for decoration, call your kids and get creative! Everyone will be happy!

DIY Valentines made from paper and more – ideas for creativity with children

We have already done different ones and shared our experience with you. How to make valentines with your own hands? Yes, very simple. There are a lot of options.

1. The simplest option is to cut out a heart from a sheet of cardboard folded in half, decorate the colored side, and write a message inside. Here everything depends on the author’s imagination and available materials.

You can decorate with paper, lace, cord, sequins, various designs, stones, anything!

2. A very cute valentine is made if you glue small hearts made of accordion-folded paper inside the heart.

3. You can make a traditional card rectangular shape from cardboard and decorate it with hearts of various sizes from different materials. Cute valentines are made using the quilling technique.

For example, this Valentine card with cats just touches me! Everything was so well thought out!

4. Valentine cards with clasps, ties, and ribbons look beautiful. So romantic, the message is hidden from prying eyes.

5. There can be many different colored hearts on a postcard, or there can be just one, it’s a matter of taste.

6. Small DIY paper valentinescan be made by cutting out heart-shaped windows and attaching fabric of different colors to the bottom.

7. A wonderful valentine is created if you attach a voluminous heart inside the card.

To make it, you need to cut out a blank for the postcard itself, measuring approximately 15 X 18 cm, and bend it in the middle. Cut out a heart according to the template, make folds where indicated by the dash-dotted line. A large heart should have an outward fold, and a small inner heart should have an inward fold. Now you need to glue it to the inside of the postcard, and the side parts and front side arrange, arbitrarily with available materials.

8. This version of Valentine’s card will be very impressive.

You need to carefully cut out the hearts along the contour using a stationery knife from paper white, and where shown by the arrow, do not make cuts. Glue the main part onto paper of a contrasting color, for example red. There is no need to glue the cut out parts; they need to be fastened along the cuts shown on the template. When opening such a valentine, the hearts form a three-dimensional composition. It turns out very beautiful.

9. A wonderful valentine is made with birds. It’s easy to do; the stencil for the birds can be downloaded below. Decorate the card with available materials. A very romantic option!

10. Beautiful woven valentine leaves also look original.

To make them, you need to cut out two identical blanks from paper of two colors. Variants of such blanks can be printed, the template is located below. Make cuts as shown on the template and carefully interweave the strips in a checkerboard pattern. The finished heart can be glued onto paper or cardboard, and a congratulation can be written on the reverse side.

But here is a slightly simpler option.

11. Volumetric valentines are a full-size gift.

To make such a three-dimensional valentine you will need cardboard, you can take foil for the heart itself, scissors, thread or fishing line. Cut out blanks from cardboard, as shown in the figure, make cuts, and fasten them together. Hang a heart made of foil or cardboard on a thread or fishing line. That's it! The Valentine card can be folded, it will be flat, you can unfold it and place it on the table. Such a gift can be made together with the child for grandparents.

12. Valentine cards with buttons look very creative. Such bright cards it's quite simple to do. Surely, many people have stocks of torn buttons. Now you can apply them by decorating a card for Valentine's Day.

13. It will be interesting for children to make animal figures from hearts. For example, mice in love. They are easy to make; you will need red or pink, scissors, glue, a small pompom for the nose and thick threads or fishing line for the antennae. We cut out the hearts, glue them, decorate, everything is ready. In a similar way you can make an elephant, an owl, ladybug. Makes a cute gift.

Since 1800, when mass production of valentines began, there has, of course, been no need to do so. On the eve of Valentine's Day, the shelves of many stores are filled with them. But it’s always more pleasant to receive a sincere love message written on a heart made with your own hands from the bottom of your heart. Lots of options! All you have to do is choose what is closest to you.

I hope you found in this article suitable option and make it to your loved ones, family and friends DIY paper valentines, cardboard or other materials!

We will definitely return to the topic of handmade gifts for Valentine's Day! Have a creative day and creative inspiration!

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I have prepared for you some interesting ways making voluminous cards for Valentine's Day. I hope your family and friends will certainly like such unusual gifts.

Option 1.Kids in love

1. Print on thick white paper sample valentines.

2. Now print out a heart on red paper. Remember, it should be the same size as the heart in the center of the main picture.

3. Take a close look at the valentine template. You can see on it three types of lines: large dotted, solid and dotted with small lines.

4. Using a blade or a craft knife, cut the card in places where the line is solid. Never make cuts along the dotted lines.

5. Make folds in the places of the dotted lines. Glue a red heart on the picture with the kids.

What a sweet Valentine we got for you and me!

Option 2. Love story

To make this card you will need thick white paper, a breadboard knife and a little imagination.

1. Print out the postcard template.

2. Cut the solid lines using a breadboard knife. Make folds where the dotted lines are.

I'm sure your loved one will definitely like this surprise.

Option 3. Heartbeat

This original heart is made according to the principle of the two previous cards. You can print it on paper of any color. Take your pick!

Option 4. From the bottom of my heart...

This valentine card is very easy to make.

1. Fold a piece of white paper in half and cut out a large heart.

2. Fold an accordion from red paper and also cut out hearts.

3. Glue small red ones inside the white heart. But apply glue only to half of the first and last heart. Sign the Valentine’s card.

You can design the proposed valentines hearts, sparkles, satin ribbons and everything your imagination suggests! Have a magical Valentine's Day!

Crafts for Valentine's Day in elementary school

DIY paper valentine card.
Master class with step by step photos

Suslova Natalya Viktorovna teacher primary classes Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 7 named after. Admiral F.F. Ushakov, Tutaev, Yaroslavl region.
Description: This master class is intended for children from 8 years old, primary school teachers, and parents.
Purpose: crafts for Valentine's Day, gift, work for an exhibition, decoration.
Target: creating a postcard using the kirigami technique.
develop practical skills in working with paper;
consolidate skills in handling tools - scissors, paper:
develop artistic taste, creativity, fantasy, imagination;
develop fine motor skills hand, eye, spatial imagination;
to form a work culture: teach accuracy, the ability to use materials carefully and economically, and keep them in order workplace;
cultivate independence, patience, perseverance, a sense of satisfaction from the habit of finishing things;
instill an interest in art, arts and crafts.

Valentine's Day ( Valentine's Day) has long turned into a full-fledged holiday for most Russians. According to statistics, almost 80% of boys and girls under the age of 25 celebrate this fashionable holiday. (Only those unfortunates who have at the moment no pair).
All over the world February 14th is celebrated as love day: boys and girls, men and women, friends and acquaintances exchange valentines - greeting cards in the shape of hearts. Why not? After all, this is a great reason to wish your friends love and happiness!

Dear colleagues, today I would like to present you a master class on making valentine greeting cards using the kirigami technique.

Material: colored cardboard, carbon paper, scissors, shaped scissors, ruler, pencil, stationery knife, shaped hole punches.

Step by step description works:
Option 1. To make a Valentine's card, we need stencils.

Stencils can be printed on colored cardboard. The size can be changed as desired.

You can transfer stencils through carbon paper.

Carefully cut out the workpieces using scissors or a stationery knife, observing
Rules for handling cutting tools:
1. Check the tool before work. Work with well-adjusted and sharpened tools.
2. Do not hold scissors with the ends up, do not carry them in your pocket.
3. Do not use scissors with loose hinges.
4. Do not cut with scissors on the go, do not approach your friends while working, do not leave the scissors with the blades open.
5. Hand over tools only to closed, scissors - rings towards a friend.
6. Place tools on the table so that they do not hang over the edge of the table.
7. Monitor the movement and position of the tool blades during operation.
8. Use cutting tools only for their intended purpose.

Two blanks.

On each workpiece, cut out the selected internal parts with a stationery knife.

The central lines of the blanks must be pressed using scissors and a ruler (punched).

Fold the parts in half.

Make cuts along the center line at a distance of 0.5 cm from the edge (for the blue workpiece at the top, and for the red one at the bottom) for the slot joint.

Open the blanks. Close the gap connection on one side first.

Then on the other. The heart is collected! Valentine's card is ready!

You can trim the edges of the card with curly scissors.

Option 2. I offer a simpler version of a Valentine's card.
For production we will use a stencil.

The stencil can be printed on colored cardboard or transferred through carbon paper 2 times. (The size can be changed as desired). Carefully cut out two pieces using scissors.

The central lines of the blanks must be pressed using scissors and a ruler (punched). Fold the parts in half. Make cuts to the middle of the small heart (top of one piece, bottom of the other) for a gap connection.

Close the gap connection on one side first.

Then on the other. Valentine's card has been collected!

Decorate the cards with small snowflakes, hearts, and flowers made using shaped hole punches.

Decoration of 1 version of postcards.

Decoration 2 options for Valentine's card.

These are the Valentine cards we made for the holiday!

Want to make your own Valentine card? We'll show you how, and also offer some cute cards that can be printed- if you have a color printer, why not use it.

DIY Valentines: three-dimensional cards

First, we'll show you how to do it voluminous postcards-valentines(they are also called kirigami or pop-up - “suddenly appearing”). The principle is simple: you need thick paper or cardboard, pattern and cutter. Print or redraw the pattern, make the necessary cuts, and then carefully fold the paper along the dotted or red lines.

It is best to glue such a voluminous card onto a thick sheet of contrasting color - the recognition will be an even more convincing surprise.

A gamer, digital designer and any other guy who is familiar with computer games and pixel art (that is, any guy under 70 years old).

Girls also love voluminous cards because they appreciate surprises.

Paper Valentineswith your own hands

Let's start with simple valentines. Even a first-grader can make this charming elephant out of paper. The secret of the card is contrasting colors and a heart as an elephant's ear. If you want to be original, make a huge Valentine card with an elephant. Let it be as big as your feelings.

For the next DIY Valentine's card, also made from paper, you'll need nail scissors (or a cutter) and a lot of patience. Maybe as big as the elephant on the Valentine card above. But patience is an important virtue in relationships, so take advantage of this opportunity to demonstrate it.

This valentine with kissing doves is somewhat reminiscent of a snowflake and is just as easy to make: fold a piece of pattern paper in half and cut it out. When finished, glue the result to a piece of cardboard in a contrasting color.

By the way, such handmade valentines, if placed in frames, will be an excellent bedroom decoration. You can make the creation of such postcards a tradition - then they will delight you for many years, showing how many years you have been together. And you will never have a problem coming up with a gift.

If your significant other loves animals, cut out a Valentine's Day card with fluffy squirrels. By the way, the larger the template, the easier it is to cut.

Why not a feat in the name of love?

Printable Valentine's Day Cards

If you are short on time, but have a printer at hand, use it. We have selected several original Valentine cards that you can print, sign and give.

"My heart belongs to you." To make this Valentine's Day card, all you need is a black and white printer and paints or a marker.

Perfect! It only takes a couple of minutes to make such a card, but the recipient will have the feeling that it was created especially for him.

And these valentines can be printed and distributed to friends. Or make a garland out of hearts with your own hands.