There was a need to clean the wall of VKontakte. When I tried to clear the wall by removing one record, I approximately considered that I would need a few hours for the realization of the intended. Since I did not clean the wall from the very beginning of the use of the social network, I gathered a lot of 357 pieces. The staff of VKontakte is not possible to clean the wall at once, in one fell. Fortunately, there are smart people who have been asked to me with such questions and found a way out of writing an expansion for a browser.

To clean the wall of VKontakte, there is a bunch of proven methods, I will use one of the simplest and at the same time efficient.

Go on the link to the CCPT website and install the extension for your browser. Initially, the authors of this script were allowed to download video and audio from Vkontakte, but as the project grown, they learned many more, but I will not describe here if you are interested in reading on their website.

So ... installed the extension, restarted the browser (without this, the extension will not work), open, open your wall (by pressing the blue panel) in the panel, the "Actions" button appears in the panel, in which there are two steps:

  1. Get links to all photos from the wall
  2. Clear the wall

We click on the second item, and we see a proposal: delete all records from the first page (all records from the wall can be deleted), or delete records from the second page (recording on the first page to remain, and everything else, starting from the second wall, will be deleted)

I preferred to clean the wall completely, so chose the first item. After that, the process of removing records began A couple of minutes and my wall again a variable clean

As you can see, clean the wall Vkontakte can be quickly and without any problems