Scenario New Year's holiday"Journey to a Fairy Tale"

Ved: Our dear guests,
We hasten to congratulate everyone.
May they come in the coming year
Good luck and success to you.

May it be for you, good people,
Not afraid of worries,
He will be not just new, but happy
New Year!

We invite children to the hall,
And let the fun begin!!!

Children enter to the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

Ved: Now we’ll sit and look at the Christmas tree, admire our Christmas tree.

Children read poetry.

Oh you, winter-winter,
How much snow did you collect?
White city, white forest
And full of miracles.

Santa Claus draws with paint
There are fairy tales on the windows at night.
In the morning you look out the window,
So beautiful and light.

And the moon shines with a coin,
Like a round tablet.
All the trees are silver
It's so wonderful outside.

Oh you, winter-winter,
You brought magic.
Crispy white snow
The most real one.

What a Christmas tree, it’s just amazing
How elegant, how beautiful.
The branches rustle faintly,
The beads shine brightly

And the toys swing -
Flags, stars, firecrackers.
Here the lights are lit on her,
So many tiny lights!

And, decorating the top,
It shines there, as always,
Very bright, big,
Five-winged star

We like frosty
Fluffy time
The night sky is starry,
The sparkle of silver.

And the tree lights up
And a round dance dances,
And so, as it should be,
New Year is coming!

The Christmas tree is lit with lights,
There are blue shadows underneath,
Spiny needles
It's like there's frost in the white.

She thawed in the warmth,
Straightened the needles
And with merry songs
We arrived at our Christmas tree.

Multi-colored toys
They hung it on it for us,
And we look at the Christmas tree,
And we have fun today.

The lights on the Christmas tree are bright
Lights up everywhere
In every home, all over the country
The guys are smiling.

Song “White snowflakes fell in the morning...”

Ved.: - Many miracles happen on New Year’s Eve. Today, a magical story with miracles and adventures is sure to happen.

(a boy and a girl come out)

Boy: - Well, is the letter to Grandfather Frost ready?

Girl: - The letter is ready. But how can we give it to Grandfather?

Boy: - I don’t know... Let’s put the letter under the Christmas tree, the Snow Maiden will come and take the letter and take it to Santa Claus.

Ved. Soon, soon New Year,

Even the forest is silent and waiting.

The snow lies lushly on the branches,

No noise, no rustling is heard,

The forest holds its breath in anticipation of miracles...

They say on New Year's Eve

Miracles happen.

Fairy tale heroes come to life

meet at the Christmas tree.

(music plays, Snow Maiden comes in)

Snow Maiden: Hello, my dear friends!

I was in a hurry to see you!

Congratulations to everyone today,

I wish you happiness and goodness.

A bell rings.

Hear, on our Christmas tree

The needles suddenly began to ring.

Maybe they are ringing

Say it all in unison:

"Christmas tree, Christmas tree, wake up

And light up the lights!"

The children repeat the request, and the lights on the Christmas tree light up.

(Christmas tree lights up)

Song “What kind of tree is this?”

Children recite poems.

Ved.: - Every time on New Year's Eve

A fairy tale is coming to visit us.

Along snowy paths

The fairy tale goes unseen.

Exactly at midnight - ding, ding, dong,

You will hear a quiet ringing.

This fairy tale came into the house.

Hush, hush, here she is... (music sounds)

Snow Maiden: I am a fairy tale, I confess to you,

I've loved it since childhood.

I’ll give you a magical book.

The book is interesting, new, wonderful.

I'll show it, if you want?

Take a closer look.

I open the page

And the picture comes to life.

Lisa appears.

Fox: - - Letter? To whom? (reads)-Santa Claus is invited to the holiday, for the New Year! I wish I could get there! I’ll hide the letter just in case, maybe it will come in handy.

The Wolf appears.

Fox: - Oh, fathers, the Wolf is coming! (hides the letter)

Wolf: - What are you doing here, Fox?

Fox: - Yes, I’m walking, breathing air.

Wolf: - Why are you smiling?

Fox: - What should I do, cry or what? I'm going to a holiday.

Wolf: - For what holiday?

Fox: - The guys invite Santa Claus to New Year tree...And me too.

Wolf: - Why is it you too?

Lisa: - They probably liked me. Or maybe they will call you too?

Wolf: - No, they won’t call me. I scare hares in the forest.

Lisa: - Not good! Ay-ay-ay!

Wolf: - What's wrong? And herself! Who stole the chicken from the chicken coop?

Fox: - What chicken? I didn’t even see her!

Wolf: - You will tell Santa Claus fairy tales, but I saw everything!

Fox: - Well, why are you attached?

Wolf: - Oh, how I want to celebrate the holiday! Listen, godfather, put in a word for me, otherwise I’ll tell you all about that chicken...

Fox: - Chicken, chicken... Yes, it wasn’t a chicken at all, but a small chicken.

(The Wolf and the Fox are arguing. There is a fight. The Wolf is wailing.)

Fox: - As if I really didn’t tell Santa Claus about my tricks. But I will still outwit him. Let me send the Wolf to Santa Claus along the long road. (addresses the children, then the Wolf - Listen, Gray, if you want to go to the children for the holiday, follow this road. You’ll meet Santa Claus there too!

Wolf: - And that’s true! I’ll run, meet Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, and ask for a holiday.

(The wolf runs out of the hall through the door)

Fox: - Well, I’ll sit here and wait for Santa Claus. Oh, do you hear? It seems to be coming.

Ved: Hush, children, Santa Claus is coming to us in a troika.

He brings a cartload of gifts to everyone, everyone, everyone in the world.

(sound of three horses) Enter D.M.

D. Moroz: Hello, kids, girls and boys!

Hello, dear adults!

Happy New Year,

I wish you a snowy winter.

So that the sled can take you for a ride,

So that you can play in the snow,

To snowstorms

They sang their songs to you.

So that they are not afraid of frost,

To grow and harden.

What happened here?

Can't hear any songs at this hour?

Sing a song loudly!

Song “Hello Grandfather Frost”

D.M.: - Granddaughter, is everything ready for us to celebrate the New Year?

Snow: - Done, grandpa. The Christmas trees are decorated with snow, the bunnies and squirrels have changed their fur coats. Oh, grandpa, have you prepared gifts for the children?

D.M.: - Don’t worry, granddaughter, everything is ready.

(D.M. sees Lisa)

D.M.: - Look, granddaughter, Fox. What are you doing here, redhead?

Fox: - I’m waiting for you, D. Moroz. They say you are going to the children's Christmas tree. Take me with you.

(Wolf runs in)

Wolf: - Ah, the red-haired cheat, she outwitted me again. She managed to get ahead of me. Hello, Santa Claus! Hello, Snow Maiden! Take me to the Christmas tree.

Snow: - Shall we take him, grandfather?

Wolf: - Take it, take it, I was guarding the Christmas trees here. The children came and wanted to cut down the tree, but I didn’t allow it. Lisa, confirm.

Fox: - Well, I’ll start confirming all nonsense.

Wolf: - Oh, right? I’ll tell you everything about you, redhead. Santa Claus, and the Fox stole the chicken.

Fox: - He's lying, don't believe him, Santa Claus.

Wolf: - You're lying!

Lisa: - Am I lying? Who chased hares through the forest? I wanted to eat!

Wolf: - You didn’t want to?

Lisa: - Me? I didn't want to!

Wolf: - Why didn’t you want to? Who wanted it? Well, wait, redhead!

(chases the fox around the Christmas tree, they lose the letter, the Snow Maiden finds it)

Snow: - Look, grandfather, Fox lost the letter.

D.M.: - Come on, granddaughter, what kind of letter?


Wolf and Fox: - Take us to the Christmas tree too.

D.M.: - You? For the Christmas tree? No, I'm very angry with you!

Snow: - You deceived us, you took away the invitation from the guys.

D.M.: - There will be no holiday for you. Get out of the way!

(Fox and Wolf run away)

Ved: Santa Claus, you are tired from the road, sit and listen to the poems, and the children will tell you.

Children read poetry.

  • Who's dressed up warm fur coat, With a long white beard, New Year comes to visit, Both ruddy and gray-haired? He plays with us, dances

It makes the holiday more fun!

Santa Claus on our Christmas tree

The most important of the guests!

(I. Chernitskaya)

It happens in the world,

That only once a year

They light up the Christmas tree

A beautiful star.

The star burns, does not melt,

Beautiful ice glitters.

And it comes right away

Happy New Year!

The bells are ringing

The Christmas tree is shining

Happy New Year Santa Claus

Congratulates the children.

Listens to songs, poems,

Conducts competitions

And a merry round dance

He drives near the Christmas tree.

Let the fairy lights

Shining brightly bright

And he will bring it to all the children

Santa Claus gifts.

Mom is bringing a sleigh,

And I'm sitting on a sled

And on white snowflakes

I look with pleasure.

Suddenly a fluffy snowflake

It falls on the nose.

This is a winter gift for me

Sent by Santa Claus.

I take off my mitten

And I want to take a snowflake.

It’s no longer on the nose...

It's a pity, it melted again.

D. Moroz: Snow Maiden, my granddaughter, where are your snowflakes?

Let them dance ice-barelinki for the children.

Snow Maiden: Ice-snowflakes, my friends,

We will spin to the music.

Girls perform a dance "Snowflakes"

Santa Claus Oh, yes, snowflakes, how much snow they brought, just right to sculpt a snowman.

Game "Making a snowman"

Santa Claus Oh, I'm tired, I'll sit and look at the kids

It was good, cool. Thank you dear Snowflakes.

I also love listening to poetry, I’ve already prepared my ears.

Children read poetry

Song "They're spinning..."

Pair dance - polka

Ved: So he got into our circle,

Stay here

You can't leave, Frost,

Don't break out!

D.M.: - Oh, yes, I love this game too! Well, let’s see with the Snow Maiden how dexterous you are...

Game “We won’t let you out”

D. Moroz: Well done, guys. You all sang, danced, and read poems to us.

Well, it’s time for us to part ways, kids.

Ved: Wait, Grandfather Frost, did you bring gifts for all the children?

D. Moroz: Oh, I’m an old man with a hole in my head.

Yes, of course, I almost forgot, I put them in the bag

Let's go, granddaughter, and get it. He’s not far from here, lying on a sled.

Song "Congratulations..."

Fox: - I found out everything, I found out,

I have a lot of news

Santa Claus is coming here,

He carries a bag of gifts.

Wolf: - Come on, Fox, let's scare away Frost,

And we'll take the gifts.

Fox: - No, my Gray, we won’t scare you away,

We'll take the bag by trickery. (whisper)

Lisa: - Is it clear?

Wolf: - I see.

Fox: - Get to your places! (runs away)

Wolf: - I don’t want Santa Claus to bring you gifts.

(puts on glasses and headscarf)

Santa Claus enters with a bag and Snow Maiden.

Wolf: - Oh, oh, oh - Oh, oh, oh, Santa Claus, dear!

D.M.: - What happened?

Wolf: - Got lost...

I'm an old woman, I'm old and weak.

Take me to the hut

And the bag is heavy

Leave it here, at the edge of the forest.

D.M. notices the wolf's tail, the wolf hides it.

D.M.: - Oh, I can’t! (laughs). Look, Snow Maiden, here old grandmother. But we have a question: where did the old lady get the wolf’s tail?

Snow: - Yes, this is a gray wolf.

D.M.: - Come on, blizzards, whirl, whirl, drive away the evil wolf.

(D.M. knocks with his staff, they drive away the wolf with the Snow Maiden)

(D.M. and Snow. They go behind the tree, Fox enters)

Fox: - I don’t want Santa Claus to bring you gifts.

I'll deceive him and take the whole bag for myself.

(Puts on a red cap, takes a basket)

(Father Frost and Snow Maiden come out.)

Fox - Oh, oh, oh - Oh, oh, oh, dear Santa Claus!

D.M.: - What happened?

Lisa: - I got lost...

I'm Little Red Riding Hood! Small, weak...

Santa Claus, dear, take me home.

Take me to the hut

And the bag is heavy

Leave it here, at the edge of the forest.

Then you will take it and take it to the guys!

Santa Claus notices fox tail, Fox hides him.

D.M.: - Oh, I can’t! (laughs). Look, Snow Maiden, here is Little Red Riding Hood.

But we have a question: where did Little Red Riding Hood get her fox tail?

Snow: Yes, this is a red-haired cheat!

D.M.: - Come on, blizzards, spin, twist, and drive away the fox.

Santa Claus knocks with his staff and they drive the Fox away.

D.M.: Well, we drove away the Wolf and the Fox, it’s time to treat the guys with gifts.

Snow: - It's time, Grandfather!

(gift distribution)

Scenario "New Year's journey through fairy tales"

for 3 classes.


14.00-15.30 assembly hall, sports hall

7 people buffoons (poems)

Baba Yaga (adult) with three girlfriends (ditties)




30 riddlers

5 readers of the New Year's roll call

Santa Claus - adults

Snow Maiden - adults
Celebration progress:
Block 1 Buffoons


GAME “Match the word” MAGIC CARPET







GAME “Call Santa Claus”

roll call



Letter from D.M.

Letters: MAGIC CARPET, snowballs

Block No. 1 (buffoons) The guys go into the hall to the New Year's music and take their seats. Valenki music plays
1: We're not bad at all
Look at Us!..
Before you are buffoons:
buffoons are top class!

^ 2: Good afternoon to you, hello!..
On such a good day
Show off your smiles
Take part in the fun
Clap your hands!
3: Eh-ma!
Under the white cap of the house,
White and white all around...
Mother Winter has come to us,
It's time for freezing blizzards.

4: And to celebrate the New Year
According to Russian custom,
Winter calls everyone to a holiday
And, luring you into a round dance,
Sings with loud winds.

^ 5: And as for the frost, it doesn’t count,
Snowfall doesn't count either:
Any laughter of yours will melt the ice,
Good smiles for the New Year
There are no barriers in the world!

6: And there are a lot of people here -
You probably won’t think so
All the guys in this room!
The holiday has begun
Nowadays, who isn’t happy with him!

7: You have lit your fires, friends,
New Year is everywhere
And we can’t live without fun
Welcome his arrival!

(common New Year's song)

Block No. 2 (Baba Yaga with her friends)
Exit B.Ya. with girlfriends to the music. (DITS)

Hey, laughing girlfriends

Start some ditties,

Sing quickly

To please the guests.
1:On Ivan’s birthday

Gave Yaga a sofa.

She flies on it

And the stupa is resting.
2: The day before at Yaga's

The pies were burnt.

That's why Yaga stood up

Starting off on the wrong foot in the morning.
3:So as not to freeze in the snow

Legs at the hut,

I bought it for her in fur

Old woman's felt boots.
B.Ya.: We sang ditties for you,

Is it good or bad?

And now we ask you

May you clap for us!
Baba Yaga:
Hello guys! Have you forgotten me yet? Oh, how I miss you. How have you grown, how big have you become? Do you remember how I hid Santa Claus from you last year? ... And this year I’m good, I didn’t hide anyone from you, I came to visit, not alone, but with my friends, and I even brought you a letter from Santa Claus.


Baba Yaga:

Here's your time! Where did Grandfather Frost send us? Well, nothing can be done, you and I will have to go into fairy tales. But there are too many of us in this big company difficult to travel. Now I will choose those who will go with me into fairy tales, and the rest will have other, secret affairs! So...I'll take with me……. So the team is ready.

But how do we get into fairy tales? Come on, who knows what kind of vehicle you can use to get into a fairy tale? ... That's right, on a magic carpet! Do you know what needs to be done in order to turn this very carpet into a flying carpet? You need to make up this word, a magic carpet of magic letters. And this needs to be done very quickly. Come on, let's try it. Take one letter at a time, and when I say:

Fried bag of toads!
I'll conjure, whisper,
I'll fly wherever I want!

make up a word. ... Well, the magic carpet is ready to fly. Stand closer to him, close your eyes tighter, and go!

^ Flight music plays.

Baba Yaga: Well, we've finally arrived. What kind of fairy tale have we found ourselves in? Hush, someone is coming here. Let's hide and see what kind of fairy-tale characters these are, what kind of fairy tale we are in...
block No. 3 “wolf and fox”
Fox. I'm tired, so tired,

I was walking near the river,

Outwitted the peasant

And she took all the fish away.
^ Wolf.(runs in) Lisaveta, hello!
Fox. How are you, toothy?
Wolf. Things are going well, my head is still intact!
Fox. Where have you been?
Wolf. On the market!
Fox. What did you buy?
Wolf. Pork!
Fox. How much did you take?
Wolf. A tuft of wool... The right side was torn off. The tail was chewed off in a fight (shows it to Lisa)
^ Fox. Who bit it off?
Wolf. Dogs! Well, where have you been wandering?
Fox. ( flirtatiously) I caught a fish in an ice hole,

I just dropped my ponytail...

Do you see how much I caught? (shows basket)
^ Wolf. ( licks his lips) I want fish too! (reaches for the fish, but Fox quickly hides the basket behind her back)
Fox.(shakes his head) I’ll teach you how to catch it.

Go, my friend, to the river,

Sit in a secluded corner

Lower your tail into the hole

And repeat all the time:

“Catch fish, big and small!”
^ Wolf. Well, thank you Lisaveta,

You helped me with advice.

Where is the ice hole, tell me (looks around)
Fox. Over there!
Wolf. Ahh... (runs away)
Fox.(shouts after me) Don’t forget to say the words!
BABA YAGA: What kind of fairy tale is this, did the children guess? Children. Wolf and Fox.

Fox: That's right, guys! You guessed our fairy tale, get on your magic carpet and fly to the edge of the forest - there is the next riddle.
BABA YAGA with children: Tsamba-dramba-comb,
Fried bag of toads!
I'll conjure, whisper,
I'll fly wherever I want! ( flight music).
block No. 4 “Months”
Guess what, guys
My month in my riddle:
My days are the shortest of all days,
Of all nights longer than night.
To the fields and meadows
It snowed until spring.
Only my month will pass,
New Year is coming.
It stings your ears, it stings your nose,
Frost creeps into felt boots.
If you splash water, it will fall
Not water anymore, but ice.
Not even a bird can fly
The bird is freezing from the frost.
The sun turned towards summer.
What month is this, tell me?

Snow is falling in bags from the sky,
There are snowdrifts around the house.
Either blizzards or blizzards
They attacked the village.
The frost is severe at night,
During the day, drops can be heard ringing.
The day has grown noticeably
Well, what month is this?
A warm south wind blows,
The sun is shining brighter.
The snow is thinning, softening, melting,
The loud rook flies in.
What month? Who will know?
The river roars furiously
And breaks the ice.
The starling returned to his house,
And in the forest the bear woke up.
A lark trills in the sky.
Who came to us?

Well, you have completed this task. And the third one will be like this - come on, try to beat the team of the month in your favorite game winter game- into snowballs. And now Baba Yaga will explain the rules to you. Baba Yaga distributes snowballs and tells the rules. They are playing.
Well, you completed all the tasks. Now I’ll quietly whisper to the magic carpet where you should go next on your journey for Santa Claus.

Baba Yaga: Well, we stayed at Twelve Months, and now at a new fairy tale hit. Let's hide!
^ Block No. 5 “Nutcracker”

Hello, dear guests! Why did you come to our kingdom?
Are you looking for Santa Claus?
Baba Yaga:
His, dear, his, good.
Okay, we will help you find Santa Claus. Just first guess what fairy tale you are in, and complete our tasks.

Once upon a Christmas holiday,
I received the gift.
Funny doll with a big mouth,
The nuts click at that.

And I was an enchanted prince,
Bound by evil mouse witchcraft,
But we defeated witchcraft
And all the mice with Marie were beaten. ^ Children guess a fairy tale.

Well done! Now the next task. Marie and I love to dance.

(dance) to Varvara’s song.

Marie: You completed all the tasks. Sit on your magic carpet, and I’ll whisper to him what fairy tale you’re flying into now. And I’ll tell you a secret: that fairy tale will be the last, you will find Santa Claus there!

^ Flight music.

Baba Yaga:
Oh, I completely flew away... Where has this taken us? Well, let's hide again.
Block No. 6 “Malvina and Pinocchio”
Malvina:(addressing Pinocchio): So, my dear friend,

We will continue our lesson!

Penmanship lesson,

This requires diligence.

Write, my dear boy:

“A mouse was gnawing on a pine cone under the tree.”
Pinocchio: I don’t want to, I want to go home!
Malvina: Ugh, what a lazy person you are. Science must be comprehended!
Pinocchio: I want to go home, I want to go for a walk!
Malvina: You have to try hard in your studies

So as not to remain wooden.

And what kind of uninvited guests do we have here - uninvited?

Well, come out!

Baba Yaga: Hello! And we are looking for Santa Claus.

Malvina:Did you understand what fairy tale you were in?

Pinocchio: You are probably all very smart! Now guess our riddles! Round, tasty and rosy,
He didn't listen to mom and dad.
Straight from the stove, jump and hop,
Rolled away...

1: Kolobok rolled off the porch
I set off along the path into the forest.
Following him, teeth clicking,
Jumped out hungry...

^2:Wolf everyone in the forest is afraid
He loves to bite.
Walks in soft slippers
He's behind Red...

3:Red Beanie not scary -
An important guy walks with her.
He is not a plowman or a carpenter,
He is the terror of wolves -...

4:U hunter sister
A very noble girl.
The princes are all striving for a fairy tale,
To get married...

5:Goldilocks loves songs
That one is more wonderful than the other.
And he sings them among the branches
Until dawn...

6: Nightingale loves to sing songs.
His brother is killing passers-by.
Whoever met him is dead,
Because he...

7:U robber girlfriend
While away his life in a hut.
The one on chicken legs
And she's called grandma...

8: Grandma ^ Ezhku respected
There is no reason to come to visit.
But once the cabbage soup is cooked,
He will come to visit her...

9:King Koschey not on a diet
At least he is slimmer than anyone in the world.
Everyone, let the villains grow in breadth
It will interfere...

10: Bogatyr rushes around the world,
To save one girl.
But even the foxes won't say
Who stole...

11:Vasilisa knows a lot
Reads smart books.
I read everything, if I'm not lying,
As a child I was a scientist myself...

12:Cat- ^ Bayun walking in the forest
It puts mice to sleep with its gaze.
But he dreams at night
Very tasty Hot...

13:U Zhar- birds long tail
He has a secret, he is not simple.
Knows what's in the tail and how
Only one...

14:U Ivan the Fool
A friend is faithful forever.
Solve all problems on time
Maybe nice...

15: Little Hunchback will not leave you in trouble,
He will vacuum the tower.
Seeing it early in the morning
16:Nesmeyana crying loudly.
The girl is unhappy, that means
But bring back her smile
Can Golden...

17:Golden fish grandfather
Caught in his declining years.
I asked the fish for a cap
And ten girths...

18:Turnip together they pull from the garden bed
In the morning as exercise
Grandfather, grandmother, cat, granddaughter,
Mouse and dog...

19: Bug goes hunting
Into the forest, into the fields and beyond the swamp
And shouts after her: “Go for it”
Grandfather, friend of all hares...

20:Grandfather ^ Mazay floats along the river.
And along the shore on the stove
Just driving around without a purpose
Good fellow...

21:By Emelina willingly
And at the behest of the pike
Tomorrow it will fly into the clouds
Miracle-yudo fish-...

22:Whale shoots up fountains,
And an eagle flies above him -
It's in a hurry to Africa
Good doctor...

23: Aibolit doesn't rest
He saves everyone day and night.
Goes to the doctor from the cradle
Fluffy elephant...

24:Baby Mammoth looking for mom
For her, he is the most, the most,
The neighbors know where she is

25:Everyone bears love honey
Use your paw to remove it from the honeycomb.
That this rumor is true
It will prove to you...

26:Winnie the Pooh sings screams,
There's sawdust in his head,
On his chest is a badge,
And there’s a friend on it...

27:Piglet sings in the choir during the day,
And draws on the fence
Someone's nose, mustache and ears -
That’s a portrait of Stepashka with...

28:Piggy also a pig
Friend of boys and girls.
He asks not to forget
Bring a sausage...

^ 29: Filya- very smart dog
He brought a book of fairy tales.
Loves to listen to bedtime stories
He is with a crow...

30:A Karkusha goes to bed,
So that you can dream about it at night.
She wants to wish everyone
From the bottom of my heart: “Good night!”
Pinocchio: Well, you completed all the tasks. Santa Claus is ready to come to you. But do you know how to call him?

Baba Yaga: We can, we can.
^ The song of Father Frost is heard and he enters with the Snow Maiden.

Father Frost: Hello guys! Well done to me! By all New Year's tales passed, all the riddles were solved. But you offended me, an old man, you offended...

Baba Yaga: How did we offend you?

Father Frost: And because they played without me. I also want to play with you.

Baba Yaga: Well, we can easily fix this problem.

The children recite the roll call.

Scenario for New Year's party (kindergarten)
New Year's holiday scenario for children of the second junior group
New Year's scenario for children of the preparatory group
New Year's scenario for senior and preparatory groups
Scenario "Winter's Tale"
Scenario "New Year's Journey through the Fairytale Kingdom"
Ball on Christmas night
Scenario Adventures of a Dwarf
New Year's performance for kids
Matinee script for kids
Journey to Santa Claus
New Year's adventures
Scenario “Christmas tree” (younger group)
New Year's party

Scenario "New Year's journey through the fairytale kingdom."

(for older and preparatory group)

Children run into the hall and settle down at their seats.
The tree doesn't burn. In the middle of the hall there is a chest entangled in cobwebs.
Vasilisa the Wise and Ivanushka the Fool are sitting next to the chest, everyone is sad and alarmed.

Vasilisa: Hello, guys! Do you see what trouble has visited us?
Ivanushka: Santa Claus has prepared a chest full of gifts for you, he wanted to please you with gifts.
We didn't save him.
Vasilisa: The evil Miracle Yudo closed the chest with 6 locks and entwined it with a magic web. Not
The evil sorcerer wants the children to be happy. His black heart is dearer when grief and
tears all around.
Ivanushka: And now we won’t have a holiday, since there are no gifts!
What is a holiday without gifts?
Vasilisa: Wait, Ivanushka! Don't scare the guys ahead of time.
You have to try all the possibilities, and then lose heart.
Ivanushka: It’s not for nothing that they called you Vasilisa the Wise, so come on, help us the chest
Vasilisa: I think there are no locks for which the key cannot be found.
Ivanushka: Where to look for them? Look, Miracle Yudo scattered them all over the fairytale forest, otherwise
hid it with his friends - how many evil spirits are there on earth?
Vasilisa: But I think we shouldn’t lament, but hit the road - find the keys!
Ivanushka: Well, Vasilisa, perhaps you’re right. Our preparations won't be long, but it's a long way to go
unknown. And you guys, will you come with us to look for the keys to the enchanted castles?
Children: Yes!
Vasilisa: Aren’t you afraid of difficulties, won’t you be afraid of evil spirits?
Children: No!
Ivanushka: Well done! Let's all go together!
Vasilisa: Don’t rush Ivanushka, we need a good song on the road so that the path isn’t so difficult
was. Guys, do you know this song?
Children: Yes!
Vasilisa: Then let's go!
Vasilisa: Here we are (sit down). A hut on chicken legs appears.
Ivanushka: Do you recognize whose house this is? That's right, Baba Yaga lives here. Let's knock:
"Can I come in?"
B. Yaga (comes out from behind the hut): Come in, if you are a brave person.
Vasilisa: Hello, grandma.
B. Yaga: Hello, hello! What are you looking for around the world, whether you are running from work or
are you looking for a job?
Ivanushka: We are looking for keys to enchanted locks. Won't you help us?
B. Yaga: So you want to cast a spell? Well, this is not an easy job. Do you have enough?
Vasilisa: And you, grandmother, check us and we will try. How can we try, guys?
Children: Yes!
B. Yaga: I want to test you. I have some riddles, wow!
B. Yaga: Hut, Don’t let me down, my friend, give them the riddle!
Vasilisa: Grandma, we guessed your riddles.
B. Yaga: I see that you children are smart. Do you know how to dance?
DANCE WITH BABA YAGA (“Na-na”, “Granny Yaga”).
B. Yaga: Oh, we were pleased! I haven't danced like this for a long time! I can’t help but help such children. Take it
Vasilisa: Thank you, Grandma Yaga. Tell me where Miracle Yudo hid the rest of the keys to
your castles?
B. Yaga: Oh, I don’t know, I don’t know. I already gave you the key. If Miracle-Yudo finds out, it won’t go well
me then. Go to Vodyanoy, maybe he can help you?
(B. Yaga leaves). Goodbye!
Vasilisa: Attention, guys, get ready, we are diving to the bottom of the lake, into the underwater Kingdom
Vodyanoy. We close our eyes, take a deep breath, enter...
(music from the film "The Flying Ship" sounds)
Vodyanoy: Oh, are you coming to me?
Vasilisa: Yes, to you!
Vodyanoy: Oh, how good (sings again):
I'm a merman, I'm a merman
If only someone could talk to me
And then my girlfriends -
Leeches and frogs.
Ugh, what disgusting!
Vasilisa: So we want to talk to you, dear Vodyanoy.
Vodyanoy: How wonderful. I'm so tired of being alone. Let's dance with me.
Ivanushka: Actually, we are in a hurry and would like...
Vodyanoy: And I don’t want to listen! Get in a circle!
DANCE "BOOGIE WOOGIE" (Stay in the circle)
Vasilisa: Grandfather, we would like to ask if you have a magic key?
Vodyanoi: Maybe this one? (Takes out a wrench).
Ivanushka: No, another one!
Vodyanoy: Oh, I completely forgot. This one?
Vasilisa: This one! Thank you, grandpa!
Ivanushka: Or maybe you know where to find other keys?
Vodyanoy: What I don’t know, I don’t know. Go to the bend of the fabulous sea, to Lukomorye, then
There is. Cat Bayun lives there.
If he doesn't put you to sleep, he might help.
Vasilisa: Goodbye, Vodyanoy. Thank you!
(The merman leaves to the music)
Vasilisa: Let's go, guys, to Lukomorye.
(Sit down to the music)
Cat Bayun comes out. Falls asleep.
(murms a song in his sleep)
Cat Bayun: “Bayushki-bayu, don’t lie down on the edge...” and
“Don’t rub salt on my wound, because it still hurts...”
Vasilisa: Dear Cat!
Cat Bayun: Don’t bother me, I remember the songs. I remember the first line, I don’t remember the second.
Ivanushka: Don’t be upset, Cat Bayun, we will help you! Really, guys? You sing, and
We'll sing along for you.
Cat Bayun: Oh, will you succeed? Let's remember this one:
"A smile will make everyone brighter..."
(The guys perform the 1st verse)
Cat Bayun: How wonderful it turns out. Now help me remember this:
"I'm lying in the sun..."
(Children continue verse 1)
Cat Bayun: Oh, great! And this one? "Little Christmas tree..."
(Sing 1st verse)
Cat Bayun: But of course you don’t know this very beautiful song. And I don't remember! I remember
just one line:
"What is a snowflake?"
SONG "SNOWMAN". (Soloist)
Cat Bayun: Today I’m just having some kind of holiday. Let me kiss your hand
(to the soloist and Vasilisa). I almost forgot, why are you walking through the forest?
Vasilisa: We are looking for the keys to an enchanted chest. We can't start without them
New Year's holiday.
Cat Bayun: Eh, I knew where the magic keys were. Eh, I knew it! I forgot... I don't remember.
Vasilisa, Ivanushka and children: Well, remember! Please.
Cat Bayun: I can’t... Oh, no, I think I remembered. (Gives the key).
They thank the cat and say goodbye. Cat Bayun leaves.
Vasilisa: It's time to hit the road again.
(Whistling sounds)
Ivanushka: Oh, what is this, where are we?
(The Nightingale the Robber flies in)
Nightingale: What, got caught? Ooh, bye, bye... I'll eat you at dinner.
Vasilisa: Why eat us, Nightingale is a robber, we can be useful to you.
Nightingale: How can you be useful to me? I’m at war with Miracle Yud, and you’re small and stupid,
How can you help me?
Vasilisa: Although we are not great, we are not at all stupid. Really, guys?
Nightingale: We'll check that now!
Ivanushka: Check, check!
Nightingale: I’ll ask you riddles. Answer - your happiness, if you don’t answer - say goodbye to
(The nightingale makes riddles)
Nightingale: Yes, with such guys, even Miracle - Yudo is not afraid.
Ivanushka: Look, Nightingale the Robber, how our children can dance.
Nightingale: Well, we're glad! Well, dashing! I will help you, I will give you the key, but you too, when I need you
your help, don't forget about me.
Ivanushka: Nightingale is a robber, just whistle and we’ll come, right, guys?
Children: Yes!
(The Nightingale the Robber gives the key)
The lights in the hall go out completely. Several candles light up.
Alarming music sounds.
Vasilisa: Be careful, guys, we seem to be in the kingdom of Kashchei the Immortal!!!
Kashchei: Yes, you were not mistaken. This is my kingdom - Kashchei the Immortal!!! And it’s waiting for you there
imminent death. (rides out on horseback).
Ivanushka: Why are you so angry, Kashchei the Immortal?
Kashchei: I don’t like it when it smells of the human spirit. Answer quickly, why come to me?
are you welcome?
Vasilisa: Miracle - Yudo enchanted a chest in which Santa Claus gave gifts to the guys for the New Year
sent. Do you have a magic key?
Kashchei: Ha-ha-ha... Yes, it was me and Miracle Yud who bewitched your chest. If I have the key
but I will never give it to you! You won't see any gifts!
Ivanushka: (Resolutely steps forward) Give me the key, otherwise you will regret it!
Kashchei: Who decided to scare me?
(Steps on Ivanushka)
Who dared to stand in my way?
Vasilisa calls on the bravest guys to come to the aid of Ivanushka.
Kashchei: That's it, small fry, get out of my way! Otherwise I'll get really angry now,
there will be no wet spot left of you.
I count to three! Ra-a-z! Two! ...
Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter the hall.
D. Moroz: Why do you, Kashchei, offend my friends? Even though they are small, they have courage
don't borrow. Come on, Kashchey, it’s better to measure your strength with me. I've been defeating you for a long time
I wanted, but it still didn’t work out, for us to meet in the same fairy tale.
Kashchei: Well, Santa Claus, I can fight with you. You are a prominent enemy, not like these
little ones.
Tug of war. (Kashchei falls)
D. Moroz: Well, Kashchey, will you give me the key now?
Kashchei: I won’t give it up! (He stands up decisively again.)
D.Moroz: Well, blame yourself! (Starts to blow).
Granddaughter, children, help me! (Everyone is blowing).
Kashchei: (numb) Oh-oh-oh, have mercy, don’t let me die... Don’t blow!!! I'll give you the key!
D.Moroz: That’s it! (Takes the key). Now leave while you're still alive!
(Kashchei gets on his horse and rides off)
D. Moroz: Hello, guys! Friendly preschoolers!
I wish you happiness, health and strength,
Guys, I was in a hurry to get here.
I almost fell into a snowdrift on the way,
But it seems he came to visit on time.
Snow Maiden: Hello, dear Christmas tree,
You are our guest again.
The lights run, sparkling,
On your thick branches.
We have been waiting for this day for a long time,
Haven't seen each other for a whole year.
Sing, sound under the tree
New Year's round dance.
(Everyone stands in 2 circles)
Vasilisa: Santa Claus, but the lights on our Christmas tree are not on.
Snow Maiden: Dear grandfather, hurry up
Light up the Christmas tree for the kids!
D. Moroz: Come on, Christmas tree, smile!
Come on, Christmas tree, buckle up!
Come on, Christmas tree, one, two, three,
Shine with joyful light!
(The lights on the tree light up)
Round dance "Blizzard"
1st child: There are colorful ones on the Christmas tree
The lights are shining.
Sit on thin branches
And birds and animals.
2nd child: Whitebeard and Rednose
Under the branches of Santa Claus.
The snow woman does not melt,
The parrot doesn't fly away.
3rd child: Yolochka, hello,
Our beauty!
It's been a year since we saw each other.
It seems that you are even better and more beautiful
Started from last winter!
4th child: Spread out, circle, wider,
Make some noise in our round dance.
We lived together, joyfully,
Let's celebrate the New Year together!
D.Moroz: New Year's tree celebration -
The best holiday of winter days.
Let the poems sound today,
I'll listen to the children.
(Children read poetry)
Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, I wish I could come up with a game,
amused the kids!
D.Moroz: Stand up, guys.
Everyone, hurry up and join the round dance!
Song, dance and fun
Let's celebrate the New Year with you!

Vasilisa: Santa Claus! We forgot that not all locks are on the chest
We were able to open it.
Ivanushka: We don’t have the key to the last castle!
Snow Maiden: Yes, and the magic web still needs to be untangled. Will the children really be left without
New Year's gifts?
D.Moroz: Don't be sad! I'll tell you a secret. If you open on New Year's Eve all the magical
castles, then Miracle-Yudo will disappear. You found five keys, and the last lock with
secret. It will open if everyone says together:
"Happy New Year, people, animals,
Open the doors quickly!"
And the magic web will disappear.
Everyone repeats the words of Santa Claus together. The chest opens.
D.Moroz: We give you gifts,
And we give you an order,
May you all be healthy,
Getting better every day!
Snow Maiden: So that there is
And fun and laughter.
All heroes: Happy New Year, Happy New Year!
Congratulations to everyone! Everyone! Everyone!
D.Moroz: See you next year!
Wait for me, I'll come!

Attention! The administration of the site is not responsible for the content methodological developments, as well as for compliance with the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Target: development creativity children.


  1. Create conditions for creative self-realization of students.
  2. Promote class team unity.
  3. Expand your horizons. Teach 19th century ballroom dancing etiquette.


  • Father Frost
  • Snow Queen
  • Rainbow Fairy
  • Master of Ceremonies
  • Flower fairies (aka snowflakes)
  • Prom King and Queen


The entrance to the assembly hall is decorated in the form of a tunnel of arches entwined with tinsel, snowflakes, rain - all in white, silver and blue.

The assembly hall is elegantly decorated with decorations (tower battlements) depicting the Palace of the Snow Queen. There are many mirrors in the Snow Queen's palace (imitation from holographic film). Blue fabrics, a lot of silver New Year's decorations, branches dusted with silver, artificial snowflakes, Christmas trees, icicles - all this helps to recreate the cold beauty of the palace.

Three thrones. 2 – King and Queen of the ball in golden color and 1 white with silver teeth in the form of ice - the Snow Queen. One of the main roles is played by the screen, where the frames and pictures required by the script will be projected.

Each class prepares in advance a dramatization of a fairy tale of their choice, where there are princes and princesses (princes and princesses). Performance without words (pantomime) to music for no more than 5 minutes. The music is chosen by the students themselves.

They learn dances: polonaise, padégras, polka-meeting, polka-fun.

(Our music teacher acted as a dance master).



Guys! Each of you nominated your candidates from the class. But we cannot have 4 kings and queens at the same time. And today we will determine who will receive the title of Queen and King of the New Year's Ball!

Now we invite the finalists of the competition to our improvised stage.

4 girls and 4 boys each (representatives of 4 classes)

Last names, first names of the finalists:






Applause to our competitors! Each of them is already worthy of the title!

So, young men! The competition is for you!

Guys! (addresses the audience) Should a king be brave, strong, dexterous and accurate? - Yes!

Of course! How else will the king go hunting and defeat his enemies?

Future kings, here is darts in front of you. Each of you has five darts and the right to three successful throws. (The three best throws out of five are summed up). Whoever has the highest sum of points will become the king of the ball. And so, let's begin!..


Thanks everyone! We have chosen the king. Girls, the next “surprise competition” is for you! But Lady Luck will decide everything here.

The music turns on and to the music the girls spin around the king, who is blindfolded. At one point the “king” takes a step. Who is he going to? at the moment came closer - she becomes the queen.

Congratulations to the King and Queen of the ball.

The King and Queen receive a printout of their role.


Meeting children at the entrance to the assembly hall.

Login short dresses, sneakers and without masks are not welcome.

The children are greeted by Flower Fairies (high school girls).

The fairies hand out masks to those who came without them.

Before the entrance - Fairies of flowers:

Everyone, everyone, everyone

Residents of the land of fairy tales!

Listen, watch and pay attention,

Please take into account:

There's a New Year's ball in the palace,

The king invited all his friends to the ball,

The smartest, bravest and funniest,

The best kind and worthy.

In the hall. The palace ballroom is projected on the screen.

Slide No. 1.

FNG: 01. The Rainbow Fairy comes in and rings the bell.

Rainbow Fairy:(for guests and parents sitting in the hall): Now you and I will go to a magical land, do you hear these sounds, this fairy tale is calling us. But only those who believe in it and know how to listen to what is happening around can enter the magical land.

In our fairy tale world time does not pass as you are used to, so do not be surprised by the small miracles of the holiday, but rather rejoice and dance with us.

FNG:02. Exit of the King and Queen.

The King and Queen enter through the doors near the stage. All guests bow.

Rainbow Fairy: Listen! Listen! Listen! The king issued the following decree:

I’m announcing a ball at the castle today!

The ball is fun, interesting, New Year's.

Cheerful laughter is not a hindrance here.

Let the carnival laugh.

Who spent five minutes without laughing?

That waste of time

The rules are:

  • Guests are required to stay in good mood;
  • Participate in all games and be sure to dance.
  • Everyone is banned negative emotions, refusing to have fun and participate in the proposed entertainment and removing masks.
  • Those who do not follow the rules may be punished by the King himself. Punishment - solo dance, song, any performance.

King: Dear guests, valiant knights and beautiful fairies, sages and wanderers, collected in this hall from all fairy-tale books. We are pleased to welcome you to the New Year's Ball.


To the carnival, to the carnival!

We invite everyone to the ball!

Master of Ceremonies: Attention! Polonaise! The dance procession begins! Greet the ball participants with a friendly ovation!

FNG: 03. Polonaise Dance

Master of Ceremonies: Dear guests of the ball, do you think it is possible to introduce all the participants to each other at our ball?

There is a very simple, fun and uncomplicated dance that can be easily learned right at the ball and introduced to all participants. We ask each interested gentleman to come out into the circle and stand with his back inside the circle. Be brave, gentlemen!

And now we invite the young ladies to take seats opposite the gentlemen, facing each other. Young ladies, choose any partner.

Conditions for the dance game: The gentlemen, as soon as the music starts, move in a circle counterclockwise, and the young ladies clockwise. The music ends - you need to turn as a couple to face each other and say hello, saying your name and using the elements of ballroom dancing, which are set by the master of ceremonies. Parents of students and teachers can take part here.

So, “Game - acquaintance”!

FNG: 04. “Polka Three”

Rainbow Fairy:

And our New Year's masquerade ball continues. But don't you think something important is missing!?

The hall answers.


And, really, where is Santa Claus? I invited him to the party too!

Rainbow Fairy: I’ll find out now what happened to him... (leaves)

Queen: In the meantime, let's have fun! We're at the ball!

Performance of the dance group "Natalie" with the composition "Winter".

Master of Ceremonies: Finally, Santa Claus has arrived. Let's call him loudly and together.

The howling of a blizzard, a menacing melody intertwined with it.

Slide 3 Blizzard.

FNG: 05. The sound of breaking glass.

To the hall briskly The Snow Queen enters, accompanied by Snowflakes (enchanted Flower Fairies).

FNG 06. Song of the Snow Queen

Snow Queen: Christmas tree and candles... What a fun evening you are having!

Suite: Oh, the Christmas tree and candles, yes, one, two, three, times!

Snow Queen: But I notice that I am not greeted royally.

Suite: Oh, no, they don’t meet you, but one-two-three-times!

Snow Queen:

Let it not be a secret for you,

It was not by chance that I came to you.

King and Queen:- Who is this, who is she?

The face is like under a mask...

And how cold it smells!

Snow Queen: It's strange that no one can recognize me.

Suite: Oh, strange, strange, yes, one, two, three, times!

Snow Queen: Nowadays kids don’t read books at all!

Retinue: Oh, kids these days are just atas!

Snow Queen:

Although my face will not be remembered,

You will remember this meeting. HA-HA-HA...

Slide 4. Palace of the Snow Queen

I am the Snow Queen

I live in kingdom of ice,

My snows are boundless

Never melt

Slide 5. Northern Lights background

Peace and silence

My country is full

And the northern lights

She's illuminated!

Stop dancing, singing, having fun, noise and din,

After all, I love silence - I won’t let you frolic!

Slide 6. The Snow Queen's Palace from the inside

What a disgrace this is!

I brought in forty-degree frosts - they still go to the temple of knowledge, blizzards and blizzards in response, they go downhill and ski, the thaw allowed - and they throw a ball. But I wasn’t invited to it?! They called this cheerful and too kind red-nosed old man again. My patience has come to an end. I will turn you into snow toys. Snowflakes - let's get started...

The snowflakes run up to the king and queen, spin their thrones and roll out behind the tree. There they quickly replace Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden with toy ones, while the Snow Queen pretends to cast a spell.

Snow Queen: If anyone wants to disenchant them, he will have to find my pieces of ice and put together the word that I love so much. (The word ETERNITY - the letters are hidden chaotically throughout the hall).

Snow Queen: And you won’t wait for Santa Claus. I took from Grandfather four masks - friendship, wisdom, kindness, fun, which constituted his magical power. He is now weak and in captivity.

Slide 7. DM1. (Demonstrates on the screen Santa Claus tied up behind bars and gagged).

Slide 8. The Snow Queen's Palace from the inside

And she hid the masks in different fairy-tale kingdoms. And getting to these kingdoms and finding masks there and freeing Santa Claus in just an hour is UNREALISTIC. And then Santa Claus will disappear forever and my time will come. MY ABSOLUTE POWER!!!

Let the girls and boys

Everyone will only receive ice,

Let the children's laughter be silent,

Let the prickly snow fly

(Addresses Snowflakes): Freeze them. Let them freeze forever in this position. (Snowflakes scatter silver foil confetti. Children freeze, as in the game “Freeze”)

FNG: 07. Ominous music

I’m tired, I’ll go and rest... (addresses the Snowflakes) And you keep order here!!! (sits on her throne, which stands to the side of the stage. Snowflakes stand next to her.

There is silence in the hall. All you can hear is the howling of the blizzard. On the screen is the Palace of the Snow Queen.

The Rainbow Fairy comes. He looks around in bewilderment.

Rainbow Fairy: What happened here so long ago? short time? (Waves his magic wand and casts a spell on everyone except the king and queen). Where are their majesties?

Master of Ceremonies: We have all been bewitched by the Snow Queen. And turned their majesties into toys.

Rainbow Fairy: Wait, I'll try to disenchant them now. (He carries out various manipulations, but nothing comes of it.) I can’t. They have some kind of special spell on them. What condition did the Snow Queen set?

Master of Ceremonies: A nightmare condition - in this palace you need to find ice letters and form some word. She didn't say which one. But the worst thing is that in just an hour we must find four masks in different kingdoms and save Santa Claus, returning his magical power. We're gone. We will never have a holiday.

Rainbow Fairy: Don't worry. I'll help you. We are in a magical land and time flows differently here.

Slide 9 Videophone - clock

I will try to find out the secrets from the Snow Queen. And you are carefully watching the magic mirror.

Master of Ceremonies: Be careful. She is very cunning.

The Rainbow Fairy carefully approaches the throne of the Snow Queen. And he sees Snowflakes, who are very similar to Flower Fairies and are holding a piece of paper with the inscription “HELP” in their hands.

Rainbow Fairy: These are my cousins ​​- the flower fairies, she bewitched you too. Disenchant them. Snowflakes happily hug the Fairy. They look back at the Snow Queen in fear. Shhh... And they run away, pushing the Thrones with the enchanted King and Queen in front of them. The Rainbow Fairy carefully brings her magic wand to the Snow Queen's head. Show me - where did you hide the masks? Footage of four palaces flashes across the screen.

The Snow Queen continues to sleep serenely...

Master of Ceremonies(speaks when palaces are projected): I think I found out whose palaces these are, but I’m afraid to make a mistake...

Rainbow Fairy: It's OK. First, we will simply look there with the help of a magic mirror. (The lights in the hall go out, the light music comes on.)

Slide 11. Videophone transfer 1

Slide 12. Nutcracker Palace

At this time, one of the classes is preparing its re-enactment. The light comes on. The lights and music turn off. Demonstration of a performance accompanied by music.

Slide 13. Background Dance hall.

The rest of the participants guess an excerpt from the fairy tale.

What kind of fairy tale is this? What was happening here?

Rainbow Fairy: I feel that one of the masks is here. Get ready, we are about to be transported into this fairy tale. The lights go out. The music lights up.

Slide 14. Videophone Transfer 2.

Here we are in the palace.

Slide 15. “Nutcracker Polka.”

They are having a ball right now. Let's join in.

FNG: 08. Polka - Meeting.

The light comes on. The participants are dancing.

During the dance there is a mask of Friendship.

Rainbow Fairy: Well done. We found the first mask. Mask of Friendship. Let's see how things are going with Santa Claus. Swing magic wand. We see Santa Claus on the screen. DM is untied from his chair.

Slide 16. Photo DM2.

Wonderful. Santa Claus feels better. Go ahead and find the second mask. What's the next kingdom? With a wave of the magic wand, the lights in the hall go out and the music lights up.

Slide 17. Videophone transfer 1

Slide 18. Sleeping Beauty Palace.

Slide 19. Dance hall

The light comes on. The second group shows a performance - pantomime to music. Everyone is guessing.

Rainbow Fairy: I feel that the second of the masks is here. Get ready, we are about to be transported into this fairy tale. Waves his magic wand.

Slide 20. Videophone Transfer 2.

Here we are in the palace.

Slide 21. “Padegras.”

Master of Ceremonies: Oh, and here they dance padegras.

FNG: 09. Padegras.

The participants are dancing.

During the dance there is a mask of Wisdom.

Rainbow Fairy. So the mask of Wisdom was found. How is Santa Claus doing?

Wave your magic wand.

Slide 22. Photo DM3. (DM’s hands are already untied).

Rainbow Fairy: Wonderful. We are on the right track. Thanks to the kingdom of Sleeping Beauty, but we need to hurry to find the third kingdom. (Wave the magic wand - the lights in the hall go out, the light music comes on.

Slide 23. Videophone - transfer 1

Slide 24. Cinderella's Palace. (Participants get ready.)

Slide 25. Dance hall

The light comes on. The third group shows their performance - pantomime to music. Everyone is guessing.

Rainbow Fairy: Yes - the mask of Kindness is in Cinderella's palace. Get ready, we are about to be transported into this fairy tale.

Waves his magic wand.

Slide 26. Videophone Transfer 2

Here we are in the palace.

Slide 27. “Polka Cinderella.”

What is this, Cinderella's favorite dance, the Polka?

Polka dancing.

FNG: 10. Polka - Fun

During the dance there is a mask of Kindness.

Rainbow Fairy. So the mask of Kindness was found. How is Santa Claus doing?

Waves his magic wand.

Slide 28. Photo DM4. (No gag, but DM is still behind bars).

Rainbow Fairy: Wonderful. We are on the right track. Thanks to Cinderella, but we need to hurry to find the fourth kingdom.

With a wave of the magic wand, the lights in the hall go out and the music lights up.

Slide 29. Videophone - transfer 1

Slide 30. Mermaid Palace.

Slide 31. Dance hall under water.

The light comes on. The fourth group shows their performance - pantomime to music. Everyone is guessing.

Rainbow Fairy:– Yes, that’s right - the Mask of Fun is in the mermaid’s palace. But I can't take you to the underwater world. You people don't know how to breathe underwater. But since we know where the mask is, I will try to get it to our kingdom. Waves his magic wand.

Slide 32. Videophone Rainbow.

The Mask of Fun falls at the feet of the Rainbow Fairy.

Rainbow Fairy: The fourth mask has been found, the magical powers of Santa Claus have returned, it will be a New Year! Soon Santa Claus will be with us. And it's time for us to return to our kingdom!

The light goes out. Slide 33. Videophone Transfer back to the New Year's room

At this time, the Snow Queen wakes up.

Snow Queen: What's happened? What's happened? Where are my servants? Where did my strength go? I'm melting. I'm disappearing. Help... (runs away)

Slide 34. Palace of the King.

Rainbow Fairy: Here we are. Where is Santa Claus?

Wave of the magic wand.

Slide 35. Videophone Troika with bells.

The light comes on. Santa Claus enters the hall.

Slide 36. Palace of the King.

Father Frost: Hello. Finally I got to you. Thank you for saving me. (Bow to the ground). Where are the owners?

Rainbow Fairy. The Snow Queen bewitched them, with the condition that they find pieces of ice and form the word that she loved so much. And only then will we be able to disenchant them.

(The word ETERNITY - the letters are hidden chaotically throughout the hall).

Father Frost: Come on, which of you is the most attentive? Maybe someone has already found pieces of ice? Bring them to me! (The guys are looking for ice letters. And putting them together into a word near DM.) Well done, well done! Let's say this word together to break the spell!

(Everyone says the word ETERNITY in chorus. At this time, the flower fairies roll out the Thrones with the King and Queen. The King and Queen pretend that their bodies are numb).

King and Queen: For some reason we stayed too long without dancing.

Father Frost: I suggest you dance my favorite dance.

(The Brook Dance can be danced by anyone - both adults and children)

FNG: 11. Dance Brook.

Master of Ceremonies: We are all here today wearing masks and bright costumes. Dear guests, everyone who believes that his mask or his costume is the brightest and most New Year's, we ask you to go to the center of the hall to participate in the competition for the best fancy dress and a mask. And Santa Claus will choose the winners!

Fashion show. FNG: 12. Fashion show.

Awarding the winners. FNG: 13. Awards.

Father Frost: But I have gifts for all of you too...

Giving gifts to everyone.

(Parents and teachers help Santa Claus distribute gifts).

Father Frost:

And now it's time for me

At other balls they wait,

I'm leaving with a light heart.

Goodbye friends

See you soon…

(Santa Claus leaves).

The king and queen come to the center of the stage.

King:(reads out the text given to him)

Beautiful royal ball

For those who weren't bored,

For those who had fun

And he sang and danced,

The fun is over

The clock strikes 12

All the best has happened

And there are fireworks in honor of him.

The light goes out. Light music.

Slide 37. Videophone Fairytale fireworks

Rainbow Fairy:

We are finishing the New Year's ball now.

From pure heart we wish you

And to the whole hall, and to everyone personally:

Be healthy, have a great life!

After the Salute, the lights come on.

New Year's journey through fairy tales.
For children 6-7 years old

"Letter to the group"

“Dear children!

Girls and boys!

You hurry together into the hall.

Near the New Year tree

There will be a carnival!

To the music, children run into the hall, where they are met by a fairytale Fairy.

Fairy. Hello my friends!

It was I who gathered you all near the Christmas tree today,

Because today is a holiday,

Noisy New Year holiday.

Let a magical fairy tale

He will come to us today!

Presenter. It's time for fun and laughter

And we all gathered here.

And the Christmas tree will be lit for us here,

As soon as we tell her - light up!

Children: One, two, three - Christmas tree, burn!

The Christmas tree lights up. Children look at the Christmas tree.

1 child So the Christmas tree is dressed up,

All lit up in lights,

And the toys sparkled

On its big branches.

2 reb. We're good today

You can't find a better place!

Near the New Year tree

Don't pass, don't pass!

3 reb. It's going to be fun today

There will be no time to be bored.

Hello, New Year's holiday!

We have come to meet you!

4 children We have a holiday today,

Today there will be a carnival!

How many fairy-tale heroes

He gathered here today!

Fairy. Well, it's time to open our ball,

Noisy, loud carnival!

Happy New Year, Happy New Year,

Dear child!

Happy holiday, cheerful

It's time to start!


5 reb. It's snowing outside the window,

Fluffy snow, New Year's.

New Year's laughter in the hall -

We have a carnival today!

6 children Our Christmas tree with a head

All covered with gray hair,

And the thick needles keep

The smell of forest is resinous.

7 children How elegant you are

With a silver star!

How huge you are

How fun it is to be with you!

8 children Tall, beautiful,

Green, slim,

With colorful lights

She's glowing!

All: Isn't she a beauty?

We all like the Christmas tree!


The children take their seats.

Fairy. A winter fairy tale comes to us from the forest on New Year's Day.

Do you want to take part in this fairy tale, children? (Yes).

Well, then, boldly forward, the fairy tale has been waiting for us for a long time.

The Snow Maiden comes out.

Snow Maiden: Hello children, mothers and fathers!

I'm invited to the New Year's party today

Visiting children in kindergarten, I really love the guys.

Together with Grandfather Frost we will bring a song as a gift.

The one who sings the song will be happy for a whole year.

That picture song is like a thin piece of ice.

No matter how I drop it, the song won’t break.

There is a well, Koschey sits in it. There is a bucket near the well.

After the words of the Snow Maiden, a terrible laugh is heard.

Snow Maiden: Oh, someone is laughing scary, being alone in the forest is dangerous.

I need to hurry to grandpa, I’m just thirsty.

I'll look into the well, is there still water in it?

(puts the ice song on the floor)

I’ll lower the bucket and scoop up some water.

The Snow Maiden lowers the bucket and slowly pulls it out. Koshchei’s two hands are reaching for the bucket. He himself is covered with a blanket.

Snow Maiden: Who are you? (takes off the blanket)

Koschey: Insidious, evil Koschey! Since childhood I have not liked goodness,

I always do nothing but evil. And no your New Year

He won’t come to visit the guys. Where is the song, Grandfather's gift?

Did you manage to hide it?

Snow Maiden: No, I won’t show you for anything...

Koschey: I'll find that song myself! (finds, takes) Ah, here she is!!!

Snow Maiden: Give it back, don't you dare! Don't take her, Koschey!

Koschey: I'll break your song, I'll throw the fragments into the wind,

Let them fly according to different fairy tales,

Let them hide from the guys' eyes.

I will take you with me, become a white block of ice.

Koschey laughs evilly and covers the Snow Maiden with a white blanket.

Koschey: You will never find the fragments, and you will never put together a picture-song,

The Snow Maiden will remain alone in my kingdom forever!

Koschey runs away and takes the Snow Maiden away.

Presenter: What should we guys do?

We will go through different fairy tales and collect all the fragments.

We will find both the Snow Maiden and the song.

But how can we figure out where to start searching?

And in what fairy tale should we look for the song?

Fairy: Guys! I am a good Fairy. I will help you save the Snow Maiden and find the fragments of the song, and my magic wand will send you into a fairy tale.

(Waves his wand to magical music).

I'll wave my hand now, the wand will spin

And any wish will come true very soon.

One, two, three, burn the stick!

Five, six, seven, I wish everyone happiness!

The Snow Queen enters to the music.

Dance of the Snow Queen and Snowflakes (dance with canvases)

S. Koroleva: I am the Snow Queen, cold but gentle.

Answer me, who dared to take me away from my work?!

Presenter: Oh! Yes, this is the Snow Queen herself! Forgive us, please, we didn't want to disturb you at all.

S. Koroleva: OK. Tell me quickly, what do you want from me?

Fairy: We are here on a very important matter: we are looking for a fragment of our New Year's song.

S. Koroleva: Isn't this the fragment? It is painfully fragile and thin.

And its pattern is beautiful, a carpet is made from it.

Fairy: What are you saying, you can’t weave a carpet out of it! The one who sings the song will be happy for a whole year.

S. Koroleva: You will have to work hard to get it from me. And my snowmen will help me.

Snowmen come out to the music.

Snowman: Today at dawn
Children blinded me.
They invited
Me to the carnival.
I was in a hurry
My nose almost fell off
But I'm still very happy
What got you here!

Snowman dance

S. Koroleva: Here's my first task: hit a bucket with snowballs

Game "Hit the Bucket"

S. Koroleva: My second task: guess all the riddles!

No. 1: Who is prickly, but not a hedgehog?

Tinsel, balls and rain

The needles sparkle merrily.

From the forest came to us... (Christmas tree).

No. 2: Carrot nose doesn’t freeze,

He's used to the cold.

When spring comes, it will melt. Who is this?.. (Snowman).

No. 3: He comes only in winter,

In a warm fur coat with a beard,

Sly look, burgundy nose.

This is old, but cheerful, kind... (Grandfather Frost).

S. Koroleva: Oh! How happy I was!

Well, get your shard!

I still have a whole bunch of them.

The Snow Queen gives away the fragment.

Presenter: Thank you, Snow Queen, it's time for us to go.

(The Snow Queen leaves).

Fairy, which fairy tale should we go to for the fragment?

Fairy: We must hurry to the eastern fairy tale.

To get a fragment.

One, two, three! The stick is on fire!

Dance of "Eastern Beauties"

The Sultan comes out.

Sultan: I am the Sultan! King of the East!

And I look down on all the people around.

I want to become powerful and possess the whole world.

What are you doing here?

Fairy: The guys and I are looking for fragments of our New Year's song. Maybe you, Sultan, have our fragment? If we don’t collect the fragments of the song, then we won’t get the Snow Maiden back from Koshchei and the New Year won’t come.

Sultan: I have some glass, but I won’t give it to you!

Presenter: Dear Sultan, look, these are children. They want to celebrate the New Year and receive gifts from Santa Claus. We will complete any of your tasks.

Sultan: Let's see what you are capable of, I will have a task

difficult. You need to stay in the camel's saddle and not fall.

Camel racing game

(The child jumps on big ball and at the end says:

"Happy New Year!")

Fairy: Dear Sultan, we have completed your task, give us the fragment.

Sultan: I'm giving you the fragment, take it and go before I change my mind.

(The Sultan gives the fragment and leaves to the music).

Fairy: The next fairy tale awaits us! One, two, three! The stick is on fire!

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs appear to the music

Snow White: I love snowy winters

I'm not afraid of frost.

I'm called Snow White,

I'm called a beauty.

I love singing songs to the Christmas tree,

And lead a round dance,

And with the merry gnomes

Laugh and joke!

Dance of Snow White and the Dwarves

Snow White: On this fabulous night

We decided to help you.

You will need to stand in a circle

And give each other hands.

Don't break the circle

Don't let go of your hands.

"Dance around the Christmas tree" (Czech folk melody)

Snow White gives up the fragment and the dwarves leave.

Presenter: Guys, look, we have already collected three fragments. One more is missing. Where should we look for him?

Fairy: Now we will find out with the help of my magic wand.

One, two, three! The stick is on fire! Take us to a fairy tale! I hope you all pick up the pieces, but it’s time for me to go to my country. Have a nice trip!

Presenter: Thank you, good Fairy, for your help!

(Fairy leaves)

Disturbing music sounds.

Presenter: Something strange is happening. Something is wrong here.

Koschey comes out to the music and laughs.

Koschey: Well, did you pick up the pieces?

Presenter: We have collected almost all the fragments, there is one more left.

Koschey: You will never find it because I have it. ( Laughs) The Snow Maiden will also remain with me forever. So quickly all the little ones go home! There will be no holiday.

Presenter: We can't go home because the guys are waiting for gifts from Santa Claus. Koscheyushka, you are so good, kind, beautiful. Please give us the fragment, and the guys and I will put together a song for the New Year.

Koschey: I am not good and not kind, I am evil, insidious Koschey the Immortal! As for beautiful, I agree, it suits me. I am the most beautiful in the world Koschey the Immortal! (Walks around, shows off, shows off).

Presenter: Guys, let's dance, Koschey doesn't like happy music, we'll make him dance.

General dance Lantern balls

Koschey: Your dance is simply classy, ​​it made us all so happy.

I’ll give you the fragment, but I’ll go into the forest myself.

Yaga, the bone leg, was waiting for me.

I’ll show her your dance, I’ll spin my grandmother around in a dance,

We will dance with her and celebrate the New Year together.

(Koschei leaves)

Presenter: So we have collected all the fragments of our song.

Puts the picture together like a mosaic. The cut picture is replaced with a whole one. The Snow Maiden comes out to the music.

Snow Maiden: I escaped from Koshcheev’s captivity. How pleasant freedom is!

And now the New Year is certainly

He will come to us after the Old Year.

Presenter: So the Snow Maiden has returned to us, children,

There is a song. We will celebrate the New Year together!

(Gives the song and picture to the music director)


Children: Grandfather Frost! Grandfather Frost!

Santa Claus comes in accompanied by music.

Santa Claus: Hello, guys! Happy New Year!

I wish you all good health! I came to visit you again,

Let's sing songs and dance! Well, the Christmas tree is simply marvelous:

Tall, slender, beautiful!

Let's join in a round dance and celebrate the New Year with you!

(Children get up in a round dance)

Children: What a miracle our Christmas tree is!

My eyes widen.

The needles glitter with tinsel,

This is such a beautiful Christmas tree!

Everything is silver, lush and slender,

Only she doesn’t shine with lights!

Host: To make the tree stand up,

Looked more cheerful

Smiled at all the boys

Let's light some lights on it!

Together we will say with you:

Christmas tree, light up the lights!

Children: Christmas tree, light up the lights! (The Christmas tree doesn't light up)

Host: Speak very quietly,

Come on, guests, help!

Let's say loudly with full force:

Become a beautiful Christmas tree!

All: Become a beautiful Christmas tree! (The Christmas tree doesn't light up)

Host: Still quiet, still weak.

We all need to shout together:

“One, two, three! Miracle Christmas tree, burn!

Everyone: “One, two, three! Miracle Christmas tree, burn! (The lights on the Christmas tree come on, everyone claps their hands)

Children: You have become even more beautiful

You have become even more wonderful!

On this long-awaited holiday

Let's warm the Christmas tree with a song.

Round dance "EEH, BEST OF ALL!"

Santa Claus: Now it's time to play and amuse the kids!

The children take their seats.

D. Moroz: Wow, I'm tired of it! (sits on a chair)

Even though I'm used to dancing,

But I'm already an old man.

I'll rest, sit down,

I'll get my mirror,

I'll make him talk.

My mirror tell me my light,

Tell me the whole truth.

Who will come to me now

And will he read his poem?


The children take their seats. The clock can be heard striking.

D. Moroz: The bells are already ringing, the old year is leaving,

Its last pages are rustling,

Let the best that was not go away,

And the worst cannot return.
Snow Maiden: Happy New Year!

From the bottom of our hearts we wish you

Lots of laughter and kindness.

Happy New Year and...Hurray! Everyone shouts “Hurray!”

Grandfather, it’s time to give the kids gifts. You've been preparing them for so long. Where are they?

D. Moroz: Oh, I’m an old, old grandfather!

He lived for almost three hundred years!

I forgot about the gifts!

Almost upset the children!

Gifts have been waiting for you for a long time,

Look here! Points under the Christmas tree. There are no gifts there.

Snow Maiden: There are no gifts here, grandfather.

D. Moroz: Apparently Koschey is playing mischief again. He approaches the well and shouts: Are you up to joking again? Return the gifts now! ( knocks with staff).

Koschey: You can’t even joke! Take it! ( gifts begin to jump out of the well to the music).