How to grow apricot from the bone, if in Russian conditions, even varietal seedlings do not always turn into fruit-binding apricot trees? Will the heat of the little bone, to let the sprouts, and how to help a gentle plant to adapt to the unusual climate? Following our recommendations, you will be sure of your own experience that this task is not as complicated, as it seems.

Now you can easily buy high-quality apricot seedlings on the market or order via the Internet. The varieties are offered zoned, adapted to the Russian climate, and variety of varieties makes it possible to choose apricots with the best characteristics. Why create yourself difficulties, trying to get a big tree from a small bone?

Causes can be different: someone confuses the high cost of seedlings (after all, it is desirable to put 2-3 apricot trees for effective pollination), others cannot achieve good fruiting from varietal seedlings, the third like to experiment, creating new apricot varieties.

Video about landing bone apricot

In one opinion of the gardeners practicing the cultivation of bone apricot, converges: trees are obtained more unpretentious, adapted to the local climate and the characteristics of the soil. Main caring for apricots It comes down to watering and making fertilizers, with pests, it is practically not necessary to fight. In addition, you can disembark how much seeds, selecting the strongest plants subsequently - the excellent opportunity to create a chic apricot garden!

Parental qualities when planting an apricot bone are rarely inherited, but in contrast to, much less risk to get a dichka. Seeders are more often obtained from the bonelessness, superior to parents for taste and in the size of fruits.

The main care for apricots is reduced to watering and making fertilizers

For landing, it is best to take bones from apricots growing in your area. If local fruit does not get it possible, you can order the landing material in the gardeners who live in the Far East or in Siberia. Apricots growing in such harsh climatic conditions, differ in high vitality, therefore, their descendants will fit well in any corner of Russia. As a last resort, you can use the bones from apricots purchased on the market. Only do not take the major fruits of imported varieties - it will be difficult to grow.

Use the best apricots for reproduction, slightly overripe, with an easily separated pulp. Rinse the bones and dry in the shade.

It is not recommended to plant bones in pots, because they need a natural hardening. A seedling, carefully grown at home, simply will die at the first frost, it is worth a transplant to the street. However, do not expect that all crops will go to the garden in the garden: only the strongest sprouts will survive after harsh winter. And if you plant the bones into the ground in early autumn, then the good part will immediately take rodents. Therefore, the landing should be engaged in the middle of autumn, before the earth will freeze, or in the middle of spring.

In front of the autumn planting, apricot bones enough for a day to put into the water in order to immediately remove those that surfaced. The remaining bones are planted in a trench to a depth of 6 cm, every ten centimeters. For a better result, you can make a trench slightly deeper and lay out the bottom with a mixture of grass, sand, earth and humus. From above, bedding is also desirable to sprinkle with humus and grass. For the winter, the apricot bones will be held a natural quenching, and in the spring, gentle sprouts will appear.

If the landing is transferred to the spring, the apricot bones will need to expose stratification (as when). You can put the seeds in the sandbox and put on the whole winter in the refrigerator or take dry bones in the middle of March and put them into the water for three days, not forgetting it every day. After soaking, the planting material is stacked in wet sand and moves to the basement, and in April heated into the open soil, as soon as the weather is allowed.

Green shoots that appeared in spring can be destroyed by crowns, forty, hares and small rodents. In order to protect, experienced gardeners cover gentle plants with transparent plastic bottles with cut bottom. Such a simple decision does not require financial costs and more efforts, allowing the apricot seedlings to calmly grow and gain strength.

Over the summer, with regular watering and careful loaning of the earth, apricots have time to grow well. Therefore, in September they can be completely transplanted to a permanent place - it is better if it is sunny, although in the shade of the tree will also bring decent yields.

Video about the cultivation and care of apricot

Tips for growing apricots from bones:

  • Poams for transplanting seedlings should be prepared in advance, falling asleep with a mixture of humus, ash, leaves, tops and herbs. On top of organic fertilizers, the land is poured over and the roots of seedlings are spilled over it, completely filling the landing jam.
  • From the very first year, in March, the apricot seedlings are pruning, removing weak and frozen twigs and shortening too long shoots.
  • In the summer, the seedlings are abundantly watered every two weeks, sprinkling the rolling circle sawdust to protect against drying out.
  • Since the apricot trees grown from the bone, there is no central trunk, it is necessary to pay special attention to the formation of crowns from seedlings.
  • From the fifth year, the tree begins to be plentifully fruit, at this time it is recommended to put backups under the branches so that they do not break under the weight of the fruit.

From the fifth year, the village begins to be plentiful

To care for the apricot trees, which were grown from ordinary bones, is actually easier, because they are distinguished by increased unpretentiousness and can be remarkably fruit even on a non-fermentation land. According to experienced gardeners, such apricot trees are pleased with annual rich crops and excellent flavors of fruits.