Mango is a delicious and useful gift of nature. It is appreciated not only for valuable substances for health, but also for the ability to prepare unusual sauces and salads. But how to clean mango to suway, without spoiling an appearance and keeping its useful properties?

Choose a good fruit

This capricious tropical fruit should be able to choose, as the boring fruit tasteless, and the perisured is very difficult to clean:

  • Focus on the color that can be yellow, red-yellow, green. Bright color, smooth surface, small points on the fruit talk about optimal maturity;
  • Be sure to take the fruit in hand. It must be elastic, not mild, otherwise it will be quickly spoiled.
  • Thai mango features a saturated, sweet smell.

You can take a green, unworked product, leaving the room temperature for a while. So that mango ripes faster, it must be wrapped in a small package of paper.

Tip! For beautiful cutting, you need to take only dense fruits, keep the right shape to overwhelming fruit will be impossible.

With leather or without?

By choosing the appropriate fruit, sometimes the question arises: is it necessary to clean mango? And the skin, and the flesh is rich in useful trace elements, some lovers are happy to use a skin with skin. But the upper layer of the fetus can cause allergies, due to the specific taste and the complexity of peeling peeling the fruit is customized.

Simple ways

How to clean mango? It all depends on what form it is going to use: For a beautiful feed, fruit is usually cut by slices or squares, and for cocktails or puree with a fruit come easier.

  • On two half

Clear the product from the peel, cut it along and turn the halves in a circle in opposite sides. If the fruit is elastic, the pulp must separate from the bone. So you can clean other fruits with a bone.

  • Yozh from mango

Fruit should be cut using a knife for two halves as close to the bone. On one half make longitudinal, then transverse cuts so that the interval between them is 1 cm. Thus, squares are obtained, but you can connect fantasy and divide on the rhombus. It is important to cut mango carefully, without damaging the peel. If the fruit is turned out, it turns out the protruding cubes resembling hedgehog.

  • With a spoon

The following method is similar to the previous one, only the mesh from the cuts should be made smaller and not turned mango. Then, with the help of a spoon, commend the pulp to the peel itself, gradually choosing all the soft contents. Due to too small cuts, the cleaned product loses much more juice, so if its content in the fruit is of fundamental importance, it is better to refuse it.

  • Immediately in a glass

You can clean like this: cut the fruit into two halves, remove the bone. You don't need to cut the mango more: take a glass glass, layer on the layer to scrape the flesh about its edge until it is in the glass.

  • Dolkov

Using vegetable, clean the fruit. A sharp knife cut separate slices to the bone.

  • For puree

If the form of the product does not matter, it can be simply brushing, cutting off the peel, cut into pieces around the bone. Because of the blend the resulting pulp to the state of the puree, or use for salad.

Mango is a healthy food that helps reduce weight and get rid of the problems in the body. For daily use, fruit is not suitable, but from time to time they can pamper themselves and their family.

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