8th grade students are initiated into lyceum students


First student
Second student

School music is playing.
Leading. Hello, dear friends!
Today at our school big holiday- Lyceum student's day!
And on this significant day, we are pleased to welcome its respected creators, its dear inhabitants, its always welcome guests within the walls of this beautiful temple of science.

But first of all, we extend greetings to you, students of physics and mathematics 8 “A” and humanitarian 8 “B”.
You, dear guys, are now studying in unusual classes. When you entered here, you passed exams, and then within a month and a half you proved your right to study in a special program. And today a truly solemn day has come for you - the Day of Initiation into Lyceum Students!

A.S. Pushkin wrote about his lyceum years: “At the beginning of my life, I remember school...”. And how can we forget her, if here he spent six extraordinary years, here his poetic talent developed, here, at the Lyceum, he found great friendship, learned the joy of his first creative successes. The first Pushkin graduation was remembered by descendants as talented people, and the opening day of the lyceum - October 19 - became for many a day of trust, sincerity and understanding.

And we are so pleased now, having forgotten about the worries of our hectic life, to exclaim: “Happy holiday to you! Happy Open Hearts Day! Happy Lyceum Student’s Day!”

A choir of high school girls performs a song to the tune of “Moskau” by the group Genghis Khan

School. The summer ball is over.
Everyone knew about it
And I was ready.
School. Will greet you with a forest of hands,
Sound through the corridors
Our steps.
School. to say everything about you
Now my eyes can

Catch up if anyone is behind!


School, school is our life!


School! You were expecting us.
The cherished hour has struck to open the door.
School! Will stand shoulder to shoulder
Graduation and newbie and back on the road!

And back to class, like going into battle, and so on, year after year,
The cycle of events, life's round dance.
Again, there are too many worries and great things to do.
Catch up if anyone is behind!

School, school - everything that school values,
All the classrooms and floors are sparkling clean!
School, school is our life!
Stick through the school year, don’t live in vain!

School, school is our life!
Stick through the school year, then we’ll finish drinking!
School, school - everything else doesn’t count,
The countdown begins on the first of September!

First student.
Home school! You're not just a building
You are like home to us.
Early in the morning every day for a date
We are preparing carefully with you!

Forever young and beautiful,
You are waiting for your friends and children to join you.
You don't grow old year after year,
You become more and more loved
To your people!

Our school is a temple of science,
Home of comfort, bright light,
Kind teacher hands,
And our cheerful, cheerful call!

Leading. The floor is given to the director of our school

Director's speech.

Leading. Dear friends! Despite the serious transformations that have taken place in our lives, history takes us back to the distant past, to the days of the birth of the holiday. Let's remember how it was. Decree of the Empress on the establishment of a lyceum!

Fanfare sounds. Empress Elizabeth comes out.

Elizabeth. By this decree, My Imperial Majesty deigned to order the opening of an educational institution of a special type in order to teach children literacy and science.
This institution will henceforth be called a lyceum, for it was created on the example of the old and glorious traditions of ancient Greek educational institutions, called lyceums. From now on and forever, the lyceum is educational institution, called:
Enrich the minds of lyceum students with knowledge;
To illuminate souls with the bright fire of love for the Fatherland;
So that the learned youths bring the light of knowledge to all corners of Great Rus';
So that the power of the Fatherland multiplies and strengthens, supported by learned people who have comprehended science.

According to the set of rules for lyceum students, I order:
To comprehend great sciences with diligence and hard work;
Study without sparing your belly, absorbing all the wisdom of world knowledge;
Learn and increase the glory of the Lyceum;
So that the learned youths, who have comprehended the sciences, are no worse than those overseas;
Maintain your honor and dignity - behave decently, do not use foul language, do not paint yourself;
Forget about love affairs until you comprehend the Lyceum sciences!
Anyone who disobeys and does not fulfill this parting instruction will be beaten mercilessly! Don't feed! To heal and teach through righteous labor - to sweep away the market square!
I entrust the execution of the decree to your mentors. God bless you, gentlemen!
For this, Empress Elizabeth!

The empress leaves to the sound of fanfare.

Second student.
A truly wonderful holiday has arrived,
Which we have been waiting for a long time.
Today is lyceum students' day,
And we gathered in this hall.

Smiles bloomed all around
And the autumn day became warmer,
The circle of friends has become wider
In our area is Tyoply Stan.

So let it come soon -
A holiday for your soul,
And let them be together today
Both adults and kids!

Leading. Dear friends! Our concert program opened by students in grades 3-4.

We have a holiday today,
Today is lyceum students' day,
And there are a lot of people in the hall
Teachers, guests.

We've just started
Your long school journey,
But we're not scared at all -
Not at all, not at all!

Oh, what lyceum students we have!
Is it possible not to love them?
Your sorrows and worries
We are used to sharing with them!

Today on this holiday
We cannot remain silent about you!
You are our comrades,
Our older friends!

We wish you creative success,
We wish you good health,
From all primary school you
Happy Lyceum Student Day!
Pupils of grades 3-4 perform the school anthem.

Leading. Attention school! The solemn moment comes.
My business card represents 8 "A" class. Meet us!

Musical screensaver - 8th "A" grade goes out.

Look at us now!
We are your new lyceum class!

All guys are strong like Schwarzeneggers
The girls are all beautiful, stately...
They’re not very famous at school yet...
Only because everyone is modest!

Like the sword of Themis, they are fair,
Like ants, hardworking,
And most importantly, like a computer, they are smart -
That's who we are in a nutshell.

And we love you very, very much
Exact sciences!

Our younger generation
Nowadays he chooses only knowledge.
If things suddenly become difficult for us along the way,
We will do our best!
All roads are now open to us,
And someday in the 9th or 10th
They will say about us: “There are gods in science,”
They will say: “Well done to our guys!”

They perform a song to the tune of “What They Teach at School”

1. Write essays,
Foreign study,
Mathematics and physics, of course,
Multiply, divide, decline – 2 times
And to learn the culture -
We will complete our tasks diligently.

And write reactions,
And distinguish acids,
Fantasize, play on the school stage,
And love history - 2 times
And be educated
Teach us, teach us quickly!


2. Choose a path on the map,
To distinguish the stars in the sky,
Sing, make friends, solve problems and examples,
Run, jump, don’t get bored – 2 times
And get straight A's -
We are lyceum students of a new, new era!

Let the bell ring
Inviting you to a lesson.
We love studying at our school!
I really want it now
Hurry up to class
And Andryushenki, and Lenochka, and Olya.

Leading. Now the students of the 8th “B” humanities class will present their business card to us! Please go on stage!

Musical screensaver

We ask on this day and hour
Reward our efforts.
We really want to come in
To the sparkling temple of knowledge!

Here we want to comprehend not only science,
To start learning about professions.
Here is beautiful, kind, eternal
We want to comprehend for ourselves!

And you will see soon
We promise at this hour,
What Dostoevsky or Pushkin
Perhaps they will be among us!

And we promise to love and respect
All our ace teachers,
Never let us down in anything
Native school and family of lyceum classes!!!

They perform a song to the tune of “You Got It Cool”

Little children understood this a long time ago:
In our school in class
More interesting than in the movies.
I'm going home cheerful, there's a high score in the diary,
IN best class humanitarian you got it, and I got it.

For the lyceum program
Four years is enough for us,
And when we finish school, university awaits us.
For some reason I fell in love with studying in this class,
Mom told me: “Cool, very cool, you got it!”

Cool, we got everything to you,
This is for us
Every teacher here is a star,
And always

Foreign, physical education, MHC and life safety,
We have already fallen in love with Russian and literature,
Here is the history of Russia, computer science for us,
No matter what you take - all the items are top class!

We will be in class studying at 4 and 5,
We promise not to be lazy and develop our talents.
Play all kinds of sports and perform on stage,
Sing as a soloist or choir, and, of course, dance!

Cool, we got everything to you,
This is for us
Here they will help you find your talent!
Every teacher here is a star,
And always
These stars shine brightly for us!
You are a talent!

Leading. Attention school! The most exciting and solemn moment is coming - initiation into lyceum students!
Pupils of 8 "A" and 8 "B" classes!
Please stand up! Pull yourself up!
Everyone look at me!
Be ready to repeat
Eternal words of oath!

Let there be many different lessons -
They all don't like idle people,
They all dislike laziness.
I will overcome all subjects.
I will pass exams, tests, -
I'm not afraid of this kind of work
And I will be patient.
I swear to this!
- I swear!
I know this path is not easy,
And there are many temptations there.
But don't fool yourself
And study somehow
The lyceum student will be ashamed
Both funny and undignified.
I'm not afraid of difficulties
I swear to this!
- I swear!
Knowledge is the path to my luck,
And it cannot be otherwise.
I firmly decide this!
I say this proudly!
Away doubts and sadness!
I swear to be a lyceum student!
- I swear!!!

Leading. Dear friends! You have taken a solemn oath and from now on you will rightfully bear the title of lyceum student of school No. Whether this title will be high and honorable depends on you. And let the badge of a student of the Lyceum Physics and Mathematics and the Lyceum Humanities class become a symbol of the knowledge of each of you. Badges to the studio!

School music is playing.

Dear guys! Today, at the very start of the difficult but interesting journey of mastering a complex school curriculum, we would like to wish you with all our hearts perseverance, patience and hard work.
Let no barriers of the first difficulties, which are sure to arise, upset you and force you to leave the race. And if you have perseverance in your character and your will is strong, then you will definitely reach your goal.
And your reward will be the acquired deep knowledge.

But knowledge is not only valued here. They are also evaluated by strict but fair teachers, for whom today’s holiday is a new start. We sincerely congratulate you, dear teachers, and wish you endurance and patience, vigor and strength, good mood, diligent and inquisitive students. On behalf of the teaching staff, we congratulate you, our senior, highly experienced lyceum students, and wish you, with your head held high, to complete this difficult, but very interesting path of apprenticeship at your favorite school!

Our celebration today is coming to an end. Lyceum student's day - wonderful holiday in the new academic year. And this holiday is not the last. But much more everyday life awaits us. So let each of these everyday life become a real holiday for you, and every day be the Day of Knowledge. And in memory of our meeting today, a song is performed by a choir of high school girls!

The final song to the tune of “Go west” gr. Pet Shop Boys. Performed by high school girls.

Loss – 2 times

Suddenly the summer heat died down,
And again the lyceum class is waiting,
Excitingly, like the last battle,
The teacher will meet you and me.

Today there is a sea of ​​kind eyes,
Today everything is for us and you,
Today is the joy of new meetings,
Today he is ready to entertain.

October - the bell rang,
October is a golden leaf,
October has made you dizzy
Today October has come to us.

Read thousands of wise books,
Find yourself a clean spring,
Count the stars in the darkness of heaven,
Come to us, you will find everything here.
There are many different schools in the world,
Believe me, I found mine
We don't waste words,
Believe me and you are ready to learn!

October - the bell rang,
October is a golden leaf,
October has made you dizzy
Today October has arrived!

October - the bell rang,
October is a golden leaf,
October has made you dizzy
Today October has come to us

Osipova G.Yu., teacher high school No. 865 Moscow

1 Scenario of the holiday “Lyceum’s cherished day” Design: portrait of A.S. Pushkin, exhibition of books - works of A.S. Pushkin, on the table there is a desk, candlesticks, an inkwell with a quill pen. Presentation is used throughout the holiday. 1. Children enter the hall to the music of Strauss and take their seats. 2. Fanfare sounds. The presenters and 2 readers come out 1 reader My friends, our union is wonderful! He, like a soul, is indivisible and eternal - Unshakable, free and carefree, He grew together under the canopy of friendly muses. ...Wherever fate throws us, And wherever happiness leads us, We are still the same: the whole world is foreign to us; Fatherland to us Tsarskoe Selo... Presenter 1. These poetic lines will be written by the adult, wise A.S. Pushkin, recalling his years of study at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, the school that became his home. 2 reader At the beginning of my life I remember school; There were a lot of us, careless children; An uneven and playful family. Humble, shabbyly dressed, but with a majestic appearance, the wife kept strict supervision over the school. Presenter 2. October 19 marked 2005 years since the opening of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. For everyone who studied with A.S. Pushkin and in subsequent years, this day became one of the main holidays. Presenter 1. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin said about the day of October 19: “The Lyceum is a cherished day.” 3. The music of P.I. Tchaikovsky “October” sounds quietly. 2 Presenter 2: Memories, draw before me Magical places where I live in soul, Forests where I loved, where feelings developed, Where infancy merged with first youth, And where, cherished by nature and dreams, I knew poetry, gaiety and peace. These lines by A.S. Pushkin dedicated to Tsarskoye Selo, where he spent 6 years of his adolescence and youth. Presenter 1: In 1811, 12-year-old Alexander was brought to Tsarskoe Selo to enter the Lyceum. The name of the educational institution is associated with classical antiquity. The Lyceum was the name given to the ancient Greek philosophical school on the outskirts of Athens, near the Temple of Apollo the Lyceum. The emergence of the Lyceum is connected with plans for the progressive transformation of the state. On October 19, 1811, a decree was solemnly read out in the large hall of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. Presenter 2. Resolution on the Lyceum. The establishment of the Lyceum aims to educate youth, especially intended “for important parts of the Civil Service.” In accordance with this goal, the Lyceum is composed of excellent students, as well as mentors, who deserve general trust with their knowledge and morality. The Lyceum is equal in rights and advantages to the Russian University. Presenter 1. The day of October 19 has forever become special for lyceum students - the birthday of the school and the beginning of friendship, a day of memories of youth, friends and mentors. After 6 years, saying goodbye to the lyceum, its first students will take an oath to each other, “And the last lyceum student will celebrate October 19.” Presenter 2. “Bless, jubilant muse, Bless: Long live the Lyceum!” Again the foliage burns like candles, And the dark cathedral park. You come to an evening of meeting with yourself. 3 4. Strauss's music is playing. They dance a waltz to the music. The words sound in the background of music: Presenter 1: In the Lyceum park by the pond, birch tree foliage is waltzing. And Pushkin and Pushchin together... They were almost swept away by the falling leaves. He brought in the lyceum's walkways, he brought in sculptures and benches. Friends are all alone in the garden, reading new poems. Presenter 2. In the Lyceum park by the pond, friends dream of love, They think about glory, They read Pushkin’s poems. In the Lyceum Park by the pond Friends meet again. Birch foliage waltzes. And the leaf fall has already carried everyone away. Slide 1. Presentation (history of creation, traditions of the Tsarskoe Selo Lyceum) Slide 2. 1 presenter: 205 years ago, on October 19, 1811, a special revival reigned in Tsarskoe Selo: the grand opening of the Lyceum was scheduled for that day. Slide 3. 2 presenter: Every now and then, carriages and crews drove up to the Lyceum building - prominent dignitaries and teachers of St. Petersburg, relatives of the lyceum students came. Alexander I was supposed to be present at the celebration. Slide 4. 1 presenter: the Imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, a privileged educational institution, was designed to prepare youth “especially destined for the most important parts of the public service.” Slide 5. 2 presenter: Emperor Alexander the First personally approved the list of the first students of the Lyceum in 1811 and personally distributed awards and diplomas to them six years later. Slide 6. Lyceum student: Do you remember when the Lyceum arose, How the Tsar opened the palace of Tsaritsyn for us, And we came. And Kunitsyn met us with 4 greetings among the royal guests. Lyceum student: The lyceum has become our home, our republic with its laws, brotherhood, and friendship. Lyceum student: The opening of the Lyceum took place on Thursday. Regular classes began on Monday, and normal lyceum life began. "Six years of connection." Slide 7. 1 presenter: Daily routine at the Lyceum.  Wake-up call at 6 o'clock.  From 7 to 9 o’clock – class, that is, training sessions.  At 9 – tea with white bread.  Immediately after tea, first walk until 10 o'clock.  From 10 to 12 – grade.  From 12 to one – second walk. We definitely walked in any weather.  Then repetition of lessons or auxiliary class for those who are behind.  At half past 9 the bell rings for dinner.  After dinner until 10 o'clock - rest, entertainment.  On Wednesdays and Saturdays there was evening dancing and fencing.  At 10 o’clock – evening prayer, sleep. Slide 8. 2 presenter: Lyceum students were placed in separate rooms. Pushkin moved into room 14. Slide 9. The room had only what was necessary for relaxation and study. Slide 10. 1 presenter: Soon all the lyceum students declared themselves “cattle brothers” and, as usual, gave each other nicknames: (The presenters read in turn) 1. Slide 11. Wilhelm Kuchelbecker - Kuchlya 2. Slide 12. Anton Delvig - Tosya 1. Slide 13. Mikhail Yakovlev - Buffon 2. Slide 14. Ivan Malinovsky - Cossack 1. Slide 15. Alexander Gorchakov - Prince 2. Slide 16. Konstantin Danzas - Bear 1. Slide 17. Ivan Pushchin - Big Jeannot 2. Slide 18. Fedor Matyushkin - Matyushko 1. Slide 19. Alexander Pushkin - Frenchman, A cross between a monkey and a tiger. Lyceum student: We deal with bosses without fear, we joke with them, we laugh. Lyceum student: Competitions are held in foreign languages: whoever accidentally speaks Russian is fined. 5 Lyceum student: Birthdays are not missed. Presenter 2: They were ordinary boys, they loved to play pranks. Scene. (Pushkin, Pushchin, Malinovsky) - Ya. - Ya. - And I started drinking gogolyumogol. Pushchin: I got some rum, got some eggs. Malinovsky: They pushed sugar. Pushkin: And work began at the boiling samovar. Pushchin: Questions and searches began here. The three of us appeared and announced that this was our business and that we alone were to blame. Pushkin: The resolution is as follows: kneel for two weeks during morning and evening prayer. Malinovsky: Move us to the last places at the table, where we sat according to our behavior. Slide 21. 1 presenter: In January 1815, a public exam was scheduled at the Lyceum. Lyceum student (reading a newspaper): The Imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum has the honor to notify that on the 4th of next month from 10 to 3 in the afternoon there will be a public test for first-time pupils on the occasion of transfer from junior to senior age. It was an exam - a review of what we had learned in more than three years, because we had reached the middle. Pushkin: Derzhavin was a legend during his lifetime. When we found out that Derzhavin would be visiting us, we all became excited. Presenter 2: The exam made Derzhavin very tired. Pushkin read “Memoirs in Tsarskoe Selo”, standing two steps from Derzhavin. Pushkin: I don’t remember how I finished my reading, I don’t remember where I ran away to. Derzhavin was delighted. He demanded me, wanted to hug me... They looked for me, but did not find me. Lyceum student: They said that Gavrila Romanovich exclaimed: “I’m not dead!” Lyceum student: Study for two more years. Slide 22. Presenter 1. 6 On the opening day of the lyceum, in honor of one of its most outstanding graduates, it is customary to hold reading competitions, various drawing rooms, and Pushkin readings. Presenter 2. We are opening Pushkin readings. ……………………………………………………. is invited to the stage. Presenter 1: Fame came to Pushkin at the Lyceum. After graduating from the Lyceum, Pushkin settled in St. Petersburg. Capital life with its theaters, balls, and literary societies captured the poet. “The Mazurka rang out. It happened when the mazurkas thundered. In the huge hall everything shook. The parquet cracked under the heel...” So in his famous novel “Eugene Onegin” A.S. Pushkin wrote about balls. We will try to attend such a ball too. Presenter 2. We are having our own little ball today, I think Pushkin would dance with us. Let’s perform a funny dance now, And we really ask for your support! 5. Polonaise. 6. Polka dance to the music of S. Rachmaninov “Italian Polka” Presenter 1: But at the balls they not only danced, but also all the guests played forfeits. GAME “FANTS” 1. Read a poem about A.S. Pushkin’s favorite time of year 2. Play the piano 3. Solve the charade  The first syllable breaks into the clouds, you just inflate it slightly. You need to take two more syllables and create a feminine name. 7 But overall it’s an interesting game, it’s called a riddle. Answer: ball + Hell = charade.  The beginning is called a tree, the end is my readers. Here, in the book, the whole is found, and in every line there are them. Answer: (letters)  With the letter L in the game of football we often hear the word... With D, the meaning in the word is not the same measure has become simple... Answer: (goal year)  First, name a house outside the city in which only I live with my family in the summer. Add two letters to the name at the same time, and you get something that is destined to be decided. Answer: (dacha task) 4. Answer the quiz questions. Quiz 1. How many lyceum students were admitted to the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum in 1811 2. To which of the lyceum students are Pushkin’s lines addressed: “My first friend, my priceless friend!”? 3. Who was A. Pushkin’s inseparable friend and neighbor who lived in the Lyceum in room No. 13? 4. At the Lyceum his name was “Cossack”; he was the son of the first director of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. Who are we talking about? 5. This lyceum student dearly loved A. Pushkin. At the Lyceum, he dreamed of the sea and took part in a trip around the world. A cape off the northern coast of Eastern Siberia is named after him. Name this person. 6. What time did the lyceum students get up? 7. What subject did Pushkin dislike most? 8. At what age did Pushkin enter the Lyceum? 9. What did friends call A. Pushkin at the Lyceum? 10.Whom did Pushkin impress in the exam? 11. What did friends call Wilhelm Kuchelbecker? 12.Who accompanied the poet all the years of his life? 8 1. Listen to Nelly Hackel’s romance based on Pushkin’s poems “To the Nanny” with VIDEO Presenter 2: The Lyceum became a second home and a real family for Pushkin. Here he met people who became his lifelong friends - Pushchin, Kuchelbecker, Delvig. And there was no longer a single poet in Rus' for whom friendship played such a role. Presenter 1. His friends were smart, cheerful, interesting guys who later became famous people in Russia: Matyushkin - a navigator, Yakovlev - a composer, Gorchakov - a diplomat. Studying at the Lyceum continued for six years, and the friendship remained for life. 2. FINAL SONG Yuliy Kim “October 19” Children leave the hall to the music “Polonaise” 9 10 3. 11 4.

Organization: GBOU Lyceum 1537 UK 2704

Location: Moscow

Children are invited to the elegant music room.


Hello guys! Do you like how the room is decorated?

Why do you think it was decorated? (children's assumptions)

Now we will listen to the anthem and, based on its content, we will try to guess in honor of what holiday we have gathered here (children listen to the “Hymn of the Lyceum Student,” discuss its content, and make an assumption about the name of the holiday).

(based on the presentation, children get acquainted with the history of the first Lyceum)

Slide No. 2

250 years ago, the first Lyceum in Russia was opened in Tsarskoye Selo near St. Petersburg. It was an educational institution for preparing noble children for public service.

The first director of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum was Vasily Fedorovich Malinovsky.

Let's look at the image of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum 250 years ago and today? Can someone find the differences? Why do you think changes have or have not occurred? appearance buildings? (children's answers)

Slide No. 3

Only boys from noble families studied at the Lyceum.

Do you think noble families are rich, wealthy families or not? (children's answers)

Were the children of poor and ordinary people educated? (children's assumptions)

The boys studied and lived at the Lyceum for 6 years, they were not allowed to go home, and relatives could only visit them on holidays.

Slide No. 4

Let's go up the twisted stairs and take a walk around the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. On the second floor there is a Great Hall, a library, a newspaper room and classrooms.

Slide No. 5

We found ourselves in a classroom where lyceum students spent 6-7 hours every day studying various sciences.

What do you think boys might have learned 250 years ago? (children's assumptions).

The following disciplines were studied: the law of God, ethics, logic, jurisprudence, Russian, Latin, French, German literature and languages; Russian and general history, geography; mathematics, beginning of physics; penmanship, drawing, dancing, fencing, horse riding, swimming.

The desks here stood in three rows, in a semicircle, gradually rising from the pulpit...

Students were seated at their desks according to their performance. The excellent students sat in the front rows, those who studied worst of all sat in the back rows. Only the ratings were the other way around. The most best score was – 1; 4 – like we have a three, instead of twos we put - 0.

Slide 6

The desks at that time looked like this. Look carefully at how you think they are similar and different from modern desks. Consider why they are more convenient or inconvenient than modern desks. Can you tell from this photo what writing utensils the students used? (children's answers).

Slide 7

Indeed, at that time they used feathers. They were sharpened in a special way, dipped in ink and written on. Whose feathers do you think might have been used for writing? Why? Would you like to write more with modern pens or with nibs like these? Why?

Slide 8

What do you think this is? What did they serve? Why did the boys practice fencing? What qualities did it develop? Do modern boys need these qualities? What games do you play to develop agility, accuracy, and speed? (children's answers).

Slide 9

You and I found ourselves in the newspaper room. Why do you think it was called that? (children's assumptions).

Think about what else you could do in this room? (children's assumptions)

Slide 10

We are moving to the most interesting part of the Lyceum. What do you think this is?

(children's assumptions). Why do you think so? (children's answers).

When the Lyceum first opened, the library contained only books by teachers and students. But almost immediately, Alexander the First donated his library to the lyceum, which he used in his youth. At the same time, various foreign publications arrived here.

Slide 11

These are the books that lyceum students read 250 years ago, and they have survived to this day.

Let's remember the rules for handling a book. If a rule must be followed, then you clap your hands; if this is not possible, you shake your finger.

  • the book can be torn, thrown
  • the book must be respected
  • so that it doesn’t get tattered, the book needs to be covered with a cover
  • you can draw in the book
  • you can read the book

Has everyone remembered how to treat a book? Well done!

Slide 12

Where do you think we ended up? (children's guesses)

This is a residential building. Each door leads to the room in which the lyceum student lives.

Lyceum students lived very modestly and their whole lives were subject to a strict routine.

Slide 13

The great Russian poet lived in one of these rooms. (children look at the slide)

Who can name him?

That's right, this is Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Pushkin entered the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum when he was 12 years old. This was the first set of lyceum students, which, in addition to him, included 29 more children from old noble families.

Slide 14

Pushkin occupied bedroom No. 14. In each lyceum student's room there was an iron bed, a chest of drawers, a desk, a mirror, a chair, and a table for washing. The teacher’s room, which used to be called a tutor, was no different in decoration and was just as austere.

Slide 15

Lyceum students wore a uniform: a dark blue double-breasted frock coat with stand-up collar, with red piping on the cuffs, shiny smooth buttons, blue cloth vest, blue long straight trousers, ankle boots.

Education at the Lyceum lasted 6 years. There the boys not only learned a lot of new things, but learned to be strong friends. This friendship lasted throughout my life.

Slide 16

And what educational institution do you visit? (children's answers)

Yes, now you are going to kindergarten, but this is part of the lyceum. Therefore, you can also be called Lyceum students. Let's wear this title with pride!

Website photo materials used:


Scenario for Lyceum Student's Day.

2 presenter: On this day, the first graduation took place at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. There was no celebration. The parting was sad.

Lyceum student: Engelhardt (director of the Lyceum) gave us cast iron rings - a sign of the strength of our friendship. And they will call us cast iron workers.

Lyceum students (sing the anthem): Six years flew by like a dream,

In the arms of sweet silence.

And the Fatherland’s calling

It thunders to us: march, sons.

Farewell, brothers! Hand in hand!

Let's hug one last time!

Fate for eternal separation,

Perhaps this is where we are related.

1 presenter: 203 years ago, on October 19, 1811, there was a special excitement in Tsarskoye Selo: the grand opening of the Lyceum was scheduled for that day.

2 presenter: Every now and then, carriages and carriages drove up to the Lyceum building - prominent dignitaries and teachers of St. Petersburg, relatives of lyceum students came together. Alexander I was supposed to attend the celebration.

1 presenter: The Imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, a privileged educational institution, was designed to prepare youth “especially destined for the most important parts of the public service.”

2 presenter: Emperor Alexander the First personally approved the list of the first students of the Lyceum in 1811 and personally distributed awards and diplomas to them six years later.

Lyceum student: Do you remember when the Lyceum appeared,

How the king opened the Tsaritsyn’s palace for us,

And we came. And Kunitsyn met us

Greetings among royal guests.

Lyceum student: The Lyceum became our home, our republic with its laws, brotherhood, and friendship.

Lyceum student: The opening of the Lyceum took place on Thursday. Regular classes began on Monday, and normal lyceum life began. "Six years of connection."

1 presenter: Daily routine at the Lyceum.

    Wake-up call at 6 o'clock.

    From 7 to 9 o’clock – class, that is, training sessions.

    At 9: tea with white bread.

    Immediately after tea, first walk until 10 o'clock.

    From 10 to 12 – grade.

    From 12 to one - second walk. We definitely walked in any weather.

    Then repetition of lessons or auxiliary class for those who are behind.

    At half past 9 the bell rings for dinner.

    After dinner until 10 o'clock - rest and entertainment.

    On Wednesdays and Saturdays there was evening dancing and fencing.

    At 10 o'clock - evening prayer, sleep.

2 presenter: Lyceum students were accommodated in separate rooms. Pushkin moved into room 14. The room had only what was necessary for relaxation and study.

1 presenter: Soon all the lyceum students declared themselves “cattle brothers” and, as usual, gave each other nicknames:

    Wilhelm Küchelbecker – Küchl

    Anton Delvig - Tosya

    Mikhail Yakovlev – Buffon

    Ivan Malinovsky – Cossack

    Alexander Gorchakov – Prince

    Konstantin Danzas – Bear

    Ivan Pushchin – Big Jeannot

    Fedor Matyushkin – Matyushko

    Alexander Pushkin - Frenchman, a cross between a monkey and a tiger.

Lyceum student: We deal with our bosses without fear, we joke with them, we laugh.

Lyceum student: Competitions are held in foreign languages: whoever accidentally speaks Russian is fined.

Lyceum student: Birthdays are not missed.

2 presenter: They were ordinary boys who loved to play pranks.

Scene. (Pushkin, Pushchin, Malinovsky)

And I started drinking eggnog.

Pushchin: I got some rum, got some eggs.

Malinovsky: They pushed sugar.

Pushkin: And work began at the boiling samovar.

Pushchin: Questions and searches began here. The three of us appeared and announced that this was our business and that we alone were to blame.

Pushkin: The resolution is as follows: kneel for two weeks during morning and evening prayer.

Malinovsky: Move us to the last places at the table, where we sat according to our behavior.

1 presenter: In January 1815, a public examination was scheduled at the Lyceum.

Lyceum student (reading a newspaper): The Imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum has the honor to notify that on the 4th of next month, from 10 to 3 p.m., there will be a public test of first-reception students on the occasion of transfer from junior to senior age.

It was an exam - a review of what we had learned in more than three years, because we had reached the middle.

Pushkin: Derzhavin was a living legend. When we found out that Derzhavin would be visiting us, we all became excited.

2 presenter: The exam tired Derzhavin very much. Pushkin read “Memoirs in Tsarskoe Selo”, standing two steps from Derzhavin.

Pushkin: I don’t remember how I finished my reading, I don’t remember where I ran away to. Derzhavin was delighted. He demanded me, wanted to hug me... They looked for me, but did not find me.

Lyceum student: They said that Gavrila Romanovich exclaimed: “I’m not dead!”

Lyceum student: Study for two more years.

Lyceum student: May 1817. "St. Petersburg Vedomosti" invites the public and parents to the final exams of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum.

Lyceum student: 17 days, 15 exams.

Lyceum student: On June 9, 1817 there was an act. Its character was completely different: just as the opening of the Lyceum was magnificent and solemn, so our graduation was quiet and modest.

1 presenter: No, they did not graduate from the Lyceum. The lectures ended, the Tsarskoe Selo time of waking up at dawn, wandering around with persistent poetry all day ended, it all ended, but the Lyceum did not end. Couldn't end... It didn't end. That's it.

2 presenter: Class as a class... Boys as boys, who will become poets and ministers, officers and “state criminals”, rural homebodies and restless travelers.

Pushkin: At the beginning of my life I remember school

There were a lot of us, careless children,

An uneven and playful family...

Presentation by lyceum students (read by presenters)

1 presenter: On October 19, 1836, gentlemen from the lyceum gathered in Yakovlev’s house and feasted.

Lyceum student: Everyone gathered at half past five and left at half past nine.

2 presenter: The cattle brothers dispersed, wishing a good journey to the student of the Imperial Lyceum, Alexander Pushkin, a Frenchman.

Pushkin: Having fervently prayed to God,

The Lyceum shouted HURRAY!

Farewell, brothers, on my way,

It's time for you to go to bed.

Oksana Gury
Scenario of the holiday “Initiation into lyceum students”

Holiday scenario« Initiation into lyceum students»

I. (Fanfares sound) Greetings. First-graders enter the hall to the music and take their seats. (F-ma school songs)

Presenter: Hello, dear teachers, parents!

Hello, dear guys!

1st grade. 23 pairs of cheerful, mischievous eyes. These are smart, inquisitive guys. They enjoy going to school.

1st grade. Cheerful, cheerful, and, when necessary, serious, focused, focused on studying.

1st grade Very kind, sympathetic, reliable friends study in 1st grade. The thirst for knowledge is written on their pretty faces.


To our youngest first graders

Dedicated today holiday.

How endlessly fast time is.

It’s already autumn, October in the yard.

We remember today the moments

How the kids gathered for first grade.

Presenter:Dear guys! Today is your first school day holiday -« Initiation into lyceum students» . Two months ago you came to our lyceum without knowing its rules and laws. And now you know the rules lyceum, rules, experienced the first difficulties and did not flinch, did not ask to go home. Well done!

And today – October 19 – we have gathered in this hall to solemnly welcome you into friendly family lyceum students.

II. A story about Tsarskoye Selo lyceum.

In the history of Russia there are names that

forever inscribed in Russian memory. One of these names is Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

200 years ago, in Tsarskoe Selo near St. Petersburg opened lyceum for children from noble families. 13 boys sat down at their desks and became classmates. Through

It took them 6 years to receive their certificates. Class as class, boys as boys. But later they will become poets and ministers, officers, scientists, travelers. Among them was twelve-year-old Alexander Pushkin.

“- My friends! Our union is wonderful!”- the poet will later write about the boys with whom he lived side by side during his growing years - the main years in his life

every person.

Listen, please, what was the daily routine in Tsarskoye Selo lyceum.

1. Get up at 6 o'clock in the morning.

2. From 7 to 9 – training sessions.

3. At 9 o’clock – tea with a white roll.

4. Immediately after tea - the first walk until 10 o'clock.

5. From 10 to 12 o’clock – classroom activities.

6. From 12 to 13 hours - second walk.

7. After the walk - lunch, review of lessons or "helper class" for those lagging behind.

8. At 20:30 (half past nine)- bell for dinner.

9. After dinner until 22 o'clock - rest, entertainment.

10. At 22:00 – evening prayer, sleep.

This is how we lived Lyceum students in the 19th century.

Now let's look into the recent past, namely in 1919, in which school No. 9 became lyceum, and the students - lyceum students. This did not happen at all because they happened to be born into a noble family. High status lyceum students deserved by the painstaking work of teachers and students.

Poems read by 5th grade students:

1. “My friends, our union is wonderful!”

Yes, there is continuity of traditions...

Another October, and another day,

And the new Pushkin Kunitsyn

Looks at lyceum students system.

2. But the goal is the greatness of Russia -

Still the same. Young hearts

Will make every effort

Be lyceum student to the end

3. And with each new anniversary

Strengthen the union of mind and hands.

Lyceum - the foot of the peak,

Republic of Natural Sciences.

4. My friends! Our union is wonderful!

We exclaim just like poets.

9 muses lead us along the road.

And we are all proud of this road.

III. Performance by first graders. (6 students come out, signs with the letters L, I, C, E, J, No. 9 are attached to their chests).

1. On this October day holiday

We will all call our parents.

So, it's time to start,

Our holiday is open, we are glad to see you, friends!

2. We are very happy today

To all parents, children,

We welcome guests

Dear teachers!

All acquaintances, strangers,

Both serious and cheerful.

3. We were preschoolers

We went to kindergarten.

We made from clay

And horses and bunnies,

And now, and now

The school opened the door for us.

4. I entered the fall at 1 "A".

I am considered a schoolboy from the first day.

5. Even a small child

Just coming out of diapers,

He asks to show the book.

6. We are friendly with the printed word.

If it weren't for him,

Neither old nor new

We wouldn't know anything.

IV. Scene"Confusion and Reluctance".

(Confusion and Reluctance run out. Confusion rearranges the guys with the letters.

The reluctant woman lies down on the bench and "sleeping").

Leading: Guys! What kind of strange guests do we have? (Sneaks up on Confusion)

Gotcha! Who are you?

Confusion: (holding up his nose) I am Confusion!

Leading: So you mixed up all the letters?

Confusion: Well, I, and what?

Leading: And the fact that you tried in vain. Our guys corrected all your dirty tricks.

(Children restore the letters and leave)

Confusion (addresses the hall): But I know that many of you moms and dads are not

They obey, they don’t want to learn lessons. Probably, you are not interested in studying at school at all. No?

Children: Interesting!

Confusion: Well, okay! But I know a boy who can’t do anything and

doesn't want to. I don't want to!

I don't want to: Uh-huh?

Confusion: Get up!

I don't want to: Don't want.

Confusion: Get up, I say! Come on. Tell me your favorite poem.

I don't want to: Don't want!

Confusion: Tell me!

I don't want to: I am the great Unwanted,

I don't want anything.

And I'll tell you frankly,

I don't teach lessons.

I don't go, friends, I'm going to school,

I sleep all day long.

Because, because,

I don't want anything.

Confusion: Like this. And no one will change it.

Leading: And you, I don’t want to, instead of words "Don't want"try to say: "Want! I’ll be happy to!”

I don't want to: I won’t succeed.

Leading: Guys, let's help Nehochukha! He will speak the word "I", and you - "Want", and Nehochukha will say further what he wants to do.

I don't want to: I…

Children: Want…

I don't want to: Play.

Confusion: I just know one game, but you won’t be able to play it. I removed the words from the poems. And you will never guess what these words are.

1. My portfolio is neither big nor small.

It contains a problem book, a notebook and... (pencil case)

2. If you know everything,

You'll get it at school (5)

3. There is a clatter of feet in the corridor,

Then he calls everyone to class (call)

I don't want to: But no. You won't hear the call anymore. In order to

hear, you must pass the test. Let's see if you're worthy to wear

rank lyceum student.

Leading: I wish you good luck, first graders.

V. Children travel through stations "Mathematical", "Mysterious", "Fabulous".

Station "Mathematical"


Measure seven times, and... cut once.

Intelligence is good, but... better.

What number is included in the title of the fairy tale about piglets?

How many heroes are there in Pushkin’s fairy tale about the dead princess?

How many legs does an octopus have?

Shortest month of the year?

The best mark for a student's answer.

2. Problems in verse.

1) Under the bushes by the river

May beetles lived:

Daughter, son, father and mother -

2) Me, Seryozha, Kolya, Wanda –

Volleyball team.

Zhenya and Igor for now

There are two substitute players.

And when they learn,

How many will there be?

3) Seryozhka fell into the snow,

And behind him is Alyosha,

And behind him is Irinka,

And behind him is Marinka,

And then Ignat fell.

How many guys are there in the snow?

Station "Mysterious"

1) If you sharpen it,

Draw whatever you want

Sun, sea, mountains, beach.

What is this? (pencil)

2) In a black field there is a white hare

Jumped, ran, did loops.

The trail behind him was also white.

Who is this hare? (chalk)

3) If you give her a job,

The pencil was in vain. (rubber)

4) Who walks with a bag of books

Going to school in the morning? (student)

5) Birds sat on the pages

They know true stories and fables. (letters)

6) Who is smarter than everyone else in the world?

Who knows and can do everything,

And at any free hour

Who will teach us everything? (book)

7) Either I’m in a cage, then I’m in a line.

Feel free to write on me.

You can also draw.

What am I? (notebook)

8) There is a cheerful, bright house

There are a lot of agile guys there.

They write and count there,

They draw and count. (school)

9) Kolya and Lena are having fun

This means… (change)

10) The long-awaited call was given -

It's over (lesson)

Presenter: -Now guess what it is?

The guard watches vigilantly

Behind the wide pavement.

How to look with a red eye -

They will all stop at once. (traffic light)

Why do we need a traffic light? (children's answers). Well done! And ours

it's called a physical minute

"red, yellow, green" (K-, F- stomped, Z- clapped)

Fizminutka "red, yellow, green"

Station "Fabulous"

1. Say the name of a literary character

Dad (Carlo)

Cat (Leopold, Matroskin, in boots)

Grandfather (Frost, Mazai)

Woman (Yaga)

Uncle (Styopa, Fedor)

Crocodile (Gena)

Postman (Pechkin)

Doctor (Aibolit)

Red (Cap)

Leading: Well done, guys! We completed all the tasks. Where are Confusion and Reluctance?

Fairy-tale characters dressed in school uniform, go out to stage.

I don't want to: And we are not evil at all. We are kind and our names are Write and Read.

We came up with all this to test your knowledge. And we see that you

real lyceum students.

VI. Solemn promise.

Leading: 5th grade students are invited to read the solemn promise.

Solemn promise lyceum students

5th grade: Friends, our union is wonderful,

Made up of brotherly bonds!

On the Day initiation into lyceum students

We solemnly promise.

1st class: We solemnly promise!

5th grade: That we will be faithful forever

To your words, to your friends,

To customs so dear,

Last calls for spring

And to these dear hands,

What we were introduced to dear lyceum...

1st class: We solemnly promise!

5th grade: Here we will make a promise,

That we will not betray our friends,

That we will be strong with knowledge,

Generous and wise!

1st class: We solemnly promise!

1st class: Long live my dear lyceum!

For making friends!

For opening the doors to us!

For teaching brotherhood!

Please take your seats. For congratulations and presentation of certificates lyceum student The floor is given to the director lyceum

Final installation:

1. All paths are open to us,

All roads are ahead of us.

We'll be famous someday

But for now we are only first class.

2. And for now we only need to study,

To reveal the secrets of the world,

Always strive for the unknown

So that it can become famous.

3. This is all for life, for science,

For the people and for the native country.

We all study not for the sake of boredom -

We must glorify our Motherland!

4. Be Glory Lyceum and Lyceum Brotherhood!

You are famous for your deeds our lyceum, be proud.

Russian science, Russian honor

Lyceum student gave immortal life.

- Presenter:

“Let there be days that you spent in lyceum,

A joyful memory of your life.

Creativity, work, noble goals -

No The roads are better for the lyceum student!”

Singing the anthem lyceum.

Leading: Now, first graders, you can say the cherished phrase: "We lyceum students!"