Some ladies are fans of tanned skin, others strive to whiten it. However, recently there are more and more supporters of “aristocratic pallor” of skin. There are many reasons for this. Firstly, more and more research is appearing on the topic of the dangers of tanning for women's health. Secondly, light-colored skin always looks younger. Therefore, more and more often, beauties are asking the question of what means can quickly get rid of age spots and give the skin radiant whiteness.

Lemon masks

Affordable and effective method is a whitening face mask with the addition of citrus fruits, in particular lemons. You can try various salon procedures, spend a lot of money, but in the end it turns out that the right remedy was always at hand. Contained in these citrus fruits citric acid, in fact, is an excellent peeling that removes excess sebum from the surface of the skin, particles of city and house dust mixed with sebum. Along with this “wealth”, age spots, blackheads, and acne leave the skin. Therefore, a whitening face mask with lemon has long established itself as the best “fighter” against freckles and blemishes.

Features of using lemon masks

The juice of these bright yellow fruits also contains large number vitamin C. Lemon plays an important role in maintaining whiteness and freshness of the skin. Ascorbic acid helps suppress melanin production and also increases collagen synthesis. However, it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics when using a whitening face mask made from lemon. After all, for many people with sensitive skin, this fruit can cause irritation. Therefore, to begin with, it is better to test it by applying a few drops of diluted lemon juice to a small area of ​​skin. Let's consider several masks that whiten the skin of the face using this representative of citrus fruits.

  1. Lemon-honey mask. Mix equal amounts of lemon juice and May honey. Apply for 10 minutes, rinse.
  2. Lemon-cucumber mask. Mix a small amount of cucumber juice with lemon juice in equal proportions. Apply to face using a cotton pad, rinse after 20 minutes.
  3. Lemon-tomato mask. Prepare a mixture of 5 drops of lemon juice and one ripe tomato, grated. Exposure time - 10 min.

Hydrogen peroxide

Many whitening face masks with a quick effect are made based on hydrogen peroxide. This is a good old remedy that will probably be found in every home medicine cabinet. Peroxide is a first aid remedy for various skin injuries. But it is also widely used in cosmetology.

When using a peroxide mask, keep a few points in mind. This substance lightens hairs, so it can lighten eyebrows. You should also pay attention to the concentration of the substance. For the purpose of making masks, hydrogen peroxide should not have a concentration higher than 3%. Otherwise, you may burn your facial skin. It is permissible to use peroxide 2-3 times a week. After such a course you should take a break for a month. The result will not appear instantly, but with the help of this mixture you can significantly lighten pigmentation on the face, as well as acne marks.

Let's consider several whitening masks with the addition of this budget funds.

  1. Oatmeal mask. Steam three tablespoons of oatmeal. After cooling, add 2-3 drops of peroxide. Keep the mixture on your face for half an hour, rinse with water.
  2. Curd mask. 1 tbsp. l. cottage cheese (it’s better to take homemade one) mixed with a few drops of peroxide. The mask can be kept for up to half an hour, but depending on how you feel.
  3. Pharmacy mask. 3 tbsp. l. white clay and 10 grams of zinc oxide diluted with peroxide. Keep the mask on for a quarter of an hour.

Aloe mask

Many stores lure customers with products containing aloe. While there is nothing easier than having a pot of this flower at home and using it in pure form- including for the production of face masks with a whitening effect.

Many fans of homemade cosmetics keep aloe in the refrigerator for 14 days. This is how special biostimulating substances are formed in it, which have a beneficial effect on the skin. But if you don’t have time to keep aloe leaves, you can use fresh ones. Let's consider several options for whitening face masks with the addition of this plant.

  1. Mask with aloe juice, egg yolk and sour cream. This mixture helps whiten the skin and has a tightening effect. Aloe must be thoroughly crushed and then squeezed out the juice from the leaves. Add a little sour cream to a small amount of juice, and then an egg yolk.
  2. Mask with aloe and almonds. Grind almonds in a blender. To 2 tbsp. spoons of almond crumbs add about 3 tbsp. spoons fresh juice aloe.
  3. Avocado mask. Grind the aloe leaf on a grater. Add a small amount of fresh sour cream, avocado pulp, mix the ingredients thoroughly.

The duration of application of masks is 15-20 minutes. Aloe masks are one of the most natural skin whitening methods. In addition to its brightening effect, this plant helps prevent aging and moisturize the skin.


Aspirin can also be found in every first aid kit. But not everyone knows that this pain reliever can also be used to beauty the skin. Aspirin helps to cope with acne, and also produces a whitening effect, which is enhanced when used simultaneously with lemon juice or kefir.

To prepare a mask with lemon you will need 5 pcs. crushed tablets and a small amount of lemon juice. The mixture is applied for 10 minutes. One of the features of this mask is the process of washing it off. In order to wash off the mask, you need to prepare a solution of soda in a proportion of 1 tbsp. l. per liter of water. The effect of this procedure is truly impressive - there are fewer blackheads, inflammation decreases, and the skin brightens several tones.

A mask with the addition of kefir copes with this task no worse. It can be used once every 2-3 days. The mixture helps whiten the skin and reduce inflammation. To prepare the mask you will need 2 crushed aspirin tablets and 1 tbsp. l. kefir The mixture is mixed and applied to the face. It is washed off after a quarter of an hour.


The most common parsley, which gives dishes an unusual taste, is widely used to solve cosmetic problems, in particular, as part of whitening face masks for age spots. In terms of its effectiveness, it can surpass expensive products, as it has a powerful whitening effect.

Although parsley is an affordable and natural remedy, there are also a few precautions you must follow before using it. Firstly, as before using any other product, check to see if there are any allergies. To do this, apply a little parsley juice to the crook of your elbow. If after two to three hours no unpleasant symptoms occur, then you can use parsley as part of a whitening face mask for age spots. In summer and spring, you need to use sunscreen, because the whitening process cannot be combined with tanning. The skin begins to react more strongly to the sun and needs additional protection.

Whitening with berries

Quick whitening face masks can be made from berries. In addition to lightening the skin tone, when using them you can get another pleasant “bonus” - nutrition and hydration. After all, berries contain a huge amount of a wide variety of nutrients. To make a mask, you do not need selected berries; it is also permissible to use those whose appearance cannot be called presentable. For the whitening effect to be obvious, it is necessary to use masks at least once a week. In the summer, you can carry out procedures more often - after all, this is an excellent chance to replenish your skin with vitamins and minerals, whiten it and make it visually younger.

Facial skin is delicate and sensitive. Every woman, to the best of her ability, takes care of herself and strives to remain young and attractive for as long as possible. Pigment spots do not decorate the weaker sex at any age, be it the result of age-related changes or the influence of external negative factors or pathological processes in the body. A whitening face mask can solve the problem, giving radiance and freshness.

The benefits and effectiveness of whitening masks

The main task of a mask with a whitening effect is to eliminate cosmetic defects of the skin, but by approaching the preparation wisely, following all the rules, taking into account the recommendations of cosmetologists, you can get rid of more serious problems. The effect of the product is quick effect and in addition to the fact that it will effectively whiten the face, the processes of cell regeneration, a soothing, tonic effect will start.

A whitening face mask prepared in compliance with the rules at home is used to get rid of pigmentation, it also eliminates pathological processes, gives an even tone, while softening deep wrinkles, which significantly increases its value.

The effect of the mixture will be noticeable after the first applications:

  • Scars after acne are smoothed out. Scars formed after mechanical treatment of acne in non-sterile conditions, without special skills.
  • Irritation, redness, and inflammatory lesions are eliminated.
  • Penetrates deep into pores and performs deep cleaning.
  • Stimulates the production of collagen and elastin.
  • Makes the dermis homogeneous. Evens out the tone.
  • Discolors age-related pigmentation caused by sunlight.
  • In people with a Scandinavian type of dermis, it makes freckles less pronounced.
  • Prevents excess accumulation of melanin and inhibits its production.
  • Has a positive effect on cellular structure.
  • Makes pronounced rosacea less noticeable. Vascular mesh appears in women after 30 years of age and does not look aesthetically pleasing.
  • Effective if necessary to slightly lighten dark skin.
  • Smoothes out the result of unsuccessful tanning on the face. The procedure is performed after the inflammation has been eliminated, provided there is no burning sensation or other uncomfortable sensations caused by the burn.

The products penetrate deep into the cells located under the skin, nourish them well, saturate them with useful substances, and tighten them. loose skin, give the surface a healthier, more rested appearance.

It should be noted that whitening masks can be prepared and used at home, taking into account all types of skin: for oily skin; dry; combined.

Are there any contraindications and side effects?

Face whitening masks are a cosmetic procedure with a therapeutic effect, but not everyone can evaluate the result of use, since it is not allowed for use in the following cases:

  1. The presence of areas of irritation, fresh wounds, cuts, purulent, inflammatory processes, dermatitis.
  2. Melanomas, keratosis, impetigo, vitiligo.
  3. Too sensitive dermis. Marble type.
  4. If cosmetic procedures were carried out in the salon within a month.
  5. Allergic manifestations. Individual immunity to the components.

Before using homemade formulations for age spots on the face, you should consult a dermatologist or a qualified cosmetologist. If you ignore contraindications, you can significantly aggravate the existing problem and cause irreparable harm to your health.

A competent cosmetologist can choose a worthy alternative using whitening masks, and the dermatologist will prescribe an adequate course of therapy to more effectively solve specific skin problems.

When is it necessary to seek the help of cosmetologists?

If pigment spots appear on the skin or in the décolleté area, before mixing different formulations and using bleaching agents recommended by housewives for pigment spots, it is worth finding out the reason for their appearance, the safety of the manipulation for specific case. Each person is individual and requires an individual approach to solving problems. Applying lightening masks can give incredible results, or can cause serious harm to a sensitive body.

We suggest you look at the best face whitening mask at home:

Also, global cosmetics manufacturers are conducting healthy competition, winning the attention of women by creating more effective products that give an amazing effect. Korean companies are especially popular. Products with a natural component - arbutin, do not give the slightest chance for age spots to exist. In addition, the composition includes the same lemons, cucumbers, parsley, tomatoes as when prepared at home:

  • Lemon Whitening Sleeping Pack from
  • Panda's Dreams.
  • Tony Moly.
  • Snow White from Secret Key - based on milk proteins.

Also one of best masks For fatty type, is Savonry Top Face.

For a dry structure, you should pay attention to Librederm Aevit.

For normal skin nutritious and tonic Teana “Magic Casket of the Ocean” is suitable. To combat acne – Innisfree Super Volcanic Pore Clay Mask.

When choosing a product, you should understand exactly what the result should be aimed at. If your skin is aging, it lacks energy and you should pay attention to Tony Moly Tomatox Magic White Massage Pack.

Miracle Glow is a whitening face mask with universal action. It is suitable for any skin type and can be used without age restrictions.

When producing facial brightening treatments, a special complex extracted from Safflower seeds is used - Omegalight with linoleic acid. Thanks to high technology, the product penetrates deeply into the pores and acts more intensively, caring for and restoring the skin.

The Miracle Glow face mask has occupied a worthy niche in the cosmetics market and, according to numerous reviews, it can easily be used at home.

In addition to the fact that the main direction of Glow Miracle is face whitening, it does not have aggressive components in its structure and its regular use can improve the contour of the face, soften deep wrinkles and smooth out small ones, and even out the tone.

Don't expect skin lightening to happen instantly. In order to cope with pronounced manifestations of pigmentation, face masks for age spots at home must be applied regularly, for two to three months. It is worth noting that the result is sustainable and relapses do not occur after using such cosmetics.

Home Recipes

Women have been using home remedies for centuries effective care for the skin. Centuries of experience have determined which components from the refrigerator shelves are most effective and what effect they have on the skin of the face. Masks for age spots prepared at home are natural and do not contain chemical components:

  • Lemon-honey. Using the composition, you can achieve narrowing of pores, evening out tone, and a tonic effect. Honey (1 tbsp), combine with lemon juice (6 drops). To enrich the composition, you can add yogurt and sour cream. The mixture is prepared before use and applied to a cleansed face a couple of hours before bedtime. After 20 minutes, the paste is removed, and the face is wiped with an ice cube from a decoction of herbs with a soothing effect.
  • Cucumber with added castor oil. An effective remedy to fade freckles if necessary. The cucumber is crushed to a pulp, combined with kefir and castor oil(1 tbsp each). Leave the mask on for 15 minutes.
  • Parsley mask. No additional ingredients are needed, since the main function - whitening - is performed by greens. The plant is crushed (25 g) and simmered in a glass of water (10 minutes). Gauze is soaked in liquid and applied to the face. Within 20 minutes, the fabric is moistened several times. To prepare a decoction, you can use parsley root or dandelion leaves.
  • Potato. The root vegetable is boiled (50 g), combined with 25 ml of milk, yolk (1 egg), and the homogeneous mixture is simmered in a water bath. Rub the skin with lemon juice and apply the paste on top (25 minutes). For an enhanced effect, it is recommended to cover your face with a thick napkin. Rinse with contrasting water.
  • A quick and easy way to whiten is to apply crushed rolled oats combined with yogurt (50 ml) to the skin. Also a good composition - blue clay, mixed with milk.

Before making a whitening mask, it is worth performing a skin test, since lemons, honey, some plants, and herbs can provoke an allergic reaction.

To achieve a positive result, it is important to follow some recommendations and canons. Even the best whitening face masks may not give the desired result if you do not follow the generally accepted rules in cosmetology:

  • In order to lighten the skin, the procedure is performed no more than once a week.
  • While using a cosmetic procedure, household chores should be put aside. While the mask is in effect, your face should be as relaxed as possible and your thoughts should be positive.
  • Before using the composition, it is important to determine your skin type and the body’s reaction to the mixture of components. To do this, apply a little mass to the skin behind the ear. After making sure that the immune response has not manifested itself, continue applying to the surface of the face.
  • To get a good result, apply the mask in the evening. This will protect your skin from the sun's rays for a while. Cleansed, lightened skin is more prone to burns.
  • The mask is applied to a cleansed face. Before the procedure, it is recommended to do a light peeling. The composition penetrates deeper into the pores after steaming the skin using herbal infusions.
  • The use of several masks of different spectrums of action at the same time is not allowed, so as not to provoke an allergic reaction caused by a conflict of components.
  • The procedure is completed by applying a moisturizer or rubbing with ice cubes from decoctions and essential oils.

If the skin produces a lot of oil, the procedure can be performed twice a week. If you experience any discomfort during the procedure, the composition should be removed, a cream with a soothing effect should be applied to the skin, or rubbed with chamomile decoction. With more severe symptoms, seek help from a doctor.

Facial whitening is a complex process. It includes improving the natural shade and getting rid of visual problems. Regular use of masks allows you to get rid of severe rosacea, age spots and residual scars. The deep layers of the epidermis are saturated with minerals and vitamins, resulting in a long-lasting effect. In addition, the skin is toned, wrinkles are tightened and signs of aging are eliminated. Whitening face masks at home with a quick effect are also useful for redness, for example, after visiting a salon or exposure to aggressive cosmetics.

How to do

Whitening masks are made from components that can change the cellular structure and regulate the content of pigments. For the procedure to be safe and effective, you need to understand the principles of how it should be done and follow a number of simple rules:

  • use whitening masks no more than once a week;
  • apply the product in the evening to avoid reaction with sunlight during the day;
  • Before use, carry out deep cleansing and steam the cells;
  • the final stage of work is moisturizing the skin with cream, gel or tonic;
  • During the entire course, take additional vitamin C, include fresh vegetables and citrus fruits in your diet.

Face whitening at home is undesirable if the epidermis is extremely dry and prone to rashes. Do not apply masks if there are deep cuts, wounds or other mechanical damage. Use caution if you have recently undergone cosmetic surgery. You can choose a regenerating cream at.

If you have chronic dermatological problems (psoriasis, vitiligo, keratosis and others), a preliminary consultation with your doctor is required. Aggressive components of the mask can increase the severity of symptoms and lead to relapse of the disease.

Recipes for whitening face masks at home

Many masks have been developed for whitening facial skin. They differ in their preparation, application and limitations. When choosing a specific recipe, you need to take into account the condition of the epidermis, age and desired result. The procedures are recommended to be carried out over a course of up to 3 months with a regularity of up to 1 time per week. We picked 10 best options which are efficient and simple.

After 40

The active component of this mask is fruit acids. When interacting with the skin, they eliminate pigmentation and even out the natural skin tone. Recommended for use after 40 years, as it has a powerful effect.


  • 3 tbsp. l. pureed red or white currants;
  • 30 g tomato pulp;
  • 2 tsp. flower honey;
  • 20 g chopped strawberries.

Melt honey in a water bath until liquid consistency. Without waiting for complete cooling, add the remaining ingredients. Apply to face for 15 minutes, wash thoroughly. After the procedure, you should moisturize the skin and apply it around the eyes.

All bee products are strong allergens. Before using these components in home cosmetics, you need to check the body's reaction.

Quick effect

The optimal solution for eliminating skin defects after sunbathing, salon procedures. The basic ingredient is leaf parsley, which can be used fresh or frozen. Algorithm for preparing a mask:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. chopped parsley mixed with 25 g of finely chopped spinach leaves.
  2. Add 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal steamed in milk and 30 g of potato starch.
  3. Kefir or fermented baked milk acts as a solvent. Mix all ingredients thoroughly until a thick, porridge-like mass is obtained.

Apply the product to problem areas in a thick layer. Wait 30 minutes and then rinse with warm running water. Greens in combination with fermented milk products quickly deteriorate, so for each procedure you need to prepare a fresh mixture. Try also the toning masks, which are collected in.

From pigment spots (with strong pigmentation)

To get rid of severe pigmentation on the face, you can use cottage cheese. To prepare the mask, 40 g of this product is required. Additional ingredients - egg yolk, 3-5 drops of hydrogen peroxide. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed, applied to the face for 10-15 minutes, and then rinsed with water.

For fatty

Whitening masks for oily skin types should not only even out the shade, but also help normalize lipid production. This helps eliminate greasy shine, reduce the risk of rashes. Effective recipes:

  1. Dairy with horseradish. Warm 50 ml of whey or sour milk to room temperature. Add 1 tbsp. l. oat flour, 1 tsp. chopped horseradish root. Apply to problem areas for 10-15 minutes; if a burning sensation occurs, wash off the product immediately.
  2. Cucumber. Grate 1 fresh cucumber or grind in a blender until pureed. Immediately apply a thin layer to the face for 20-25 minutes. Use on skin or with deep moisturizing effect.

The pulp of fresh cucumber has a powerful whitening effect. If there is not enough time, a mask made from this vegetable can be replaced by regular rubbing. The procedure can be repeated every week after deep peeling.

With prolonged contact with the skin, fermented milk products can cause redness and irritation. You should limit the time of the procedure and wash off the composition if discomfort occurs.

For dry with parsley

A mask with a delicate effect is suitable for the care of dry skin prone to flaking. To prepare, you need to mix 2 tbsp. l. fresh cucumber pulp, 25 ml low-fat sour cream and 1 tsp. chopped parsley leaves. Bring to a homogeneous thick mass, generously lubricate problem areas with it. Rinse off with running water after 15-20 minutes. The product additionally moisturizes cells and increases their elasticity. There is no need to use cream or gel after the procedure. Recipes for the best masks for dry skin are presented at.

For problems with lemon


  • 1 tbsp. l. fresh lemon juice;
  • 40 ml milk;
  • 20 g sugar;
  • 20 ml vodka.

Stir all the ingredients and wait for the mixture to start sugaring. Using a brush or cotton pad, apply to problem areas, avoiding eyelids and lips. Rinse with water at room temperature, moisturize the skin with a rich nourishing cream. Will do.

Masks for spot application

There are several options for masks designed only for working with problem areas. They have a strong effect and effectiveness, a visible effect is achieved after 2-3 applications. Recipes:

  1. Dilute colorless henna powder with 3% boric acid tincture until a homogeneous creamy mass is obtained. Apply to areas with pigmentation or freckles, rinse after 5-7 minutes.
  2. 15 ml sea ​​buckthorn oil mix with 3-5 drops of camphor ether. Use a cotton pad to treat the required areas, rinse with water after 5 minutes.
  3. Mix glycerin, apple cider vinegar and lemon juice in equal proportions. Apply a thin layer, wash after 5-10 minutes.
  4. Dilute 1 tsp. mustard powder in warm boiling water. Treat problem areas and rinse immediately with cold water.

Components with high acidity (lemon juice, vinegar or boron tincture) lead to irritation and redness of the skin. If adverse reactions occur from such drugs, you need to get help. Try masks for sensitive people.

Aggressive ingredients for homemade masks cannot be used to care for dry and sensitive skin. They can lead to unpleasant consequences, the appearance of inflammation and peeling.

With lemon

Citric acid is an available component for intensive skin whitening. Suitable for caring for oily and combination skin types. In combination with mild moisturizing products, citrus juice can also be used for extreme dryness.

Simple recipes for masks to even out the shade:

  1. Mix low-fat kefir or yogurt and lemon juice in equal proportions. Apply a thin layer on the face, rinse with running water after 25 minutes.
  2. Grind 1 fresh cucumber to a paste. Add 0.5 tsp. citric acid, a little melt water to obtain a homogeneous mixture. Procedure time: 20 minutes, it is recommended to use after washing nourishing cream.

Lemon masks can be used no more than once a month. To enhance the effect and give the skin a pleasant texture, it is advisable to alternate them with homemade cosmetics based on dairy products. Choose a mask for combination skin.

With hydrogen peroxide

To create a mask, you need to use only a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. The product is suitable for oily and combination skin types. Has an intense whitening effect, but may cause irritation. Popular recipes:

  1. Mix 2 tsp. cottage cheese, 15 ml dry white wine, 1 egg yolk and 10 drops of peroxide. Apply to face with massaging movements, rinse after 5-10 minutes. If peeling occurs, use nourishing cream.
  2. In 1 tbsp. l. fresh yeast, add the same amount of kefir and 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide. Treat problem areas, wash with plenty of water after 10 minutes.

To avoid adverse reactions from using this drug, after the procedure it is recommended to lubricate your face with an ice cube made from mineral water, green tea or chamomile decoction. The optimal frequency of procedures is once a month.


Interesting video with a recipe for another whitening mask


  1. Facial whitening is aimed at evening out the natural shade of the skin, eliminating pigmentation and residual marks from pimples, blackheads and other types of rashes.
  2. Homemade whitening masks are recommended to be used no more than once a week for a course of up to 10 procedures. Afterwards it is recommended to use and apply cream.
  3. To care for sensitive, dry skin, soft and aching ingredients are suitable for preparation. For example, cucumber juice, parsley leaves or kefir.
  4. To eliminate severe pigmentation and achieve long-lasting visible result, citric acid, hydrogen peroxide, apple cider vinegar are suitable.

Hello dear Queens! In the warm season, many ladies are most bothered by freckles or age spots on the face - the active sun does its job and golden marks appear on the skin and become very noticeable. I would like to offer you a selection of whitening face masks at home with a quick effect that can be used by women of all ages.

I remember my university friend, who in the spring began to look like a “sunny girl” - her whole face was invariably covered with a whole waterfall of freckles. This was all the more surprising since in winter Sveta was no different from everyone else, her skin was clean, and only up close could barely noticeable “drips” be seen.

A couple of years later, I accidentally met Svetlana on the street in a hot summer, and we talked for a long time about “this and that.” During the conversation, one thought haunted me: something has changed in my friend, but what? I couldn’t understand why Sveta seemed unusual to me until she started talking about her past problems.

– Do you remember how I always wore freckles in the summer? And only after these words it dawned on me: of course! Here is the answer - Svetlana’s face was almost clear, with barely noticeable pretty freckles that gave her an elusive charm and charm. But before it was not at all like this... My persistent questions did their job - Sveta told me that she tirelessly uses home and store-bought products to whiten her face and the results make her very happy. Yes, I myself saw perfectly well that the effect is amazing!

Whitening face masks at home for age spots and freckles

Whitening masks are widely used today due to their versatility and versatility. They are used not only to lighten the skin of the face. They perfectly fight age spots, freckles and circles under the eyes, which are hated by many ladies. Whitening face masks at home demonstrate a quick effect if they are correctly selected for your skin type, nature of exposure and age category.

There are some features of using these masks that must be taken into account to achieve maximum effect and prevention. negative consequences. So, whitening masks:

  • It is not recommended to use more than once a week for women over 40 years of age and those with dry skin, as they mostly have drying properties;
  • it is advisable to do it in the evening, because the sun’s rays immediately after application can have a negative effect;
  • should be used in combination with a soft, shallow peeling and moisturizer.
  • With long-term continuous use of bleaching agents, experts strongly recommend taking vitamin C.

There is a group of natural products that are used in home cosmetology, as the main components of whitening masks. These are parsley, oatmeal, cucumber, strawberries, etc. However, you need to supplement them with auxiliary ingredients very carefully, focusing on the characteristics of your skin.

Whitening parsley mask

Parsley is the queen of home face whitening. Our grandmothers also used it, and I must say, very successfully. Despite the seasonality of this greenery, today you can find green bunches in almost any supermarket at any time of the year. There is no store or the price is scary in winter - not a problem. For cosmetic procedures Dried or frozen parsley will also work. In this case, instead of fresh parsley juice, we use an infusion of dried parsley or thoroughly pureed frozen parsley.

Whitening parsley masks for different skin types:

  • for dry skin: mix 1 tbsp. fat sour cream with 1 tbsp. l. parsley juice;
  • for oily skin: replace the sour cream in the previous recipe with low-fat kefir;
  • for sensitive skin: mix chopped parsley in equal proportions with grated dry sage leaves or rose petals;
  • for aging skin: Mix chopped parsley, lettuce and spinach in equal proportions. Boil in milk rolled oats porridge. Let it cool a little. Then take 1 tbsp. l. green mixture, 2 tbsp. l. porridge and 1 tbsp. l. potato starch;
  • from dark circles under the eyes: in 1 tbsp. l. finely chopped parsley leaves, add a few drops of strongly brewed black tea. Transfer this mixture into 2 small pieces of gauze, roll it up into bags and apply it to eyes closed for 15 minutes.

Whitening face mask with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide – effective remedy to improve the color and condition of the skin, especially oily and problematic skin. However, it must be used extremely carefully.

Rules for using whitening face masks with hydrogen peroxide:

  • The drying effect of peroxide must be balanced with a strong moisturizing component (egg yolk, various oils);
  • In home cosmetology, only 3% hydrogen peroxide is used;
  • Be sure to conduct an allergy test before applying to the face. It is best to do this on the bend of the elbow, since in this place the skin is especially thin and sensitive;
  • You cannot apply a thick layer of the mask, regardless of its consistency. It is necessary to distribute the mixture as thinly as possible over the face;
  • It is not recommended to leave the mask with peroxide on for more than 15 minutes.

Mask with peroxide and oatmeal

Fits this remedy for all skin types. To prepare it you will need boiled oatmeal, milk and peroxide. Mix 3 tbsp. l. porridge with 2 tbsp. l. milk and add 5 drops of hydrogen peroxide.

Curd mask for oily skin

Grind 50 g of cottage cheese with one yolk, add 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide. Apply the mask to your face for 30 minutes and wash off with warm water. Be sure to rinse your face with cool water and apply nourishing cream after 10 minutes.

Mask with cottage cheese and peroxide for dry skin

Two tbsp. Mix spoons of homemade cottage cheese with 1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream and add 10 drops of peroxide. Next - everything is as in the previous recipe. Those with dry skin can wash off the mask only with warm water, without rinsing with cold water.

Whitening oatmeal mask: a selection of recipes

Oatmeal is one of the most popular components of homemade masks, as I already wrote about in the article. But this is not all the possibilities of a healthy cereal - its high efficiency in skin lightening. Oatmeal works great in this direction in tandem with lemon juice - they enhance each other’s effects, which leads to excellent results.

“Honey-lemon” mask with oatmeal

It is better to leave this mask on longer - at least 40 minutes, so it is more convenient to do it in the evening, when there is no need to rush anywhere and all household chores are done.

Clay mask

A whitening mask made from clay and oatmeal also works great, especially. It's not at all difficult to do:

Apply the mask to cleansed skin, lie for 30 minutes, and rinse with warm water. Rinse your face with cool water and apply nourishing cream.

Whitening mask of oatmeal with tomato juice

Tomato juice means a tomato ground into a pulp and squeezed through cheesecloth. The fact is that tomatoes also have excellent whitening abilities, and they are especially useful for oily skin.

Whitening cucumber mask: a treasure for dry skin

Fresh cucumber pulp has long been used to care for facial skin. At the beginning of the last century, beauties tried to make homemade cucumber lotion, whiten freckles and saturate dry skin with vitamins. The effectiveness of whitening cucumber masks has been proven in practice, and in addition, you can safely cut a fresh cucumber and wipe your face with pieces or supplement its effect with other useful ingredients. And we’ll get started with wonderful homemade masks.

Mask with aloe, milk powder and cucumber pulp

Mix all ingredients, apply to cleansed facial skin and lie down, relaxing, for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and apply your favorite cream.

Mint mask

A mask with mint perfectly tones the skin, but using it for more than 15 minutes is not recommended - too sensitive skin may get hurt. It is recommended to do this procedure 2 times a month.

Milk mask

An excellent whitening face mask at home with a quick effect - it can be applied every other day for a week for oily skin and 2 times a week for dry skin.

Whitening mask with aspirin: beauty from the pharmacy

It was noticed that acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) copes well not only with high temperature, but also with many cosmetic problems when used externally. In particular, the use of aspirin in homemade face masks significantly increases their whitening effect. However, they can only be used if there are no limiting factors:

  • fresh skin damage (cuts, scratches);
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • vasodilation;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergic reactions to the drug.

If none of these points apply to you, you can safely prepare whitening masks with aspirin.

Lemon mask

Grind 6 aspirin tablets thoroughly, mix with two tablespoons of lemon juice and apply to the face. If the mask is too thick, add more juice. Leave for 10 minutes. This mask should be washed off not with water, but with a soda solution (1 liter of water + 1 tablespoon of soda).

Double mask

Mix 5-6 aspirin tablets with 2 tsp. dark honey and 1.5 tsp. lemon juice. Apply to face and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with light massage movements with warm water and apply soda diluted to a paste on the face for 15 minutes. Wash off and apply nourishing cream.

Spicy mask

Mix 4 crushed aspirin tablets, half a teaspoon of honey and a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon and apply for 10 minutes. In case of an allergy to honey, it can be replaced with vegetable oil.

Whitening dandelion mask: spring peeling

Dandelion flowers, despite their bright yellow color, have an excellent whitening effect. Therefore, early spring is the right time for useful homemade masks that improve your complexion.

Custard dandelion mask

To prepare a whitening mask from dandelions, pour 1 tbsp. l. flowers 100 ml of boiling water and place in a water bath. Steam for 10 minutes, then cover with a lid and leave for another 5 minutes. Apply the mask to your face for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with warm water and wipe with the remaining strained infusion.

Dandelion leaves and stems with sour cream and lemon

If the bright flowers have turned into fluffy balls, then for the mask we take the stems and leaves of the plant. Wash them well and grind them in a meat grinder or blender. Mix the resulting pulp with sour cream and add juice from a quarter of a lemon. Mix everything well and apply to the face for 20-30 minutes. Wash everything off with warm water and after 30 minutes apply your favorite face cream.

Mask with grapefruit and olive oil

Mix dandelion pulp from stems and leaves with the juice of half a grapefruit and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil (you can use any other oil you are used to using). Apply the mixture to your face and lie there for 20 minutes. We wash off, do not apply cream, only if there is a tight feeling (for very dry skin).

This mask is not very convenient to use - the mass turns out to be runny and may leak, so it is better to lay a towel under your head and on your chest so as not to stain your clothes and bed. However, all the inconveniences are more than compensated for by the excellent whitening and rejuvenating effect.


Of course, these are not all whitening face masks at home with a quick effect. I have a few dozen more excellent products in my piggy bank for eliminating age spots and freckles - these include herbal lotions, decoctions for washing, and simply home cosmetology tricks from inventive housewives. But I will finish today’s article, since all the most quick masks I described it most fully. Let each of you choose a whitening mask to your liking, be it from parsley, oatmeal, dandelion or cucumber - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that we, women, take care of ourselves and please men with our blooming appearance.

Be beautiful, dear Queens!

It is very easy to prepare whitening face masks at home. Buy suitable products, look in the refrigerator or in the garden - there will probably be many ingredients for miraculous remedies.

The compositions lighten freckles and age spots, even out the tone, refresh, give youth and radiance to your skin. Which recipe should you choose? Study the recommendations of cosmetologists.

Cooking rules


  • Apply whitening compounds in the evenings: after such procedures, sun rays are contraindicated;
  • during the course of lightening pigmented areas, replenish vitamin C reserves;
  • use only fresh products;
  • don't cook at home cosmetics for future use;
  • Before the procedure, clean your face with foam;
  • after applying the composition to your face, lie down with your head slightly raised;
  • the muscles will relax, the active substances will better penetrate the pores;
  • wash your face, be sure to cover your skin with a thin layer of moisturizer.

Important! Many recipes contain lemon juice and other acids that dry out the epidermis. A light moisturizer is designed to restore the acid-base balance. Do not neglect the rule under any circumstances: “After the procedure, a gentle cream is required.”

The best whitening mask recipes

When choosing a home remedy, pay attention to your skin type. There are universal formulations that can be used by everyone without exception. Other recipes are suitable for those with or skin.

Universal formulations

Do you want to even out your tone or lighten your freckles slightly? These simple recipes- for you.

Cabbage and kefir mask

Take a cabbage leaf and chop finely. Quantity – two tablespoons. Add the same amount of low-fat kefir and mix. Time – quarter of an hour, frequency – every three days.

Honey-curd whitening mixture

Grind low-fat cottage cheese, sour cream (a couple of tablespoons each), pour in 3 drops of grapefruit juice, 15 g of liquid honey. Wait 15 minutes, remove the mixture with cool milk.

Apply the honey-curd mixture once every 3 days until you see results. It will take about a month.

Parsley whitening mask

Chop the young greens, take a couple of tablespoons, and pour boiling water over them. After half an hour, moisten the gauze with the strained infusion and apply it to your face. After drying, apply a fresh portion of parsley infusion.

Duration - quarter of an hour. Lighten your skin in this way three times a week. There will definitely be an effect.

Mask with cucumber and cream

Grate a medium cucumber, take 50 g of raw material, add the same amount of universal face cream, for example, Nivea. Cover the cleansed epidermis with a thick layer of the mixture, lie down for about 15 minutes. Wash, gently pat your face dry.

Frequency – once every 3 days. You will see noticeable results very soon.

Soft scrub with whitening effect

Directions for use: Grind 25 g of oat flakes, add 50 ml of whey, pour in 10-12 drops of lime juice. Rub the mixture over your face with gentle movements.

Massage the skin for 3 minutes. Cleanse the epidermis with this method once a week.

Whitening masks for oily skin

With increased greasiness, clogged pores, excessive amounts of sebum require formulations with a drying effect. Many mixtures eliminate increased sebum secretion, whiten, and moisturize the skin well.

Brightening mask with lemon

Combine 2 tbsp. l.corn or potato starch and lemon juice. Time - quarter of an hour.

The composition dries out the epidermis. Do not use the product more than once a week.

An effective remedy with honey and sour cream

Combine 1 tbsp in a container. cottage cheese, a teaspoon of sour cream, light honey, lime juice. Rinse off the mixture with warm (not hot) water. Duration – a quarter of an hour, frequency – twice a week.

Oatmeal mask with whitening effect

Beat the egg whites, add a tablespoon of oatmeal. Lie down with the mass for 15 minutes. During water procedures do not rub your face, wash your face carefully. Don't forget about moisturizer.

Use this effective remedy twice a week. After five to six times you will see how the condition of the epidermis has improved.

Cucumber face whitening mask

Take a small cucumber, chop it, pour in 20 g of high-quality vodka. Let it sit for 2 hours. Add a little non-greasy face cream and apply the mixture for a quarter of an hour.

Repeat the procedures every 3 days. A noticeable effect is achieved after 10 sessions.

Hydrogen peroxide bleach

Fast, simple, effective - this is how you can characterize the action of this composition. Pour fresh yeast (25 g) with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Stir thoroughly and lubricate your face. Pre-under the eyes, above upper lip apply fat cream– the composition not only whitens, but also greatly tightens the skin.

Has it been a quarter of an hour? Rinse off the mixture and rub in a gentle cream. Lighten the epidermis in this way no more than once a week. Number of procedures – 10.

Fragrant fairy tale

You will need 100 g of ripe melon. Grind a piece in a blender, place it on your face, cover with gauze. Rest with the crushed melon on your skin for 25 minutes. Be sure to use a light cream after washing.

Pamper your face with this fragrant product three times a week. The skin will become velvety, moisturized, spots will lighten in a couple of weeks

Effective honey-lemon mask

Ingredients: 2 dessert spoons of honey, a tablespoon of lime juice. Mix, treat your face with the mixture, not skipping areas with freckles and dark spots. After 10 minutes, wash your face. Treat your face in the morning every other day for at least a month.

Onion and honey brightening mask

Grate a medium onion and squeeze out the juice. Melt honey in a water bath, pour in an equal amount of onion juice. Has it been a quarter of an hour? It's time to cleanse your face of the onion-honey mixture using a napkin. Wash yourself well.

Treat your skin with this mixture every 3 days. Quantity – 15 procedures.

Whitening masks for dry skin

Most formulations contain emollient components. The effect on the epidermis is much gentler.

Boiled potato mask with egg

Perfectly whitens and softens. Nourishes the skin well.

Boil the potatoes, peel them, take 50 g and mash them. Add 1 mashed raw yolk and a tablespoon of warm milk. Mix thoroughly.

Clean your face, add the potato-egg mixture, and cover with a thick napkin. Wash after a quarter of an hour.

It is enough to pamper your skin with this mixture twice a week. After several procedures you will see the result.

Whitening carrot-oat mask

Grate 50 g of carrots, add the yolk, a teaspoon of fine oatmeal, 3 drops of lemon juice. Stir and cover your face with the thick mixture. Duration - no more than twenty minutes. Repeat every three days until the spots lighten.

Curd and honey brightening mask

Grind 2 tbsp well. l. non-dry cottage cheese, a tablespoon of sour cream, light honey, half a teaspoon of olive oil. Keep the mixture for up to 20 minutes. Be sure to moisturize the epidermis.

Frequency: twice a week. 10 sessions are enough.

For freckles and age spots

Home remedies are just as effective as ready-made formulations. The components of the mixtures lighten pigmented areas well.

You will probably find it useful useful tips:

  • the most effective home remedies contain components that dry out the epidermis. Advice: do not exceed the procedure time;
  • immediately rinse off the bleaching composition, wash well with warm or cold water;
  • Afterwards, a cream with a delicate texture is required;
  • procedures to get rid of age spots and freckles are carried out in the evenings;
  • cream with UV filters is recommended;
  • Treat hyperpigmentation in fall and winter. At this time, melanin production decreases and spots become lighter.

The best masks for hypermigmentation

Try several recipes until you find two or three “yours.” Follow the rules for using lightening mixtures.

Whitening mask-scrub with lemon

Combine olive oil (1 tsp), 2 tbsp. lemon juice. Add 2 tsp. sugar (preferably brown) and light honey. Mix well, massage the face and neck area for three minutes, wash.

Use the method twice a week. A light cream is required. After four or five procedures you will see the result. For problematic skin.

An effective remedy for age spots with tomato and lemon

The recipe is only suitable for young people, healthy skin. The high acid content in both components will be unnecessary for aging, sagging skin.

Mix tomato pulp and two tablespoons of lemon juice. Duration – no more than 10 minutes. You will soon see: after the first procedures, your freckles will become lighter.

Carry out the procedure every week. For the effect, it is enough to treat your face with a tomato-lemon mixture 7-10 times.

Mask with parsley and cucumber for freckles

Grind a medium cucumber in a blender, pour in lemon juice, add pea flour. Duration – 5 minutes. Wash well and moisturize your face.

The recommended number of procedures is 7, frequency is every week. The composition restores the natural tone of the skin and brightens pigmented areas. For oily skin. (Read the page for details about age spots on the body).

Miracle remedy with oatmeal

Grind 2 tbsp. l. cereal, mix in a teaspoon of plain yogurt and olive oil. You will need a little grapefruit juice - only 3 drops. Grind the ingredients until smooth, cover your face and neck with the mixture. Wash after a quarter of an hour.

The composition is quite gentle, suitable for those with dry, aging skin. Carry out the procedure twice a week. You will notice a lasting effect after 5-7 times.

Mask for acne marks

Beat 1 egg white, mix thoroughly with a teaspoon of lime juice, add 2 drops each of rosewood and grapefruit aromatic oils. Apply the lush mass onto the rash marks. Time – up to 20 minutes.

Treat the desired areas twice a week. Repeat the method until the stains disappear.

Brightening mask made from sour cream and horseradish

One of best recipes, quickly eliminating hyperpigmentation. Use the product carefully; horseradish juice irritates the epidermis. Do not violate the dosage, do not overexpose the composition.

The recipe is simple: grind a couple of tablespoons of good sour cream and freshly squeezed horseradish juice into a container. Hold for no more than 7 minutes. Suitable for aging skin.

Treat your face with the mixture every 3 days. The course is up to three weeks.

Are you embarrassed by acne marks? Do you think it's time to get rid of excess pigmentation? Consult a dermatologist and select suitable whitening masks. There are a lot of recipes! You can easily find the most effective remedy. Be persistent and your skin will regain its even, natural tone.

Below is a video from which you can learn useful tips from a cosmetologist on applying whitening masks: