Expecting a baby is an exciting time in the life of every woman. Parents are trying to figure out whether it will be a boy or a girl. The dispute will be resolved by an ultrasound specialist, who will determine the gender of the unborn child during screening. This will happen at 20 weeks of pregnancy, when the differences will already be clearly visible. What else interesting will happen to a woman expecting a child during this period?

Twenty weeks - how many months is that?

The 20th week falls in the fifth month of pregnancy (the obstetric period, which is taken as a basis, is 28 days). Exactly half of the pregnancy period has passed. The tummy is already noticeably rounded, early toxicosis passed. The second trimester is considered the calmest for the expectant mother; usually during this period she feels great and is full of joyful expectations. You now need to visit a doctor for consultation once every two weeks.

Fetal development at 20 weeks

At 20 weeks, the baby is actively growing. He already has the basic organs and systems that are being improved, preparing the child for life outside the mother’s womb.

It is safe to say that the baby hears the voices of its parents. If you stroke his mother's belly, the baby will feel the touch. Parents can talk to the baby, play calm music for him - psychologists believe that all this has a beneficial effect on emotional development babies.

What does the baby look like (size, organs and body parts)?

As for the size of the baby at the 20th week of pregnancy, it reaches 25–27 cm, the fetus weighs about 300 g. These values ​​are determined using fetometry.

Receptors appear in the retina of the child's eyes. The baby hears external sounds and the voices of its parents. The baby moves, makes active movements with the facial muscles, he can wince, open his mouth, squint his eyes. The fetus spends most of its time at rest, but is already able to turn its head and suck a finger.

The skin of the fetus becomes denser. If before this the baby’s skin was almost transparent, now it thickens and acquires a reddish tint. Nails, down on the head and at the location of the eyebrows and eyelashes appear. The skin is covered with a special secretion that protects it. Fat deposition begins under the dermis.

It is at the 20th week of pregnancy that the baby turns upside down. However, he can do this later.

The baby's cardiovascular system is rapidly developing. His heart is listened to not only using an ultrasound machine, but also using an obstetric stethoscope.

The nervous system is also in the stage of active development, the range of movements that the fetus can perform is increasing. Fissures and convolutions form in the brain. The respiratory system is preparing for work. Soon the lungs will begin to make tentative kicks.

Insulin and thyroid hormones are produced. Amniotic fluid enters the intestinal tract, which helps improve the gastrointestinal tract. You can see in the photo what a baby looks like in the womb at 20 weeks of pregnancy.

What will the ultrasound tell you?

For an ultrasound, 20 weeks is the most the right time. During screening, the doctor looks at the following indicators:

  • fetal size (fetometry);
  • his heart rate;
  • anatomy, deviations of organs from the norm;
  • the presence of dangerous uterine tone.

Normal values ​​are presented in the table below. It is these values ​​that the specialist focuses on.

Parameter18-19 weeks19-20 weeks20-21 weeks
BPR (biparietal skull size), mm42-45 45-48,5 48,5-56
LZR (distance from the frontal to the occipital bone of the skull), mm51-55 55-60 60-64
SDHC (diameter of the fetal chest), mm37,5-40 40-43 43-46,5
SDA (abdominal diameter), mm43-45,5 45,5-49 49-52,5
Thigh length, mm23-28 28-33 33-35,3
Placenta, mm24,2-25,1 25,1-25,6 25,6-25,8
Qty amniotic fluid, mm30-70 30-70 30-70

Future parents strive to capture such important event. Many medical centers offer an ultrasound in 3D or 4D projection at the 20th week of pregnancy. If desired, the specialist will record a video on digital media and take pictures of the baby. Dad is often present at the diagnosis and can watch his baby on the computer monitor.

Boy or girl?

The reproductive organs begin to form in the sixth week. The ultrasound doctor will be able to examine them and accurately determine the gender already at the twentieth day. This is exactly the moment that parents are waiting for, because the time has come to prepare for the birth of a boy or girl.

Sometimes babies hide, in which case sex determination will have to wait until the third scheduled ultrasound. However, even on this long term a doctor may mistake a boy for a girl, this also happens.

Movements: frequency, duration, intensity

Those who are preparing to become a mother for the first time may feel the first timid movements at the 20th week of pregnancy. In fact, the baby was moving before, but now it becomes cramped in the mother’s womb. Some women feel as if butterflies are fluttering or fish are swimming in their stomachs when they move; others claim that this sensation is similar to a tic.

If the baby doesn’t like something, he will let his mother know about it with active movements. In this case, you should change your body position, stroke your belly, then the baby will calm down. If this does not help, you need to urgently visit your doctor, because excessive activity signals a lack of oxygen. The complete absence of movements should also alert the mother - a frozen pregnancy is possible.

There is no specific norm for how much a baby should move at this stage. Later, you will need to count the number of movements during the day and note them in a special diary.

What are the possible problems with the baby?

On an ultrasound scan of the fetus at 20 weeks, the doctor will be able to determine developmental abnormalities. Violations are possible from the following authorities:

  • brain (structure of the bones of the skull, hemispheres);
  • spine (spina bifida);
  • face (cleft lip and palate);
  • heart (developmental defects);
  • kidneys (dilated pelvis);
  • Gastrointestinal tract (absence of esophagus).

Based on indirect signs, Down syndrome and cystic fibrosis can be suspected. Tumors and hemangiomas will be noticeable. In case of severe pathologies of the fetus that are incompatible with life, the woman will be offered to terminate the pregnancy.

A qualified doctor must decipher the screening results. It should be remembered that ultrasound is a subjective research method, and another specialist may not confirm the diagnosis. Before making a final decision, you need to visit at least two more doctors.

Mom's feelings and condition

The 20th week of pregnancy will be marked by a calm state. Unpleasant sensations rarely occur; toxicosis is left behind.

The expectant mother may be worried about her belly, which is rapidly increasing in size, and her growing weight. It is difficult for her to choose clothes and take a comfortable position for relaxation. In general, week 20 brings many new joyful sensations that excite even experienced mothers.

What does a woman look like?

A woman may become a little clumsy because the center of gravity of the spine has shifted. If your abdomen is growing rapidly, you should consider wearing a prenatal bandage, which will make movement easier.

The skin on the abdomen stretches, which often causes scars or stretch marks. Prevention of their occurrence should begin in the first months of pregnancy. To do this, use creams for stretch marks, sold in pharmacies. Regularly moisturizing the skin on your abdomen will help prevent scarring or reduce its intensity.

Weight at twenty weeks should increase by no more than 3–5 kg from the beginning of pregnancy. There is no need to allow a large increase, because this will negatively affect your well-being.

Nausea, heartburn and other “joys”

A pregnant woman at the twentieth week of pregnancy may be bothered by the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • itching of the skin, it often occurs due to excessive stretching of the dermis;
  • varicose veins, it is associated with the pressure of the uterus on the vessels;
  • heartburn, constipation, flatulence due to compression of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • calf cramps.

The uterus grows intensively, it puts pressure on neighboring organs, as a result of which many disorders appear. A woman feels short of breath due to pressure on the diaphragm, bladder unable to defecate normally.

You may notice swelling of the limbs, which often occurs in the morning. This is not a good sign, which must be reported to the gynecologist.

Discharge from the vagina and mammary glands: norm and pathology

Watery discharge at 20 weeks of pregnancy indicates leakage of amniotic fluid. The presence of blood, pus in the mucus, curdled discharge, or itching should be a reason for an urgent visit to a specialist.

There may not be any discharge from the breast large number Colostrum is light yellow in color. This substance is a precursor to real milk. Discharge occurs more often in women who have given birth and who already have experience breastfeeding.

What examinations are prescribed for a woman?

A pregnant woman visits her local gynecologist twice a month. Before the appointment, she donates urine to general analysis. Based on its results, the doctor will be able to determine the presence of infection in the genitourinary tract, evaluate kidney function and prevent the development of diabetes mellitus pregnant women. At 20 weeks of pregnancy, the doctor will measure the size of the pelvis, abdominal circumference and height of the uterine fundus.

Threat of miscarriage: symptoms and treatment

The following dangerous symptoms should not be ignored:

  • the discharge has become red, brown or brown;
  • bleeding began;
  • nagging pain appeared in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • the tone of the uterus has increased;
  • Amniotic fluid leaks.

Having discovered them, you need to visit a gynecologist as soon as possible. You can call ambulance, then the woman will be admitted to the hospital. The doctor will prescribe symptomatic treatment to eliminate the cause of a threatened miscarriage:

  • Utrozhestan, Duphaston for progesterone deficiency (we recommend reading: how long should you take Utrozhestan during pregnancy?);
  • Papaverine, No-Shpa for hypertonicity;
  • infusions of motherwort, valerian for emotional instability;
  • Magne B6, Magnelis to maintain the effect of treatment (for more details, see the article: Magne B6 or Magnelis B6: which is better to take during pregnancy?).

How to behave as a pregnant woman at 20 weeks?

Many complications can be prevented by leading a healthy lifestyle and following the advice of your doctor. You need to pay attention to your diet, work and rest schedule, physical activity, emotional state. Don't overload yourself with work and taking care of the household. Pregnancy is a time when a woman needs rest and peace more than ever.

Nutrition for the expectant mother

Nutrition at all stages of pregnancy should be balanced and contain all the necessary vitamins and microelements. You should choose healthy foods - fruits, vegetables, lean meat, dairy products, eggs, cereals. You should avoid fast food, fatty, salty, smoked and fried foods. They can cause heartburn, stomach pain, and flatulence. If swelling is present, salt intake should be limited.

Preference should be given to boiled, steamed, baked dishes. They do not burden the digestive tract and are easily digested. If you suffer from constipation, you should eat more fiber ( fresh fruit and vegetables), then you will not have to resort to drug treatment.

You should eat 5-6 times a day in small portions, and do not forget to drink clean water in sufficient quantities. At this time, you need to restrain your appetite - right now there is a high risk of rapid weight gain. After giving birth, it will be difficult to get rid of these kilograms due to hormonal imbalance.

Sometimes even familiar foods provoke allergic reactions in expectant mothers. You need to remember this and use exotic fruits, citrus fruits, confectionery, nuts, honey and other allergens. If hives occur, you should identify the negative product and no longer use it.


A pregnant woman's lifestyle should be measured, she needs to fully rest, and be in the fresh air. If you feel tired, you can lie down and rest. This is exactly the time when the expectant mother gains strength before sleepless nights with a newborn baby. You can devote time to your favorite hobby, watching a TV series.

However, we should not forget about moderate physical activity For example, you can start going to special classes for pregnant women. Nowadays, yoga, water aerobics and dancing are very popular for expectant mothers to prepare for childbirth.

ABOUT bad habits– smoking, drinking alcohol – out of the question. This will not only have a detrimental effect on the baby’s health, but can cause a miscarriage.

Intimate life

Intimate life at 20 weeks of pregnancy is prohibited only for those women who are at risk of miscarriage. Everyone else can and should have sex with their spouse. This will not only give the expectant mother positive emotions, but will also have a beneficial effect on her well-being.

Read in this article:

Pregnancy is a wonderful and unforgettable time in the life of every woman. The normal duration of pregnancy is 40 weeks. The 20th week of pregnancy is a kind of milestone, which means that half the journey is already over. Most women note that this period is the most comfortable for them. The emotional background is returning to normal, the toxicosis of the first months is behind us, the tummy has not yet grown much and does not present much inconvenience. At week 20, expectant mothers begin to feel the first movements of their baby.

What happens to the baby at 20 weeks of pregnancy

The baby is growing and developing. It is already fully formed. All body systems and internal organs are improving. Respiratory, digestive, nervous system and the hematopoietic system are fully functioning. Meconium (original feces) begins to form in the intestines. The baby's heartbeat can be clearly heard on an ultrasound. The limbs have acquired their final shape. Marigolds appeared on the fingers and toes. The first hairline forms on the head. The weight of the fetus is about 350 g and its height is approximately 24 cm.

This week the baby's blink reflex develops. The facial expressions of a small face become more pronounced. On an ultrasound you can see how he closes his eyes, smiles and frowns. The baby begins to move from the bright light. This happens because photoreceptors begin to appear on the retina of his eyes.
The baby begins to hear the sounds that surround him. Specialists in early development They advise future parents to start communicating with him, sing children's songs, read poems and fairy tales. Also good effect will produce calm and beautiful music.

At week 20, the baby's skin becomes denser. The sebaceous glands begin to work on producing vernix lubrication. This lubricant protects the baby from the liquid environment in which it is located in the mother's stomach. During childbirth, vernix lubrication will facilitate its passage through the birth canal.

What does a woman feel at 20 weeks of pregnancy?

The 20th week of pregnancy is a time of discovering new sensations. The fetus is already quite old, there is not enough space in the uterine cavity, and the expectant mother begins to feel the first movements of her baby. If this is the second or third pregnancy, the woman feels the baby moving a little earlier. The baby responds to the touch of the mother’s hands on the stomach, pushes against the walls of the uterus, and moves its legs and arms. His movements are becoming more noticeable every day.

A pregnant woman should be very careful about this phenomenon. If the child pushes too actively or, conversely, does not make itself felt for a long time, you should immediately contact an obstetrician-gynecologist. Active fetal behavior indicates a lack of oxygen. In this case, the woman is admitted to the hospital and prescribed a course of therapy to saturate the blood with oxygen. This must be taken very seriously, as a lack of oxygen can negatively affect the development and health of the unborn child. A baby's lack of activity is much more serious. It is better to call an ambulance and immediately go to the maternity hospital. This indicator is the first sign of intrauterine fetal death. If a woman begins to feel the baby's movements, she should continue to feel them throughout the rest of the pregnancy.

If the obstetrician-gynecologist confirms the diagnosis of intrauterine death of the child, the woman is admitted to the hospital and the fetus is removed. This operation is performed on the day of admission or the next day to avoid inflammation in the pelvic organs. After this, the woman is prescribed a course of restorative therapy and tests to identify the cause of fetal death. Obstetricians and gynecologists recommend abstaining from subsequent pregnancy for at least a year.

The growing belly is already clearly visible to others. If you look at photos of bellies, you can see that by the twentieth week of pregnancy they are already quite large and round. Belly bellies are more noticeable in thin women. Under the pressure of the increasing size of the uterus, the woman’s internal organs are compressed towards the spine. Therefore, during this period, the expectant mother may notice such unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy as shortness of breath and heartburn. There is no need to be afraid of this. All symptoms will go away immediately after birth.

At the 20th week of pregnancy, women often complain of pain in the back and lower back. Painful sensations are felt due to the fact that the tummy is growing, the weight is increasing and the center of gravity is shifting. If you complain of such pain, obstetricians-gynecologists advise doing special exercises and wearing a bandage. Of course, these unpleasant sensations will not go away completely, but it will become much easier.
Over the entire period of pregnancy, a woman should normally gain about 15 kg. By the 20th week of pregnancy, weight gain should be an average of 5 kg. When measuring this indicator, obstetricians-gynecologists take into account the woman’s texture. If she is thin, then a little more weight gain is allowed. Expectant mothers need to ensure that their weight gain during the week does not exceed 500 g. Excessive weight can complicate the course of labor.

Due to increasing weight, the expectant mother may experience leg cramps. Sometimes they can be quite painful. You should give preference to comfortable shoes and completely avoid wearing heels. Give your legs rest more often. Ideally, your feet should be placed slightly higher than your head. The blood will drain from the limbs, and it will become easier.
Pregnant women need to be very careful about pain in the abdominal area. Even if mild pain occurs, you should contact an obstetrician-gynecologist. At 20 weeks of pregnancy, uterine tone is often observed. This is very dangerous, since prolonged uterine tone can lead to tragic consequences. If birth occurs at 20 weeks, the baby will not survive. Therefore, at the first signs of uterine tone, it is necessary to consult a doctor. If the obstetrician-gynecologist confirms the diagnosis, the woman will be sent to a specialized department of the maternity hospital. There she will be prescribed a course of therapy aimed at relieving the tone of the uterus.

If, along with pain, a woman notices bloody discharge from the vagina, she should immediately call an ambulance. In this case, the help of an obstetrician-gynecologist is needed as early as possible. Bloody discharge from the vagina may indicate placental abruption. If vaginal discharge is not accompanied by pain, it is most likely cervical erosion. This is not considered an indication for emergency hospitalization, but you should consult your obstetrician-gynecologist. Yellow or green discharge indicates the presence of an infection or inflammatory process. This may be accompanied by itching and burning in the vagina. To identify the cause and undergo a course of treatment that is safe for the child, you should consult a doctor. Douching or any other kind of self-medication is strictly prohibited. All this can negatively affect the health of both the expectant mother and her baby.

An ultrasound at 20 weeks of pregnancy can reveal the sex of the baby.

Nutrition of a pregnant woman at 20 weeks of pregnancy

Nutrition at the twentieth week remains the same as during the rest of the pregnancy period. It must be correct and balanced. Preference should be given to vegetables, fruits, grains, dairy products, low-fat fish, meat and poultry. It's better to steam everything. You should avoid fatty and fried foods. For drinks, preference should be given to still water, juices, fruit drinks, compotes, and weak teas. Alcohol and energy drinks strictly prohibited. At this stage of pregnancy, your doctor may prescribe an additional multivitamin. The baby is growing and needs more and more nutrients.

Medical supervision of a pregnant woman

In the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman had to go to an obstetrician-gynecologist every month. After the twentieth week, visits to the doctor will become more frequent. Normally, you need to visit an obstetrician-gynecologist after the 20th week of pregnancy 2 times a month. At this time, the doctor will prescribe all the necessary tests and ultrasound of the fetus.

Conclusion and wishes to expectant mothers

In general, the 20th week of pregnancy is a wonderful time for a woman. Toxicosis of the first months is over, the tummy does not interfere and allows you to enjoy familiar things, the emotional background has almost stabilized. So that nothing overshadows this idyll, to the expectant mother You should be very careful and responsible about your health. She must remember that the life and health of her baby at this stage of his development depends entirely on her. Do not neglect the advice of obstetricians and gynecologists. Some mothers want to quickly find out what gender of baby they are carrying. An ultrasound at 20 weeks of pregnancy can answer this question.

Should be maintained healthy image life, eat right and spend more time in the fresh air. You can meet other pregnant women or find and read interesting forums about pregnancy. You can chat on them, look at photos of bellies and discuss exciting questions. Pregnancy is an amazing and wonderful period in the life of any woman. You should enjoy every day, so that later you can remember with pleasure and tell your baby about how his mother was waiting for him. We wish health to all pregnant women and their babies. And most importantly - an easy birth for everyone!