Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated everywhere - at home, at work, in schools and even kindergartens. For every generation of men, this holiday has a special meaning and all women, realizing this, rush to congratulate their loved ones, friends and colleagues. In order to celebrate this holiday in a cheerful home environment or, conversely, in a formal work environment, there are many scenarios.

“Best Defender” scenario for a friendly company or corporate party

It is better to decorate the hall for the holiday in a militaristic style. You can make humorous collages from photographs of men, which they will look at with interest.

The celebration begins with congratulations to all men. To do this, you can read a few poems, sing a song adapted especially for this occasion, or simply say a few pleasant words from yourself. Ideally, each men present needs to be mentioned separately in congratulations. After the men heard nice words, you can invite them to a feast. It’s better if it’s a hearty and rich table; you shouldn’t limit yourself to fruit or a buffet table. After the festive feast is over, you can begin the competitions.

Army cuisine

The host of the holiday puts two knives and unpeeled potatoes on the table, after which he calls two people. Everyone immediately understands that they will need to peel the potatoes. But when brave men have been found for the competition, they are asked not to peel the potatoes, but to name the dishes made from them one by one. The one who names the dish last wins. The winner receives a star.

Musical cocktail

Competition for the most singing and musically erudite men. There should be two teams of 3-5 people. Each team must take turns singing a chorus of songs about the war, army or soldiers. Whichever team remembers the most songs wins. Each member of the winning team receives a star.

Gather your will into a fist

The presenter announces to all the men that now they will have to gather all their will into a fist. After that, A4 size sheets with the word “WILL” printed on them are brought out. The task of the men is to, at the signal from the leader, collect the sheet completely into a fist using only one left hand. The first person to complete the task wins and receives a star.

Well-deserved award

The facilitator asks the men to divide into teams of several people. Each team is given a round piece of paper, markers and paper. In 5 minutes you need to draw an order on paper and attach it to one of the team members on the chest. You definitely need to play this up in a humorous way, the order can be received “For courage in dealing with dissatisfied customers”, “For a battle with faulty equipment”, “For courage in devouring yesterday’s pies at a buffet”, etc. Members of the most creative and funniest team receive a star.

Best toast

At the beginning of the evening, each man is given cards on which three unrelated words are written, for example, “wind, paper clips, asphalt,” “box, skyscraper, spiral,” “liquid, computer, dress,” and so on. Throughout the evening, the host should ask each of the men to say a toast in which the given words would be logically used. Each man who completes the task receives a star.

At the end of the holiday, each man can choose a gift for himself, exchanging it for one or more stars. It is advisable to choose gifts on a military theme - military-style hiking flasks, bathhouse caps with military symbols, slippers in the shape of tanks, etc.

Scenario “Ata-Bata soldiers marched” for a holiday at school

The assembly hall or classroom should be festively decorated using balloons and military pictures.

Host: Hello, dear guests and, of course, heroes of the occasion - our boys, future warriors and defenders. We sincerely congratulate you on the most courageous holiday of the year!

Host: The heroes of any army are soldiers. They have always been famous for their special ingenuity, strength and courage. We are confident that our boys will become just such people. In the meantime, we will check what you are capable of now, and we will conduct a competitive game program “Aty-baty soldiers marched.” I invite the participants of the four teams to come out.

Students must independently divide themselves into equal teams in advance, come up with a name, motto and emblem. It is better if the names have an army focus (special forces, border guards, etc.).

Each team comes out and introduces itself.

Host: So we saw our brave soldiers. Representatives of the General Staff will evaluate their efforts:

General -...

Admiral - ...

School Defense Minister - ...

Teachers, parents, and administration act as the jury.

Host: Well, now we can start the competitions. For each correct answer you receive a medal.

Competition "Porridge from an ax"

There are 4 cards laid out on the table, the captain of each team takes one, after which he reads it and instructs his team to “follow”.

Task 1 – Each participant must name the name of an edible mushroom

Task 2 – Each participant must name one meat dish

Task 3 – Each participant must name one ingredient of pickle sauce

Task 4 – Each participant must name one green fruit or vegetable

Competition "Military Aviation"

Each team receives a piece of paper from which they must make an airplane and fly it to the audience. The person who catches the airplane raises it to the top and receives a card with a question from the presenter. When all the planes have been caught, the spectator reads the question to the team from which he received the plane.

Questions could be:

  • Which animal best helper border guard?
  • How many stars does the general have on his uniform?
  • How are border troops different from the navy?
  • Where are the soldiers stationed?

The competition evaluates the flight range of the airplane and the correct answer to the question.

Competition "Secret Cipher"

Each team receives a small crossword or puzzle on a military or army theme, which they must solve correctly.

Competition "Musical Fight"

The competition is an analogue of the “Guess the Melody” game, only with a military theme. In turn, each team plays instrumental backing tracks of war songs and the participants must guess what kind of song it is and sing a fragment of it. If a team does not know what song it is playing, the turn is passed to the next team and so on in a circle.

Songs can be the following:

  • "Three Tankers"
  • “The tanks were rumbling on the field”
  • "Katyusha"
  • "Blue handkerchief"
  • "Dark Night"
  • "Darkie"
  • "Victory Day"
  • "A soldier is walking through the city"

Host: Our competitions are over. Now a strict jury will sum up the results and you will receive well-deserved gifts.

“Dad can do anything” scenario for a home celebration

A few days before the holiday, you need to prepare a poster or collage of photographs depicting dad in various situations. For example, a photo of him driving a car and the caption “The best driver in the world,” or a photo from a hike with the caption “The best tourist,” and so on.

After dad wakes up, present him with your gifts and a prepared poster, read a poem or simply congratulate him in your own words. You can also remake his favorite song and sing it as a greeting.

Mom should prepare a holiday breakfast in advance and present a list of dishes from which dad can choose a few favorites for the evening feast. It will be prepared by the mother with the help of the children. And you can present dad with a TV remote control and his favorite magazine on his pillow. Also, while waiting for the feast, you can invite dad to watch his favorite movie, recorded in advance.

When festive table will be prepared, you can meet guests - dad's friends who were invited in advance. Dad will undoubtedly be happy with such a surprise. After the festive dinner, you can offer to play dad’s favorite games - dominoes or cards. Then you can leave dad alone with his friends so that they can have a heart-to-heart talk and remember interesting situations from life.

Below you can interesting video How to celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day.

It doesn't happen. However, there are no conditions! And if you - activists and not so much - are bored out of your mind with parties to “Sovetskoye”, then that will be the case. But which one is up to you to decide, but we are at the same time. Which means 11 great ideas on the topic “February 23 in the office” in our current review. Let's go.

Idea No. 1. It all starts with... details.

So, workers in the early morning of February 23 should definitely not pretend that a holiday is ahead and calmly work until the corporate hour N. After all, whatever one may say, attention is pleasant for everyone, and even men can appreciate it. Therefore, it is better for colleagues to express themselves clearly and openly. Regardless of the size of the office, it - the office - can be easily and cheerfully transformed by turning on imagination, patience, and work. For example, place a miniature military-style flag on each character’s table with a funny wish for the day.

Idea No. 2. Feed!

Do-it-yourself gifts for colleagues on February 23rd - why not a surprise? Of course, you can sculpt airplanes from plasticine, but it’s better to cook first. Sweet, salty, sour and spicy surprises will definitely please everyone without exception and will inspire you to have a productive day. If you really think that you can’t come up with anything more banal, no question - surprise with an interesting solution to standard “pies”. Let there be “brutal” camping kits consisting of boiled sausage, a piece of black bread and whatever else you can think of.

Idea No. 3. What is there... Style doesn't hurt.

It is, admittedly, very difficult to maintain the holiday spirit. Especially in the workplace when things are busy. We don’t encourage you to put on a smile if you don’t want to, but to maintain the general style - yes! The women's coalition can easily come up with a theme for the holiday, not necessarily tied to the military, and choose appropriate outfits. It could be “pirate February 23rd”, “Russian style”, “cowboy” or any other! Choose with confidence.

Idea No. 4. Contests, goodbye!

Admit it, these endless competitions have already sunk into oblivion. Tired of it. Bored. But the pressing question is: what would we do without them? Very simple. Without them! Play mafia with your whole friendly team, take out the “Manager” donated to strengthen the corporate spirit, and compete in a race. There are many options, the main thing is participation.

Idea No. 5. Creative.

So, it’s already February 23, but how to congratulate your colleagues - there are no options? Panic aside. There is a great way to surprise and at the same time make you laugh strong half. All you need is a printer, internet and a graphics program. And then you look for any subject-themed photograph on the Internet, carefully search office photos colleagues from a corporate party and, through simple manipulations, transfer the men’s faces to the selected collage. Print and hang in your office.

Idea No. 6. Gift!

In fact, whatever you have in mind will be pleasant. But it will be no less pleasant for your fellow defenders to receive a stylish gift. It’s better, of course, if you choose an individual surprise for everyone and thereby emphasize how special your colleague is. It could be a butterfly self made, a movie invitation, a stylish money clip and much, much more.

Idea No. 7. Game to lose!

There is no secret that February 23 is Defender's Day! This means that it’s time for male colleagues to prove their ability to protect and save their best female colleagues! Without thinking twice, go to the paintball site, remembering to book it first. It will definitely be fun!

Idea No. 9. Yes, yes, a photo shoot!

Men, fortunately, don’t particularly like to be photographed, and no matter how hard you try, you won’t find a portfolio. A military style photo shoot will be the perfect exception and will allow your colleagues to transform themselves and feel like true heroes! Don’t forget to think in advance about where to get costumes (for example, you can rent them), and during the photo shoot, organize a small buffet for a better mood.

Idea No. 10. With your own hands? Easily!

Typically, master classes are attended by women. But! Rest assured, your male colleagues will be no less interested in learning something new. This could be a joint master class in the office on mixing cocktails or, for example, dancing! In any case, such a pastime will unite and strengthen the team spirit of your team.

Idea No. 11. Classic.

Just because your team doesn't like surprises doesn't mean you shouldn't try. But overdoing it is also not an option! Therefore, you can simply arrange a soulful evening in your favorite cafe or restaurant and celebrate February 23 in the cozy company of your favorite colleagues over a pleasant conversation.

Thus, February 23 in the office can be no less fun holiday than any other. The main thing is your desire to do something nice and remember that men love to have fun!

Women have their own legal holiday - March 8, which for many years has been a red day of the calendar and a non-working day. Men were deprived of such a day off, but since 2002, our most masculine day of the year has also become a non-working day. No more holiday inequality!

Our most masculine holiday, of course, is February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. On this day, women congratulate their loved ones - loved ones, dear and only ones: husbands, fathers, brothers and sons. Each family has its own celebration scenario, but there are also some traditions common to all.

Gifts for February 23

First of all, this gifts for men on February 23 . They can be very different - from a warm knitted scarf to a fishing set. The gift should be selected taking into account the taste preferences of the person to whom it is intended. You can give it to your grandfather warm sweater or a case for glasses. For my husband - an original cigarette case, leather gloves or a book by his favorite author. For my teenage son, the future defender of the Motherland, a wonderful gift will be a construction set, a new player with many functions, or a computer “shooter” that he has dreamed of for so long!

In general, it so happened that women, as a rule, do not do expensive gifts for men. It is believed that it is the lot of the stronger sex to spend a lot of money on gifts. That’s why our men usually don’t expect anything grandiose. But the point is not the price of the gift, but the so that he is pleasant to the person.

A man with a sweet tooth will also be delighted with a cake prepared especially for him by his mother or wife. A car enthusiast will be delighted when on the morning of February 23 he finds his car, which has not been washed for a long time, sparkling clean both inside and out. Do you see how many opportunities there are to do? nice gift to the man I love ? And it is not at all necessary to have a plastic card with five-digit amounts.

On the eve of the celebration, children love to make crafts for February 23, which they can then happily give to their grandfather, father or older brother. These include products made from salt dough and postcards. self-made, and embroidered napkins with holiday symbols. Mothers and grandmothers must definitely participate in the process, helping, sometimes with advice, and sometimes with action.

How to celebrate February 23

The room in which the celebration will be celebrated can be decorated, for example, with ribbons, balloons and posters with congratulatory inscriptions. Children also enjoy participating in the creation of a festive interior, drawing pictures on a military theme or making appliqués. Because February 23 is Defender of the Fatherland Day, can be issued party room in khaki or camouflage. This is, of course, an option for a creative family.

You can search the Internet for funny ditties and poems for February 23 to perform them at home during the holiday. If children are growing up in the family, folklore with too frivolous content should be avoided. It’s better to learn a song dedicated to dad or grandfather with your child - everyone will be pleased and joyful.

On this day, any creativity is welcomed - singing, reciting poetry, always on a military theme, since it is Defender of the Motherland Day. Any dishes prepared simply, “soldier-style” can be on the table. If the family is large, then some kind of competition or any competition that is acceptable on an apartment scale will be a very good way to spend time. All family members must participate in the event.

You can also arrange military style party : the same khaki and camouflage design, military paraphernalia, aluminum “soldier’s” dishes, porridge with stew for hot dishes and military competitions. For example, competition "Best Nurse" : two pairs participate. One in a pair is the “wounded”, and the second is the “orderly”. Give the orderlies a roll of bandage or toilet paper. The orderly’s task is to “bandage” the wounded man as quickly as possible, using up all the bandage or all the paper.

Can be carried out quick army dress-up competition . Remember, probably, that a real soldier must have time to get dressed before the match burns out. You will need loose clothing (it will be worn over your own clothes) - a shirt, pants, a hat, preferably something in a military style. One “but”: clothes must be worn inside out. And be sure to fasten it completely. Who's faster?

Any games will do, even for children. If only it was fun. Can be carried out game "minefield" . Scatter, for example, tennis balls on the floor in a chaotic manner. The participant is blindfolded and sent on his way across the room. If you step on a mine, it means you lost. Or you can count the number of mines you come across - whoever has the fewest wins. You can joke about the last participant: when his eyes are already blindfolded, you need to quickly remove all the “mines” - it will be very funny to watch how the “soldier” walks along a safe field, afraid of running into a mine that is not there.

In families where there are front-line soldiers, the elders’ memories of the military actions that took place in the 40s and the difficult post-war times of the past era will be very appropriate. You can get a family one and look through it, remembering all those who gave their lives on the battlefield for the well-being of their descendants.

The final stage of the military and just family feast in honor of February 23, to the delight of the children, will be rockets launched from the balcony into the night sky.

The topic that makes women quite worried at the very end of winter is, of course, not the upcoming sales, nor the renewal spring wardrobe, and Defender of the Fatherland Day, the Great Men's Holiday, is February 23. Two main questions that beautiful ladies need to find an answer to: What to give and How to celebrate February 23?

Let's start with the second question. Let's celebrate the men's holiday brightly, unusually and in such a way that it will be remembered for a long time!

Option number 1. Celebrate February 23rd mentally

Suitable for: friendly married couples, and families in general where traditions are respected. If you are rushing across the city to congratulate your dad or grandfather, if you are trying to please your beloved husband, if you like to spend time with the whole family, then this option on February 23 is for you:

  • Of course, the traditional format of the holiday is home. A cleaned house, a set table, gifts and congratulations are traditional elements, without which, however, there will be no holiday!
  • It is within the power of every housewife to add some variety to the traditional scenario. Congratulate the men of the family in advance on a huge sheet of Whatman paper. Let it be poems, pleasant words, and maybe even pictures or photographs from a family album? Involve children and younger relatives in this matter. In the morning, quietly, so as not to wake up the men, attach this “wall newspaper” to the wall. Believe me, there is no representative of the stronger sex who would remain indifferent to such a manifestation of feelings!
  • Add variety to the traditional set of dishes. Order a themed cake. For example, in the form of a tank or a soldier’s helmet. And if one of the men at home is related to the Armed Forces, then you can choose the symbolism of the desired branches of the military.
  • Bring your husband breakfast in bed. Let a gift or a card with congratulations flaunt on the tray.
  • You are cheerful and friendly family? Then arrange the “Gift Hunt” quest. Let the male half of the family bravely find their gifts, using the tips you have compiled in advance. And let the very first hint be in greeting card, which is on the breakfast tray!

Option number 2. Extravagant February 23

Suitable for: young couples, as well as those who value thrills. Do you like to test yourself and fate? Do you like everything unusual? Please choose! This is how spicy food lovers can celebrate February 23:

  1. Celebrate the holiday with an adventure together. This can be a gift at the same time. Purchase a certificate in advance for a parachute jump for two, or for an airplane flight. On February 23, without saying anything to your companion, smiling mysteriously, call a taxi and go to the place of adventure.
  2. Organize an outing with friends or as a couple. Yes, it’s winter and cold, but how nice it is to ski in such weather, play snow paintball or go through some exciting quest. Don't know which side to take on? No problem, contact any event agency. They will help you organize any event for any number of people. A non-trivial way to celebrate the holiday.
  3. Come up with a scenario for your day that includes something you've never done before. Foods you haven't tried, places you haven't been, events that have never happened to you. You will be surprised how many of these things there are, and how great your day will be!

Option number 3. Gentle holiday

Suitable for: Lovers of all ages. Yes, February 23 is a holiday for real men, but how does this fact interfere with love and romance?

  • Go for a walk during the day. Go to the theater or concert. Yes, even to the stadium or to a lecture on popular mechanics. The main thing is to be together.
  • Surprise your loved one. Do something unusual. For example, book a city tour for two. Or a tour of local coffee shops. You don’t have to travel far away to have an unforgettable time.
  • An interesting option would be an ordered photo session. For example, in nature, or in historical surroundings and costumes. A fun time and great memories are guaranteed.
  • Book a table at a restaurant and spend romantic evening together. Or serve up a homemade dinner at home. And then give your loved one a hot striptease - let him remember this holiday for a long time!

Option number 4. Budget

There are different situations in life. But current problems are not a reason to give up the holiday. How can you celebrate February 23rd with minimal expense, but pleasantly?

How to arrange a memorable holiday for your loved one so that both the impressions remain pleasant and the surprise is pleasant?

Dedicated to those who desire diversity, in whom the fire of creativity and imagination has not died out! Ideas on how to arrange a surprise for your loved one on February 23rd.

How to arrange an unexpected surprise?

How often do you hear that a girl or wife does not share the interests of her loved one? Indeed, it is strange to demand from a woman that she should feel joy at the thought that her man sits for several hours on a dirty and wet shore, trying to catch an unfortunate fish with a fishing rod. Or expect that she will be indescribably delighted at the sight of her husband enthusiastically yelling something inarticulate in front of the TV, surrounded by beer and fish skeletons.

  • Surprise him by organizing his favorite leisure time. If a man is a fan of the sauna, book for a few hours good sauna, stock up on herbal teas, honey and towels. Spend some truly hot hours together. Give a die-hard football fan a visit to a game of your favorite team or a visit to a good sports bar. Try to read at least something about the playing teams in advance, and you will be surprised by your unexpected knowledge of the subject.
  • The second option for an unexpected surprise is organize his leisure time with a friendly male company. Let him go play paintball with them, skate at a skating rink, fish on an organized fishing trip... But imagine how happy your loved one will be with such a gift, and with what pride he will listen friendly congratulations with such a wonderful woman.
  • Another option - create an experience that he has never experienced before. For example, a visit to the spa for two or a Thai massage, a firing range or dinner in the dark. Or maybe rent a tram and ride around the winter city together?

How to arrange a romantic surprise for your loved one?

Romance and passion never end. Let February 23rd be no exception, make a romantic surprise for your loved one:

  1. Romantic dinner by candlelight? It's corny! It's much more interesting to arrange the whole romantic show in style Japanese geisha . After all, it's men's day! Meet him from work in full dress, take him to the bathroom, where everything is already prepared, help your loved one take a bath (only a bath!). Then lead to the dining room, where a delicious dinner is served. Blindfold him and feed him with your own hands. Then lead to the bedroom... And there according to the circumstances. Believe me, your lover will remember such a surprise for a very long time!
  2. Want something even hotter? Then go with your loved one not just somewhere, but to the strip club. New impressions and a passionate night are guaranteed!
  3. It could be a good surprise visiting the cinema, unless, of course, you buy not regular tickets, but tickets to the VIP hall. You will be completely alone; you can order drinks and light snacks into the lounge. This is exactly the case when you find yourself “alone in a crowd.” A very unusual feeling!

How to arrange an impressive home surprise on February 23?

Let's assume that you decide to stay at home, and having family and children does not allow you to fulfill your passionate fantasies. What should I do? Do you really have to give up the idea of ​​pleasing your loved one? Of course not! Take these into service surprise ideas for February 23:

  • Morning breakfast can be pleasant surprise, if you get up early and decorate the room with pre-prepared congratulations and cards. Serve a delicious breakfast and bring it into the room on a tray, wake up your loved one with a kiss, and let the first thing he sees on this holiday be a beautifully decorated room, his beloved woman and carefully prepared goodies.
  • Stretch a rope with flags around the room. Hide clues inside several that will help you find the gift. Let your loved one play this quest!
  • Order a personalized magazine with his photo on the cover as a gift, and in the morning put it in your mailbox, or stick it in your pen. front door. Under some pretext, ask him to leave the house and let him find this magazine. The surprise will be excellent!
  • Order a personalized cake and flowers delivered to your home. Flowers can be replaced balloons. Arrange for delivery by a specific time. You can also send a gift using the same courier mail. It will be interesting and unusual!
  • An option for such a surprise congratulation could be a telegram sent to your husband from you or a registered letter written and sent in advance with an agreed delivery date. In the letter, write your congratulations and kind words, dedicated to him - his protector.

Any event prepared and organized in advance can be a pleasant and unexpected surprise for your loved one. Focus on its taste and use your imagination, and then February 23 will become a truly unforgettable holiday!