Why can't you give...

    From the point of view of gift magic, the most valuable gifts are those that are received first-hand. If you decide to give someone something that is not useful to you, all the gift magic immediately disappears. And if you bought a gift, but suddenly changed your mind about going to the birthday party and put the item aside until better times, then it will certainly die spiritually or will soon disappear, “climbing” into the most incredible place in your house. After all, gifts are only good at the right time.

    Why can't you give knives? The belief has survived to this day that cutting and stabbing objects - knives, scissors, needles - are never given as gifts. Some people are afraid to accept gifts of not only anything cutting and piercing, but also manicure sets, stud earrings and even brooches. Why? - These items are believed to bring bad luck to the house. And in Latin America giving a knife means a desire to break off any relationship with a person. In European countries, receiving a “cutting” gift is also considered a bad sign. On the other hand, in the Caucasus, for example, it is quite customary to give edged weapons, especially richly decorated ones. It must be said that in recent years In Russia, the idea of ​​gifts associated with edged weapons is generally spreading. For example, Japanese katana swords have become very popular gifts for men, and this does not particularly bother anyone.

    In Russia, Greece and other countries where Orthodoxy is practiced, handkerchiefs are not given as gifts. It is believed that other people's tears associated with imminent separation from loved ones pass with them from the donor to the recipient. However, if the scarf is still a gift, then you need to give a symbolic ransom for it - then the sign will not work.

    Many women in Russia believe that you should never give socks to your husband (and “your” man in general). This is a bad omen, because by wearing the socks as a gift, the husband may leave home for good. For the same reason, some wives incite mothers-in-law to give socks to their son (if they believe that he is under the strong influence of his mother).

    Giving pearls is also a bad omen. The ancient Greeks believed that pearls were the tears of sea nymphs. Later, the legend received a Christian interpretation, but its essence did not change. Pearls still remained symbols of tears, but only for poor widows and orphans.

    Why can't you give mirrors? Well, it’s not that it’s completely impossible, but it’s better not to :) In ancient times, a mirror was considered a place of transition from our world to the world of spirits, and even now there are many superstitions associated with mirrors. Many homegrown mystics use mirrors in their esoteric experiments. Who knows, what if something wrong happens to the owners on their own, and they attribute the problems that arise to the gifted mirror? This is where you will find yourself guilty without guilt, so it’s better not to give it.

    What can't be given before the wedding? The sign says that the bride and groom should not give each other any books, especially those with poetry, before the wedding. Otherwise, they are destined to separate.

    Giving carnation flowers is a sign of unhappy love.

    If you are going to give dishes as a gift, then they should be carefully inspected for integrity: according to the sign, cracked or chipped dishes can lead its owner to a broken life. Dishes generally break, unfortunately. The only exception is the custom of deliberately breaking dishes at a wedding. Perhaps the point here is to leave all misfortunes (broken dishes) outside the marriage union in advance.

    Chinese porcelain dolls should not be given as gifts. It is believed that they are made using a real person, a local Chinese, as a prototype - which means this stranger as if he will enter the recipient’s house (and it is not obvious from anywhere - with good intentions or with bad ones).

    Why don’t they give figurines of magpies, crows, wading birds and, oddly enough, the “birds of peace” pigeons? According to popular belief, birds promise anxiety and trouble. A porcelain elephant with its trunk down will bring despondency and heavy thoughts into the house.

    You cannot give an empty wallet (you must put a bill or coin in it), and you also do not give empty suitcases, bags, dishes or other “containers” for anything. They, accordingly, should be at least slightly filled with something suitable.

    For any “living” gift (animals, plants growing in a pot), you must pay a symbolic ransom - otherwise the living thing will not take root in the new home and will look for a way to the previous owner. If the ransom is paid, then the “living” will know that it was sold and will accept its fate.

    Why can't you give a watch? Many peoples have beliefs about the close connection between watches and time, which means that such a gift can be potentially dangerous. For example, if you come across a clock that is constantly lagging, then it seems to “absorb” the time of the gifted person, he has “less” time. An even more common superstition says that if the gifted watch suddenly stops, this will lead to a “stop” of good relations between the giver and the recipient of the gift, which then is not a fact that they will become the same. On the other hand, we are well aware of how modern nouveau riche are in full swing presenting each other with expensive prestigious Swiss watches- and this has not yet caused any particular loss to any of them.

Many of us love receiving and giving gifts. There can be an innumerable number of reasons to give a gift to someone: birthday, birthday, anniversary, wedding, christening, professional holiday and much more. The concept of a gift for no reason, simply to please a person, is not alien to us. But at the same time, it is better to consider what gifts cannot be given.

Attitude towards superstitions

All superstitions regarding gifts are rooted in paganism. Nowadays, everyone decides for themselves whether to believe in all these signs or treat them with irony. But even if the giver does not believe in all these negative prejudices, this does not at all exclude the possibility that the one whom they plan to please with the gift believes in them. In order to avoid embarrassment and not turn joy into disappointment, you can familiarize yourself with those gifts that, according to some superstitions and signs, cannot be given.

By the way, there is a list of things, when accepting a gift you need to give a coin. It would also be useful to remember this.

Unwanted gifts


It would seem like an ordinary household accessory. Soft, comfortable slippers will please anyone. However, they are often associated with funeral paraphernalia, because people are usually buried wearing shoes, often slippers. That is why they cause alarming associations.


In the case of this gift, it should be noted that it is not recommended to give watches not only in our country, but also in many others. If this wrist watch, they say that their mechanism is capable of influencing human biorhythms.

Some people associate a watch on their hand with handcuffs.

As for wall clocks, there is a belief that, depending on the reason for which they are given, they can have a negative impact. Thus, given as a wedding gift, they will count down the clock of marriage, which will ultimately lead to divorce. If you give them on the occasion of an appointment to a new position, then the person will not stay long in this position and will soon lose it. Giving a watch on the occasion of the anniversary of a love relationship or friendship can provoke a quick discord or even separation.

Shawls, towels

These harmless accessories should also not be given as gifts, since they, along with slippers, are associated with a funeral theme. At funerals, it is customary to give a towel to those who carry the coffin, and everyone else - scarves. A gift of a scarf brings tears.

But you can give them in pairs. Thus, if you present two scarves or a couple of towels, the omen will not work.

Stuffed birds and figurines

There is a belief that a bird flying into a house is a sign of bad news. Therefore, a gift in the form of a stuffed or figurine of a bird can serve as a harbinger of bad consequences.

Health related items

Inhalers, devices for measuring pressure or temperature, walkers, crutches, bandages, etc. - a person needs all this when he has health problems. If you give them healthy person, then they will attract diseases, helping to ensure that these items are useful in practice.

Sharp objects

Piercing and cutting attributes are also prohibited. Given as a present, they bring quarrels, disagreements, and family discord into the house. Even furniture is best given with rounded corners rather than sharp ones.

Some flowers

The fact that you cannot give a bouquet of an even number of flowers is known to many. But there is another feature. For example, it is not recommended to give carnations, even an odd number. They are believed to harbor negative energy.

A bouquet in black and red colors is also prohibited. Such shades are associated with mourning themes.


Firstly, you need to pay attention to the color of the accessory: the most the best option will be red. They say a red wallet attracts money.

But the blue option should be avoided. The fact is that blue is the color of the water element, therefore, money from such a wallet will flow away like water.

The second aspect that needs to be taken into account when donating a wallet – You cannot present a completely empty wallet. It is necessary to put a bill or coin there, even the smallest one. This will help attract money to your wallet.

It should be noted that this superstition applies not only to wallets, but also to bags and backpacks.

What you can't give a man


There are many jokes about how the only thing a woman can give her man is socks. However, not everyone knows that this particular wardrobe attribute should never be given as a gift. There is a belief that the one who is given such a gift will soon leave the family.


It is not recommended to give such an element of an intimate wardrobe as a gift, otherwise, get ready to experience betrayal.


It is believed that the gift of a book will lead to a quick separation.

Animal figurines

What not to give to a woman



There is a belief that when a girl admires a mirror as a gift, she loses her youth. There are many superstitions associated with mirrors. They are said to serve as a portal between our world and another dimension.

Also, superstitious people believe that a mirror never forgets what it once saw; all information and energy is stored inside it.

Among the folk signs, there is one associated with this attribute: breaking a mirror means death.

Based on existing signs, many refuse to choose such a gift.

What not to give to a child

Many signs agree on one thing: you can’t give anything before the baby is born. When the newborn is born, you can please the parents with a generous gift. But here you should also be careful, because there are things that are not recommended to be given according to some signs.


We are not talking about dolls in general, but about beauties made of porcelain. There is a possibility that this sign is due to the fact that dolls were often used in magical rites Voodoo. Also, a porcelain doll is always handmade Therefore, its creator puts all his energy into the creation. Therefore, if such a gift is presented, it is better to immediately cleanse it of negative energy.

What not to give to your loved one

  • Mittens- will lead to a breakdown in relationships.
  • Comb - some may not keep their promises.
  • Casket- They will hide something from you.
  • Alcoholic drinks– if drunk right away, it will ruin the relationship.

How to clean a gift

If you are presented with a gift that according to signs cannot be given, you should not fall into despair: such a gift can be cleansed, thus ridding it of negative energy. There are several ways to do this.


If you give a coin in return for a gift, then negative impact will be neutralized. Naturally, we are not talking about the full cost of the item. You just need to symbolically “pay” the donor.

There is no person in the world who would not like a gift. No gift can leave anyone indifferent. But if receiving a gift every time confuses you and feels like a certain obligation, then perhaps great joy his presentation delivers.

Any gift brings joy. This is perhaps its main and undeniable feature. The choice of gifts should be conscious. Each of them reveals the character of the presenter.

Both the packaging itself and its contents reveal the ingenuity, imagination, as well as the taste and courtesy of the giver. The real cost of the gift does not mean much, the main thing is that it is dear and valuable to the recipient.

Even the most insignificant thing, but presented with a special meaning, has enough chances to become the most important of all for life and will be remembered for a long time.

Each gift is symbolic in its meaning. Basically, it is aimed at lightly emphasizing some advantages or correcting minor shortcomings. But, first of all, the gift must correspond to the tastes and preferences of the person to whom it is chosen. When choosing a gift, you must take into account the environment in which the gift will be presented.

If any celebration is planned, such as a birthday, name day, wedding or anniversary, you need to take care of the contents of the package in advance. Standing at a store counter or making a gift at home with your own hands, you need to weigh all the “pros” and “cons.”

Donation process should not be careless, like “here, this is for you.” Yes, if you are shy, give it as beautifully and politely as possible. There is one thing golden rule concerning the presentation of a gift. When presenting a gift, in no case should you say how difficult it was to find something as a gift and how expensive it was to buy this thing. There is no need to tell those present, and especially the hero of the occasion, about all the adventures. In response, such a story will be followed by words of gratitude and appreciation for the concern and nothing more, then such a person will be seated at the table and his presence will be forgotten. And such a story will be regarded as a manifestation of bad manners and sick pride.

It would be nice to know the taste of your friends in order to give what they like. It turns out that you need to be able to choose a gift, taking into account a lot: the reason for the gift (a holiday or just a surprise), the age and gender of the person, your relationship with him, the interests and hobbies of your friend. Therefore, if, when choosing a gift, you are looking among your things for something worse, something that you don’t need, this is not a gift! If you are sorry to part with something, or you are giving away something dear to you under your mother’s coercion, this is also not a gift. “Something” bought in a hurry is also not a gift!

Easier than that, who has “golden hands”. A gift made especially for the recipient will always be to your liking - be it a poem, a drawing, embroidery or soft toy. If one of you is embarrassed to show off your talents, then you will have to borrow money from your parents and carefully think about the gift. Is your friend a collector? Always a pleasure to add to his collection! Do you know your friend's interests? Then it will be easy to choose for her the video cassette, book or notebook she needs. Boys usually like sporting goods and keychains. Almost anything can be a gift item.

Some mandatory rules that the donor should know:

  • on birthdays, gifts should be given that only the birthday person himself will use, and not his entire family;

  • It’s not good to give gifts after a birthday, it’s better the day before;

  • it is indecent to give a friend money and at the same time advise him to “buy yourself whatever you want”; if you really care about the recipient, then it’s worth working hard and coming up with something for him the right gift, which will bring joy, but money may look like a handout and may offend;

  • You should not give very expensive, “chic” gifts, by doing this you can put a person in an awkward position, unwittingly humiliate him or make him feel dependent on you;

  • if you are invited to a house where there is absolutely everything, and your friend cannot be surprised by anything, then do not fall into despair and do not rack your brains over how to get money for an expensive gift worthy of a rich home; You can give something, although not valuable, but distinguished by its rarity and elegance, or you can play up your gift wittily - for example, give a classmate a Mercedes model and write on a postcard: “Let this car grow with you!” More imagination, my friends!

  • gift packaging is important: homemade bags, boxes and cards are valued higher, so it’s worth collecting foil, clippings, and ribbons;

  • never give away what was given to you, because someone wanted to please you, it doesn’t matter that it didn’t work out;

  • There is an insidious rule regarding edible gifts - they should be served on the table immediately, this must be taken into account;

  • living gifts (kittens, fish...) can only be given with the prior consent of all family members of the recipient;

  • the gift is not given in the corridor (with the exception of flowers), it is presented in the room, slowly, saying kind words.

  • there is no need to get off with any trifle - you may be considered a miser;

  • you cannot give things that are, so to speak, ambiguous, for example, deer antlers to your spouse, a painting with a sad plot to a newlywed;

  • It's good if the gift is a surprise. But this surprise is for whom it is intended;

  • a bad gift is worse than no gift.

So, what to give, when to give and to whom to give?

Let's start with the last one - to whom. Of course, you don’t need to give gifts to everyone; you can make a lot of mistakes. There is no need to give gifts to strangers - you will only surprise them with your action.

One of the most difficult questions: should you give gifts to your bosses? Any gift that you bring, for example, for your boss’s birthday, can be interpreted by gossip lovers as fawning, as a desire to stand out. And the one to whom the gift is intended can also be put in a very ambiguous position: if you (let’s assume), an excellent employee, they wanted to soon promote you to a more responsible job, then after you brought the gift to your manager, he will simply be embarrassed to support your candidacy for nomination. Therefore, it is accepted in exceptional cases (anniversaries, retirement, etc.), of course, if the boss and his employees are really kind, friendly relations, make collective gifts: from the department, from the management, from the sector, etc.

Now - when to give. It is customary to give gifts on family occasions - birthdays, weddings, graduation from school, university, etc. These are easy cases, because it is clear who to give and when to give. The issue with weddings is a little more complicated. The first anniversary is considered a “paper” wedding, the second is a “glass” wedding, the tenth is a “porcelain” wedding, the fifteenth is a “bronze” wedding, the twentieth is a “crystal” wedding, etc.

In one of the editions of Chevalier’s book “Rules of Conduct for Well-mannered People” (1918), the first twenty wedding anniversaries each have their own name, and gifts are recommended to be made precisely in accordance with the name of the anniversary. That is, on a “glass” anniversary, give glass items, on a “porcelain” anniversary - porcelain, on a “crystal” anniversary - crystal, and so on. There is also platinum and diamond wedding. But there is no consensus, rule theorists good manners have not yet achieved it: some of them consider the sixtieth anniversary to be diamond, others consider the sixtieth anniversary to be platinum, and the seventy-five anniversary to be diamond.

Nowadays, silver weddings are especially common - twenty-five years life together spouses, golden wedding- fifty years. However, there is no need to fall under the hypnosis of beautiful symbols: in silver wedding It is not necessary to give only silver items, and gold in gold.

So we come to one of the main questions: what to give?

The gift is chosen depending on who it should be given to - a friend, relative, acquaintance. It's easier to give gifts to a loved one than to a stranger or someone you're with. for a long time didn't have to see each other. In such a situation, one can easily say what this or that person would like, what he needs most. Here you can easily afford to give yourself just a bouquet of flowers, a small soft toy or some household utensils.

There is one note regarding the utensils. Such a birthday surprise would be a little inappropriate. After many hours of preparation festive table It’s unlikely that anyone will want to return to this topic again. Such a gift would only be appropriate for a housewarming.

You can give it to close relatives both some clothing items and various household items. In these cases, a very wide choice is allowed - that is, everything is suitable that does not violate the above general rules about gifts. The husband can even choose a gift for his wife together with her, the mother with her daughter.
The further the relationship, the less close you are to the person, the more difficult it is to choose a gift. If you can give tights, gloves, a hat or a frivolous handbag to a relative, then you cannot give this to a girl you just know.

A woman can give a close male relative various smoking accessories, tobacco, wine, a tie, a scarf, a sweater, or a shirt. But you cannot give toiletries to distant relatives.

All other gifts are divided into two categories: souvenirs (books, wallet, purse, set of pens, keychain and other small items) and valuable - vase, set, tablecloth with napkins, artistic and handicrafts, coffee set.

For a gift, if it is being prepared for the New Year, for the eighth of March, it is recommended to attach either a corresponding postcard, or a small figurine of Santa Claus, a sprig of mimosa, etc.

Recently, it has become common to give books as gifts. You need to choose a book very carefully, knowing at least approximately what kind of books can please the one to whom you want to give a gift. And one more indispensable rule: never label books! Only its author has the right to inscribe a book. Any other inscription spoils it. You can put a colorful card with words of congratulations or business card with several congratulatory phrases.

At the birth of a child, a young mother expects a bouquet of flowers and a letter from the new father. In these cases, relatives and friends give a stroller, diapers and undershirts, and dishes.

Jewelry you should buy with a large selection: firstly, they can be given as gifts to family and especially close friends; secondly, it is necessary to take into account the main thing: will they suit their future owner (of course, we are talking about brooches, pendants, rings, watches, bracelets, and not about tabletop jewelry, dishes, silverware, bowls, etc.).

One important detail. There is a fairly common custom of tearing off the label on a gift on which the price is indicated: they say, it’s not the price that matters. It seems that this custom contains a fair amount of hypocrisy, characteristic of the etiquette of past times. Let’s think sensibly: after all, the hero of the occasion does not live on a desert island and still has a rough idea of ​​the cost of this or that thing. And if desired, he can easily find out the exact price. So no need to play hide and seek - it's really not about the price!
Fergusson's Gentleman's Manual, in its chapter on gifts, gives one good advice: a person who wants to be polite must have a notebook in which all the birthdays and other significant dates of not only close relatives, but also friends and acquaintances are noted. Thus, none of the holidays and anniversaries will take this person by surprise.

Every gift is a mirror of the nature of the giver, even if they try not to show their character when making a purchase. And presenting a gift is not a duty to the hero of the occasion, but first of all a sign of attention and respect for him. Without free time or completely forgetting about the gift, you should under no circumstances entrust the purchase of a gift to another person. Even a perfectly wrapped gift like this will lose all its appeal after the giver leaves, ending up in the far corner.

It often happens that one of the invitees cannot attend the celebration for some reason: poor health, business trip, etc. In this case, close friends are asked to convey apologies, congratulations and a gift. Along with the gift, the hero of the occasion should send greeting card. In the event that a loved one cannot be present at the celebration and gives a gift through a third party, be sure to thank him by sending him a postcard or letter, and the person who gives the gift. All words expressed about the present itself are addressed to the same person.

AND last tip: Never put off purchasing a gift until the last day. You should not bring a bouquet on your birthday that was picked from a flower bed near the house, or give complete nonsense from a nearby store. You need to think about the gift in advance. Then its originality and relevance will be guaranteed.

We are often concerned about the issue of giving gifts to our loved ones, friends and colleagues. We choose for a long time, find and are completely unaware that there are a number of gifts that are harmful and cause trouble. Any gift given for a birthday, New Year, March 8 or any other holiday with all your heart, can bring a lot of troubles, especially if a person believes in all the signs and superstitions. Therefore, before choosing a gift for your significant other, loved one, colleague, boss, you need to know what gifts can be given to a person and which ones cannot. On our website you will learn a lot useful information about how to choose the right gift.

What gifts can be given and which cannot?

When going to another country, we always want to bring a piece of this place to our family and friends. But in fact, this should not be done, since all these amulets, figurines and talismans symbolize completely alien rituals and can carry negative energy. If you do not know the meaning of these items, then it is better not to buy them. This is especially true for various shamanic inscriptions and masks. After all, they can bring a lot of troubles, illnesses and mental anguish to the family.

Of course, it is difficult to find a gift for those people who have everything. Then you should give a person something that will make him laugh, surprise him, and at the same time it does not have to be expensive. The main thing is that it comes from a pure heart.

What not to give

There is a list of gifts that, according to signs, should not be given to a person. It is believed that they contain negative energy, which is activated immediately after you give such a thing to a person. If you want the right gift for a person, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of things that cannot be given:

  1. Watch. Why? The watch has the energy of shackles; in addition, the watch given as a gift counts time and limits life within a time frame. A wristwatch as a gift to a loved one is like a countdown to parting. This does not apply to wall clocks, alarm clocks and other things that do not bind your wrist like wrist mechanisms.
  2. Sharp cutting objects: knives, cutlery, blades, scissors, brooches, everything that has an edge. There is no need to give razors or long sabers (they like to give to men). It is also better to refuse brooches, hairpins and pins.
  3. Towel. In all centuries, towels have been a ritual item. A towel is hung on the windows as a sign that there is a dead person in the house and the door handle of the house is tied after a ritual funeral.
  4. Books. They cannot be given to a married couple. It is believed that a “third wheel” may appear in the family and destroy the family.
  5. Dishes. It cannot be given empty, as according to various beliefs this can lead to lack of money.
  6. Wallet. You should not only give this attribute, but also accept it even from loved one. You may lose your money luck.
  7. Handkerchief. Along with it, a person will receive a lot of worries, sorrows and a seal. This object itself seems to say that a person should cry.
  8. Medical devices. Items that are associated with diseases will one way or another remind a person of his illnesses. And this may provoke a deterioration in health.
  9. Pearl. According to ancient legends, such an object symbolizes the tears of widows and orphans. Whether you're giving a ring, earrings or a necklace, this gem can bring a lot of sorrow into your life.
  10. Mirror. Since ancient times, this item has been very mystical and therefore one should neither give nor accept a mirror as a gift.

Well, still, if you want to give a beautiful towel, you can neutralize the bad imprint by attaching a small one to it, for example, kitchen towel, it is important to give paired quantities of bath or kitchen utensils.

If you really want to give a watch to your loved one, follow these steps. You will have to sacrifice some kind of toy, for example, a teddy bear, put a watch on your paw for a while, and thus the magical imprint disappears.

The sharp objects and cutlery can be amazing, and it’s hard not to be pleased with such a gift. When giving, ask for a penny in return, thanks to this action you do not risk quarreling, and avoid barbs with family and friends.

What gifts can you give?

When giving bags, cosmetic bags, wallets, never present them empty; put a chocolate bar or any other sweet, lipstick or nice trinket there.

If you want a person to climb the career ladder, then give a figurine of a turtle; this symbolizes success, wisdom and prosperity. A married couple is given pillows, most importantly in pairs of two or four. Pillows represent harmony and pleasure.

Boss or colleague a wonderful gift there will be a fountain or waterfall with flowing water, such a symbol predicts financial influx, recognition and career advancement.

If you want to win someone over, give a tablecloth, you’ve got your eye on it for your loved one sunglasses, and you know for sure they will suit her, remember, when she starts wearing these glasses, she will look at the world a little through your eyes, and will argue with you less.

By giving your beloved girl a box, you can penetrate her inner world, she will begin to trust you more. If you present a box with a ring, this gift will carry a certain energetic meaning, allowing you to be closer spiritually.

Giving your boss a stylish pen means “that I want to own your hand,” i.e. adjust your actions to your interests. If you don’t get along with your mother-in-law, then give her something that you really like (earrings, clothes, cosmetics). A gift is a strong energetic force that can help and bring you closer.

It is also worth noting that before giving a gift, you should remove the price tag from it. You can never go wrong with a gift if you ask the person in advance what to give him. Even if he knows in advance what you will give him, this will not make the gift any less desirable. Perhaps he collects knives, wears only pearls, or urgently needs a wallet. He will be happy with any gift. And in this case, you should not believe in all these superstitions and, relying only on them, give a person something that will not be useful to him in the future.

Do a lucky gift difficult. To do this, you should be well aware of a person’s desires and follow important signs.

Present - an important part in human relationships. They can be given with or without reason. A gift symbolizes not only a sign of attention, but also a respectful attitude towards a person. The size of the gift depends on the significance of the event: a significant date or a serious anniversary, for example.

When choosing a gift, be sure to need to focus on features not only celebrations, but also on a person’s preferences: what he loves, what he is interested in, what he prefers, and what he rejects. Some cautions apply to the gender of the person, as well as his age.

Phrase "cannot be given", rather, suggests “It’s better to choose something else”. But, all people are different and therefore what seems forbidden to one, can please another. However, over time, humanity was able to identify signs, perfected by experience and time, telling about unwanted gifts for men.

What you can’t give to men, signs:

  • It is believed that if you give your loved one socks- He will leave you.
  • Underpants- the gift will contribute to the fact that your loved one will cheat on you.
  • Knives, scissors, needles (any sharp objects) – the gift will contribute to the “exacerbation” of relations.
  • Watch- a bad gift, since this thing is capable of not only “measuring time”, but also “counting the minutes of life”, that is, bringing the time of death closer to a person. On the other hand, you can also consider the clock as a means of approaching the end of a relationship.
What can and cannot be given to a man?

What is not customary to give to the man you love:

  • Something banal and, as they say, “not from the heart”: slippers, towels, a notepad, another cup. Such things can “hint” a man about a measured old age, or show your indifference and disinterest in doing something nice for your loved one.
  • Wealthy adult man should not receive days as a gift because, first of all, this is not a gift for him. Such a gesture will only be a sign of your indifference and inattention.
  • Uninteresting or unnecessary books "upset" the man. A book should be given only when you know for sure that it will interest your loved one. It could be a book related to professional activities, a rarity, or a gorgeous encyclopedia.
  • Bad form - Give your beloved man alcohol. An exception may be a special bottle of wine or whiskey of high value and significance.
  • A gift such as this is unacceptable sports membership. This will be your “direct hint” that you are not happy with the appearance of your loved one and this will upset him.

Video: “What can’t you give a man?”

What gifts should you not give to a woman, wife, or girlfriend?

Women are very superstitious, much more than men. That's why a gift for your beloved woman should be chosen with special care and a desire to please. However, there are a number of gifts, according to fair half humanity, who unacceptable and undesirable.

What should not be given to a woman:

  • Weight loss product. It doesn’t matter at all what it will be: a simulator or Tibetan herbal tablets. In any case, such a gift can “hint” a woman that her figure is in a deplorable state and requires correction.
  • Anti-wrinkle or anti-acne cream. At first glance, this is a necessary gift. However, he is able to tell a woman that her age-related and other skin problems are noticeable to others. In general, it is very difficult to give cosmetics as a gift, because you can always disagree with the company or, trying to save money, buy budgetary means. Cheap cosmetics will not please any woman. Best to give cosmetics elite class and universal use, for example: moisturizing body lotion, hand cream or bubble bath.
  • Subscription to a doctor or cosmetologist. The decision about whether to visit a particular specialist or not should be made by each woman independently. If you yourself begin to “push her” with your gifts to such an event, you risk ruining her mood and taking away the hope that she looks attractive to others.
  • Animal: dog, cat, bird and so on. Such a decision must be made in concert and together. Such a gift should not be a surprise. This gift is not always calm and clean. The animal often requires 100% attention and careful care.
  • Perfume. Perfume is, of course, good gift. But, it is often impossible to please women with a scent: too sweet, stuffy, floral, woody, and so on. Therefore, before presenting perfume (preferably high-quality and expensive), it is necessary to clarify the desired brand and name.
  • Epilator. A very necessary and useful thing for women. But it is unlikely that the epilator will a nice gift from a man. The only exception may be when the woman herself “orders” this item.
  • Clothes or underwear. Even the most expensive set may simply not fit. Therefore, you can offer a woman to order clothes on the Internet, and you will simply pay for them. Or, invite your loved one to go shopping. Another point: the donated underwear may be too “vulgar”.
  • Fake. Poor quality gifts and counterfeit gifts from well-known manufacturers can be negatively perceived by women who know a lot about brands.
  • Money. They can often be perceived by women as a man’s reluctance to devote time to looking for a truly important gift.

IMPORTANT: Negatively perceived by both women and men, unjustifiably expensive gifts : elite writing pens, notepads, small items and souvenirs.

What gifts can and cannot be given to women?

Video: “7 things you shouldn’t give to a woman”

What gifts should not be accepted: signs

There are a number of signs regarding gifts for any occasion. It is believed that “forbidden” gifts can bring failures and problems. Folk signs, proven over hundreds of years and millions of people, have negative energy and that's why gifts “carry danger.”

Unlucky gifts:

  • Knives – will contribute to scandal and bad relationships
  • Watch - will “shorten” your life or “shorten” your good relationships.
  • Books – if given to newlyweds, they are considered “harbingers of betrayal.”
  • Dishes - Empty donated dishes can lead to lack of money.
  • Wallet - can cause lack of money, to prevent this from happening, just put some money inside.
  • Handkerchief – a thing that can “attract” tears and sorrows.
  • Pearl – this precious material is considered a “symbol” of widows’ and orphans’ tears.
  • Medical supplies – such a gift, which is somehow connected with illnesses and pains, will not bring anything happy.
  • Money - the gift is frequent, but negative. It is believed that the person who gives money is “forfeited” of his wealth.
  • Mirror - A mirror accepted as a gift can bring bad luck to the family.

What should you not accept as a gift?

What gifts should you not accept from your mother-in-law?

Happy personal and family life often depends on how carefully people observe the signs. One of them concerns gifts given by mother-in-law:

  • Dishes- a bad gift from the mother-in-law. This item, as part of everyday life, can be easily given by the parents of the bride (wife), since they are the ones “responsible for the dowry.”
  • Glass from mother-in-law - “to quarrels”, cast iron and metal- to noise and shouting, spoons and forks- to offensive words.
  • Bed sheets– a gift “with a negative note” for the daughter-in-law. This item must be purchased independently, or received as a dowry from parents. Lingerie donated by the mother-in-law can influence the spouses to cheat on each other.
  • Empty wallets and bags- a gift that can influence financial well-being in a negative way.

What should you not accept as a gift from your mother-in-law?

For what gift do they give a coin: signs

Modern man has found a kind of “loophole” that allows him accept even prohibited gifts. Thus, the nominal fee paid, "buys" a person out of problems and the gift cannot harm.

You should give a coin for a gift if you were given:

  • Forks
  • Scissors
  • Mirror
  • Animal (to take root)
  • Icons
  • Indoor flowers (like animals, so that they take root)

Some gifts bring great joy, while others contribute to increasing problems and “attracting” failure. If you are handed something listed on this list, do not accept this gift:

  • Empty wallet- will bring you lack of money. If a wallet with money, and even red, is a good gift, which, on the contrary, can “attract wealth to you.”
  • Beads (beads, beads)– this gift will bring you tears and sorrows.
  • Empty dishes and household items. We are talking about absolutely any items: cups, pots, even basins and buckets. Such a gift can bring “emptiness” to your home.

What gifts bring bad luck?

What are the gifts for parting, for separation?

According to people, Some gifts have a very “bad reputation.” Certain things can even cause people to quarrel and break up. Such gifts include:

  • Watch- will “bring closer” the time of your separation
  • Comb- can contribute to the fact that you will not be able to keep your words and quarrel with the person.
  • Casket- can contribute to the fact that a person will hide secrets from you and this will cause quarrels.
  • Sharp objects- will “sharpen” your relationship and contribute to its rupture.
  • Alcohol– it is believed that if you don’t drink it right away, it will ruin a person’s health and his attitude towards you.
  • Gloves or mittens- will “bring” quarrels into your relationship and contribute to their breakup.
  • Scarves and towels- “harbingers” of separations and quarrels.
  • Roses with sharp thorns are considered a gift, bringing “barbs” and scandals to life.
  • Icons, religious items and “sad” paintings(portraits, utopia, destruction) - will bring people a lot of negative emotions and ruin the relationship between those who receive the gift and the one who gives it.

IMPORTANT: Accepting or not accepting such gifts is a personal matter for each person. However, if suddenly a person does not want to accept an item from the “black list,” so to speak, do not insist on it. Just take the gift back and promise to replace it with another one soon. Or, offer to “buy” this gift from you for a symbolic low fee: change or a minimum bill. The purchased item cannot cause harm if it is actually exchanged for money.

what gifts bring bad luck?

What happens if you give a doll made by yourself: a sign

Dolls are enough questionable gift. Most often, they are given to children. What does it mean to have a doll as a gift to an adult, and what’s more, made with your own hands? Here the meaning is dual.

Since ancient times there has been a doll, both a talisman for humans and a source of evil. It depended on who gave the gift and what it meant. Mothers wove “motankas” (the first homemade dolls) for their children for protection. At the same time, envious people and people involved in magic charmed homemade dolls and made linings for illnesses.

IMPORTANT: Please note appearance dolls, if you are not sure about the person who gave it to you. If you immediately feel negative emotions- refuse the gift.

Why do they give a doll? What does a gift mean?

Why can't you give towels?

It turns out that such a simple and common gift as a towel also has its own signs. The most popular one reads: a towel is a gift for trouble. It has long been considered this way because this item was actively used in funeral rites in Rus': a towel hung out of the window meant that someone had died in the house, the doors were not closed, but tied with a towel, and the coffin was lowered into the ground on towels.

IMPORTANT: Modern people They consider a towel a “negative” gift because it portends quarrels, illness and separation.

Is it possible to give a scarf? Scarf: signs of a gift

Scarf - an unusual and very popular gift. It characterizes the giver from the best side, showing how reverently and attentively he treats his loved ones. Folk sign states that scarf is a gift with a “favorable meaning”.

IMPORTANT: Such a gift can “tie” people to each other: unite and improve their relationships. This property is also present in other “girdling” gifts: belts, rings, bracelets.

Why can't you give an empty wallet?

An empty wallet, perhaps. the worst and most unpleasant gift. The fact is that he is able to directly influence a person's financial viability: An empty wallet will henceforth be “empty”. You only need to give and accept a wallet that contains at least symbolic money. It is desirable that this bill be red (red color attracts wealth).

Why can't you give socks to a man?

One of the most popular signs regarding gifts for men says: giving socks is bad. This may contribute to the fact that the man will leave you. But, despite this, women often buy and present this “wardrobe item” to their chosen ones for small holidays.

Is it possible to give shoes to a man?

Despite the fact that shoes are important and necessary for a person, it can be a bad gift for a man:

  • Quarreling friends and loved ones
  • Promote separations and separations (i.e. the person simply “leaves” you).
  • You cannot give slippers as a gift. It is believed that slippers are the shoes that lead a person to the “afterlife.”

Why can't you give pearls for a birthday?

One of the oldest superstitions says that giving pearls for a birthday or any other holiday is prohibited. This happened because he associated with tears. Therefore, giving pearls is giving a reason for tears and sadness.

Why can't you give a cross?

A cross is an ambiguous gift. Some will say that you can’t just give it away. There must be a reason for this - baptism. Nevertheless, the church does not prohibit giving such a gift, but on the contrary, encourages. The cross will protect a person from evil; it is recommended to consecrate it in church.

Why can't you give a handkerchief?

Handkerchief- a personal thing. Besides, she associated with tears and losses. That is why such a gift is considered a “harbinger” of problems, quarrels and separations.

What gifts have a negative meaning?

Why can't you give mirrors?

The mirror has long been considered a mystical object and an adapter to the other world. In addition, the mirror is capable of accumulating various information, both positive and negative. That's why You should not give a mirror to your loved one to save him from sadness, problems, worries and bad events.

How many roses should you not give?

Give flowers only needed in odd numbers. The sign dates back to ancient times. It was common to say: “trouble does not come alone.” That is why giving two and another even number of flowers - not accepted.

What does an even number of flowers in a bouquet mean?

You can only bring an even number of flowers to a funeral, since this is not a holiday or a celebration. You can give bouquets with an even number of flowers only if wild flowers: They are small and cannot be counted.

Why can't you give yellow roses?

Yellow roses as a gift can be interpreted in different ways:

  • The yellow color attracts attention and therefore the bouquet can, as if, say: “Caution!”
  • On the other side, yellow also considered the color of illness, hatred, shame and even madness. That is why it is often used in expressions such as “yellow press.”
  • Bouquet yellow roses Maybe “hint” a person about indifference and an ambiguous attitude towards him.

IMPORTANT: An old legend tells the story of a prophet who went on a campaign. The wife promised to remain faithful to him, but immediately upon returning, the man decided to test her. He asked to dip a rose in water and if it retained its red color, then the woman did not lie to him. The rose turned yellow. Since that time, the color has come to be considered a symbol of betrayal.

Flowers: the meaning of a gift

Why soap is given as a gift: omen

It turns out that even such a useful and necessary gift as soap can have signs. Unfortunately, negative signs:

  • Soap can negatively affect well-developed work affairs.
  • Soap “brings” trouble
  • Soap is a gift that brings tears and troubles
  • A gift can help ensure that conflicts and quarrels will not subside in your family.
  • Receive soap as a gift - find yourself in a “slippery” situation

IMPORTANT: From a psychological point of view, the gift of soap is a hint that the person is not clean or smells bad.

Is it possible to give a blanket and pillows for a birthday?

Pillows and blankets – a gift associated with warmth and comfort. This good present for birthdays, housewarmings and anniversaries. However, in any company there may be an overly suspicious person who will say: pillows and blankets mean illness! It is important to clarify with the person in advance how superstitious he is, or to give him a gift in a different setting.

Why can't you give money?

Money is the most common gift only because “there is never enough of it.” Close people want to please a person with a gift and often simply do not have much time to carefully choose a gift. However, there is a negative sign about this: by giving away money, you risk losing “your fortune.”

What gifts should I give?

Is it possible to give coins as a gift for a wedding?

The coin can be used for newlyweds amulet. For a long time, coins were placed in the foundation when building a house, carried in wallets, and placed under the threshold. Modern wedding planners also offer to mint a special personal coin that will “protect” a young family.

Is it possible to give dishes for a birthday or wedding?

Any dishes donated for the celebration, must not be empty: sets, pots, glasses and so on. They are required should be filled with something so that the young people’s house is “full.” For this you can use candies, coins, money, postcards.

Why can't you give animals?

An animal is a gift often desired by children and adults. But giving it unexpectedly is a risky business. The fact is that a person must “feel” any kitten or puppy in order to find contact and harmony with it.

In addition, before accepting a puppy as a gift, you should pay a nominal fee for it. This action helps to calm the animal and ensure that it “takes root” in its new home.

Is it possible to give an animal as a gift?

Why can't you give sharp objects?

It is not customary to give sharp objects (knives, needles, scissors, files, forks). The fact is that they can contribute to the fact that your relationship with the person will deteriorate and they will literally be “at knifepoint.” You can change the effect of a sign using a “farm-out”. Offer to buy a gift for a nominal fee.

Is it possible to give a bag: a sign

A bag, like a wallet, maybe bad omen. It depends on what kind of bag you are giving: full or empty. Put something symbolic inside: a sweet, a keychain, or at least a postcard.

Is it possible to give gloves: a sign

Gloves or mittens are considered not the most favorable gift. Such a present can contribute to squabbles and quarrels between two people. A buyout for a nominal fee will help correct the situation.

Giving a portrait: bad omen

Portrait – a gift that may carry negative energy. He may simply not be liked, he may highlight all the shortcomings of a person. One of the signs states that the portrait will contribute to a quarrel between the giver and recipient of the gift.

Is it possible to give a salt shaker: a sign

Salt has long been shrouded in mysticism and omens. However, giving, borrowing and spilling salt is bad. Gifted salt shaker It will help not only “preserve” salt, but also prevent a person from problems.

Why can't you give what is given?

To give what was once given to you, bad omen. It is believed that you are just give your energy to another person and directing it in the wrong direction. Even the most unpleasant and unnecessary gifts need to be used so that your business goes well and you are not haunted by negativity.

Why give a pen as a gift: sign

A pen is an ambiguous gift. A high-quality, expensive pen is a gesture that shows respect for a person. At the same time, it encourages “decisions to be made for you,” sometimes against your will.

Video: “What to give? Quick ideas"