Girl at 10 years old - most interesting creation. She's standing on the threshold adolescence, and at the same time thinks and acts just like a child. She carefully observes adults. Her mother is a role model for her. She wants to dress and do her hair like her mother. But she doesn’t have any experience yet, so her attempts to put makeup on her face and do a manicure look very funny. But these failures should not be a subject of ridicule. The child needs adult support. AND best way- a suitable gift for a 10 year old girl that will convince her that her parents are best friends.

Shopping - shopping in search of a gift

Girls at this age have their own ideas about fashion, and this should be treated with understanding and respect.

First independent purchases

Most likely, your little fashionista is already secretly dreaming of a specific dress or jewelry. Even if you don’t really like the choice, do not refuse the birthday girl’s wish, especially since she has already admitted it. If you rely on your taste and choose the item yourself, you can ruin the effect of the gift. Therefore, why not talk to your daughter long before the holiday and find out what fashion she likes?

If you still don’t dare make a choice yourself, go to a clothing store with your daughter, which will give the birthday girl great pleasure. Already at this age, shopping and choosing gifts for girls is a joyful and exciting event.

Children's cosmetics

Many girls dream of a large and beautiful set of children's cosmetics, which includes a variety of makeup products. If you think it’s too early to give such a set, then let the gift set include face and hand creams, shampoo, shower gel, flavored water, and lip balm. These products will teach her to take care of herself. The main condition is exclusively natural ingredients in cosmetic products.

Beautiful jewelry

If both the girl and her parents liked the idea of ​​cosmetics, but you want to complement this gift with something else, then it is quite appropriate to visit a good hairdresser. Shortly before the start of the family celebration, you can do beautiful hairstyle. You'll see, this gift is 10 year old girl will be greatly appreciated.

Be sure to explore the jewelry department with her and various accessories. Perhaps this is where the girl will find what will please her most. In addition, you can make some things with your own hands, for example, a bracelet, beads, beautiful hair clips

Educational gifts

10 years old is not yet a teenager, but girls are already interested in the opposite sex and want to please boys. Naturally, their desire is to be not only beautiful, but also to be able to show their intelligence. And this needs to be taken into account when choosing a gift for your daughter for her first birthday.

Developmental gifts should also be focused on mental development girls. Parents are always concerned about how to maintain their child’s interest in learning? Choosing a gift to develop logic and thinking can help with this to some extent. Pay attention to educational books, board games, puzzles. If it is a richly illustrated encyclopedia, the girl will probably find it much more interesting than boring textbooks; it will contain a lot useful information, which will then allow her to show off her erudition among her peers, surprise them and attract attention. What’s wrong with a book that tells in an accessible form about the rules of etiquette: how to behave in a cinema hall, theater, store and others public places, what clothes correspond to a certain place and time, and many other educational things.

The book has always been considered a good gift. An encyclopedia for girls, for example, will teach little ladies the basics of housekeeping, and this is important for them because they want to be like their mothers.

Books about popular movie characters (Twilight, Harry Potter, etc.) are popular among girls of this age.

However, we must keep in mind that giving such a gift for a 10-year-old girl, focused on the development of intelligence, will not appeal to every birthday girl. It will be unpleasant to see that a donated book or game will sit on the shelf untouched.

"Necessary" gifts

This is a category of birthday gifts that sometimes comes in very handy for 10-year-old girls. After all, they are all very different, which means their desires cannot be the same. Parents, of course, know what kind of daughter they have - sociable or silent, advanced or romantic. Based on the child’s character, you can choose a gift that is useful and at the same time attractive. It could also be a doll - after all, many people at the age of 10 have not yet moved away from the world of toys.

Surely a sewing kit or a children's sewing machine will arouse interest among the girl and her friends. It’s good that now she can make clothes for dolls with her own hands, sew on a button, without turning to her mother for help. Young needlewomen can be presented with a set for beading or embroidery. Lovers of drawing and modeling will be delighted with paints and sculptural plasticine.

Of the necessary things that can be presented as a gift, tablets, smartphones, laptops, e-books and other technical innovations are especially valued.

However, you need to be careful with these. It is unlikely that they will bring joy to a fashionista girl, and then there will be no pleasure from the long-awaited parental gift.

Handmade gifts also fall into this category. Of course, special warmth will come from socks knitted and given by your grandmother, or a fashionable dress sewn by your mother. The picture painted is very touching younger brother. These are good, truly “family” gifts, needed and presented from the heart. The main thing is that they are appreciated by the birthday girl herself, and this depends on how her parents raised her.

Gifts for school, home and sports

As a rule, at the age of 10, children are still quite willing to attend school, and they are interested in gifts related to their studies: unusually colored backpacks, writing instruments.

In addition, by the time the birthday girl reaches her first birthday, she already truly values ​​personal space. She wants it to be furnished in the most in the best possible way. Therefore, gifts such as a digital photo frame, a miniature heart-shaped alarm clock, and a liquid lamp will be very useful. Try to arrange a room for her or make her a favorite corner in which she will feel cozy and comfortable. Of course, not all parents will be able to buy new furniture, but a mother can do a lot with her own hands! For example, sew soft pillows, bedspreads, new curtains.

If your daughter is 10 years old and is an active and athletic person, then feel free to buy her roller skates or a bicycle as a gift. Every girl wants to be slim, like the models in the pictures. Therefore, sports equipment will become a useful gift.

And there are gifts that bring pleasure to everyone - adults and children. These are necessary and delicious gifts. The reaction to a luxurious cake with pink and white cream foam is enthusiastic. Cake is a symbol of the holiday. And if the confectioners decorated it personalized congratulations, - this will be the highlight of the celebration!

Such gifts are pleasing not so much in themselves as in their design. If you have such a surprise in mind, find good master- pastry chef or place an order for delivery of a ready-made sweet bouquet. When your birthday girl’s guests see this wonderful arrangement of candies, they will be delighted and will remember such an unusual gift for a long time.

The girls are looking forward to their first anniversary with special impatience. After all, this is a serious holiday, practically the first step, in their opinion, into that unknown, mysterious adult life. Don’t be surprised, 10-year-old girls already feel quite grown up, although, in fact, they still remain children with childhood dreams and a vulnerable psyche.

But since the holiday is so serious, then the gifts should be appropriate: serious, necessary or substantial. It’s hard to predict what a 10-year-old girl means by a substantial gift. Therefore, you will either have to guess what we are talking about, what to give a child for 10 years, or ask the girl directly.

Ten-year-old children often “order” gifts for themselves, but in this case the intrigue, the element of mystery of the holiday disappears. If you still want to choose the most best gift girl is 10 years old on her birthday, listen to your intuition, but do not forget about the child’s hobbies, desires, dreams. Our gift ideas suitable for children of this age will help simplify the complex selection process.

On the anniversary, many parents prefer to give expensive gifts to the birthday girl. But even in this case, do not forget that the child is only 10 years old and the gift for the girl should be cute.


You should not choose solid, expensive earrings with diamonds or a set of tiaras, necklaces and rings.

Definitely, in the future she will appreciate such jewelry, but it is better to buy a thin gold chain with a zodiac sign or a ring with her name stone as a gift for a 10-year-old girl. You may be able to select or make custom earrings, a pendant in the shape of a totem animal, or a child’s name.


Children hardly ever wear wrist watch, because they have phones and other gadgets to determine the time.

But the punctual birthday girl will like a beautiful watch, which will be more of an original decoration.


Almost all ten year olds have phones and computers.

But for your anniversary, you can give a new product or a long-desired tablet, smartphone or laptop.

A good birthday present for a 10-year-old girl would be a camera or video camera. This technique can mark the beginning of a child’s new hobbies.

Modern vehicles

Even a good bike with a lowered frame and the ability to overcome difficult trails costs a decent amount, so it becomes a pipe dream for a teenager.

What can we say about sophisticated electronic vehicles such as unicycles, hoverboards, electric bikes, electric scooters.

The child will be indescribably delighted with such a gift. Just remember that you can give a 10-year-old girl high-quality, expensive equipment that she can use for at least the next 3–5 years.

The best gift for a 10 year old girl – a dream come true

If you can’t decide what gift to give your 10th birthday girl, give her a dream. It's so romantic and unforgettable.

Birthday photo shoot

Book a photo shoot for your girl on her birthday. Let a professional photographer take beautiful pictures that will leave a memory of the first anniversary for a lifetime.

Or perhaps the girl dreams of trying herself as a model - why not give her such an opportunity.

Visit to the master class

If your child has long wanted to learn how to work with clay or master the ebru technique, sign him up for a master class or course.

A girl at this age may be interested in quilling - a technique for creating pictures, figures from strips of paper twisted in a spiral, painting T-shirts or making wax candles, scrapbooking, decorating masks or photo frames.

Cooking courses are held in an interesting format: making and painting gingerbread cookies, baking pizza, making rolls, caramel, etc. And how interesting it is to try to learn how to draw in 3D format.

There are many ideas for 10 year old girls – choose depending on the child’s inclinations.


Vivid emotions and new impressions are the best things you can give a girl for ten years. Even if she doesn’t dream of skydiving or diving into the abyss of the sea, she will definitely enjoy:

  • horseback riding;
  • swimming with dolphins;
  • visiting the show soap bubbles, water park or amusement park;
  • flight in a wind tunnel;
  • rock climbing master class;
  • visiting a children's experiment laboratory;
  • individual mehendi master class;
  • visit to the quest room.

Such original gift a 10-year-old girl will remember it for a long time, especially if she has long dreamed of such entertainment.

New knowledge

No, we do not offer to hire a tutor or pay for foreign language courses. Ten-year-old girls are trying to find themselves in life, trying to master new areas of creativity.

Why not help your child with this - give a paid course as a gift for their anniversary:

  • acting at drama school;
  • self-care for teenagers;
  • vocals from a professional;
  • playing the guitar;
  • young photographer;
  • ice skating.

But all the gifts listed will be appropriate if the girl really dreamed of them. Do not try to make your desires come true and impose new knowledge and impressions on your child.

What to give to a young fashionista

What will make a young fashionista feel like an adult? Of course, everything that mom has: beautiful clothes, a lot of cosmetics, jewelry and accessories. It’s worth moving in this direction when choosing what to give a girl for her 10th birthday.

Fashionable clothes

By the age of 10, girls have already formed preferences regarding clothing. Not all ten-year-old young ladies dream of fluffy dress with ruffles and bows.

May be in favor sporty style or even business. Some people like romantic outfits, while others are already studying trends in the fashion world. Therefore, you can get into trouble with a gift.

It’s better to go shopping with your girl on the eve of the holiday or give her a certificate for buying clothes in a prestigious boutique.

Accessories and haberdashery

Agree, a fashionista’s look will not be complete without beautiful accessories.

Neck scarves and straps, children's handbags and wallets, hairpins, headbands, elastic bands and bracelets, cool hats or caps, umbrellas and cosmetic bags - the list of gifts in this category can be continued endlessly.

Feel free to give your little girl everything that every woman adds to her accessory collections, just choose more childish models in delicate colors and appropriate sizes.


Interest young fashionista Maybe everything that mom has in her makeup bag: lipsticks and glitter, nail polish and eye shadow. Moreover, interests extend to both decorative cosmetics, still for care.

In order not to rack your brains about which cosmetics are suitable for a 10-year-old child, it is better to buy a ready-made cosmetic set with high-quality natural ingredients.


A fashionista cannot do without good aromas. Give for a birthday eau de toilette or perfume with a light floral scent.

Gifts for little “clever girls”

Don't miss out on smart gifts. Girls at this age enjoy learning and are interested in new, unknown things. Smart gifts will help you develop intellectually.


A win-win gift option that has stood the test of time. But what book is best to buy as a gift for a 10-year-old girl? Don't think that girls' books are only about horses, flowers and dreams of princes.

Ten-year-old girls enjoy reading adventure and humorous literature and love stories about true friendship, feats. Give a smart girl:

  • the book “Alice's Adventures in Wonderland” by L. Carroll - both adults and children love this story;
  • “The Little Princess” by Frances Burnett is a reverse Cinderella story;
  • “Pippi Longstocking” by Astrid Lindgren – about a charming prankster with a heart of gold;
  • "Pollyanna" by Elinor Porter - about an indestructible optimist;
  • "Little Women" by Louisa Alcott - about 4 sisters growing up;
  • Diana Wynne Jones's bestseller Howl's Moving Castle;
  • “Academy of Home Wizards” by Saida Sakharova;
  • “Scarlet Sails” by Alexander Green.

Educational literature

The choice of various encyclopedias and books with advice for girls is huge. And the most important thing is that girls read them with pleasure.

Experiment kits

Girls don't fewer boys interested in the secrets of nature. Therefore, feel free to give sets for your birthday to a young physicist, chemist, biologist, etc. The girl will like the set for experiments in the kitchen, as well as the “Young Perfume”.

An excellent alternative to such a set would be an ant farm or an aqua farm.

Here the girl will be directly involved in supporting the lives of her charges.

Puzzles, puzzles

The development of logic and intellectual thinking is facilitated by solving various puzzles. Today you can choose very interesting options various levels of difficulty.

Puzzles such as Labyrinths, 150 obstacles, Suitcase puzzles, puzzles in a ball sometimes puzzle even adults.

Personal diary

Give the birthday girl an original diary, decorated in a girlish style.

Gifts for a creative girl 10 years old

Ten-year-old girls enjoy doing needlework and creative activities.

Moreover, it is at this age that most inclinations and habits are formed.

Therefore, you can give birthday kits related to the girl’s creative preferences.


Many girls like embroidery and sewing. A 10-year-old child can master the skill of cross-stitching, beading, and sewing soft toys.

For others, it is more interesting to create jewelry, weave bracelets, decorate handbags and cosmetic bags.

Can be purchased separately consumables or ready-made materials for a girl’s hobby.


Consider painting and painting options. You can paint not only on canvas, but also on ceramics, glass, and wood.

For this purpose, special painting kits with brushes, paints and stencils are produced. Fans of coloring books will love the ready-made paintings for coloring by numbers.


A passion for drawing in childhood can develop into a real passion.

Even if a girl does not plan to connect her future with art, but she likes to draw, give her a large set of pencils or high-quality paints, a watercolor album or an easel.

Such a child will like it and modern means for interactive or volumetric drawing. 3D brushes for drawing on the tablet screen and 3D pens for creating volumetric figures– a great gift for a modern child.

Gifts for an active 10 year old girl

If a girl is seriously interested in sports, choosing a gift for her will not be a problem.

Comfortable sportswear, cool sneakers, smart bracelets, a comfortable cap, a hair band - there are many options, depending on the type of sport the child is involved in.

But even for a girl who is not quite athletic, you can choose a good gift for active recreation.

Skates or roller skates

Roller skating is one of the main street entertainments. Cool skates complete with bright knee pads, elbow and head protection – wonderful gift for a girl.

Indoor basketball

If a girl loves to jump and has athletic ability and accuracy, give her an indoor basketball.

A stationary shield with a ring can be mounted directly in the children's room on the door or wall. This kit is not heavy basketball ball, and its lightweight counterpart with reduced weight and diameter.


The most suitable sport for girls. Few people did not run with a racket as a child. Let the young athlete have her own set of high-quality rackets and shuttlecocks.

Complete the gift with a real tennis uniform - let the girl feel all the charm of this sport.


We are not talking about an inflatable children's pool, but about its older brother - an inflatable or frame pool for a country house or cottage.

Believe me, such a gift will cause a storm of emotions, and a stationary pond will become a child’s favorite place for games and sports.

Sports corner

If a girl doesn’t yet have her own sports corner with a wall bars, rings, ladders, it’s time to give her such a gift.

Unlike children's sports complexes, teenagers have more complex elements. And if you add the first personal trainer to the corner, the girl will simply be delighted.

For a cozy home

For a 10-year-old girl, her own room is hers small world, where she is a full-fledged mistress.

She has the right to arrange her own corner.

Maybe it's time to update children's interior in accordance with the preferences of the little housewife.

Perhaps the girl will want to change not only the furniture, but also the design of the room.

Help her with this, and maybe do some repairs for the baby’s birthday.

As a gift for an updated interior, a girl can be presented with furniture, knitwear, watches, and interior items.

Dressing table

This is a vital item for a girl. After all, she now has her own cosmetics, jewelry - all this wealth needs to be put somewhere. And doing your hair and fixing your “makeup” is much more convenient in front of a mirror.

Bedspread, pillows, bed linen

Inappropriate to use for a baby's crib baby blanket with fabulous prints. It's time to replace it with a more modern, delicate color.

Yes and bed sheets It’s better to give it with an abstract design or prints of her favorite characters.

Wall decor

If there is no way to make repairs, but you want to update the room, choose cool stickers for the walls. It is better to do this together with the child.

There are many more options for gifts for girls aged 10 years. We avoided the topic of toys, computer games, dolls, school supplies.

But this is a separate topic. And you can watch a review of the coolest techno toys for girls in our video review:

All this can be given for a children's anniversary, but the choice will depend on the specific preferences of the birthday girl and the status of the person giving the gift.

Read in detail about what relatives and friends can give for her birthday in the material: What to give a 10-year-old girl from her mother, grandmother, godmother, friend, sister.

Video: amazing gifts

We present a review of smart robotic toys that can be safely given as birthday gifts to both girls and:

1. School supplies
At the age of 10, the main activity is no longer play, but study. And while girls are still willing to go to class, it is best to support their aspirations by purchasing a brightly colored backpack, writing instruments or any other school-related items.

2. Accessories for her room
At ten years old, a girl already begins to value personal space and tries to arrange it in the most comfortable way for herself. Give her a digital photo frame, a small heart-shaped alarm clock, or a Glitter liquid lamp. Before you buy a gift, make sure you don’t miss the color – not all girls like traditional pink.

3. Books about beauty
Such a gift will flatter the girl’s vanity and unobtrusively communicate that you regard her as an independent adult capable of taking care of her health and appearance your nails, hair and skin. The first book about beauty will serve as an incentive to take care of yourself, because it is an inexhaustible source of guidance and joy.

4. Creativity kit
Carefully find out about the 10-year-old girl's hobbies and buy a set that reflects her interests. Decorating, engraving, leather crafts and origami, as well as handmade soap and toys - something from this list will definitely make her heart skip a beat with delight.

5. Pet
If your family plans include getting a pet, try to choose the sweetest and gentlest creature in the world. A desirable pet could be a turtle, a rabbit or a kitten, a parrot, a fish or a puppy. Many girls already want to take care of someone, even if they don’t tell their parents about it.

The parents of a little princess are wondering what to give their 10th birthday girl. The first anniversary is a rather important event when a girl is on the verge between childhood and adulthood. You can find out a birthday gift in advance if you ask the child unobtrusively. You can try to make a surprise, but in this case the birthday girl’s expectations are not met. To avoid misunderstandings, you need to understand what to give to a 10-year-old girl and not make a mistake in choosing.

A gift for a 10-year-old girl is selected depending on the degree of relationship or friendship:

Fashionable and stylish things for beauty

The most popular gift ideas

  1. An interesting book from friends. A child at any age will appreciate an interesting book. Classmates and friends know the girl well, so they will be able to choose a suitable genre for her. If the girl doesn’t know much, then it is recommended to give her an educational encyclopedia for her birthday.
  2. It is impossible to imagine a girl who would not have a doll. This is a universal gift even for adult ladies. Moreover, entire series are being created now.
  3. Computer games. Discs with games or educational videos or an educational program will bring no less joy.
  4. Training programs. You can encourage the girl to develop some skills and hobbies. Depending on interests, educational material or subjects are selected. This could be a kit for creating fragrances, soap making, or a kit for a young chemist. A small children's microscope will cause no less admiration. You can ask the consultants at a children's toy store if such goods are available.
  5. Sports equipment. They also give sports equipment: hula hoops, jump ropes, rubber bands, balls.

The gift idea will depend on the girl's character. There are those who love to play with cars, and there are fashionistas for whom a pink dress will be a joy.

As board games we can recommend:

  1. Monopoly;
  2. Sea battle;
  3. Lotto;
  4. Tic Tac Toe on cards;
  5. Chess or checkers;
  6. Educational games for big company.

This type of gift will be an alternative if you don’t know what to give a 10-year-old girl. At the end of the evening, everyone can try the game and understand its structure.

Sports gifts

  1. Roller skates, skateboards, scooters or a bicycle are a win-win option. If a child does not know how to ride, then he must learn.
  2. You can give a tabletop billiards or a bowling set. An exciting game to bring all the guests together.
  3. Home basketball. Such toys are sold in children's stores. The basket can be hung on the door, it does not take up much space. There is a small ball or several that can be thrown.
  4. The most budget option is darts. You just need to choose a safe one.
  5. If the birthday girl has a private house, you can give her a small swimming pool. It is expensive, so such gifts are mainly given by relatives.
  6. You can also ask parents about tracksuit or sneakers. Comfortable conditions are created for active recreation of the little athlete.


Even small children cannot be imagined without adult toys. Ideal for close relatives: parents, grandparents, sisters or brothers.

  1. Tablet. A universal thing that can serve as a computer or as a phone. With it you can learn to watch cartoons and play educational games.
  2. Personal computer. Expensive, but very necessary. Can't imagine modern child who would not do his homework using a computer. Already from a small age they begin to register in social networks and actively seek out friends.
  3. Mobile phone. Will bring great joy and responsibility. It will add status to girls at school. It is recommended that the birthday girl choose such a present for herself.
  4. Camera. If a child has a desire to take photographs, you can give her a small camera. Special children's cameras are now being sold.

What to give to a 10 year old girl who has everything?

If the girl has everything, you can give her an original gift.

  1. Big teddy bear or an original interactive toy.
  2. A machine that makes popcorn or cotton candy. This gift will appeal not only to a 10-year-old girl but also to adults. Therefore, the first tastes of sweets will begin right at the holiday.
  3. A real magic show at the holiday. All this can be achieved using a magician's kit. The kit comes with instructions with answers to your questions.
  4. Tree house. If there is a craftsman at home, and this house is private, you can make a real tree house. It will be small, but very interesting.
  5. Swing. Another idea for a country house is a swing. Thanks to such a gift you can while away the evenings.
  6. Certificate for visiting attractions. A girl can spend the whole day on her favorite swing.
  7. Meeting with horses. The walk not only accommodates riding, but also caring for the animal.
  8. Go-kart ride. In this case, an adult should be nearby.
  9. Circus performance– also a budget option.
  10. Pet. No child will refuse a pet. In this case, it is necessary to consult with the parents.

You don’t need to think long about what to give your child for his 10th birthday, since the gift should be given with love from the heart.

2018-04-10 pvipadmin

Birthday, New Year, March 8, name day - these are just some of the reasons for which it is customary to give gifts to loved ones, relatives, friends, and colleagues. At the same time, we always try to choose something unusual and interesting for children, so that the child not only has the most pleasant impressions, but also the gift will be popular in his games for a long time.

The best toys may be inexpensive, but they must be ones that will captivate and become loved. Fortunately, in regular and online stores you can choose from a huge assortment of interesting new items that will develop your child’s imagination and capabilities. Modern toys for girls are presented not only with dolls and play sets in the form of a kitchen and a beauty salon, but also with a variety of interactive toys, musical and educational.

What kind of toys should be for a girl from 8 to 10 years old?

Before you buy a gift for a girl's birthday, New Year or other holiday, you need to find out what she is interested in. Those toys that fall into the child’s area of ​​special interest quickly and for a long time become in demand.

A girl between the ages of 8 and 10 is not yet a teenager, but she is no longer a child. With a noticeable desire to imitate adults, the world of fairies and princesses, interactive puppies and classic Barbies remains attractive to her.

At this age, children already have clearly defined interests and abilities, for example, in music, dancing, drawing, languages ​​or swimming. Someone is interested in technology and gets carried away modern gadgets. All this should be taken into account when choosing a gift if you really want to please the child.

Do not forget that if you find it difficult to choose, and there is no one to tell you, you can use classical ideas. For example, a universal and useful gift is an encyclopedia book, and a delicious gift is a set of sweets. In addition, any child will be pleased to receive a certificate for visiting a toy store and making an independent purchase.

Gift ideas for girls aged 8 to 10 years

Soft toys

Present soft toys- this is a good and pleasant tradition. Many girls, even growing up, remain big fans of them. Each toy has a special meaning for them, which is most often associated with its giver.

You can buy unusual toys in the form of a large snow-white bear or a striped tiger, in the form starfish or resembling some cartoon character. By the way, this also includes the idea of ​​fur and soft handbags with funny characters from your favorite films and cartoons on them.

Very an unusual gift will become a soft toy-hiding place. A girl can hide secrets and her little treasures in it.

soft toys emoticons

glowing soft toys stars


Dolls can sometimes be found in the room of even an accomplished, successful business woman, let alone girls. Many of them, up to 10 years old, or even longer, are still interested in creating their own doll worlds.

The word “dolls” itself can mean:

  1. classic Barbie;
  2. Disney princesses made according to the same principle;
  3. baby dolls who can cry and write;
  4. models for creating styling and hairstyles, as well as makeup (torso doll);
  5. collectible porcelain dolls;
  6. soft-filled, etc.

The choice is currently so large that it complicates the purchase of a toy. Barbie dolls never go out of fashion; they become more and more beautiful and interesting. Now they drive cars, ride unicorns, treat children, change hair color and hairstyles, visit swimming pools and do other exciting things. All accessories necessary for play (furniture, clothes, etc.) can be purchased together with the doll as a set or separately.

Please note that recently it has become fashion trend create dolls-heroes of various cartoons. This applies to Disney princesses, characters from the cartoon "Frozen", etc. By purchasing a girl's favorite character as a holiday gift, you can please and surprise her.

Special torso dolls will allow you to bring to life the most daring ideas for creating hairstyles and makeup. This is not only very exciting, but also develops fantasy and imagination. In addition, having learned how to do an intricate hairstyle for a doll, a girl can apply her skills in life.

beautiful dolls

doll house

A doll house is not just a desired, but a dream gift for many birthday girls. It will not only please the girl, but will also become a mandatory main attribute of playing with dolls. At the same time, houses for them can be very different - from simple wooden ones to multi-level ones made of plastic.

doll house

Electronic novelties

Girls are just as interested in modern gadgets as boys. Cell phones have long become an invariable and convenient attribute of communication and life in general. New model devices will always be a welcome gift.

In addition, you can give small netbooks, convenient tablets, flash drives, cases, headphones and other accessories. All these modern innovations will become not just toys, but also largely educational aids for a girl.

Sometimes the most desired gift can be a color printer on which you can print photos.

colorful smartphones and headphones


Radio controlled toys

There are girls who are interested in radio-controlled toys. These don't have to be cars. It is very interesting for children of both sexes to launch toy helicopters on the remote control, boats and boats, as well as control animals.

In online stores you can find radio-controlled toys in the form of characters from your favorite cartoons that children watch.

pink radio controlled car

Book as a gift

A book is a gift that will always have its place and its reader. Modern books are distinguished by interesting colorful illustrations and a variety of genres. Good idea will buy a girl aged 8 to 10 years old the well-known “Wizard of the Emerald City”.

In addition, you can buy various encyclopedias; they will always be useful in your studies and will allow you to learn a lot of new things.


Board games

TO board games Children of all ages from about 5 years old show special interest. This category of gifts can be classified as educational toys, because during the game children not only compete, but also think through moves and learn to closely monitor each other’s actions. Plus, it's just a lot of fun in a big group.

Board games are mobile, you can take them with you on trips, on visits, and even to school to have fun during breaks or after school. In addition to the classic “walkers”, you can now purchase entertaining card ones, for example, “Crocodile”. Its meaning is to show with gestures what is depicted on the card that you came across. The sooner the participants solve the pantomime, the more points the person who portrayed it gets.

Board games also include construction sets, which are always an excellent gift. Children of any age enjoy building with LEGO.

board games

Interactive toys

Some of the most favorite toys for almost all children are interactive puppies, cats, parrots, bears and horses. On toy websites you can find funny koalas and hippos, even waterfowl and land turtles.

For a girl from 8 to 10 years old, such a toy would be a good gift, but she should be able to do much more, compared to one that could be given for 2 years. Such a gift could be an interactive Dragon (FurReal Friends from Hasbro). He has a very wide range of independent skills:

  1. responds to touch;
  2. makes about 50 different sounds;
  3. creates the impression of real fire breathing, which is safe for children;
  4. On an improvised fire you can fry marshmallows, which are included in the kit.

interactive dog


Bicycles, scooters and electric scooters, roller skates and ice skates are all some of the most desirable and long-awaited categories of gifts. It's impossible to find a child who wouldn't want to have their own brand new bicycle or learn to roller skate. Among other things, such a gift will be an excellent reason to actively spend time without sitting in front of the computer or TV.

An electric scooter is a very convenient means of transportation from school to home in the warm season - in spring and early autumn. You can choose a lightweight folding model so that it can be conveniently left in the appropriate storage room, if provided by the school.

Many girls love to skateboard, which can be successfully replaced by a modern roller surf - a two-wheeled skateboard made of a durable flexible board that is very easy to control.

pink rollers with pattern

kids white ice skates

Musical toys

For children who show an interest in music, or for those in whom this interest needs to be found, great gifts will become:

  1. guitar plus microphone stand sets (for example, WinFun Rock Star Set - guitar + microphone);
  2. electronic piano with chair included;
  3. electric synthesizer, etc.

In order to send your child to a music school in the future, you can give him a real instrument.

Any holiday will become musical and fun if you give your child a musical dance mat for children. It reproduces large number melodies and has backlighting and speakers.

children's synthesizer with microphone

Play sets

Play sets allow the child to get carried away with his favorite activity for a long time. Some people like to play cooking, others feel like a fashion designer, creating dresses for dolls or doing their hair in a salon. As a gift for a girl from 8 to 10 years old you can buy:

  1. kitchen play set;
  2. beauty salon game set;
  3. set for designing and creating clothes;
  4. doctoral supplies, etc.

With the help of one of these sets, a girl will be able to choose an activity that she would like to implement in real life.

Very interesting toy- This is a machine for making cotton candy. He can become the highlight of any holiday, because, being a toy, he is able to make the most real delicious cotton candy for everyone.

play set "kitchen"

play set "beauty salon"

Sets for creativity and handicrafts

Art and craft kits are one of the most popular gifts for girls. With the help of such a gift, she will be able to learn a lot, for example, embroidery or weaving with beads. Many kits contain everything you need to draw or create various crafts(for example, for modeling clay dishes). The skills acquired in this way will be useful to the girl in the future.

With the help of creative toys and craft kits, a girl can make fashionable beautiful jewelry for yourself and your friends. Their great advantage is that at the learning stage you can use the included instructions and easily make the products they contain.

craft kit

clothing modeling kit

Video toys as a gift

To find out what toys people are interested in modern girls, it’s not enough just to look into the store “ Children's world"and others. To do this, you need to be fluent in the world of computer technology and video games. Many children choose computer and video games as their best leisure time. Your task is to choose such a gift according to age and with maximum benefit.

To choose a video game, first look suitable review on the Internet.

children's video games

What should you not give to a girl between 8 and 10 years old?

Of course, everyone wants to make sure that the gift is not only interesting, but also memorable. This is especially true for birthday gifts. However, the idea of ​​giving girls expensive jewelry worth abstaining. An exception may be small gold stud earrings. It’s better if you manage to pick up a beautiful set of jewelry.

When buying a gift, always take into account the individual characteristics of the child. With the development of modern technologies, not all girls are interested in fashionable gadgets. Some people prefer to spend time reading or riding a bike with friends. It is very important to choose a gift that will be useful for your child, but it is equally important to buy one that he will like and will be involved in all his games. Also, don't forget that all girls are fashionistas, so don't pass them by beautiful dress and shoes, especially if you know the right size.