I liked the article. Only now I’m trying to understand which of my children is sanguine and which is choleric... (there are definitely no melancholics or phlegmatic people))))

Most child psychologists agree that kindergarten a child needs it as much as school. But to the question of when is the time to send your child to kindergarten, there is no clear answer. Some children at two years old easily join the kindergarten team, do not cry when parting with their mother, and miss kindergarten on holidays and weekends. Others, on the contrary, burst into tears every morning and have to be literally torn away from their mother. It all depends on the character and temperament of the child. You can determine at what age it is time for a child to go to kindergarten only by carefully observing him. Child psychologists distinguish two types of readiness for kindergarten: readiness by temperament and readiness by character. And by combining these two readiness, parents can determine the approximate age at which their child will “mature” to kindergarten and will most painlessly experience adaptation.

Readiness N1. Focus on Temperament

From the first days of life, each child has an individual natural temperament, which is almost impossible to change. A person’s innate temperament is visible in everything: in the speed of his thinking, rate of speech, facial expressions, mobility, manner of communication, etc. Temperament is determined by the speed and strength of reaction nervous system to various kinds of irritants: mother’s intonation, wet diapers, hunger, stomach pain, own desires, etc. Subsequently, one of these irritants is the children's group, so the need for a children's team is determined, first of all, by the child's temperament. As you know, there are four most common: melancholic, phlegmatic, choleric and sanguine. Let's look at each of these types.

Melancholic child

A melancholic child is withdrawn, indecisive and very suspicious. He rarely expresses pleasant emotions. This child is a born pessimist and is constantly dissatisfied with something. Often whines, whines or screams at the top of his voice. He constantly demands attention to himself and shows dissatisfaction if his parents ask him to play on his own. A melancholic child does not like any innovations. He perceives changes in the daily routine, the appearance of new faces in his environment and even new food with caution. It takes him time to get used to the changes and take them for granted. He has difficulty learning new information and gets tired quickly.

The time has come. A melancholic person does not need a children's group. He feels quite comfortable at home, surrounded by adults who are ready to satisfy all his whims. Therefore, the later such a child goes to kindergarten, the better. If possible, it is advisable to send such a child to kindergarten no earlier than 5-6 years old. But in general, avoiding kindergarten and staying at home before school is not worth it. It is advisable that a melancholic child gain experience communicating with peers and teachers before school (without counting on his mother, who is always nearby).

Possible problems. In the mornings he will give you real concerts. A melancholic person usually begins to protest against going to kindergarten in the evening. And when you are finally able to break free from his tenacious embrace, he may “take revenge” on the teachers and other children because mom still insisted on her own way and went to work. A melancholic person will refuse to fall asleep and disturb other children during quiet times.

Tactics of behavior. A melancholic person cannot be ordered or forced to go to kindergarten. Any categorical appeals and negative assessments provoke already sluggish actions on his part. You need to discuss upcoming events with such a child, focusing on the positive aspects. Your task is to interest the child in the upcoming changes. Tell your child how interesting it is to go to kindergarten. As a last resort, you can conclude a peace treaty with a melancholic person: “You don’t cry in the morning and go to kindergarten, and on the weekend we’ll go ride the carousel” (any options are possible depending on the baby’s preferences).

Phlegmatic child

Parents usually have no problems with such a child. He sleeps a lot, knows how to play alone, rarely throws tantrums at his parents and practically does not require attention to himself. A phlegmatic child is always restrained and reasonable. He rarely shows curiosity or initiative. It seems as if he is floating with the flow. A phlegmatic person loves quiet games and always tries to stay in the shadows. It takes him a long time to adapt to kindergarten, but does not openly express his emotions.

The time has come. A phlegmatic person doesn’t care where he is - in kindergarten or at home, but adaptation to kindergarten is most painless for him at 2-3 years old. At this age, the children's team has not yet formed and it will be easier for a phlegmatic person to fit into a new social circle.

Possible problems. Adapting to kindergarten, the phlegmatic child plunges into himself. He avoids communication with peers and does not make contact with the teacher. He can sit alone in a corner or near a window all day. He rarely cries in the morning when his mother leaves and does not show much joy when he is taken home. But at the same time the kindergarten for a long time remains a foreign place for him, and not a “second home”. A phlegmatic child can endure going to the toilet or “walking” in his pants all day long. Although he has been able to use the potty and toilet for a long time. Thus, he demonstrates that the kindergarten is foreign territory for him.

Tactics of behavior. Teachers rarely complain about such children. A phlegmatic person does not cry or be capricious. But he needs attention no less than other kids. He needs the presence of something close and familiar. Bring a piece of home to the kindergarten. If possible, buy the same potty or toilet seat for the kindergarten as at home, beautiful bed sheets and pajamas.Then it will be easier for a phlegmatic person to get used to the new environment.

Choleric child

This child cannot be called calm. He gets excited easily and cannot calm down for a long time. Choleric prefers noisy games, pampering and constantly needs spectators. From early childhood he knows how to work for the public. Choleric often provokes conflict situations with peers and teachers. He easily gets used to new faces and new surroundings. But that's it unforeseen situations takes it with hostility. He quickly grasps new information and forgets it just as quickly.

The time has come. A choleric person's need for a group of children appears at 3-4 years of age. By the way, this is for him optimal age to get used to kindergarten. At this age, the child is already familiar with certain norms of behavior and a deterrent appears. At 3-4 years old, it will be easiest for a choleric person to learn to take responsibility for their actions and fit harmoniously into the children's team.

Possible problems. Adapting to kindergarten, the choleric person will show even greater activity and cockiness - in this way he tries to relieve nervous excitement and get used to separation from his mother. Therefore, the main problems will arise for teachers and other children. He will tire the teachers and initiate all the children's pranks.

Tactics of behavior. Do not scold your child for being cocky and pugnacious. He himself understands that he is behaving incorrectly, but he cannot help himself. The task of parents and educators is to direct his overflowing energy into a peaceful direction.

Sanguine child

This is the most “suitable” temperament for kindergarten. He is incredibly curious and constantly needs new experiences. A sanguine child shows great interest in everything that surrounds him. He gets along well with his peers, quickly adapts to an unfamiliar place and instantly learns new information. His lively speech is replete with superlatives and is accompanied by impulsive gestures. A sanguine child is not vindictive - he quickly forgives and forgets an insult. Sanguine people are born leaders and ringleaders. However, when carried away by something, the child cannot correctly calculate his strength, gets tired quickly and often changes boring activities.

The time has come. As soon as a sanguine child notices that there are children around, he immediately needs to communicate with them. Sanguine people have an innate readiness for kindergarten. Therefore, the sooner you send such a child to the team, the better for everyone.

Possible problems. At first, a sanguine person will be happy to go to kindergarten. But he quickly gets tired of the monotony. And if children are left to their own devices in the garden, then the sanguine person will quickly get enough and demand new impressions. And as soon as he gets bored of going to kindergarten, he will definitely show you his dissatisfaction.

Tactics of behavior. Choose a kindergarten where children are maximally loaded with a variety of activities. Modeling, drawing, music, dancing, physical education, educational games will benefit your baby. A sanguine child will be happy to go to kindergarten only if he finds it interesting.

Readiness N2. Character matters

As you know, every child is born with his own character. Depending on how a child acquires new knowledge and assimilates information, four types of character are distinguished: viewer, listener, speaker and doer. For each of the following types, readiness for kindergarten occurs at different times. In addition, depending on what type of perception predominates in the child, specific problems of adaptation to kindergarten may appear.

Child spectator

Its main channel of perception is vision. He enjoys looking at books, pictures, and loves watching TV. Not a single detail escapes the viewer's attention. At the same time, he quickly gets tired of the monotony. He requires a constant change of frames and new visual impressions. While walking, he can go around several playgrounds, and play on each for only a few minutes. A child spectator often “does not hear” questions addressed to him if they are not supported by visual impressions. The viewer is not afraid of new faces, but at the same time does not make contact with strangers. He can carefully examine someone else's aunt. And as soon as she notices him and asks a simple question, she will hide behind her mother, become embarrassed, or mutter something quietly under her breath.

The time has come. The viewer becomes interested in children's groups at the age of 3-4 years. But his adaptation to the garden goes most smoothly at 2 years. The older the child gets, the more difficult it will be for him to overcome embarrassment when fitting into a new team.

Possible problems. The viewer gets scared when the attention of others is focused on him. He will look into the group with curiosity. But at the same time he is afraid to open the door wide and go in there. Children of this type often ask their mother not to leave longer and sit with him.

Tactics of behavior. Ask the teacher not to embarrass the child with her questions and not to attract the attention of other children to him. He needs time to get used to new faces and carefully examine everything around him. Bring your child first so that he has time to look around before the other children arrive. If possible, at first leave the group when all the kids are already gathered. In the presence of the mother, it will be easier for the child to get used to new faces and overcome embarrassment.

Child listener

He absorbs information through listening. In early childhood, the listener gives preference to musical toys and loves to listen to fairy tales and songs. Children of this type begin to speak somewhat later than their peers. The listener, like a sponge, absorbs new information and remains silent, and then surprises adults with the correct speech. He has an extensive vocabulary and a good memory for names and facts. When asking questions, this child always listens to the answer to the end. At the same time, he is not satisfied with short answers such as “Yes-No”.

The time has come. It is advisable to send the listener to kindergarten at the age of 5-6 years. At this age, he is already interested in listening not only to adults, but also to his peers. In more early age the listener does not need a children's group and it will be most difficult for him to survive separation from his parents.

Possible problems. The child listener needs to constantly talk to him and explain to him everything that is happening around him. At the same time, he is embarrassed to pester strangers (teacher, nanny) with questions and quietly waits until they notice him. As a result, he can spend the whole day waiting.

Tactics of behavior. Teach your child to listen not only to adults, but also to children. To do this, in the evenings, ask him what the other kids said. Usually, at first, children ignore each other and listen only to the words of adults. But having realized that peers are much more interesting storytellers than adults, the listener will be happy to go to kindergarten.

Child speaker

The speaker experiences the world through communication. This child is constantly saying something. It sometimes seems to parents that he never stops talking for a second. At the same time, the baby will not mutter something under his breath. Like a true speaker, he needs listeners, whom he will definitely find. He easily makes contact with everyone around him. The speaker is rarely embarrassed when answering questions from adults. This child has his own point of view on any issue, which he will definitely communicate to everyone around him.

The time has come. The speaker's need for a children's group appears at approximately 3-4 years of age. It is at this age that children begin to communicate with each other. And the speaker easily attracts the attention of his peers.

Possible problems. It’s hard for a speaker to remain silent, and at first he has no one to talk to in kindergarten. The teacher does not have time to listen to his stories, and the other children are completely absorbed in their emotions.

Tactics of behavior. Every evening, ask the speaker what he did in kindergarten. Don't interrupt him. If a child has been silent all day, he needs to throw out the accumulated verbal flow. The child should feel that the parents are really interested in hearing a detailed story about the events of the past day. If the child knows that in the evening he will find grateful listeners in the person of his mother and father, then it will be easier for him to survive the separation. And ask the teacher to actively involve the speaker in preparing for and participating in all kinds of holidays.

Child doer

He is always busy with work. A child who is active cannot sit quietly and watch something. He needs to be an active participant in what is happening. Children of this type move a lot and actively gesture during conversations. Activists often surpass their peers in physical development. But at the same time they lag behind in those areas where perseverance and patience are required.

The time has come. From birth, an activist needs a team of like-minded people. At 1.5-2 years old, it is time for such a child to attend kindergarten.

Possible problems. An active child usually goes to kindergarten with pleasure, but after a while his excitement may disappear. And when other children have already adapted and stop crying in the morning, the leader categorically refuses to go to kindergarten and throws tantrums. Most likely, the fact is that he is getting bored. He doesn't know what else to do in kindergarten: He has already played with all the toys.

Tactics of behavior. Children of this type adapt to new conditions mainly through direct participation and active actions. Doers require a calm environment and the opportunity to move. Ask the teacher to regularly give the child “responsible” assignments. Let the baby help her arrange toys, make beds, or clear the table.

Natalya Aleshina

According to the point of view of child psychology, main need for a child under three years old - emotional communication with his mother. So, of course, in the best case. And it's not just like that! How the mother and father communicate with the baby at such a tender age determines his future attitude and trust in the whole world. Will it form correctly? Or the child will be closed from the outside world or, on the contrary, trust everyone too much on his way. And the kindergarten plays an important role in this matter.

Needs of a child under 3 years old

In the first years of life, children have no need to play with other babies. In fact, he doesn't even know how to do it. And the maximum that they can do is play with themselves, in their own games, occasionally exchanging toys, and sometimes swearing.

In this case, kindergarten for a child under 3 years old is an unnatural phenomenon. The baby simply does not yet have the need to play with other children and be away from his mother for so long.

When the crisis of 3 years occurs, children have a desire to move away from their mother, provided that before that he received everything he needed unconditional love moms and dads. Unconditional, which means to love and accept someone for who they are. He will also be ready for this if he has not been “scared” by a long separation from his parents.

Kindergartens - when is it time?

The kindergarten was not created for children, oddly enough. It was opened so that mom could go to work. To this day, the kindergarten has the same goal - so that the mother can work or, on the contrary, relax.

If the baby goes to kindergarten with proper preparation, namely: ready to be separated from mom and dad for long hours, has basic self-care skills and strives to communicate with peers and explore the outside world, then this will only be beneficial.

If possible, it is better to send your child to kindergarten by the age of four or five years. This will make this moment less traumatic and will also satisfy the child’s needs to some extent.

But not all mothers have the opportunity to care for a child up to 4-5 years old. In this case, it is worth doing everything possible to reduce stress to a minimum, as well as prepare him for kindergarten.

Kindergarten is contraindicated for a child if he:

  • no speech;
  • increased anxiety;
  • There are plans for a new addition to the family;
  • moving is planned;
  • parents get divorced;
  • loss of a loved one or significant person.

If a child, brother or sister is about to be born in a family, then it is better to go to kindergarten 6 months after the birth of the baby. But if the mother is expecting the baby no earlier than in six months, then the child can go to kindergarten.

Which child can already go to kindergarten?

Your child needs kindergarten if:

  • the mother urgently needs to go to work, and there is no one to leave the child with except his overprotective grandmother.
  • child without communication. He is completely left to himself: he watches cartoons for days, plays on his tablet, and does not go for a walk.

Before sending your child to kindergarten, find out for what purpose you want to do this. Most often there are three options:

  • going to work
  • socialization

When a child finds himself in a group where there is no significant adult for him, then his communication skills are “delayed.” And for him now, socialization means that an adult who is significant to him shows him how to behave in various situations. In a group of children under four years of age, socialization is out of the question. No one here has any communication skills yet.

Therefore, if the purpose of visiting the garden is socialization, then think about everything again and decide whether this format is suitable for you. In addition, there are groups for short stays.

There is an opinion that if the baby goes to preschool, then he will be able to learn to respond adequately to aggression and treat criticism correctly, without taking evil statements to heart. But you have to look at the adults around you who went to kindergarten, and everything will become obvious. Do they all really handle criticism and aggression adequately? What about those who didn’t go to kindergarten? Maybe they were never socialized?

Some argue that a child who did not attend kindergarten does not adapt well to school. My answer to this: if the child already has his own responsibilities and routine, and there are rules and boundaries in the family, then adaptation will be absolutely normal.

Natalya Yarukhina
Consultation for parents “At what age is it better to send a child to a preschool educational institution?”

MADOU "Combined kindergarten No. 1 in Shebekino"

Consultation for parents


"IN at what age is it better to give,

baby to preschool?

Completed by the teacher:

Yarukhina N. A.

G. Shebekino

Sooner or later before parents raise the question of, is it worth it send your child to kindergarten. Supporters of “home education” put forward many arguments not in favor of preschool institutions, the main among which are frequent illnesses baby. In addition, many people tend to consider kindergarten to be the cause of almost all behavioral disorders. baby. “Bad words”, deception, attempts to steal, aggressive behavior - all this is considered a consequence of imitating the bad example of other children. On the other hand, those parents who prefer kindergarten to education at home, first of all argue their point of view by saying that kindergarten is the first school of communication that child must definitely pass. After all, the ability to communicate with people is one of the main conditions for the fact that, when faced with an older group of peers in the future, the child will not get lost in it, but will be able to find his place.

Of course, the latter point of view is much more solid.

The main advantage of kindergarten is communication.

Being in a group of peers, child learns to communicate with other children, defend his own opinion and listen to others.

He learns to live in a team, learns independence. Kindergarten is especially important for baby who is the only one in the family, as well as for those children who, for one reason or another, do not have the opportunity to spend free time with their peers.

Some children actually begin to get sick often when they enter kindergarten. Frequent colds are caused by the body adapting to new living conditions. The child gets sick more often, attending kindergarten, not at all because the teachers look after him poorly, as many believe. As a rule, the number of diseases and their duration are significantly reduced already in the second year of attending kindergarten, when the adaptation period ends.

IN at what age is it better to give up a child? to preschool?

The most the right time to start attending preschool is a three-year-old age.

During this period, children adapt to kindergarten much faster and show a greater desire to go there than in older years. age. At two or three years old child begins to feel the need to communicate with peers. As a rule, before this age Children pay little attention to each other and prefer to play independently. Communications with parents and other family members are enough for the baby. However, over time, the boundaries of his world expand, and child begins to show interest in other children. This interest gradually turns into an urgent need.

It is extremely important to catch this moment in development baby. If his interest in communicating with peers has not yet awakened, if child He is very attached to his mother and does not feel the need to expand his world; it will be very difficult for him to adapt to kindergarten.

Frequent cases of diseases in junior groups kindergarten, increased nervous excitability, touchiness, tearfulness and timidity - all these troubles, as a rule, are a consequence of the fact that parents rushed to send their child to kindergarten. As observations show, children entering a preschool institution "by at will", adapt to kindergarten much faster than those who did not feel the need to expand their social circle.

The stronger emotional connection mothers and baby, the more difficult the adaptation period in kindergarten will be.

Certain psychological problems that arise in baby during the period of adaptation to a children's institution - a completely normal and natural phenomenon. Moreover, to a certain extent, the occurrence of these problems indicates a high intellectual and mental level of development baby, about his ability to experience strong emotions.

Adaptation that does not go beyond time limits can be considered normal. The older child, the longer it takes to adapt to new conditions. In junior preschool age this period should not exceed seven to ten days, in kindergarten, for children in age about three years - two to three weeks, in senior preschool age - one month.

The adaptation period may be characterized by various psychophysiological reactions - anxiety, fear, inhibition or, on the contrary, increased excitability (depending on temperament baby, moodiness, irritability and stubbornness.

It is much more difficult and longer for children to adapt to kindergarten which:

They are the only ones in the family;

Overprotected parents or grandparents;

Accustomed to having their whims indulged;

Receiving exclusive attention from adults;

Lack of basic self-care skills;


Sufferers of night terrors;

Emotionally unstable;

Survivors of psychological trauma;

Children, parents who worry too much about baby due to need send him to kindergarten.

So parents You should remember and strictly follow several rules outlined below. This will help avoid serious problems and psychological disorders in baby.

Rule 1. Consider age and emotional attachment.

As a rule, boys show interest in communicating with peers at three years old, girls - a little later, at three and a half. This is the most favorable age period for that, to give the child away to a preschool. However, individual characteristics should also be taken into account.

Rule 2. Child must go to kindergarten with desire.

Kindergarten is not a prison or a cage in which he is placed because the situation is hopeless. This is the joy of communication, the joy of creativity, the joy of learning about the world around us. Only from this position parents should consider kindergarten, and should only set the mood for joy baby.

Rule 3: Your own childhood memories can awaken baby desire to attend kindergarten.

Before send your child to kindergarten, talk to him about it. In order to form a positive attitude in your child, tell him about how you yourself attended kindergarten as a child. Try to make the story interesting - in this case the child will not be afraid that something bad awaits him, but he will joyfully await the first day of his new life.

Rule 4. Preparatory period should begin long before the day of the first visit to the kindergarten group.

It's better to protect your child from surprises. For example, a few weeks before your first visit, start walking with child near the kindergarten or, if possible, directly on the kindergarten playground. He will feel more confident in familiar territory.

In the event that the kindergarten is located close to home, in the future children's team baby There will probably be familiar children. It is with them that he will communicate in the first few days - until he finds new friends. In the event that no one attends the group child, which would be familiar to your baby, better introduce him to one of the guys in advance. This will help him quickly establish communication in the team.

Before you take me away child to kindergarten, introduce him to the teachers and the children. Don't leave it for the first few days baby full-day kindergarten, even if, in the teacher’s opinion, the child did not show any anxiety about being in a new team.

Rule 5. Spare baby from the difficulties of adaptation to the new regime. Children who do not attend kindergarten live on their own schedule: someone wakes up early, someone wakes up late; at different times, different children go to bed, sit down at the table, etc. The children's group has its own schedule, its own regime, which everyone must follow child. That's why better Accustom your baby in advance to exactly the same daily routine that he will follow in kindergarten.

Rule 6. Teach child to independence.

In kindergarten they will not feed him with a spoon, they will not persuade him to “eat a spoon for mom, for dad.” Teachers help very young children get dressed; in older aged child I should already be able to do something myself. Of course, independence skills are not instilled immediately. However, in the usual home environment child it will be much easier to learn how to put on tights, fasten buttons, etc. it will be easier for the child than those not adapted to self-service.

Rule 7. When loving, do not raise an egoist.

Showing your love to child When admiring him, try not to provoke thoughts of your own exclusivity in his mind. The child should know, What parents and close people happily fulfill his wishes, and sometimes even his whims, admire him not at all because they are obliged to do so, but only because they love him. Yielding child, sometimes ask him to make concessions.

Rule 8. Provide child possibility of emotional release. In the first few days child feels constrained in kindergarten. Constantly holding back emotions can lead to a nervous breakdown, so during the adaptation period the child just needs“release” emotions in a familiar home environment that does not cause constraint. Don't scold him for shouting too loudly or running fast - he needs this.

If the adaptation period is too acute and significantly exceeds the acceptable time frame, it makes sense to consult a psychologist.

Very often parents ask me questions like these:

– At what age will the child be – 2 or 3 years old? At what age should a child be given away? I am leaning towards 3 years, but I often hear that in kindergarten children develop faster and need to be sent earlier.

But most of all I want to decide for myself whether we need a kindergarten, because I am increasingly inclined to think that I would not want to send my child there. Husband for kindergarten. What is your opinion on this matter?


– Our child is still 1.6 years old, but they have already started taking him to kindergarten. I am against kindergarten, my husband is for it, his mother is a kindergarten teacher. In my opinion, now you can do without a kindergarten, because many children’s clubs have been opened, where children are in the same children’s group, communicate and work together. All you need is the desire of the parents to work with their child and teach him. I would like to know your opinion on this matter, as a psychologist!

So, at what age is it better to send a child to kindergarten?

Should I send my child to kindergarten until the age of 3?

From the point of view, the main need of a child under 3 years old is close, emotionally rich communication with his mother. With the very first and most important person in a child’s life. A person who always understands, supports and, of course, loves. This is ideal.

How the child’s communication with his mother develops, the extent to which his need for this close and deep contact is satisfied, will determine whether he will develop basic trust or distrust in the world and other people.

At the age of 2.5-3 years, the child does not yet have a pronounced desire to play with other children, he does not yet know how to do this, and he does not needThis does not usually occur at this age.

The whole world for him is his mother. The source of joy is mother, the source of communication and love is mother.

Therefore, if a child is sent to kindergarten before the age of 2.5 years - this will always be, one way or another, contrary to the nature of the child and contrary to his basic psychological needs - well, he still does not have the need to play for hours with other children and is without his mother for a long time.

Developmental activities and clubs are something else. You come here with your mother for 1-2 hours, your mother is nearby, she is always ready to help, support, show what and how to do. She is always available. And such activities are good if the child likes them and goes with pleasure.

The desire to slowly psychologically separate from his mother begins in a child at about the age of 3, provided that before that the child received “enough” of his mother and was not frightened by a long separation from his mother, and did not experience the fear of suddenly losing his mother.

What is kindergarten for a child?

In general, to be honest, kindergartens are not a very natural place for a child to stay. Nature didn't come up with this. Nature did not invent a child to spend 7-8 hours in a group of children who are not his brothers and sisters. And she didn’t come up with a way for him to listen and obey strangers,who are not his mom or dad.

This is a relatively recent, so to speak, invention.

Previously, there were no kindergartens; children grew up constantly next to their parents, raised by relatives, older brothers and sisters, nannies, and governesses.

But without a kindergarten in modern world Many parents find it difficult to get by. And if the child goes there to be separated from his mother for a long time and he already has experience in self-care, the need to communicate with other children, the need to actively learn the world around us, interest in classes - then, of course, this can even be useful for the child.

Of course, if you are lucky with teachers. And the attitude of teachers towards a child largely depends on their attitude towards you. I will write about this in the next article.

Should I send my child to kindergarten?

If you have the opportunity, it is better to send your child to kindergarten when he or she is closer to 3 years old. This will be less traumatic for the child and more or less meet his needs.

And if you don’t have such an opportunity and you need to send your child to kindergarten earlier, then you need to do everything possible to maximizeand minimize the emotional burden on his psyche.

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And, as always, I will be glad to see your comments and questions.

Many mothers would happily raise their children at home until they are five or seven years old - but financial resources rarely allow this. In addition, many toddlers themselves, from the age of two, are in dire need of communication with peers and education, which parents cannot provide at home. At what age do psychologists advise sending a child to kindergarten, is it worth seeking a place in nursery group and why shouldn’t you be separated from your baby for the whole day while he’s still very small?

At each age, babies have their own characteristics, which are important to consider before placing them under the care of a stranger for the whole day.

  • Per year the child is attached to the mother as much as possible. Many babies at this age are breastfed not only at night, but also during the day.

    The little one is showing the first signs of independence - he tries to eat with a spoon, dress himself, help his mother sweep the floor - while often being unsteady on his feet and constantly falling on his butt.

    At this age, the main thing is not to get irritated, not to yell at the child, and to devote as much time as possible to communicating with him - helping to assemble a pyramid, teaching him to wash his hands, comb his hair, and name words in books.

  • From two to three years the child becomes completely independent. Most children are ready to be left without their mother for several hours, under the supervision of a familiar adult. Some children already need to communicate with peers - at three years old this need manifests itself in almost all children. You need to constantly work with your child - he is active and active.
  • At four years old No matter how hard the parents try to keep the baby occupied on their own, he begins to get bored at home. In kindergartens, four-year-old children adapt as quickly as possible - usually within a day or two, children get used to the group and teachers and happily run to the kindergarten in the morning.

At what age are children admitted to kindergarten?

Regulations on the admission of children to preschool educational institutions and work preschool organizations is considered in the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”. According to the law, a child must be provided with a place in the kindergarten free of charge. Priority for enrollment in a preschool educational institution is given to children registered near the kindergarten, but the lack of local registration cannot become an obstacle to enrolling a child in a kindergarten (Article No. 8 of the Federal Law-273, dated December 26, 2012).

According to the law, a mother can send her baby to kindergarten at any age.- for example, in a nursery for a child at least six months old - the law does not prohibit this. But basically, the nursery group accepts babies who can already walk well on their own, without support - that is, from about 11-12 months. The main age of children in nursery groups is 1.5 – 2.5 years.

Reference. The only obstacle may be a queue - that is, the lack of places in a nursery group or a group for children from three years old. In this case, you can try to place your child in another kindergarten.

When is it better to send a child to a preschool educational institution?

Most child psychologists and specialists working with children under 7 years old are confident that children need kindergarten no less than school (and what advantages will we have from this?).

There is no clear answer to the question of when to send a particular child to kindergarten.

It depends on the character and temperament of the little one, and how strongly he is psychologically attached to his mother.

Many children, already one and a half to two years old, easily join the children's group; after only two days of being in the nursery, they stop crying when parting with their mother and demand to be taken to kindergarten on Saturday.

Others, even at three years old, go to group every morning with hysterics, cannot tear themselves away from their mother and eat poorly in kindergarten, do not play with their peers and take months to get used to the teacher.

By carefully observing your baby, you can understand whether he is ready for kindergarten. You can send your child to kindergarten if he:

  • easily communicates with peers on the playground, happily joins in joint games;
  • not afraid of adults, ready to stay with grandma/neighbor/uncle for several hours without hysterics;
  • eats and dresses himself;
  • calmly plays alone for up to 30-40 minutes in a row;
  • adheres to a daily routine - sleeps during the day at a specific time, eats according to a schedule.

Attention! Most psychologists agree that best age for a child to transition from home education - three years or a little later.

All this suggests that the baby is ready for kindergarten and will easily survive.

  1. The first, the sharpest age crises two and three years have passed, the baby’s psyche is stable, he is capable of dialogue and listens to the opinion of an adult.
  2. As a rule, the child already adequately perceives prohibitions and fulfills the adult’s requests.
  3. The baby’s speech is developed enough for him to understand those around him, and they understand him.
  4. At three years old, almost all children are happy to communicate with their peers.
  5. The baby has developed self-care skills.

There is no need to worry that your baby’s physiological skills are not fully developed.– that is, from time to time he still needs a diaper. In the kindergarten, children quickly get used to the potty and at three and a half years old they already wake up to go to the toilet - both day and night.

Why shouldn't you start kindergarten earlier?

Separation from mom, moving to a group where there are many kids of different temperaments, the need to eat, play and sleep for hours for many children, especially very young ones, is extremely stressful.

Expert opinion

Klimenko Natalya Gennadievna – psychologist

Practicing psychologist at the municipal antenatal clinic

Moreover, outwardly, everything may be fine for quiet, phlegmatic children - they wake up on time, go with the teacher, do not offend the children, even play in a group. But inside the child may have an acute conflict with reality. He may think that his parents betrayed him, that they don’t need him as much as before, that one day in the evening his mother will not come back for him (especially if teachers use such “scaremongers” in conversations with children).

Against the background of neurosis in the baby:

  • diseases may worsen;
  • sudden loss of appetite;
  • the quality of sleep will deteriorate;
  • Fears may appear that will lead to psychological problems.

Preparedness for the garden should be primarily psychological. A child will be taught to eat with a spoon, put on his own shoes and go to the potty in a nursery - and very quickly, especially if there are older children in the group who already know how to do this.

No one, even the most wonderful teacher, can replace a mother - if the baby is not categorically ready for this temporary replacement.

How to understand that the baby is not ready yet?

Important! Adaptation is very difficult for babies who have not yet been weaned. If the mother feeds the baby at night, there is no problem. If a child demands the breast during the day, it becomes very painful, as the stress will increase.

It will also be difficult for children who:

  1. are not ready to communicate with peers, do not know how and do not want to play and study together;
  2. they literally follow their mother all day long, afraid to even lose sight of her;
  3. do not have any self-care skills - eat on their own, dress themselves, wash their hands, put on their shoes, clean up their toys;
  4. require special nutrition according to a special regime different from the garden schedule;