Today, specialized stores offer a wide range of different concealers - creams, pencils, sticks. In everyday life they are called correctors, and at the professional level they are called camouflage. They differ from each other in structure density, thickness and viscosity. But all products have the same task - to hide skin imperfections.

Now almost all cosmetic companies produce concealers. Which product should I choose? It all depends on what exactly you want to disguise.

Masking the overall tone

The purpose of this disguise is to even out the tone and remove minor defects such as freckles, spider veins, redness and bluishness of the skin.

First, you need to apply a preliminary tone, or base, to your entire face. It should be lighter than your natural complexion. Blend it along the edges with your fingers or a damp sponge. Then brush with loose powder to set.

Place another layer of light tone locally on top of small defects, blending the edges to give an even overall tone.

It is convenient to apply the product to a small pimple thin brush. Lightly powder the area, wait about a minute for it to set, and you can begin applying a general tone of shade that is close to your natural complexion.

Detailed camouflage of scars and scars

In girls suffering acne, at improper care subsequently, scars and scars remain on the skin: the so-called pockmarked skin. Special means allow you to make them less noticeable.

After applying the preliminary tone (see masking the overall tone), using a thin brush, apply a corrector in the same shade of the base coat, but with a thicker consistency, to the scars or scars, patting the edges with your fingertips, and dust these areas with powder. In such cases, it will be convenient to use a concealer with a brush for spot application. And then you can apply the general tone.

In cases of deep scars all over the face, the only salvation may be deep peeling of the skin, which is carried out in specialized salons.

Masking birthmarks

Birthmarks occur different forms- from small moles to large raised dark red fragments on the skin, which are very difficult to disguise. To eliminate such defects, it is good to use a masking pencil that has a thick, moisture-resistant consistency.

To do this, before applying the preliminary tone (see masking the overall tone), apply this product to birthmark thick layer, fix and blend the edges with your fingertips, powder, give time for the product to settle on the skin a little and begin applying the base tone.

Age spots are marks on the body that appear as a result of increased melanin production. They cause severe discomfort and are aesthetic defect. They can accompany you from birth and appear during life (due to hormonal imbalance or other reasons). It is possible to get rid of pigmentation, but some methods take long time, while others are financially costly. The only effective way to hide the defect is to disguise it age spots on the face during the period of their treatment.

Cosmetic companies produce a wide range of concealers: foundations, powders, correctors, concealers. Products vary in release form, texture, color and targeting a specific skin type. Thick pencil correctors are suitable for oily skin, and products with a creamy texture can perfectly disguise spots on dry skin. To select a pigment masking product, you need to seek help from a cosmetologist.


Foundation is a popular remedy for pigmentation. Used as a base for makeup, it performs a protective function against external factors. Types of foundation are distinguished depending on skin type:

  • For oily skin: light cream, cream powder.
  • Holders oily skin It's important not to overload it. Cream powders and light creams are used for this. The powder absorbs and controls excess sebaceous secretions.
  • For dry skin: thick cream, camouflage.

Creams of this texture contain wax and silicone, which allows you to moisturize and soften the skin. The most dense is camouflage, similar in effect to theatrical makeup. Thanks to the coloring pigment, it is able to disguise visible defects: red spots, scars, skin unevenness.

When choosing a cream, pay attention to its tone. Dark ones will look unnatural when applied to light skin, and using a light tone on dark skin will not have the desired effect and will not be able to cover up imperfections.


The corrector used for age spots has a wider palette than foundation. Used for professional makeup to cover bruises, pimples, birthmarks, scratches, pigmentation. The color is selected depending on the purpose of use:

  • yellow (capillary network, circles under the eyes, bruises);
  • green (can mask inflammation, redness, rashes);
  • white (for face sculpting);
  • orange (for dark-skinned people - hides circles under the eyes, models the face);
  • pink (refreshes the epidermis);
  • blue (paints vascular manifestations, pigmentation, inflammation).

A blue and green color corrector for age spots is best. They are available in pencil, cream, and liquid form (great for working with the area around the eyes).


An effective tool that will help hide pigmentation on the face is concealer.

  1. Liquid. Suitable for correcting the area around the eyes and lips. It has a light texture, so you won’t be able to remove blemishes and pimples with it. Works well on fine wrinkles, circles, bags under the eyes.
  2. Cream. Used to correct facial contours and small skin defects.
  3. Pencil. It is applied pointwise to the masked area, hides acne and pigmentation of various types. Has antibacterial properties. Suitable for dense areas of the face and body (chin, forehead, nose, cheeks, arms, legs, back).
  4. Stick. Indicated for use in facial areas except for the area around the eyes. Can remove almost all cosmetic imperfections: from scars to spider veins. Recommended for oily skin and enlarged pores.
  5. Dry concealer. Presented in the form of mineral powder. Masks acne, blemishes and inflammation.

The colors of the concealer are varied and are selected in the same way as the corrector.

Step-by-step instructions for camouflage makeup

To disguise pigmentation, it is not necessary to go to a beauty salon and contact a makeup artist. By following the instructions, you can do your own makeup at home:

  • clean and moisturize the skin well;
  • it is necessary to apply a color-correcting base (primer) to the problem area or to the entire face;
  • then apply the corrector itself using tapping movements (select the shade according to your skin type and area of ​​application);
  • apply skin tone concealer;
  • fix the applied layers with powder;
  • after masking the defect, apply top layer(foundation or powder);
  • fix the makeup with setting powder;
  • owners light skin As a finishing touch, you can apply bronzing blush or powder.

The main thing when fighting pigmentation is to protect yourself from exposure to the sun. To do this, use sunscreen with SPF 50. In the summer, do not leave the house without applying it, so as not to provoke increased pigment release.

In what cases is it undesirable to use cosmetics?

When choosing cosmetics, you need to study the composition; many components can cause allergies (artificial dyes, paraffin, fragrances, AHA acids). If you are prone to allergic reactions, it is not advisable to use cosmetics. Will help brighten your face zinc ointment, which will get rid of red spots on the face and has a hypoallergenic composition. The Badyaga gel will have a beneficial effect.

Cosmetic correction is not advisable if the spots are peeling. To find out and eliminate the cause, you should contact the clinic for a consultation with a dermatologist. Good reviews have pharmaceutical products- “Rescuer” balm or “Radevit” cream.

During pregnancy, it is not recommended to mask spots with cosmetics. During this period, a woman is especially susceptible to non-standard reactions of the body to influencing factors. Temporarily we will have to resort to traditional methods lightening, recipes for which can be made from available products (eggs, lemon, parsley, cucumber).

You can try to disguise age spots, but the main thing is not to forget that the treatment of a skin defect must begin with finding and eliminating the cause of the formation.

How to hide moles on your face? In all centuries, fashion has dictated its own laws. If 100 years ago a spot on the face was a sign of some kind of coquetry, then modern women seriously solve the problem of removing formations on the face.

Of course, if the nevus is in the “right” place, it still looks very good. But there are also “wrong” places where it is advisable to remove them. “Right” and “wrong” places are regulated by fashion. Any woman can name famous models who are famous precisely because of the nevi on their faces.

However, not every mole can be removed surgically. And the point is not that this is technically impossible, with this in modern world everything is very good. The fact is that some nevi are too close to nerve nodes or blood vessels and it is strictly not recommended to touch them.

But there's no need to despair modern means Skin care products and means for concealing imperfections are developing by leaps and bounds. To hide a mole on your face, you need to perform several simple manipulations with cosmetics.

First you need to find out what kind of moles exist, because each type has its own method of camouflage. To disguise formations on the face, you need to learn more about them. After all, there are formations on the skin that very poorly tolerate the effects of chemicals contained in any cosmetics.

There are moles different colors: colorless, white, pink, red, blue, brown, black. They also differ in size:

  1. The small one has a diameter of no more than 1.5 mm.
  2. The average one has a diameter of no more than 10 mm.
  3. The large one has a diameter of more than 10 mm.
  4. The giant one can cover the entire face.

You should know that if your mole begins to change color or size, then this is a sign of pathology. In this case, there is no need to try to mask it in any way; you should immediately consult a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to determine whether the neoplasm poses a danger.

Products that disguise moles

How to disguise a mole? Today there is a whole arsenal of concealing agents. They are so effective that they can hide not only spots on the face, but also terrible scars, scars from burns and operations. So the mole can be easily dealt with. The modern cosmetic market offers:

  1. Various foundations.
  2. Many types of powder.
  3. Brushes, sponges and various devices for applying makeup.
  4. Foams and skin cleansers.
  5. Various correctors.

Before any procedure to camouflage moles, you must thoroughly cleanse the skin using cosmetic milk or foam.

Concealing with foundation

Most effective means To disguise nevi on the face, use foundation. Its texture is quite heavy, but it is easy to work with. And the feeling of using it is quite pleasant. At the very least, the cream is definitely not capable of causing discomfort. Of course, if you don't overdo it.

Since the cream is quite thick, to hide a mole, you need to apply 1 layer. There is no need to strive for the best by applying several more layers. The fact is that no matter how good the cream is, achieving a complete match of skin tones and foundation it won’t work, but its abundance will be conspicuous. In this case you will have to cover foundation the entire surface of the facial skin, but this is not at all necessary. The cream is applied with a special brush directly to the mole itself. In this case, the product should not cover the skin around the mole.

Concealing correctors

Concealing correctors can hide very small moles on the face. It is not recommended to use correction pencils; they are difficult to shade. If the formation is very small, it can be left unpainted. After all, many men like the certain romance that small moles give to the face. After you have managed to hide the mole with cream or corrector, you can apply makeup. You can enhance the masking effect with the help of powder, which will remove oily shine from the face.

Remember that if you frequently use cream or other products, the mole may become inflamed, which will lead to serious consequences. After all, as already mentioned, nevi are different. Some people do not tolerate exposure to various chemicals very well.

The technique for hiding nevi can be used not only on the face, but also on other places (on the neck, on the shoulders, on the chest in the décolleté area).

So, you have figured out the question of how to disguise moles on the face, but do not forget that everything is good in moderation. So you don’t need to mask nevi every day; you can do this on special occasions. In this case, moles will not bring you unnecessary problems, and you will always be irresistible!

Stories from our readers

After 5 years, I finally got rid of the hated papillomas. I haven’t had a single pendant on my body for a month now! For a long time I went to the doctors, had tests, had them removed with a laser and celandine... but they appeared again and again. I don't know what my body would look like if I hadn't stumbled upon . Anyone who is concerned about papillomas and warts should read this!

Like birthmarks, moles come in completely different shapes and sizes. Although these markings make us unique, their owners are not always happy to bear such distinctive marks. As in many other cases of dealing with skin imperfections, a good old tattoo will help to cope with this. A tattoo can either masterfully camouflage unwanted moles and blemishes or incorporate them into itself, thereby forming a creative symbiosis that takes the tattoo concept to a new level. Examples of a funny combination of birthmarks and tattoos await you below.

Some people prefer to completely cover their marks with a tattoo.

And some people include them in their tattoos to take their body to a new creative level. Here, for example, the owner of a birthmark turned it into a map

Or like here, where Cookie Monster looks lustfully at a cookie that is a mole

Pac-Man and the hunt for the mole

Turning birthmarks into spoiled carrots

Mr Potato Head

From moles to flowers

Moles, you are just space

Mom got herself a tattoo in the shape of her daughter's birthmark in the same place so that she wouldn't feel lonely

And the mole turns... into an ocean turtle!

Covering a birthmark with a colored whale

Some people are born with noticeable markings on their skin that vary in size, shape, color and location. These marks are called birthmarks. The appearance of birthmarks cannot be prevented; some of them disappear over time on their own, others remain. If you or your child has a birthmark that you want to get rid of, you can try various methods using medicine. You can also try to remove the birthmark using untested home remedies, but in this case, success is not guaranteed.


Proven medical methods

    Consult a dermatologist regarding your choice medicines for skin. Vascular birthmarks (such as hemangioma) can often be treated with corticosteroids. Corticosteroids prevent the spread of birthmarks and make them smaller, but they do not completely remove the birthmarks.

    Find out about laser therapy that can shrink a birthmark and prevent it from spreading. This method involves treating the birthmark with short point pulses of laser radiation. This method used to make the stain less noticeable, reduce its size and stop further spread.

    Try getting rid of birthmarks using cryosurgery. This method involves using liquid nitrogen to freeze the spot, causing it to separate from the rest of the skin.

    • First, liquid nitrogen is applied, which freezes the skin on and under the birthmark itself. After this, the hardened skin is scraped off with a special instrument called a curette.
    • Please note that after a cryosurgery procedure, a light scar often remains at the site of the birthmark.
  1. Consider having the birthmark removed surgically. This operation involves removing a small amount of skin and does not require hospitalization. Although this is a fairly easy procedure, it is still invasive. surgical intervention, so preoperative examination is required before it.

    • Nevi and hemangiomas are removed surgically.
    • If the birthmark is quite large, a scar may remain at the site of the birthmark.
    • During the procedure, local anesthesia is used to numb the area of ​​skin before cutting out the birthmark with a scalpel. After removing the stain, sutures using absorbable threads are placed on the skin.
    • Surgical excision is often used to remove deep-lying birthmarks.
  2. Ask about surgical curettage. In this method, the surgical incision does not involve stitches. The operation is performed using a traditional lancet or using an electrocautery device.

    • During the operation, local anesthesia is used to numb the skin around the birthmark, after which the birthmark is cut out with a small scalpel.
    • This method is often used to remove small birthmarks, and, as a rule, does not require postoperative sutures.
  3. Apply vitamin E in oil form to your skin. This vitamin has antioxidant properties, so it can be useful in removing moles. Mix vitamin E in oil form with orange juice and apply to the mole.

Recognizing birthmarks

    Determine if your birthmark is congenital. A congenital mole, also called a congenital nevus, is a pigmented spot (resulting from the proliferation of melanin-producing cells) on the skin, usually appearing early age. These moles are characterized by the following features:

    • Tan, brown, red, pink, blue or black.
    • Smooth, flat, wrinkled or convex surface.
    • Oval or round shape.
    • The diameter usually does not exceed 5-6 millimeters, but sometimes larger moles of this type are found.
    • Sometimes hair grows on such moles.
    • Most congenital moles are harmless, but in some cases they can cause cancer. Observe such moles, and if you notice that they appearance changes, consult a doctor.
  1. See if your mole is a pigment spot. Pigmented moles are sometimes the result of a genetic disorder called neurofibromatosis. This disease is classified into three different types. The mildest form (neurofibromatosis type 1) appears in childhood and is characterized by flat, light brown spots:

    Check to see if you have Mongolian spots. These pigmented birthmarks occur in children and usually disappear when the child reaches school age. Mongolian spots have the following characteristic features.